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Organizational Ambidexterity: Balancing Exploitation and Exploration for

Sustained Performance

Article  in  Organization Science · August 2009

DOI: 10.1287/orsc.1090.0428 · Source: DBLP

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4 authors, including:

Julian Birkinshaw Gilbert Probst

London Business School University of Geneva


Michael L. Tushman
Harvard University


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Organization Science informs ®

Vol. 20, No. 4, July–August 2009, pp. 685–695 doi 10.1287/orsc.1090.0428

issn 1047-7039  eissn 1526-5455  09  2004  0685 © 2009 INFORMS

Organizational Ambidexterity: Balancing Exploitation

and Exploration for Sustained Performance
Sebastian Raisch
University of St. Gallen, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland,

Julian Birkinshaw
London Business School, Regents Park, London NW1 4SA, United Kingdom,

Gilbert Probst
University of Geneva, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland,

Michael L. Tushman
Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts 02163,

O rganizational ambidexterity has emerged as a new research paradigm in organization theory, yet several issues fun-
damental to this debate remain controversial. We explore four central tensions here: Should organizations achieve
ambidexterity through differentiation or through integration? Does ambidexterity occur at the individual or organizational
level? Must organizations take a static or dynamic perspective on ambidexterity? Finally, can ambidexterity arise internally,
or do firms have to externalize some processes? We provide an overview of the seven articles included in this special issue
and suggest several avenues for future research.
Key words: ambidexterity; change; exploitation; exploration; innovation; organization design
History: Published online in Articles in Advance June 10, 2009.

Introduction 2004, He and Wong 2004, Lubatkin et al. 2006). Sec-

One of the more enduring ideas in organization sci- ond, the initial attention to structural antecedents has
ence is that an organization’s long-term success depends been extended to investigations of the roles played
on its ability to exploit its current capabilities while by contextual (Gibson and Birkinshaw 2004), informal
simultaneously exploring fundamentally new competen- network (Gulati and Puranam 2009), and leadership-
cies (Levinthal and March 1993, March 1991). Earlier based (Beckman 2006, Lubatkin et al. 2006, Smith
studies often regarded the trade-offs between these two and Tushman 2005) antecedents of ambidexterity. Third,
activities as insurmountable, but more recent research studies have started to explore how environmental (Auh
describes ambidextrous organizations that are capable and Menguc 2005, Jansen et al. 2006) and organiza-
of simultaneously exploiting existing competencies and tional moderators (Atuahene-Gima 2005, Lubatkin et al.
exploring new opportunities. Building upon earlier work 2006, Kyriakopoulos and Moorman 2004) affect the
interrelations between ambidexterity, its antecedents, and
by Duncan (1976), Tushman and O’Reilly (1996) were
performance outcomes. This body of work has been cate-
first to present a theory of organizational ambidexter-
gorized and thoroughly discussed in recent review papers
ity. They suggest that superior performance is expected
(O’Reilly and Tushman 2008, Raisch and Birkinshaw
from the ambidextrous organization and describe struc-
2008). Despite increasing interest in ambidexterity as
tural mechanisms to enable ambidexterity a concept, an examination of the literature indicates
In recent years, the concept of organizational ambidex- that several important research issues remain unexplored,
terity has gained momentum in research on organiza- ambiguous, or conceptually vague. We suggest there are
tions. The number of studies in leading management four closely interrelated “central tensions” that need to
journals that explicitly refer to the ambidexterity con- be addressed to enable further progress in research on
cept increased from less than 10 in 2004 to more than ambidexterity.
80 today. This increasing attention has contributed to The first tension relates to differentiation and inte-
the refinement and extension of the ambidexterity con- gration as alternative or complementary pathways to
cept. First, conceptual work has been complemented by ambidexterity. Differentiation refers to the separation of
large-scale empirical studies that provide evidence of exploitative and explorative activities into distinct orga-
organizational ambidexterity’s generally positive asso- nizational units, whereas integration refers to the mech-
ciation with firm performance (Gibson and Birkinshaw anisms that enable organizations to address exploitative
Raisch et al.: Organizational Ambidexterity
686 Organization Science 20(4), pp. 685–695, © 2009 INFORMS

