Civic Education JSS1 Second Term

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1. Citizenship: Meaning and Types                        

2. Causes and Effects of Falsehood and Theft
3. Process of Becoming a Citizen of a Country                        
4. Causes and Effects of Murder and Rape
5. Rights and Duties of Citizens
6. Causes and Effects of Advanced Fee Fraud 419 and Embezzlement
7. Difference between Right and Duties Obligations               
8. Causes and Effects of Cultism and Drug Abuse
9. Importance of Rights and Duties of Citizens
10. Types of Rights of a Citizen 
11. Dealing in Fake Drugs
12. Consequences of Non-performance of Obligation
13. Revision and Examination

TOPIC:  Citizenship: The Meaning and Types of Citizenship

Citizenship refers to the relationship which exists between an individual and the country he lives. A
citizen is expected to obey the law of the land and perform certain duties to his country. On the
other hand, the country is also expected to protect the life and property of the citizen. The country is
to provide basic amenities such as road, electricity, and pipe- borne water for the citizens.

Types of Citizenship

A. Citizenship by Birth: The following are the ways Nigerian citizenship can be acquired by birth.

1. Everyone born in Nigeria before 1 October 1960, such person is a Nigerian citizen if any of his
parents or grandparents was born in Nigeria.

2. Everyone born in Nigeria after independence i.e 1 October 1960 whose parents or grandparents
are citizens of Nigeria

B. Citizenship by Naturalization: Naturalization is a way by which a foreigner is made citizen of the

country he resides having satisfied certain conditions. A foreigner who has resided in Nigeria for
more than 15 years may apply to the President of Nigeria for the grant of a certificate of

C. Citizenship by Registration:  Citizenship by Registration is very common among foreign women

who have married Nigerian men. For instance an American woman that has married a Nigerian can
decide to apply for Nigerian citizenship.

D. Honorary Citizenship: This occurs when the government of a country specially honours an
eminent foreigner by granting him the citizenship of the country. The usual conditions are normally

E. Citizenship by Decent: This occurs when an individual claims the citizenship of Nigeria because his
grandparents are Nigerians though not born in Nigeria.


1. What is Citizenship?
2. Mention four types of Citizenship


1. Poor Educations of Youths: Young people who do not have access to education have the high
tendency of engaging in crimes. Also, those who drop out of school due to government policy, family
problems are likely to become criminals.

2. Bad Education Policy: An education system that is certificate oriented will always produce
graduates always looking for jobs. Unemployed youths may likely devise illegal means of making
money which may involve engaging in criminal activities such as 419 or smuggling.

3. Poor Parenting: Children from broken homes may not have enough informal training that can
help them overcome some adolescent problems. If this is the case, such youths may likely turn to be
criminals though intelligent and promising. Their intelligence would be used negatively to achieve
their aims.

4. Weak Judicial System: Non-enforcement of laws and delayed punishment may encourage more
youths to commit crimes. If those caught in robbery, rape and examination malpractices are
promptly dealt with by the law, it will serve as deterrent for other youths.

5. Poverty: Some youths go into crime because they came from poor homes. In an effort to improve
their family finances, they tend to engage in nefarious activities.


1. Fear of Insecurity: As crime rate goes up in the society, the citizens tend to be more fearful
thereby not being able to carry out normal economic activities in crime-prone areas or periods.
2.Causes Inconvenience: A lot of inconvenience is created for the victim due to loss or damage to
vehicles, doors, phones, laptops, wallets, ATM cards, Identify cards, e.t.c.

3. Psychological Trauma: A lot of Psychological trauma usually follow crime victims. It takes some
time before such victims get over it. It, a times, causes anxiety, disordering, fear, major depression,
thoughts of suicide, e.t.c.

4. Worry and Loss of Sleep:  Those who have been duped through 419, or attacked in their houses
by armed robbers or kidnappers express worry and sleeplessness many days after the incident.

