Partial Discharge Survey Report

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Global automotive component manufacturer

Nov 2020


Well & Spire Limited
07435 651283

Report Number: xxxxx

Executive Summary 3
Introduction 4
Scope of survey 4
Results and discussion 5
Intake Room 5
Substation 1 6
Substation 2 8
Substation 3 10
Appendix 1: Survey Ultrasonic and TEV Data Files 12
Appendix 2: Partial Discharge; what is it, why it’s important and how to detect it. 16
Appendix 3: Humidity and Partial Discharge 21

© 2020 Copyright of this document is vested with Well and Spire for all text and for all photographs and
diagrams unless otherwise stated

Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Executive Summary
The HV assets at HV assets at XXXXX plant were surveyed as follows;

Date of last survey n/a

Date of this survey Nov 2020
Survey conducted by XXXXX
Equipment used UTP 2 s/n
Equipment Calibration date 7th Feb 2021

The results are summarised as follows:

Substation name Result Action required

Intake room No PD detected Re-survey in 6 months
Substation 1 No PD detected Re-survey in 6 months
Substation 2 No significant* PD detected Re-survey in 6 months
Substation 3 Low levels of PD detected Re-survey in 3 months
* very low levels of PD were detected in Substation 1 but below the threshold for Yellow action

All data collected is included with this report on a separate memory card. Details on how to
access this data is at the end of the main body of the report.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx


XXXXX plant at XXXXX is HV connected. Ensuring reliability of its HV assets is critical to the
continued reliability of the production plant. Detection of Partial Discharge is an excellent early
indicator of insulation breakdown - a major cause of HV asset failure.

More details on Partial Discharge can be found in appendix 2 and appendix 3.

The survey was conducted on November 2020, using an UltraTEV Plus 2 by specialist
consulting engineer, XXXXX.

Scope of survey

Comprehensive TEV and Ultrasonic survey (see Appendix 2) of HV assets within 1 HV

switchroom and 3 LV switchrooms with HV/LV transformers:

Substation name Operating voltage No of HV switch No of transformers*


Intake room 11kV 8 0

Substation 1 11kV 0 5

Substation 2 11kV 0 4

Substation 3 11kV 0 2
* see limitations in Appendix 2

Whilst regular Partial Discharge surveys will reduce the probability of failure of HV assets, it
should not be considered alone. Nothing in this report should be taken as a warranty (implied or
otherwise) of the continued reliable operation of the HV assets being surveyed.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Results and discussion

Intake Room

Operating voltage No of switch panels No of transformer

11kV 8 0

Results and recommendations

No PD was detected by Ultrasound or TEV

Notes: No visible signs of water ingress. Humidity 55% (recommended target < 65%) .

The Lighting was causing severe TEV interference and was therefore switched off during TEV

2020 Recommendation: Resurvey in 6 months

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Substation 1

Photo. 2 Substation 2 showing an example of HV termination. Switches are LV and out of


Operating voltage No of switch panels No of transformer

11kv 0 5

Results and recommendations

No PD was detected by Ultrasound or TEV

Notes: No visible signs of water ingress. Humidity 41% (recommended target < 65%) .

Adjacent inverters were causing severe TEV-like interference. This was giving a yellow alarm on
the TEV readings on the instrument. The yellow alarm on the instrument is triggered by
magnitude alone. The pulse count was too high for true TEV, indicating it was electrical noise.
This was confirmed when analysing the recorded data.

An example of this analysis is given below in Fig.1

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Fig. 1 Phase plot of activity on TX13 cable termination LHS

This shows a phase plot of the signal. Some noise events up to a maximum of 33 dB were
recorded but these are scattered evenly over the 50Hz cycle but there is no underlying PD-like

2020 Recommendation: Resurvey in 6 months

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Substation 2

Photo 3 Substation 2 showing two examples of HV termination. Switchgear is LV and out of


Operating voltage No of switch panels No of transformer

11kV 0 4

Results and recommendations

No PD was detected by Ultrasound. No PD was detected by TX except for TX23

which shows the very early signs of an internal discharge hidden behind the

This is shown in a Fig 2 below - a phase plot of the activity.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Fig. 2 Phase plot of TEV activity on TX23 termination RHS

The TX23 phase plot shows that the underlying PD activity indicated by the two mounds of
activity at 70 degrees and repeated at 250 degrees show to be 10dB maximum - comfortably in
the Green zone. The other events of greater magnitude (28 dB maximum) are even scattered
along the 50Hz waveform and are electrical noise.

