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Comparative evaluation of the effect of thermocycling on the

mechanical properties of conventionally polymerized, CAD-CAM
milled, and 3D-printed interim materials
Simge Taşın, DDSa and Artur Ismatullaev, DDSb

The properties of materials ABSTRACT

used for interim fixed pros- Statement of problem. Studies on the energy absorption characteristics by means of elastic and
theses are important for the plastic material deformation of interim materials are lacking.
success of definitive restora-
Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the effect of different thermocycling
tions. The interim materials
periods on the flexural strength (sfs), resilience (Ur), and toughness (UT) of conventionally
should possess certain bio- polymerized, computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) milled, and
logical, esthetic, and mechan- 3-dimensionally (3D) printed interim materials.
ical properties, including color
Material and methods. Rectangular specimens (n=30 for each material) were fabricated from
and dimensional stability and autopolymerized polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), bis-acryl resin (Bis-acryl), CAD-CAM
adequate resistance to func- polymethyl methacrylate-based polymer (CAD-CAM/Milled), and 3D-printed composite resin (3D-
tional loads.1,2 These re- Printed). Each material was divided into 3 groups (n=10) according to the applied thermocycling
quirements are particularly (5  C to 55  C) procedure: control (0 cycles), 2500, and 10 000 cycles. Parameters of the materials
important when the treatment such as sfs, Ur, and UT were tested in a 3-point bend test according to International Organization
time is extended.3,4 for Standardization (ISO) 10477. Data were statistically analyzed with the Shapiro-Wilk test
Interim restorations are followed by Kruskal-Wallis test, the Mann-Whitney U test, the Friedman test, and Wilcoxon
signed-rank test (a=.05).
subjected to temperature fluc-
tuation and functional loading Results. The tested material and thermocycling had a statistically significant influence on the sfs, Ur,
during their clinical service. and UT values (P<.05). PMMA showed the lowest mean sfs, Ur, and UT values (P<.05), and CAD-CAM/
Milled showed sfs values similar to those of 3D-Printed at all thermocycling periods. CAD-CAM/
Residual stresses resulting
Milled showed the highest Ur values at 10 000 cycles and the highest UT values at all
from these dynamic changes thermocycles. No significant differences were found in the mean change of sfs and Ur of CAD-
may cause deformation,5,6 CAM/Milled among different thermocycling periods.
ranging from reversible elastic
Conclusions. The results suggested that digitally fabricated interim materials had better
deformation to irreversible
mechanical properties than conventionally polymerized materials and that milled materials had
plastic deformation and to the highest stability in maintaining their initial capacity to absorb energy. (J Prosthet Dent
fracture. Therefore, the me- 2022;127:173.e1-e8)
chanical properties of interim
materials are of particular importance, as they might in- particularly for long-span interim restorations, which are
fluence the integrity of interim restorations during required to resist failure from bending.8,9
functional load. Flexural strength (sfs) is a mechanical
Resilience (Ur) and toughness (UT) are 2 other
parameter that has been widely used to evaluate the essential mechanical parameters. Ur is a measure of the
strength of dental materials and is a critical property, capacity of a material to absorb energy per unit volume

Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University, Mersin, Turkey.
Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Kyrenia, Mersin, Turkey.


