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FORMAL AND INFORMAL, Man is social by nature. Hence interaction and communication between human beings is quite natural. In fact, it has become unavoidable. We may share views either orally or in writing. We hold many social functions such as celebrations of birthday, engagement, wedding, marriage anniversary; appointment, promotion. Invitations form an important part of social dealings. An invitation is a request to an individual to come or go somewhere, or to do something. Invitations can be both formal as well as informal. Formal invitations are formal letters. They can be printed on cards or can be drafted in the form of social letters. Formal invitations can be of two types: 1, Printed invitation cards inviting guests to be present on a particular occasion, Such invitations do rot include the name of the addressee. 2. Formal typed (handwritten) letter addressed to a VIP invited to preside over a social, cultural and educational function. In these invitations to VIPs the name of the addressee appears prominently. Formal invitations are formal and polite, pleasant and courteous. Informal invitations generally take the shape and form of personal letters. We use these to invite our friends, relatives and dear ones with whom we have intimate, personal and friendly relations. In informal invitations the tone and treatment is relaxed, informal and friendly. A. FORMAL INVITATIONS Main Characteristics: 4. A formal invitation is normally a single sentence presentation in third person. 2. Formal invitations are generally printed invitation cards. We use them to invite guests on some auspicious occasion like birthdays, weddings, inauguration of shops, houses, etc. 3. The invitation answers the questions who, whom, when, where, what time and for what, ie., © the occasion © name(s) of the invitee © name(s) of the host © date, time and venue 4, The other details include name, designation and address of the organiser, sponsor or host or the name(s) of the chief guest or special invitees, in case of an official invitation, 5. Printed formal invitations don't include the name of the addressee. 6. Invitations to VIP to preside over a function do carry the name of VIP prominently. 7. Length as per CBSE guidelines is limited to 50 words. |, PRINTED FORMAL INVITATIONS ‘SOLVED QUESTIONS Question 1: M/s Shyam Lai & Sons are opening a new general store ‘Galaxy Novelties’ in Geetanjali Enclave, Dwarika, Delhi. The inauguration ceremony is fixed for Sunday, the 19th of October 20XX at 11 a.m. Prepare a draft of formal invitation letter for the purpose. Answer: M/S SHYAM LAL & SONS announce the opening of GALAXY NOVELTIES a general store in Geetanjali Enclave, Dwarika, Delhi IN€GGGRATION SUNDAY, THE 19TH OF OCTOBER, 20XX At 11 am. All are cordially invited Visit for all kinds of Grocery & Domestic items AVAIL INAUGURAL DISCOUNT OF 10% ON ALL GOODS R.S.V.P Galaxy Novelties Phone: 011-27543201 Question 2: You are the Principal of Zodiac Senior Secondary School, Ooty. The school has completed 25 years ofits meritorious services to the society. The Silver Jubilee Celebrations are to be held on Sunday, the 26th October, 20XX. Mrs M. Kamath, the founder Principal will preside. Draft a suitable invitation to be sent to important dignitaries of the city and the parents of students The Principal, Staff and Students of ZODIAC SR. SEC. SCHOOL, OOTY invite you on the SILVER JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS of their school on SUNDAY, THE 26TH OCTOBER, 20XX at 10 am. in THE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM MRS M. KAMATH FOUNDER PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL has kindly consented to preside over the function and give away prizes/mementoes RSVP Principal Phone: 0421-4521; 0421-3475 Programme overleaf Question 3: The literary club of your school is putting up the play "Waiting for Godot’. As secretary of the club, draft an invitation inviting the famous writer Sudesh Gupta to be the quest of honour at the function. Write the invitation in not more than 50 words. You are Govind! Gaur. Answer: THE LITERARY CLUB OF RAMJAS PUBLIC SCHOOL, NEW DELHI Solicits the pleasure of your Company on the occasion of The Play Waiting for Godot at 5:00 pm on Sunday, 18th December, 20x Mr. Sudeesh Gupta, the famous writer will be the Guest of Honour. R.S.V.P Govind/Gauri Ramjas Public School, New Delhi Phone: 011-32753217 B. INFORMAL INVITATIONS Main Character Informal invitations follow the pattem