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Proceedings of the 19th World Congress

The International Federation of Automatic Control

Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

Further results on the linearization problem

in discrete time: the uncontrollable case.
Claudia Califano ∗

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica Automatica e Gestionale
Antonio Ruberti Università di Roma La Sapienza, Via Ariosto
25,00185 Italy (e-mail:

Abstract: The paper deals with the linearization problem of non controllable discrete time
submersive systems. Following the approach recently introduced in the literature for continuous
time systems in Menini et al. (2012), necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the
equivalence of a discrete time (not necessarily controllable) single input system to a linear one.

Keywords: Linear equivalence, differential geometry, exponential representation

1. INTRODUCTION with respect to the linear equivalence problem. Some

concluding remarks end the paper.

1.1 Recalls on discrete–time systems

The present paper is motivated by recent results given
in Menini et al. (2012) and concerning the equivalence/ In the following we will consider single input nonlinear
feedback equivalence to linear systems of continuous time discrete-time dynamics of the form
affine systems, relaxing the assumption of controllability.
Starting from the early works of Krener (1973), Brockett xk+1 = F (xk , uk) (1)
(1978), Jakubczyk et al. (1980), Hunt et al. (1983), where the state x ∈ Rn , while the input u ∈ R;
Krener et al. (1983), Respondek (1985), under the con- (xk,0, uk,0) = (0, 0) is an equilibrium pair for (1), the
trollability assumption, the equivalence to linear systems function F : Rn × R → Rn is analytic in its arguments.
under change of coordinates (with or without feedback) Without loss of generality it will be assumed throughout
has been widely studied in the literature, both in continu- the paper that the system is submersive, that is
ous time and discrete time, as shown by the great literature  
∂F (x, u) ∂F (x, u)
on this topic (see between the others Aranda-Bricaire et A) rank , |(xk,0,uk,0 ) = n.
∂x ∂u
al. (1996), Califano et al. (1999), Califano et al. (2010),
Califano et al. (2011), Grizzle (1993), Jakubczyk (1987), It should be noted that such an assumption, common
Lee et al. (1987), Marino (1986), Monaco et al. (1987), in the discrete–time context, ensures the existence of a
Respondek et al (2008), Respondek et al. (2008a)). regular static state feedback u = γ(x, v), such that the
modified drift F̃ (x, γ(x, 0)) is characterized by a full rank
The approach proposed in Menini et al. (2012), which Jacobian, locally around the origin, which guarantees the
relaxes the controllability assumption, is here extended to invertibility of the drift for the modified system.
the discrete time context and it is shown that with respect
to the continuous time case some additional conditions In the following Lf τ := ∂x f, and adτ1 τ2 := [τ1, τ2] =
are needed due to the weaker structure considered. The Lτ1 τ2 − Lτ2 τ1 will denote the Lie derivative of τ along f
results are stated in the geometric framework introduced and the Lie bracket of τ1 and τ2 respectively.
in Monaco et al. (1997) to deal with discrete time systems. Let us now recall that in Monaco et al. (1997) it was
It is also shown how to recover the standard conditions as shown that the existence of an analytic function G0 (., u)
given in (Califano et al. (1999)) when the controllability satisfying the partial differential equations
assumption holds true. This approach shows once more
how the geometric framework proposed in Monaco et al. ∂(F (x, u))
G0(F (x, u), u) = , (2)
(1997), Monaco et al. (2007) is a valid tool for the analysis ∂u
of the structural properties of discrete time systems. ensures the existence of the exponential representation for
the drift F (x, u) = x+ (u), given by
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 some
recalls on discrete time systems and their exponential x+ (u) = euG(x,u)(Id)|x+ (0)
representation are given. In Section 2 the conditions under (3)
which a given dynamics is equivalent under change of x+ (0) = F0(x).
coordinates to a linear one are given. Section 3 concerns Consider the development of G0 (x, u) with respect to u:
instead with the linear feedback equivalence problem. X us
Again necessary and sufficient conditions are given. As an G0(x, u) := G01(x) + G0 (x).
example in Section 4 sampled data systems are considered, s! s+1

