Bhomika Notes

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Sanskrit literature is vast from Vedic period to till now. Vedic literature has its own
significance in the world wide literature. Vedas are the ancient script and helpful to know the
life style of Aryans, their society, religion and culture also. From all the angles the Vedic
language is most ancient one.

Vedas are the sacred books of India. These are considered as idealogical works by
Darshanikas. Vedas will explain the stories of Gods and known as AmÉÉæÂwÉårÉ. Because they are
not composed by any human being. Different branches literature. Such as Kavya (MüÉurÉ), History
(CÌiÉWÉxÉ) and Four Purusharthas of Religion (kÉqÉï, AjÉï, MüÉqÉ, qÉÉå¤É) originated from Veda.
Vedic statements believed and followed by Indians. Vedas are also referred as "Sruti" (´ÉÑÌiÉ).
Because they gives the information regarding the knowledge of Brahma.

The word veda has been derived from root verb `ÌuÉmÉë¥ÉÉlÉå', which means knowledge.
Indians have their spiritual faith uprooted in Vedas. Ancient sages of India through their
meditation got this vast knowledge. Speciality of Indian land is protection of Vedic knowledge.

Vedic knowledge became sacred and influential, when world's history is endangered,
Even it signifies the knowledge that was heard, but according to popular belief were
communicated to a number of Rushis.

Veda Vyasa divided Vedas into four parts, which help us to study and to understand the
meaning for the performance of Yagnas. Vyasa means `urÉxrÉÌiÉ uÉæSÉlÉè CÌiÉ urÉÉxÉÈ'| Rig Veda,
Yajurveda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda are the four Vedas.

xÉÉåÅrÉqÉåMüÉå rÉjÉÉ uÉåSiÉÂxiÉålÉ mÉëMüÉÌvÉiÉÈ |

cÉiÉÑkÉÉïqÉ iÉiÉÉå eÉÉiÉÇ uÉåSmÉÉSÑmÉMüÉlÉlÉqÉè ||

(Veda is compared to a tree, which is divided by Vyasa Maharshi into 4 divisions. Later
Vedavrksha grown up)
Rig Veda, contains Chandobadha (NlSÉåpÉkÉ) praise and descriptive mantras. Yajurveda that
is the knowledge of the sacrificial formulas. We can observe these mantras in Gadya form.
Samaveda that is the knowledge of melodies Atharva Veda.
Again the Vedas divided into Samhita, Brahman, Aranyakas and Upanishads. In the
Samhitas there are lyrics in praise of different Gods. All these are the spells and incantations
(mantras) in the form of songs. Generally speaking Brahmanas contain prose contexts giving
practical observations and sacrifice which are mentioned in the songs of praise. The Aranyakas
(Forest texts) got that name, because they are books of instructions to be given in the forest or
writings meant for wood dwelling hermits. The Upanishads contain philosophical specializations
about the conception.
Brahman and the Vedas
It has already been mentioned that the Vedas are four in number. Each of these Vedas has
branched called Samhitas and Brahmanas. Aranyakas are appendices to the Brahmanas
Upanishads are appendices to the Aranyakas. Thus each of the Veda has Samhitas, Brahmans,
Aranyakas and Upanishads. All these are taken together are called "Vedic Literautre".
The Upanishads are called "Vedantas", because they are the end of the Vedas. Upanishads
are main root of Indian religion, darshanas and philosophy.
EmÉÌlÉvÉiÉè vÉoSÈ EmÉ, ÌlÉ CÌiÉ EmÉxÉaÉï²rÉmÉuÉïMüÉiÉè ÌuÉvÉUhÉ aÉirÉuÉxÉÉSlÉÉjÉïMü xÉSè kÉÉiÉÉåÈ ÌMümÉè mÉëirÉrÉÉåaÉålÉ ÌlÉwmɳÉÈ
Some Upanishads are composed in Gadya form or Padya form and others are in the both
the form. These are the secret doctrines where 2 disciple has to study in gurukul only.
Upanishads teach valuable preaching of life. It tells the significance of yajna, meditations,
donation and controls all our organs. Even it says that the human beings has follow religious
path, truth, and Ahimsa.
Vedangas :-

