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Immortel, designed by Clément Le Tulle- Typographically, each variant is inspired

Neyret, is a type family with four variants by the work of type designers, following
developed according to the Hippocratic the course of history:
theory of humors that explains these latter — Immortel Infra finds its source in the
through the presence of one of the four work of Robert Granjon, a typeface engraver
principal fluids. Each one is the cause from the 16th century;
behind the development of a character trait: — Immortel Colera in the work of Jean
phlegm represents a lymphatic, sluggish, Jannon, an engraver from the 17th century;
slow character (Immortel Infra); yellow — Immortel Vena is influenced by the work
bile, an angry and prideful character of Jacques-François Rosart, an engraver from
(Immortel Colera); blood, a jovial and warm the 18th century;
character (Immortel Vena); and black bile — Immortel Acedia takes its inspiration
provokes hopelessness and melancholy from the engraving Melencolia I by Albrecht
(Immortel Acedia). Dürer (1514) and attempts a synthesis
between two traces of a priori opposing
This type family is envisaged like a human tools, one made by the flat tip and
being, able to reveal different temperaments the other by the narrow point. In this sense

through the forms that it adopts. Each it is closer to a 21st century typeface.
variant can be substituted for another
without causing any change in the bulkiness
of the text, as the metric system, which
provides a structural link between the
variants — set width, x-heights, the length
of ascenders and descenders, height of
capitals — is constant.

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Immortel Infra and Vena, variants intended This type family began life in October 2016
to be used with running text, possess two in the Atelier national de recherche
italics: the first, called “Median”, typographique (ANRT, Nancy – France).
slightly slanted, is ideal for composing It development was pursued thanks to
long text; the second, called “Italic”, with the support of the Centre national des arts
its very sharp angle and ornate instrokes plastiques (CNAP) in 2018.
and terminals, is ideal for emphasis.

To best serve running text, the Infra and

Vena variants possess two grades: this
signifies that these two variants have two
slightly different weights that conserve
the same set width so as to have a more or
less dark text color according to the page
layout and/or the sensitivity of the user.
Grade 2 can also be used to compose knocked
out text on a dark background.

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Alchemic approach to four humors in relation

to the four elements and zodiacal signs,
1574. Book illustration in “Quinta Essentia”
by Leonhart Thurneisser zum Thurn
(gen. Leonhard Thurneysser). Woodcut.

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240 PTS

Colera Ve
120 PTS

Vena Acedia Infra Co

56 PTS

32 PTS

Colera Vena Acedia Infra Colera Ve

24 PTS

Acedia Infra Colera Vena Acedia Infra Colera Ve

16 PTS

Vena Acedia Infra Colera Vena Acedia Infra Colera Vena Acedia Infra C

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A typeface is created by a designer whose The user of a 205TF typeface must first
art is to transform an original typographic acquire of a licence that is adapted to
artwork into a computer file or files. As a his needs (desktop, web, application/epub,
consequence a typeface is — as a work — TV/film/videos web).
protected by laws pertaining to intellectual A licence is nominative (a physical person
property rights and — as software — can not or business) and is non-transferable.
be copied and/or installed without first The licensee can not transmit the typeface
acquiring a nominative licence. files to other people or organisations,
In no way, shape or form may a typeface including but not limited to partners and/or
be transmitted to a third party or modified. subcontractors who must acquire a separate
The desired modifications in the context and distinct licence or licences.
of the development of a visual identity, can The full text of the licence and terms
only be effected by the designer himself of use can be downloaded here : any person
and only after acquisition of a written or entity found in breach of one or more
authorisation from 205TF. terms of the licence may be prosecuted.


The OpenType format is compatible with both (small capitals, aligned and oldstyle *A Postscript
Macintosh and Windows platforms. Based on numerals, proportionals and tabulars, or Truetype typeface
Unicode encoding it can contain up to 65,000 ligatures, alternative letters, etc.). can contain no more
signs* including a number of writing systems The OpenType format is supported by a wide than 256 signs.
(Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, etc.) and range of software. The dynamic functions
numerous signs that allow users to create are accessed differently depending on the
accurate and sleek typographic compositions software used.


Abenaki Folkspraak Luxembourgish Shona

Afaan Oromo French Maasai Sicilian
Afar Frisian Makhuwa Silesian
Afrikaans Friulian Malay Slovak
Albanian Gagauz Maltese Slovenian
Alsatian Galician Manx Slovio
Amis Ganda Maori Somali
Anuta Genoese Marquesan Sorbian Lower
Aragonese German Meglenoromanian Sorbian Upper
Aranese Gikuyu Meriam Mir Sotho Northern
Aromanian Gooniyandi Mirandese Sotho Southern
Arrernte Greenlandic Mohawk Spanish
Arvanitic Greenlandic Old Moldovan Sranan
Asturian Orthography Montagnais Sundanese
Atayal Guadeloupean Montenegrin Swahili
Aymara Gwichin Murrinhpatha Swazi
Azerbaijani Haitian Creole Nagamese Creole Swedish
Bashkir Han Ndebele Tagalog
Basque Hawaiian Neapolitan Tahitian
Belarusian Hiligaynon Ngiyambaa Tetum
Bemba Hopi Niuean Tok Pisin
Bikol Hotcak Noongar Tokelauan
Bislama Hungarian Norwegian Tongan
Bosnian Icelandic Novial Tshiluba
Breton Ido Occidental Tsonga
Bulgarian Ilocano Occitan Tswana
Romanization Indonesian Old Icelandic Tumbuka
Cape Verdean Interglossa Old Norse Turkish
Catalan Interlingua Oshiwambo Turkmen
Cebuano Irish Ossetian Tuvaluan
Chamorro Istroromanian Palauan Tzotzil
Chavacano Italian Papiamento Ukrainian
Chichewa Jamaican Piedmontese Uzbek
Chickasaw Javanese Polish Venetian
Chinese Pinyin Jerriais Portuguese Vepsian
Cimbrian Kaingang Potawatomi Volapuk
Cofan Kala Lagaw Ya Qeqchi Voro
Corsican Kapampangan Quechua Wallisian
Creek Kaqchikel Rarotongan Walloon
Crimean Tatar Karakalpak Romanian Waraywaray
Croatian Karelian Romansh Warlpiri
Czech Kashubian Rotokas Wayuu
Danish Kikongo Sami Inari Welsh
Dawan Kinyarwanda Sami Lule Wikmungkan
Delaware Kiribati Sami Northern Wiradjuri
Dholuo Kirundi Sami Southern Wolof
Drehu Kurdish Samoan Xavante
Dutch Ladin Sango Xhosa
English Latin Saramaccan Yapese
Esperanto Latino Sine Sardinian Yindjibarndi
Estonian Latvian Scottish Gaelic Zapotec
Faroese Lithuanian Serbian Zulu
Fijian Lojban Seri Zuni
Filipino Lombard Seychellois
Finnish Low Saxon Shawnee

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To buy ore By buying a typeface you Test! 205TF makes test typefaces available.
support typeface designers who can dedicate Before downloading them from
the time necessary for the development of you must first register. These test versions
new typefaces (and you are of course are not complete and can only be used in
enthusiastic at the idea of discovering models/mock ups. Their use in a commercial
and using them!) context is strictly prohibited.

Copy? By copying and illegally using

typefaces, you jeopardise designers and kill
their art. In the long term the result will
be that you will only have Arial available
to use in your compositions (and it would be
well deserved!)


205TF and the typeface designers represented 205TF can not guarantee their correct
by 205TF pay particular attention to the functioning when used with other operating
quality of the typographic design and the system or software. 205TF can not be
technical development of typefaces. considered responsible for an eventual
Each typeface has been tested on Macintosh “crash” following the installation of
and Windows, the most popular browsers a typeface obtained through the
(for webfonts) and on Adobe applications website.
(InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop)
and Office (Word, Excel, Power point).

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Immortel Infra G1 Roman


Immortel Infra G1 Median


Immortel Infra G1 Italic


Immortel Infra G2 Roman


Immortel Infra G2 Median


Immortel Infra G2 Italic

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Immortel Colera Roman


Immortel Colera Italic

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Immortel Vena G1 Roman


Immortel Vena G1 Median


Immortel Vena G1 Italic


Immortel Vena G2 Roman


Immortel Vena G2 Median


Immortel Vena G2 Italic

205TF © 2021-04 9/50




Immortel Acedia Roman


Immortel Acedia Italic

205TF © 2021-04 10/50



PUNCTUATION H!¡?¿·•//\()[]{}-–—“”‘’«»‹›@&|¦
LINING FIGURES 00123456789
LINING FIGURES 00123456789.,:;
AUTOMATIC FRACTIONS ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ 12345/67890
Habcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz−+=()-., Habcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz −+=()-.,
DENOMINATORS H0123456789 H0123456789
1abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ªº no nos No Nos № nos
MATHEMATICAL SIGNS ¢¤$€ƒ£¥@&¶§©®℗™°|¦†‡℮~¬^∅∞∫∆∏∑√∂µ+−×÷=≠><≥≤±≈%‰
fb ffb ff fh ffh fi ffi fj ffj fk ffk fl ffl fft ftt ft
LIGATURES Th tf ttf tt ka ra f fl
áăâäàāąåǻãæǽćčçĉċðďđéĕěêëėèēęğĝģġħĥıíĭîïìīįĩijĵȷķĸĺľ ļŀłńňņŋñóŏô
a​á ​ă ​ǎ ​â ​ä ​à ​ā ​ą ​å ​ǻ ​ã ​æ ​ǽ​b​c​ć ​č ​ç ​ĉ ​ċ​d​ð ​ď ​đ ​dz ​dž�​e​é ​ĕ ​ě ​ê ​ë ​ė ​è ​ē ​ę ​ẽ ​ə​f​g​ğ ​ĝ ​ģ ​ġ ​ḡ​h​ħ ​ĥ​
i​ı ​í ​ĭ ​ǐ ​î ​ï ​ì ​ij ​ī ​į ​ĩ​j​ĵ​k​ķ​l​ĺ ​ľ ​ļ ​ŀ ​ł​m​n​ń ​ň ​ņ ​ñ ​ŋ​o​ó ​ŏ ​ǒ ​ô ​ö ​ò ​ő ​ō ​ǫ ​ø ​ǿ ​õ ​œ​p​þ​q​r​ŕ ​ř ​ŗ​s​ś ​š ​ş ​ŝ ​ș​
ss​t​ŧ ​ť ​ţ ​ț​u​ú ​ŭ ​ǔ ​û ​ü ​ǘ ​ǚ ​ǜ ​ǖ ​ù ​ű ​ū ​ų ​ů ​ũ​v​w​ẃ ​ŵ ​ẅ ​ẁ​x​y​ý ​ŷ ​ÿ ​ỳ ​ỹ​z​ź ​ž ​ż​
LIGATURES (SS02) ct sp st

205TF © 2021-04 11/50



1. Automatically spaced capitals. 12, 13. 

Tabular figures, practical when
2. Punctuation is opticaly repositionning the user needs alignment in columns.
3, 4. S
pecific small capitals whereas 14. 
Slashed zero to distinguish with
opticaly reduced capitals. letter O.
5. Specific glyphs in several languages. 15. 
Standard ligatures automaticaly correct
6, 7, 8, 9. S
pecific superior collision between two characters.
and inferior glyphs. 16. Smart ligatures.
10, 11. Proportional figures. 17. Specific contextual glyphs.


