Rosa Mink Daddy S Babies

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Daddy’s Babies

Rosa Mink

Daddy’s Babies Copyright © 2019 by Rosa Mink. All Rights Reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and
retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only
exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

Cover designed by PosterMyWall

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents

either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely

Rosa Mink

Visit me on Facebook and Instagram, or email me at

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing: Sept 2019

Rosa Mink Writing


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Epilogue 1

Epilogue 2

Epilogue 3

Chapter 1


Most girls my age are just chomping to get out, be independent, to party, get
wild once they hit college. Me? I’ve wanted the same thing since I was
fourteen, a family, a real family, not the crazy mess that’s my house. I’ve
had baby fever since before I even started being able to have a baby. My
friends all think I’m crazy, how I fawn over the little baby things, how into
holding them, watching them I’ve been, but it hasn’t changed my thoughts
any. I want a family and I came to college, hoping to find someone in a
different town that might feel the same.

I’ve had opportunities to get pregnant before and I turned them all down flat
because for me it’s not just about having a baby, I want everything that goes
along with it as well. A place to call home, a person to call home, and that’s
been my biggest issue…the man to make it happen. As I said, I’ve had
opportunities but not a single one of them has made me give in and go for
it. I didn’t even have to really think about it before turning them down

So, for now, I’m trolling the campus, not really looking for anyone in
particular that I’ve got my eye on, I’m simply looking, trying to see if
anyone around here is even remotely worth pursuing. I’m not going to play
around with someone that just wants some fun and will then disappear, I
want someone who will stay through the good and bad, all the ups and
downs, and who I know will be mine as much as I’m theirs.
I suppose it’s too much to hope I’ll meet him on campus though, it’s silly to
think any of these boys will want to be a man and that’s what I need, a man.
Boys aren’t good dads, men are, and I know that clearly thanks to the boys
my mother has brought home over the years.

As I said, sucky home life, but thankfully my mother was smart and had her
tubes tied after I was born. She’s never really been that motherly towards
me or my older brother, my much older brother, much, much older brother.

He was sixteen when I was born and out of the house two years later, so I
hardly know him at all. I see him a few times a year and that’s it, especially
since Mom likes to bring home boys his age and younger now. She’s in full-
on cougar mode and it’s a little gross—okay, a lot gross. She was thirty-
seven when she had me, making her fifty-six now and the last guy she
brought home was twenty-three. He was so lazy unless it came to banging
her and I don’t want that, not a chance of it happening. I want a man, a real
man and nothing less.

I head to my dorm to change. I’m supposed to have dinner with my brother

tonight, a change for sure since I rarely ever see him, but it seems like with
me moving here for school, he wants to at least try. I’ll give it a shot, after
all, it’s not his fault he couldn’t live with our mother any longer.

I couldn’t do it either which is why I’m here at school despite not caring
about a single class I take. I have to keep my grades up in order to keep my
scholarship which includes room and board here, and that’s the only reason
I haven’t flaked out on them. If I do, then I’d had to find a job to pay for an
apartment and heaven only knows how long it would take me to meet

I double-check my outfit before grabbing my bag heading out through the

growing crowd eager to go to some rager and get trashed. Again, so not me
and a quiet dinner with my brother doesn’t sound too bad.

The restaurant is nice, far nicer than I anticipated, and I’m amazed at the
amount of stuff we have in common, the books we like, the music,
movies…it feels like I’m actually related to him for once.
“I’ll drop you off at your dorm,” Aaron offers as we head out of the place,
the air a little cooler but not too bad.

It’s nearly twenty minutes back to campus though and I won’t mind
spending it in a car with him rather than a cab or the bus. We pull out onto
the street and his phone rings. I don’t pay too much attention as he talks
until he ends the call with a slight groan.

“Sorry Annie, that was my boss and I have to get some files to him

tonight,” he tells me taking a right instead of a left at the light. “I’ll get you
back as soon as I can, but I really need to get this taken care of, okay?”

“No problem, I’m likely just going to go back to the dorm and chill out with
a book anyway,” I assure him letting him do his thing until we’re pulling
into the driveway for a huge house. It’s massive, four stories, a couple
wings from the looks of its outside and I wonder who on earth he works for
because this place is wicked.

“I don’t know how long this will take,” he tells me after opening my door.
“You’ll be more comfortable inside and Jake’s sitting room is far nicer than
my car’s seats.”

“Sure.” I easily agree, eager to see at least a bit of the inside of this place,
it’s awesome and I’m dying for a little peek.

Aaron follows a maid down the hallway, a hand on my back, and as we slip
into a room, my heart stops. Inside it is the hottest man I’ve ever met and
he’s holding an adorable little girl. Some might not call her adorable thanks
to her screaming, but I know she is and I try to stop from picturing this
hunk and that baby as mine. Man am I desperate to want another woman’s
life but whoever she is, she’s damn lucky.

“Sorry to interrupt your evening, Aaron,” he says, his eyes roaming over me
and I feel heat hit low inside me. Oh wow I’ve never felt this before and if
he told me to strip I likely would do it instantly. “I didn’t realize you were
out with someone.”
“Jake, this is Annie, my baby sister,” Aaron tells him. The man’s eyes spear
me, holding onto me for several long seconds as Aaron continues,

“She’s a freshman at Presley this year so I figured it was time to get to

know her.”

“I see,” Jake replies as he jiggles the little girl trying to quiet her still
constant cries.

“Can I?” The words slip from my mouth before I can stop them, holding out
my hands to the sweet little girl, and after a brief moment of debate, he
hands her over, his hand brushing against my chest as he leaves one on her
back, ensuring I’ve got her safely.

“Hi there, baby, what’s wrong?” I ask as she snuggles deeper into my chest,
arranging herself in just the way she wants.

“Baba…” she babbles, and I smile, moving her with ease through the room
towards a bottle. It’s mostly full and I grab it, giving it a shake as I adjust
her to lie down in my arm. It’s easy after all my babysitting and I lower the
bottle to her pretty little bowed lips.

“One baba, baby.” I hold it there for a moment but she doesn’t take it,
giving me a teary smile instead. It grabs my heart immediately, making me
even more desperate to claim her as mine, which shows me just how deeply
I want just this.

“Be a good girl,” I tell her, and she instantly opens her lips, suckling on the
bottle with a gusto, making me smile. “Yes, that’s a good girl.”

“I’ve been trying that for the last thirty minutes,” Jake says as I turn slightly
finding his eyes fully on me and they’re not exactly PG considering he has
a daughter that’s likely fourteen months at most. “What’s your secret,

“Lots and lots of practice,” I answer seeing curiosity in my brother’s gaze.

“I paid for my senior trip with babysitting money, plan to major child
“You like kids?” Jake asks, and I can’t help myself from answering
honestly, no matter how crazy it might seem.

“Love them, I want a dozen of them.” I nod at his surprise before flicking a
glance down at the baby resting snugly in my arms guzzling away on the

“Even with the crying and screaming, yeah,” I add to her making her smile
behind the bottle. I glance back at the two there and tell them, “I’m good
with her if you want to get to that file. I’m pretty sure it’s way past
someone’s bedtime in this room, so as soon as she’s finished eating, it’s to
bed with you, baby.”

“The nursery is up the steps, fifth door on the right after you turn left down
the hall,” Jake says, and I nod, moving to take the baby upstairs.

“Goodnight Julie, I’ll be up to check on you in a bit, baby,” he adds when I

reach them, leaning down to kiss her forehead and it causes his cheek to
slide against the swell of my chest, making my body heat through the silk of
my top.

“We’ll be fine,” I tell him doing my best to keep my voice controlled,

not let him know what he’s doing to me. Get a grip girl, he’s taken, well
taken, but his eyes linger on me and I want to pull his head down and taste

“Thank you, Annie,” he says, and I slip out of the room while I can without
going crazy wanting him.

I find the nursery easily and fight to control a moan. It’s gorgeous, fully
equipped with everything necessary and I spot a bathroom through the door
once Julie’s eaten moving to change her. I slip out of the silk blouse,
leaving my tank top on, and walk into the bathroom with Julie, filling the
tub to wash her so she’s soft and clean for bed.

“Lucky duck, you,” I tease her as she lays back against the seat, washing
her hair before rinsing it to get the sticky mess out of the ends. It’s a fine
silky light brown like her daddy’s and I can’t help but picture more little
babies with the same hair resting on my chest. It’s so not fair, the one man
that could be perfect to give me babies, that I want to give me babies is
already taken, already has one I desperately want.