5. Ruins Victims Business or Career: Many victims of 419 have found it difficult to recover from the
loss. Some have lost their entire fortune to internet fraudsters and swindlers which has ruined their
businesses and reduced them to beggars.


1. Mention and explain five causes and effects of Falsehood and Theft

General Evaluation / Revision Question

1. What is Citizenship.

2.What is Value System.

3. List and explain four effect of falsehood and theft .

4. Mention five causes of false hood and theft

Reading Assignment

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 7 (JSS 1) by Sola Akinyemi. Pg 45, 158-161


1. A Nigerian Citizen____________  [A].Enjoys all rights privileges in Nigeria [B].Enjoys only rights in
Nigeria [C]. Enjoys privileges in Nigeria

2. The Constitution responsibilities of a citizen are the same as A Right of a Citizen [B]. Citizens work
in the Society [C].Duties [D]. Constitution Expectations

3.Which of these is not a citizen’s right in Nigeria?  [A]. Right to Life [B]. Right to Fair Hearing 
[C].Right to Cheat Others [D]. Right to Vote
4. If a foreigner decide to become a citizen of a country he has stayed over a long period of time.This
is Citizenship acquired by?  [A]. Nationalization [B].Nationalism [C].Naturalization [D]. Internalization

5. Which of these used to an honorary Citizen an of Nigeria [A].ObafemiAwolowo[B]. Barrack Obama 

[C].Dr Nelson Mandela [D].Mrs Clinton.


1. Explain the term Citizenship

2. Mention four types of Citizenship

3. List and explain four causes of Falsehood and Theft


Topic:  Processes of Becoming a Citizen of a Country Period

Qualification for Citizenship in Nigeria Citizenship of a country, especially Nigeria, can be through any
of these ways:

1. By Birth: A person becomes a citizen of Nigeria by birth if the parents are Nigerians, are if he was
born in Nigeria on or before the independence.

2. Through Naturalization: A foreigner who has stayed in Nigeria for at least 15 years can apply for
Nigerian Citizenship.

3. Through Registration: A foreigner who has married a Nigerian can apply for Nigerian Citizenship.
He has to be of good character and must meet other conditions specified by Nigerian law.

Qualifications for Citizenship in Nigeria

The following conditions must be met by a foreigner to become a citizen of Nigeria:

1. Age: He must have attained the required age stipulated by the Nigerian Constitution i.e. more
than 21 years old.

2. Residence: He must have lived in Nigeria for at least fifteen years.

3. Acceptability by the Community: He must be accepted by the residents of the community he


4. Readiness to Live in Nigeria:  He must be willing to live and stay in Nigeria.

5. Contribution to Development: He must be willing to contribute meaningfully to the economic,

political and social development of Nigeria.

6. Oath of Allegiance: He must be ready to take the oath of allegiance.


1. Explain three process of becoming a citizen of a country.

2. What are the conditions that must be met by a foreigner to become a citizen of Nigeria.


The following   are the causes of murder and rape

1. Poor Education of Youths

2. Poor Parenting

3. Weak Judicial System

4. Economic Hardship

5. Effect of Television and Internet


1. Pain and Suffering

2. Causes Inconvenience

3. Psychological Trauma

4. Worry and Loss of Sleep

5. Slow Economic Development


1. Mention three causes of murder and rape

2. List three effects of murder and rape

General Evaluation / Revision Questions

1. What is Citizenship?
2. State five ways Nigerian Citizenship can be acquire.
3. Mention and explain three causes and effects of murder and rape.

Reading Assignment

Fundamentals of Civic Education For Basic 7 (JSS1) pg 49-50

General Evaluation/ Revision Question

1. Define the term Rape

2. List 5 uses and effects of Rape and Murder


1. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term_______________ [A] Love [B].
Sexual Assault [C]. Indiscipline [D]. Failure

2.  ____________ and _________ are the process of becoming a citizen of a country.  [A]. By Birth,
through Nationalization [B].Through Stealing [C]. Through President  [D].Through Country.