and explorative activities within the same organizational enabling organizations to deliver effective outcomes.
unit. To date, the two approaches have often been posi- However, ambidexterity researchers have typically
tioned as mutually exclusive solutions; however, schol- focused on one side or the other of this duality. One
ars have pointed to various shortcomings inherent in group of studies has emphasized differentiation, that is,
both. Further progress in this area may depend on a bet- the subdivision of tasks into distinct organizational units
ter understanding of the tensions and complementarities that tend to develop appropriate contexts for exploita-
between the two approaches. tion and exploration. In this approach, the separate orga-
The second tension relates to the question of whether nizational units pursuing exploration are smaller, more
ambidexterity manifests itself at the individual or decentralized, and more flexible than those responsible
organizational level. Ambidexterity research usually for exploitation (Benner and Tushman 2003, Christensen
describes organizational mechanisms to enable ambidex- 1998, Tushman and O’Reilly 1996). This structural dif-
terity, such as formal structures or lateral coordina- ferentiation helps ambidextrous organizations maintain
tion mechanisms. Conversely, some studies indicate that different competencies with which to address inconsis-
ambidexterity is rooted in an individual’s ability to tent demands arising from emerging and mainstream
explore and exploit. Organizational mechanisms may be business opportunities (Gilbert 2005). The other group
required to enable ambidexterity at the individual level, of studies has focused on integration, that is, the behav-
and ambidextrous individuals may be vital to the useful- ioral mechanisms that enable organizations to address
ness of organizational mechanisms. There is, therefore, a exploitation and exploration activities within the same
need for theories that capture ambidexterity across mul- unit. Gibson and Birkinshaw (2004) describe how
tiple levels of analysis. organizations design business unit contexts to enable
employees to pursue both types of activities. Further,
The third tension relates to static versus dynamic
Lubatkin and colleagues (2006) found that the behav-
perspectives on ambidexterity. Although some research
ioral integration of top management teams facilitates the
suggests that sequential attention should be paid to
processing of disparate demands essential to attaining
exploitation and exploration, the majority of organi-
zational ambidexterity research presents a range of
Scholars have pointed to the shortcomings inherent
solutions that enables organizations to simultaneously in focusing too much on one side or the other of this
pursue the two activities. These studies take a static duality. Critics of the differentiation approach, for exam-
view of organizational behavior: Organizations become ple, claim that exploitation and exploration have to
ambidextrous by adopting certain configurations. Given be recombined to create value (Eisenhardt and Martin
the dynamism of markets and organizations, it is impor- 2000, O’Reilly and Tushman 2008, Teece 2007). From
tant to develop theories that combine static elements this perspective, the mere coexistence of exploitative
with more dynamic perceptions of ambidexterity. and explorative activities in differentiated organizational
Finally, the fourth tension relates to internal ver- units represents an important yet insufficient condition
sus external perspectives on ambidexterity. Research on for organizational ambidexterity (Gilbert 2006). Several
organizational ambidexterity has focused on how orga- researchers have pointed to the need for top manage-
nizations address exploitation and exploration internally. ment teams to ensure integration across differentiated
Related research on innovation and knowledge processes units (Tushman and O’Reilly 1996, Smith and Tushman
stresses the importance of the external acquisition of new 2005). Recently, scholars have started to suggest that
knowledge for exploration. Studies on dynamic capabili- ambidextrous organizations should use lower-level inte-
ties describe interrelations between internal and external gration mechanisms to stimulate the lateral knowledge
knowledge processes that play an important role in cor- flow across units (Gilbert 2006, Raisch 2008).
porate renewal. There is a need to explore the interplay Conversely, critics of the integration approach argue
between internal and external processes in the creation that integrative contexts are constrained by individuals
and preservation of organizational ambidexterity. taking on exploitative and explorative tasks (Bushe and
In the remainder of this introductory article, we dis- Shani 1991, Inkpen and Tsang 2005, March 1991). They
cuss the four central tensions in greater detail. Then we therefore rely on the same basic experiences, values, and
provide an overview of the seven articles included in this capabilities to carry out both tasks, which makes explor-
special issue and discuss their contribution to the cen- ing fundamentally different knowledge bases difficult.
tral research tensions described above. We conclude by Adler et al. (1999) suggest complementing integrated
suggesting several avenues for future research. contexts with “tactical” differentiation. They describe
how production workers switch between the two tasks
supported by “parallel” organizational structures, such
Differentiation vs. Integration as quality circles. These structures enable people from
Since Lawrence and Lorsch’s (1967) seminal work, the same unit to move back and forth between a bureau-
researchers have recognized the complementary roles cratic structure for routine tasks and an organic structure
of differentiation and integration as mechanisms for for nonroutine tasks.
Raisch et al.: Organizational Ambidexterity
Organization Science 20(4), pp. 685–695, © 2009 INFORMS 687

