4-1 Software

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Computer Science

4.1 Software
Software can be classified as System software and application software

System software
System software includes
Operating systems
Utility programs
Device drivers
Operating System
Operating system is a set of programs that controls and coordinates hardware and software resources of
a computer. After starting up a computer Operating System is the software that takes control over a

Starting up a computer

When you first power up a PC, the machine goes through several internal processes before it's ready for
you to use. This is called the boot process. Boot is short for bootstrap. The boot process is controlled by
the PC's basic input-output system (BIOS).

The summary of the boot process in a PC

1. The power button activates the power supply in the PC, sending power to the motherboard and other
2. The computer performs a power-on self-test (POST). The POST is a small computer program within the
BIOS that checks for hardware failures.
3. The computer displays details about the boot process.
4. The BIOS attempts to access the first sector of the drive designated as the boot disk. The boot disk is
typically the same hard disk or solid-state drive that contains your operating system.
5. The BIOS searches the bootstrap loader, or boot loader, in that first sector of the boot disk, and it loads
that boot loader into memory (RAM). The boot loader is a small program designed to find and launch the
PC's operating system.
6. Once the boot loader is in memory, the BIOS hands over its work to the boot loader, which in turn begins
loading the operating system into memory.
7. When the boot loader finishes its task, it turns control of the PC over to the operating system. Then, the
OS is ready for user interaction.

Prepared by Sarah kothalawala 1

General functions of operating systems
 Memory management – Controls and coordinates the use of registers, Cache memory, RAM virtual
memory, and Hard disk. Allocates memory space for data and instructions

 Security management – Provides firewall security, check user names and passwords at log on, assign
access rights or privileges to users e.t.c

 File management – Allocating space for files, Copying files, naming files, moving files, deleting files,
displaying directory and file list, sorting, searching e.t.c.

 Interrupt handling - Interrupts are special signals sent by hardware or software to the CPU to get a certain
service from the CPU. Interrupts can be generated by User, Some Error Conditions and also by Software
and hardware. Interrupt handler attends to the interrupt and returns to what it was doing

Examples of interrupts

A key press of the keyboard by user

A program error

 Error handling – Operating system detects errors in hardware and software. It corrects certain errors on
its own. OS gets user interaction to correct the other types of errors by displaying error messages

 Process management – deals with program execution( allocate CPU time, running multiple programs,
assigning priorities e.t.c)

 Input output control – Controls and coordinates input output communication. Transfer of data into or out
of the computer using mouse, keyboard, disk drives e.t.c are controlled by the operating system using
device drivers.

 User account control-Assigning user name, account type, user’s image, theme e.t..c , maintaining roaming
profiles on a network

 Provide a user interface for the users to interact with the hardware and software – Provides a screen
through which the user can communicate with the computer

How interrupts are handled

The interrupt handler of the operating system attends to the interrupt
 When an interrupt signals is received the processor stops the current process
 It saves the contents
 After servicing the interrupt it starts the work it was doing earlier

Prepared by Sarah kothalawala 2

The interrupt handler consider the priority order of the interrupts and saves them in a queue if more
than one is received.

In general, there are hardware interrupts and software interrupts.

Hardware interrupt
Hardware interrupts are issued by hardware devices like disk, network cards, keyboards, clocks etc. Each
device or set of devices will have its own Interrupt Request line.
Software interrupts
A software interrupt occurs when an application program terminates or requests certain services from
the operating system.

 Buffers
Computers often have different devices in it that work at different speeds. For example the RAM is much faster
when compared to the Hard Disk. Further the CPU of a computer is only capable of handling a specific amount of
data in a given time.

These and many other reasons make it a need for operating systems to have Buffers or Temporary memory
locations it can use.
Examples for the use of buffer
1. When data is sent from the computer to the printer print jobs are stored in a buffer area. Therefore
the computer can do the other work while data is transferred from the buffer to the printer
2. Buffers are used when streaming videos. Video data arriving from the communication line is stored
in a buffer area and it is sent to the player. If enough information has not been arrived it shows
buffering of the video.

Operating System Tools


The OS uses applications called utilities which allow the user to manage the computer. There are many
different utility programs and they may vary across operating systems. They are often accessed via a
special menu or control panel in the OS.

Prepared by Sarah kothalawala 3

Examples for utility programs
 Backup - This allows the user to restore the system to a previous state which is saved as a backup. This is only
usually used if a system malfunctions.
 Disk cleaner - The utility first searches and analyzes the hard drive for files that are no longer of any use, and then
removes the unnecessary files.
 Disk defragmentation - Defragmentation involves rearranging the information on a disk so that files appear in
continuous sequences of clusters. This will improve file access times. Most modern operating systems run this
process automatically.
 Formatting – Formatting is the process of preparing a data storage device such as a hard disk drive, solid-state
drive or USB flash drive for initial use. Storage drives need to be formatted to be compatible with an OS or the file
system used.
 File compression- File compression is the process of making computer files take up less space on the computer by
reducing the size of the file. When a file is compressed, it uses less storage space so it can save space in memory or
on disk drives and since it's smaller.
 System monitors - monitor resources and performance in a computer system.
 Encryption software - can encrypt data when it is stored, or whenever it is transmitted over a network.
 Anti-virus software – detects, avoids and cleans viruses.
 Firewall software - can be used to filter between trusted and untrusted data or sources