173.e2 Volume 127 Issue 1

interim materials have investigated sfs29-32 and modulus

Clinical Implications of elasticity33 but have not included an examination of
The 3D-printing resin tested could be a more the influence of thermocycling. Additionally, the authors
are unaware of a study that focused on the evaluation of
promising material for clinical application than the
the effect of thermocycles on the Ur and UT of 3D-printed
conventionally polymerized materials because of its
interim materials. Therefore, the purpose of the present
improved mechanical properties, whereas CAD-
study was to compare the strength, resilience, and
CAM milled polymethyl methacrylate-based resin
toughness properties of conventionally polymerized,
tested is more suitable for long-term treatments
milled, and printed interim materials after different pe-
because of its high potential to dissipate destructive
riods of thermocycling by calculating sfs, Ur, and UT from
fracture energy.
the stress-strain curve in a 3-point bend test. The null
hypotheses were that no difference would be found in sfs,
Ur, and UT among the tested interim materials and
without displaying permanent deformation and is related that these parameters would not be influenced by
to the pure elastic properties of material.10 UT is defined thermocycling.
as the amount of energy required to completely fracture a
material and is characterized by both the elastic and
plastic properties.10 A good understanding of these 2
properties may be important in material selection Autopolymerized polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and
because the resilience and toughness provide informa- bis-acryl composite resin (Bis-acryl), CAD-CAM poly-
tion on the behavior of a material at lower stress levels methyl methacrylate-based polymers (CAD-CAM/Milled),
rather than at the fracture level.11 and 3D-printed composite resin (3D-Printed) interim
Interim fixed prostheses are commonly fabricated materials were evaluated in this study (Table 1). The
from conventional materials including polymethyl sample size was determined by using a statistical power
methacrylate and bis-acryl composite resins because of analysis software program (G*Power; Heinrich-
their easy accessibility and relatively low cost. How- Heine-Universität Düsseldorf). The effect size was hy-
ever, the conventional materials exhibit drawbacks that pothesized to be 0.57. Accordingly, with 0.05 significance
limit their application.12,13 With advancements in level and 0.8 power, the projected sample size needed was
digital technology, the computer-aided design and 10 specimens per group.
computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) of interim A split stainless-steel mold with slots of dimension
restorations is gaining acceptance.14 Millable poly- 25×2×2 mm was produced to obtain PMMA (Temdent
methyl methacrylate-based interim materials have Classic; Schütz Dental GmbH) and Bis-acryl (Protemp
highly cross-linked structures.15 These structural 4; 3M ESPE) specimens in accordance with the Inter-
properties provide decreased residual monomer, national Organization for Standardization (ISO)
increased strength, and durability depending on their 10477.34 The PMMA was mixed manually as per the
chemical composition when compared with conven- manufacturer’s recommendations. The mixture was
tional materials.14,16,17 packed into the mold with a spatula. A glass slab loaded
Despite improved mechanical performance, there is with 14.7 N was placed on the surface of the mold to
still concern about the limitations of the milling proced- remove excess resin material, and the specimens were
ure, and the high cost of this method limits its use.18-20 removed from the mold after 15 minutes. The Bis-acryl
The 3D-printing method is an alternative way of digi- resin was mixed in an automixing cartridge and injected
tally fabricating interim restorations and offers compar- into the mold.
ative advantages. This method allows mass production A rectangular plate (25×2×2 mm) was designed by
with little material waste and reduces fabrication time, an experienced dental laboratory technician in the
and low-cost 3D-printers provide easy access to 3D- system software program (Nauta XFAB Edition; DWS -
printed materials.18 Although acceptable surface and VAT) and saved as a standard tessellation language
optical properties have been reported,21-23 investigations (STL) file. The same rectangular plate design was
on the mechanical properties of 3D-printed interim res- used to mill (Yenadent DS15; Yenadent Inc) the CAD-
torations are lacking. CAM/Milled specimens from CAD-CAM polymethyl
The effect of aging on the sfs of the interim materials methacrylate-based polymer blocks (Duo Cad; FSM
fabricated by conventional and milling methods has been Dental) and to print 3D-Printed specimens from a com-
relatively well documented,15,19,24,25 but information posite resin material (Temporis; DWS - VAT) in a
regarding the effect of thermocycling on elastic and stereolithography-based 3D printer (XFAB 2500PD;
plastic properties is sparse.26-28 Studies of 3D-printed DWS) at a 90-degree build orientation. The thickness of


