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Government refers to all the following, except

 A. an institution of the state

 B. the process of ruling a political community
 C. the exercise of power and authority
 D. the activities of decision-makers
 E. the act of civil disobedience

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Government as the act of governing means the

 A. activities of pressure groups and political parties

 B. act of vetoing a bill
 C. orders of judiciary and legislature
 D. activities by which government policies are made and implemented
 E. activities of parliamentary opposition

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Unwritten constitution means that the constitution is

 A. not written down

 B. based only on converntions
 C. not contained in any single book
 D. in draft
 E. not approved

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

The delegation of Administrative Powers to the local units with the central
supervision and control is called

 A. devolution
 B. decentralizetion
 C. deconcentration
 D. centralization
 E. concentration

View Answer & Discuss (7) WAEC 1988

Which of the following is not the function of the government?

 A. Building of roads, bridges, canals, etc

 B. Provision of education
 C. Maintenance of relations with other states
 D. defence of territory from external attack
 E. Provision of all the material needs of all citizens

A flexible constitution can only be amended by

 A. two-third (2/3) majorityvote in the legistrature

 B. referendum
 C. three-quarters (3/4) majority vote in the legistrature
 D. plebiscite
 E. simple majority vote in the legistrature

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

Which one of the following countries has an unwritten constitution?

 A. Great Britain
 B. France
 C. United State of American
 D. Federal Republic of Germany
 E. Germany Democratic Republic

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

A rigid constitution is said to be best suited for a

 A. Federal Government
 B. Socialist Government
 C. Military Government
 D. Unitary government
 E. Fascist Government

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Federal Elections were held in Nigeria in

 A. 1946,1951,1954,1979 and 1983

 B. 1954,1959,1964,1979 and 1983
 C. 1923, 1946,1951,1979,and 1983
 D. 1954,1960,1964,1979 and1983
 E. 1960,1963,1964,1979 and 1983

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 1988

The two components of sovereignty are

 A. the rule of law and fundamental human rights

 B. political power and political authority
 C. political culture and political socialization
 D. influence and poltical authority
 E. political independence and supreme authority of the state within its territory

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Nigeria broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1973 because of Israeli

 A. recongnition of Biafra
 B. occupation of Egyptian territory
 C. refusal to give aid to Nigeria
 D. economic relations with South Africa
 E. raid on Entebbe airport in Uganda

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The United Nations organization (UNO)has its headquarters in

 A. Britain
 C. USA
 D. China
 E. France

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The state is different from the government because

 A. the State unlike the Government is permanent

 B. the Government is made up of powerful people
 C. members of the Government are elected
 D. the state is created by God
 E. The state can exercise absolute power

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

A state is a special from of human association because it

 A. has a legitimate monoploy of life and death penalties over its citizens
 B. is the richest association in society
 C. has a constitution approved by the citizens
 D. can punish law breakers
 E. has a government

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Which of the following is not relevant to communism?

 A. Democracy
 B. Violent reolution
 C. Friedrich Engels
 D. Class war
 E. Private Enterprise

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

A Nigeria citizen can only be deprived of his citizenship if he is

 A. condemned to death
 B. convicted by a court of law
 C. married to a foreigner
 D. holding a dual citizenship
 E. an armed robber

View Answer & Discuss (8) WAEC 1988

In the process of governing, OUTPUT refers to

 A. the influence of pressure group

 B. demand of the political system
 C. the decision of the government
 D. the opinion of the electorate
 E. the influence of political parties

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

Another word for red-tapism is

 A. democracy
 B. authocracy
 C. idiosyncrasy
 D. bureaucracy
 E. theocracy

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Rule adjudication is the main function of the

 A. Executive
 B. President
 C. Legistature
 D. Judiciary
 E. National Assembly

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The major problem that arose from the 1979 election centred around the
 A. inability of many voters to find their names on the voters register
 B. cancellation of election results in many constituencies because of alleged
 C. inability of some dissatisfied candidates to seek redress in the court of law
 D. controversy over the presidential election result
 E. widespread complaint that too many elections were scheduled too close together

View Answer & Discuss (4) WAEC 1988

The following key factors which influenced Nigeria's foreign relations except

 A. peaceful co-existence
 B. economic dependence
 C. non-interference
 D. respect for territorial integrity
 E. international co-operation

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 1988

The following independence of Nigeria was in 1945 with the coming to power in
British of

 A. Conservative Party
 B. Tory Party
 C. Liberal Party
 D. Labour Party
 E. Democratic Party

View Answer & Discuss (2) WAEC 1988

Which of the following is not an accepted way of resolving international conflict?