I’d take little Julie in a heartbeat if I could…not literally take her like
kidnap her but make her mine. She and her daddy have definitely got me,
too bad they already have a woman to fit in this house.

I bundle Julie up in a towel, drying her hair before brushing the tangles out
and pop her into her jammies, moving to the rocking chair with her and her
blanket, unable to resist from pretending for a few moments she’s actually
mine. Snuggle time is my favorite and I don’t even try to force her to sleep
as her eyes struggle to stay open, I let it happen because the longer it takes
her to go to sleep, the longer I have to pretend.

Chapter 2



hanks for bringing the files over tonight,” I tell Aaron as we head upstairs,
my mind instantly turning off work and onto the gorgeous girl that’s up here
with my daughter. “And thanks for bringing your sister…Julie was in a
mood tonight.”

“Hey if I’d known Annie liked kids I’d have tried to get her to help out this
summer, so we weren’t so far behind on things,” Aaron stated and the
thought of sweet little Annie in my house all summer made me hungry.

“How is it you didn’t know?” I question curiously. “I don’t even recall you
mentioning a sister, ever.”

“I was sixteen when she was born, and I hightailed it out as soon as I
graduated. Not much room for bonding with a two-year-old, you know.”
Aaron might fully believe it but I knew he was wrong, after all, Julie was
only fourteen months old and I’d fully bonded to her. “I don’t go home to
visit our mother unless I have to, normally a couple times a year on
holidays, didn’t really give Annie a thought until she sent an email telling
me she was coming here on a full ride.”

“Full ride, room and board included at Presley?” I ask, and he nods.

“That’s impressive, not many of those get handed out.”

“No, they don’t. Tonight, was the first time I really sat down and talked
with her. I should have done it sooner, tried to get our mother to let her
move here I suppose. The woman’s insane. I thought I had it bad…but at
least I didn’t have to live with my fifty-something mother’s twenty-three-
year-old boy toy.”

“Ah…I see,” I muse as we reach the nursey, wanting to know more but
there’s just not time right now. I gently ease the door open, my heart

bottoming out, my chest tightening, as my groin wakes fully spotting Annie

rocking Julie. My baby is wrapped up gently, protectively against her sweet
chest, and it’s amazing. It’s what I want for my baby and hearing Annie say
she wants a dozen babies…god if that doesn’t do things to me, awful things
considering she’s only eighteen—nineteen and I’m thirty-eight.

“Shh, she’s almost there,” Annie whispers and I slip over to them, kneeling
down beside the chair getting a whiff of baby shampoo. I see Annie’s
almost bare shoulders for the first time and have to fight to control myself
from throwing her down and claiming her.

“She’s out,” I say even as Julie’s eyes peek slightly open. “She does this for
the first hour, but she never really wakes.”

“Little tease,” Annie whispers making me think of ways to tease her despite
her brother in the doorway watching us. She gets up, moving Julie to her
crib and lays her down with practiced ease. I know she’s not lying about
having experience with kids. She’s better than me at this and I’ve had more
than a year of it straight.
“Night baby,” I tell Julie as Annie grabs her blouse and I follow her out of
the room, my hand resting on Annie’s back somehow. “Thank you…I’ve
never seen her take to anyone so quickly. We’ve gone through four nannies
this year already.”

“I’m sure that’s rough on all of you.” She buttons her top and I really want
to take it back off her, run my hands all over her sweet little body and take
her straight to my bed.

“It’s just Julie and I, her mother isn’t in the picture and will never be back
in it,” I state as we head down the hallway towards the stairs. “She
attempted to smother Julie in the hospital. I thankfully walked into the room
with the pediatrician right as she lowered the pillow, and she was sent
directly for a psychiatric evaluation. We learnt Julie wasn’t her first child,
she’d had two before and they both died of what was assumed SIDS, she
admitted to smothering them both as well though.”

“Oh my god.” Annie gasped, her eyes wide with shock and it was the fury
radiating behind her shock that really got to me.

“So, it’s always been just me and Julie, she’s being a little obnoxious and
demanding lately, thus I haven’t found anyone to watch her, which is

why I needed Aaron to bring over the file tonight.” God, I want to slide my
hands behind her head and kiss her, until I can make her mine. She is so
sweet, so gorgeous, and my daughter loves her already, how on earth am I
going to resist her?

“If you need any help, let me know,” Annie offers with a smile as we reach
the doors. “Aaron has my number if you ever need a sitter.”

“It’s last minute I know, but what are you doing tomorrow?” I really need a
few uninterrupted hours to get some work done that aren’t in the middle of
the night and Julie loves her, she’d never go to sleep so contently if she
didn’t. “I’m flexible with when but I have some work I need to take care of
and truly could use some help.”
“I’m free and it’ll get me out of having to make an excuse to avoid going
out with my roommate for brunch to meet some really ‘nice guy’ her
pseudo-boyfriend knows.” I feel relief flood me. I don’t know why, it’s not
like anything can happen here but god if I don’t want it to, want her
surrounding me, with me. “Will nine work or does Julie get up bright and
early even on the weekends?”

“Nine is perfect.” I grab a pen to jot down my cell number. “Let me know if
you have any issues or get delayed,” I add handing it over to her with a
smile wanting to taste hers but Aaron’s watching us closely. “I sincerely
mean this Annie, you are saving my neck, anything you want, just let me

“All I need is some cab fare, I think that will be easier than taking a bus in
the morning.”

I don’t like the thought of her on a bus. She’s too gorgeous, too tempting for
the men that would be on them and I won’t let anything hurt her.

“I’ll have a car there to pick you up, which dorm?” I am not about to let
Aaron bring her back over either; I fully intend to see what this attraction
growing between us is without him hovering.

“Kinsley Hall,” she answers, and I nod, letting them head out for the night,
eager for morning to get here to see her again.

I’m jerked awake by my alarm at eight-thirty, groaning wishing I were back

in my dream because Annie was just about to go down on me in it and I
moved into the shower, relieving the tension the only way possible, the only

way I’ve done it in the last twenty months. Once Pam was pregnant she
didn’t want it and I really didn’t want her any longer before I knew she was
pregnant, but I wanted my baby. It wasn’t until she was six months along
and my test results came back with an STI I knew I didn’t have before her,
that I questioned if Julie was even mine.

I didn’t press it until she retorted that she wasn’t mine after the incident in
the hospital and then I had the testing done, but even then, I still would have
fought for Julie if she wasn’t mine. Some guys don’t want to be fathers, or
don’t want it any time soon. Me…I’ve wanted it for twenty some years. I
tried to talk my high school girlfriend into having an accident which
resulted in her not being my girlfriend any longer and since then, I hadn’t
met anyone to push it with. I was busy building up my company and
relationships, desires had to be put on hold for a bit.

Then Pam came along in the latest series of purely pleasure partners, none
of them were women I wanted to be with long term and fewer of them to
have a baby with, get that close to them. The only reason it happened with
Pam is because the condom ripped that night. I suspect that it had help
getting there though, she was the one who got it out, rolled it on, but at the
time I didn’t think anything of it.

Then a month later, there she was pregnant just as I was about to break it
off, and again, I wanted my baby. Pam pushed for marriage several times
and I had someone keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn’t leave
town. I made sure to protect my investments and a short fling would not
turn into marriage, not even with a baby involved.

I see the car coming down the drive and moved to the door, letting Annie
inside out of the crisp October air. Today was definitely cooler than
yesterday and Annie was sensational in a pair of tight jeans, boot socks, and
boots, a long-sleeve tee topped with a long vest like cardigan under a jacket.

She looked like a cool fall angel ready for fun and I wanted to give it to her.

“Good morning, you look wide awake for this time of day,” I tease wanting
to tell her how hot she looks but I do need her help, with Julie even more
than with my burning desire.

“I’m an early bird, just don’t tell my roommate that.” She sends a wink my
way that makes me hold back a moan. “She’s always complaining about

her eight a.m. classes and I wish they had some at seven, so I could be done
even earlier.”
“You are adorable.” It slips out before I can stop it, but she just grins before
heading for the stairs. “If you want to bring Julie down when she wakes, I’ll
have breakfast ready for us all.”

“Sounds good to me.” Annie gives me another grin as she disappears up the
steps and when they come down, Julie is all smiles, already dressed, her
hair in tiny little pigtails, and my heart completely melts.