Notes: No visible signs of water ingress. Humidity 47% (recommended target < 65%) .

2020 Recommendation: Re-survey TX23 in the next 6 months. If a suitable

opportunity arises, de-energise the termination during survey to confirm
diagnosis and location. All other terminations can be re-surveyed in 6
months time.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Substation 3

Photo 4 Substation 3 showing an example of HV terminations. Switchgear is LV and out of


Operating voltage No of switch panels No of transformer

11kV 0 2

Results and recommendations

No PD was detected by Ultrasound. No PD was detected by TX except for TX31

which shows very clear but still early signs of an internal discharge.

This is shown in a Fig. 3 below - a phase plot of the activity.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Fig. 3 Phase plot of TEV activity on TX31 termination RHS

The TX31 phase plot shows that the underlying PD activity indicated by the two mounds of
activity at 160 degrees and repeated at 340 degrees show to be 17dB maximum. Whilst the
instrument classifies this as Green. However, because it is so clearly like a discharge and close
to the Green - Yellow boundary (20dB), the post survey analysis suggests this should be re-
classified as Yellow

Notes: No visible signs of water ingress. Humidity 52% (recommended target < 65%) .

2020 Recommendation: Re-survey TX23 in the next 6 months. If a suitable

opportunity arises, de-energise the termination during survey to confirm
diagnosis and location. All other terminations can be re-surveyed in 6
months time.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Appendix 1: Survey Ultrasonic and TEV Data Files

Included with this report, on a USB memory stick, are the files that were recorded during the

These files will enable you to listen and visually inspect the recordings taken during the survey.


Note: The data displays do not require any proprietary software and will open in youfr default
browser. You do not need to be online to open the data files.

Open the USB Drive in File Explorer. You will see a list of folders . There will be one folder for
every substation surveyed. See below.

Open the folder representing the substation of interest and you will see a single folder with a
name in the format “<yyyymmdd<report no><substation name>. An example is given below:

xxx November 2020 12

Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Open the folder and you will find a number of files and folders. An example is given below.

THE ONLY FILE WE ARE INTERESTED IS CALLED “index.html”. Double click on this file and
wait as your browser loads the data. It will load a stylised diagram of the substation. Example
given below:

xxx November 2020 13

Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

On the left hand side of the screen is the background information about the survey. On the right
hand side is a matrix of boxes. Each column represents a panel of the switchgear under survey.
Each row represents a different component of the switchgear. Boxes highlighted are where the
surveyor has recorded a reading. Note individual components may not be apparent to the
surveyor so many boxes will be left with no reading. Within each box are two types of icon. A
spark between two plates represents a TEV reading and a microphone represents an Ultrasonic

It will be immediately apparent in the example above that there is category red potential problem
in panel “Generator 1”. The Ultrasonic icon is red so it is an Ultrasonic issue. Clicking on the red
Ultrasonic microphone will produce a new screen with further information about the signal
recorded, its magnitude and in particular the phase plot. On Ultrasonic signals, there is tab that
allows the signal to be listened to via your computer. An example of a typical screen for an
Ultrasonic signal is given below. Similar screens can be produced by clicking on TEV icons.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Any issues with opening and viewing data, please feel free to contact us.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Appendix 2: Partial Discharge; what is it, why it’s

important and how to detect it.

Partial Discharge (PD) is an excellent early indicator of insulator breakdown in High Voltage
(HV) electrical equipment. It is defined as a discharge that does not completely bridge the
electrodes. Figure A1.1 is a useful visualisation of partial discharge inside a solid although it is
important to understand that PD can also occur in fluids and on the surface of insulators.

Fig. A1.1 PD in a microscopic void in solid insulation

PD can be broadly categorised into three different types:

● Corona discharge is the breakdown of the air or gas surrounding an electrode typically
around sharp points around conductors especially on outdoor equipment;
● Surface Discharge is a discharge on the surface of an insulator typically associated
with humidity and contamination;
● Internal Discharge is a discharge that occurs inside insulators typically associated with
voids incurred during manufacture or installation.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

If we were to plot these as a scattergram where the x-axis is frequency of occurrence and the y-
axis is “destructive ability” then we would get something like figure A1.2.

