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Model Exam for Exit Exam

Choose the best answer for the following questions

1. If the true bearing of a line AB is 269° 30′, then the azimuth of the line AB is
A. 0° 30′
B. 89° 30′
C. 90° 30′
D. 269° 30′

Answer: C

2. For a line AB
A. The fore bearing of AB and back bearing of AB differ by 180°
B. The fore bearing of AB and back bearing of BA differ by 180°
C. Both (a) and (b) are correct.
D. None is correct

Answer: A

3. In the quadrant bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293° 30′ can be expressed as
A. W23°30’N
B. N66°30’W
C. S113°30’N
D. N23°30’W

Answer: B

4. Which of the following errors cannot be eliminated by taking both face observations?
A. Error due to horizontal axis not being perpendicular to the vertical axis
B. Index error i.e. error due to imperfect adjustment of the vertical circle venire
C. Error due to non-parallelism of the axis of telescope level and line of collimation
D. None of the above

Answer: D

5. The rise and fall method of leveling provides a complete check on

A. Back sight
B. Intermediate sight
C. Foresight
D. All of the above

Answer: D

6. If the R.L. of a B.M. is 100.00 m, the back- sight is 1.215 m and the foresight is 1.870 m,
the R.L. of the forward station is
A. 99.345 m
B. 100.345 m
C. 100.655m
D. 101.870m

Answer: A

7. Which of the following statements is in-correct?

A. Error due to refraction may not be completely eliminated by reciprocal leveling
B. Tilting levels are commonly used for precision work
C. The last reading of leveling is always a foresight
D. All alternative statements are incorrect

Answer: D

8. The difference of levels between two stations A and B is to be determined. For best
results, the instrument station should be
A. Equidistant from A and B
B. Closer to the higher station
C. Closer to the lower station
D. As far as possible from the line AB

Answer: A

9. Contour interval is
A. The vertical distance between two consecutive contours
B. The horizontal distance between two consecutive contours
C. The vertical distance between two points on same contour
D. The horizontal distance between two points on same contour

Answer: A

10. The process of determining the locations of the instrument station by drawing re sectors
from the locations of the known stations is called
A. Radiation
B. Intersection
C. Resection
D. Traversing

Answer: C
11. The angle between the prolongation of the preceding line and the forward line of a
traverse is called:
A. Deflection angle
B. Included angle
C. Direct angle
D. None of the above

Answer: A

12. One of the following positioning techniques gives positional information in real time.
A. Point positioning
B. Static
D. A and C.

Answer D

13. Which one of the following is not a satellite based GPS error?
A. Orbital errors
B. Satellite clock errors
C. Multipath .
D. None

Answer C

14. Which one of the following alternatives has a mismatched GPS signal transmission
A. Has one carrier frequency and one Digital code
B. Has two carrier frequency and two Digital codes
C. Has two carrier frequency and one Digital codes
D. All of the above

Answer B

15. Which reference system is used by global positioning system?

A. Clarke 1880
B. WGS 1984
C. GRS 1980
D. All of the above

Answer B
16. Which one is incorrect statement from the following alternatives?
A. GPS signal is controlled by atomic satellite clock.
B. Atomic clock is used by monitor station and onboard satellites.
C. GPS time can be used for synchronization or referencing.
D. None of the above.

Answer D

17. All of the following are GNSS operational satellites used by the user. Except one?
D. None of the above

Answer D

18. Differentiate the correct matched of GNSS satellite with their corresponding countries.
D. All are correct

Answer D

19. One of the following methods used for rising multipath effect during GNSS
A. Taking a measurement on reflection surface
B. Selection of receiver antenna
C. Setting of cut of angle
D. All of the above

Answer A

20. The things which we have to consider in GNSS mission planning is…
A. Satellite visibility
B. Satellite Geometry
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Answer C
21. Which of the following statements is true about Remote Sensing?
A. It is the process of acquiring information about the Earth’s surface without physically
being in contact with it.
B. It is the process of collecting data by physically being in contact with the Earth’s
C. It is the process of acquiring information about the Earth’s surface by drilling holes in
D. It is the process of acquiring information about the Earth’s surface by conducting

Answer A

22. Which of the following statements is true about remote sensing imagery?
A. It can only be collected during the day.
B. It can only be collected during clear weather conditions.
C. It can be collected during any time of the day or night and under any weather
D. It can only be collected during the night.