978-3-902823-62-5/2014 © IFAC 5580

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

uG(x, u) in (3) admits the series development (for more ∂z + (u)

details see Monaco et al. (2004), Monaco et al. (2007)) = G̃0(z + (u), u)
X up
uG(x, u) = Bp , (4) z + (0) = F̃0(z).
p! Then denoting by φ−1(z) the inverse of φ(x),
where the coefficients Bp are homogeneous Lie polynomials ∂φ(x) 0
of degree p in the Gj ’s. For the first terms one gets that G̃0(z, u) = G (x, u) (7)
∂x φ−1 (z)

1 and
B1 = G01 , B2 = G02, B3 = G03 + [G01, G02] · · · F̃0(z) = φ(F0(x))|φ−1 (z) (8)
If the drift is invertible G0(x, u) satisfying (2) is unique We end this section by recalling two results stated in
and is given by Menini et al. (2012), and which play a key role in the
present paper.
∂(F (x, u))
G0(x, u) := (5) Theorem 1. (Cicogna et al. (1999), Menini et al. (2011))
∂u x=F −1 (x,u)
Let τ (x) ∈ IRn be analytic at x = 0, τ (0) = 0, and
In this framework, given a vector field τ (x), its transport ∂x |x=0 = K semi simple (that is diagonalizable). If the
along the drift F0, when it exists, is defined as the vector eigenvalues of K belong to the Poincaré domain (i.e. the
field τ 1(x) := AdF0 (x) τ (x) satisfying the relation convex hull of the n points λ1 , · · · , λn in the complex
plane does not contain the origin of IC ) then there exists a
∂F0 near-identity diffeomorphism 1 z = φ(x) such that τ̃(z) =
τ (x) = τ 1 (x)|F0  
∂x ∂φ
∂x τ (x) |φ (z) is in the Poincaré-Dulac normal form. If
If the drift term is invertible such a transport exists, is
unique, and can be computed as in addition, there are no resonances among the eigenvalues
  of K (thatP is for any choice
Pn of n integers ki ≥ 0, i ∈ [1, n]
∂F0 n
τ 1 (x) := AdF0 τ (x) = τ (x) such that i=1 ki ≥ 2, j=1 λj kj 6= λk ∀k ∈ [1, n]), then
∂x F −1 τ̃ (z) = Kz that is, it is linear.

In particular Gps (·)will denote the transport of G0s (·) along Lemma 1. (Menini et al. (2012)) Given a vector field
F0 p times, that is h(x) ∈ IRn and two scalar functions ηi(x) ∈ IR, i ∈ [1, 2],
Gps (·) := AdF0 (Gsp−1 ) = AdpF0 (G0s (·)) consider the partial differential equation in the scalar
unknown a(x) ∈ IR:
where AdpF0 := AdF0 ◦ · · · ◦AdF0 ; p–times. Lh a(x) = η2(x)a(x) + η1(x) (9)
In a similar vein one can define AdF (x,u) τ (x) the transport If h, η1 and η2 are analytic at x = 0 and h(0) 6= 0, then for
of τ (x) along F (x, u). If the drift is invertible then it can any boundary condition a(0, x2, · · · , xn) = k(x2 , · · · , xn),
be uniquely computed as k analytic at x = 0, the partial differential equation (9)
admits a solution a(x) analytic at x = 0.
∂F (x, u)
AdF (x,u) τ (x) = τ = e−aduG(x,u) AdF0 τ (x) 2. LINEAR EQUIVALENCE
∂x F −1(x,u)
= AdF0 τ −[uG(., u), AdF0 τ]+ [uG(., u)[uG(., u), AdF0τ]]−· · · In the present section the conditions for the equivalence of
2 a discrete time submersive system, to a linear one under
where uG(x, u) is given by (4). change of coordinates are given. The following result holds
Since the paper addresses the problem of the equivalence
under change of coordinates, it is fundamental to under- Theorem 2. There exists a diffeomorphism z = φ(x) such
stand the action of a change of coordinates on a discrete that system (1) is equivalent to a linear system if and only
time system. The following result holds true. if it admits a difference differential representation of the
form (6) where
Proposition 1. (Monaco et al. (1997)) Consider the dis-
crete time dynamics i.) G0(x, u) = G01(x)
xk+1 = F (xk, uk ) and there exists a vector field τ (x) analytic in x = 0 such
to which is associated the difference differential represen- that τ (0) = 0, ∂τ ∂x |x=0 = Id which satisfies the following
tation conditions:

∂x+ (u) ii.) AdF0 τ = τ

= G0 (x+ (u), u) iii.) [G01, τ ] = G01.
x+ (0) = F0 (x) Proof. Assume that the system is equivalent to a linear
system under the change of coordinates z = φ(x). Without
Under the change of coordinates z = φ(x) let the trans- loss of generality we can assume that ∂φ(x)
formed dynamics be ∂x |x=0 = Id and
1 a diffeomorphism z = φ(x) is called a near-identity diffeomor-
zk+1 = F̃ (zk , uk ) phism, if φ(0) = 0 and its Jacobian computed in x = 0 coincides
with associated the difference differential representation with the identity matrix

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

denote by φ−1(z) the inverse function of φ(x). In the new ∂ F̃0 (z) ∂φ ∂F0 ∂φ−1 (z)
coordinates z= z
∂z ∂x F0 ◦φ−1 (z) ∂x φ−1 (z) ∂z
zk+1 = Azk + Buk (10) ∂φ ∂F0

A possible difference differential representation associated = τ (x)
∂x F0 ◦φ−1 (z) ∂x φ−1 (z)
to (10) is  
= τ (x) = τ̃ (z)|F̃0 (z) = F̃0(z).
∂x F0 ◦φ−1 (z)
G̃0(z, u) = B
∂ F̃0 (z)
z + (0) = Az The relation ∂z z = F̃0(z) immediately proves that
F̃0 (z) = Az.
As a consequence, according to (7)
 −1  Similarly, it is a matter of computation to verify that
∂φ (z)
G0(x, u) = B = G01(x)  
∂z z=φ(x) ∂φ 0
[G̃1(z), τ̃ (z)] = [G (x), τ (x)] |φ−1 (z)
which proves that there exists at least one representation ∂x 1
of the system satisfying i), that is the independence of  
∂φ 0
G0(x, u) from u. = G (x) |φ−1 (z) = G̃01(z)
∂x 1
Take now in the z-coordinates the vector field τ̃ (z) = so that one gets that
z. Such a vector field satisfies τ̃ (0) = 0, ∂∂zτ̃ |z=0 =
Id. In the x-coordinates it is transformed into τ (x) = ∂ G̃01 (z)
 −1  [G̃01(z), τ̃ (z)] = [G̃01(z), z] = G̃01(z) − z = G̃01 (z)
∂φ (z)
τ̃ (z) | and due to the properties of z = ∂z
∂z z=φ(x)
∂ G̃0 (z)
∂τ (x) that is ∂z 1
z = 0, which proves that G̃01 (z) is constant
φ(x), τ (x) also satisfies τ (0) = 0, ∂x |x=0 = Id. and equal to B. Finally the first condition implies that
∂ F̃ (z,u)
By assumption we have that in the z-coordinates, F̃0(z) = ∂u = B which ends the proof. /
Az so that it is easily verified that
AdF̃0 (z) τ̃ (z) = τ̃ (z) = z Remark. In the continuous time case the corresponding
condition of i) is implicitely satisfied by considering dy-
As a consequence in the x-coordinates denoting by τ (x)
 −1 namics affine in the control. /
∂φ (z)
the transformed vector field τ (x) = ∂z τ̃(z) ,
we get Based on this remark, the equivalence to a weaker struc-
 ture can be obtained if the following conditions are satis-
AdF0 (x) τ (x) |F0 (x) = fied
 