3. The following conditions must be met by a foreigner to become a citizen of Nigeria.[A]. Age and
Concept [B]. Age and Qualification  [C].Readiness to live in Nigeria and Age [D]. Position and Training
4. One of the effect of rape is_____________  [A]. Prevention [B].Employment  [C]. Fear  [D].

5. ____________ occurs when one human being unlawfully kills another human being [A]. Rape [B].
Murder [C].Malice [D]. Killing
WEEK FOUR AND FIVE Topic:RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF A CITIZEN Period I: Meaning and Types of Rights
and Duties of Citizen Content: Rights are privileges given to citizens who are protected by the
constitution of a country. These rights include: 1.right to life 2. right to dignity of human Person 3.
right, to vote and be voted for in any political election. 4. right to fair hearing. 11/30/22, 1:05 PM
Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term -
note-on-civic-education-jss-1-second-term/ 10/23 5. right to freedom of movement. 6. right to
personal liberty. 7. right to peaceful assembly and association. 8. right to ownership of property and
protection from deprivation property. 9. right to freedom of expression and press 10. right to
freedom from unlawful detention, arrest and tortue DUTIES AND OBLIGATION OF A CITIZEN Duties
are the constitutional responsibilities a citizen is expected to perform for effective functioning of a
country. The duties and obligation of a citizen to his country are: 1. obeying the law 2.paying taxes,
rates and dues 3. assisting the law enforcement agents. 4. loyalty to the country 5. defence of the
country 6. respect national- symbols e.g national Flag, national Anthem etc. 7. respect for the Head
of State. 8. helping in community development efforts. 9. non- interference with others’ rights. 10.
right attitude to work Evaluation 11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second
Term -
11/23 Mention ten duties of a Citizen Period II Causes and Effects of Advanced Fee Fraud 419 and
EMBEZZLEMENT 1. Poverty 2. Unemployment 3. Influence of Bad Group 4. External Influence 5.
Psychological Problem 6. Bad Value System 7. Inequality between the rich and the poor is also
responsible for the increase in crime rate in the country. 8. Low self-esteem, alcohol and drug abuse
make people, especially, the youths, to engage in criminal activities. EFFECT OF ADVANCED FRAUD 
FEE(419) AND EMBEZZLEMENT 1 Lack of employment may lead to crime in the society. Unemployed
youths are readily available for anti- social criminal activities that undermine the stability of the
society. 1. Crime has adverse effects on economic development 2. Insecurity in the country: Crime
creates the state of insecurity in the country e.g. the activities of Boko-Haram has led to a state of
Insecurity. 11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term - 12/23 3. Political
Instability: Increase in crime rate may affect governance, thereby leading to political instability 4. It
may drive away foreign investors. Many investors may not be interested in Nigeria. 5. Psychological
Effects: Crime, likerape may cause a serious psychological effect on the victim Evaluation 1. What are
causes of advanced fee fraud 2. Mention four Effects of fraud and embezzlement. General
Evaluation/ Revision Question 1. Mention ten fundamental human right of a citizen. 2. Mention ten
duties and obligation of a citizen. 3. What are the causes of advanced fee Fraud (419). 4. Mention
five effects of advanced fee fraud and embezzlement. Reading Assignment Simplified Basic Social
Studies for Nigerian Secondary School Basic 7 pg. 125-126 by R.A YUSUF Weekend Assignment 1.
____________ refers to the article of the Nigerian criminal code dealing with fraud.[A].The number
‘419’ [B].The number 619 [C].The number 417[D]. The number 819 2. ____________ is the act of
stealing government money.  [A].Prostitute [B].Embezzlement [C].Cheating [D]. Robbery 11/30/22,
1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term - 13/23 3. The food that is
unfit for human consumption is ___________  [A]. Clean food [B]. Well prepared food
