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Organizational Behaviour and

Date 19/06/2023
Development Assignment
Department of MBA

Summited By:
DAGMAWI ALEMAYEHU -------------- MBAO/3398/15A

Summited to:



1. Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.1.Vision --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.2.Mission -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

1.3.Values --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2

2. Products and services -------------------------------------------------------------- 3

3. Design and structure --------------------------------------------------------------- 3

4. Leadership style -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

5. Cultures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4

6. Work environment and job satisfaction ----------------------------------------- 4

7. Reform and change management ------------------------------------------------- 5

8. Conclusions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

9. Reference -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --6

1. Background.

Currently I am working at Ethiopian airlines due to that I have chosen this organization to make my study.
Ethiopian Airlines is "Africa's Link to the World." Founded on December 21, 1945 and it stated its operation on
April 08, 1946. Ethiopian airlines owned by Government of Ethiopia 100%. Its head office is located at Bole
international airport. Currently lead by Mr. Mesfin Tasew.

Despite its humble beginnings, Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian) has had more than 75 years of successful journey
which made it the leading Aviation Group in Africa. Of course, Ethiopian is ageing beautifully. Over the
decades, the airline has established itself as the leader in all facets of the aviation business: technology
leadership, network expansion and aviation mentoring. Ethiopian started its operation with five C-47 aircrafts
back in 1946 and made its debut fight to Cairo via Asmara. Ever since, it has been growing in leaps and bounds,
and continued to introduce cutting-edge aviation technology and systems.

1.1 Vision

To become the most competitive and leading aviation group in Africa by providing safe, market driven and
customer focused passenger and cargo transport, aviation training, flight catering, MRO and ground services by

1.2 Mission

To become the leading Aviation group in Africa by providing safe and reliable passenger and cargo air
transport, Aviation Training, Flight Catering, MRO and Ground Services whose quality and price “value
proposition” is always better than its competitors, To ensure being an airline of choice to its customers,
employer of choice to its employees and an investment of choice to its Owner, To contribute positively to
socio economic development of Ethiopia in particular and the countries to which it operates in general by
undertaking its corporate social responsibilities and providing vital global air connectivity,

1.3 Values

As an airline, safety is our priority, Ethiopian is a high performance and learning organization with continuous
improvements, innovation and knowledge-sharing. We accept change for the growth opportunity it brings and
always seek for and apply the best ideas regardless of their source, We recognize and reward employees for
their performance and demonstrate integrity, respect to others, candour and team work, Act in an open
fashion and be result-oriented, creative and innovative, Adopt Zero tolerance to indifference, inefficiency and
bureaucracy, Encourage 360° free flow and sharing of information, Treat our customers the same way we
would like to be treated and always look for ways to make it easier for customers to do business with us, We
are an equal opportunity employer.

2. Products and services

Ethiopian Ground Services provides a comprehensive range of ground handling services to international and
regional passenger services as well as cargo services for Ethiopian Airlines and other scheduled and ad-hoc
customer airlines. Ethiopian Ground Services provides quality service and aims to always satisfy its customers.
Ethiopian Ground Services covers all aspects of ground services necessary to handle arrival and departure
processes of airlines in Addis Ababa and domestic airports with modern ground support equipment, highly
trained and committed staff. Annually, Ethiopian Ground Services serves more than seven million passengers
and 200 tons of cargo at the Addis Ababa airport hub.

Ethiopian have the below major Products and Services:

- Ethiopian Aviation University: is the largest and most modern aviation academy in Africa
recognized as ICAO regional Training Center of Excellence.

- Ethiopian Maintenance Repair and Overhaul: The scale of the MRO operation at Ethiopian is
mesmerizing. It is the largest MRO service in Africa and serves Africa and the Middle East.

- Ethiopian Cargo: Ethiopian Cargo and Logistics services is the largest cargo network operator in
Africa and has won Best Airline in Africa for 5 Years in a Row.

- Ethiopian Catering: Ethiopian In-Flight catering facility has a capacity to produce 100,000 meals a
day. The facilities are modern and fully equipped to deal with high demand.

- Ethiopian Skylight Hotel: Ethiopian Skylight Hotel is Ethiopian Airlines Groups’ ultra-luxurious Five-
Star hotel. The hotel was inaugurated on January 27, 2019.

- International and Domestic Flights: Ethiopian have 127 domestic and international destinations.

3. Design and structure

Ethiopian is owned by Ethiopian Government, but the structure varies from other government

4. Leadership style

In Ethiopian Airlines the leaders were hard drivers, producers and competitors. They were tough and
demanding, their major concern is getting the job done. But now the company is using Management of
Employee style. The glue that holds the organization together is an emphasis on winning. Reputation and
success are common concerns. Long term focus is on competitive actions and achievement of measurable goals
and targets. Competitive pricing and market leadership are important. The organizational style is hard-driving
competitiveness. It is an organization that focuses on external positioning with a need for stability and control.

5. Culture

Culture is the character and personality of an organization. It is what makes a business unique and is the sum of
its values, traditions, beliefs, interactions, behavior, and attitude. As we all know, Ethiopian Airlines has been
experiencing strong workplace culture in its overall activities throughout the past 76 years. \

Culture of EAL
- The satisfaction of employees and clients,
- Driving positive engagement towards the overall understanding and commitment to achieve company
- Staff retention and
- Increasing employee’s performance and the financial bottom line.

Ethiopian Airlines culture, mainly focuses on obeying the company’s rules & regulation in day-to-day work
activities like punctuality, attitude, good communication cooperation, productivity, respecting each other,

6. Work environment and job satisfaction

- Satisfaction survey for the period of 01-May-2032 to 31-May-2022

- 29 employees have participated on the survey

Questions Satisfaction
1. My work goals are clear to me? 92%
2. My work Make good use of my skills? 86%
3. My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment? 73%
4. I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things? 86%
5. I have the tools and resource to do my job well? 77%
6. My manager is a role model in terms of living ET values? 87%
7. I am informed of what goes on in the section? 71%

- The below shown is the graphic summery of the result

Series 1
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7

Series 1

7. Reform and change management

Ethiopian Airlines highly values in reform and change management and the Airline has its own change
management team.
Change Management is a department which directs the implementation of various change initiatives and
programs by active participation and coordination with respective divisions that are impacted by the change;
Acts as advisor and counselor to Sr. management and all divisions on matters relating to the Change initiatives
and Management; Develops change management programs for changes of strategic nature which are initiated
with in the Airline.
The vision of the Change Management team is Make Ethiopian a Change Competent organization. And the
team’s mission is to transform ET from a functional into a process centric organization for maximum and
sustained productivity.

8. Conclusions

The dominant cultural variables found in Ethiopian Airlines were power oriented culture and role-oriented
cultures. The major characteristics of power - oriented culture comprises inequality of access to resources,
leadership resides in the leaders, performance is controlled by the leaders and leaders are fair and generous with
loyal subordinates. Role oriented culture are characterized by: rules of law, system of roles well defined,
authority and responsibility are delegated, absence of direct supervision from top. There is gap on the cultural

The general conclusion about is that management should be observant about the surrounding in the organization,
not only on the physical aspects but also on emotions carried in the organization.

9. Reference


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