Theorem 3. There exists a diffeomorphism z = φ(x) such
∂φ −1
(z) ∂ F̃ (z) ∂φ(x) that in the new coordinates system (1) reads
= 0
τ (x)
∂z F̃0 (z)◦φ(x) ∂z ∂x zk+1 = Azk + B(uk )
!  −1  if and only if it admits a difference differential represen-
∂φ (z) ∂ F̃0(z)
−1 ∂φ (z)

= τ̃ (z) = τ̃ (z) tation of the form (6) for which there exists a vector field
∂z F̃0 (z) ∂z ∂z φ(F0 (x)) τ (x) such that τ (0) = 0, ∂τ | = Id satisfying
z=φ(x) ∂x x=0

that is ii). In fact the previous relation implies that i. AdF0 τ = τ

AdF0 (x) τ (x) = τ (x). Finally in the z-coordinates, by ii. [G0(x, u), τ ] = G0(x, u), ∀u ∈ U0.
considering again τ̃ (z) = z
Proof. We only have to prove the sufficiency of ii.). In
[G̃01(z), τ̃ (z)] = [B, z] = B = G̃01(z) fact in the z–coordinates in which τ̃ (z) = z we get that,
As a consequence according to ii.)

  ∂ G̃0 (z, u)
−1 [G̃0(z, u), z] = G̃0 (z, u) − z = G̃0(z, u)
∂φ (z) 0 ∂z
[G01(x), τ (x)] = [G̃1(z), τ̃ (z)]
∂z ∂ G̃0 (z,u)
φ(x) which immediately implies that z = 0, and conse-
 −1  ∂z
∂φ (z) 0 quently that ∂ G̃0 (z,u)
= B(u). /
= G̃1(z) = G01(x) ∂z
∂z φ(x)
Let us end this section by noting that in the controllable
which proves the necessity of iii). case using the geometric framework of (Monaco et al.
(1997)), used in Califano et al. (1999) to address the
Sufficiency. Assume that there exists a vector field τ (x) feedback linearization problem, the necessary and suffi-
such that τ (0) = 0 and ∂τ∂x (x)
|x=0 = Id and conditions cient conditions for the equivalence to a linear system can
ii) and iii) are satisfied. Then, according to Theorem 1, be stated as follows:
since τ (0) = 0 and ∂τ∂x (x)
|x=0 = Id there exists z = φ(x) Theorem 4. The submersive system (1) is equivalent to a
such that in the new coordinates τ̃ (z) = z. In these new controllable linear system if and only if the system admits
coordinates we get that a difference differential representation of the form (6) with