 A. Diplomacy
 B. Propaganda
 C. Non-militray use of force
 D. Militray force (war)
 E. Nuclear war

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The membership of the state in Nigeria is made up of

 A. Federal Ministers
 B. State commissioners
 C. State governors
 D. the leader of state and the traditional chiefs
 E. the state governors and the head of state
View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988
In the Oyo traditional political system the Alaafin of Oyo was elected or chosen
by a group known as the

 A. Bales
 B. Obas
 C. Ogboni
 D. Bashorun
 E. Oyomesi

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

The declaration of state of emergency in Western Nigeria was protected by the
constitution of

 A. 1954
 B. 1951
 C. 1960
 D. 1963
 E. 1948

View Answer & Discuss (5) WAEC 1988

The primary purpose of the state is to

 A. establish a system of law and order

 B. train people to becaome good citizens
 C. Cater for all the needs of the citizens
 D. ensure the self sufficiency of its people
 E. ensure that its people enjoy absolute freedom

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The Armed Forces Ruling Council came into existence under the

 A. Buhari Administration
 B. Gowon Administration
 C. Ironsi Administration
 D. Obasanjo Administration
 E. Babangida Administration

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Which of the following is not a specialized agency of the United Nations

 A. World Health Organization

 B. The Food and Agriculture Organization
 C. The International Labour Organization
 D. The General Assembly
 E. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

View Answer & Discuss (2) WAEC 1988

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was the first Prime Minister of Nigeria after it gained
independence. He served his term as Prime Minister from 1957 until he died in
1966 when he was kidnapped and killed in the country's first military coup.

 A. 1951
 B. 1954
 C. 1957
 D. 1959
 E. 1960

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

Which of the following is not a function of a party secretariat?

 A. Electing the leader of the the party

 B. Organizing party conferences
 C. Publishing the party's manifesto
 D. Planning party strtegy to win election
 E. Handling publicity for the party

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The first Military President of Nigeria is

 A. Lt General Olusegun Obasanjo

 B. Major General J.T.U Aguiyi-Ironsi
 C. Major General Ibrahim Babangida
 D. General Murtala Mohammed
 E. General Yabbuku Gowon

View Answer & Discuss (6) WAEC 1988

The following factors favoured the introduction of a indirect Rule in Nigeria
except the

 A. shortage of manpower
 B. shortage of funds
 C. existence of a system of taxation
 D. existence of educated elite
 E. existence of organized traditional systems
View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988
The psychological support a regime gets from its citizens if they believe the
regime is right and ought to be obeyed, is known as

 A. sovereignty
 B. power
 C. authority
 D. influence
 E. legitimacy

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The voluntary activities of members of a society in the selection of rulers is
known as

 A. political participation
 B. political socialisation
 C. political decision
 D. political culture
 E. political authority

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Residual powers under the Nigerian Independence Constitution were the
powers exercised by

 A. the Federal Government

 B. the Regional Governments
 C. the Local Governments
 D. both the Federal and Regional Governments
 E. both the Local and regional Govenments

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The highest court of appeal under the Republican Constitution of Nigeria was

 A. Federal High Court

 B. Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
 C. Regional Court of Appeal
 D. Supreme Court
 E. Federal Court of Appeal

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Nigeria became a federation of 19 state in
 A. 1875
 B. 1976
 C. 1967
 D. 1978
 E. 1979

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

A popular form of proportional representation is

 A. communal representation
 B. single transferable vote
 C. the alternative
 D. the second ballot
 E. electoral college

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

A political concept that is composed of the attitudes beliefs, emotions and values
of a society is called political

 A. culture
 B. single transferable vote
 C. authority
 D. socialization
 E. power

View Answer & Discuss (10) WAEC 1988

Flexible constitution is advantageous because it

 A. guarantees political stability

 B. prevents the passing of hasty bills by the legislature
 C. can cope with emergency periods
 D. allows for continuity
 E. prevents dictatorship

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is

 A. an economic association

 B. a political association
 C. cultural association
 D. a social association
 E. an inter-ethnic association

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

Which of the following concepts is out of place?

 A. Fascism
 B. Welfarism
 C. Totalitarianism
 D. Authoritarianism
 E. Dictatorship

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The primary objective of all political parties is to

 A. Promote the general interest of members of the public

 B. eradicate Compton in public life
 C. control the government
 D. campaign for vote
 E. educate the electorate

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

It is the duty of a government to perform all the following functions except

 A. Preventing internal disorder

 B. ensuring security of life and property
 C. providing basic welfare services
 D. providing all the needs of its citizens
 E. promoting industrial and commercial development

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

Which of the following is not an aim of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)?

 A. Promotion of unity and solidarity among African states

 B. Co-operation of efforts to achieve a better life for African states
 C. Defiance of the sovereignty and independence of African states
 D. Eradication of all forms of colonialism and foreign exploitation in African
 E. Enthronement of democratic governments in African

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

The French policy of Assimilation

 A. Was a device to transfer technology to Africa

 B. was the same in theory as the British policy of indirect Rule
 C. was aimed at converting Africans to Frenchmen
 D. enabled the French to stay in Africa
 E. produced well educate Africans who opposed the policy
View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988
Military governors were members of the Supreme Military Council under the

 A. Murtala Mohammed Regime

 B. Yakubu Gowon Regime
 C. lbrahim Babangida Regime
 D. Olusegun Obasanjo Regime
 E. Muhammadu Buhari Regime

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

The use of forced labour was one of the features of

 A. British colonial policy

 B. French colonial policy
 C. American coloial policy
 D. Japanese colonial policy
 E. divide and Rule policy

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

The controversy over the 1979 Presidential election result was

 A. over the dispute on the conduct of the election

 B. because educated Nigeria did not approve who received the number of votes
 C. due to the interpretation of 1/4 of the vote cast in 1/2 of all the states in the
 D. because the winning candidate did not pay his taxes as and when in the past
three years
 E. because one of the candidates was declared elected when the result for one of the
state hd not been received

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

All the following were front line fighters for Nigeria's independence except

 A. Obafemi Awolowo
 B. Nnamdi Azikiwe
 C. Lateef Jakande
 D. Aminu Kano
 E. Herbert Macaulay

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

It is argued that most of the new states of Africa cannot remain faithful to the
doctrines of non-alignment mainly because of
 A. corruption
 B. ethnic problems
 C. bad leadership
 D. poor economy
 E. illiteracy

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

The first political party in Nigeria was

 A. National Council of Nigeria Citizens (NCNC)

 B. Nigeria National Democratic Party (NNDP)
 C. Action Group (AP)
 D. Northern People's Congress (NPC)
 E. Dynamic Party (DP)

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

To which of these countries did Nigeria send peacekeeping force?