2. C
3. S
Caluire-et-Cuire Caluire-et-Cuire
4. C
5. L

ROMANIAN Chişinău Galaţi Chişinău Galaţi

CATALAN Paral·lel Paral·lel
FRENCH Il dit : « Vous fîtes » Il dit : « Vous fîtes »
TURKISH Lafı filan Lafı filan

No Nos no nos 1A 1O No Nos no nos 1a 1o
1/4 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/2 3/4
Mr Mme 1er Mr Mme 1er
H2O Fe3O4 H2O Fe3O4
LINING FIGURES 0123456789 0123456789
OLD STYLE FIG. 0123456789 0123456789
LINING FIGURES 0123456789 0123456789
OLD STYLE FIG. 0123456789 0123456789
00 0�
Afficher Afficher
LIGATURES Portfolio, Lunette, Théâtre Portfolio, Lunette, Théâtre
ALTERNATES 08x32mm 10X65mm 08x32 mm 10×65 mm
Stef’s book Stef’s book
Qg Qj Qp Qq Qy Qg Qj Qp Qq Qy

205TF © 2021-04 12/50



The stylistic set function allows to access

to specific signs which replace glyphs
in the standard set.
A typeface can contain 20 stylistic sets.


--W --W
--E --E
--S --S
--N --N
--NW --NW
--NE --NE
--SE --SE
--SW --SW
--NS --NS
--WE --WE
LIGATURES (SS02) Rectiligne, cristallin, espace Rectiligne, cristallin, espace

205TF © 2021-04 13/50



Immortal Infra represents phlegm:

a lymphatic, sluggish and slow character.
It finds its source in the work
of Robert Granjon, a typeface engraver
from the 16th century.

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The doctrine of
56 PTS

the four humours.

In the order stated
32 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours.

In the order stated above—not
necessarily following one another,
but often existing side by
24 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the

order stated above—not necessarily following
one another, but often existing side by side—
these various meanings evolved in the course
of a development covering more than two
16 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above

—not necessarily following one another, but often existing side by
side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a development
covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings
emerged, old meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a
case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival.
The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal
conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the

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12 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a
development covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis,
but of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal
conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis),
which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted
the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to
the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and,
according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the character of
the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa;
crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit
10 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole
above—not necessarily following one another, but existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according
often existing side by side—these various meanings to the manner in which they were combined,
evolved in the course of a development covering more determined the character of the individual. “Sunt
than two thousand years. Although new meanings enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur
emerged, old meanings did not give way to them; in diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus,
short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem,
but of parallel survival. The original basis of the crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera imitator
different meanings was the quite literal conception ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia.
of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno,
the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with regnat in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit
the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, in hieme, regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec
constituted the Four Humours. These humours minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear,
corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements terse sentences of an early medieval natural


The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat
—not necessarily following one another, but often existing side in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat
by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno,
development covering more than two thousand years. Although regnat in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme,
new meanings emerged, old meanings did not give way to them; in regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant,
short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences of an early medieval
survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the Four
literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the Humours. This system was destined to dominate the whole trend
body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, of physiology and psychology almost until the present day; for what
the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral
Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic pathology was either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox
elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole doctrine by the second-century eclectics, especially Galen. In the
existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the manner same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard. This system
in which they were combined, determined the character of the can be accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient
individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur (and, in part at least, specifically Greek) principles: 1. The search
diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in for simple primary elements or qualities, to which the complex and

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following for what the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral pathology was
one another, but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox doctrine by the second-century eclectics,
of a development covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings especially Galen. In the same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard. This system
emerged, old meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and can be accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient (and, in part at least,
metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was specifically Greek) principles: 1. The search for simple primary elements or qualities, to
the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black which the complex and apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm and microcosm
bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, could be directly traced. 2. The urge to find a numerical expression for this complex
constituted the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic structure of bodily and spiritual existence. 3. The theory of harmony, symmetry, isonomy,
elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour or whatever other name men may have chosen to express that perfect proportion in parts,
of mankind, and, according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the in materials, or in faculties, which Greek thought down to Plotinus always regarded as
character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa essential to any value, moral, aesthetic or hygienic. In seeking, then, to ascertain the origin
elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur of humoralism, we must go back to the Pythagoreans, not only because the veneration
aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat of number in general attained its highest expression in Pythagorean philosophy, but more
in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate. particularly because the Pythagoreans regarded the number four as specially significant.
Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec minus They used to swear by four, “which holds the root and source of eternal nature”; and not
iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences of an early medieval natural only nature in general, but rational man in particular, seemed to them governed by four
philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the Four Humours. This system was destined principles, located in the brain, the heart, the navel and the phallus respectively. Even the
to dominate the whole trend of physiology and psychology almost until the present day; soul was later on envisaged as fourfold, enclosing intellect, understanding, opinion and

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The doctrine of the

56 PTS

four humours.
In the order stated
32 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours.

In the order stated above—
not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by
24 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order

stated above—not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by side—these
various meanings evolved in the course of a
development covering more than two thousand
16 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not

necessarily following one another, but often existing side by side—these
various meanings evolved in the course of a development covering more
than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay
and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original basis of the
different meanings was the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible
and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together

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12 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of
a development covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged,
old meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis,
but of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal
conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis),
which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four
Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to the divisions
of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the
manner in which they were combined, determined the character of the individual. “Sunt enim
quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus,
regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera
10 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the manner
above—not necessarily following one another, but often in which they were combined, determined the character
existing side by side—these various meanings evolved of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores
in the course of a development covering more than two in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in
thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus.
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat
not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate,
The original basis of the different meanings was the quite regnat in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur terram,
literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate. Phlegma
of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute.
with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.”
blood, constituted the Four Humours. These humours In these clear, terse sentences of an early medieval
corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the
the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence Four Humours. This system was destined to dominate


The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia.
necessarily following one another, but often existing side by side—these Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate.
various meanings evolved in the course of a development covering more Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute. Hi cum
than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay sentences of an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient
and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original basis of the doctrine of the Four Humours. This system was destined to dominate
different meanings was the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible the whole trend of physiology and psychology almost until the present
and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, day; for what the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed
together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, to humoral pathology was either forgotten or else merged into the
constituted the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was orthodox doctrine by the second-century eclectics, especially Galen.
held, to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled In the same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard.
the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according to This system can be accounted for only by the combination of three very
the manner in which they were combined, determined the character of ancient (and, in part at least, specifically Greek) principles: 1. The
the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur search for simple primary elements or qualities, to which the complex
diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis and apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm and microcosm
aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. could be directly traced. 2. The urge to find a numerical expression

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one pathology was either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox doctrine by the second-century
another, but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a eclectics, especially Galen. In the same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard.
development covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old This system can be accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient (and, in part at
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but least, specifically Greek) principles: 1. The search for simple primary elements or qualities, to
of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal conception which the complex and apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm and microcosm
of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together could be directly traced. 2. The urge to find a numerical expression for this complex structure of
with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. bodily and spiritual existence. 3. The theory of harmony, symmetry, isonomy, or whatever other
These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of time; name men may have chosen to express that perfect proportion in parts, in materials, or
they controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the manner in in faculties, which Greek thought down to Plotinus always regarded as essential to any value,
which they were combined, determined the character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor moral, aesthetic or hygienic. In seeking, then, to ascertain the origin of humoralism, we must go
humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in back to the Pythagoreans, not only because the veneration of number in general attained its
diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera imitator highest expression in Pythagorean philosophy, but more particularly because the Pythagoreans
ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in regarded the number four as specially significant. They used to swear by four, “which holds
autumno, regnat in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute. the root and source of eternal nature”; and not only nature in general, but rational man in
Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences particular, seemed to them governed by four principles, located in the brain, the heart, the navel
of an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the Four Humours. and the phallus respectively. Even the soul was later on envisaged as fourfold, enclosing
This system was destined to dominate the whole trend of physiology and psychology almost intellect, understanding, opinion and perception. The Pythagoreans themselves did not evolve
until the present day; for what the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral a doctrine of four humours, but they prepared the ground by postulating a series of tetradic

205TF © 2021-04 18/50



The doctrine of the

56 PTS

four humours.
In the order stated
32 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours.