“There are my girls.” I deliberately say it, wanting to see how she responds
to it. Her gaze flows over to me for a moment, a hint of surprise in it, before
returning to Julie as she settles her into her high chair.

“What are you going to get up to today?” I ask once we’re finished, a flare
of hope hitting me when I see Annie’s gaze slip over my way when I’m
watching Julie, every time I move it to her she pulls it away but I’m not
alone here, she feels it too.

“I think Miss Julie here needs some fresh air. I thought of taking her for a
walk around back when it warms up a bit more. Other than that, we’re
going to have fun, aren’t we, baby?” she asks Julie who just babbles happily
in reply.

My baby is definitely going to be loved, I know it; I just have to get her to
love me as well.

Chapter 3



was thinking,” I state Sunday night as I get ready to leave, Julie tucked into
her crib out cold after our fun day. After yesterday I didn’t hesitate to come
back when Jake asked and last night my dreams were so wild, they felt
almost real.

“About what, honey?” Jake asks putting his hand on my arm to walk me
down the stairs, ensure I don’t fall it feels like but I don’t know if that’s his
intention or not really.

“You really need someone to help with Julie, so you’re not stuck working
all weekend. I’m done with classes at eleven every day. I could be here by
eleven-thirty, noon at the latest to let you get into the office until you find a

“Annie.” He just looks at me as he settles onto the floor, leaving me a step

higher, reducing the height difference between us. He’s six-four and built
like a beast, with not an ounce of fat on him, and I’m five-three, slim but
with enough curves to show I’m a girl, so there’s no catching up to him
with just one step in my sneakers.

“I’m serious Jake, you need help and I’m available. I can do my classwork
while Julie naps and then once I get back to the dorms. I don’t like going
out to parties, or gossiping with the girls, or drooling over the idiot
football/basketball/baseball whatnot sports stars. I love kids and I certainly
won’t complain about spending time watching Julie with this surrounding,”
I tease making him laugh softly.

“You’re sure you want to do this?” he asks me, and I nod. “Okay, but I
insist on paying you then. You’ve refused it this weekend, but this is going
to be the equivalent of a part-time close to full-time job, honey.”

“I don’t need to be paid to take care of Julie, Jake. She’s amazing and this,”
I say motioning around us, “is payment enough. You would not believe how
disgusting the dorms smell half the time.”

“We’ll keep arguing about this until you give in, honey.” Oh god, I can
barely contain my glee of being able to be near him and my sweet little
Julie every day. “But, if you’re going to do this, then the least you need is to
make sure you can come and go as needed, so…”

He takes my hand before guiding me through the house towards the kitchen.
I can’t really speak with his hand in mine, it feels so good, so right, and I
leave it there, curious as to what he’s up to.
“These,” he muses taking a set of keys off a peg inside the closet next to the
garage door. He pushes the door open and pulls me into it, walking me over
to the gorgeous almost teal colored Jeep. “This one should keep you safe.
It’s got great safety ratings and I know you’ll never drive crazy enough to
risk it rolling,” he says confusing me until he puts the keys into my hands.

“The second key on there is for the house. There’s a garage door opener in
the Jeep, and I have car seats installed in all of the vehicles here. I don’t
want to keep you and Julie locked up in the house, honey. If you want to go
somewhere with her, I know she’ll be in good hands and so will you, in this
one,” he explains with a pat to the hood of the Jeep slaying me.

“You’re serious? You want me to drive your Jeep?” I ask needing the
answer from his lips.

“Yes Annie, I want to know that you can get where you need to, where you
want to without having to rely on a cab or the bus or a hired car. You can
use it for more than just coming over here to take care of Julie too. If you
just feel like going out for a little drive, or heading to the mall one day
when you’re not here, that’s fine.”

“You’re amazing, you know that?” I ask, and his smile makes me melt.

“I like you thinking that honey, a lot.” His voice low and it pulls at me in
ways that want to be explored. I want his hands all over me, thrusting into
me until he explodes, giving me his baby the way he’s giving me Julie.

Trusting me with it, giving me freedom with it…god I want him so damn

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I wish he’d ask me to stay later

although it’s already eight and we’ve had dinner together. The only thing
left really is a shower and bed…and both of them sound sinfully good with
him with me.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Annie,” he agrees warmly, moving me to the door
of the Jeep. He leans in to open it, and his hand hesitates on the handle for a
moment as he adds, “It’ll be a long time until I see you next, honey, almost
fifteen hours, I don’t know if I’ll manage it.”

“I’m sure you’ll survive, Julie will be a good girl for her daddy…any girl
would want to be,” I add as his face is just inches from mine.

“Will you be good for daddy too, honey?” Lord almighty, I swear I nearly
orgasm right then and there. “Promise me you’ll go straight home and to
bed…think of me while in it.”

“Oh, I can pretty much promise that, Jake,” I whisper unable to make it any
louder as my heart races, my breathing shallow as I try to stop from
throwing myself at him.

“Good girl.” His breath teases my lips and I nearly let out the moan when
he pulls the door open for me. His hands come up, lifting me inside it and I
flush when he moves to grab the bar to slide the seat forward, resulting in
my chest being just nanometers from his face. He smiles, his hand sliding
up my leg, along the inside of my thigh and he lifts his face up slightly, so
his gaze is fully on mine. “Goodnight honey, text me to let me know you
got to campus okay.”

“I will Jake,” I promise, knowing I’ll do anything he tells me to do. I’m his
for the taking and if this isn’t the first step to him admitting he wants me, I
don’t know what is.

“Mmm, I like it when you call me daddy better,” he teases against my ear
making me shiver. “Now remember to be a good girl and text me, then I’ll
see you tomorrow when you’re done with classes.”

“Goodnight.” I can’t seem to blatantly call him daddy this way but god if I
don’t want to do it. “Do good girls get goodnight kisses?” I ask before he
can shut the door on me, knowing it’s crazy but I have to taste him at least

“They do if they say it right,” he returns, and I feel my entire body seize
with need at the look he gives me. I can’t help but smile softly, devouring
the sight of him in the open door of the Jeep. He’s so damn gorgeous.

“Goodnight daddy…” The words slide out of my mouth and then his is on
it, giving me more than just a ‘goodnight kiss’; he’s kissing me as though
he’s never kissed anyone before and I love it.

He pulls back just as I’m about to beg him to take me, his hand lifting my
face to his until my eyes open and the look he’s giving me, says he’s just
claimed me as his. “Goodnight baby girl, be extra good for daddy?”

“I will, I promise…daddy.” I add the daddy after his brow lifts slightly and
I know it’s what he wants. It’s what I want too because my breasts respond
to it, and he brushes his lips across my forehead before moving back and
shutting the door quickly.

I know it’s so he could let me go, give me some space from this, him and
Julie, to think. I hardly know him, but I know he’s giving me the chance to
back off from this, but I don’t want or need it. I just want him, and all the
babies we can possibly have.

The dorms look awful after spending the last two days with Jake and I send
him a text as I walk down to my room, debating over it before erasing the
whole thing and going with what I really want to tell him.

I had a great day with you and Julie. She’s amazing but you’re incredible. I
just got to my dorm and I’m headed to bed. I know the only thing I’ll be
thinking about is you and that goodnight kiss. Wish telling you it could get
me another even through the phone. Goodnight daddy, I’ll see you
tomorrow. :)

I don’t really know what to expect back from him, but I won’t give up if he
pulls back a bit. I’ll wear him down until he knows just how much I want
him to be my daddy. He wants me despite how old I am, that I’m Aaron’s
little sister, and I’m banking on the sexual attraction finally doing him in if
he does try to move us back to just…friends, babysitter employer perhaps?

My phone dings with a new message and I bite my lip opening it as I move
into my room.
‘Good girl, get some sleep, daddy will see you in your dreams. Be my extra
good girl and let me know you’re up in the morning and I’ll make sure your
goodnight kiss from your text is rewarded, baby girl.’

I can’t stop the smile that hits me and not even Sara’s questions can get me
to spill what’s put it there. I slide into bed finishing a couple things before
she turns off the light and I try to sleep. It’s impossible though with
thoughts of Jake running through my head and I’m so glad that Sara’s a
deep, deep sleeper when my phone goes off just after midnight.

‘I can’t stop thinking about you. It won’t even let me sleep. I can still taste
your sweetness on my tongue and all I can do is wonder what your pussy
tastes like, baby girl. Tell me I’m not alone.’