ÌvɤÉÉ urÉÉMüUhÉÇ NülSÉå ÌlɨÉÇ, erÉÉåÌiÉwÉÇ iÉjÉÉ |

MüsmÉUcÉåÌiÉ wÉQ…¡ÉÌlÉ uÉåSxrÉÉWÑqÉïlÉÏÌwÉhÉÈ ||

The word veda includes Vedangas also. The Vedangas are Siksa (Phonetics), Vyakarna
(Grammar), Chandas (metrics), Nirukata (Etymology) Iyotisa (astronomy) and Kalpa (ritual)

ÌvɤÉÉ subject which even then dealt with letters, accents, quantity and pronunciation and
euphonic rules.

urÉÉMüUhÉ The reading and understanding of the Vedas required 2 correct idea of the use of words
in their proper sense.

NlSÈ or proposed deals with Vedic metries and the rules applicable to them. Since mantras are
set in metre, their correct pronounciation requires 2 knowledge of their metre.

ÌlÉÂMüiÉ represents the early attempts made to interpret the Vedas.

erÉÉåÌiÉwrÉ The sacrifices and other rituals are to be performed on days and hours fixed after

calculating the movements of the sun and the moon. The origin of MüsmÉ is to be traced to the
Brahmanas. The long and tedious explanations and ritualistic formulas in the Brahmanas could
not be remembered at the time of performance of the sacred rites.

Puranas (mÉÑUÉhÉÉÌlÉ)


the meaning of the statement – we have to understand from history and puranas. Indian literature
signifies the importance of Purana. Purana means 'ancient'. There are 18 puranas as follows;

1. qÉixrÉ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Matsya Purana)

2. qÉÉïMühQårÉ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Markandeya Purana)
3. pÉÌuÉwrÉ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Bhavishya Purana)
4. pÉÉaÉuÉiÉè mÉÑUÉhÉ (Bhagavat Purana)
5. oÉë¼ mÉÑUÉhÉÉ (Brahma Purana)
6. oÉë¼ uÉæuÉUiÉmÉÑUÉhÉ (Brahma Vaivrata Purana)
7. oÉë¼ÉlÉlS mÉÑUÉhÉ (Brahmananda Purana)
8. uÉÉqÉlÉÈ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Vaman Purana)
9. uÉUÉW mÉÑUÉhÉ (Varah Purana)
10. uÉÉrÉÑ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Matsya Purana)
11. ÌuÉwhÉÑ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Vishnu Purana)
12. AÌalÉ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Agni Purana)
13. lÉÉUS mÉÑUÉhÉ (Narad Purana)
14. mɱ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Padya Purana)
15. ÌsÉ…¡ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Linga Purana)
16. uÉÉrÉÑ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Matsya Purana)
17. aÉÂQ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Garuda Purana)
18. xMülkÉ mÉÑUÉhÉ (Skanda Purana)
The below shloka helps us to remember all the eighteen puranas;

qɲrÉ pÉSìrÉÇ cÉæuÉ oÉë§ÉrÉÇ uÉÇ cÉiÉÑwOrÉqÉè |

A - iÉÉ - mÉ - ÌsÉÇ - aÉ - MÔü - xMüÉÌlÉ mÉÑUÉhÉÉÌlÉ mÉëcɤÉiÉå ||
The characteristics of Puranas are explained in the following way;