 A. South Africa
 B. Angola
 C. Chad
 D. Namibia
 E. Ghana

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1988

In the federation, the purpose of enumerating the powers of the central
government is to

 A. ensure efficient administration

 B. ensure greaterunity
 C. reduce the financial burden of the units
 D. limit its powers against those of the units
 E. reduce corruption in the government of the units

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 1988

Under what system of government does the states require ownership and
control of the means of production for its use in benefiting the population?

 A. Capitalism
 B. Socialism
 C. Feudalism
 D. Welfarism
 E. Communalism
View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988
The question of Nigeria civil war was raised for the first time at the meeting of
the OAU in September 1967 in

 A. Kampala
 B. Addis Ababa
 C. Lagos
 D. Kinshasa
 E. Nairobi

View Answer & Discuss (2) WAEC 1988

Nigeria objected to the discussion of the civil war in the OAU summit on the
grounds that

 A. it amounts to interference in its internal affairs

 B. some African countries recongnized Biafra
 C. Tanzania and Ivory Coast recongnized Biafra
 D. the resolution of the conflict was diffcult
 E. the OAU was not capable of resolving the conflict

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 1988

Government is the machinery establish to manage the affairs of

 A. rulers
 B. aliens
 C. the civil service
 D. workers and peasants
 E. the state

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1989

The judicial organ of government is the body which

 A. implemenets the law

 B. makes the law
 C. punishes lawmakers
 D. rewards lawmakers
 E. interprets the law

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 1989

The administrative head of the ministry is the

 A. official of the ruling government

 B. general manager
 C. permanent secretary
 D. chief coordinating officer

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

The sovereignty of a state can be limited to a great extent by

 A. Rule of law
 B. separation of powers
 C. International Laws and conventions
 D. Legislative Assembly

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

A coalition government is a common feature of a

 A. two party systems

 B. multi-party system
 C. one party system
 D. non-party system

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

The appointment of judges is based on the recommendation of the

 A. Civil Service Commission

 B. Public Service Commission
 C. Eminent persons in society
 D. Judicial Service

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

Which of the following options is not a function of political parties?

 A. Policy implementation
 B. Political socialisation
 C. Political education
 D. Aggregation of interest

Which summit drew the road map for the implementation of the African Union?

 A. Sirte Summit
 B. Lusaka Summit
 C. Lome Summit
 D. Lagos summit

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

One of the benefits which the West African state derive from the United Nations

 A. equal opportunities of appointments to its highest office

 B. permanent membership of the Security Council
 C. greater access to all the organs of the United Nations
 D. total eradication of poverty from the African continent

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The Atlantic Charter gave birth to the

 A. Commonwealth of Nations
 B. Allied powers
 C. United Nations
 D. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

Which of the following factors does not influence a country's foreign policy?

 A. Human resources
 B. Geographical location
 C. System of education and number of universities
 D. International laws and conventions

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In which political system does the government control every aspect of a citizen's

 A. communism
 B. Dictatorship
 C. Totalitarianism
 D. Aristocracy

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

he youth movement across British West African territories served as a spring
board for the formation of

 A. militant groups to fight and kill British officials

 B. political parties to champion the course of self-rule
 C. committees to represent the people
 D. associations in pursuit of justice for the people

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A country's foreign policy is foremost driven by

 A. economy
 B. location
 C. natural resources
 D. national interest

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The first inter-territorial political movement organized in the 1920s which sought
to bring all the British West African territories together to fight the colonial
establishment was the

 A. Aborigines Right Protection Society

 B. West African Youth League
 C. National Congress of British West African
 D. WestAfrican Students Union

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

The African Union is unable to play its role on the global political scene very well
due to the

 A. inadequate system of education

 B. low level of wages in the member countries
 C. Outbreak of pandemic on the African continent
 D. divided loyalty among member states.

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

Which of the following options does the Commonwealth of Nations commit
resources to?

