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Table 3:1 Distribution of cases based on the sex, normal and obese

sex Normal Obesity Total

Male 30 30 60
Female 30 30 60
Total 60 60 120
Table 3:2 General distributions of primary fingerprint patterns in all fingers of both hands for both sexes.
Types of fingerprints Total Percentage
Loops 701 58.41%
Whorls 454 37.83%
Arches 45 3.75%
Total 1200 100%
Table 3:3Distribution of fingerprints pattern among normal and obese man subjects in right hands
Types of fingerprints Normal Obese Total Chi-square Value: P value:
Loops 95(63.33%) 78(52%) 173(57.66%) 1.67 0.19
Whorls 51(34%) 64(42.66%) 115(38.33%) 1.46 0.22
Arches 4(2.66%) 8(2.66%) 12(4%) 1.33 0.24
Total 150(100%) 150(100%) 300(100%).

Table 3:4 Distribution of fingerprints pattern among normal and obese man subjects in left hands
Types of fingerprints Normal Obese Total Chi-square Value: P value:

Loops 98(65.33%) 77(51.33%) 175(58.33%) 2.52 0.11

Whorls 42(28%) 62(41.33%) 104(34.66%) 3.84 0.04

Arches 10(6.66%) 11(7.33%) 21(7%) 0.04 0.82

Total 150(100%) 150( 100%) 300(100%).

Table 3:5 Distribution of fingerprints pattern among normal and obese woman subjects in right hands
Types of fingerprints Normal Obesity Total Chi-square Value P value

Loops 84(56%) 96(64%) 180(60%) 0.8 0.37

Whorls 63(42%) 51(34%) 114(38%) 1.26 0.26

Arches 3(2%) 3(2%) 6(2%) 0 1

Total 150(100%) 150(100%) 300(100%)

Table 3:6 Distribution of fingerprints pattern among normal and obese woman subjects in left

Types of fingerprints Normal Obesity Total Chi-square Value P value

Loops 76(50.66%) 97(64.66%) 173(57.66%) 2.54 0.11

Whorls 72(48%) 48(32%) 120(40%) 4.8 0.02

Arches 2(1.33%) 5(3.33%) 7(2.33%) 1.28 0.25

Total 150(100%) 150(100%) 300(100%)

cts in left hands

bjects in left
Table 3:7Distribution of fingerprints pattern in different fingers among normal and obese man
subjects in right hands

Fin Thu mb Thu mb Index Index Midd le Middl e Ring Ring Little Little Chi P val ue:
gers -
Fin Thu mb Thu mb Index Index Midd le Middl e Ring Ring Littl e Little ue
Chi P val ue:
gers -
Nor mal Obes ity Norm al Obesi ty Nor mal Obesi ty Norm al Obesi ty Nor mal Obesi ty ue

Loo 21(70 18(6 13(43. 10 21(70 17(56. 19(63. 17(56. 24(8 19(63. 8.2 0.5
ps %) 0%) 33%) 33.33 %) 66%) 33%) 66%) 0%) 33%) 0 1
Wh 8(26. 12(4 12(40 13(43. 5(16. 11(36. 11(36. 13(43. 6(20 9(30% 7.4 0.5
orls 66%) 0%) %) 33%) 66%) 66%) 66%) 33%) %) ) 9
Arc 1(3.3 0(0% 5(16.6 7(23.3 4(13. 2(6.66 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0% 2(6.66 26 0.0
hes 3%) ) 6%) 3%) 33%) %) 0 %) 14 0
Tot 30(10 30(1 30(10 30(10 30(10 30(10 30(10 30(10 30(1 30(10
al 0%0 00%) 0%) 0%) 0%) 0%) 0%) 0%) 00%) 0%)
Table 3:9Distribution of fingerprints pattern in different fingers among normal and obese woman
subjects in right hands

Fin Thu mb Thum b Index Index Mid dle Midd le Rin g Ring Little Little Chi P value
gers - :
Nor mal Obesi ty Norm al Obesi ty Nor Obesi ty Nor mal Obesi ty Norm al Obesi ty ue

Loo ps 18(6 16(53. 14(46. 16(53. 21(7 24(80 12(4 14(46. 20(66. 26(86. 10. 0.31
0%) 33%) 66%) 33%) 0%) %) 0%) 66%) 66%) 66%) 43
Wh orls 12(4 14(46. 16(53. 12(40 6(20 5(16. 18(6 16(53. 10(33. 4(13.3 19. 0.02
0%) 66%) 33%) %) %) 66%) 0%) 33%) 33%) 3%) 47
Arc hes 0(0% 0(0%) 0(0%) 2(6.66 3(10 1(3.3 0(0 0(0%) 0(0%) 0(0%) 17. 0.04
) %) %) 3%) %) 33
Tot al 30(1 30(10 30(10 30(10 30(1 30(10 30(1 30(10 30(10 30(10
00%) 0%) 0%) 0%) 00) 0%) 00) 0%) 0%) 0%)
able 3:10 Distribution of fingerprints pattern in different fingers among normal and obese
woman subjects in left hands

Fin Thum b Thu mb Inde x Index Middl e Middl e Ring Ring Little Littl e Chi P val ue:
gers -
Norm al Obes ity Nor mal Obesi ty Norm al Obesi ty Norm al Obesi ty Norm al Obes ity ue

Loo ps 17(56. 18(6 12(4 13(43. 17(56. 23(76. 11(36. 16(53. 19(63. 27(9 12. 0.1
66%) 0%) 0%) 33%) 66%) 66%) 66%) 33%) 33%) 0%) 60 8
Wh orls 12(40 12(4 18(6 14(46. 12(40 6(20% 19(63. 13(43. 11(36. 3(10 17. 0.0
%) 0%) 0%) 66%) %) ) 33%) 33%) 66%) %) 33 4

Types of Normal Obesity Total Chi-square P value
fingerprints Value
Loops 84(56%) 96(64%) 180(60%) 0.8 0.37
Whorls 63(42%) 51(34%) 114(38%) 1.26 0.26
Arches 3(2%) 3(2%) 6(2%) 0 1
Total 150(100%) 150(100%) 300(100%)

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