In the order stated above—not
necessarily following one another,
but often existing side by side—
24 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order

stated above—not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by side—these
various meanings evolved in the course of a
development covering more than two thousand
16 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily
following one another, but often existing side by side—these various
meanings evolved in the course of a development covering more than two
thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did not give
way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of
parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite
literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the
“black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”)

205TF © 2021-04 19/50



12 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one another,
but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a development covering
more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did not give way
to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original
basis of the different meanings was the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part
of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile,
and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic
elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind,
and, according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the character of the
individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt
in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat
in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur
10 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated to the manner in which they were combined, determined the
above—not necessarily following one another, but often character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores
existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in
course of a development covering more than two thousand diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis
years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera
not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia.
metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original basis Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno, regnat
of the different meanings was the quite literal conception of in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme,
a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto
bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences of
(or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient
These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic doctrine of the Four Humours. This system was destined
elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the to dominate the whole trend of physiology and psychology
whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according almost until the present day; for what the “heterodox”


The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate.
following one another, but often existing side by side—these various Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec
meanings evolved in the course of a development covering more than two plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences
thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did not of an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine
give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, of the Four Humours. This system was destined to dominate the whole trend
but of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the of physiology and psychology almost until the present day; for what
quite literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral pathology
the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or was either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox doctrine by the
“red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. These humours second-century eclectics, especially Galen. In the same way Paracelsus’s
corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of objections went long unheard. This system can be accounted for only by the
time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, combination of three very ancient (and, in part at least, specifically Greek)
according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the principles: 1. The search for simple primary elements or qualities, to which
character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui the complex and apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm
imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant and microcosm could be directly traced. 2. The urge to find a numerical
in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in expression for this complex structure of bodily and spiritual existence.
pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia. 3. The theory of harmony, symmetry, isonomy, or whatever other name

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one another, especially Galen. In the same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard. This system can be
but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a development accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient (and, in part at least, specifically Greek)
covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did not give principles: 1. The search for simple primary elements or qualities, to which the complex and
way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm and microcosm could be directly traced.
The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible and 2. The urge to find a numerical expression for this complex structure of bodily and spiritual existence.
tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or 3. The theory of harmony, symmetry, isonomy, or whatever other name men may have chosen
“red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to express that perfect proportion in parts, in materials, or in faculties, which Greek thought down to
to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour Plotinus always regarded as essential to any value, moral, aesthetic or hygienic. In seeking, then,
of mankind, and, according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the character of to ascertain the origin of humoralism, we must go back to the Pythagoreans, not only because the
the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt veneration of number in general attained its highest expression in Pythagorean philosophy, but more
in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat particularly because the Pythagoreans regarded the number four as specially significant. They used
in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur to swear by four, “which holds the root and source of eternal nature”; and not only nature in general,
terram, crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, but rational man in particular, seemed to them governed by four principles, located in the brain,
regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse the heart, the navel and the phallus respectively. Even the soul was later on envisaged as fourfold,
sentences of an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the Four enclosing intellect, understanding, opinion and perception. The Pythagoreans themselves did not
Humours. This system was destined to dominate the whole trend of physiology and psychology almost evolve a doctrine of four humours, but they prepared the ground by postulating a series of tetradic
until the present day; for what the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral pathology categories (such as, for instance, those already mentioned; earth, air, fire and water; spring, summer,
was either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox doctrine by the second-century eclectics, autumn and winter). In this system, once it was evolved, the four humours could easily be

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The doctrine of the

56 PTS

four humours.
In the order stated
32 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours.

In the order stated above—not
necessarily following one another,
but often existing side by
24 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the

order stated above—not necessarily following
one another, but often existing side by side—
these various meanings evolved in the course
of a development covering more than two
16 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not

necessarily following one another, but often existing side by side—
these various meanings evolved in the course of a development
covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings
emerged, old meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a
case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival.
The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal
conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the

205TF © 2021-04 21/50



12 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a
development covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis,
but of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal
conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis),
which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted
the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and
to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and,
according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the character of the
individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa;
crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit
10 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole
above—not necessarily following one another, but existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according
often existing side by side—these various meanings to the manner in which they were combined,
evolved in the course of a development covering more determined the character of the individual. “Sunt
than two thousand years. Although new meanings enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur
emerged, old meanings did not give way to them; in diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus,
short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem,
but of parallel survival. The original basis of the crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera imitator
different meanings was the quite literal conception of ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia.
a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno,
the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the regnat in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit
phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, in hieme, regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec
constituted the Four Humours. These humours minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear,
corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and terse sentences of an early medieval natural


The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere,
necessarily following one another, but often existing side by regnat in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat
side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a develop­- in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno,
ment covering more than two thousand years. Although new regnat in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme,
meanings emerged, old meanings did not give way to them; in short, regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant,
it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences of an early medieval
survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the Four
literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the Humours. This system was destined to dominate the whole trend
body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, of physiology and psychology almost until the present day; for what
the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral
Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic pathology was either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox
elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole doctrine by the second-century eclectics, especially Galen. In the
existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the manner same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard. This system
in which they were combined, determined the character of the can be accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient
individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur (and, in part at least, specifically Greek) principles: 1. The search
diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant for simple primary elements or qualities, to which the complex and

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following for what the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral pathology was
one another, but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox doctrine by the second-century eclectics,
of a development covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings especially Galen. In the same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard. This system
emerged, old meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and can be accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient (and, in part at least,
metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was specifically Greek) principles: 1. The search for simple primary elements or qualities, to
the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black which the complex and apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm and microcosm
bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, could be directly traced. 2. The urge to find a numerical expression for this complex
constituted the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic structure of bodily and spiritual existence. 3. The theory of harmony, symmetry, isonomy,
elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour or whatever other name men may have chosen to express that perfect proportion in parts,
of mankind, and, according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the in materials, or in faculties, which Greek thought down to Plotinus always regarded as
character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa essential to any value, moral, aesthetic or hygienic. In seeking, then, to ascertain the origin
elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur of humoralism, we must go back to the Pythagoreans, not only because the veneration
aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat of number in general attained its highest expression in Pythagorean philosophy, but more
in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate. particularly because the Pythagoreans regarded the number four as specially significant.
Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec minus They used to swear by four, “which holds the root and source of eternal nature”; and not
iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences of an early medieval natural only nature in general, but rational man in particular, seemed to them governed by four
philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the Four Humours. This system was destined principles, located in the brain, the heart, the navel and the phallus respectively. Even the
to dominate the whole trend of physiology and psychology almost until the present day; soul was later on envisaged as fourfold, enclosing intellect, understanding, opinion and

205TF © 2021-04 22/50



The doctrine of the

56 PTS

four humours.
In the order stated
32 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours.

In the order stated above—not
necessarily following one another,
but often existing side by
24 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order

stated above—not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by side—these
various meanings evolved in the course of a
development covering more than two thousand
16 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not

necessarily following one another, but often existing side by side—these
various meanings evolved in the course of a development covering more
than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay
and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original basis of the
different meanings was the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible
and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together

205TF © 2021-04 23/50



12 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of
a development covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of
parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal conception
of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together
with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. These
humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of time; they
controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the manner in which
they were combined, determined the character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores
in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis
aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem,
10 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the manner
above—not necessarily following one another, but often in which they were combined, determined the character
existing side by side—these various meanings evolved of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores
in the course of a development covering more than two in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in
thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus.
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat
not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate,
The original basis of the different meanings was the quite regnat in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur terram,
literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate. Phlegma
of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute.
with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.”
blood, constituted the Four Humours. These humours In these clear, terse sentences of an early medieval
corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the
the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence Four Humours. This system was destined to dominate


The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia.
necessarily following one another, but often existing side by side—these Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate.
various meanings evolved in the course of a development covering more Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute. Hi cum
than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay sentences of an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient
and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original basis of the doctrine of the Four Humours. This system was destined to dominate
different meanings was the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible the whole trend of physiology and psychology almost until the present
and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, day; for what the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed
together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, to humoral pathology was either forgotten or else merged into the
constituted the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was orthodox doctrine by the second-century eclectics, especially Galen. In
held, to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard. This system
the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the can be accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient
manner in which they were combined, determined the character of (and, in part at least, specifically Greek) principles: 1. The search for
the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur simple primary elements or qualities, to which the complex and
diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm and microcosm
aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. could be directly traced. 2. The urge to find a numerical expression for

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one was either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox doctrine by the second-century eclectics,
another, but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a especially Galen. In the same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard. This system can
development covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old be accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient (and, in part at least, specifically
meanings did not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but Greek) principles: 1. The search for simple primary elements or qualities, to which the complex
of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal conception and apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm and microcosm could be directly traced.
of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together 2. The urge to find a numerical expression for this complex structure of bodily and spiritual
with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. These existence. 3. The theory of harmony, symmetry, isonomy, or whatever other name men may
humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of time; they have chosen to express that perfect proportion in parts, in materials, or in faculties, which
controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according to the manner in Greek thought down to Plotinus always regarded as essential to any value, moral, aesthetic
which they were combined, determined the character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor or hygienic. In seeking, then, to ascertain the origin of humoralism, we must go back to
humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant in the Pythagoreans, not only because the veneration of number in general attained its highest
diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera imitator expression in Pythagorean philosophy, but more particularly because the Pythagoreans
ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in regarded the number four as specially significant. They used to swear by four, “which holds
autumno, regnat in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute. the root and source of eternal nature”; and not only nature in general, but rational man
Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences of an in particular, seemed to them governed by four principles, located in the brain, the heart, the
early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the Four Humours. This navel and the phallus respectively. Even the soul was later on envisaged as fourfold, enclosing
system was destined to dominate the whole trend of physiology and psychology almost until the intellect, understanding, opinion and perception. The Pythagoreans themselves did not evolve
present day; for what the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral pathology a doctrine of four humours, but they prepared the ground by postulating a series of tetradic

205TF © 2021-04 24/50



The doctrine of the

56 PTS

four humours.
In the order stated
32 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours.

In the order stated above—not
necessarily following one another,
but often existing side by side—these
24 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order

stated above—not necessarily following one
another, but often existing side by side—these
various meanings evolved in the course of a
development covering more than two thousand
16 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily
following one another, but often existing side by side—these various
meanings evolved in the course of a development covering more than two
thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did not give
way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of
parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the quite
literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the
“black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”)

205TF © 2021-04 25/50



12 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one another,
but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a development covering
more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did not give way to
them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original
basis of the different meanings was the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part
of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or “red”) bile,
and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic
elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind,
and, according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the character of the
individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt
in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat
in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur
10 PTS

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated to the manner in which they were combined, determined the
above—not necessarily following one another, but often character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores
existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in
course of a development covering more than two thousand diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis
years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in pueritia. Cholera
not give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia.
metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. The original basis Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno, regnat
of the different meanings was the quite literal conception of in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme,
a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “black regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto
bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences of
(or “red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient
These humours corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic doctrine of the Four Humours. This system was destined
elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the to dominate the whole trend of physiology and psychology
whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, according almost until the present day; for what the “heterodox”


The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily Melancholia imitatur terram, crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate.
following one another, but often existing side by side—these various Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec
meanings evolved in the course of a development covering more than two plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse sentences
thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did not of an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine
give way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, of the Four Humours. This system was destined to dominate the whole trend
but of parallel survival. The original basis of the different meanings was the of physiology and psychology almost until the present day; for what
quite literal conception of a concrete, visible and tangible part of the body, the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral pathology was
the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox doctrine by the second-
“red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. These humours century eclectics, especially Galen. In the same way Paracelsus’s objections
corresponded, it was held, to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of went long unheard. This system can be accounted for only by the
time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour of mankind, and, combination of three very ancient (and, in part at least, specifically Greek)
according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the principles: 1. The search for simple primary elements or qualities, to which
character of the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui the complex and apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm
imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt in diversis temporibus, regnant and microcosm could be directly traced. 2. The urge to find a numerical
in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat in expression for this complex structure of bodily and spiritual existence.
pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia. 3. The theory of harmony, symmetry, isonomy, or whatever other name

