Article Writing

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An article is a written work published in a print/electronic medium. It may be

for the purpose of propagating news, researching results, academic analysis, or
debate. Generally, it is a piece of writing that is published in a newspaper or

Marks distribution- 4 marks

Format - 1 mark

Content- 2 marks

Accuracy of spelling and grammar- 1 mark

Format of an Article – The format of an article is divided into 3 parts and they
are listed below:

Part 1 – Heading – The heading of the article should be engaging and it should
not exceed more than 5 to 6 words. Make sure your heading doesn’t have any
spelling mistakes or grammar errors. Don’t use unnecessary punctuation marks
in the heading.

Part 2 – Byline – Byline is nothing but the name of the person who is writing
the article. The name of the person will be generally given in the question
paper itself. If the name of the person is not given in the article, then write
details on your own.

Part 3 – Body-

Body is the main part of article writing which carries more weightage of marks.
Generally, the body of the article consist of at least 3 to 4 paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 – Paragraph 1 is the introduction paragraph. Paragraph 1 should

be accurate. Precisely explain what the article is talking about. Try giving some
quotations or startling facts to arouse the interest of the readers. Keep the
language simple.
Paragraph 2 & 3– Paragraph 2 and 3 must come with a complete analysis of
the subject matter in question. Paragraph 2 & 3 must include the following

Types – Here the writer must analyze and explain what are the different types
of problems that are existing. If any type of problem exists, they should
mention here.

Current Scenario – Here the writer must explain the current situation of the
problem. What are the actions taken to correct them. This may include
advantages or disadvantages of the problem etc.,

Cause and Effect Relationship – Develop the cause and effect relationship by
supporting it with facts or data. Here writer may also write the consequences.

Paragraph 3 & 4 – Paragraph 3 or 4 is commonly known as the conclusion

paragraph. It is important to conclude the article what you’ve started. Never
leave an article open-ended. The conclusion paragraph should speak about the
problems raised and what are actions taken for the betterment of the
problem. Paragraph 3 & 4 should be simple and precise.

Some of the important tips to keep in mind while writing an article is listed

▪ Always keep a few general quotes handy. They help in presentation and
show that you’re prepared.

▪ Avoid repetition of ideas.

▪ Feel free to give your personal opinion in one or two lines.

▪ It is very important that you do not deviate from the topic. There are
chances you may get ideas linking from one to another that may deviate
you from the main point. You have to refrain from doing so.

▪ Make small sentences. It restricts the scope of grammatical inaccuracies.

▪ Make sure you double-check for grammatical accuracy and spellings.

They carry marks.
▪ Read editorials in a few newspapers and notice the pattern

Q. ‘Grow more trees to reduce pollution.’ Write an article in 150-200 words on

the topic given above for your school magazine.




"Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky.”

Trees and plants are one of the main reasons why mankind came into
existence. The importance of planting trees has been emphasized time and
again. This is because of the numerous benefits they offer.They make the
world a better place to live in. They exhale oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide to
maintain the ecological balance in the environment. They also absorb all the
harmful gases and give us fresh air to breathe.

Trees build a sheet to protect us from the harmful ultraviolet rays. Not only
this, they serve as a habitat for birds and various species of animals. This is not
it. Trees help in controlling water pollution and preventing soil erosion.

The places inhabited by large numbers of trees are quite cooler compared to
the concrete jungles that cannot do without air conditioners. Unfortunately,
urbanisation is leading to clearing of forests and parks despite the numerous
benefits they offer. People come here for morning walks, evening strolls, yoga
sessions and laughter therapy. These also serve as a safe place for the kids to
play and socialise. The only way left to preserve them and reap these benefits
is by growing them at a faster rate.

As a Chinese proverb states, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.
The second best time is now.” So do your bit and make this place more

Home assignment
1. Artificial intelligence and automation will make the very existence of man
meaningless in future. As a youth, you strongly feel that there’s a need to
regulate it. Write an article for a youth magazine ‘ New Angle’ expressing
your views and ideas on AI and suggesting ways how it can be best utilized
for the benefit of mankind. ( 150-200 words )

2. You are Sohail Hassan of class XII-B. Write an article for your school
magazine , sharing the importance of young adults , as volunteers in one’s
local community , the need to do so and the benefits involved. Use the given
cues along with your own ideas to compose this article.

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