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Management Information Systems

Assignment 01

Course Instructor: Wendemeneh (Ass.Prof)

Attempt all the questions below and provide correct answers based on the case explained

1. Procedurally a customer in any bank is required to get registered to a bank system

whenever new application from the customer side is made. Such a registration would
allow the customer to get service whenever the need arises. Abebe is customer of
Bank X and it has been more than 6 months since Abebe has been registered, when
he went to the one of the branches of Bank X after 6 months, the teller told Abebe
that he needs to get registered to the system so that he could get the required
service. However, further investigation of the problem revealed that Abebe is a
registered customer of the bank but when data was captured, data about Abebe
personal information was entered in a wrong manner. That’s why the Teller failed to
provide the service. Based on the narration which specific information characteristics
did suffer?

2. MIS as a technology based solution must address all the requirements across any
structure of the organization. This means particularly there are information to be
shared along the organization. In connection to this, a student has complained to MIS
grade recently submitted that he does not deserve C+. following the complaint, the
instructor checked his record and found out that the student’s grade is B+, based on
the request the Department Chair also checked the record in his office and found out
the same as the Instructor. Finally, the record in the registrar office consulted and the
grade found to be B+. Therefore, the problem is created during the data entry of
grades of students to the registrar system. Based on the explanations provided,
which of information characteristics can be identified?

3. Consider the organization you are currently working in and explain this organization
from systems characteristics perspectives particularly consider objective,
components (at least three) and interrelationships among these components with
specific examples.
4. When you were having a leisure time walk along one of the streets of Addis, you
came across an adult person helping an elderly customer of a bank to withdraw
money from the ATM. In principle ATM is a self-service Technology (SST) where
customer will be served without any assistance. Nevertheless the incident you have
seen practically upset the rationale of SST. Based on the case explained, which
specific characteristics of information systems can be identified?

5. Managers are strictly required to properly understand the role of Information

Systems in their organization. Failure to do so might have adversary effects on the
existence of their organization. In relation to role of IS in organization, there are
practical examples where IS has created a situation to replace roles organizations
have assumed for years in Ethiopian business environment. Mention at least two
organizations IN Ethiopia whose role has been replaced/ threatened by IS.

● Submissions should be made on your LMS only.

● File name should contain your name and your ID No.
● For any Questions about the assignment, you can use this link and forward me
your questions via message.

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