Final Exam For Compulsory Land Acquisition

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Mattu University

School of Agriculture & Natural Resource Management

Department of Land Administration & Surveying
Final Exam for Compulsory Land Acquisition
Weight 40% Time Allowed : 120 minutes
Name: ____________________________________________________________ ID______________________

I. Choose the best answer from the following alternatives (10%)

1. Among the following which one is not true about land assembly and holdout
theoretical justification of expropriation?
A. Eminent domain is essential to prevent the owner refusing to sell their land
B. Eminent domain is important to take contiguous parcel for different huge
projects from different owner
C. Compulsory acquisition is that it prevents a property owner from obtaining
monopolistic profits
D. Evictions should not result in individuals being rendered homeless or
vulnerable to the violations of other human rights
2. Which one of the following justification believe that as expropriation should only
occur as a last resort
A. Reserved Right theory
B. Inherent power theory
C. Legal and Social rational
D. Land assembly and holdout
3. Which one the following expropriation theory believes that eminent domain was
not dependent on any pre-existing property right
A. Reserved Right theory
B. Inherent power theory
C. Consent theory
D. None
4. One of the following compensation theory entitled that dispossessed owner
would go out into the market and purchase with his compensation money a
property roughly similar to that which had been acquired, any incidental loss or
expense being met from the proceeds of the disturbance claims
A. Takers gain Theory
B. Indemnity Principle theory
C. Both
D. None
5. According to expropriation of land holding for public purpose proclamation
1161/2019 displacement compensation means
A. Payment made for property or permanent improvements
B. Payment made for the loss of his use right
C. Payment made for permanently or temporarily displaced in order to help him
adjust to the new place
D. Payment made to who suffer loss of employment, trade; or rentals, or similar
II. Say true if the statement is correct or false if the statement is incorrect
1. According to indemnity Principle the owner is entitled to be put in as good a
pecuniary position
2. Compensation for permanent improvement to land in Ethiopia shall be on the
basis of considering potential market of the improvement
3. According to Expropriation proclamation 1161/2019 of Ethiopia , If the
property on the land can’t be relocated and continue its service as before, the
cost of removing, transporting, and erecting the property shall be paid as
4. The Ethiopian Civil Code has adopted the indemnity theory in determinations
of compensation.
5. The term just compensation is understood as the full monetary equivalent of the
property taken
III. Short Answer Questions (20%)
1) Discuss the theoretical foundations and concepts of expropriation (6%)
2) Explain the different components of expropriation (public purpose, procedural due
process, and compensation) with their respective theoretical justifications (4%)
3) Review the advantages and disadvantages of expropriation (2%)
4) Explain at list four concrete rationales for Expropriation of Land holdings for Public
Purposes (1161/2019) proclamation (4%)
5) What are the Basic principles of Ethiopian Expropriation of Land holdings for Public
Purposes (1161/2019) proclamation (4%)

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