 A. Use of a common currency

 B. Superiority of the British Crown
 C. British Leadership on all matters of diplomacy
 D. Promotion of representative democracy

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he media helps to enrich discourse on national issues through its

 A. marketing
 B. editorial comments
 C. sales and advertisement
 D. correspondents
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Information dissemination and communication in a political environment had
been made faster and easier with the advent of

 A. educated practitioners
 B. press censorship
 C. government spokemen
 D. social media

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The passing of laws by an arm of government to regulate society is the function
of the

 A. judiciary
 B. executive
 C. legislature
 D. police

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Militant nationalism in British West Africa after World War II sought to

 A. kill British nationals

 B. overthrow colonialism
 C. stop the export of raw materials
 D. stop the denigration of the African culture.

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Proto-nationalism was a movement limited to the demands for

 A. immediate end to colonialism

 B. reforms of the political class and respect for African religion
 C. western education
 D. social amenities and political participation

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One of the importance of voting in a democracy is that, it

 A. is less expensive

 B. ensures development for all voters
 C. commits citizens to the political system
 D. ensures winner takes all policy.

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An electoral system in which the electorate elects a small group of people who in
turn elects political office holders is known as

 A. general election
 B. second ballot system
 C. Electoral college
 D. local election

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

Most pressure groups especially in West Africa fail to achieve their goals as a
result of

 A. good governance
 B. charisma of the president
 C. transparency of the legislature
 D. corrupt leadership

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A pressure group which resorts to violence as a means of pressing home its
demands is described as

 A. anomic
 B. associational
 C. labour
 D. attitudinal

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Press control is necessary for a state particularly in the area of

 A. the economy
 B. auditor general's report
 C. state security and secrets
 D. foreign trade

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Public corporation has a legal personality which means that

 A. no legal suit can be brought against

 B. it can sue and can be sued
 C. it has ultimate power to make its own laws
 D. there is a legal department that represents it

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

Local Government authorities may not receive cooperation from the local people
due to  the issue of 

 A. top bottom approach to development

 B. accessibility to internet facilities
 C. lack of support for the ruling governemnt
 D. non availability of spiritual centres

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Delegated legislation can be controlled by 

 A. report writing
 B. press conferences
 C. parliamentary question time
 D. threat of secession

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A one party system imposed by law with all other parties proscribed is 

 A. a social party system

 B. a de jure one party system
 C. a communist political system
 D. an elitist party system

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Multi-party system is saddled with the problem of 

 A. divisiveness
 B. limited choice
 C. weak opposition
 D. political consciousness

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The essence of the concept of devolution is to cater for the interest of the 

 A. ruling governement
 B. majority
 C. minority
 D. rule of law

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

A country's constitution may be derived from which one of the following

 A. Educated elites
 B. Civil society organisations
 C. civil disobedience
 D. Customs and conventions

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One major problem associated with the cabinet system of government is the

 A. abuse of power
 B. frequent change of government
 C. large number of ministers
 D. supremacy of the executive

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Representative government around the world pay attention to public opinion
because of the following factors except 

 A. protection of the government from media scrutiny

 B. indication of government in good standing with the people
 C. provision of feedback on implementation of government policies
 D. national security concerns

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

The determination and execution of government policies is the core function of 

 A. Public Complain Commission

 B. Public Service Commission
 C. Civil Service
 D. Judicial Service

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Which political system allows only one idealogy for the state?

 A. socialism
 B. aristocracy
 C. communalism
 D. capitalism

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In a representative government, citizens exercise their political power 
 A. directly
 B. indirectly
 C. in reverence for the political system
 D. under undue political pressure

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2022

Commonwealth member states derive the following benefits from the
association except 

 A. assistance to war-torn countries

 B. promotion of education
 C. political instability
 D. promotion of sports

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is saddled with many
problems, one of which is 

 A. colonial heritage
 B. facilitation of movement of people
 C. inter-state trading
 D. sports and cultural exchange

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

In which system of givernment are all the components units soverign?

 A. Confederal
 B. Federal
 C. monarchical
 D. Republican

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

Undue political interference in the work of electoral management bodies in West
Africa has the potential to

 A. ensure fairness and transparency in their operations

 B. employ qualified returning officers
 C. erode the independence of the institution
 D. make all parties accept election result.

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

A person who is denied the right to vote is described as 
 A. uncivilized
 B. disenfranchised
 C. civil servant
 D. non-partisan

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Public corporation is a semi-independent statutory body established by

 A. an act of parliament

 B. a civil service commission
 C. a private sector initiative
 D. free zones board

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One of the objectives of the United Nations Organization (UNO) is to

 A. establish a standing army

 B. give loans to poor countries in the world
 C. promote and encourage respect for human rights and freedoms
 D. ensure African leaders are respected

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The West African Youth League (WAYL) was a nationalist movement found by 

 A. Bankole-Bright
 B. ITA Wallace-Johnson
 C. J.E. Casely Hayford
 D. Samuel Akisanya

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Taking over power, military governments disregard democratic protocols and

rule mainly by 

 A. decrees
 B. popular acclamation
 C. jury
 D. court martial

View Answer & Discuss (5) WAEC 2021

Which electoral system best suit a heterogenous political environment?

 A. Non-transferable votes
 B. Preferential ballot
 C. Proportional representation
 D. Run-off election

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Judicial review in a democratic envorinment is an espect of 

 A. checks and balances

 B. a check on the legislature
 C. a check on the executive and the media
 D. ensuring the police assist the judiciary in its work

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One advantage of multi party system is that, the

 A. electorate have wide range of choice

 B. educated elite represents their people in parliament
 C. executive is not restrained by law
 D. party in power creates employment for all sympathizers

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

The following factors motivated the formation and growth of political parties in
British West African territories except

 A. external socio-political factors

 B. improvement in communication network
 C. membership of legislative council
 D. the role of newspapers

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

In an environment of press freedom, the media plays the role of 

 A. articulating views of individuals

 B. inciting people to be lawless
 C. projecting individuals above the state
 D. highlighting only the activities of government