January 2022 173.e3

Table 1. Materials used System 2007; NCSS Statistical Software). Descriptive

Product statistical methods (mean, standard deviation, median,
Name Manufacturer Abbreviation Lot Number Type
minimum, maximum) and the distribution of data were
Temdent Schütz-Dental PMMA 2017000568 Methyl
Classic methacrylate evaluated by the Shapiro-Wilk test. All data were
Protemp 4 3M ESPE Bis-acryl 4108503 Bis-acrylate determined as nonnormally distributed; therefore, the
composite resin Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were used
Milled polymethyl
to compare the groups. The Friedman test was used for
methacrylate- the comparisons of 3 thermocycling periods for each
based polymer
parameter, and the Wilcoxon test was used to deter-
Temporis DWS 3D-Printed 1921741 Composite resin
mine the differences among thermocycling periods
each layer was 60 mm, and the laser scanning speed
was 5000 mm/s. The 3D-Printed specimens were then RESULTS
rinsed with isopropyl alcohol in an ultrasonic bath for 1
minute, and postpolymerization procedures were The values of the calculated parameters for each group
completed in an ultraviolet polymerization unit (S2; DWS) and thermocycling period combinations are presented in
for 30 minutes. Figure 1 and Table 2. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed
The final dimensions of the specimens were adjusted significant differences in the sfs results among groups at
by using silicon carbide abrasive papers with decreasing each evaluated thermocycling period (P<.05). The Mann-
grit (360, 600) under constant water irrigation and Whitney U test revealed the lowest mean sfs values for
controlled with digital calipers (Digimatic CD-15DCX; PMMA (P=.001), followed by Bis-acryl (P=.001) speci-
Mitutoyo). After storage in distilled water at 37  C for mens, at all thermocycling periods. When the differences
24 hours, the specimens from each material were divided between mean sfs values of the CAD-CAM/Milled and
into 3 groups (n=10) based on different thermocycling 3D-Printed were compared, there were no significant
(MTE-101; Mod dental, Esetron Smart Robot- differences between groups at any thermocycling period.
echnologies): control (0 cycles), 2500 cycles, and 10 000 The Friedman test showed that the thermocycling pe-
cycles, which simulated 1 year of clinical aging.35 The riods had a statistically significant influence on sfs results
distilled water baths of the thermocycler were set to 5  C for each evaluated group (P<.05). As per the Wilcoxon
and 55  C with a transport time of 15 seconds and a dwell test, the 10 000 thermocycles led to a significant decrease
time of 30 seconds. in the mean values of sfs for PMMA (P=.005), Bis-acryl
The flexural properties of each specimen were (P=.013), and 3D-Printed (P=.005), but not for CAD-
determined in a 3-point bend test on a newly calibrated CAM/Milled (P=.093) compared with that of the control
universal testing machine (EZ 50; Lloyd Instruments group.
Ltd) with a 0.5-kN load cell. The distance between the The Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differ-
supports was 20 mm, and the crosshead speed was 1 ences in the Ur results among groups at each evaluated
mm/min. The applied force and the crosshead thermocycling period (P<.05). The Mann-Whitney U
displacement were recorded by using the software test revealed the lowest mean Ur values for PMMA
program of the testing machine (Nexygen; Lloyd In- (P=.001), followed by Bis-acryl (P=.001), at all thermo-
struments Ltd). Flexural strength9 (MPa), modulus of cycling periods (P). When the differences between mean
elasticity9 (MPa), and resilience10 (MJ/m3) were calcu- Ur values of the CAD-CAM/Milled and 3D-Printed
lated by using the following formulas: sfs = 3F2bhmax L
2 , E=
were compared, there were no significant differences
Flin L3 s 2 between groups at any thermocycling period. The
Ur = 2Ey , where Fmax (N) is the maximum load, L
4dlin bh3
, Friedman test showed that the thermocycling
(mm) is the distance between supports, b (mm) and h period had a statistically significant influence on Ur re-
(mm) are the width and height of the specimen, E is sults for each evaluated group (P<.05). As per the Wil-
the modulus elasticity, Flin (N) is the chosen force in the coxon test, compared with the control group, the 10 000
linear part of the stress-strain curve, dlin (mm) is the thermocycles led to a significant decrease in the mean
deflection at Flin, and sy is the 0.2% yield strength values of Ur for PMMA (P=.005), Bis-acryl (P=.028), and
(MPa). The area under the stress-strain curve was used 3D-Printed (P=.005), but not for CAD-CAM/Milled
to measure the toughness36,37 (MJ/m3) from UT = bhL 9A
, (P=.074).
where A (J) is the total area under the stress-strain curve The Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differ-
procured with the software program. ences in the UT results among groups at each evaluated
Statistical analyses were performed by using a thermocycling period (P<.05). The Mann-Whitney U
software program (Number Cruncher Statistical test revealed the highest mean UT values for the