I feel a rush go through me at his mention of my pussy. Oh god this is what

I want, so badly, and I can’t stop from responding to him.

You’re not alone, daddy. I can’t sleep either, just wish I were with you. I
want to taste every inch of you, let you do whatever you want to me.


‘Stay the night tomorrow? If you bring a bag I’ll take it as a yes, baby girl
and I’m going to make you mine. I can’t stop myself. I want you wrapped
around me, coming on my cock, it’s all I’ve been able to think about since
we met.’


That’s all I reply, it’s all that’s needed, and I finally slip into sleep
anticipating tomorrow and what Jake will do to me. I can’t wait to find out
though, it’s sure to be good.

Chapter 4


Iwish I didn’t have to go into the office, that I could stay home with Julie
and Annie all day, especially after that kiss last night, her calling me daddy
in that text. Shit I want her wrapped around me now, not hours from now. I
need her more than I’ve ever needed anyone and the way she looks at me…

it’s like she’ll give me anything without asking for anything in return which
simply makes me want to give her everything. I swear I could be the
poorest motherfucker in town and she would still look at me that way and it
just makes me want her more.

I see the Jeep coming up the drive and I’m relieved to know she’s safe in it.
She doesn’t need to know I can tell where she is at any time, but I have it as
comfort. I don’t think it’ll even be comfort of knowing where Julie is, I love
my baby, but I know when she’s with Annie she’s safe, she’s loved and
adored. I’ll just be glad to be able to figure out where Annie is, to know
she’s safe, especially since it seems she’s known very little love. I want to
love her, give her love like nothing else, give her my baby.

My cock hardens to granite thinking of her sweet body round with it and I
know I have to talk to her about that tonight before things go too far. I don’t
know if I’ll be able to rationally get there when it comes down to it, if I’ll
honestly be able to agree to taking her with a condom if that’s what she
wants. Yes, she said she wants a dozen babies but that doesn’t mean she
wants them right now, no matter how much I or my cock does.

I have Julie in my arms the moment Annie comes through from the kitchen,
a smile so beautiful I know making her mine will be like a dream, and I
don’t even argue when she instantly takes Julie from me. She’s not stealing
my baby, she’s making her her own it feels and I am more than okay

with that, knowing that she’ll love us both, and I do know that’s what this is
becoming. My sweet baby girl wouldn’t have responded to me the way she
did if it wasn’t leading her there.

“You look happy, baby girl.” I lean down to give her a kiss, brushing my
lips gently across hers making Julie laugh happily.

“I’m very happy, we’re going to have a great day, aren’t we baby?” She
looks to Julie with that gorgeous grin of hers. “Say don’t worry about your
girls, daddy, we’ll be just fine while you’re at the office.”
“Mmm, that’s so good, you’re such a good girl, honey.” I groan unable to
resist another taste of her. I let it linger before pulling back, giving Julie a
kiss, knowing if I don’t leave now I won’t leave until I’ve buried myself
inside Annie’s little body. I know she’ll be tight and I can’t wait to taste her
everywhere…at least I hope to, as I realize that she doesn’t have a bag with

“Good plans tonight?” I ask, and she reaches up, giving me a kiss on the
cheek whispering into my ear.

“Incredible plans, I plan to do everything daddy asks me to do once baby’s


“Good answer baby girl, but I think you’re missing something, aren’t you?”

“Waiting in the Jeep, you can bring it in when you get home, put it where
you want it,” she says, and I get out the door knowing she’s just as into this
as I am.

The afternoon speeds by while I’m in meetings, getting things that I

couldn’t manage at home caught up, and I finally take a break just after four
to visit the heads of my departments. I know Annie took Julie out earlier
and I’m completely okay with it, they didn’t go far, just down to the
shopping area and I wonder which store they went into, did my baby girl
take our baby to get something to be ready for tonight? God, I hope not, I
don’t want her on the pill, or using a diaphragm, if anyone uses them
anymore even…it’s likely the IUD thing I’ve seen on TV and I don’t want
any of them in or on my baby girl. I want her bare underneath me, taking
my batter and making me a baby.

And now I’ve got another raging hard-on as I move into the first office,

grabbing a folder I know is for me to shield my crotch from gossip. I have

no clue how Aaron will take my interest in his sister. He’s a good employee
I don’t want to lose but if it would come down between them, I want Annie
writhing on my cock, giving me babies, more than I want the business to
grow with Aaron working here.
“Jake? Don’t tell me you finally hired a nanny,” Shawn questions as I move
into Aaron’s office to speak to him.

“Not exactly, it’s more like an angel was dropped into my lap this weekend
and until I can hire a nanny, she’s watching Julie for me in the afternoons,”
I tell them.

“Annie’s watching her?” Aaron guesses and I nod.

“She’s amazing with her and she has her things to work on when Julie naps.
Now I just have to figure out how to get her to accept payment for watching
Julie,” I say making Shawn’s brow rise in shock.

“Wish I could tell you, but my little sister is a breed unto her own, I offered
to grab her some booze when I took her back on Friday night and she said
no. What nineteen-year-old does that?” Aaron questions and I know the
answer, my baby girl.

“Not many, that’s for sure,” I answer aloud instead as Shawn darts a glance
at Aaron.

“You’ve got a sister?”

“Yeah, she’s going to Presley full ride apparently. I took her to dinner
Friday night to get to know her and while I can tell she’s my sister, we have
a lot of things we like in common, I just don’t quite know what to do with

She doesn’t party, so I can’t offer her anything there, she’s already read all
the books I’d recommend, she’s watched the same shows I have, listened to
the same albums…the only thing I’ve seen make her really smile was when
we stopped by to drop off some files and Julie was crying,” Aaron says
making me wonder what he’ll think when I make her mine even more. “I
swear watching her with Julie I felt she was older than me.”

“She’s amazing, Julie hasn’t been this happy in a long time. Hell, I’d offer
her the job as nanny if she wasn’t going to school. I definitely don’t mind
knowing that while I’m here, Julie’s safe with Annie,” I muse realizing it’s
true, she acts far older than her years. She’s a better mom to my baby

than a lot I’ve seen to their own and I’m going to make her mine shortly.

“Maybe you should marry her instead,” Shawn joked, and I have to fight to
stop my desire to do just that from showing. “You could have a couple more
kids, take it easy and not have to worry about a nanny upping and quitting
on you.”

“I’m sure she’d have something to say about that,” I state although it’s hard
to keep my interest to myself, really hard.

“Who knows…any other nineteen-year-old I’d say you’re crazy, my

sister…she might just be the type that’d say yes to it instantly,” Aaron said
making my heart stop for a moment. “At least then I’d know she’s safe.
God, you should have seen the number of jerks that came onto her at the
restaurant. She’s not safe out alone so it is a good thing she doesn’t party.”

“Yeah? She that cute because I might just have a need for a sitter to watch
me,” Shawn joked making my neck tense wanting to take him out for the
joke even.

“She’s gorgeous and off limits,” I state, not caring that my answer sounds
possessive or jealous, Annie’s mine and no one’s getting near her.

“Got it boss,” Shawn says before heading out to get his work finished,
leaving me with Aaron who’s suspiciously quiet after my warning to

“So, you like my sister, huh?” Aaron asks as the door shuts behind Shawn.

“She’s incredible with Julie, it’d be hard not to like her,” I state trying to
leave it there, but Aaron shakes his head knowing it’s not the truth, or the
end of it at least.

“You like her. Shit, I saw the way you looked at her when we got there,
heard the edge to your voice when you mentioned interrupting our plans;
you didn’t like that she was out with me, did you?” he asks, and I settle
down into a chair going to be straight with him when it comes to his sister,
well mostly at least. I’m not going to tell him just how badly I want to grab
her and fuck her while she’s telling me ‘yes, daddy, please daddy’.

“No, I didn’t because the moment I saw her, I felt something I never had
before with any woman, add in the way she took care of my baby…fuck it’s
no surprise that I fell for her.”

Aaron laughs lightly surprising me, bringing my attention fully to him

and off the images of Annie’s sweet body under mine flowing through my

“Thank the fucking lord,” he replies leaning back in his chair smiling,
shocking me. “I may not know my sister, but I know women and how they
act when they don’t want you to know they want you. She got you to tell
her you were single without us even realizing it. It was when she agreed to
coming back by Saturday, seeing the way she looked at you that told me she
was into you. I just didn’t want her getting hurt, but if you’re really thinking
about it, it’s not my place to stand in the way. I might think differently if I’d
actually made a spot in her life before now, but if she wants to get involved
with you…that’s her decision. Seeing her with Julie in the nursery, I don’t
think it’d be too much of a stretch to get her to say yes to anything.”