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

Chiefs under the indirect Rule system were used to carry out unpopular tasks,
one of which was 

 A. enforcement of Western education

 B. establishment of churches
 C. military conscription
 D. presiding over native courts

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2021

In restoring peace and security to Liberia and Sierra Leone the Economic
Community of West African States (ECOWAS) deployed a military force known as 

 A. Regional Armed Forces (RAF)

 B. Peace Keeping Force of West Africa (PKFWA)
 C. ECOWAS Ceasefire Monitoring Group (ECOMONG)
 D. ECOWAS heads of State and Government

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The desire for foriegn investments and overseas market had become the driving
force behind many West African countries 

 A. educational policy
 B. foreign policy
 C. campaign tool
 D. dream ideology

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

Citizenship does not only go with rights but also the performance of 

 A. compulsory military service

 B. compulsory teaching
 C. certain obligations and duties
 D. certain religious rites

View Answer & Discuss (6) WAEC 2021

One-party system encourages and often ends up in

 A. democracy
 B. dictatorship
 C. fair electoral contest
 D. freedom of expression

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Which of the following tools is not used by pressure groups to achieve with their
 A. Boycotts
 B. Demonstrations
 C. Elections
 D. Strikes

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Frequents military coup d'etats which topple elected governments negatively
affect and stall 

 A. education
 B. culture and religion
 C. health
 D. democratic gains

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How beneficial is delegated legislation to the democratic process? It

 A. aids lawmakers to become experts in legislation

 B. cannot be applied during period of crises
 C. helps to discipline personnel in the civil service
 D. permits handling of certain aspect of legislation by non-technocrats

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2021

Local government performs a number of functions on behalf of the central
government in the form of 

 A. employing police officers

 B. ensuring people attend religious institutions of prayers
 C. mobilizing of resources of development
 D. punishing opposition or dissent

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What motivated the adoption of indirect Rule system by the British in her West
African colonies?

 A. Effective and efficient tax system was in place

 B. Chiefs did not have the power to make laws
 C. Educated elites were in bed with the British government
 D. The land was fertile for cash crop farming

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

The Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) was established
primarily to 

 A. create a common currency for member countries

 B. prevent neo-colonialism
 C. sideline French West African countries in economic activities
 D. Promote economic growth and development among member states.

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

The media can best contribute to the democratic process of a country by

 A. lobbying ministers to be in their good books

 B. setting the agenda for good government
 C. inciting strikes and demonstrations
 D. recounting the achievements of the government in power

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Public corparations can deliver on their mandate if 

 A. incidence of corporation and mismanagement were dealt with

 B. loans were secured to pay staff well
 C. politicians were members of the board
 D. religious institutions pray for their success

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

Citizenship of a state is based on the following requirements except

 A. birth
 B. marriage
 C. education
 D. naturalization

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The struggle by the chiefs and people West Africa against political, social and
economic dominance by European powers was referred to as 

 A. imperialism
 B. nationalism
 C. neo-colonialism
 D. liberation

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2021

The European imperialist penetration into West Africa was primarily motivated
by the following consideration except 

 A. compassion
 B. economic
 C. social
 D. military

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Which policy made the colonized French West African partners with France in
her colonial project?

 A. Assimilation policy
 B. Association policy
 C. Indirect rule policy
 D. Loi Cadre

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2021

The British colonial governor in West Africa wielded sweeping powers by virtues

 A. the land tenure system

 B. drafting laws
 C. tax collection
 D. veto power

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

The action plan by African countries under the New partnership for Africa's
Development (NEPAD) aimed at tackling the following issues except 

 A. economic
 B. political
 C. religious
 D. social

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People's political values are continuously shaped by the following agents except 

 A. education
 B. family
 C. media
 D. ombudsman
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In which political system was there two levels of government with considerable

 A. Capitalism
 B. Federalism
 C. Fascism
 D. Unitarism

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2021

A system of government in which people elect their lawmakers and make them
accountable for their actions and inactions in government is 

 A. a representative government

 B. first-past-the-post government
 C. an oligarchy government
 D. checks and balances system of government

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Which territories in British West Africa did the colonial government exercise
limited jurisdiction?

 A. Conquered states
 B. Mandated territories
 C. protectorates
 D. Trust territories

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One of the following French West African colonies was the first to gain

 A. Benin
 B. Burkina Faso
 C. Guinea
 D. Togo

View Answer & Discuss (2) WAEC 2021

The Civil Services helps the government to 

 A. recruit personnel for the army

 B. develop and implement policies effectively
 C. maintain instability in the state
 D. stay in power for a long time.

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A citizen is barred from active politics when employed as a 

 A. university lecturer
 B. priest
 C. civil servant
 D. journalist

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Citizens' political participation is best practiced under a 

 A. militant pressure group

 B. neighborhood vigilante group
 C. cooperative society
 D. political party

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The most important function of government is to ensure the 

 A. building of offices and houses

 B. judiciary is well resourced
 C. second arm of government is respected
 D. security of the citizens

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The right to an adequate standard of living falls under 

 A. civil rights
 B. economic right
 C. free market economy
 D. right to life

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2021

What is the term given to the action of discontinuing a session of a parliament or

other legislative assembly without dissolving 

 A. Adjournment
 B. Postponement
 C. Prorogation
 D. Recess
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In a monocephalous executive system of government, all executive powers are
vested in the

 A. Chief Justice
 B. President
 C. Prime Minister
 D. Speaker

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The action programme of a political party intended to be carried out when
political power  is won is known as 

 A. code of conduct
 B. party constitution
 C. party survey
 D. manifesto

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021

What does the mass media rely on to guage public opinion

 A. Influential citizens
 B. propaganda and interviews
 C. polls and survey
 D. Rumors and gossip

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Which of the following options is the role of a newspaper in a state?