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

1) G0(x, u) = G01(x) that G̃0 (x, v) exists and Theorem 2 is satisfied. As a conse-
and such that for k ∈ [1, n], there exist Gk1 (x) = quence from condition i) of Theorem 2, G̃0(x, v) = G̃01(x).
AdkF0 G01(x) satisfying Since
∂F (x, u) ∂γ −1(x, u)
2) [G01(x), Gk1 (x)] = 0, ∀k ∈ [1, n] = G0(F (x, u), u) = G̃01(F (x, u))
∂u ∂u
3)rank(G01, · · · , Gn−1
1 )=n we get that
The desired change of coordinates z = φ(x) satisfies G0(x, u) = G̃01(x)Γ̃(x, u) (12)
∂φ(x) ∂γ −1 (x,u)
∂x = (G01, · · · , Gn−1
1 ). with Γ̃(x, u) = ∂u . Equation (12) com-
F −1 (x,u)
puted for u = 0 leads to G01(x) = G̃01 (x)Γ̃(x, 0) =
It can be easily verified that for controllable systems G̃01 (x)β(x), that is, due to the invertibility of the feedback
Theorem 2 implies Theorem 4 by noting that since the law, G̃01(x) = G01(x)β −1 (x), which proves i.) by setting
system is linear
Γ(x, u) = β −1 (x)Γ̃(x, u).
AdkF0 [G01, τ ] = [Gk1 , AdkF0 τ ] = [Gk1 , τ ] = Gk1 , ∀k ≥ 0
which shows that in the z–coordinates in which τ̃ (z) = z, From Theorem 2 consider τ̃ (z) = z, and let τ (x) be
Gk1 is constant for all k ≥ 0. Consequently its transformed in the x–coordinates. By construction
τ (0) = 0, ∂τ
∂x |x=0 = Id. The vector field τ (x) then satisfies
[G01, Gk1 ] = 0, k ∈ [1, n]
[G̃1, τ ] = G̃01. Furthermore since the closed–loop system

Remark. While Theorem 4 can be considered a construc- has an eigenvalue in 1 then, in the coordinates z = φ(x)
tive theorem, since the change of coordinates can be recov-
 −1 such that ∂φ(x) |
∂x x=0
= Id the corresponding eigenvector
ered by using the fact that ∂φ(x) = (G01 , · · · , Gn−1
1 ),
∂x e1 satisfies (Ã − I)e1 = 0. Let τ1 (x) be e1 in the x-
Theorem 2 clarifies some properties of the change of coor-  −1 

dinates, since the vector field τ (x) is exactly the searched coordinates, that is τ1 (x) = ∂φ ∂z(z) e1 and consider
coordinates transformation. As a matter of fact, for con- φ(x)
trollable systems, which are equivalent to linear systems τ (x) = τ (x) + τ1 (x), then, by construction
τ (x) satisfies  
∂τ (x)  0 n−1
∂x = G1 (x), · · · , G1 (x) x=0 [G01(x), · · · , Gn−1
1 (x)]−1. [τ1(x), τ (x)] = [τ̃1(z), τ̃ (z)] = τ1 (x)
/ ∂z φ(x)
G̃01 = [G̃01, τ] = [G01β −1 , τ (x)] = [G01, τ (x)]β −1 −G01Lτ β −1
As a consequence
In the present section the problem of the equivalence under [G01, τ (x)]β −1 = G01(Lτ β −1 ) + G01β −1
change of coordinates and regular static state feedback is that is [G01, τ (x)] = G01 (βLτ β −1 + 1) = G01ψ(x, ) which
addressed. The following result holds true. proves iii).
Theorem 5. Consider system (1) and assume without loss
of generality that the drift term F0 is locally invertible. Finally, since F0 = F̃ (x, γ −1 (x, 0)), we have, after stan-
Then there exists a diffeomorphism z = φ(x) and a regular dard computations, that
analytic static state feedback u = γ(x, v) such that the !
∂ F̃ (x, γ −1(x, 0)) ∂γ −1 (x, 0)
given system is feedback equivalent to a linear system if
AdF0 τ |F0= τ = G̃01 τ +
and only if there exists a function Γ(x, u) such that ∂x F0 ∂x
i.) G0(x, u) = G01(x)Γ(x, u) −ad 0
+ e G̃1 (x)v AdF̃0 (τ )
and there exists a vector field τ (x) = τ (x)+τ1 (x) analytic x=F0 −1
v=γ (x,0)
in x = 0 such that τ (0) = 0, ∂τ |
∂x x=0
= Id, τ1 (0) 6= 0,
Since by Theorem 2, AdF̃0 (τ ) = τ and [G̃01(x), τ ]
[τ1(x), τ (x)] = τ1(x), and satisfying for all  ∈ IR
G̃01 (x), then through standard computations we get that
ii.) AdF0 τ = τ (x) + G01(x)θ(x, )
iii.) [G01, τ(x)] = G01(x)ψ(x, )  −1 
∂γ (·, 0)
AdF0 τ |F0 = τ |F0 + G̃01(F0 ) τ − γ −1 (·, 0)
for some θ(x, ) and ψ(x, ) analytic at x = 0. ∂x