“I’m glad you feel that way because no matter what you did, I planned to
see if it was all on my side or if she felt it too,” I admit, heading out to
check in with a couple others before moving back to my desk to continue
the catch up.

It’s six before I get out of there, texting Annie to let her know when I’m
leaving, and when I get home, I grab the bag out of the Jeep, taking it inside
with my briefcase to see where my girls are. I instantly find them in the
kitchen, Annie cooking up something that smells divine and I slip upstairs
after a quick kiss for my babies to change. Tonight, I’m making Annie
mine, no going back, nothing stopping us. Tonight, is the night…my night.

Chapter 5


ow are my girls?” Jake asks as he rejoins us in the kitchen, Julie grinning

brightly wanting her daddy and I know I’m the same. I want him

“Good, we went to the store and bought stuff to make daddy dinner,” I tell
him as he moves to my side, sniffing the pan curiously. “You have to try it,
if you absolutely hate it, I’ll never make it again and make you eat it, I

“I promise daddy,” he teases putting bright color into my cheeks as he holds

my gaze intensely. “Say it baby girl…I promise…”

“Daddy,” I state earning a kiss that steals my breath and nearly makes me
forget what I’m doing. I give dinner another quick stir before taking the
pork chops out from underneath the warmer, adding the coleslaw mixture I
just finished to the side and our easy supper is done. I already have Julie’s
ready, but I want to see if she’ll eat some of the coleslaw, introduce her to
new things to expand her interests from the same old regular so she’s not
picky when she gets older and can tell us what she wants or doesn’t want.

I watch as Jake takes a bite and the look that crosses his face says he won’t
mind if I make it again and I grin as Julie gives the coleslaw a pensive taste
before bobbing her head towards my fork for another. I think I’ve won these
two over with this meal and it makes me really happy.

“Amazing baby girl, god you’re such a good girl.” Jake drops a kiss onto
my lips that makes me wish dinner were over and we were upstairs alone,
our baby asleep. “Daddy will make you feel so good tonight, we can put
baby to bed and then have some adult play time.”

“Yes,” I whisper loving how he presses a kiss to my forehead. It feels

so sweet, so special, and I know I’ve fallen completely for him. “I want to
taste daddy everywhere once our baby’s asleep.”
“That’s right, our baby,” he says, and I realize I said it aloud and give him a
slightly sheepish smile. “She is ours because you’re mine now, I’m yours,
and she’s ours, and we plan to keep you for a long-time baby girl, always is
my plan.”

I sigh contently before doing as he asks and finishing our supper. I love him
telling me what to do, as though he truly is in charge, daddy, doing things
that will keep us safe and happy. I’ve never had that before from any male
in my life and I don’t mind it at all with him.

Julie nearly falls asleep on us at seven-thirty clearly exhausted from our

playtime this afternoon and I give her a short bath while Jake watches,
wrapping us both up into his arms when we’re done. It doesn’t take much
for Julie to be down and I don’t even bother to pretend to be surprised when
Jake lifts me into his arms, carrying me down the hall a few steps to his

My bag’s sitting on the bed and I press a kiss to his cheek, moving towards
his mouth as he lays me down on it, putting my bag down onto the floor
before moving up and over me, barely giving me any contact with his hard
body, driving me crazy.

“Jake…daddy, please,” I urge, trying to pull him down to me but he’s strong
and easily resists.

“I will baby girl, just not yet,” he promises, brushing kisses over my face
making me melt. “I want to ask you something first.”

“What daddy?” I’m amazed at how easily it slips out, wanting to call him
daddy all the time now. Is that wrong? Is it weird? If it is, I don’t care
because he makes me feel incredible.

“I need to know what you want baby girl.”

“You, inside me,” I answer making him smile. “I want to lick and taste you,
daddy. I want it badly, but I really want you inside me.”
“I want that too baby girl, so much.” I lift up slightly, rubbing against him
as best as I can.

“Please daddy, please make me yours, give me your…cock.” I barely catch

myself before I beg to have his baby inside me, him pumping me full of his
wicked baby batter.

“What was that, baby girl? Give you my what?” he asks as though he
knows that’s not what I intended to say but I don’t want to out myself. I
haven’t even slept with him, but I already want his baby inside me, he
might freak out over it considering the story with Julie’s mother.

“Your cock, please daddy, can I have it?” I enjoy the way his eyes light up
at my statement. “I need it, daddy, I need it so much.”

“Is that really what you want, baby girl?” His hands rub me, caressing me
until all I want is his hands on me without my clothes on, his skin on mine,
his cock filling me, giving me his seeds.

“Please daddy…please let me have it all,” I tell him as his mouth comes
down, nibbling along my jaw, down my neck towards my breasts. It’s so
good and I want more. “I want your skin on mine, daddy. I want you naked
against me, inside me.”

“You want me naked inside you too, don’t you, baby girl?” he says making
my breath slow, my nipples hardening furiously, and they show through my
top. It was just a light tee and I wasn’t wearing a bra, letting him know just
how much I wanted that. “I want to take you raw, nothing between us, make
you take my cum, baby girl, do you want that?”

“Yes, oh god yes, daddy, give me your cum, give me your baby.” I can’t
stop it this time, it flies from my mouth as his fingers pinch my nipple.

“Please daddy, give me your batter, all of it inside my pussy.”

“Fuck yes, baby girl.” He growls low in my ear before he nearly rips my
clothes from my body. I don’t care, I just want him inside me, and I let him
take what he wants, give what he wants. When he tells me to lick and suck
his cock I do, not only because I want to but because he wants me to and
wanting to please him is this huge need inside me.

It’s only when his cock is poised at my entrance that I finally realize what
I’m about to do, what he’s about to do without even knowing and I tense,
stopping him from driving himself home inside me. I want him to, but I also
want him to know what to expect because I don’t, I really don’t, and I don’t
want him worried if I scream in pain.

“What’s wrong, baby girl, tell daddy what’s wrong,” he whispers, his hands
calming my body, making me feel that desperate need to please him, have
him, building deep inside me despite the orgasms he gave me with his

amazing mouth.

“You’re my first, Jake,” I admit finding his gaze, smiling at the look that
crosses his face. “I want you to be my first, my only, daddy, please…”

“Yes, yes, baby girl, yes,” he whispers against my lips softly, caressing me,
adoring me until I forget everything but the feel of his hands on me.

He lifts my hips and I feel it, the sting, the tearing as he pushes through my
barrier, taking my innocence for his own, and the instant his cock is inside
me, I’m desperate for more. I don’t even know what I want or need but he
gives it to me, over and over, until all I can think is him filling me, giving
me his baby.

“Do it daddy, fill me, please…give me that baby batter.” I beg, not above it
when it’s what I want. “Please, daddy…please…”

“Yes, oh god baby girl, take it.” He growls against my lips, his cock
working me harder, stronger, deeper, and my body seizes as he erupts,
gushing, filling me completely as he keeps going. He stops spewing but
he’s still hard and it’s stirring his cum up inside me, thrusting it forward
eager to get it into me deeper it seems. Does he want me to have his baby as
badly as I want it? God if he does I’ll never get out of bed until it happens
except to take care of our baby.
“Yes, daddy, yes, give me your baby, let me have your baby,” I plead
feeling my body working towards another orgasm and I’m desperate to find
it, just as desperate as it seems Jake is to give it to me because he runs his
cock along the front wall of my pussy and it feels so amazing. His lips nip
at my neck and I tremble with it, it’s so close I can taste it.

“Come for me, baby girl, now…come now,” he urges, and I’m done for, I
fall, letting him spew again as I clamp down around him, taking him in as
deep as I can. He’s so big and even as his cock goes down, it’s still big.

He has to be at least eight inches soft and hard…god it’s amazing in length
twelve inches, thirteen possibly, let alone girth. It fills every part of me and
I don’t ever want to lose it.

“Thank you, daddy, thank you,” I mumble as he runs his hands down my
back, holding me close to him.

“Thank you, baby girl, daddy wanted to give you a baby as much as you
want it. I want you taking care of my babies the rest of our lives,” he

says softly, making me smile happily. “You’ll do that for me, won’t you?

You’ll love Julie and all our other babies.”