The need to combine processes for differentiation and used to enable ambidexterity, whereas most individuals
integration creates a paradox that is difficult to resolve. are seen as focused on either exploration or exploita-
Managing a paradox requires “a creative way that cap- tion activities. Some studies on structural ambidexter-
tures both extremes” rather than a simple either/or trade- ity acknowledge that a few people at the top need to
off (Eisenhardt 2000, p. 703). However, it is still unclear act ambidextrously by integrating exploitative and explo-
how the tensions between differentiation and integration rative activities (e.g., Smith and Tushman 2005). How-
should be managed. Combining structural differentiation ever, the individual dimension of ambidexterity is not
with tactical integration bears the risk of destroying the explored further.
“pragmatic boundaries” that protect exploratory activi- Although studies on contextual ambidexterity describe
ties from being affected by the mainstream units’ inertial cultural rather than structural characteristics, they take a
forces (Carlile 2004, Westerman et al. 2006). Combining similar focus on organizational mechanisms. Gibson and
integration with tactical differentiation requires individ- Birkinshaw (2004), for example, describe business unit
uals to work in different “thought worlds” (Dougherty contexts that enable employees to conduct both explo-
1992, Kostova and Zaheer 1999), which is often beyond ration and exploitation activities. The important differ-
their cognitive limits (Inkpen and Tsang 2005). There- ence is that these studies assume that ambidexterity is
fore, neither solution may allow for maximizing both rooted in an individual’s ability to explore and exploit.
exploitation and exploration. When differentiation is Similarly, Mom et al. (2007) show that some managers
combined with integration, exploitation and exploration simultaneously engage in high levels of exploitation and
need to be conceptualized as two ends of a continuum exploration activities. In these studies, individuals are
(Gupta et al. 2006). Thus the managerial task is to deter- important sources of organizational ambidexterity.
mine the right degree of differentiation and integration. The possibility that individuals can take on both
It is likely that the right balance between differentia- exploitative and explorative tasks creates a number of
tion and integration is dependent on the relative impor- challenges that need to be addressed. Ambidextrous
tance of exploitative and exploration activities (Gulati managers must manage contradictions and conflicting
and Puranam 2009). Because the need for exploitation goals (Smith and Tushman 2005), engage in paradox-
and exploration can vary across initiatives as well as ical thinking (Gibson and Birkinshaw 2004), and ful-
over time, managing the differentiation-integration ten- fill multiple roles (Floyd and Lane 2000). Amabile
sions is likely to be an important dynamic capability for (1996) suggests that individuals who focus on creativ-
creating and sustaining organizational ambidexterity. ity and exploration differ even in personality, from those
The arguments presented above can be summarized who emphasize implementation or exploitation activi-
in three observations that should be explored further. ties. Gupta et al. (2006) conclude that it is challeng-
First, integration and differentiation are complementary, ing for an individual to excel at both exploitation and
not alternative, mechanisms for achieving organizational exploration.
effectiveness. Second, the relative balance between inte- What makes an individual ambidextrous? Mom and
gration and differentiation is likely to vary with the spe- colleagues (2007) found that the more a manager
cific task or activity at hand. Third, and resulting from acquires top-down and bottom-up knowledge flows, or
the above, the tension between integration and differen- top-down and horizontal knowledge flows, the higher the
tiation requires ongoing managerial attention. levels of exploration and exploitation activities this man-
ager may undertake. Several authors state that ambidex-
trous managers have both a short-term and a long-term
Individual vs. Organization orientation (e.g., O’Reilly and Tushman 2004, Probst
Ambidexterity research has usually described organi- and Raisch 2005). Although these studies observe that
zational mechanisms that enable firms to simultane- some managers seem to be able to take on contradic-
ously address exploitation and exploration. In most of tory tasks, they fail to explain why these managers—
these studies, the tensions that ambidexterity creates are as opposed to others—are able to do so. Answering
resolved at the next organizational level down (Raisch this question may require exploring managers’ personal
and Birkinshaw 2008). Consequently, a business unit characteristics. Smith and Tushman (2005), for example,
may become ambidextrous by creating two functions note that the ability to engage in paradoxical thinking
or subdivisions with different foci (e.g., Benner and may be vital for effectively managing exploitation and
Tushman 2003). A manufacturing plant may become exploration. Cohen and Levinthal (1990) argue that indi-
ambidextrous by creating two different teams, one in viduals need prior related knowledge to assimilate and
charge of exploration and another in charge of exploita- use new knowledge. Individuals with a breadth of prior
tion (e.g., Adler et al. 1999), and a single team may knowledge categories, as well as various linkages across
become ambidextrous by allocating different roles to them, may thus be better prepared to take on both tasks.
each individual (e.g., Jansen et al. 2008). In sum, In addition to personal characteristics, organizational
research has suggested that structural mechanisms are factors affect individuals’ ability to act ambidextrously.