xÉaÉïÈ mÉëÌiÉxÉaÉïvcÉ uÉÇvÉÉå qÉluÉliÉUÉÌhÉ cÉ |

uÉÇvÉÉlÉ, cÉÌUiÉÇ iÉæuÉ mÉÑUÉhÉÉÇ mÉgÉsɤÉhÉqÉè |
Puranas deals with the creation of Nature, laya (destruction) and again creation of Nature,
who was their during the period of Manu and description of important incidents and about the
kings dynasties also. From many point of view Puranas play important role. Puranas were
composed in the form of stories to understand the Vedic language. Puranas play important
role. Puranas were composed to the form of stories to understand the vedic language. Puranas
introduces about Indian Society in Vedic age. Ancient history is written in the form of Puranas
UÉqÉÉrÉhÉqÉç (Ramayana) :-
There are two great epics in the world of Literature. Among them one is Ramayana
known as "AÉÌSMüÉurÉ" composed by uÉÉÌsqÉMüÉ. This work is famous by name "´ÉÏqÉSUÉqÉÉrÉhÉ" .
Because of uÉÉÌsqÉMüÉ other poets have got the inspiration to compose poems. India has earned
spirituality and holy atmosphere since Vedas existed.
In Ramayana seven kandas are as follows:-
1. oÉÉsÉMüÉhQ Balakanda
2. ArÉÉåkrÉÉMüÉhQ Ayodhya Kanda
3. AUhrÉMüÉhQ Aranya Kanda
4. ÌMüwMüÏlkrÉÉ MüÉhQ Kishkindhya Kanda
5. xÉÑlSU MüÉhQ Sundar Kanda
6. ArÉÉåkrÉÉ MüÉhQ Ayudhya Kanda
7. E¨ÉUMüÉhQ Uttara Kanda
These kandas are again divided into Sargas. This AÉÌSMüÉurÉ also referred as "Chaturvimshati
Sahasri Samhita". It has contained 24,000 shlokas.
The protagonist of Valmiki's Ramayanam is the cherished idol of millions of worshipping
Hindus, who regard him as the seventh incarnation of God and to whom he is embodiment of
every social and domestic virtue. He is endeared to their hearts by his glorious self-negation and
sense of filial duty. When he renounced the kingdom and repaired to the forest in order that his
father's promise should be observed in world and deed. He is still more endeared to them by his
excellent rule after he became a king, when his sole concern was to keep the people contended
and happy, that "Rama-Rajya" came to be in popular parlance a term descriptive of an
idealistically perfect government. Sita, the heroine of Ramayana is one of those charming
pictures of feminine excellence of which the ancient history of India furnishes numerous
examples. She is subjected to very severe tests in which her purity, courage, patience, and other
virtues and nobly. She come out through those tests.

Mahabharata is a historical work in Literature. Sage Vyasa is the author of Mahabharata.
Mahabharata is on par with the Vedas, "pÉÉUiÉÈ mÉgcÉqÉÉå uÉåSÈ"| The work abounds innumerable short
stories, religious and moral preachings, philosophical thoughts interwined with the main story
revolving around Pandavas and Kauravas. Because of its stupendous size, it is called
Mahabharata –qÉWiuÉÉiÉè pÉÉUiÉiuÉÉiÉè qÉWÉpÉÉUiÉqÉè"|. Vyasa was the son of sage mÉUÉvÉU and xÉirÉuÉÌiÉ . He
was named ` uÉåSurÉÉxÉ' after he divided the Vedas in to four parts. He is also the author of 18
puranas. Including WÌUuÉÇvÉ, Mahabharata contain one lakh verses and is popularly known as
"vÉiÉxÉÉWxÉëÏxÉÇÌWiÉÉ". It is believed that there are three stages of development in the growth of
Mahabharata. In the first stage, it is call ed "qÉWÉpÉÉUiÉqÉè".
The great epic divided into 18 parvas. They are :-
1) AÉÌSmÉuÉÉï 2) xÉpÉÉ mÉuÉÉï and so on. Each parvas sub divided into many EmÉmÉuÉÉï, each
containing a number of chapters (AkrÉÉrÉÉ). Matters related to law, wealth, desire and salvation
are dealt in abundance. Though heroism (uÉÏUÈ) is the predominant sentiment (UxÉÈ) in
Mahabharata, yet after reading the complete story. It is state – craft and politics and a vigorous
style quite appropriate for the heroic sentiment.
Kavyas are again divided into two types. They are ´ÉurÉ and S×vrÉ, ´ÉurÉMüÉurÉ means enjoying
the literature through reading and listening. S×vrÉ means dating and seeing. For example:- lÉÉOMüÉ
are considered as `S×vrÉMüÉurÉ' and aɱ, mɱ and cÉqmÉÔ MüÉurÉ are known as ´ÉurÉ MüÉurÉ. Prose is
called aɱ in Sanskrit literature. There are no rules and regulations for letters and padas in number
as, defined in this way, - `uÉרÉoÉlkÉÉåÌgfÉiÉÇ aÉkÉqÉè". mÉÉSÉs four in number known as "mɱ" - "mɱ iɧÉ
mÉiÉÑwmÉSqÉè" . The mixture of aɱ and mɱ called as "cÉqmÉÔ" Drama defined as S×vrÉ iɧÉÉÌpÉlÉrÉÇ iÉiÉ -
ÃmÉÉUÉåmÉɨÉÑ ÂmÉMüqÉè, ÂmrÉiÉå AÌpÉlÉrÉæ ÌlÉÂmrÉuÉå CÌiÉ ÃmÉMüqÉè |
The main divisions of mɱ MüÉurÉ as follows qÉWÉMüÉurÉ and ZÉhQMüÉurÉ,