of ordinary personal letters. These letters are writen to relatives, friends and acquaintances. These letters are firs’second person presentations. Personal feelings and emotions find an expression. The writer's address is given in the usual place. The salutation is usually “Dear’ plus “Name’ The date of writing is given, but the year is generally omitted. The style and tone are relaxed and informal Different tenses are used as the sense demands. The complimentary close is: Tours sincerely’ ‘SOLVED QUESTIONS Question 1: Rohit has got success in CBSE-PMT. He wants to celebrate his admission to Shivaji Medical College, [Nagpur by throwing a party to his friends. Write an informal invitation giving details of venue, time and, date. Do not exceed 50 words. Answer: 39/427 Priya Vihar New Delhi 45 July 20xX Dear Varan| ‘You will be glad to learn that | have secured 80th rank in the CBSE-PMT competition. | have got admission in a prestigious institution ~ Shivaji College, Nagpur. | want to share a few happy moments of my life in the company of my old Mends at a dinner in the Hotel Kanishka at 9.00 pm. on 23 July, 20XX. Please join the celebrations and merry-making, Yours sincerely Rohit Question 2: You are Leena Sen. The wedding of your elder sister Reena Sen is going to be held on the 15th May, 20XX at Hotel Lake View, Udaipur. Write out an informal invitation to your friend Vinnie requesting her to attend the function. Answer: 4357, Vasant Kun) Raj Nagar ‘4 May, 20XX Dear Vinnie ‘You will be pleased to know that the wedding of my elder sister Reena Sen is going to be held on the 45th May, 20XX at Hotel Lake View, Udaipur. The whole family will move there in the morning. | invite you to join us at lunch in the hotel on the 15th. The wedding ceremony will take place at 8 in the evening. |'do hope you wil join us on the auspicious occasion. Yours sincerely Leena Question 3: You are Ankit Verma. Your friend from Malaysia is staying in the hostel. Invite him to join Diwali celebrations with you at your residence. Answer: 3165/2 Raja Gardens New Delhi 25 October, 20XX Dear Surunayak ‘You know that Diwali, the festival of lights, is approaching. It gives me great pleasure to invite you to Diwali celebrations at my residence, We shall have great fun, Do join us for the ‘Puja’ and Diwali celebrations. Yours sincerely Ankit Verma WRITING REPLIES (FORMAL AND INFORMAL) OR RESPONDING TO INVITATIONS A formal reply is usually very short. Its brief and to the point. The quality of a good reply is that it must always be pleasant. Even while declining the invitation or expressing inability to attend one must be polite and courteous. Formal replies demand a formal tone and treatment. There is no room for unnecessary details or superfiuous matter in them. ‘An informal reply or private letter may, however, express personal feelings or desires in an intimate style and informal tone. Main characteristics: (a) Formal Replies ‘Acknowledge the invitation. Express thanks in third person. ‘Mention acceptance/regret. ‘Specify the reason for refusal. Be brief and specific. Be formal in tone and treatment, Do not exceed the word limit (usually 50 words). (b) Informal Replies. Acknowledge the invitation in first person. Use second person for the sender of invitation. ‘Mention acceptance/regret. ‘Specify the reason in case of refusal. Use warm and simple language. Do not exceed the word limit (usually 50 words). RESPONDING TO INVITATIONS (2) FORMAL REPLIES SOLVED QUESTIONS Question 1: Draft a formal reply accepting an invitation to be present on the occasion of the wedding of Ankush S/o ‘Mr & Mrs Shankar of 24, Green Park Road, Kanpur. You are Vikram Gaur of Raja Ki Mandi, Agra. ‘Answer: Mr and Mrs Vikram Gaur thank Mr And Mrs Shankar for inviting them on the occasion of the wedding of their son Ankush at 24, Green Park Road, Kanpur on 15 May, 20XX and assure them that they will be present on the occasion to wish the newly weds a very happy married life. Mr and Mrs Gaur will reach Kanpur by the Agra Mail which leaves Agra at 8.00 a.m. Vikram Gaur 5 May, 20XX Question 2: Write a formal reply expressing your inability to attend the birthday celebrations of your friend Suresh. Pradhan of 1235, Vivekananda Marg, Belur. You are Somesh Basu. Answer: Mr and Mrs Somesh Basu wish to thank Mr & Mrs Suresh Pradhan for extending an invitation to the birthday celebrations of their son Akshay at their residence 1235, Vivekananda Marg, Belur on 20 March, 20XX and wish the young boy many happy returns of the