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Ghoshal and Bartlett (1997) describe socialization, Birkinshaw 2008). Researchers have presented a range
recognition, and team-building practices to help indi- of organizational solutions that enable organizations
viduals think and act ambidextrously. Gibson and to become ambidextrous (e.g., Gibson and Birkinshaw
Birkinshaw (2004) present contexts that allow managers 2004, Tushman and O’Reilly 1996). These studies take
to divide their time between alignment- and adaptability- a static perspective: organizations become ambidextrous
oriented activities. Lubatkin and colleagues (2006) note by adopting certain configurations.
that behavioral integration—the senior team’s wholeness This conceptualization comes close to traditional con-
and unity of effort—can help process disparate demands. tingency theory and the idea of moving systems toward
Jansen and colleagues (2008) cite formal senior team an ideal system state (Ginsberg and Venkatraman 1985,
contingency rewards and informal senior team social Miller and Friesen 1984). However, modern contingency
integration as important mechanisms to enable senior theory shows that alignment is a dynamic process rather
teams to host contradictory forces. All these studies pro- than a question of static configurations (Ketchen et al.
vide a strong indication that organizational factors have 1993, Zajac et al. 2000). Organizations have to con-
to be considered alongside personal characteristics when tinuously reconfigure their activities to meet changing
explaining individuals’ ambidexterity. demands in their internal and external environments
Further, personal and organizational factors may (Siggelkow 2002, Webb and Pettigrew 1999). It thus
be closely interrelated. For example, organizational appears unlikely that organizational configurations (not
contexts that provide managers with decision-making even ambidextrous ones) could provide the exhaustive
authority are likely to stimulate richer sense-making and steady-state functionality required to deal with the entire
cognitive processes at the personal level. Conversely, range of boundary conditions that an organization faces
individuals’ ability to act ambidextrously will have a over time (Raisch 2008).
cumulative effect on the organization’s ambidexterity. O’Reilly and Tushman (2008) argue that ambidexter-
However, organizational ambidexterity is different from ity can only become a dynamic capability if management
the sum of its members’ personal ambidexterity. As repeatedly and intentionally orchestrates firm resources.
described by Tushman and O’Reilly (1996), a relatively Dynamic capabilities comprise and integrate both static
small number of ambidextrous managers may be able and dynamic components—the interaction of exploita-
to integrate exploitative and explorative outcomes gener- tion and exploration is expected to become a full-blown
ated in different parts of the firm by individuals focused dynamic capability over time (Schreyögg and Kliesch-
on either exploitation or exploration. Ambidexterity is Eberl 2007). Managing organizations for the simultane-
thus likely to be a function of closely interrelated indi- ous pursuit of exploitation and exploration may thus be a
vidual and organizational effects—but in most cases task of dynamic rather than static alignment (Siggelkow
more than the sum of the individual activities. and Levinthal 2003, Westerman et al. 2006).
The following observations summarize our arguments. In terms of structural ambidexterity, it remains unclear
First, we argue that managers can exhibit (to differ- how structurally differentiated units evolve over time.
ent degrees) personal ambidexterity by engaging in Based on a simulation study, Siggelkow and Levinthal
both exploitation and exploration activities. Second, the (2003) recommend temporary decentralization, in which
extent to which managers are ambidextrous varies within firms use differentiated units for exploration and then
and across contexts. The variance stems from both reintegrate them. Similarly, Westerman and colleagues
personal characteristics and the organizational contexts (2006) describe how some differentiated units were
faced by the manager. Third, organizational ambidex- transitioned to more integrated designs at later stages
terity is influenced by, but by no means limited to, its of the innovation life cycle. Conversely, other schol-
members’ cumulative personal ambidexterity. ars describe structurally differentiated units that remain
highly autonomous over time. Raisch (2008), for exam-
ple, notes that the premium coffee maker Nespresso
Static vs. Dynamic remained a fully autonomous unit within the food indus-
Several scholars have suggested that firms should tem- try leader Nestlé Group for more than two decades. A
porarily cycle through periods of exploitation and explo- case study of Xerox’s autonomous Palo Alto Research
ration (e.g., Brown and Eisenhardt 1998, Nickerson and Center (PARC) unit shows that although the unit
Zenger 2002, Siggelkow and Levinthal 2003). From remained separate for decades, the degree of cross-
this perspective, “sequential ambidexterity” is expected unit integration increased over time (George and Regani
to arise from the dynamic, temporal sequencing of 2005).
routines for exploitation and exploration (Venkatraman In addition to changes in the relationship between
et al. 2007, Puranam et al. 2006). Conversely, the mainstream organization and differentiated units, there
majority of organizational ambidexterity research defines may also be changes in the differentiated units them-
ambidexterity as the simultaneous pursuit of exploita- selves. Over time, the differentiated units’ competitive
tion and exploration (Gupta et al. 2006, Raisch and context often evolves from the quasimonopoly position
Raisch et al.: Organizational Ambidexterity
Organization Science 20(4), pp. 685–695, © 2009 INFORMS 689