Answer C

23. Which of the following remote sensing platforms is best suited for monitoring changes
in urban areas over time?
A. Airborne platforms
B. Space borne platforms
C. Ground-based platforms
D. All of the above

Answer B

24. The spectral region of the electromagnetic radiation which passes through the
atmosphere without much attenuation is known as:
A. Ozone hole
B. Atmospheric window
C. Ozone window
D. Black hole

Answer B
25. Which of the following is not a principle of remote sensing?
A. Interaction of energy with satellite
B. Electromagnetic energy
C. Electro-magnetic spectrum
D. Interaction of energy with atmosphere

Answer A

26. The altitudinal distance of a geostationary satellite from the earth is about:
A. 26,000 km
B. 30,000 km
C. 36,000 km
D. 44,000 km

Answer C

27. The changes in the reflectivity/emissivity with time, is called:

A. Spectral variation
B. Spatial variation
C. Temporal variation
D. None of these

Answer C

28. In which step of processing, the images are subdivided successively into smaller
A. Image enhancement
B. Image acquisition
C. Segmentation
D. Wavelets

Answer D

29. Which of the following are Remote sensing applications for land administration?
A. Land tenure
B. Cadastral mapping
C. Land use classification
D. All mentioned above

Answer D
30. Aerial photographs are to be taken for highway planning and design. If a 152 mm focal
length camera is to be used and if an average scale of 1:5000 is required, what should be
the flying height above average terrain?
A. 7600 m
B. 560 m
C. 760 m
D. 5600 m

Answer C

31. One is the characteristics of Relief displacement?

A. It increases with increasing radial distance to the image.
B. It increases with increased elevation of the object point above datum.
C. It increases with increased flying height above datum.
D. None

Answer C

32. Evaluate the correct statement about their difference of an aerial photograph and a
digital orthophoto?
A. Digital orthophoto has uniform scale but aerial photo
B. Aerial photo has uniform scale but digital orthophoto
C. Aerial photo is a distortion free product but digital orthophoto.
D. All are correct but A.

Answer B

33. Points A and B are at elevations 335 m and 464 m above datum respectively. The
photographic coordinates of their images on a vertical photograph are xa = 68.27 mm,
ya = –32.37 mm, xb = –87.44 mm, and yb = 26.81 mm. What is the X coordinates of
point A in meter, if the photo was taken from 1135 m above datum with a 152.15 mm
focal length camera?
A. 150.3
B. 208.2
C. 108.2
D. 250.3

Answer A
34. Which one of the following is not the application of orthophoto for land administration?

A. It uses for cadastral map preparation

B. It can be used as a base map for land use planning
C. It can be used for line map preparation
D. None of the above

Answer D

35. Which one of the following is the type of aerial photograph can be used for large scale
map preparation is?
A. Low oblique aerial photo
B. Vertical aerial photo
C. High oblique aerial photo
D. All of the above

Answer B

36. In which process of orientation techniques the ground control point can be considered?
A. During Interior Orientation
B. During Exterior Orientation
C. A and B
D. None of the above

Answer B

37. Under which one of the following digital elevation model has elevation information’s
about the natural as well as human made features?
A. Orthophoto
B. Digital Terrain Model
C. Digital Surface Model
D. All are answers

Answer C

38. The followings are tasks to be done in Geodatabase, except one

A. Editing
B. Visualization
C. Storage
D. Query
Answer B

39. Referring the steps below, of the following given alternative which one of the following is
the correct order?
A. Geodatabase- Feature Classes – Feature dataset- table in the geodatabase
B. Geodatabase- Shape file- feature dataset- table in the geodatabase
C. Geodatabase- feature dataset- feature classes- table in the geodatabase
D. Geodatabase- raster dataset- feature classes- table in the geodatabase

Answer C

40. In GIS------------- defines as set up of rules on how features share their geometry in the
geographic environment
A. Feature datasets
B. Topology
C. Relationship classes
D. Object classes

Answer B

41. The following represents non spatial/attribute data types except one
A. Name of crop to be grown in chiro District
B. Location of crop grown in Chiro District
C. Land use types in Chiro District
D. Soil properties in Chiro District

Answer B

42. When we say a spatial data has sufficient detail information, it refers:
A. Accuracy
B. Precision
C. Completeness
D. Integrity