Figure A1.2 Sub-types of PD vs frequency of occurrence

So despite Corona discharge being common, it is relatively harmless. On outdoor equipment, it

is very common but completely harmless. Despite a corrosive gasses being produced, these are
washed away by the rain and blown away by the wind. It only becomes harmful if it is in anyway
boxed in. Thankfully, on indoor equipment, with very few exceptions, it is so rare that we can
effectively ignore it.

Progression of damage

Internal Discharge an initial void is enlarged by the action of the arc. Subsequently the void’s
inner surface carbonises effectively shorting out the void but this only puts more voltage stress
on other voids which may start to discharge. And so a chain reaction is created that ultimately
leads to full insulation breakdown and an arc between the two electrodes. With nowhere for the
heat energy to go, the insulator will burst open causing fires and explosions.

Surface discharge tracks along the surface of the insulator leaving a carbon track behind and
frequently diverging multiple tracks each headed by a small discharge. The partial discharge
reacts with air to produce ozone and subsequently nitric acid that can produce corrosion of the
surrounding metalwork. Ozone can also react with hydrogen molecules in plastic and resin
insulators producing water and exasperating the PD. In addition, ozone can also react with
aluminium or silicates in insulators to produce a characteristic white powder. Ultimately the
tracking will be sufficient to cause a flash over.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Detecting and locating PD

For internal electrical assets there are two primary non-intrusive methods for detecting PD

● Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) is the best method of detecting internal discharge
● Ultrasonic is the best method of detecting surface discharge

Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) are small voltage pulses that are induced on metal work
surrounding the electrical assets when there is a PD contained therein. To fully understand the
mechanism that produces TEVs would require a study of electromagnetics which is beyond the
scope of this Appendix but TEVs are a well recognised phenomenon.

The TEVs are measured by applying a capacitor plate against the metalwork. One plate of the
capacitor is the instrument; the other is the metalwork of the HV asset. The dielectric is the
plastic of the instrument enclosure and the paint/covering of the asset metalwork. Thus no direct
contact is made to metalwork. The capacitor formed (figure A1.3) is only a few picofarads but
the pulse is sharp and narrow and hence full of high frequencies so a few pF suffices to transmit
the voltage pulse to the capacitor plate of the instrument and subsequently for it to be measured
with high impedance voltmeter.

Fig. A1.3 TEV detection using capacitive coupling

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Ultrasonic signals are produced by PD as well but with internal discharges the sound never
escapes. An ultrasonic microphone will however record surface discharges. The optimum
frequency is 40kHz (about twice the frequency a human baby can hear).

There are relative advantages and disadvantages of both techniques so it is important that both
techniques are used for surveying HV assets.

TEV recordings are very repeatable and relatively unaffected by the surrounding environment.
Their magnitude grows as the PD grows and hence we can use measurements to ascertain
approximately the probability of failure of an asset. Trending can give us a even greater
understanding of the probability of asset failure. With care we can make assumptions about the
probability of failure based on comparisons with similar equipment operating at similar voltages.
Many instrument take this a step further and classify TEV magnitudes into a traffic light system
● Green means no immediate concern;
● Yellow means increase the frequency of surveillance;
● Red means action required to prevent failure.

This traffic light system extensively is used in reporting to draw the clients attention to areas of

In some cases, it can be difficult to separate TEVs from electrical noise. However there are a
number of techniques that can help to differentiate. The simplest is the Pulse Per Cycle (PPC).
This is the number of pulses per 50Hz mains cycle. A figure of 1-2 pulses per cycle would be
expected because this is a characteristic of internal discharge. Outliers may extend the range
downwards to 0.5 and upwards to about 8. PPCs above 250 are clearly electronic noise.
Between 8 and 250 is a grey area where it could be TEV or Noise and other techniques are
needed to differentiate.