of a first mover to an increasingly populated and com- on organizational ambidexterity has focused on how
petitive space. During this process, successful units sig- organizations address exploitation and exploration inter-
nificantly increase their scale and scope. Obviously, the nally. Benner and Tushman (2003), for example, con-
altered boundary conditions force the unit to invest more clude that the externalization of exploitation or explo-
time in exploitation activities to ensure efficient opera- ration processes may be harmed by the difficulties in
tions. It can thus be speculated that structurally differen- realizing strategic integration across independent firms.
tiated units move from a primary orientation on explo- On the other hand, research on exploration stresses
ration toward a more ambidextrous (or even exploitative) the importance of the external acquisition of new knowl-
orientation over time. How these changes occur over edge. Eisenhardt and Martin (2000) describe the risk
time remains to be explored. of obsolescence when firms source all their knowledge
Contextual ambidexterity also has a dynamic com- internally. Rosenkopf and Nerkar (2001) found empirical
ponent that has rarely been addressed. In such con- evidence that exploration beyond organizational bound-
texts, individuals make their own judgments on how to aries had more impact than exploration within orga-
best divide their time between the conflicting demands nizations. Puranam and Srikanth (2007) describe the
for alignment and adaptability (Gibson and Birkinshaw organizational challenges faced by acquirers seeking to
2004). Adler and colleagues (1999) suggest that individ- renew their knowledge bases through the acquisition of
uals’ attention to both demands may be either simultane- innovative firms. The discrete nature of structural inte-
ous or sequential. If the former, employees performing gration in acquisitions appears to force a choice between
routine tasks can, for example, simultaneously engage in leveraging existing knowledge or the capacity for ongo-
the nonroutine task of identifying improvement oppor- ing innovation by the target firm.
tunities. If the latter, employees switch between the Studies show that externally acquired knowledge may
two types of tasks rather than attempting to address contribute to the reconfiguration of existing knowledge
them both simultaneously. The “switching” between bases. Kogut and Zander (1992, p. 384) describe “com-
tasks may allow greater focus and reduce the risk binative capabilities” as the firm’s ability “to synthesize
of confusion. Despite human brains being literally and apply current and acquired knowledge.” Similarly,
ambidextrous—handling simultaneously controlled and Henderson and Cockburn (1994, p. 66) define “architec-
automated processes (Wegner and Bargh 1998)—it nev- tural competence” as “the ability to access new knowl-
ertheless appears that sequential ambidexterity is eas- edge from outside the boundaries of the organization
ier to achieve at the individual level than simultaneous and the ability to integrate knowledge flexibly across
ambidexterity. However, the cycles with exploitative and boundaries within the organization.” Ambidexterity is
explorative activities are probably shorter (perhaps even thus likely to require both internal and external knowl-
minutes or hours in length) and more tightly coupled edge processes as well as their integration across orga-
than those observed at the corporate level and described nizational boundaries.
in previous theories on “cycling” (e.g., Nickerson and Researchers have found that interorganizational activ-
Zenger 2002, Puranam et al. 2006, Gulati and Puranam ities, such as customer relationships (Im and Rai 2008),
2009, Siggelkow and Levinthal 2003). corporate venturing (Hill and Birkinshaw 2008), and
The adoption of time as an important research lens strategic alliances (Lin et al. 2007, Rothaermel and
(Ancona et al. 2001) allows for a deeper exploration Deeds 2004), can enable both exploitative and explo-
of the dynamic processes underlying the emergence rative knowledge processes. To access external knowl-
of organizational ambidexterity. The specific arguments edge, these studies suggest that organizations need to
made above can be summarized in the form of the fol- establish relational contexts characterized by a broad set
lowing observations. First, managing for ambidexterity of resources from other actors and the normative and
is a task of dynamic rather than static alignment. Second, social cues these actors provide (Adler and Kwon 2002,
different solutions, including structural and contextual Nahapiet and Ghoshal 1998). Managers take on broker-
ones, may be required over time to sustain ambidexterity. ing roles (Hargadon 2002, Hargadon and Sutton 1997)
Third, ambidexterity may arise from both simultaneous to span organizational boundaries and to pull resources
and sequential attention to exploitation and exploration. together. At the same time, however, externally acquired
knowledge has to be absorbed and integrated to real-
ize its potential (Cohen and Levinthal 1990, Kogut and
Internal vs. External Zander 1992).
One suggestion for resolving the paradoxical require- Scholars from different research fields acknowledge
ments of exploitation and exploration has been to ex- the tensions between acquiring and integrating external
ternalize one or another set of activities through out- knowledge. Research on absorptive capacity, for exam-
sourcing or by establishing alliances (Baden-Fuller and ple, argues that although internal knowledge process-
Volberda 1997, Holmqvist 2004, Lavie and Rosenkopf ing and external knowledge acquisition are both nec-
2006, Rothaermel and Deeds 2004). Conversely, research essary, excessive dominance by one or the other will
Raisch et al.: Organizational Ambidexterity
690 Organization Science 20(4), pp. 685–695, © 2009 INFORMS