Answer C

43. Which of the following statement is not true about raster data model?
A. A raster is a matrix of a regular grid of squared cells or pixels
B. Raster data model is most suitable for storing discrete features
C. In raster data model knowing the x, y coordinates of at least one corner could be
sufficient to locate object in geographic space
D. Raster data can be stored in Tiff/Geotiff file format

Answer B

44. Which of the following local datum of Ethiopia?

A. NAD 1927
B. ED 1950
C. Adindan
D. WGS 1984

Answer C

45. A tanker truck has crashed on the highway, releasing a cloud of hazardous fumes. As GIS
analyst working in the highway company you must quickly create a map that identifies
the most affected area, such as a polygon that surrounds the crashed site by five miles in
all directions. Which spatial analysis tool could be best used to accomplish this task?

A. Intersect
B. Overlay
C. Buffer
D. Shortest Path

Answer C

46. You are performing a spatial analysis operation for creating chiro Town map for
Ambulance delivery services, but the extent of the streets data you have in your
geodatabase covers the entire country (Ethiopia). Which tool would allow you to reduce
the streets features based on the extent of the city boundary?
A. Clip
B. Buffer
C. Intersect
D. Append
Answer A
47. Which of the following component of GIS can support geographic query, analysis and
visualization data?
A. Hardware
B. Software
C. Procedure
D. People

Answer B
48. Which one of the following is correct step in a GIS project?
A. Identify project needs __ Collect required data__ Perform analysis __Develop suitable
model__ Present result
B. Identify project needs__ Develop suitable model__ Collect required data __Perform
analysis__present result
C. Collect required data__Identify project needs__Develop suitable model__Perform
analysis__Present result
D. None

Answer B

49. What is ‘Metadata’?

A. It is ‘data about data’
B. It is ‘Meteorological data’
C. It is ‘ocean data’
D. It is ‘contour data’

Answer A

50. Which one of the following is an activity of adding geographic information to the image
so that GIS or mapping software can 'place' the image in its appropriate real world
A. Data acquisition
B. Scanning
C. Georeferancing
D. Digitizing

Answer C

51. Which one of the following is not ground based data collection instrument?
B. Total station
C. UAV/Drone
D. No answer from the choose

Answer C

52. During the systematic land registration, which one of the following information must not
be recorded?
A. Information about people
B. Information on the nature of these interests
C. Information about the land
D. Information about who will inherite

Answer D

53. Which one of the following type of cadaster is a record of information necessary for
levying property taxes?
A. Fiscal cadaster
B. Legal cadaster
C. Multipurpose cadaster
D. Legal and Multipurpose cadaster

Answer A

54. Which one of the following second level land registration and certification is the
advantage over the first level land registration and certification in the case of Ethiopia?
A. Low cost
B. The addition of spatial map
C. The use of locally available materials for measurements
D. None of the above

Answer B

55. Which one of the following institution is not responsible for land governance in Ethiopia?
A. Ministry of Agriculture
B. Regional Governments
C. City Council
D. Ministry of finance

Answer D

56. Which one of the following land registration approach is carried out area by area?
A. Sporadic
B. Systematic
C. Dead
D. None of the above

Answer B
57. In which one of the following ICT development phase for Land Administration the
process partners use ICT for tasks already carried out in LAS?
A. The emerging phase
B. The applying phase
C. The infusing phase
D. The transforming phase

Answer B

58. Which one of the following is correctly reflect the legal relation between a man and a
parcel in the case of ‘title’ land registration system?
A. Object ---- Legal Relation -----Subject
B. Legal Relation ---- Subject ------- Object
C. Subject ---- Legal Relations ------- Object
D. None of the Above

Answer A

59. One can rarely evaluate the scope of land rights from the perspectives of
A. The different types of rights included in the system
B. The conflict between public and private interests
C. The legal protection provided to the rights of land
D. The restrictions imposed on the land owners or users

Answer B

60. Land administration does not include the process of

A. Creating new interests on land
B. Providing security of land rights
C. Hiding land information from users as it is secret
D. Follow up and enforce restrictions on land use

Answer C

61. In Ethiopian context rural land holding right includes

A. Using land for any purpose the holder wants
B. Lease for another farmer for ten years
C. Rent to investors for indefinite time
D. Sale the property acquired on the land

