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Marking Guide (Paper one)
1. A 2.B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6 D 7. D 8. D 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D
19. A 20 C 21. A 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A (Explanation: volatile is C keyword) 26. C. Explanation: const
is a keyword constant in C program. 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. D 36. C 37. B
38. A 39. A 40. A 41. A 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. C 47. B 48. C 49. A 50. D

Marking Guide (Paper two)

Question 1

(a)State the function of each of the following parts in the computer

(i) PCI slot (1 mark)
This allows addition hard ware to be connected
(ii) Mother board (1 mark)
This is used for mounting the computer components
(iii) VGA port (1 mark)
This is an external port used to connect the system unit to display unit

(b) Explain the specifications below

(i) 3GHZ Processor: The processing speed is 3 gigahertz (1 mark)
(ii) 3.00GB RAM: The Random Access Memory has a capacity of 3 Gigabytes
(1 mark)
(iii) 320GB HDD: The hard disk drive has a capacity of 320 gigabytes (1 mark)
(iv) 17” LCD Monitor The monitor is 17 inch in size and has a liquid crystal display
(1 mark)
(c) Explain two uses of computers in each of the following domains
(i) Health Care (2 marks)
 Medical journals research diagonosis papers & refer books
 Computer control life support machines in the intensive care unit
 To keep patient records in order to provide easy access to patients treatment and diagnosis history
 Computerized medical devices being used to get across section view of the patient body
 Doctors can use computer soft ware for diagnosis
(ii) Education (2 marks)
 CAL, CAA, CAi, E- Learning
 Research – E- Library
 Online classes
 Online assessments for failure uses
 Students records Can easily be stored
 Facilitate teachers while delivering information
(iii) Military (2 marks)
 Guiding missiles to the deseed target
 Communication during war situations
 Military computer based training
 Computer simulations allow the military to train soldiers for several combat situations.
(d). Consider the structure on the right
i. THEORY AND TEST (2 mark)
ii. THEORY and TESTS wil be lost including Class List (1mark)
iii. C:/SBA/PRACTICAL/TESTS/Class List (1mark)

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Question 2

(a) Define the term Data communication

This refers to the electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally from source to

(b) Outline the elements of data communication

 Sender Receiver
 Messages Transmission medium
 Protocol Communication device
(c) (5 marks)
Software Possible Use

Desktop publisher suggesting medical diagnoses

CAD program storing pupil records in a school

Spreadsheet producing a school magazine

Inference engine preparation of blueprints and other

engineering plans.

Database managing personal finance

(i) This is because column B is not wide enough to show all of the cell content of B6. It can be solved by
increasing column B6 (2 marks)
(ii). A2:A6 (1 mark)
(e) =sum(E2:E6) or =E2+E3+E4+E5+E6 (1 mark)
(f) i. (1mark)
ii. index.html (1 mark)
iii. Hypertext Markup Language (1 mark)
iv. (1mark)
Question 3
(a) What is a network operating system (NOS)? Give two examples of NOS. (3 marks)
A network operating system (NOS) is the control software of a computer network. e.g., NetWare, Unix,
Linux, Microsoft Windows NT etc.

(b) Give the functions of the following in networking (2 marks)

i. Hub: it connects computers on a net work and transmits signals from one terminal to

ii. Network Interface card(NIC): This hardware physically allows computers to access a
networking medium (2 marks)

iii. Router: This is a device that connects multiple computers and forwards data packets from
one point to another on the network. It also connects multiple computers to a single DSL line
for internet access. (2 marks)

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i) 8910 to binary (2 marks)
2 89
2 44 1 ii) 10010112 to octal (2 marks)
2 22 0 Binary Octal 1 001 011
2 11 0 000 0
2 5 1 001 1 001= 1
2 2 1 m010 2
2 1 0 011 3 001= 1
0 1 100 4
011= 3
101 5
Ans: 10110012 110 6 Ans: 1138
111 7