be dysfunctional (Cohen and Levinthal 1990, Zahra drivers. Contributing to the differentiation-integration
and George 2002). Research on organizational bound- tension, the findings reveal that firms use a mix of inte-
aries found that activities focused on the creation gration and differentiation tactics to manage exploitation-
and reinforcement of boundaries need to be combined exploration paradoxes. Blending both tactics is found to
with boundary-spanning activities (Ancona and Caldwell be vital for stimulating the virtuous cycles of ambidex-
1992, Miller et al. 2007). Ambidexterity may thus imply terity. Addressing the individual-organizational tension,
the managerial challenge of not only balancing exploita- the study shows that the paradoxes of innovation occur at
tion and exploration but also of integrating external and different organizational levels. The strategic intent para-
internal knowledge. dox operates at the firm level, whereas the customer ori-
Not much is known about how ambidextrous orga- entation paradox affects efforts within projects, and the
nizations take on these challenges. A starting point for personal drivers paradox impacts individual knowledge
future investigations may be research on social networks. workers. They conclude that firms need to manage inno-
Social network theory has shed light on how network vation paradoxes at multiple levels and the interactions
characteristics affect knowledge transfer and integration across levels reinforce ambidextrous practices.
(Hansen 1999, Obstfeld 2005). This work has recently Taylor and Helfat’s (2009) article “Organizational
been extended to include the notion of ambidexterity Linkages for Surviving Technological Change: Com-
(e.g., Atuahene-Gima and Murray 2007, Lin et al. 2007). plementary Assets, Middle Management, and Ambidex-
Tiwana (2008), for example, found that in the context of terity” states that technological innovations sometimes
alliances, strong ties are required to integrate knowledge, require industry incumbents to shift to a completely
whereas bridging ties are needed to access diverse, novel new core technology. The authors develop a conceptual
knowledge. Further, Tiwana (2008) proposes that strong framework in which the ability to build and leverage
ties complement bridging ties in enhancing ambidexter- organizational linkages between the new technology and
ity. Tempelaar et al. (2008) found that external social its existing complementary assets is essential for a suc-
relationships enhance knowledge acquisition, whereas cessful technological transition. In this framework, orga-
internal social relationships facilitate knowledge diffu- nization linking mechanisms promote ambidexterity by
sion. They conclude that ambidexterity requires com- enabling firms to transition to a new technology while
plementary internal and external social relationships. utilizing valuable preexisting capabilities. An impor-
Ambidexterity may thus arise from complex social net- tant contribution to the differentiation-integration tension
works that balance various tensions. is the authors’ recognition of organizational linkages
We can summarize the above arguments in the follow- between new capabilities and the potentially valuable
ing observations. First, ambidexterity may depend on the preexisting complementary capabilities. Ambidextrous
firm’s ability to integrate internal and external knowl- management requires firms to explore new knowledge,
edge bases. Second, the ability to integrate external exploit existing knowledge, and coordinate these knowl-
knowledge relies on a combination of external broker- edge bases. Further, the article adds to the individual-
age and internal absorptive capacity. Third, ambidexter- organizational tension by describing the important role
ity may be supported by social networks that contrast played by middle managers in implementing organi-
internal and external as well as strong and bridging ties. zational linkages. Top management can use economic,
structural, social, and cognitive influences to enable mid-
The Work in This Special Issue dle managers to carry out these linking activities. Finally,
In this section, we summarize the articles contributed the study contributes to the static-dynamic tension by
to this special issue and relate them to the four ten- showing that ambidexterity emerges from continuous
sions presented above. Overall, we received 61 submis- alignment activities throughout the multiple phases of
sions. We invited authors of 16 manuscripts to revise and technological change.
resubmit, and we ultimately accepted seven manuscripts Groysberg and Lee’s (2009) article “Hiring Stars and
for publication. The articles provide a variety of research Their Colleagues: Exploration and Exploitation in Pro-
approaches: they span various levels of analysis, use dif- fessional Service Firms” examines the performance of
ferent research contexts, and deploy alternative methods star security analysts who join new firms in exploration
(see Table 1). roles versus exploitation roles. They find that stars hired
Andriopoulos and Lewis’s (2009) article “Exploita- for exploration roles experience an immediate decline
tion-Exploration Tensions and Organizational Ambidex- in performance that persists for at least five years. This
terity: Managing Paradoxes of Innovation” presents a decline is most pronounced among star analysts who
comprehensive model of the exploitation-exploration ten- move by themselves rather than with a group of col-
sions and their management. Based on a multiple case leagues from the originating firm. Star analysts who join
study of ambidextrous firms in the product design indus- new firms in exploitation roles also exhibit a drop in
try, the authors present three nested paradoxes of innova- performance, but only for a year. These findings sug-
tion: strategic intent, customer orientation, and personal gest that even at the individual level, the probabilities
Table 1 Summarization of Special Issue Articles