Answer D
62. Free access to rural land (in Proclamation 456/2005) means
A. Getting and holding land when fulfilling requirements
B. Getting and holding land free of requirements
C. There will be no payments of land rent
D. The farmer/pastoralist can access any land in the vicinity
Answer A
63. In Ethiopia, the justification of giving land to agricultural investors does not include

A. Foreign currency generation

B. Technology transfer
C. Capital outflow
D. Achieving food security

Answer C

64. Which one of the following is the advantage of Lease system in Ethiopian urban centers?
A. Minimizes initial cost of investment
B. Serves as important source of revenue for municipalities
C. Enable town governments to play their redistributive roles
D. All are answers

Answer D

65. Efficiency as a major policy objective of land tenure mainly considers

A. Maximum productivity of land as a resource
B. Reasonable access by all groups of a community
C. Avoiding abrupt breaks of cultural and political system
D. Integrating tenure systems with other policy objectives

Answer A

66. Which type (form) of land tenure is absent in the current Ethiopia?
A. Non-formal (de-facto) land tenure
B. Public Freehold land tenure
C. Public Leasehold land tenure
D. Private Leasehold land tenure

Answer D

67. The correct order of levels of land rights from the narrowest to the widest land right is
A. Alienation- Exclusion- Management- Withdrawal- Access
B. Access- Withdrawal- Exclusion- Management- Alienation
C. Access- Withdrawal- Management- Exclusion- Alienation
D. Access- Exclusion- Withdrawal- Management- Alienation

Answer C

68. In a community land tenure security is highly related to

A. The extent the land rights are recognized by the community socially and legally
B. The presence of clear laws and procedures redarding land rights
C. The extent land disputes are resolved with minimum time and least cost
D. All are possible answers

Answer D

69. One of the measures governments take to discourage informal/illegal land holding is
A. Buldozing illegal constructions
B. Punishing illegal land holders by respective laws
C. Formalizing informal land holdings with the passage of time
D. All may be practiced as an option

Answer D

70. One of the following is false about land tenure as a basic instrument of overall
development policy
A. It has a direct and active role on the different development policies
B. It has an indirect facilitating role in different social aspects
C. It has no facilitating role in the different political aspects
D. It has an indirect facilitating role in different economic aspects

Answer C

71. Participation is needed for the following reasons during land use planning except:

A. Increased commitment to the outcome and objectives

B. Long-term social sustainability
C. Prohibition of the target group
D. Bringing together several actors in development

Answer C

72. Which one of the following is not major interests influencing land use change?
A. Developer
B. Government plans, policies, decisions, capital expenditure and regulations
C. Community values and interest
D. Interest of the authorized body

Answer D

73. Which one of the following is not correct about data to be collected for land use
A. Collecting data from the surroundings of planning area has no more advantages than
increasing cost.
B. The collected data should cover not only the planning jurisdiction or study area, but
also its influential areas
C. Sources of data includes federal agencies the office of demographic and economic
data sources, regional and local governments
D. The necessary data will be collected using censuses and sample surveys, as well as
from estimates of current conditions and projections of populations and economies
on a regular basis

Answer A

74. Which one of the following is not among the important dimensions of the population
and economy characteristics which are very important for land use planning:
A. The Size of population and economy,
B. The composition of the population and the economy
C. The spatial distribution of the population or employment.
D. None of the above

Answer D

75. Bottom up land use planning approach is:

A. Conventional or expert driven approach
B. People centred,
C. Blue print or institutional approach
D. Worked out in detail by professional staff

Answer B

76. Which land use type is not Mach with its color on the land use map?
A. Residential ……. Yellow
B. Commercial….. Red
C. Service …….black
D. Forest ……..Green

Answer C

77. Pre-planning stage in land use planning process includes:

A. Base map preparation
B. Initiation and programming
C. Vision, goal and objective setting
D. Monitoring and evaluation

Answer A

78. Which one of the following is the largest scale from the given alternative?
A. 1:1,000,000
B. 1: 500,000
C. 1:1,000
D. 1:200,000

Answer C

79. Which one is not among the major criteria used to define urban areas?
A. Administrative status
B. Topography
C. Population size
D. Economic activity