Interfaces of Operating systems

Interface provides a way of communicating with a device. It can be through text, mouse clicks, voice
gestures e.t.c

Command Line Interface/ Command Driven Interface (CLI/CDI)

 User has to type complex commands to interact through

the interface
 It is not colourful
 It is not user friendly
 Features cannot be customized by the user
 Fast to operate if the user is familiar with commands
 The operating system with CDI needs little storage
space only

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

GUI uses WIMP (Windows, Menus, Icons and Pointers)
Windows are regions of the screen used to display information
Icons are small pictures that are used to represent folders, software, etc.
Prepared by Sarah kothalawala 4
Menus are lists of options the user can select from
Pointer is an arrow that can be moved around the screen and is used to select things
Features of GUI

 Contents are window based

 Command are reduced to icons and buttons
 Can be operated with mouse
 Not necessary to type complex commands
 Colourful and user friendly interface
 Keyboard short cuts can be used to operate
 Drop down lists are available
 User can customize certain features of the interface

New Interfaces

 Touch sensitive interface with GUI

Touch sensitive interface can be found on mobile phones and tablets. ATM terminals and other
public access terminals also have touch sensitive interface. It is easy to use by users who do not
have ICT knowledge. But only limited number of options can be offered.

 Voice Interface
A voice user interface works by allowing users to interact with a computer or other electronic device
using their voice. Voice user interfaces typically use speech recognition software to convert spoken
words into text. This text is then used to control the device or issue the command. The primary
advantage of a VUI is that it allows for a hands-free, eyes-free way in which users can interact with a
device while focusing their attention elsewhere

 Gesture interface
Gesture-based interfaces let users to control devices with, for example, hand or finger motions .
Touchless gesture interfaces completely eliminate physical contact with a device directly. These
interfaces utilize gesture-recognition algorithms to identify body movements. The systems then
determine which command a particular gesture represents and take the appropriate action. For
example, moving a hand sideways might mean that a user wants to turn a page on an e-reader screen.

Prepared by Sarah kothalawala 5

Application software
Application software is computer programs that perform specific personal, educational, and business function
needed by users

1. Word processors
2. Spreadsheet applications
3. Database software
4. Photo editing software
5. Monitoring programs
6. Controlling software
7. Audio Editing software
8. Video editing software
9. Communication software
10. Graphics manipulation software

Functions of application software

1. Word processors
2. Spreadsheet applications
Refer text book for the
3. Database software
functions of software
4. Photo editing software

5. Monitoring software
Data logging is collecting information using special purpose input devices like sensors and recording data for later
analysis. Data logging packages are used to

Examples for monitoring applications

Weather data logging systems
Recording data from experiments
Patient monitoring systems in hospitals

Advantages of monitoring
• Accurate measurements are taken
• High frequency of collecting data
• Recorded data can be presented in charts reports e.t.c
• The system can work continuously for a long period of time
• Data can be recorded by a distant computer

• Computers and electronic devices consume power
• Devices needed for the system are expensive

Prepared by Sarah kothalawala 6

6. Controlling software
Controlling software is used to control an automatic process using sensors computers and controllers. Controlling
software is installed on the computer to control a system

Advantages of controlling software

• Controlling actions can be taken immediately
• Inputs from sensors are more accurate
• The system can work continuously for a long period of time
• The system can be controlled by a distant computer

Disadvantages of process controlling

• Computers and other devices are expensive
• System consumes power
• Need backup computers and power sources

7. Audio Editing Software

Sound Editing software can be used for following types of tasks
 Record sound from microphone, line input, USB devices and others
 Import sound files
 Mix sound tracks
 Cut, copy, paste, delete, insert, silence, auto-trim sound
 Add audio effects include amplify, normalize, equalizer, envelope, reverb, echo, reverse and many
 Restore audio files by removing noise, hissing or hums
 Saves audio files in different formats like mp3, wav, wma e.t.c

8. Video Editing Software

Video editing software can be used for following types of tasks
 To add pictures and titles to videos
 For audio mixing
 For clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and cutting
 To add video transitions
 To add video effects
 For speed changes on clips (slow motion etc)
 To add digital video effects , including brightness, gamma, hue, greyscale e.t.c

9. Communication software
Communication software is used to exchange files and messages in text, audio and/or video formats
between different computers or devices. Web browsers, email client programs, video calling/ conferencing
software can be considered as communication software.

Prepared by Sarah kothalawala 7

10. Graphics manipulation software
Graphics software creates, edits, and manages two-dimensional images. These computer graphics may be
clip art, web graphics, logos, backgrounds, digital photos e.t.c
Examples : Corel Draw, Illustrator, Light room

General functions of graphics manipulation software

 create and edit logos, and other graphical elements.
 create website layouts and design elements.
 create illustrations, visual presentations, and digital art.
 edit and enhance photos, images, and animation.
 create and edit website designs, presentation slides, and marketing materials
 save images in a variety of formats.

Prepared by Sarah kothalawala 8

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