day but regret their inability to be present personally on account of some previous engagements. ‘Somesh Basu 46 March, 20XX Question 3: You are Dr Avinash Bhalla. You have received an invitation from the Director, Health Services, Haryana who has invited leading medical practitioners of the state to attend a workshop on ‘child care’ on 20 May, 20XX at 10 a.m. in Civil Hospital Ambala. Respond to the invitation. ‘Answer: Dr Avinash Bhalla has a great pleasure in receiving the invitation from the Director, Health Services, Haryana to attend a workshop on ‘Child Care’ on 20 May, 20XX at 10 a.m. in Civil Hospital Ambala. He confirms his presence with thanks. Avinash Bhalla 16 March, 20Xx Question 4: Draft a formal reply expressing your inability to attend the inauguration of the showroom ‘Regalia’ on ‘Sunday, the 20th July 20XX, at 11 a.m. at B-12, Rohini. You are Navin Jain of C-5, G.K.J, New Delhi and your friend is G.L. Bansal of 23, Sunder Nagar, New Delhi ‘Answer: C5, GK, New Delhi 45 July, 20XX (Mrs & Mr Navin Jain thank Mrs & Mr G.L. Bansal for the invitation to the inauguration of their showroom ‘Regalia’ on Sunday, the 20th July 20XX, at 11 a.m. at B-12, Rohini, Delhi. However, they express their inability to be present on the occasion due to a prior commitments, Jains Question 5: You are Akshya / Aakri. You have been invited to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’, organised by the Lions Club of your distinct. Respond to the invitation by writing a letter to the Secretary of the club. Answer: 25, Aram Bagh Road Meerut 5 May, 20XX The Secretary Lions Club, Meerut Sir ‘Sub: Acceptance of Invitation Thanks for your invitation for a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’, and your concer for the nder-privileged children. | would like to utilise this opportunity to share my experiences with other like- minded enthusiasts and experts. 4 hereby confirm my participation in the seminar. Yours sincerely Akshya | Aaksiti or sir ‘Sub: Inability to accept the invitation ‘Thank you very much for inviting me to participate in a seminar on ‘Fundamental Rights of Children’. | feel honoured and obliged. However, | shall not be able to accept your invitation due to some previous. commitments which keep me confined to my place on that day. Thanking you once again for your kind invitation. Yours sincerely ‘Akshay / Aakrit (ii INFORMAL REPLIES ‘SOLVED QUESTIONS Question 1: You are Aakash/Varsha. You have been invited to attend the wedding of your friend's sister during summer vacation. Respond to the invitation, regrelting your inability to attend it. Answer: 205, Vasant Kunj New Delhi 4 March, 20xX Dear Neha Thank you for your cordial invitation on the occasion of your sister's wedding. I, however, regret my inability to be with you on this happy occasion as we shall be leaving for Shimla for summer holidays on 4 May, 20XX. Please excuse my absence. Do convey my regards and best wishes to the couple, Yours sincerely Varsha/Aakash Question 2: You are Manoj /Mini. You have been invited to attend a birthday party of your closest friend. Respond to this invitation, Answer: 247 MIG Flats. ‘Surya Vihar, New Delhi 415 March, 20Xx Dear Shuchi have received your invitation for your birthday party on 25 March, 20XX at 5 p.m. at Hotel Janpath, | am ‘extremely happy to know that all our old friends are likely to be there. | would like to confirm my participation, Looking forward to the momentous occasion. With love. ‘Manoj/Mini or Dear Shuchi | acknowledge with thanks your kind invitation to your birthday party on the 25th March. | regret to inform you that | will not be able to join you in the celebrations due to some very urgent and unavoidable prior engagements that may keep me tied down here on that day. Please accept my heartiest felicitations and love. Kindly accept a small gift that | am sending through courier. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Yours sincerely Manoj /Mini Question 3: You are Arun /Apama. Your school has been invited to participate in an inter-school On-the-spot painting competition organised by the Lions Club of your district. As General Secretary of the Painting Club of your ‘school, respond to the invitation, ‘Answer: D.N. Public Schoo! Karmal 7 March, 20XX ‘The President Lions Club Kamal sir This refers to your invitation to our school to participate in the inter-school on-the- spot painting competition. We thank you for inviting us and gladly confirm our participation in this interesting competition. Yours sincerely ‘Apama / Arjun General Secretary Painting Club Question 4: You are Sachin / Shama. You have been selected to represent your school in a seminar on ‘Education for A’, organised by NCERT. Write a letter to the Professor Incharge requesting her to send you a copy of the working paper prepared for the seminar to enable you to prepare yourself on the subject. Answer: ‘ABC School New Delhi 7 March, 20XX ‘The Professor Incharge NCERT New Delhi ‘Madam, ‘Sub: Education for All | would like to thank you for inviting our school for the proposed seminar on ‘Education for All’ being organised by your Institute. Kindly send me a copy of the working paper prepared for the seminar so that | can prepare myself properly and make a meaningful contribution in the deliberations at the seminar, Looking forward to an early response. Yours sincerely Sachin/Shama Question 5: You have been invited to an evening bash at the Nirula's by Vibhu, your close friend, to celebrate his selection in NDA. Respond to the invitation. You are Nitin of 56, Gautama Enclave, New Delhi-56. . Answer: 56, Gautama Enclave New Delhi-110056 410 May, 20xX Dear Vibhu ‘Thank you very much for your pleasant invitation. Il join the evening bash at Nirula's on 16th May at 6 pm, With best wishes. Yours sincerely Nitin (b) REPLIES TO QUERIES (OFFICIAL/BUSINESS REPLIES) ‘SOLVED QUESTIONS Question 1: Blue Star Electronics Ltd., Ludhiana made an offer to Bhatia Electronics, Rohtak for the agency of their new model ‘Goldie’ water coolers. Write a formal letter on behalf of Bhatia Electronics accepting the offer of the agency, Answer: Bhatia Electronics 5, Palika Bazar, Rohtak 6 March, 20xx Ms Blue Star Electronics Ltd. Hall Bazar, Ludhiana Dear Sir, Sub: Agency of ‘Goldie’ Water Cooler We gratefully acknowledge the offer of agency of your new product ‘Goldie’ with the terms and conditions contained in the appended brochure. ‘A demand draft of & 3 lakh payable at Ludhiana is enclosed P. Bhatia : Partner Question Draft a foimal reply to M/s Sumit Brothers explaining why all the orders have been cancelled. Answer: Parag Textiles 25, Old Fort Road, Surat 25 October, 20XX Mis Sumit Brothers 26, Central Market, Jhansi Dear Sir ‘Sub: Cancelling of Orders. Your dealings with us defy all ethics of business norms and culture. In spite of repeated reminders you have been deliberately withholding outstanding payments. Since the amount due towards you exceeds ten times your deposit with us, we are constrained to cancel all your previous orders placed with us. ‘Sdi- Sales Manager Question Dratt a formal reply to an Education Society seeking the franchise of ABN Public School. Delhi. Answer: Principal ABN Public School, Dethi 3 May, 20XX The Chairman Bright Education Society Faridabad Dear Sir ‘Sub: Franchise of ABN Public School We acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 25 Feb. 2003 seeking franchise of our institution. Please find enclosed a brochure containing the detailed information of requirements to be fulfilled before you formally apply on the appended form. Sd/- Principal Question 4: you are Ms. S. Janaki, lecturer in Physics, Shyama Girls School, Jodhpur. You had or study leave for 2 years. Draft a reply on behalf of the Principal explaining why study leave can't be sanctioned to you. ‘Answer: Shyarna Girls School Jodhpur 3 Jan, 20XX Ms S. Janaki Lecturer in Physics Dear Madam | regret to inform you that your application for study leave has been rejected by the governing body as you fail to fulfil the minimum eligibility period of 5 years’ regular service, you can apply afresh as and when you are eligible to avail this facility. Yours faithfully Sdl- Principal Question 5: You are the Principal of St George Public School, Chennai, You had requested the Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Chennai to hold an exhibition of observance of ‘Safety Week’ at your school. Draft a reply from the Commissioner of Police showing his willingness to provide men and material for observance of the safety week. Answer: Coinmissioner of Police (Tratfic) 40 Periyar Road Chennai 26 August, 20XX The Principal St George Public School Chennai Sir ‘Sub: Observance of Safely Week We assure you all the help and cooperation with men and material to make the observance of the Safety Week at your school a grand success. Posters, placards and other literature wil be provided for holding the exhibition, Yours faithfully, R. Rajeshwaran Police Commissioner (T)

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