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Building Your Content/Products LIBRARY


Content Stretching is your friend
Make sure you list similar products/content on other visible places/websites where you
might be able to add to your sales. This helps you maximize the potential profit on your

Keep creating new content daily/weekly

Even if you feel like you are not gaining traction, do add to your content/product library
often, as releasing items steadily does better than releasing all at one time.

Try giving small bits of content away for free

Free content items do help build organic followers. This can help get your content out
there without a large marketing effort on your part. Cross sell those who are getting your
free content your premium content at least once per month.

In the beginning building a follower/fan base can be more important than making
Free content items do help build organic followers. This can help get your content out
there without a large marketing effort on your part. Cross sell those who are getting your
free content your premium content at least once per month.

PASSIVE income can exceed ACTIVE Income with TIME

As you build your library, your passive income will increase leading to less and less time
required to make the same amount as the previous year. This takes TIME, perhaps a
year to build, so do not be discouraged if you do not make much in your first few

By answering the questions below, you can create a focus and a

vision for creating your content library.

Answer the following questions:

What do I enjoy creating the most?

What type of work do I do the best?

Have I had success in one particular area in the past?

Do I have a current following? If so how big?

Where are places I can grow my following and therefore market my library?

Are their places my products/services/resources/art/classes will have potential



Swap out sample text with your own.

Library Item #1
Pattern designs
(iPhone cases, pillow pattern designs, etc.)

Where: and

Where am I going to build my following?

Instagram Account, post new product designs weekly. Pinterest.

How often to I post new content/products? Weekly product/pattern design postings

Goal: To make $50 per month by six months. At year - $500 per month.

When should I move on?

If under $20 per month in first six months

Library Item #2
Sample Library Item here
Detailed description here

List where the content will be placed.

Where am I going to build my following?

List places here

How often to I post new content/products?

Post the frequency you will be posting new content/products

Goal: To make $?? per month by six months. At year - $??? per month.
When should I move on?
If under $?? per month in first six months

Library Item #3
Sample Library Item here
Detailed description here

List where the content will be placed.

Where am I going to build my following?

List places here

How often to I post new content/products?

Post the frequency you will be posting new content/products

Goal: To make $?? per month by six months. At year - $??? per month.

When should I move on?

If under $?? per month in first six months

Library Item #4
Sample Library Item here
Detailed description here

List where the content will be placed.

Where am I going to build my following?

List places here

How often to I post new content/products?

Post the frequency you will be posting new content/products

Goal: To make $?? per month by six months. At year - $??? per month.

When should I move on?

If under $?? per month in first six months

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