Differentiation Individual vs. Static vs. Internal vs.

Article Level of analysis Method Context/Sample vs. integration organization dynamic external Core contribution
Raisch et al.: Organizational Ambidexterity

Andriopoulos Individual/ Comparative case Five product design X X Examination of the integration and
and Lewis organization study industry leaders differentiation tactics to address three
Organization Science 20(4), pp. 685–695, © 2009 INFORMS

nested paradoxes of innovation

Taylor and Individual/ Dual case study Technological X X X Conceptualization of organizational
Helfat organization transitions at IBM linkages between the new technology
and NCR and existing assets during transitions
Groysberg Individual Archival/hypothesis Sample of 1,053 X X X Examination of the role of individuals in
and Lee testing analysts in 78 exploitation and exploration activities in
investment banks professional service firms
Rothaermel and Organization Survey and Multi-industry sample X Conceptualization of ambidexterity as the
Alexandre archival/ of 141 U.S. pursuit of exploitation and exploration by
hypothesis manufacturing firms combining internal and external
testing knowledge
Cao et al. Organization Survey/hypothesis Sample of 122 SME in X Unpacking the organizational
testing three Chinese ambidexterity construct into the balance
high-tech parks and the combined dimension
Jansen et al. Organization Survey/hypothesis Multi-industry sample X X Conceptualization of ambidexterity as
testing of 230 private firms dynamic capability that creates
integrative value across differentiated
Mom et al. Individual Survey/hypothesis Sample of 716 X Conceptualization of ambidexterity at the
testing managers in five managerial level and of the
large firms organizational mechanisms affecting it
Raisch et al.: Organizational Ambidexterity
692 Organization Science 20(4), pp. 685–695, © 2009 INFORMS

of success in exploration activities are lower than in by close interrelations between existing and new knowl-
exploitation activities, thereby reinforcing the tendency edge. A synergistic effect can be achieved by allowing
toward exploitation. The article adds to the individual- existing resources to be more fully employed to acquire
organizational tension by showing that individual, group, new capabilities and also by permitting new knowledge
and organizational factors affect ambidexterity. Further, to be more fully integrated into the existing pool of
the study addresses the static-dynamic tension by distin- resources. Thus differentiation approaches need to be
guishing between the short-term and long-term effects combined with integrative efforts to reach ambidexter-
of exploitation and exploration. Finally, regarding the ity’s full potential.
internal-external tension, the study provides valuable The Jansen et al. (2009) article “Structural Differenti-
insights into the challenges related to the integration of ation and Ambidexterity: The Mediating Role of Integra-
externally acquired capabilities and the importance of tion Mechanisms” claims that structural differentiation
these processes for ambidexterity. can help ambidextrous organizations maintain multiple
Rothaermel and Alexandre’s (2009) article “Ambidex- inconsistent and conflicting demands; however, these dif-
terity in Technology Sourcing: The Moderating Role of ferentiated activities need to be mobilized, coordinated,
Absorptive Capacity” maintains that a firm’s organiza- integrated, and applied. In this sense, the authors delin-
tional and technological boundaries are two important eate formal and informal senior team integration mech-
demarcation lines when sourcing technology. Apply- anisms, and formal and informal organizational inte-
ing an ambidexterity perspective to a firm’s technol- gration mechanisms, and examine how they mediate
ogy sourcing strategy, the authors hypothesize that there the relationship between structural differentiation and
is a curvilinear relationship between a firm’s technol- ambidexterity. Addressing the differentiation-integration
ogy sourcing mix and its performance. Further, they tension, the findings suggest that structural differentia-
introduce a contingency element by proposing that a tion’s previously asserted direct effect on ambidexter-
firm’s absorptive capacity exerts a positive moderating ity operates through informal senior team and formal
effect on this relationship. They empirically test these organizational integration mechanisms. Integration thus
hypotheses on a random, multi-industry sample of U.S.
occurs not only at the top management level but also
manufacturing companies. Contributing to the internal-
through formal and lateral cross-unit interfaces. Adding
external tension, the findings show that ambidexterity in
to the individual-organizational tension, the findings sug-
a firm’s technology sourcing strategy not only requires
gest that integration—which depends on the hierarchical
the firm to address the trade-offs that arise from simul-
level—occurs through either personal or formal organi-
taneously pursuing exploration and exploitation but also
zational mechanisms. At the corporate level, ambidex-
the trade-offs that arise from combining internal and
trous organizations encourage senior team members to
external technology sourcing. An overly strong reliance
on either internal or external sourcing is related to neg- socially and informally integrate. At lower hierarchical
ative performance implications. To harness the benefits levels, ambidexterity is achieved through more formal
of ambidexterity, managers have to actively manage the cross-functional interfaces.
spillovers from internal and external technology sourc- The Mom et al. (2009) article “Understanding Vari-
ing. The ability to do so depends on the organization’s ation in Managers’ Ambidexterity: Investigating Direct
absorptive capacity. and Interaction Effects of Formal Structural and Per-
The Cao et al. (2009) article “Unpacking Organiza- sonal Coordination Mechanisms” states that the concep-
tional Ambidexterity: Dimensions, Contingencies, and tual and empirical understanding of ambidexterity at the
Synergistic Effects” observes that there is still signifi- individual level of analysis is very limited. The authors
cant ambiguity regarding the conceptualization of orga- address this gap by investigating managers’ ambidexter-
nizational ambidexterity. The authors unpack the one- ity. Findings regarding the formal structural mechanisms
dimensional ambidexterity construct into its “balance indicate that a manager’s decision-making authority
dimension” and its “combined dimension.” The balance is positively related to ambidexterity. Regarding the
dimension corresponds to a firm’s orientation toward personal coordination mechanisms, the findings indicate
a relative balance between exploratory and exploitative that both a manager’s participation in cross-functional
activities, and the combined dimension corresponds to interfaces and his or her connectedness to other orga-
their combined magnitude. The authors find that over nization members are positively related to ambidexter-
and above the independent effects of each, concurrent ity. Adding to the individual-organizational tension, the
high levels of both dimensions yield synergistic benefits. findings confirm that managers can act ambidextrously.
They also find that the balance dimension is more benefi- Further, organizational mechanisms were found to posi-
cial to resource-constrained firms, whereas the combined tively affect managerial ambidexterity.
dimension is more beneficial to firms with greater access These seven articles contribute to the four fundamen-
to resources. Addressing the differentiation-integration tal tensions explored above. Collectively, these studies
tension, the findings show that ambidexterity is fostered reinforce our four main arguments: (1) Ambidexterity
Raisch et al.: Organizational Ambidexterity
Organization Science 20(4), pp. 685–695, © 2009 INFORMS 693