173.e4 Volume 127 Issue 1

Ca Ca Ca
Ba Ca Cb
Ba 122 125
Bb 127 125
120 117 116
Flexural Strength (MPa)


100 99


68 Ab


PMMA Bis-acryl CAD-CAM/Milled 3D-printed
Material A

BCa Ca
Ca 1.12
Ba 1.04 1.03
1.00 Aa Ba Bb
0.98 0.93 Cb
Resilience (MJ/m3)

Ab 0.85
.80 0.77



PMMA Bis-acryl CAD-CAM/milled 3D-printed
Material B
Control 2500 cycles 10K cycles

Figure 1. Box plot for values of tested groups. Group codes as shown in Table 1. Different uppercase letters denote statistical difference among groups of
same cycles. Different lowercase letters denote statistical difference among cycles of same group (P<.05). A, Flexural strength. B, Resilience.

CAD-CAM/Milled, followed by 3D-Printed, Bis-acryl, results for each evaluated group (P<.05). As per
and PMMA at all thermocycling periods (P=.001). the Wilcoxon test, the mean values of UT were sig-
The Friedman test showed that the thermocycling pe- nificantly decreased after 10 000 thermocycles for
riods had a statistically significant influence on UT PMMA (P=.005), Bis-acryl (P=.037), CAD-CAM/Milled


January 2022 173.e5



5.00 Ca
Toughness (MJ/m3)

Cb Da
3.63 Da
Ba 3.09
3.00 Ba
2.47 Db
Aa 2.47
Bb 2.20
2.00 1.82
1.31 Ac 1.54
1.00 0.96

PMMA Bis-acryl CAD-CAM milled 3D-printed
Control 2500 cycles 10K cycles C
Figure 1. Continued. C, Toughness.

(P=.005), and 3D-Printed (P=.005) compared with that multifactorial monomers capable of cross-linking with
of the control group. other monomers.7 Additionally, they contain inorganic
fillers, which may dissipate destructive load energy and
inhibit the formation of microcracks.25 Moreover, the
cartridge delivery system, instead of hand mixing, with
Both null hypotheses were rejected, as all investigated adequate mixing in accurate proportions24 may improve
mechanical properties were dependent on the tested mechanical properties.
materials and these properties varied after thermocycling. A higher sfs for milled interim materials than for
Although the flexural strength test may not completely conventional materials has been reported3,5,6,14,17
replicate the dynamic oral environment, its advantages in because of their highly cross-linked structure and
comparing the mechanical properties of dental materials polymerization process under optimized pressure and
under controlled conditions have been demonstrated.8,10 temperature. Consistent with these previous studies,
Therefore, the flexural strength test was used in the the present study found higher sfs values for CAD-
present study to evaluate the mechanical parameters of CAM/Milled than for PMMA and Bis-acryl. However,
materials. some previous studies19,20 compared the sfs of bis-acryl
Thermocycling can be applied as a method of artificial resins with that of milled-PMMA interim materials and
aging, which mainly consists of water immersion and reported inconsistent results, where different milled
temperature change under standardized laboratory con- resins showed similar, lower, or higher sfs values. The
ditions.35 The received results were consistent with those results of the present study are consistent with those of
of previously reported findings,5,6,19,26 where most of the previous studies,14,19 where the sfs of CAD-CAM/
parameters of interim materials showed considerable Milled were less affected by thermocycling than those
degradation with thermocycling. In the present study, produced by conventional polymerization. Lower
PMMA showed a significantly lower sfs and the highest polymerization of conventional materials may lead to
degradation of sfs (23.3%) during thermocycling. These higher water absorption, which may induce a plasti-
results are consistent with those of previous studies,24,28 cizing effect on polymer networks, resulting in lower
which demonstrated that the mean sfs values of strength.13
conventionally polymerized methacrylate resins were Scotti et al32 compared the sfs of 3D-printed and bis-
lower than those of bis-acryl resins. The increased acryl resin materials after storage in a water bath for 24
strength of the bis-acryl resins could be related to hours. Consistent with the results of the present study,