 A. Determines government appointment

 B. Disseminates information
 C. Ensures fairness in newspaper circulation
 D. Ensures fair distribution of relief items

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2021

An undesireable attribute of capitalism is mostly seen in

 A. freedom of choice
 B. exploitation of labour
 C. efficient production of goods and services
 D. effective utilization of labour
View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2021
A constitution that requires an absolute majority of members of parliament to
amend is a 

 A. confederal constitution
 B. federal constitution
 C. flexible constitution
 D. rigid constitution

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Which of the following countries is a Unitary?

 A. Nigeria
 B. Egypt
 C. Ghana
 D. Canada

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2020

Which of the following does not influence a country's foreign policy?

 A. Desire for foreign investments

 B. International law, Conventions and Treaties
 C. Religion and racial factors
 D. Age of the leader

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The National Congress of British West Africa (NCBWA) was founded in _______

 A. Sierra Leone
 B. Liberia
 C. Ghana
 D. Nigeria

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The African Union is most often unable to resolve conflicts because of _________

 A. financial weekness
 B. absence of African High Command
 C. Differences in Culture
 D. Language barrier and race

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The formation of the African Union is aimed at achieving a wider goal of ________

 A. cultural integration
 B. continental government
 C. national solidarity
 D. African identity

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A major advantage of a country's foreign policy is that, it __________

 A. encourages infringement on the territories of other states

 B. promotes the country's national interest
 C. stimulates political activities in the state
 D. promotes understanding between the leaders and the led

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2020

The West African Students Union (WASU) was formed by _______

 A. Siaka Stevens
 B. K. A. Gbedemah
 C. E.F Small
 D. OLadipo Solake

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A military coup d'etat is followed by _________

 A. enforcement of fundamental human rights

 B. suspension of the constitution
 C. breaking of diplomatic relations with foreign countries
 D. mass importation of firearms

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The capital of the French Federation of West Africa states was located in?

 A. Bamako, Mali
 B. Dakar, Senegal
 C. Conakry. Guinea
 D. Niamey,Niger

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Under the crown colony system of administration, major policies were
implemented in the colonies by the ________

 A. Chiefs and their elders

 B. Secretary of states for the colonies
 C. Chiefs and the British
 D. Colonial governor

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One way of improving productivity in the public service is through?

 A. promotion without examination

 B. higher salaries and allowances
 C. increase in working hours
 D. open door policy

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Which of the following made the colonial Government a " Virtual Dictator"?

 A. Legislative council
 B. Executive council
 C. appointment of departmental heads
 D. Reserved veto powers

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Which of the following is a feature of the French policy of Association?

 A. Elevation of the position of the chiefs

 B. French citizenship to subjects
 C. scholarships to needy students
 D. language barrier and race

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Public opinion is important in that, it ________

 A. helps political parties to assess their policies

 B. creates delays in the execution of policies
 C. may be unreliable and misleading
 D. can be manipulated by political opponents

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One of the features of pressure groups is that all members ________
 A. are rich
 B. think in the same way
 C. have similar interests
 D. oppose the government

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Which of the following modes of operation of pressure group undermines
economics, social and political stability of the state ________

 A. Lobbying
 B. symposia
 C. strikes
 D. debates

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The police reform all the following functions except ________

 A. Public execution of law breakers

 B. prosecuting law breakers
 C. protection of life and property
 D. enforcement of law and order

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Which of the following is a reason for the failure of the assimilation policy in
French West Africa?

 A. The change in name of their culture

 B. The refusal of the African to be culturally colonized
 C. The paternal policy of the French
 D. Bribery of the opinion leaders by the French

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The institution established by the constitution to be responsible for recruiting

personnel into the civil service is the ___________

 A. personnel management office

 B. office of the president
 C. National labour commission
 D. Public service commission

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If a winner emerges in an election as a result of his/her votes being more than
the combined votes of the opposing contestants; what types of electoral system
is being practised?

 A. Absolute majority
 B. plurality
 C. second ballot
 D. alternative vote

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 2020

Which of the following is a function of an electoral commission?

 A. adjudicating election petitions

 B. provision of electoral registers
 C. disciplining personnel in the civil service
 D. promotion of public servants

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Which of the following is not an electoral malpratice?

 A. impersonation
 B. threatening
 C. campaigning for a candidate
 D. gerrymandering

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Local government sources of revenue can best be improved through?

 A. schools
 B. the collection of import duties
 C. the provision of housing units
 D. cottage industries

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2020

An advantage of a two-party system is that it __________

 A. simplifies the electoral process

 B. ensures winner takes all
 C. protects the electoral commission
 D. protects the electorate from votr buying

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Which of the following is a non-partisan organization with the aim of influencing
government policies?