The doctrine of the four humours. In the order stated above—not necessarily following one another, especially Galen. In the same way Paracelsus’s objections went long unheard. This system can be
but often existing side by side—these various meanings evolved in the course of a development accounted for only by the combination of three very ancient (and, in part at least, specifically
covering more than two thousand years. Although new meanings emerged, old meanings did not give Greek) principles: 1. The search for simple primary elements or qualities, to which the complex and
way to them; in short, it was a case not of decay and metamorphosis, but of parallel survival. apparently irrational structure of both macrocosm and microcosm could be directly traced.
The original basis of the different meanings was the quite literal conception of a concrete, visible and 2. The urge to find a numerical expression for this complex structure of bodily and spiritual existence.
tangible part of the body, the “black bile” (atra bilis), which, together with the phlegm, the yellow (or 3. The theory of harmony, symmetry, isonomy, or whatever other name men may have chosen
“red”) bile, and the blood, constituted the Four Humours. These humours corresponded, it was held, to express that perfect proportion in parts, in materials, or in faculties, which Greek thought down
to the cosmic elements and to the divisions of time; they controlled the whole existence and behaviour to Plotinus always regarded as essential to any value, moral, aesthetic or hygienic. In seeking, then,
of mankind, and, according to the manner in which they were combined, determined the character of to ascertain the origin of humoralism, we must go back to the Pythagoreans, not only because the
the individual. “Sunt enim quattuor humores in homine, qui imitantur diversa elementa; crescunt veneration of number in general attained its highest expression in Pythagorean philosophy, but more
in diversis temporibus, regnant in diversis aetatibus. Sanguis imitatur aerem, crescit in vere, regnat particularly because the Pythagoreans regarded the number four as specially significant. They used
in pueritia. Cholera imitator ignem, crescit in aestate, regnat in adolescentia. Melancholia imitatur to swear by four, “which holds the root and source of eternal nature”; and not only nature in general,
terram, crescit in autumno, regnat in maturitate. Phlegma imitatur aquam, crescit in hieme, but rational man in particular, seemed to them governed by four principles, located in the brain,
regnat in senectute. Hi cum nec plus nec minus iusto exuberant, viget homo.” In these clear, terse the heart, the navel and the phallus respectively. Even the soul was later on envisaged as fourfold,
sentences of an early medieval natural philosopher, we have the ancient doctrine of the Four enclosing intellect, understanding, opinion and perception. The Pythagoreans themselves did
Humours. This system was destined to dominate the whole trend of physiology and psychology almost not evolve a doctrine of four humours, but they prepared the ground by postulating a series of tetradic
until the present day; for what the “heterodox” schools of antiquity had opposed to humoral pathology categories (such as, for instance, those already mentioned; earth, air, fire and water; spring, summer,
was either forgotten or else merged into the orthodox doctrine by the second-century eclectics, autumn and winter). In this system, once it was evolved, the four humours could easily be

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Immortel Colera represents yellow bile:

an angry and prideful character.
It’s inspired by the work of Jean Jannon,
an engraver from the 17th century.

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Thus from the

56 PTS

Pythagoreans the
road leads next
32 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the

road leads next to Empedocles,
in whose doctrine the first of these
conditions was fulfilled.
24 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads

next to Empedocles, in whose doctrine
the first of these conditions was fulfilled.
He endeavoured to combine the speculations
of the old natural philosophers, such as Thales
16 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to Empedocles,

in whose doctrine the first of these conditions was fulfilled.
He endeavoured to combine the speculations of the old natural
philosophers, such as Thales or Anaximenes, who thought only in
terms of matter and therefore traced all existence back to one
primrary element, with the precisely opposite tetradic doctrine
of the Pythagoreans, which was based on the idea of pure number.
In this attempt he evolved the doctrine of the Four Elements,

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12 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to Empedocles, in whose doctrine the first
of these conditions was fulfilled. He endeavoured to combine the speculations of the old
natural philosophers, such as Thales or Anaximenes, who thought only in terms of matter
and therefore traced all existence back to one primrary element, with the precisely opposite
tetradic doctrine of the Pythagoreans, which was based on the idea of pure number. In this
attempt he evolved the doctrine of the Four Elements, which paired the “four roots of
the All” with four specific cosmic entities—the sun, the earth, the sky and the sea. These
elements were of equal value and power, but each had its own particular task and its own
particular nature. In the course of the seasons each in turn gained the ascendancy, and it was
their combination, different in each single case, which brought into existence all individual
things and which alone determined the characters of men. The perfect combination was,
first, that in which all the elements were equally apportioned; secondly, that in which
10 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to particular nature. In the course of the seasons each
Empedocles, in whose doctrine the first of these in turn gained the ascendancy, and it was their
conditions was fulfilled. He endeavoured to combine combination, different in each single case, which
the speculations of the old natural philosophers, such brought into existence all individual things and which
as Thales or Anaximenes, who thought only in terms alone determined the characters of men. The perfect
of matter and therefore traced all existence back combination was, first, that in which all the elements
to one primrary element, with the precisely opposite were equally apportioned; secondly, that in which
tetradic doctrine of the Pythagoreans, which was the elemental units— as we should say, the atoms—of
based on the idea of pure number. In this attempt the combination were neither too many nor too few
he evolved the doctrine of the Four Elements, which in quantity, neither too coarse nor too fine in quality.
paired the “four roots of the All” with four specific This perfect combination produced the man with
cosmic entities—the sun, the earth, the sky and the the largest understanding and the keenest wit. If all
sea. These elements were of equal value and power, the elements were not equally apportioned, the man
but each had its own particular task and its own would be a fool. If the number of the apportioned


Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to Empedocles, were equally apportioned; secondly, that in which the elemental
in whose doctrine the first of these conditions was fulfilled. units— as we should say, the atoms—of the combination were
He endeavoured to combine the speculations of the old natural neither too many nor too few in quantity, neither too coarse nor too
philosophers, such as Thales or Anaximenes, who thought only in fine in quality. This perfect combination produced the man with the
terms of matter and therefore traced all existence back to one largest understanding and the keenest wit. If all the elements were
primrary element, with the precisely opposite tetradic doctrine of not equally apportioned, the man would be a fool. If the number of
the Pythagoreans, which was based on the idea of pure number. the apportioned atoms was either too great or too small, the man
In this attempt he evolved the doctrine of the Four Elements, produced would be either gloomy and lethargic, or hot-blooded and
which paired the “four roots of the All” with four specific cosmic enthusiastic, but incapable of sustained effort. And if the combi-
entities—the sun, the earth, the sky and the sea. These elements nation was more perfect in one part of the body than in another, this
were of equal value and power, but each had its own particular task would produce individuals with a marked specific talent—orators,
and its own particular nature. In the course of the seasons each in for instance, if the “crasis” of the tongue, artists if that of the hands,
turn gained the ascendancy, and it was their combination, different was especially good. From this it will be seen that Empedocles had
in each single case, which brought into existence all individual firmly—almost too firmly—established the unity of macrocosm
things and which alone determined the characters of men. and microcosm (man and universe deriving from the same primary
The perfect combination was, first, that in which all the elements elements), and that he had already made an attempt to demonstrate

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to Empedocles, in whose doctrine the first incapable of sustained effort. And if the combination was more perfect in one
of these conditions was fulfilled. He endeavoured to combine the speculations of the old part of the body than in another, this would produce individuals with a marked specific
natural philosophers, such as Thales or Anaximenes, who thought only in terms of matter talent—orators, for instance, if the “crasis” of the tongue, artists if that of the hands,
and therefore traced all existence back to one primrary element, with the precisely was especially good. From this it will be seen that Empedocles had firmly—almost too
opposite tetradic doctrine of the Pythagoreans, which was based on the idea of pure firmly—established the unity of macrocosm and microcosm (man and universe deriving
number. In this attempt he evolved the doctrine of the Four Elements, which paired the from the same primary elements), and that he had already made an attempt to demonstrate
“four roots of the All” with four specific cosmic entities—the sun, the earth, the sky and the a systematic connexion between physical and mental factors—in other words, to put
sea. These elements were of equal value and power, but each had its own particular task forward a psychosomatic theory of character. But it will also be seen that this attempt
and its own particular nature. In the course of the seasons each in turn gained the was far too general and far too speculative to satisfy the requirements of a specifically
ascendancy, and it was their combination, different in each single case, which brought into anthropological theory, much less of a medical one. In so far as he held that human beings,
existence all individual things and which alone determined the characters of men. The as well as the physical universe, were composed only of earth, air, fire and water,
perfect combination was, first, that in which all the elements were equally apportioned; Empedocles did indeed establish a common basis for the macrocosm and the microcosm:
secondly, that in which the elemental units— as we should say, the atoms—of the but he ignored what was proper to the microcosm as such. He reduced man to general,
combination were neither too many nor too few in quantity, neither too coarse nor too fine cosmic elements, without probing that which is specifically human; he gave us, as it were,
in quality. This perfect combination produced the man with the largest understanding and the original matter, but not the materials of man’s composition. Those of a more
the keenest wit. If all the elements were not equally apportioned, the man would be a fool. anthropological turn of mind could not rest content with this, but were driven to search for
If the number of the apportioned atoms was either too great or too small, the man specific substances (and faculties) in man, which should somehow correspond to the
produced would be either gloomy and lethargic, or hot-blooded and enthusiastic, but primary elements constituting the world as a whole, without being simply identical with

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Thus from the

56 PTS

Pythagoreans the
road leads next to
32 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road

leads next to Empedocles, in whose
doctrine the first of these conditions
was fulfilled. He endeavoured to
24 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next

to Empedocles, in whose doctrine the first of
these conditions was fulfilled. He endeavoured to
combine the speculations of the old natural
philosophers, such as Thales or Anaximenes, who
16 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to Empedocles, in whose
doctrine the first of these conditions was fulfilled. He endeavoured to
combine the speculations of the old natural philosophers, such as Thales or
Anaximenes, who thought only in terms of matter and therefore traced all
existence back to one primrary element, with the precisely opposite tetradic
doctrine of the Pythagoreans, which was based on the idea of pure number.
In this attempt he evolved the doctrine of the Four Elements, which paired the
“four roots of the All” with four specific cosmic entities—the sun, the earth,