“Yes, always daddy.” I snuggle deep into his chest. “I’ve wanted this for so
long…as long as I can remember I’ve wanted a baby.”

“Yet you were…” he says in surprise as he lifts my face to meet his gaze.

“I wanted a family more than just a baby, that’s what we’ll be, me, you and

“And anyone else we make,” he promises with a sweet kiss and smile.

“I always wanted to be a father, a daddy. I was the same, though, I wanted

more than just a kid to call me dad. I thought I had that with my first
girlfriend, but she broke up with me when I suggested we have an accident.
We were only eighteen, going on nineteen, and she didn’t want it, but you
do, don’t you baby girl? You want my baby more than you want a baby. You
want my girl I already have and then more.”

“Yes, that’s what I want, always, forever.” I yawn, unable to keep my eyes
open right now. His orgasms were just too good, I’m exhausted and he’s so
nice to lay with, enjoy.

“Good girl, good girl,” he whispers soothing me to sleep and I know no

matter what, I won’t let him go. He’s just too perfect and now…mine.

Chapter 6



hat’s wrong, baby girl?” I ask as soon as I get home, finding Annie curled
up on the couch with Julie rather than cooking or greeting me with her
normal kiss in the kitchen.

“Is it already six?” Her eyes show her surprise when I nod, and her yawn
tells me I’ve certainly kept her up late the last few weeks. Three weeks
since she moved in with me, three weeks of perfect bliss with her curled up
next to me as we sleep.

She shakes her head slightly trying to stay awake. “You’re so sleepy, aren’t
you, baby girl? No cooking for you, I don’t want to risk you hurting
yourself on something.”

“What about dinner then?” she asks me, making me laugh because she’s
cooked for us every meal since she moved in here.

“I did manage to feed myself before you came along, Annie.” I brush her
lips with a kiss that makes Julie jealous and she lets out a little huff. “I see
you’re teaching her to be a typical female.”

I kiss Julie’s little neck, wrapping her up in my arms while Annie smiles at
“I can’t wait for it to be four of us, daddy.” I glance back at Annie, her
smile gorgeous and I instantly latch onto her words.

“Four? Something you want to tell me, baby girl?” I question thinking of
how tired she is, how it’s been three weeks since I gave her my seed and
hope brews heavily inside me.

“I think so.” I let out a moan before scooping her up in my arms, kissing her
fully. “Daddy.”

She sighs resting her head on my shoulder and I don’t want to let her

go. “Have you taken a test? Do you know?”

I’m praying for the answer to be yes, for her to be carrying my baby
because I sure as hell will marry her instantly if she is. I should have
married her weeks ago as it was. That’s something I need to correct now but
she has class all week still and I have work, but I desperately want to ignore
it all and cart her off to Vegas for a week.

“No and no…it just sort of hit me earlier when Julie was still going strong
and I was lagging far behind. I was going to go get a test for the morning
but then we laid down to snuggle and I guess time slipped past us.”

I brush soft kisses over her face carrying her and Julie out to the car.


“We need dinner and some tests to keep on hand just in case you aren’t yet
or it’s too early still to tell.” I settle her into the front seat before putting
Julie into her car seat in the back, giving them both kisses before we head
back towards town.

I stop us at a pharmacy first, heading in with my girls snuggled close.

We grab a three pack of pregnancy tests and I let Annie grab some more
diapers for Julie since we’re here. Once we’re back in the car, I take them to
a simple family diner I enjoy, that I’ve taken Julie to several times, and I
watch as Annie plays with her while our food cooks. I can’t wait to have
another with her, to see her nurse our baby. I’ve always had a fascination
with breastfeeding women, wondering what their breasts would do while
being made love to, would their milk spill out, would she freak out if I
sucked on it as well? God, I want to suckle her tits full of milk and see.

“I’ll be right back, watch our girl, daddy?” she says innocently with a smile
handing Julie over as she takes her bag to head to the bathroom, worrying
me a bit until she returns, a huge smile on her lips.

“What is it, baby girl?” I ask as she slips into the booth next to me, pressing
a soft kiss to Julie’s forehead.

“I’m pregnant, daddy,” she whispers into my ear and I have to fight to stop
from throwing her down onto the bench and ravaging her. “Will daddy buy
us a piece of pie? I think baby would love one.”

“All of my babies will, I’m sure.” I get the waitress’ attention and order her
a huge piece of their apple pie with ice cream. Julie loves the little bites

she has, and I enjoy feeding it to Annie, loving the amazing changes to my
life. I want to know they’re permanent though, and I brush a soft kiss to
Annie’s lips thinking of a ring.

I spend the next morning looking at them while Annie’s in class and I
contemplate ways to get her to leave school or at least, postpone finishing
her degree for now. I don’t want her exhausted, running between here and
classes, especially while pregnant next semester. She’ll likely be due at the
beginning of July, which would have her heavily pregnant at the end of the
term and I don’t want her risking anything going back and forth.

Julie reaches for a ring in the tray and I smile, knowing it’s perfect for our
Annie. I lift it up, showing it to Julie and ask, “Is this the one for Mommy,

“Momma,” Julie says smiling brightly, “Momma!”

“I’d say it’s the one,” Daniel states and I know he’s curious about the
change in my life. He’s been my go-to jeweler for years, knowing just the
pieces for me to give to discarded lovers, and he definitely knows that Julie
doesn’t have a biological mother any longer, so the mommy term and the
ring would certainly be for someone new in our lives.

“I have a great band to go along with it, here,” he adds handing it over and I
nod, knowing they’re just the ones for our Annie.

“I’ll take them now, if they need resized I’ll stop by with Annie to get it
corrected,” I tell him making his brow lift again.

“You don’t know her ring size?”

“No, Annie has only been in our world for a few weeks, but I knew from
the moment I met her she’d be the one. She’s amazing with Julie and…” I
stop hearing footsteps heading our way and I glance at the time. It’s only
ten-thirty, far too early for Annie to be home and the maid I have is off
today, but I catch a glimpse of Annie as she hurries up the steps.

“I take it that’s the woman in question?” Daniel says, and I nod, concerned
as to why she was home, praying nothing happened to our baby.

She would be devastated if it had, even more than me I fear. “She looks

“She is young, but she loves us. I’ll take these and if we need anything else,
I’ll let you know. I want to make sure she’s okay,” I tell him before

moving up the stairs after her, leaving Daniel to show himself out of the

I push open the bedroom door and move to the bathroom, not seeing Annie
inside the space. I knock on the door calling out, “Annie, are you okay,
baby girl?”

“I’m okay daddy, we’re okay,” she adds calming me a bit until she opens
the door and I see how pale she is.

“What’s wrong, baby girl?”

“I think breakfast didn’t sit right with our new baby.” I relax again,
knowing how to help with this. “I didn’t mean to worry you, daddy. I just
felt so awful I wanted to be home, just at home, not at school.”

“That’s fine with me, baby girl,” I assure her brushing a kiss to her forehead
as Julie reaches for her. Annie snuggles Julie up against her chest and our
sweet little girl smiles happily.

“Momma.” Julie clutches Annie’s top and the look on her face says it all,
says how thrilled she is to be her mommy, to be mommy to our baby to

“I love you baby,” she whispers to her and I want the words for myself as

“What about daddy?” I ask, lifting her gaze to mine. “Do you love daddy as

“Yes, yes, daddy, god I love you.” Tears slip down her cheeks and I wrap
my girls in my arms, holding them close.

“I love you too, baby girl, always, forever.” I slide her ring onto her finger.
It’s just the tiniest bit loose and I know it’ll fit perfectly when she swells up
with our baby. “Marry me, baby girl, be ours forever?”

“Yes, daddy, yes,” she says, and I kiss her gently before bundling her up
and into bed.

“Will you do daddy something big?” I question once she’s snuggled up with
Julie who’s ready for a nap.

“What daddy?”

“Will you think about taking a break from school? You can finish the
semester if you want, but I don’t want to worry about you being there next
semester while big with our new baby. Will you take it off and take care of

yourself and both our babies?” She wraps her arms tightly around my neck
surprising me at the reaction. I figured she’d argue about her scholarship
and how great it was she got it.

“Yes, yes daddy, I hate it. Oh god I hate it,” she says shocking me through.
“I never wanted to go even, I just wanted to get away from my mother.”

“You don’t care about getting a degree?” I’m completely unable to keep the
smile from my lips.