Answer C

80. ____is a resource with economic value that an individual or corporation owns or controls
with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit
A. Worth
B. Value
C. Asset
D. Cost

Answer B

81. Suppose that a residential property has an actual age of 15 years, an estimated effective
age of 10 years, and a remaining economic life of 40 years. The replacement cost new of
the property is 500,000 birrs. The total depreciation of the property and its depreciated
replacement cost respectively is -------.
A. 100,000 birr and 400,000 birr
B. 400,000 birr and 100,000 birr
C. 187,500birr and 312,500 birr
D. 125,000birr and 375000 birr

Answer A

82. One of the following processes is NOT important Procedure for sales comparison
approach to Estimate the value of property
A. Estimate the potential gross income of the subject property
B. Collect market data and information
C. Select relevant units of comparison
D. Reconciliation of value indications

Answer A

83. From the different property valuation approaches, which one is suitable to undertake
valuation for the cultural and historical properties?
A. Income capitalization
B. Comparable market approach
C. Contingency approach
D. Residual approach

Answer C

84. From the following, one is NOT the role of valuer.

A. Estimating the market value of land
B. Estimating the market value of buildings
C. Estimating real estate property
D. Helps their clients minimize their profit from a sale

Answer D

85. Which one of the following is false about the cost approach?
A. Good to value old properties
B. May not be used to appraised all types of improved property
C. It is the most reliable approach for valuing unique properties
D. The principle of substitution is the basis of cost approach to value
Answer A

86. One of the key element of property valuation report that contain nature of the
company’s operation including SWOT analysis is____________.
A. Assignment identification
B. Business Description
C. Financial Analysis
D. Valuation Method

Answer B

87. Which one of the following professional valuer ethical principle

A. Confidentiality
B. Asking contingent fee
C. Asking percentage fee
D. Advocacy

Answer A

88. Which one of the following is not true with regard to objects of property?
A. Objects of property includes corporeal movables and incorporeal things but not only.

B. Movables by anticipation and immovable by destination are among categories of

objects of property
C. An object of property is a right that we exercise over a thing
D. An object of property is a thing over which we exercise property right.

Answer C

89. Identify the correct statement among the given statements

A. Among property rights Ownership right is an ultimate property right.
B. A person who has Usufructuary right can sale the property over which he has the
C. Possessory right is a better right than that of ownership right.
D. All except A

Answer A

90. Which one of the following commonly belongs to nation, nationalities and peoples of
Ethiopia under FDRE constitution?
A. Building
B. Incorporeal things
C. Land
D. All immovable
E. C
91. Legal Expropriation can take place by the government when the land
A. Is needed for specific government higher official
B. Is needed for public purpose directly or indirectly.
C. The government wants the land to be given for other individual
D. Is more needed for another individual than the present user.

Answer B

92. ------------is a situation in which a dominant owner gives specific right to use his
immovable for an owner or user of servient tenement.
A. Ownership
B. Possession
C. Servitude
D. Usufructuary

Answer C

93. Which one of the following Unit of measurement for Painting

A. M3
B. M2
D. Number

Answer B

94. Which one of the following tasks is covered in quantity surveying?

A. Preparation of specification
B. Taking measurements of civil works
C. Taking off quantities and preparing BOQ
D. All of the above

Answer D

95. Which one of the following is refer to subjects of Contract documents in a logical order?
A. Task description
B. Specifications
C. Time schedule
D. All

Answer D

96. Which one of the following is the whole circle bearing of the line if the departure and
latitude of a line are + 78.0 m and – 135.1 m respectively.
A. 150°
B. 30°
C. 60°
D. 120

Answer A

97. Rural Land Classification not include:

A. Water body and Forest land
B. Shrub land and vegetation Grass land
C. Commercial
D. Built-up area

Answer C

98. Which one of the following is provide a means of transforming coordinates referenced to
one datum into coordinates referenced to a different datum?
A. Transformation equations and parameters
B. Coordinate system
C. Cartesian coordinate system
D. None

Answer A

99. Which one of the following method is used in the theory of least squares?
A. The method of differences
B. In the normal equation method
C. The method of correlates
D. All the above.

Answer D

100. Which one of the following method is used for establishing control surveys with
one side length and all the angles are measured, other lengths will be computed?
A. Triangulation
B. Trilateration
C. Triangulateration
D. Satellite position fixing

Answer A


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