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12 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to Empedocles, in whose doctrine the first of these
conditions was fulfilled. He endeavoured to combine the speculations of the old natural philosophers,
such as Thales or Anaximenes, who thought only in terms of matter and therefore traced all existence
back to one primrary element, with the precisely opposite tetradic doctrine of the Pythagoreans, which
was based on the idea of pure number. In this attempt he evolved the doctrine of the Four Elements,
which paired the “four roots of the All” with four specific cosmic entities—the sun, the earth, the sky
and the sea. These elements were of equal value and power, but each had its own particular task and its
own particular nature. In the course of the seasons each in turn gained the ascendancy, and it was
their combination, different in each single case, which brought into existence all individual things and
which alone determined the characters of men. The perfect combination was, first, that in which all
the elements were equally apportioned; secondly, that in which the elemental units— as we should say,
the atoms—of the combination were neither too many nor too few in quantity, neither too coarse nor
10 PTS

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to different in each single case, which brought into existence
Empedocles, in whose doctrine the first of these conditions all individual things and which alone determined the
was fulfilled. He endeavoured to combine the speculations of characters of men. The perfect combination was, first, that
the old natural philosophers, such as Thales or Anaximenes, in which all the elements were equally apportioned; secondly,
who thought only in terms of matter and therefore traced all that in which the elemental units— as we should say, the
existence back to one primrary element, with the precisely atoms—of the combination were neither too many nor too
opposite tetradic doctrine of the Pythagoreans, which was few in quantity, neither too coarse nor too fine in quality.
based on the idea of pure number. In this attempt he evolved This perfect combination produced the man with the largest
the doctrine of the Four Elements, which paired the “four understanding and the keenest wit. If all the elements were
roots of the All” with four specific cosmic entities—the sun, not equally apportioned, the man would be a fool. If the
the earth, the sky and the sea. These elements were of equal number of the apportioned atoms was either too great or too
value and power, but each had its own particular task and its small, the man produced would be either gloomy and
own particular nature. In the course of the seasons each in lethargic, or hot-blooded and enthusiastic, but incapable of
turn gained the ascendancy, and it was their combination, sustained effort. And if the combination was more perfect


Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to Empedocles, in whose too few in quantity, neither too coarse nor too fine in quality. This perfect
doctrine the first of these conditions was fulfilled. He endeavoured to combination produced the man with the largest understanding and the
combine the speculations of the old natural philosophers, such as Thales or keenest wit. If all the elements were not equally apportioned, the man would
Anaximenes, who thought only in terms of matter and therefore traced be a fool. If the number of the apportioned atoms was either too great
all existence back to one primrary element, with the precisely opposite or too small, the man produced would be either gloomy and lethargic, or
tetradic doctrine of the Pythagoreans, which was based on the idea of pure hot-blooded and enthusiastic, but incapable of sustained effort. And if
number. In this attempt he evolved the doctrine of the Four Elements, which the combination was more perfect in one part of the body than in another,
paired the “four roots of the All” with four specific cosmic entities—the sun, this would produce individuals with a marked specific talent—orators,
the earth, the sky and the sea. These elements were of equal value and power, for instance, if the “crasis” of the tongue, artists if that of the hands, was
but each had its own particular task and its own particular nature. In especially good. From this it will be seen that Empedocles had firmly—
the course of the seasons each in turn gained the ascendancy, and it was almost too firmly—established the unity of macrocosm and microcosm
their combination, different in each single case, which brought into (man and universe deriving from the same primary elements), and that he
existence all individual things and which alone determined the characters had already made an attempt to demonstrate a systematic connexion
of men. The perfect combination was, first, that in which all the elements between physical and mental factors—in other words, to put forward a
were equally apportioned; secondly, that in which the elemental units— as psychosomatic theory of character. But it will also be seen that this attempt
we should say, the atoms—of the combination were neither too many nor was far too general and far too speculative to satisfy the requirements of

Thus from the Pythagoreans the road leads next to Empedocles, in whose doctrine the first of these “crasis” of the tongue, artists if that of the hands, was especially good. From this it will be seen that
conditions was fulfilled. He endeavoured to combine the speculations of the old natural philosophers, Empedocles had firmly—almost too firmly—established the unity of macrocosm and microcosm
such as Thales or Anaximenes, who thought only in terms of matter and therefore traced all existence (man and universe deriving from the same primary elements), and that he had already made an
back to one primrary element, with the precisely opposite tetradic doctrine of the Pythagoreans, attempt to demonstrate a systematic connexion between physical and mental factors—in other
which was based on the idea of pure number. In this attempt he evolved the doctrine of the Four words, to put forward a psychosomatic theory of character. But it will also be seen that this attempt
Elements, which paired the “four roots of the All” with four specific cosmic entities—the sun, was far too general and far too speculative to satisfy the requirements of a specifically anthropological
the earth, the sky and the sea. These elements were of equal value and power, but each had its own theory, much less of a medical one. In so far as he held that human beings, as well as the physical
particular task and its own particular nature. In the course of the seasons each in turn gained the universe, were composed only of earth, air, fire and water, Empedocles did indeed establish a common
ascendancy, and it was their combination, different in each single case, which brought into existence basis for the macrocosm and the microcosm: but he ignored what was proper to the microcosm as such.
all individual things and which alone determined the characters of men. The perfect combination He reduced man to general, cosmic elements, without probing that which is specifically human; he
was, first, that in which all the elements were equally apportioned; secondly, that in which the gave us, as it were, the original matter, but not the materials of man’s composition. Those of a more
elemental units— as we should say, the atoms—of the combination were neither too many nor too few anthropological turn of mind could not rest content with this, but were driven to search for specific
in quantity, neither too coarse nor too fine in quality. This perfect combination produced the man substances (and faculties) in man, which should somehow correspond to the primary elements
with the largest understanding and the keenest wit. If all the elements were not equally apportioned, constituting the world as a whole, without being simply identical with them. Empedocles’s immediate
the man would be a fool. If the number of the apportioned atoms was either too great or too small, successors had already felt the need of making his anthropological concepts rather more elastic,
the man produced would be either gloomy and lethargic, or hot-blooded and enthusiastic, but by partly depriving the elements composing man of their purely material nature and by attributing
incapable of sustained effort. And if the combination was more perfect in one part of the body than in to them a more dynamic character. Philistion, the head of the Sicilian school of medicine founded
another, this would produce individuals with a marked specific talent—orators, for instance, if the by Empedocles, still, it is true, described man as a combination of the four elements earth, air, fire

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Immortel Vena represents blood:

a jovial and warm character.
It finds its source in the work
of Jacques-François Rosart, an engraver
from the 18th century.

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Both theories
56 PTS

reached their full

maturity not long
32 PTS

Both theories reached their full

maturity not long before 400,
when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for
24 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity

not long before 400, when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for the very
reason that the ideas discussed by us so far
concerning the elements and qualities were
16 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400,
when humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very
reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements
and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the
humours as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These
humours had long been known in the specifically medical tradition,
in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible
(as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment

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12 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so
far concerning the elements and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to
the humours as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been
known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and,
if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment
brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of
(that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter
arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the
cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such
humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed
they were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two
10 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long humours”, the notion of which had developed very
before 400, when humoralism really originated. similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements.
It originated then for the very reason that the ideas Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite
discussed by us so far concerning the elements and number of such humours, which rose to the head
qualities were now—not without violence—applied to and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus
the humours as empirically demonstrated in the believed they were caused by a single acid salty fluid;
human body. These humours had long been known in and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such
the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were the two
as causes of illness, and, if they became visible humours which later received the names phlegm and
(as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation,
Nourishment brought substances into the body which, although not a few writers attributed to it the qualities
thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of (that of cold and moisture. Such a correlation is
is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly presupposed in the very important treatise Of the
indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus Nature of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know


Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason the two humours which later received the names phlegm and
that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, although not a few
qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and moisture. Such
as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours a correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the
had long been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the Nature of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen,
first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, and written in
vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique
substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly value for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system
made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were humoral pathology proper with general cosmological speculation,
partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by this desire, the
the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of author’s first step was to reject the view of those who held that
the cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed the human body originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single
an indefinite number of such humours, which rose to the head and element only. He was moreover, as far as we know, the first writer
generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they who put forward a theory of the four humours. At the outset—
were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus though later it was to become almost canonical—it could only be

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system humoral pathology proper with
originated. It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far general cosmological speculation, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by
concerning the elements and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the this desire, the author’s first step was to reject the view of those who held that the human
humours as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been body originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single element only. He was moreover,
known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, as far as we know, the first writer who put forward a theory of the four humours. At the
if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment outset—though later it was to become almost canonical—it could only be established with
brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use the help of two quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood had to be included in the system,
of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from although it was not in fact a surplus humour; and in the bile, which hitherto had been
the latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to regarded as a single fluid, or else split down into innumerable sub-species, it was necessary
that of the cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite to distinguish two independent “humours”, the yellow bile and the black. These four
number of such humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of humours were always present in the human body and determined its nature ; but according
Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus to the season sometimes one and sometimes another gained the ascendancy—the black
distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were the two humours bile, for instance, in the autumn, whereas the winter was unfavourable to it and the spring
which later received the names phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, inimical, so that autumn-engendered pains would be relieved by the spring. The four
although not a few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and moisture. Such a humours, then, caused both illness and health, since their right combination was health,
correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature of Man, attributed but the predominance or defect of one or another, illness. These are all ideas of which the
by the ancients, as we know from Galen, either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, origin can now be established. The notion of the humours as such comes from empirical
and written in any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique value medicine. The notion of the tetrad, the definition of health as the equilibrium of the

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Both theories
56 PTS

reached their full

maturity not long
32 PTS

Both theories reached their full

maturity not long before 400,
when humoralism really originated.
It originated then for the very
24 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity

not long before 400, when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for the very reason
that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning
the elements and qualities were now—not
16 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason that
the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and qualities
were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically
demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been known
in the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of
illness, and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as
symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body

205TF © 2021-04 35/50



12 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning
the elements and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as
empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been known in the
specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible
(as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the
body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and
blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion
of which had developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of
Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such humours, which rose to the head and
generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid salty
fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were
10 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before very similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements.
400, when humoralism really originated. It originated Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number
then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so of such humours, which rose to the head and generated
far concerning the elements and qualities were now— illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were
not without violence—applied to the humours as caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of
empirically demonstrated in the human body. These Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one
humours had long been known in the specifically medical bitter. These were the two humours which later received
tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if the names phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused
they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as inflammation, although not a few writers attributed to it
symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances the qualities of cold and moisture. Such a correlation is
into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature
made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from
but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the Galen, either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law
“surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed Polybus, and written in any case not later than 400 B.C.


Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when one bitter. These were the two humours which later received the names
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, although
that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and not a few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and moisture.
qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as Such a correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the
empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long Nature of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen,
been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, and written in any
as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique
like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the value for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system humoral
body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of (that is, pathology proper with general cosmological speculation, more
turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by this desire, the author’s first
from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which step was to reject the view of those who held that the human body
had developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements. originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single element only.
Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such He was moreover, as far as we know, the first writer who put forward a
humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus theory of the four humours. At the outset—though later it was to
of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid salty fluid; become almost canonical —it could only be established with the help of
and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and two quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood had to be included in

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really origi- proper with general cosmological speculation, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided
nated. It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning by this desire, the author’s first step was to reject the view of those who held that the human
the elements and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours body originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single element only. He was moreover,
as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been known in the as far as we know, the first writer who put forward a theory of the four humours. At the
specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became outset—though later it was to become almost canonical—it could only be established with the
visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into help of two quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood had to be included in the system, although
the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, it was not in fact a surplus humour; and in the bile, which hitherto had been regarded as
flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, a single fluid, or else split down into innumerable sub-species, it was necessary to distinguish
the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements. two independent “humours”, the yellow bile and the black. These four humours were always
Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such humours, which rose to the present in the human body and determined its nature ; but according to the season sometimes
head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single one and sometimes another gained the ascendancy—the black bile, for instance, in the autumn,
acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. whereas the winter was unfavourable to it and the spring inimical, so that autumn-engendered
These were the two humours which later received the names phlegm and bile—phlegm because pains would be relieved by the spring. The four humours, then, caused both illness and health,
it caused inflammation, although not a few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and since their right combination was health, but the predominance or defect of one or another,
moisture. Such a correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature illness. These are all ideas of which the origin can now be established. The notion of the
of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen, either to Hippocrates or to his humours as such comes from empirical medicine. The notion of the tetrad, the definition of
son-in-law Polybus, and written in any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document health as the equilibrium of the different parts, and of sickness as the disturbance of this
its unique value for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system humoral pathology equilibrium, are Pythagorean contributions (which were taken up by Empedocles). The notion

205TF © 2021-04 36/50



Both theories reached

56 PTS

their full maturity

not long before 400,
32 PTS

Both theories reached their full

maturity not long before 400,
when humoralism really originated.
It originated then for the very reason
24 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long

before 400, when humoralism really originated.
It originated then for the very reason that the ideas
discussed by us so far concerning the elements and
qualities were now—not without violence—applied
16 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason that the
ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and qualities were now—
not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically demonstrated
in the human body. These humours had long been known in the specifically
medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became
visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment
brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly

205TF © 2021-04 37/50



12 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really originated.
It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and
qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically demonstrated in
the human body. These humours had long been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first
instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of
illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made
use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose
the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary
elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such humours, which rose to
the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid
salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were
the two humours which later received the names phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused
10 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite
400, when humoralism really originated. It originated number of such humours, which rose to the head and
then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they
concerning the elements and qualities were now—not were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of
without violence—applied to the humours as empirically Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one
demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long bitter. These were the two humours which later received the
been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first names phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused
instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in inflammation, although not a few writers attributed to it
vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment the qualities of cold and moisture. Such a correlation is
brought substances into the body which, thanks to the presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature of
digestion, were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen,
flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, and
latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had written in any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this
developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary document its unique value for posterity was its attempt to


Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, although not a
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason that few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and moisture. Such a
the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and qualities were correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature of
now—not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen, either to
demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been known in Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, and written in any case not later
the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique value for posterity was
and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of its attempt to combine in one system humoral pathology proper with general
illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body which, thanks to the cosmological speculation, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by
digestion, were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and this desire, the author’s first step was to reject the view of those who held that
blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus the human body originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single
humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the element only. He was moreover, as far as we know, the first writer who put
cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite forward a theory of the four humours. At the outset—though later it was to
number of such humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: become almost canonical—it could only be established with the help of two
Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid salty quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood had to be included in the system,
fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and although it was not in fact a surplus humour; and in the bile, which hitherto
one bitter. These were the two humours which later received the names had been regarded as a single fluid, or else split down into innumerable

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really originated. first step was to reject the view of those who held that the human body originated from, and subsisted
It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements in virtue of, a single element only. He was moreover, as far as we know, the first writer who put
and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically demonstrated forward a theory of the four humours. At the outset—though later it was to become almost
in the human body. These humours had long been known in the specifically medical tradition, canonical—it could only be established with the help of two quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood
in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), had to be included in the system, although it was not in fact a surplus humour; and in the bile,
as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, which hitherto had been regarded as a single fluid, or else split down into innumerable sub-species,
were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; it was necessary to distinguish two independent “humours”, the yellow bile and the black. These four
and from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly humours were always present in the human body and determined its nature ; but according to the
to that of the cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number season sometimes one and sometimes another gained the ascendancy—the black bile, for instance,
of such humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed in the autumn, whereas the winter was unfavourable to it and the spring inimical, so that
they were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, autumn-engendered pains would be relieved by the spring. The four humours, then, caused both
one sour and one bitter. These were the two humours which later received the names phlegm and illness and health, since their right combination was health, but the predominance or defect of
bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, although not a few writers attributed to it the qualities one or another, illness. These are all ideas of which the origin can now be established. The notion of
of cold and moisture. Such a correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature the humours as such comes from empirical medicine. The notion of the tetrad, the definition of health
of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen, either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law as the equilibrium of the different parts, and of sickness as the disturbance of this equilibrium, are
Polybus, and written in any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique value Pythagorean contributions (which were taken up by Empedocles). The notion that in the course of
for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system humoral pathology proper with general the seasons each of the four substances in turn gains the ascendancy seems to be purely Empedoclean.
cosmological speculation, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by this desire, the author’s But the credit for combining all these notions in one system, and thereby creating the doctrine of

205TF © 2021-04 38/50



Both theories
56 PTS

reached their full

maturity not long
32 PTS

Both theories reached their full

maturity not long before 400,
when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for
24 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity

not long before 400, when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for the very
reason that the ideas discussed by us so far
concerning the elements and qualities were
16 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason
that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and
qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours
as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had
long been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first
instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in
vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought

205TF © 2021-04 39/50



12 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far
concerning the elements and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the
humours as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been
known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and,
if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment
brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of
(that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter
arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the
cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such
humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed
they were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two
10 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long humours”, the notion of which had developed very
before 400, when humoralism really originated. similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements.
It originated then for the very reason that the ideas Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite
discussed by us so far concerning the elements and number of such humours, which rose to the head
qualities were now—not without violence—applied and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus
to the humours as empirically demonstrated in the believed they were caused by a single acid salty fluid;
human body. These humours had long been known in and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such
the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were the two
as causes of illness, and, if they became visible humours which later received the names phlegm
(as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation,
Nourishment brought substances into the body which, although not a few writers attributed to it the
thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of (that qualities of cold and moisture. Such a correlation is
is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly presupposed in the very important treatise Of the
indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus Nature of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know


Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason the two humours which later received the names phlegm and
that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, although not a few
qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and moisture. Such a
as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the
had long been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the Nature of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen,
first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, and written in
vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique
substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly value for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system
made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were humoral pathology proper with general cosmological speculation,
partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by this desire,
the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the the author’s first step was to reject the view of those who held that
cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed the human body originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single
an indefinite number of such humours, which rose to the head and element only. He was moreover, as far as we know, the first writer
generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they who put forward a theory of the four humours. At the outset—
were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus though later it was to become almost canonical—it could only be

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system humoral pathology proper with
originated. It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far general cosmological speculation, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by this
concerning the elements and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the desire, the author’s first step was to reject the view of those who held that the human body
humours as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single element only. He was moreover,
known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, as far as we know, the first writer who put forward a theory of the four humours. At the
if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment outset—though later it was to become almost canonical—it could only be established with
brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use the help of two quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood had to be included in the system,
of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the although it was not in fact a surplus humour; and in the bile, which hitherto had been
latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to regarded as a single fluid, or else split down into innumerable sub-species, it was necessary
that of the cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite to distinguish two independent “humours”, the yellow bile and the black. These four
number of such humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of humours were always present in the human body and determined its nature ; but according
Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus to the season sometimes one and sometimes another gained the ascendancy—the black
distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were the two humours which bile, for instance, in the autumn, whereas the winter was unfavourable to it and the spring
later received the names phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, inimical, so that autumn-engendered pains would be relieved by the spring. The four
although not a few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and moisture. Such a humours, then, caused both illness and health, since their right combination was health,
correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature of Man, attributed but the predominance or defect of one or another, illness. These are all ideas of which the
by the ancients, as we know from Galen, either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, origin can now be established. The notion of the humours as such comes from empirical
and written in any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique value medicine. The notion of the tetrad, the definition of health as the equilibrium of the

205TF © 2021-04 40/50



Both theories
56 PTS

reached their full

maturity not long
32 PTS

Both theories reached their full

maturity not long before 400,
when humoralism really originated.
It originated then for the very
24 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not

long before 400, when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for the very reason
that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning
the elements and qualities were now
16 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason that
the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and qualities
were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically
demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been known
in the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of
illness, and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as
symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body

205TF © 2021-04 41/50



12 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really
originated. It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning
the elements and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as
empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been known in the
specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible
(as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the
body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and
blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion
of which had developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of
Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such humours, which rose to the head and
generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid salty
fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter.
10 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements.
400, when humoralism really originated. It originated Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number
then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so of such humours, which rose to the head and generated
far concerning the elements and qualities were now—not illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were
without violence—applied to the humours as empirically caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of
demonstrated in the human body. These humours had Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one
long been known in the specifically medical tradition, bitter. These were the two humours which later received
in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they the names phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused
became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms inflammation, although not a few writers attributed to it
of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body the qualities of cold and moisture. Such a correlation is
which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature
(that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from
partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus Galen, either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law
humours”, the notion of which had developed very Polybus, and written in any case not later than 400 B.C.


Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when one bitter. These were the two humours which later received the names
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, although
that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and not a few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and moisture.
qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as Such a correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the
empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long Nature of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen,
been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, and written in any
as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique value
the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system humoral
the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of (that pathology proper with general cosmological speculation, more
is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by this desire, the author’s first
and from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which step was to reject the view of those who held that the human body
had developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements. originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single element only.
Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such He was moreover, as far as we know, the first writer who put forward a
humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus theory of the four humours. At the outset—though later it was to
of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid salty fluid; become almost canonical—it could only be established with the help
and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and of two quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood had to be included in the

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really origi- proper with general cosmological speculation, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided
nated. It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning by this desire, the author’s first step was to reject the view of those who held that the human
the elements and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours body originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single element only. He was moreover, as far
as empirically demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been known in the as we know, the first writer who put forward a theory of the four humours. At the outset
specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became — though later it was to become almost canonical—it could only be established with the help
visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment brought substances into of two quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood had to be included in the system, although
the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, it was not in fact a surplus humour; and in the bile, which hitherto had been regarded as
flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus humours”, a single fluid, or else split down into innumerable sub-species, it was necessary to distinguish
the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary elements. two independent “humours”, the yellow bile and the black. These four humours were always
Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such humours, which rose to the present in the human body and determined its nature ; but according to the season sometimes
head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single one and sometimes another gained the ascendancy—the black bile, for instance, in the autumn,
acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. whereas the winter was unfavourable to it and the spring inimical, so that autumn-engendered
These were the two humours which later received the names phlegm and bile—phlegm because pains would be relieved by the spring. The four humours, then, caused both illness and health,
it caused inflammation, although not a few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and since their right combination was health, but the predominance or defect of one or another,
moisture. Such a correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature illness. These are all ideas of which the origin can now be established. The notion of the
of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen, either to Hippocrates or to his humours as such comes from empirical medicine. The notion of the tetrad, the definition of
son-in-law Polybus, and written in any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document health as the equilibrium of the different parts, and of sickness as the disturbance of this
its unique value for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system humoral pathology equilibrium, are Pythagorean contributions (which were taken up by Empedocles). The notion

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Both theories reached

56 PTS

their full maturity

not long before 400,
32 PTS

Both theories reached their full

maturity not long before 400,
when humoralism really originated.
It originated then for the very reason
24 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long

before 400, when humoralism really originated.
It originated then for the very reason that the ideas
discussed by us so far concerning the elements and
qualities were now—not without violence—applied
16 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason that the
ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and qualities were now—
not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically demonstrated
in the human body. These humours had long been known in the specifically
medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became
visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment
brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly

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12 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really originated.
It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and
qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically demonstrated in
the human body. These humours had long been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first
instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms of
illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly made
use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose
the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary
elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such humours, which rose to
the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid
salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one bitter. These were
the two humours which later received the names phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused
10 PTS

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite
400, when humoralism really originated. It originated number of such humours, which rose to the head and
then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they
concerning the elements and qualities were now—not were caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of
without violence—applied to the humours as empirically Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour and one
demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long bitter. These were the two humours which later received the
been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the first names phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused
instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in inflammation, although not a few writers attributed to it
vomiting or the like), as symptoms of illness. Nourishment the qualities of cold and moisture. Such a correlation is
brought substances into the body which, thanks to the presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature of
digestion, were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen,
flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, and
latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had written in any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave
developed very similarly to that of the cosmic primary this document its unique value for posterity was its attempt


Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when phlegm and bile—phlegm because it caused inflammation, although not
humoralism really originated. It originated then for the very reason that a few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and moisture. Such
the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements and qualities were a correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature
now—not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically of Man, attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen, either to
demonstrated in the human body. These humours had long been known in Hippocrates or to his son-in-law Polybus, and written in any case not later
the specifically medical tradition, in the first instance as causes of illness, than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique value for posterity was
and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms its attempt to combine in one system humoral pathology proper with general
of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body which, thanks to cosmological speculation, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided
the digestion, were partly made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and by this desire, the author’s first step was to reject the view of those who held
blood), but were partly indigestible; and from the latter arose the “surplus that the human body originated from, and subsisted in virtue of, a single
humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to that of the element only. He was moreover, as far as we know, the first writer who put
cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite forward a theory of the four humours. At the outset—though later it was to
number of such humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: become almost canonical—it could only be established with the help of two
Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were caused by a single acid salty quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood had to be included in the system,
fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour although it was not in fact a surplus humour; and in the bile, which hitherto
and one bitter. These were the two humours which later received the names had been regarded as a single fluid, or else split down into innumerable

Both theories reached their full maturity not long before 400, when humoralism really originated. first step was to reject the view of those who held that the human body originated from, and subsisted
It originated then for the very reason that the ideas discussed by us so far concerning the elements in virtue of, a single element only. He was moreover, as far as we know, the first writer who put
and qualities were now—not without violence—applied to the humours as empirically demonstrated forward a theory of the four humours. At the outset—though later it was to become almost
in the human body. These humours had long been known in the specifically medical tradition, in the canonical—it could only be established with the help of two quite arbitrary assumptions. The blood
first instance as causes of illness, and, if they became visible (as in vomiting or the like), as symptoms had to be included in the system, although it was not in fact a surplus humour; and in the bile, which
of illness. Nourishment brought substances into the body which, thanks to the digestion, were partly hitherto had been regarded as a single fluid, or else split down into innumerable sub-species, it was
made use of (that is, turned into bones, flesh and blood), but were partly indigestible; and from necessary to distinguish two independent “humours”, the yellow bile and the black. These four
the latter arose the “surplus humours”, the notion of which had developed very similarly to that humours were always present in the human body and determined its nature ; but according to the
of the cosmic primary elements. Euryphon of Cnidus had assumed an indefinite number of such season sometimes one and sometimes another gained the ascendancy—the black bile, for instance,
humours, which rose to the head and generated illnesses: Timotheus of Metapontus believed they were in the autumn, whereas the winter was unfavourable to it and the spring inimical, so that
caused by a single acid salty fluid; and Herodicus of Cnidus distinguished two such fluids, one sour autumn-engendered pains would be relieved by the spring. The four humours, then, caused both
and one bitter. These were the two humours which later received the names phlegm and bile—phlegm illness and health, since their right combination was health, but the predominance or defect of one
because it caused inflammation, although not a few writers attributed to it the qualities of cold and or another, illness. These are all ideas of which the origin can now be established. The notion of
moisture. Such a correlation is presupposed in the very important treatise Of the Nature of Man, the humours as such comes from empirical medicine. The notion of the tetrad, the definition of health
attributed by the ancients, as we know from Galen, either to Hippocrates or to his son-in-law as the equilibrium of the different parts, and of sickness as the disturbance of this equilibrium, are
Polybus, and written in any case not later than 400 B.C. What gave this document its unique value Pythagorean contributions (which were taken up by Empedocles). The notion that in the course of
for posterity was its attempt to combine in one system humoral pathology proper with general the seasons each of the four substances in turn gains the ascendancy seems to be purely Empedoclean.
cosmological speculation, more particularly that of Empedocles. Guided by this desire, the author’s But the credit for combining all these notions in one system, and thereby creating the doctrine of

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Immortel Acedia represents black bile

that provokes hopelessness and melancholy.
It takes its inspiration from the engraving
Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer (1514)
and attempts a synthesis between two traces
of a priori opposing tools, one made by
the flat tip and the other by the narrow
point. In this sense it is closer to a 21st
century typeface.

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But this combin-

56 PTS

ation of the purely

medical doctrine of
32 PTS

But this combination of the purely

medical doctrine of humours with
a system of natural philosophy
gave rise to a curious difficulty of
24 PTS

But this combination of the purely medical

doctrine of humours with a system of natural
philosophy gave rise to a curious difficulty of
which earlier writers were quite unconsciolls
but which was later to come very much to
16 PTS

But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of humours

with a system of natural philosophy gave rise to a curious difficulty
of which earlier writers were quite unconsciolls but which was later
to come very much to the fore and which was never wholly resolved.
On the one hand, with the exception of blood, the humours taken
over from medicine were quite useless substances, not to say harmful.
They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”, causing illness, first
observed primarily in vomiting and other symptoms; and one could

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12 PTS

But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of humours with a system of natural
philosophy gave rise to a curious difficulty of which earlier writers were quite unconsciolls
but which was later to come very much to the fore and which was never wholly resolved.
On the one hand, with the exception of blood, the humours taken over from medicine
were quite useless substances, not to say harmful. They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”,
causing illness, first observed primarily in vomiting and other symptoms; and one could only
speak of true health when all the humours were present in the right combination, so that
each harmful influence neutralised the other. On the other hand, these very substances,
though regarded as in themselves causes of illness, or at least as predisposing factors, were
paired with the universal (and hygienically neutral) qualities, cold, moist, warm and dry.
Each gained the ascendancy once a year without necessarily causing acute illnesses; and
since the absolutely healthy man was one who was never ill at all (so that he must be as like
10 PTS

But this combination of the purely medical doctrine as in themselves causes of illness, or at least as
of humours with a system of natural philosophy gave predisposing factors, were paired with the universal
rise to a curious difficulty of which earlier writers were (and hygienically neutral) qualities, cold, moist, warm
quite unconsciolls but which was later to come very and dry. Each gained the ascendancy once a year
much to the fore and which was never wholly resolved. without necessarily causing acute illnesses; and since
On the one hand, with the exception of blood, the the absolutely healthy man was one who was never ill
humours taken over from medicine were quite useless at all (so that he must be as like every other absolutely
substances, not to say harmful. They were excretions, healthy man as two peas in a pod, the right combi­
“humores vitiosi”, causing illness, first observed nation of the humours being one alone and permitting
primarily in vomiting and other symptoms; and one no divergencies), the physician, of all people, could
could only speak of true health when all the humours not avoid the conclusion that this absolutely healthy
were present in the right combination, so that each man represented an ideal hardly ever met with in
harmful influence neutralised the other. On the reality. Thus, in such a tradition, what had of old been
other hand, these very substances, though regarded symptoms of illness came gradually to be regarded