“No, I feel like shriveling up into a little ball every day while I’m there, the
only good thing about it was it led me to you, daddy.” I kiss her thoroughly
thrilled with that news.

“I’ll take care of you baby girl, always, I promise. You’ll never have to go
back to that place, I swear. I’ll keep you and make you happy forever,” I
assure her, sending her off to sleep, anxious to get her married to me as
soon as I can.

Epilogue 1



appy birthday, daddy.” I smile, surprising my incredible, loving, amazing

husband at work. I love him more now than I ever have and the way his
eyes light up seeing me and our babies is enough to get me close to an

“There are my girls,” Jake states, moving over to us, brushing a kiss to
Julie’s five-year-old head and another to little Jennie’s three-year-old one
and a last onto Jackie’s eighteen-month-old one. Our three gorgeous little
girls are amazing, and I love being pregnant, as is obvious with my
enormous stomach that’s carrying our fourth baby.

I have a present for him, several actually but right now there’s one that I’m
really eager to give him—me. I spot my brother coming into the office to
see Jake’s assistant who happens to be Aaron’s wife and they agree to take
the girls home for us. I’ve had to trade the Jeep in for a van, but I love it and
I know Nora is trying to convince my brother to have a baby, so this is the
perfect arrangement really. It clears out the office and leaves me confident
with who’s watching our girls.

“Daddy has a special present; do you want to see what it is?” I tease him as
his door shuts behind us.

“Always when it comes to you, baby girl.”

I undo the belt on my coat, letting it drop the floor. Underneath all I’m
wearing is a tiny thong and huge bow tied around my belly. Jake loves me
huge like this and I enjoy it as well, because he fucks me so hard as he
holds it, loving our baby entirely.

“Shit baby girl, get that fat ass over here.” He groans putting a smile onto
my lips because it’s true, my ass has gotten fat thanks to having two soon to
be three babies. He gently pushes me down to the floor and pulls out

his cock, shoving it down my throat until he spews a little.

He’s nowhere near done, not even being forty-two now. He can go for hours
fucking me, coming so much that I’m bathed in it. He puts me down onto
his desk next, using the bow to pull me every now and then, fucking me
hard until I’m screaming with orgasm on top of orgasm, my milk running,
spraying like mad when he squeezes my tits.

“Milk me baby girl,” he says, and I climb onto his lap as he settles into his
huge chair. He changed it out after we were married, and he started fucking
me here when I stopped by, his old one wasn’t big enough to hold us both
but this one…it could hold us and more.

I settle my tit into his mouth letting him suckle on it as his cock plows me
deep. It’s so damn good that I come half a dozen times before he stops,
knowing we need to get home to the girls soon. They don’t like us both
being away from them for too long and I love them far too much to upset
“That was the best fucking present ever, baby girl,” he tells me once I’m
settled securely in the seat next to him.

“It’s not my only present for you daddy,” I promise smiling brightly seeing
the cake being delivered as we arrive home.

“The girls are going to be wired if you give them cake,” Jake warns but I
don’t care. I am so anxious to tell daddy what I sneakily found out about
our new baby. We wanted to know at my twenty-week appointment, but
little baby here was way too active to see clearly and so, I rescheduled an
ultrasound for today wanting to give it to him as his gift. He’ll be so
excited, I know he will be and I’m thrilled with the news.

Aaron and Nora stay for dinner and cake and I hand Jake the knife, telling
him, “You should cut it, daddy.”

I don’t care who hears me calling him daddy and my brother’s gotten used
to it over the years, although it always makes Nora smile a bit hearing it.
Everyone else just thinks it’s cute, after all that’s what the girls call him and
since I’m his girl as well, they just go with it. To me he is daddy though, he
takes care of me, of our babies, and I love him so much. No one could be
better for us.

He slices the cake into pieces, lifting the first onto a plate before his

eyes fly to me, seeing the color of the cake. He knows I don’t usually order
anything with a lot of dyes in it, I like feeding our girls more natural foods,
so the blue coloring is a definite change.

“Happy birthday, daddy,” I tell him again, my grin so big my brother and
Nora instantly understand the blue color as well.

“A boy?” Jake’s chest puffed up slightly just the way I knew it would.

God, he is so damn sexy, it’s so hard to resist.

“We’re having a boy, daddy.” His lips are on me before I can breathe.
Aaron and Nora finish handing out cake to the girls and I let Jake love me,
show me how happy he is we’re having a son.

“You’re amazing, baby girl, so damn perfect for me,” he whispers into my
ear and I nod because I am just as he’s perfect for me.

Epilogue 2



ive it back, it’s mine!” Julie shouted as I walked into the house, wondering
what on earth is going on because I know Annie would instantly stop this
arguing between our fifteen-year-old Julie and thirteen-year-old Jennie.

“Stop being such a brat,” Jennie shouts back and I step between them
seeing Jackie about to cry from their shouting. She’s the most sensitive of
all our babies and I hate seeing her upset, likely because also of all our
babies, she looks the most like her mother, a tiny little replica of her and I
adore her, but no more than the others.

“Quiet!” I say, seeing their eyes widen in surprise and they know I don’t
shy away from spanking their bottoms no matter their age. “What on earth
is going on in here? Where is your mother?” I add when they both stay

“Momma doesn’t feel good,” Jackie finally says her worry evident and I
kiss her forehead gently knowing how she worries.

“Where are your brothers?” I ask her, and she points to the sun room, letting
me take in the four boys inside it. They were all playing or working on
homework and I give Jackie a smile, knowing she’s been helping her
momma with our boys.

“Good girl,” I tell her, because she is. She’s just like her mommy and I
know out of all of our babies, she’ll be the first to have one of her own. I
can just see so much of Annie in her and while most of me loves it, part of
me doesn’t want any boy to ever touch her.

“Is Momma going to be okay?” Jackie asks, and I nod, knowing that my
baby girl is hardly ever sick. The worst was her morning sickness with
Jennie and then with Joe our youngest who is four.

“She’ll be fine, baby. Keep an eye on your brothers for daddy? I’ll go check
on mommy and see if she wants me to get something for dinner,” I tell her
before looking to our oldest two. “You two stop this squabbling and help
your sister with your brothers. Your mother raised you better than this.”

I know that barb will get to them and they’ll apologize to my baby girl even
if she didn’t hear the argument because they all adore their mother.

They’ve seen how some of their friends’ mothers behave and they know
that is not Annie.

I slip into our bedroom, our haven now that all of our babies are old enough
to sleep on their own, aren’t breastfeeding, although I miss it almost as
much as Annie does. She wanted another baby after we had Joe and we
tried for the longest time, until she started making herself upset each month
that it didn’t happen, and I told her no more.

I didn’t care if we had another baby or not, I wasn’t going to let her get so
upset, so depressed when her period came each month. I wasn’t about to
risk losing her to that and she finally agreed that the seven we had was
perfect. It might not be the dozen she wanted, but we were happy with our

She’s curled up on the bed asleep and I kneel next to her, pressing a soft
kiss to her forehead, brushing the hair from her face. She’s so gorgeous,
even still. She’s still young, she’s only thirty-three. She’s been mine for
fourteen perfect years, and she’ll be mine for another fifty if I have my way.
I’ll be pushing over a hundred then but with my baby girl, I know I’ll make

“Daddy.” She sighs with a smile and I see her eyes peek open.
“Hi baby girl, Jackie said you weren’t feeling well, what’s wrong?” I feel
her forehead to see if she’s running hot. She feels cool and I feel better
knowing it can’t be anything serious.

“I just haven’t felt well the last couple days. It really hit hard when I was
making the kids their afterschool snack.”

“What did they have?” I love her creative ways to get healthy things into
our babies, the way she keeps them healthy and happy. I brush my lips to
her forehead again making her smile.

“I made celery with tuna salad. Just the sight of it made me want to throw
up,” she tells me, and I can’t help but remember it was the same thing

that told us we were pregnant with Joe. I don’t want to get her hopes up if
it’s not it though. I can’t possibly take her disappointment. It’ll kill me to
see her upset over it again.

“Rest then, I’ll get the kids fed and check on you later, bring you something
from Gilbert’s?” I know what she loves best from there and it’ll be good for
her if she’s just slightly ill.

“I love you, daddy. I’m sorry I don’t feel good,” she says killing me.

