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Chapter One

In the Beginning, Was a Card

This book has two main purposes, each of which are Our Personal Significators
somewhat connected. The first purpose is to present

information about each birthday of the year from the

In the Book of Destiny system there are many cards

perspective of this system, which I call the Book of

that act as symbols of who we are. We will discuss each
one individually, but just to get an overview, what fol-
Destiny. Along these lines, you will find detailed infor-
lows shows their relative importance in the overall
mation about your Birth Card and Planetary Ruling
scheme of things:
Card, both of which come from your birthday. You will

learn how to look up anyone's Birth Card and Planetary

Birth Card
Ruling Card and be able to read important and useful
Most important of all the Personal Significators. Our Soul's
information about them that will reveal much about
Identity in the current lifetime.
their personality and karmic destiny. 1 define our karmic
destiny as a path in life that we will take by virtue of
Planetary Ruling Card
choices we made prior to coming into this life.
Next most important oj the Personal Significators. The card that
To get the most of this first feature of this book, you
we express ourselves through in our work and life.
will have to learn the meaning of a Birth Card,
Planetary Ruling Card, Karma Card and Personality
Karma Cards
Card. You will learn how to look them up and how each
Reflect past-life gifts and areas where we have spiritual growth
of them reflects on aspects of our personality. It is not
and challenge (except for the special family of i cards - see below).
as complicated as it may sound, but if you want to real-

ly get the most use from this system, I suggest you take Personality Cards
the time to read through this chapter carefully, because
Roles that we can choose to play at any time in our life, but not
this is where we will go over all of these things step-by-
a strong identity unless we make it so. Can change at will. Optional
The second purpose of this book is to give you unique
insight into your personal relationships, particularly

your intimate relationships. Chapter Two takes you Our Birth Card
step-by-step through the process of doing what I call a
In this system, each day of the year is assigned one of
Complete Relationship Reading between any two peo- the 52 cards in the deck. Actually, there are 53, because
ple. You will learn even more about yourself as you December 31st belongs to the Joker. But we won't talk
study the cards of the people with whom you have been about the Joker too much, because that card stands
intimately involved. After all, our relationships are the mysteriously apart for many reasons and cannot be used
clearest mirrors of ourselves that we can find. like the others. There is a discussion of the Joker later
So these are the two main features of this book, in the book if you would like to learn more about it. For
although there are many other things presented here the rest of the birthdays, one card rules each day in an
that you will find useful in terms of information about uneven distribution. Look at the Birth Card Chart on
you, your life and your relationships. So please, take the inside back cover of this book and you can quickly
your time and go through each section carefully so that find your Birth Card. You will also see that there does-
you are familiar with the terminology used and what the n't seem to be any definable system for determining
different cards are. It is like learning a new language, which card falls upon each day. For example, there are
but one that comes fairly easily once you get into it.
roughly twice as many Diamond and Club birthdays as
there are Hearts and Spades. Also, some cards such as

the KA and AV have only one birthday, while others

such as the K* and A# have twelve. In reality there is

a very particular system and reasoning behind which

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