But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of humours all (so that he must be as like every other absolutely healthy man as
with a system of natural philosophy gave rise to a curious difficulty two peas in a pod, the right combination of the humours being one
of which earlier writers were quite unconsciolls but which was alone and permitting no divergencies), the physician, of all people,
later to come very much to the fore and which was never wholly could not avoid the conclusion that this absolutely healthy man
resolved. On the one hand, with the exception of blood, the represented an ideal hardly ever met with in reality. Thus, in such a
humours taken over from medicine were quite useless substances, tradition, what had of old been symptoms of illness came gradually
not to say harmful. They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”, causing to be regarded, at first unconsciously, as types of disposition.
illness, first observed primarily in vomiting and other symptoms; Complete health was only an ideal, approximated, but never in fact
and one could only speak of true health when all the humours were attained. It was logical enough, if one said of someone in whose
present in the right combination, so that each harmful influence body the humours were perfectly combined that he was “in the very
neutralised the other. On the other hand, these very substances, best of health” for it was thereby implicitly admitted that someone
though regarded as in themselves causes of illness, or at least as predis- in whom one or other humour predominated could nevertheless
posing factors, were paired with the universal (and hygienically enjoy good health, though not in the highest possible degree. And
neutral) qualities, cold, moist, warm and dry. Each gained the thus it had to be conceded that in fact it was usually a predominance
ascendancy once a year without necessarily causing acute illnesses; of one or other humour which determined a man’s constitution and
and since the absolutely healthy man was one who was never ill at that such an individual, though predisposed to certain quite definite

But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of humours with a system of natural attained. It was logical enough, if one said of someone in whose body the humours were
philosophy gave rise to a curious difficulty of which earlier writers were quite unconsciolls perfectly combined that he was “in the very best of health” for it was thereby implicitly
but which was later to come very much to the fore and which was never wholly resolved. admitted that someone in whom one or other humour predominated could nevertheless
On the one hand, with the exception of blood, the humours taken over from medicine enjoy good health, though not in the highest possible degree. And thus it had to
were quite useless substances, not to say harmful. They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”, be conceded that in fact it was usually a predominance of one or other humour which
causing illness, first observed primarily in vomiting and other symptoms; and one could determined a man’s constitution and that such an individual, though predisposed to
only speak of true health when all the humours were present in the right combination, certain quite definite illnesses, normally seemed quite healthy. The words “phlegmatic” and
so that each harmful influence neutralised the other. On the other hand, these very so on came to be used for peculiar but (within the limits of this peculiarity) not necessarily
substances, though regarded as in themselves causes of illness, or at least as predisposing morbid aspects of human nature; and once the doctrine of four humours had been
factors, were paired with the universal (and hygienically neutral) qualities, cold, moist, systematised in the form described, it was bound gradually to become a doctrine of four
warm and dry. Each gained the ascendancy once a year without necessarily causing acute temperaments. As “Hippocrates” says at one point, “too dry a summer or autumn suits
illnesses; and since the absolutely healthy man was one who was never ill at all (so that phlegmatics but does the greatest harm to cholerics, who are in danger of being dried up
he must be as like every other absolutely healthy man as two peas in a pod, the right completely, for their eyes run dry, they are feverish, and some fall into melancholy
combination of the humours being one alone and permitting no divergencies), the sicknesses”—which shows that the Hippocrateans themselves envisaged men with
physician, of all people, could not avoid the conclusion that this absolutely healthy man constitutions determined by a permanent predominance of either phlegm or yellow bile,
represented an ideal hardly ever met with in reality. Thus, in such a tradition, what had of who were not as a rule actually ill but merely predisposed to certain illnesses, and who were
old been symptoms of illness came gradually to be regarded, at first unconsciously, as types in certain circumstances even susceptible to illnesses other than those deriving from
of disposition. Complete health was only an ideal, approximated, but never in fact their predominant humour. From this time onward the expressions “choleric”,

205TF © 2021-04 47/50



But this combination

56 PTS

of the purely medical

doctrine of humours
32 PTS

But this combination of the purely

medical doctrine of humours with
a system of natural philosophy gave
rise to a curious difficulty of which
24 PTS

But this combination of the purely medical

doctrine of humours with a system of natural
philosophy gave rise to a curious difficulty of which
earlier writers were quite unconsciolls but which
was later to come very much to the fore and which
16 PTS

But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of humours with a

system of natural philosophy gave rise to a curious difficulty of which earlier
writers were quite unconsciolls but which was later to come very much
to the fore and which was never wholly resolved. On the one hand, with the
exception of blood, the humours taken over from medicine were quite useless
substances, not to say harmful. They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”,
causing illness, first observed primarily in vomiting and other symptoms;
and one could only speak of true health when all the humours were present in

205TF © 2021-04 48/50



12 PTS

But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of humours with a system of natural philosophy
gave rise to a curious difficulty of which earlier writers were quite unconsciolls but which was later to
come very much to the fore and which was never wholly resolved. On the one hand, with the exception
of blood, the humours taken over from medicine were quite useless substances, not to say harmful.
They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”, causing illness, first observed primarily in vomiting and other
symptoms; and one could only speak of true health when all the humours were present in the right
combination, so that each harmful influence neutralised the other. On the other hand, these very
substances, though regarded as in themselves causes of illness, or at least as predisposing factors, were
paired with the universal (and hygienically neutral) qualities, cold, moist, warm and dry. Each gained
the ascendancy once a year without necessarily causing acute illnesses; and since the absolutely healthy
man was one who was never ill at all (so that he must be as like every other absolutely healthy man
as two peas in a pod, the right combination of the humours being one alone and permitting no
10 PTS

But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of the universal (and hygienically neutral) qualities, cold,
humours with a system of natural philosophy gave rise to moist, warm and dry. Each gained the ascendancy once a
a curious difficulty of which earlier writers were quite year without necessarily causing acute illnesses; and since
unconsciolls but which was later to come very much to the the absolutely healthy man was one who was never ill at all
fore and which was never wholly resolved. On the one hand, (so that he must be as like every other absolutely healthy man
with the exception of blood, the humours taken over from as two peas in a pod, the right combination of the humours
medicine were quite useless substances, not to say harmful. being one alone and permitting no divergencies), the
They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”, causing illness, physician, of all people, could not avoid the conclusion that
first observed primarily in vomiting and other symptoms; this absolutely healthy man represented an ideal hardly ever
and one could only speak of true health when all the humours met with in reality. Thus, in such a tradition, what had of
were present in the right combination, so that each harmful old been symptoms of illness came gradually to be regarded,
influence neutralised the other. On the other hand, these at first unconsciously, as types of disposition. Complete
very substances, though regarded as in themselves causes of health was only an ideal, approximated, but never in fact
illness, or at least as predisposing factors, were paired with attained. It was logical enough, if one said of someone


But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of humours with a alone and permitting no divergencies), the physician, of all people, could
system of natural philosophy gave rise to a curious difficulty of which earlier not avoid the conclusion that this absolutely healthy man represented an
writers were quite unconsciolls but which was later to come very much ideal hardly ever met with in reality. Thus, in such a tradition, what had of
to the fore and which was never wholly resolved. On the one hand, with the old been symptoms of illness came gradually to be regarded, at first
exception of blood, the humours taken over from medicine were quite useless unconsciously, as types of disposition. Complete health was only an ideal,
substances, not to say harmful. They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”, approximated, but never in fact attained. It was logical enough, if one said
causing illness, first observed primarily in vomiting and other symptoms; of someone in whose body the humours were perfectly combined that he
and one could only speak of true health when all the humours were present was “in the very best of health” for it was thereby implicitly admitted that
in the right combination, so that each harmful influence neutralised the someone in whom one or other humour predominated could nevertheless
other. On the other hand, these very substances, though regarded as in enjoy good health, though not in the highest possible degree. And thus
themselves causes of illness, or at least as predisposing factors, were paired it had to be conceded that in fact it was usually a predominance of one or
with the universal (and hygienically neutral) qualities, cold, moist, warm other humour which determined a man’s constitution and that such an
and dry. Each gained the ascendancy once a year without necessarily individual, though predisposed to certain quite definite illnesses, normally
causing acute illnesses; and since the absolutely healthy man was one who seemed quite healthy. The words “phlegmatic” and so on came to be used
was never ill at all (so that he must be as like every other absolutely healthy for peculiar but (within the limits of this peculiarity) not necessarily morbid
man as two peas in a pod, the right combination of the humours being one aspects of human nature; and once the doctrine of four humours had been

But this combination of the purely medical doctrine of humours with a system of natural philosophy in whom one or other humour predominated could nevertheless enjoy good health, though not in
gave rise to a curious difficulty of which earlier writers were quite unconsciolls but which was later the highest possible degree. And thus it had to be conceded that in fact it was usually a predominance
to come very much to the fore and which was never wholly resolved. On the one hand, with the of one or other humour which determined a man’s constitution and that such an individual, though
exception of blood, the humours taken over from medicine were quite useless substances, not to say predisposed to certain quite definite illnesses, normally seemed quite healthy. The words “phlegmatic”
harmful. They were excretions, “humores vitiosi”, causing illness, first observed primarily in and so on came to be used for peculiar but (within the limits of this peculiarity) not necessarily morbid
vomiting and other symptoms; and one could only speak of true health when all the humours were aspects of human nature; and once the doctrine of four humours had been systematised in the form
present in the right combination, so that each harmful influence neutralised the other. On the other described, it was bound gradually to become a doctrine of four temperaments. As “Hippocrates” says
hand, these very substances, though regarded as in themselves causes of illness, or at least as at one point, “too dry a summer or autumn suits phlegmatics but does the greatest harm to cholerics,
predisposing factors, were paired with the universal (and hygienically neutral) qualities, cold, moist, who are in danger of being dried up completely, for their eyes run dry, they are feverish, and some
warm and dry. Each gained the ascendancy once a year without necessarily causing acute illnesses; fall into melancholy sicknesses”—which shows that the Hippocrateans themselves envisaged men with
and since the absolutely healthy man was one who was never ill at all (so that he must be as like every constitutions determined by a permanent predominance of either phlegm or yellow bile, who were
other absolutely healthy man as two peas in a pod, the right combination of the humours being one not as a rule actually ill but merely predisposed to certain illnesses, and who were in certain
alone and permitting no divergencies), the physician, of all people, could not avoid the conclusion circumstances even susceptible to illnesses other than those deriving from their predominant humour.
that this absolutely healthy man represented an ideal hardly ever met with in reality. Thus, in From this time onward the expressions “choleric”, “phlegmatic”, and “melancholy”, were capable
such a tradition, what had of old been symptoms of illness came gradually to be regarded, at first of two fundamentally quite different meanings. They could denote either pathological states or
unconsciously, as types of disposition. Complete health was only an ideal, approximated, but never in constitutional aptitudes. It is true, however, that the two were closely linked, since it was usually
fact attained. It was logical enough, if one said of someone in whose body the humours were perfectly one and the same humour which adverse circumstances permitted to develop from mere predisposition
combined that he was “in the very best of health” for it was thereby implicitly admitted that someone into actual illness. As Isidore says, “the healthy are governed by these four humours, and the sick

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Designed by: Clément Le Tulle-Neyret

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Emma Marichal, Florence Roller


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