 A. Political party
 B. Pressure group
 C. Humanitarian
 D. Relief organization

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 2020

The collective views held by majority of citizens of a country about a particular
policy is _________

 A. national interest
 B. public opinion
 C. commentary
 D. bullentin

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An institution under the executive arm of government responsible for
formulating and implementing government policies is the ________

 A. public service
 B. public corporation
 C. civil service
 D. judicial service

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The following are means of controlling public corporation except _________

 A. legislative control
 B. judicial control
 C. ministerial control
 D. chief of staff control

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Which of the following usually leads to the curtailment of the rights of citizens?

 A. transitional period
 B. granting of presidential pardon
 C. period pf constitutional pardon
 D. violent socio-political unrest

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The national secretariat of a political party is managed by the ________

 A. presidential candidate
 B. funding members
 C. national chairman and general secretary
 D. national executive and youth organizer

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The type of election which allows party members to elect candidates for elective
offices is _________

 A. general election
 B. bye election
 C. direct election
 D. primary election

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An opposition party which sees itself as ''government -in-waiting'' is called ______

 A. shadow government
 B. caretaker government
 C. national government
 D. responsible government

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The document which sets out the programme of a political party and guides the
electorate to vote for it is the ________

 A. constitution
 B. electoral register
 C. manifesto
 D. white paper

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The observance of Rule of Law in a state requires _________

 A. an independent judiciary

 B. an ineffective police system
 C. a flexible constitution
 D. existence of a two-party system

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The principle of separating the judiciary from the other organs of government
and making it free from executive and legislative influence is termed __________

 A. judiciary
 B. judicial review
 C. separation of powers
 D. fusions of powers

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The right to respect the personality of the individual is a _________

 A. civil right
 B. natural right
 C. social right
 D. economic right

View Answer & Discuss (2) WAEC 2020

Which of the following constitutional provisions gives a high degree of autonomy
to component parts of a unitary state?

 A. Devolution
 B. Delegation
 C. Divestiture
 D. Declaration

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The following are redresses available at the courts for aggrieved people except

 A. injunction
 B. mandamus
 C. certiorari
 D. prorogation

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A major difference between power and authority is that, authority is ________

 A. scarcely exercised
 B. more dependent on coercion
 C. acquired popularly
 D. exercised through force
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Political participation can take the form of __________

 A. belonging to a trade union

 B. being a member of a pressure group
 C. canvassing for votes
 D. organizing festival for good harvest

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Which of the following is a disadvantage of proportional representation?

 A. encourages rigging
 B. promotes strong government
 C. makes for easy decision making in parliament
 D. is difficult and cumbersome to operate

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 2020

The sum total of authority in a state unrestrained by law is _______

 A. monarchy
 B. society
 C. oligarchy
 D. sovereign

View Answer & Discuss (5) WAEC 2020

The flexibility and rigidity of constitution refer to the __________

 A. sources of constitution
 B. making of constitution
 C. ease of amending constitution
 D. coding of constitution

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A feature of a confederal state is that _______

 A. it is a single sovereign state

 B. its constitution is flexible
 C. any unit can secede at will
 D. its powers are distributed equally between the centre and units

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A feature of a confederal state is that _______

 A. it is a single sovereign state

 B. its constitution is flexible
 C. any unit can secede at will
 D. its powers are distributed equally between the centre and units

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One of the limitations to the principles of rule of law is _________

 A. Immunity
 B. equality
 C. liberty
 D. impartiality

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Countries adopt unitary system of government because it __________

 A. detests dictatorship
 B. promote national integration
 C. concentrates power only at the centre
 D. allows the component units to secede at will

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Which of the following is an advantage of monocephalous executive ___________

 A. sharing of power
 B. quick decision making
 C. impartial dispension of justice
 D. enjoyment of press freedom

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In modern democracy, a government is _________

 A. a contrast between the rulers and the ruled

 B. a preserve of the political party in power
 C. monopoly of the ethnic group
 D. alternation of power between the majority and ninority tribes

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The ability to make and enforce laws and administer justice constitute the major
functions of a _________
 A. nation
 B. society
 C. government
 D. pressure group

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2020

Execute power in a cabinet system of government is vested in the ________

 A. legislature
 B. judiciary
 C. civil service
 D. council of ministers

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2020

Which of the following features of indirect rule contributed immensely to

Nationalism in British West Africa

 A. Establishment of native courts

 B. the appointment of resident district commissioners
 C. establishment of the native courts
 D. exclusion of the educated elites

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The first inter-territorial association organised by some educated African elite in
the Gold Coast as the ________

 A. Aborigine's Rights Protection Society (ARFS)

 B. National Congress of British West Africa (NCBWA)
 C. Movement of Educated Elites in West Africa (MEEWA)
 D. West Africa Frontier Forces(WAFF)

Nationalist agitation in British West Africa after the World War II led to the

 A. disregard for traditional rulers who supported the British

 B. formation of political parties
 C. killing of British administrative officials
 D. cooperation of the ex-servicemen with the governor

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

An African- American who contributed greatly to the growth of nationalism  in
West Africa was _______
 A. Martin Luther King
 B. Jesse Jackson
 C. Nelson Mandela
 D. William Du Bois

View Answer & Discuss (2) WAEC 2019

Which of the following is not a component of political culture?