(d) i. Digital migration is the conversion of the existing analogue to a digital signal while maintaining the
content, context and structure of the record. (1 mark)
ii) – Rapid growth in the TV broadcast industry in Cameroon (1 mark)
- High communication speeds
- Better viewing pleasure
iii) Digital divide is the gap between people who have easy access to and usage to internet or Information
and Communication Technology and those who have no access to internet or ICT.
(2 marks)

Question 4
(a) (i) It is a DBMS that comes ready to be used by organizations without the need for customization. Eg Ms
Access (2 marks)
(ii) (3 marks)
- To store customers Information
- To easily retrieve customers Information
- To organize customer Information
(b) Give one role of each of the following ICT specialists (2 marks)
(i) Database administrator
 Planning- development of organization's IT strategy, enterprise model, cost/benefit model, design of
database environment, and administration plan.
 Data analysis- Define and model data requirements, business rules, operational requirements, and
maintain corporate data dictionary
 Managing the data repository
 Managing data security and privacy

(ii) Programmer (2 marks)

 Assist with design, analysis, maintenance, documentation, and testing of software.
 Code, debug, test, and document routine application programs.
 Install and test routine software packages.
 Assist users with procedural or minor technical problems.
 Design new systems or enhancements to existing systems.
 Determine source data (input), processing requirements (output), output formats, timing and cost
 Verify that system meets performance criteria.
 Design, implement, and document procedures.
 Consult on the use of moderately complex software packages.

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 Advise users regarding program techniques and design.
(c) The operating system is the link between the hardware and software. Explain the meaning of the
following terms as used in computing.
Its Process of starting or restarting a computer.
It’s the loading of the operating system into the computers’ main memory to make the computer
ready for use.

(i) Cold booting.

It’s the starting of the computer by switching on its switch on power buttons. i.e System unit and
monitor power buttons. (2 marks)

(ii) Warm booting.

It’s the restarting a computer when the operating system is already running by using reset buttons
ctrl, Alt & delete at the same time. (2 marks)

(iii) It allow different network devices to communicate with each other (1 mark)
(d) Encryption is used to maintain data confidentiality while encoding is used to maintain data
usability. (1 mark)
(e) - Hardware – These are the physical components that made up an Information system (1 mark each)
- Software – These are set of instructions that control the components of the Information system.
-Data/Information – Data are raw facts put in the Information system for processing and Information is the
processed organized together which can be very powerful for business operations.
- People- People are required for the operation of all information systems.
- Procedures - A process is a series of steps undertaken to achieve a desired outcome or goal.
- Networks – communications media and network support of the Information system
Question 5
 Resolution - the number of dots a printer prints in a square inch (over 1440 dpi is good).
 Operating Cost - Calculate the cost of replacement ink cartridges and paper, because printer users
must continually purchase more ink cartridges and toner when the old ones run out or dry up.
 Speed - the volume of printout (pages per minute) is essential if you are printing large numbers of
documents in black and white
 Size of the printout - will you be printing on oversized or non-standard paper, heavy card stock,
blueprints, transparencies.
 Post-Script Fonts - most inkjet printers are not PostScript-compatible. If you need to print PostScript
graphics or fonts, consider a laser printer.
 Photo Quality - Specialty color printers that have photo lab quality are essential if you are looking for
a printer that can print high-resolution images on photo paper.
 Digital camera cards and Memory Sticks - does the printer need to have built-in slots for these de
 Network enabled - will you be connecting the new printer to a home or office network.
 Image processing - Processing images takes a lot of power, so printers often have as much computing
horsepower and memory as a PC.
 Compatibility - The newer printers are all USB-compatible, which means they will work for
Windows 98/2000/XP, and with Mac System 8.1 or higher.

 Warranty - be sure to purchase a printer that includes a manufacturer's and/or store warranty (at least
90 days
(b) E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services online. (4 marks)
Give two advantages and two disadvantages of e-commerce.

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- Transactions can occur instantaneously and globally.
- Transactions can occur 24 hours per day.