requires active management of the tensions between dif- scarce. The works in this special issue indicate that dif-
ferentiation and integration; (2) ambidexterity results ferences in size and resource endowment (Cao et al.
from and manifests itself at both individual and orga- 2009), industry contexts (Andriopoulos and Lewis 2009,
nizational levels; (3) ambidexterity is the outcome of Groysberg and Lee 2009), and environmental dynamism
a dynamic process that involves both the simultaneous (Cao et al. 2009, Mom et al. 2009, Rothaermel and
and subsequent attention to exploitation and exploration; Alexandre 2009) matter when relating ambidexterity to
and (4) ambidexterity depends on the ability to integrate performance. Future studies should develop more fine-
internal and external knowledge bases for synergistic grained accounts that consider the mediators and mod-
benefits. erators that may affect the ambidexterity-performance
relationship. It could also be beneficial to explore
ambidexterity’s effect on alternative measures of perfor-
Avenues for Future Research mance. Ambidexterity is likely to be positively related to
Based on our discussion of four central tensions inherent more fundamental measures of success, including firm
in organizational ambidexterity research and the review survival, resistance to organizational crises and decline,
of the seven articles that make up this special issue, the creation of employment, employee satisfaction and
there are several potentially fruitful avenues for future motivation, and corporate reputation.
First, studies that take a longitudinal perspective of
organizational ambidexterity are scarce. Although all Conclusion
seven articles in this special issue stress the need for We started this introduction to the special issue by men-
more dynamic perspectives of the topics under inves- tioning the importance of organizational ambidexterity
tigation, only two studies (Andriopoulos and Lewis for long-term firm performance. We explored four funda-
2009, Groysberg and Lee 2009) have a dynamic com- mental tensions related to organizational ambidexterity,
ponent. We hope that these studies motivate researchers including differentiation versus integration, individual
to address questions on the dynamic processes under- versus organizational, static versus dynamic, and internal
lying organizational ambidexterity. A longitudinal per- versus external. The seven articles in this special issue
spective brings about interesting questions related to all contribute to our knowledge on these tensions and open
four research tensions discussed above. For example, up promising avenues for future research. Such research
how does the relative importance of differentiation and is vital as firms across industries and geographical set-
integration evolve over time? What are the differences tings struggle with the challenges related to sustainable
between situations in which managers address exploita- value creation. Research on organizational ambidexterity
tion and exploration simultaneously and those situations shows that some individuals, groups, and organizations
in which they alternate between the two tasks? Are alter- are successful in the long run, and this research pro-
native solutions used to enable ambidexterity at different vides important insights into the strategies, structures,
stages of development? Does the external search for new and processes that allow them to balance and harmonize
knowledge dominate in early stages while internal pro- seemingly contradictory requirements.
cesses take the lead in later stages of development?
Second, studies spanning multiple levels of analy- Acknowledgments
sis are also scarce. Several studies in this special issue The editors would like to acknowledge all of the authors and
provide the first evidence that ambidexterity results reviewers who have contributed to this special issue. They are
from interactions across multiple levels (Andriopou- deeply grateful to Linda Argote and Jennifer Kukawa for their
los and Lewis 2009, Groysberg and Lee 2009, Jansen support and their outstanding commitment to this special issue.
et al. 2009, Mom et al. 2009, Taylor and Helfat 2009).
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