Proof. Assume that there exists an analytic regular static that is AdF0 τ = τ + G01 β −1 ∂γ ∂x(·,0) τ − γ −1(·, 0) −1
state feedback u = γ(x, v) such that the transformed
and ii) follows with
system is equivalent to a linear system, and denote by  −1  
γ −1 (x, u) its inverse function. Between all the possible ∂γ (x, 0)
θ(x, ) = β −1 (x) | −1 −1
τ F −1 − γ (F0 , 0)
feedback functions which linearize the system, we will con- ∂x 0

sider only those which ensure that at least one eigenvalue is

in λ = 1. Since the closed loop dynamics is equivalent to a Sufficiency. The proof is constructive. In the coordinates
linear dynamics it admits the exponential form representa- z in which τ̃ (z) = z, τ̃1(z) is a constant vector due to the
tion (3). Denoting by x̃+ (v) = F̃ (x, γ(x, v)), we thus have fact that [τ1(x), τ (x)] = τ1 (x). Starting from the matrix

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

ψ(x, ) satisfying iii) let us consider the partial differential we get, by substituting (18) in (16), that
equation, in the unknown β̄(x),
Lτ β̄ = (ψ(x, ) − 1)β̄. (13) AdF̃0 (τ )|F̃0 =
By assumption, fixing an  6= 0, the solution β̄(x) exists  
∂γ̂0 (x)
according to Lemma 1. As a consequence we can compute τ (F̃0 ) + Ḡ01(F̃0) −γ̂0 + β̄ −1 (F0 )θ(F0 , ) + τ .
the regular static state feedback v = γ̄(x, u)
Z Since γ̂0 has been computed in order to satisfy equation
(15), it immediately follows that AdF̃0 (τ ) = τ , which,
v = γ̄(x, u) = β̄ −1 (x+ (u))Γ(x+ (u), u)du (14)
being satisfied for all  implies that
with zero initial condition. Denote by γ̂(x, v) the inverse
function of γ̄(x, u), that is such that γ̂(x, γ̄(x, u)) = u, AdF̃0 τ (x) = τ (x) (19)
and consider the regular static state feedback u = γ̂(x, v). AdF̃0 τ1 (x) = τ1(x) (20)
Setting F̄ (x, v) = F (x, γ̂(x, v)), by construction F̄0 (x) =
F0(x), so that the drift is locally invertible around v = 0. Equation (19) implies that in the z–coordinates in which
After standard computations one gets that τ̃ (z) = z, F̃0 (z) = Az, while (20) implies that τ̃1 (z) = e1
the eigenvector associated to the eigenvalue λ = 1.
Ḡ0(F̄ , v) = G01(F̄ (x, v))β̄(F̄ (x, v))
Finally under the new feedback v = γ̂(x, w) = γ̂0 (x) + w
that is Ḡ0(x, v) = Ḡ01(x) = G01 (x)β̄(x). Since β̄(x) satisfies we get that
(13), due to iii), one gets that ∀ ∈ IR
∂ F̃ (x, w) ∂ F̄ (x, v) ∂γ̂(x, w)
G̃0(F̃ (x, w), w) = = |v=γ̂(x,w)
[Ḡ01, τ] =[G01(x)β̄(x), τ ] = [G01(x), τ ]β̄(x) − G01(x)Lτ β̄(x) ∂w ∂v ∂w
= G0(x)β̄(x) = Ḡ01(x) = Ḡ01 (F̃ (x, w))
that is Ḡ1 (x), τ (x) = Ḡ01(x), whereas Ḡ01(x), τ1(x) = 0. We can thus set G̃0(x, w) = Ḡ01(x) and the result is proved.