“You take care of all of us when we’re not well, and I love taking care of
you, baby girl,” I tell her before moving into the bathroom with an idea in
mind. I disable the stool and flush putting in a plug to keep things from
going down, something that became very necessary after we had Johnnie
and he started walking. That boy could flush anything, and Jude quickly
became his accomplice once he came along. Jesse and Joe were far easier
than their older brothers were and if we did manage to have another, I’d be
thrilled but I would be fine as well without it.

I got the kids into the van, still not letting Julie sit in the front with me
because that was Annie’s spot as well as wanting to protect my little girl, no
matter how old or big she now was. We brought Annie home her favorite
cooked turkey wrap, nothing in it would possibly make her sick if she were
pregnant and if she weren’t, it should still be easy on her stomach.
She was resting in the bed reading when I went in to see her, letting Jackie
get Joe and Jesse ready for bed while I checked on her. I settled her dinner
on a tray as I came up and set it over her lap before heading into the
bathroom when she mentioned the toilet not flushing. I smiled as I
unwrapped the test and dipped it into the toilet, waiting until it came up
with a reading before fixing the stool and heading back out to see my baby

“Feeling better, baby girl?” I settle onto the bed with her and she nodded,
making me smile further as I settled the test onto the empty plate.

Her brows lifted in surprise, her face scrunching shaking her head no not
even looking at the readout on it.

“Look, baby girl,” I tell her softly and she finally glances at it, her eyes
widening in surprise. “You’re pregnant.”

“No…I can’t be…how did you…daddy?” she says and the way she says it
still gets me extremely hard.

“I might have purposely made the toilet not flush. I didn’t want to dare
upset you if it came back negative but you feeling sick after making the
kids tuna salad on celery…that’s the same thing that happened with Joe,” I
admit, and her grin is so perfect.

“I love you, daddy, I love you, I love you, I love you.” She holds me tight
until the kids come in to make sure their momma is okay.

“We’re sorry, Momma,” Julie said as the boys curled up for snuggles with
her. “We shouldn’t fight, we know that.”

“It’s okay baby,” Annie tells them giving them all kisses, her smile so
beautiful and right.

“Momma’s okay, right?” Jackie asks, and she nods, looking over our seven
perfect babies.
“I’m fine baby, Momma’s just…pregnant,” she says unable to hold it in and
the look on Julie’s face is priceless.

“Oh geesh, again Daddy?” Julie says my way and I can’t help but laugh,
leaning down to kiss my baby girl.

“Momma just loves her babies too much for me to say no,” I state, and I
never will tell my baby girl no if she wants to try for another, but I’ll also
never let her become depressed if it doesn’t happen. She’s my world, our
babies fill it beautifully, but without her, I’ll have nothing, and I won’t live
that way. I’ll never let her go, not a chance.

Epilogue 3


I never imagined that I’d actually manage to make my dream a reality. I

truly thought after Joe we would be done having babies but somehow, it
was just a bit of a pause instead, because not only did we have a baby just
before Joe turned five, we had two. The twins, Jasmine and Jamison were
born a few weeks early but were amazing babies and god, I loved having
another baby to hold and nurse, let alone two.

And they weren’t our last either. The twins were barely two when we had
Jordan and then just over two years later our last baby boy Jeffery joined us,
and just last year, we added in our littlest baby girl Jaime. My birthday’s
today, my fortieth, and Jake’s gotten our three oldest girls to come home
and watch the little ones so we can celebrate it with a weekend away, just
the two of us. We do have twelve kids, I got my dozen, but little does daddy
know we’re looking at an actual baker’s dozen instead.

“You know better than getting out of bed before me, baby girl,” he teases,
slipping up behind me at the window of our suite. We’re in the mountains at
our vacation house and I love bringing all of the kids here to enjoy time as a
family. Jake thinks that the girls are just watching the babies for us, but
they’re on their way up to spend the rest of the weekend and the week with
us because I hate being away from them for more than a night or two, and
it’s been three already and I’m in withdrawal it feels like.
“I had to pee and you seemed to be worn out for some reason,” I return
giving him a bright grin as he pulls me tightly into his arms as I turn to face
him, sighing happily.

“That’s because you exhausted me last night, baby girl. God, your pussy is
so damn good still, so sweet, I can’t get enough of it.”

“You never can while I’m pregnant.” I hold his gaze until his eyes widen
and I can’t stop the bright beam that hits my lips.

“You’re pregnant? Annie!” he shouts out his joy, wrapping me up in his

hold and takes me straight back to bed, but I can’t complain, won’t
complain about it in the least.

I press kisses to his face as we rest, regaining our strength and Jake’s hand
holds my soft stomach his eyes worshipping me. “I’m due right after your
birthday, daddy.”

“I was supposed to be getting you a present not the other way around, baby

“You’re the present of a lifetime, Jake. You and our babies…speaking of

which,” I add hearing the approaching sound of vehicles.

“You had the girls bring the others up to join us, didn’t you?” Jake asks, the
laugh in his voice pulls my eyes up to his and I burst out laughing.

“You asked them too?”

“Of course, you hate spending your special day away from them and they
hate their Momma being away as well. No way would I ever deny you
anything you want,” he promises before we quickly get dressed to head
down to see our family.

I’m a little surprised to find an unknown man move in behind Jackie, but
the way he looks at her, I know she’s about to find her happiness the way I
did with Jake.
“Daddy, this is Ethan,” Jackie says, her voice soft and a bit worried making
me slip an arm around her to make sure her daddy doesn’t lose it.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir,” Ethan states, winning a point with the sir
already. “I hope you don’t mind the unexpected arrival but I didn’t like the
thought of Jackie driving all this way on her own with the little ones. I
wouldn’t dare let something happen to her or them.”

“I see,” Jake says, his eyes taking in the young man who can’t be more than
Julie’s twenty-three.

“Daddy, Ethan and I graduated from college together, he’s a good guy,”

Julie says confirming his age and Jennie laughs softly as the younger ones
hurry into the living room.

“You ever hurt my little girl and you’ll regret it,” Jake warns, making

me grin at Jackie’s surprise and I press a kiss to her temple hugging her

“Good timing is everything, baby,” I say moving over to Jake, as our older
kids stare at us in a bit of understanding and perhaps, slight disgust, but hey,
they wouldn’t exist if their daddy didn’t know how to please me so well.

“What does that mean, Momma?” Jennie asks suspiciously.

“It means while it’s your Momma’s birthday, I’m the one getting the best
present ever right around mine,” Jake replies.

“Oh geesh, Daddy, again?” Julie demands, groaning when the others finally
understand what he means.

“First day she met you she said she wanted a dozen, you know I don’t deny
your Momma anything,” Jake teases, making the kids hurry away from us
as Jake kisses me deep, just as he kisses me on his birthday as our newest
baby rests on my chest.
“She’s perfect, our family is perfect, daddy,” I assure him knowing he was
worried about me going through labor again, but I feel on top of the world,
after all how couldn’t I with baby Jillian snug against my breasts?

“You’re perfect, my perfect baby girl,” Jake whispers against my ear as the
girls come in to meet their newest sister.

“Daddy,” Jackie says gaining his attention and the ring resting on her left

“All about the timing,” I tease the others when Jake just hugs her, tears in
his eyes as our girls look on in surprise that he didn’t flip out over it.

“Always,” he agrees and I know now, dreams really do come true, and
what’s more, in better ways than you imagined.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. If you did, please leave a rating
so others can find and enjoy as well.

Thanks, Rosa

Find all of my books on Amazon now.

Taking Her Home

Woodman’s Pixie

A Man for Christmas

Kidnapping His Bride

Keeping Secrets: Scared to Trust

Dirty Sexy Letters

Tied for His Pleasure Series:

Book A: Tied in the Shower

Book B: Tied in the Bed

Book C: Tied in the Van

Book D: Tied in the Office

Book E: Tied to His Desk

Book F: Tied in the Studio

Book G: Tied in the Limo

Book H: Tied in the Plane

Book I: Tied in His Son’s Bed

Book J: Tied in the Boat

Book K: Tied to the Net

Book L: Tied in His Closet

Book M: Tied in the Library

Book N: Tied Under His Tree

Book O: Tied to His Saddle

Book P: Tied in the Garden

Book Q: Tied in the Pool House

Book R: Tied in the Tour Bus

Book S: Tied in the Theater

Book T: Tied in His Locker

Book U: Tied in the Apartment

Book V: Tied in the Hotel Room

Book W: Tied to His Car

Book X: Tied in the Museum

Book Y: Tied in His Kitchen

Book Z: Tied Under the Stars

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