[C].Contaminated food [D]. Good food 4. These are these causes of advance free fraud (‘419’)
except____________  [A].Poverty [B].Unemployment [C].Influence of Bad Group [D]. School Training
5. When food is not medically and hygienically fit for human consumption, such act is a
___________  [A].Criminal Act [B].Poverty [C]. Shelter [D]. Societal Act Theory 1. Mention ten
fundamental human right of a citizen. 2. Mention ten duties and obligation of a citizen. Edudelight
Rights are the privileges given to a citizen which are protected by the constitution but duties are
something you are required to do for moral or legal reasons. Rights are what you are constitutionally
entitled to while duties are what you are to do concerning the rights. CAUSES OF CULTISM AND
DRUG ABUSE The following are the causes of cultism and drug abuse  1. poor education of youths
2.bad education policy 11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term - 14/23 3.
poor parenting 4. weak judicial system 5. economic hardship 6. effects of television and internet
7.peer group influence EFFECTS OF CULTISM AND DRUG ABUSE I. State of Fear, Panic and Tension
Crime may create a state of fear, violence, panic and tension in the mind of people ii. Psychological
Effects: A crime, like drug abuse may cause a serious psychological effect on the victim. iii. A crime
like cultism can lead to dropping out of school, thereby leading to illiteracy. Evaluation Distinguish
between right and obligations of a citizen Period II Topic: Importance of Rights and Duties of Citizen.
Content: IMPORTANCE OF RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF CITIZENS 1. Social   Control:When we perform our
duties and respect other people’s rights, the society functions normally. It brings but control within
the country. 2.Peace: Peace prevails in societies where citizens enjoy their rights and perform their
duties as expected. This happens because there will be less conflict and friction among the citizens.
11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term - 15/23 3. Development: A
country develops faster when her citizens do not interfere with other people’s rights and perform
their duties and obligations. Such brings progress economically, political, and socially. 4. Orderliness:
When citizens respect other people’s rights and perform their duties the society will void of riots,
fighting and chaos. For instance, if people obey traffic laws, traffic jams would be drastically reduced
and there will be flow of traffic. 5. Welfare of People: If taxes are paid regularly and promptly
government would have enough funds to provide basic amenities that will make life easy for the
citizens. CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION The following are the causes of
bribery and corruption: 1. poverty 2.bad value system 3. external influence 4. influence of bad group
5. inequality between the rich and the poor is also responsible for the increase in crime rate in the
Country Evaluation What are the differences   between   right s and duties of citizens Mention and
explain five importance of rights and duties of citizen General Evaluation/Revision question 1.
Mention three causes of bribery and corruption 2.List and explain   five effectof   bribery   and  
corruption 11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term - 16/23 3. Explain the
importance of rightsand   duties    of citizens Reading Assignment Simplified Basic Social Studies for
Nigerian Secondary School & Colleges Basic Seven by R.[A].YUSUF.Pg. 95. WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT 1.
___________ brings peace harmony and understanding among people in the community [A].Duties
[B]. Right [C]. Human beings[D]. Society 2. The giving or taking of a bribe or illegal acquisition of
wealth using the resources of a public office is _______________ 
[A].murder[B].corruption[C].rape[D].prostitute 3. _________ is the cause of bribery and corruption
[A].Bad Value System [B].Religious Crisis [C]. Armed Robbery [D].Examination malpractices 4. One of
the effect of bribery and corruption is _______________ [A].religion[B].high population  [C].slow