Thus in the coordinates in which τ̃ (z) = z, the transformed /
Ĝ01(z) = B.
Consider now θ(x, ) satisfying ii) and β̄ computed above. 4. AN EXAMPLE: LINEAR EQUIVALENCE OF
From Lemma 1, there exists locally γ0 (x), solution to the SAMPLED DATA SYSTEMS
partial differential equation
∂γ0 (x) As an example we recover the conditions for the equiv-
τ − γ0 (x) = β̄ −1 (F0 )θ(F0 , ). (15)
∂x alence of a sampled data single input system to a linear
Consider the regular static state feedback v = w + γ̂0 (x), one under change of coordinates, which generalize the well
and denote by F̃ (x, w) = F̄ (x, w + γ̂0 (x)) and accordingly known results obtained in Arapostathis et al. (1989) under
the controllability assumption which is here relaxed. Let
F̃0(x) = F̄ (x, γ̂0 (x)). We have that
us preliminary recall (Monaco et al. (1997), Monaco et al.
  (2007)) that given the continuous time system
∂ F̄ (x, v) ∂ F̄ (x, v) ∂γ̂0 (x)
AdF̃0 (τ )|F̃0 = τ + τ ẋ = f(x) + g(x)u
∂x ∂v ∂x v=γ̂0 (x)
  (16) the equivalent discrete time model obtained by sampling
 ∂γ̂0 (x) with constant rate δ, is given by
= AdF̄ (x,v)τ |F̄ (x,v) + Ḡ01(F̄ (x, v)) τ |v=γ̂0 (x)
From Monaco et al. (1997) x[(k + 1)δ] = eδ(f +gu) (Id)|x(kδ)
−adḠ0 v = (Id + δ(f + gu) + Lf +gu (f + gu) + · · · )|x(kδ)
AdF̄ (x,v) τ = e 1 (AdF0 τ ) = AdF0 τ − [Ḡ01, AdF0 τ ]v 2
v2 0 0 (17) The following result can the be immediately stated:
+[Ḡ1[Ḡ1, AdF0 τ ]] + · · ·
2 Theorem 6. There exists a diffeomorphism z = φ(x) such
By ii) AdF0 τ = τ +G01(x)θ(x, ) = τ +Ḡ01 (x)β̄ −1 (x)θ(x, ). that the sampled system
Substituting it in (17), and recalling that [Ḡ01, τ ] = Ḡ01, we x[(k + 1)δ] = eδ(f +gu) (Id)|x(kδ)
is equivalent to a linear system if and only if the continuous
0 time system is linear, that is there exists τ (x) such that
AdF̄ (·,v) τ = τ − Ḡ01 v + Ḡ01e−Ḡ1 v (β̄ −1 θ(·, )) (18)
τ (0) = 0, ∂τ |
∂x x=0
= Id satisfying [f, τ ] = 0 and [g, τ ] = g.
As a consequence by noting that
  Proof. We have to show the only if part, since the
0 0
e−Ḡ1 v β̄ −1 θ(·, ) =e−Ḡ1 v β̄ −1 θ(·, ) sufficiency is obvious. Assume that the sampled system
F̄ (·,v) F̄ (·,v)◦F̄0−1 ◦F̄0 is equivalent under sampling to a linear system. Then

0 0 according to Theorem 2 there exists a τ (x, δ) such that
= eḠ1 v ◦ e−Ḡ1 v β̄ −1 θ(·, )
δ2 2
= (β −1 (x)θ(x, ))|F̄0 = (β̄ −1 θ(·, ))|F0 AdF0 τ = e−adδf (τ ) = τ − δadf τ + ad τ + ... = τ
2 f

19th IFAC World Congress
Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014

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