173.e6 Volume 127 Issue 1

Table 2. Mean ±standard deviation (SD), median, minimum, and maximum of modulus of elasticity and yield strength values for tested materials
Property Group Thermocycles Mean ±SD Median Minimum Maximum
Modulus of elasticity (MPa) PMMA Control 2284 ±676 2155 1334 3761
2500 2045 ±524 1926 1365 3034
10K 1810 ±161 1769 1600 2070
Bis-acryl Control 3464 ±166 3467 3114 3758
2500 3247 ±383 3074 2840 3928
10K 2606 ±511 2553 1779 3321
CAD-CAM/Milled Control 3107 ±422 3173 2624 3978
2500 3039 ±254 2897 2761 3440
10K 2829 ±387 2701 2184 3726
3D-Printed Control 3357 ±282 3333 3109 4083
2500 3214 ±192 3238 2973 3494
10K 2937 ±194 2989 2567 3128
Yield strength (MPa) PMMA Control 57 ±3 58 51 62
2500 52 ±8 50 41 63
10K 44 ±5 44 35 51
Bis-acryl Control 78 ±10 83 64 92
2500 72 ±6 73 59 81
10K 60 ±6 59 50 71
CAD-CAM/Milled Control 79 ±7 78 69 92
2500 75 ±7 76 64 84
10K 70 ±10 70 58 89
3D-Printed Control 85 ±1 86 84 87
2500 80 ±2 81 75 83
10K 66 ±3 66 62 71

3D-printed materials showed higher sfs than bis-acryl control, followed by CAD-CAM/Milled (1.04 ±0.24 MJ/
resins. Prpic et al30 compared the sfs of milled-PMMA m3), Bis-acryl (0.90 ±0.22 MJ/m3), and PMMA (0.78 ±0.25
and 3D-printed interim materials in a water bath for 50 MJ/m3). Previous studies5,27,28 investigated the influence
hours and reported higher sfs for milled resins. Suralik of the degree of conversion on the resilience of conven-
et al31 also evaluated the sfs of milled-PMMA and 3D- tional interim materials and reported higher mean Ur
printed 3-unit interim fixed prostheses, reporting higher values than those in the present study because of
sfs for 3D-printed specimens than that for milled ones. confusion with yield strength and sfs in the respective
However, in the present study, the sfs in the CAD-CAM/ formulas. The mean Ur values of CAD-CAM/Milled in
Milled and 3D-Printed groups were not significantly the present study were consistent with those reported by
different (P=.571). These differences suggest that the Niem et al37 who compared the resilience and toughness
fabrication method is not the only factor affecting the behavior of milled interim restorative materials by using a
mechanical properties of materials, which might also be similar formula.
related to the different fabricating parameters, chemical The primary cause of damage requiring replacement
composition, specimen design, and testing proto- of the interim restoration is fracture2; therefore, tough-
col.16,17,33 In the present investigation, no significant ness defines the ability to absorb fracture energy, which
differences were found between the sfs of CAD-CAM/ is important for the evaluation of the applicability of
Milled and 3D-Printed after 10 000 thermocycles, but long-term restorative materials. In the present investi-
3D-Printed (7.5%) showed higher degradation than gation, CAD-CAM/Milled had substantially higher UT
CAD-CAM/Milled (6.6%) during aging. This could be values than other materials; therefore, this material has
attributed to the residual stress from water uptake and comparatively ductile characteristics, which was further
temperature change causing debonding between the verified by its proportionally lower Ur and modulus of
layers in 3D-Printed, which may provoke crack formation elasticity values. This effect may be caused by the high
and result in long-term structural failure.33 plastic energy-consuming property of the milled mate-
High resilience is essential for the long-term integrity rials with longer polymer chains.37
of restorations, as higher resilience increases the ab- In the results of the present study, CAD-CAM/Milled
sorption of functional forces without plastic deformation showed Ur similar to that of 3D-Printed and Bis-acryl as
of the material. In the present study, 3D-Printed (1.10 the control, but they showed distinct decreases in mean
±0.09 MJ/m3) showed the highest mean Ur values at Ur values (3D-Printed 31.8%, Bis-acryl 23%) after 10 000


January 2022 173.e7

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after 10 000 thermocycles. These findings showed that thermocycles.
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and printed materials because of its denser cross-linked deformation during aging.
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