Phase plotting is a more advanced technique that plots the signal against the 50Hz mains cycle.
Typically a phase plot will produce two “hills” of activity separated by 180 degrees. Experienced
interpreters of TEV signals can even differentiate PD from phase locked noise from power
electronics, by studying these phase plots. Location of TEV signals can be difficult as the
signals tend to re-radiated and appear on all surrounding metalwork. Magnitude can be a rough
guide to location but for accurate reliable location then a two probe technique is preferable.
When in two probe mode the instrument records which probe receives the pulse first and this is
used to pinpoint from where the pulses are emanating.

The magnitude of Ultrasonic signals, unlike TEV, bears no relation to probability of failure. Far
more emphasis is put on the quality of the signal than on measured magnitude. Trending .
therefore is not useful either. Traffic light systems are confined to Green or Red with red being
triggered by anything that can be positively identified as a PD.

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Most instruments present the recorded Ultrasonic signals in headphones or earpieces -

frequency shifted to below 5kHz, comfortably within an adults hearing range. There are sources
of potential noise - air movement, rustling clothes, jangling keys etc. These can be easily
differentiated from PD by a trained operator listening to the sound presented. PPC are not
generally recorded but would be in the 10s of pulses per cycle up to about 200 pulses per cycle.
Surface discharge can be detected early by using Ultrasonics. Although large surface
discharge can produce TEV signals, by the time they register on TEV it might be too late.

Phase plots can also be done for Ultrasonics - again the characteristic two “hills” separated by
180 degrees is a sure sign of partial discharge.

Standard Ultrasonic detection relies on an air path between the PD and the instrument’s
microphone. The scope of operation can be considerably enhanced with the use of a contact
microphone which enables signals to be heard through a single skin of metal.

Location of surface discharge using Ultrasonics is easier than TEV location. Magnitude is a
good guide for the instrument operator attempting to lactate the source.

Power transformers

Ultrasonic and TEV detection is useful for all indoor HV electrical assets but there are limitations
with power transformers. Neither TEV nor Ultrasonics is capable of recording PD activity deep
inside the windings of a power transformer. Fortunately, such instances of PD are
comparatively rare. TEV and Ultrasonics can be useful on parts of the transformer nearer the
surface, for example the cable terminations.


The magnitude of TEV signals is generally expressed in dBmV where V is the maximum
magnitude of the TEV in millivolts. This is a legacy of early instruments that were required to
display a wide dynamic range using limited display technology. Decibels are purely the
logarithmic expression of a ratio and dBmV should not be confused with dBA - a common use
of decibels used for audible sound measurement.

The magnitude of Ultrasonics is measured on a different scale. For similar historic reasons,
decibels are used again but this time dBμV where V is the voltage measured across the
ultrasonic microphone. It has nothing to do with dBmV used for TEV or dBA used for audible
sound. As noted earlier, despite this convention, Ultrasonic magnitudes are of very little practical

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Private and Confidential Partial Discharge Survey of HV Assets at xxxx, xxxxx: Report: xxxx

Appendix 3: Humidity and Partial Discharge

Humidity plays a major role in creating and sustaining surface PD. Reducing humidity in the
local environment can even turn a discharging asset into non discharging asset with no other
intervention. As a “rule of thumb”, humidity levels in an indoor substation need to be kept below
65% RHD although some assets are more prone to humidity induced surface discharge than
others so a lower target maybe required.

Monitoring humidity

Low cost humidity and temperature monitors can be easily purchased. (less than £100)
Typically these are battery operated and very easy to install. Data recorded is typically
downloaded for examination via a USB port. Measuring is the first step toward managing and
these humidity monitors therefore come highly recommended.

Eliminating obvious sources

Example of sources of humidity are:

● Water leaks from roofs
● Water in cable basement
● Ventilation from areas of high humidity (ventilation from outdoors is not always a good

Mitigating actions:
● Sealing of cable basements especially around cable entries
● Sumps and sump pumps
● Restricting access; keeping doors windows closed during wet weather
● Repairing roof leaks
● Heating (warm air retains more water)
● Improved insulation
● Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers are a last resort as they do not tackle the source of the problem.

We can advise further on minimising humidity in buildings and have a number of tried and
tested solutions available including:

● Humidity monitors and monitoring service

● Cable basement “tanking”
● Cable entry sealing glands
● Sump pumps
● Industrial grade heaters and dehumidifiers

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