economic development [D].good road 5. Nigeria is the most corrupt country in Africa.[A]Yes[B].No 
[C]. Yes  &No  [D].None  of  the  above Section B 1. Explain the following terms i. bribery and
corruption       ii. rights and duties of a citizen 2. Mention three importance of rights and duties of a
citizen Edudelight Lesson WEEK EIGHT TOPIC: Types of Rights of a citizen 11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson
Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term -
civic-education-jss-1-second-term/ 17/23 PERIOD 1 CONTENT:Human   Rights The following arethe
various types of human rights 1. Civic Rights: These include 1. The right to vote during an election 2.
The right to     freedom  of    Conscience  and   religion 3. Right  to   freedom  from  discrimination 4.
The right     to   freedom    of   personal    liberty 2 Political rights of a citizens include: 1. The right  to
a  fair hearing 2. The right  to   freedom of   association and   public  meetings 3. The right   to vote 4.
The  right  to  petition 5. The  right  to   seek  redress   or   legal   remedy 6. The  right   to  be  voted   
for 3Economic Rights:These include: 1. The right to  work 2. The right  to  free  choice  of 
employment 3. The right    to   form    and     jointrade     union 4. The right  to  own  property 5. The
right   to  social  security 6.  Right  to  just  and  favorable   conditions   of  work 7.  Right  to   fair 
compensation Evaluation 1. Mention  three  main   types  of  human  rights 2. State   ten  
fundamental  human  rights  in  Nigeria General Evaluation/Revision questions 11/30/22, 1:05 PM
Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term -
note-on-civic-education-jss-1-second-term/ 18/23 1. Who is a citizen? 2. What do you understand by
rights of a citizen? 3. State five fundamental human  rights, Reading  Assignment Fundamental  of 
civic  Education  for  Basic  7  by  sola  Akinyemi   pags119_120 Weekend  Assignment 1 A Nigerian 
citizen  ________[a]Enjoys   all  rights   and   privileges  in  Nigeria  [b] Enjoys  some  rights  and
privileges  in   Nigeria  [c]Enjoys  only    rights  in  Nigeria [D]Enjoys  only  in  Nigeria 2   A  situation 
where  an  individual  hold    citizenship  of  two  country  is  called [a]Duo citizenship  [b]Special  
citizenship   [c]  Dual  citizenship  [d]  International  citizenship 3The   constitution     
responsibilities     of a  citizen is  the  same  as  [a]Rights  of   a  citizen  [b]Citizens   work  in  the   
society  [c]Duties [d]Constitution expectation 4Which of  these   is  not   a  citizens  right  in  Nigeria?
[a]Right  to  life  [b]Right  to fair  hearing[c]Right  to  cheat  others     [d]Right  to  vote 5Performance 
of   our    duties  and   responsibilities will    bring  about  all   these  except [a] Economic 
development  [b]Political  problems    [c]Orderliness  [d]Peace  of    mind Theory 1State   ten 
fundamental  human  rights 2Mention    three    importance    of  fundamental  human  rights
Edudelight Lesson 11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term - 19/23
CONTAMINATED FOODS CONTENT Causes and Effects of the Sales of Banned and Contaminated
Food: The following are the causes of sales of banned and contaminated foods. 1. Poverty
2.Ignorance 3. Apathy 4. Selfishness 5. Indiscipline 6. Corruption 7. Lack of good parental care or
guidance 8. Dishonesty 9. Disease EFFECT OF BANNED AND CONTAMINATED FOOD : When people
engage in the sale of banned and contaminated food items, the result may be any of these effects. 1.
Death 2. PainandSuffering 3. Worry and Loss of Sleep 11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic
Education JSS 1 Second Term -
education-jss-1-second-term/ 20/23 4. Ruins Victims Business or Career 5. Crimes has adverse on
economic on economic development 6. It may drive away foreign investor 7. Insecurity in the
Country General Evaluation/ Revision Questions 1 What do you understand by human rights?
2State    five   fundamental human rights in Nigeria 3State   three examples of civic rights,   