- Risks of submitting credit card information through the Internet.
- Customers cannot examine the goods in details before purchase.
(c) Give two reasons why a hard disk’s access time is faster than that of a floppy disk.
 A hard disk spins faster than a floppy disk.
 A hard disk spins constantly, while a floppy disk starts spinning only when it receives a read or write
(d)(i) – So many devices are connected
- Virus problem
- Outdated Router
- Too many open applications (2 marks)
(ii) - Communication services
- World Wide Web
- Video Conferencing
- Web services (2 marks)
(e) Explain how artificial intelligence relates to robotics. (2 mark)
Robots are manipulated by Artificial Intelligent programs and designed to mimic human behavior in
performing task
(f) - High productivity
- Accurate result
- High speed in production
- Increase unemployment rate
(g) Biometric data
Fingerprint/retina/iris/face/voice recognition used as input/Biometric data is difficult to replicate

Question 6
(a) This how machines are designed, built and operates. It is the science and arts of selecting and
interconnecting hardware components to create computers that meet functional, performance, cost and goals.
(2 marks)
- Memory
- Input/output system
- Control Unit
(c) State the meaning of the following machine cycle process (3 marks)
(i) Fetching
This is a process of picking queue data or instructions from memory for processing.
(ii) Decoding
This is a process of transforming or changing data into more meaningful form
(iii) Execute
Carrying out the commands or Interpreting
(iv) Storing
This is the process of writing the result to memory or outputting.
(d) Pseudo code is an English-like representation of an Algorithm while Flowchart is a graphical
representation of an Algorithm. (2 marks)

(e) To check greatest of two numbers

Pseudocode (3 marks)
Step 1: Start

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Step 2: get a,b value
Step 3: check if(a>b) print a is greater
Step 4: else b is greater
Step 5: Stop
READ a,b
IF (a>b) THEN
DISPLAY a is greater
DISPLAY b is greater
Flowchart (3 marks)
(f) What is SDLC
(2 marks)
System Development Life Cycle are steps involved to
develop an Information System or to enhanced an
existing Information System.
Question 7
(a)(i) AB+(A+B)
(3 marks)
(3 marks)
A B A AB (A+B) AB+(A+B)
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1

(iii) A+B =A.B

A.B= A+B (2 marks)
(b) Briefly describe the concept of “green computing” (2 marks)
Environmentally friendly Information and Communication Technology acquisition, installations, usage and
disposal practices.
This involves the computer without affecting or causing harm to the environment
(c) State any two advantages of green computing (2 marks)
 Reduction in the use of dangerous materials
 Respect for human life and dignity
 Responsible installation, utilization and disposal of ICTs
 Care for the Environment
(d) Mention any three forms of unauthorized access (2 marks)
 Phishing
 Cracking
 Hacking

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 Sabotage
 Surveillance
(e) Define the following terms as far as databases are concerned: (3 marks)
a) Primary key
A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies each record in a database.
b) Candidate key
It is the minimal set of attributes that can uniquely identify a record or tuple.
c) Attribute
It is a piece of data that describes an entity or the characteristics of an entity.

Question 8
(a) Define the term Bluetooth? (2 marks)
Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-
wavelength radio transmissions in the ISM(industrial, scientific and medical) band from 2400–
2480 MHz) from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs) with high levels of
(b) - Memory Address Register (MAR). 1 mark
- Memory Data Register (MDR). 1 mark
(c) i) Ergonomics is the study and design of products that reduce stress and improve comfort to the user,
helping increase the users' productivity. 2 marks
ii) A project is a planned process to achieve a specific objective through well-defined activities which
have time frame, resources allocation and well-defined budget. 2 marks
(d)-Activity and resource planning 2 marks
- Organizing and motivating a project team
- Controlling time management
- Cost estimating and developing the budget
- Ensuring customer satisfaction
- Analyzing and managing project risk
- Monitoring progress
- Managing reports and necessary documentation

(e) i A E H

ii. A B D G H
3 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 19 days
3 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 3 = 13 days
3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 10 days

Critical path of this project : A B D G H

iii) 19 days
(f) Outsourcing is the process by which an organization hands over part of the system development steps or
activities to another organization.

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