 A. Norms
 B. Age
 C. Beliefs
 D. Attitudes

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The following were checks on the powers of chiefs during the pre-colonial era
except the __________

 A. British Officials
 B. Kingsmakers
 C. Council of Elders
 D. Age grades

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

A common feature of pre-independence constitutions of British West African
colonies was the _________

 A. existence of separation of power

 B. governor's membership of both the legislative and executive councils
 C. adoption of federalism
 D. establishment of council of elders

View Answer & Discuss (1) WAEC 2019

The agency responsible for fulfilling the purpose of the state is ________

 A. government
 B. pressure group
 C. public corporation
 D. media

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The power of the electorate signifies _________
 A. political sovereignty
 B. legal sovereignty
 C. external sovereignty
 D. internal sovereignty

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The removal of government direct control and monopoly in manufacturing and
service sectors is called __________

 A. privatization
 B. specialization
 C. commercialization
 D. decentralization

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

ECOWAS monitoring group (ECOMOG)  was established to ________

 A. recruit able-bodied men to defend West Africa

 B. restore peace to war-torn West African countries
 C. change bad government in West Africa
 D. corporation of the ex-servicemen with the governor

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The major concern of the United Nations Organization (UNO) is world ________

 A. trade
 B. peace
 C. health
 D. cooperation

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

Which of the following is not an obligation of a citizen?

 A. payment of taxes
 B. voting in an election
 C. protecting public property
 D. attending religious gathering

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The implementation of indirect rule was supervised by the __________

 A. Chiefs and Councils of elders

 B. British officials
 C. spiritual leaders of the land
 D. educated elite

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The electronic and print media makes their views heard on national issues

 A. public notice
 B. adverisement
 C. documentary
 D. editorial commentary

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

Any type of restricted franchise is a violation of the principle of ________

 A. constitutionalism
 B. soveriegnty
 C. political equality
 D. editorial commentary

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

Public corporation can operate in a more efficient manner if they are ________

 A. free from political interference

 B. controlled by the judicial service commission
 C. under the head of the civil service
 D. controlled by the military

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The major role of minority parties in parliament is to _______

 A. criticize every government policy

 B. ensure democratic governance
 C. monitor the activities of the president
 D. supervise the passage of bills

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The political parties established in West Africa in the 1950's were aimed at

 A. securing independence for their people

 B. Participating in the colonial administration
 C. introducing guerilla warfare against Europeans
 D. representing their people in the British parliament

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The Commonwealth Secretariat is located in _________

 A. Los Angeles
 B. Kuala-Lumpur
 C. London
 D. Glasgow

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 2019

Which colonial administration in West Africa sought to integrate her colonies
with their home country?

 A. British
 B. Dutch
 C. French
 D. Danes

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The following are benefits member countries derive from the Economic
Community of West African State (ECOWAS) except _______

 A. economic cooperation
 B. Larger market
 C. military assistance
 D. free ports

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

To facilitate movement of people from one member to another the Economic

Community of West  African States (ECOWAS) has _________

 A. created several border posts within member states

 B. waived visa requirements for citizens of member countries
 C. created one currency for all member countries
 D. maintained regional peace and security through deployment of forces

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

Public Corporations are referred to as statutory bodies because they are
established by _________
 A. a legislative instrument
 B. Acts of parliament
 C. an executive instrument
 D. Bye-laws

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 2019

Which state institution serves as a link between the government and the
people ?

 A. Office of the president

 B. The civil service
 C. the judiciary
 D. the church

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The media play a vital role in the political environment in that, it ________

 A. articulates the views of individuals

 B. incites people to be lawless
 C. projects individuals above the state
 D. articulates the views of the ruling party

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

Military might is a major determinant of a country's _______

 A. independence
 B. democracy
 C. foreign policy
 D. wealth

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

Impeachment process is a unique feature of the ______

 A. parliamentary system
 B. presidential system
 C. federal system
 D. unitary system

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

Which of the following is a function of the party whip?

 A. flogging erring party members

 B. ensuring that the members tow the party position
 C. ensuring the safety of the speaker
 D. assessing the performance of the law makers

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

Labour groups mostly come under the umbrella of the ________

 A. industrial workers' union

 B. trades union congress
 C. anomic group
 D. civil defence

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The major problem facing electoral management bodies in West Africa is _______

 A. Lack of qualified personnel

 B. poor communication network
 C. foreign interference
 D. electoral malpractice

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The features of a state include all the following except _______

 A. government
 B. territory
 C. society
 D. population

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The authority of the state is collectively exercised by the _______

 A. executive, legislative, judiciary

 B. president, governor and chairman
 C. police, army and navy
 D. government, people and civil servants

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

In a presidential system of government, legislative approval is not necessary for
the ________

 A. appointment of supreme court judges

 B. rectification of treaties
 C. granting of pardons
 D. appointments of civil servants

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

The following are the reasons widely espoused for military intervention and
rules in West Africa except ______

 A. Tribalism and Nepotism

 B. inordinate ambition of soldiers
 C. maladministration
 D. religion

View Answer & Discuss (3) WAEC 2019

Which of the following electoral systems is ideal for a heterogeneous society?

 A. simple majority
 B. preferential ballot
 C. non-transferable vote
 D. proportional representation

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

A constitution performs the role of ________

 A. law making
 B. law enforcement
 C. communicating the ideals of leaders
 D. stating the functions and limitations of leaders

View Answer & Discuss WAEC 2019

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