economic rights and political rights 4 Mention   five causes   of the sales of banned and
contaminated foods ReadingAssignment Fundamental of Civic Education for    book1 by sola
Akinyemipages  119  120 Weekend Assignment 1 _________is   one  example  of    fundamental
human right  [a]human  abuse [b]Right   to  vote    during  election  [c]right  to  steal  [d] right      to 
Clap 2_______ is the  act of stealing government  money  [a]prostitute  [b]Embezzlement  
[c]Cheating  [d]Robbery 3The  food   that  is  unfit  for  human  consumption  is  ________ [a]Clean 
food [b]Well  prepared  food [c]Contaminated  food  [d]Good  food 4 These  are    the   causes  of 
advance  free  fraud 419  except_________[a] School  Training [b]Poverty  [c]Influence  of   bad   
group  [d] Money 5 What  food   is  not  medically  and  hygienically   fit    for  human  consumption, 
such  act  is  a  ____________-  [a]Criminal  act       [b]Poverty    [c]Shelter   [d]Societal  act 11/30/22,
1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term - 21/23 Theory 1 State ten
fundamental human rights in Nigerian Constitution 2State three main types of human rights WEEK
OBLIGATION CONTENT: DEALING IN FAKE DRUGS Meaning: When someone engages in buying and
selling of fake drugs, such activity is a criminal act. The general public especially licensed chemicals
shops, hospitals, clinics, and other health care store need to be cautioned against buying fake drugs
from drug peddlers and dubious sources. Consequences   of   not performing  our   obligations  to 
the   community,  state,     and   nation The   consequences   include 1. Consequences of not
participating in voting  gives  room  for  choiceofbad   leader s  and  allows   election   manipulations
to  take  place 2.Consequences of not giving assistance to law enforcement agents    brings  about 
compound  security      challenges    and  increases  criminal  activities  and  makes  it    difficult   to  
enjoy    some  of  our  rights 3. Consequences of not maintaining a clean environment      attract    
some  dangerous   animal   like    snake   scorpion  and   others 4. Consequencesof not obeying  the
law;  When    law   is  not  been  obeyed  by    the  people  of  the  society  its  slow    down  the 
progress  of  the   nation    and    increases    money   spent   in  fight  crimes      11/30/22, 1:05 PM
Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS 1 Second Term -
note-on-civic-education-jss-1-second-term/ 22/23 5. Consequences of not maintaining peace;   In  a 
nation  where    peace  is  not  allowed,   it  diverts    government    attention   from  the  act  of 
governance  and     slow     down    the  pace    of   economic  and   political  developments 6.
Consequences  of  not   paying  tax   and   other  Levies   funds    to   provide  social  amenities    like  
electricity,good  roads   and  water EVALUATION Explain the following 1. Dealing in I.Fake drug II.
Cultism General Evaluation 1State   the  consequeces  of   not    performing    our  obligation   to  the 
nation 2What   do  you  understand  by   obligations? 3State    three    civic    obligation   of   a  citizen
Reading Assignment Fundamental  ofcivic   Education    for  Basic 7jss1  by  sola  Akinyemi65 –66.
WEEKEND ASSIGNMENT 1.  A woman  that  is  not  contented  can  engage  in 
___________[a]terrorism  [b]prostitution [c]jeveline[d]lobbying 2.Consequences    of  not 
maintaining  peace     in    the   nation  brings  about——   and——–[a]riot  and violence  [b]love   
and   harmorny[c]obedience  [d]loyaltys 3. The selling of fake drugs to the society is anac t 
of[A].good[B].bad[C].criminal[D].seriousness 11/30/22, 1:05 PM Lesson Note on Civic Education JSS
1 Second Term -
second-term/ 23/23 Reply 4. Drug peddlers are needed in the commodity.  [A]. Yes [B]. No [C]. None
of the Above 5. ______ is oneof the effects of crimes in Nigeria[A].Worry and loss of Sleep [B].
Discipline [C].Obedience [D]. Self-Control Theory 1. Explain the termDealingin Fake Drugs. 2.
Listfiveconsequences  of not performing obligation

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