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August 2011 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BScIT) Semester 2/ Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) Semester 2 BT0071 Technical

cal Communication 2 Credits

(Book ID: B0955)

Assignment Set 1 (30 Marks)

Answer all questions 1. Write a technical description of how a hair drier works. (10 marks)

2. Select appropriate word from the brackets to make the sentence meaningful i) (5 marks)

The office manager occasionally carries out a physical verification of _____ (stationary/stationery) items in stock.

ii) iii) iv)

If you are not alert, you will _____ (lose/loose) the chance to win. _____ (Besides/Beside) helping me, he advised me on the matter. Soon after his arrival, he went to the Manager to pay his _____ (Complements/Compliments)


A man of sound _______ (principal/principle) succeeds in life in the long run.

3. Given below are two advertisements- The Tata Nano advertisement is for an economy car and the ford mustang, a sports luxury car. Contrast the audiences for the two advertisements according to the age, sex, economic means, hobbies, interests and leisure activities. (In contrasting the two audiences, consider the explicit information in the ads the writing style as well as the implicit information hidden persuaders, such as background scenery, colour, lighting, angles and the situation portrayed people/things. The purpose is to contrast the two audiences, not merely describe the content of the advertisement or its design.) (10 marks)

Introducing the first 50 MPG car available to anyone for under $ 1,000. The all new Tata Nano. Designed for everyone the revolutionary compact car offers sleek, imaginative, styling at a very low cost and even lower emissions. Making Tata Nano the first car to be good to the environment and even better on your wallet.

4. Use suitable prepositions to fill in the blanks (5 marks) As a professional, you will read and write instructions and manuals ____ the job. A librarian might write sets ____ instructions ____ patrons on how to access the librarys resources and collections. A manager in Human Relations might write instructions ___ help employees understand how to request permission to travel on company business and how to request reimbursement ____ they return.

August 2011 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BScIT) Semester 2/ Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) Semester 2 BT0071 Technical Communication 2 Credits
(Book ID: B0955)

Assignment Set 2 (30 Marks)

Answer all questions 1. Choose a 150 word passage from a technical article addressed to an expert audience. (You can choose this from any journal or web) Rewrite the passage so that it is clear and interesting to the general reader. (10 marks) 2. Write a short note on the strength and weaknesses of Systems Development Life Cycle. (5 marks)


Write a note on plagiarism as an ethical issue in technical journalism. (5 marks)

4. Rewrite the following passages to make them simple, concise and effective. i) (5 marks)

It is understandable that your highly respected firm is exceedingly anxious to secure the valuable services of competent young men who have undergone specialized and detailed training in the outstanding educational institutions of our day and let me say in a patriotic aside, our noteworthy institutions are indeed comparable in prowess and achievement and dignity to the most heralded universities and colleges of any nation and thus it is my earnest conviction that when you go far afield in search of promising prospects for your dominant organizations, you will proceed eventually to the hallowed college from which I send forth this missive. ii) Past experiences show that the Internal Revenue Service would take action to disallow the claiming of the tax benefits resulting from the use of

multiple corporations in so far as they are established primarily for that purpose 5. Convert the following sentences from active into passive (5 marks) i) It was decided that the number of stipends to poor students may be increased (by the Staff Council) ii) A vigorous literacy drive has been launched by the ladies of this town. iii) If hospitals are not to become human rights wastelands, action must be taken by patients to protect their rights. iv) The most important thing is that reliable maintenance is necessary for operations of an airline to be efficient. v) Meal prices are also affected by the increase in employees.

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