qÉWÉMüÉurÉ -
xÉÌaoÉlkÉÉå qÉWÉMüÉurÉÇ iɧÉæMüÉå lÉÉrÉMüÈ xÉÑUÈ |
Features of Mahakavyas are:-
a) Composed of sargas (xÉaÉÉï s)
b) Hero should belongs to ¤Ȩ́ÉrÉ race or has qualities of Gods.
c) There are lÉuÉUxÉÉ s , among them ´É×ÇaÉÉU, uÉÏU, vÉÉliÉ one will play dominant role.
d) kÉqÉï, AjÉï, MüÉqÉ and qÉÉå¤É are four purusharathas. In these any one concept gets the
significant place.

e) Nature description must be there. For example:- xÉÔrÉÉåïSrÉ, mÉuÉïiÉ, AUhrÉ, GiÉÑ, xÉÉaÉU, and
so on.
There are five Mahakavyas and they have won the hearts of all Sanskrit scholars. So these
are considered as "mÉgcÉ qÉWÉMüÉurÉÉ s". They are :-
A) MüÉÌsÉSÉxÉ - is the author of two Mahakavyas ;
1) UbÉÑuÉÇvÉ and 2 ) MÑüqÉÉUxÉpÉuÉqÉè
C) qÉÉbÉÉ - ÌxÉvÉÑmÉÉsÉuÉkÉqÉè
Cï) ´ÉÏWwÉï - lÉæwÉÌkÉqÉcÉÌUiÉ
1) UbÉÑuÉÇvÉ - As per the name suggests Raghuvamsa describes the lives of the kings of the
Solar dynasty beginning with ÌSsÉÏmÉ the father of UbÉÑ. It consists of 19 cantos. mɱ narrated all
the virtuous qualities of kinds who belonged to solar dynasty.

2) MÑüqÉÉUxÉqpÉuÉqÉè - At present this work consists of 17 cantas. It deals with the birth of the war
– God MÑüqÉÉU or xÉÑoÉë¼hrÉ and the killing of iÉÉUÉMüÉxÉÑU, a powerful enemy of the Gods. In the
richness of poetic fancy and vivid descriptions is definitely superior in mature thoughts.

3) ÌMüUÉiÉÉeÉÑïlÉÏrÉqÉè - is a qÉWÉMüÉurÉ in 18 cantos. It describes the story of AeÉÑïlÉ acquiring the

mÉÉvÉÑmÉiÉÉx§É from Siva who in the disguised a hunter. (ÌMüUÉiÉ) tested the strength and ability of
Arjuna in an encounter. This incident is briefly narrated in the uÉlÉmÉuÉÉï of Mahabharata. Taking
that simple incident from the qÉWÉpÉÉUiÉ, pÉÉUÌuÉ transformed it into a beautiful epic by graphic
descriptions, elaborate discussion on State – craft and politics and a vigorous style quite
appropriate for the heroic sentiment.
4) ÌvÉvÉÑmÉÉsÉuÉkÉqÉè - A Mahakavya in 20 cantos which describes the killing of ÌvÉvÉÑmÉÉsÉ, the
king of cÉåÌS by Lord Krishna. A simple incident from the qÉWÉpÉÉUÉiÉ where M×üwhÉ kills ÌvÉvÉÑmÉÉsÉ
at Yadhisthira's Rajasuya sacrifice has been takes up by qÉÉbÉ and developed in to a fitting plot of
a great epic.
Magha is admired for his delightful style, profound thoughts and beautiful similies :-
4. lÉæwÉkÉÏrÉcÉÌUiÉqÉè - The Indian critics have selected five works and have recognized them as
five Mahakavyas of special merit, (mÉgcÉqÉWÉMüÉurÉÉÌlÉ) of which lÉæmÉkÉÏrÉcÉÌUiÉ is the last. It is said
that this work was written in 60 cantos but only 22 cantos are available and the work is
incomplete. The story of lÉæwÉkÉÇ is taken from the lÉsÉÉåmÉÉZrÉÉlÉÇ of qÉWÉpÉÉUiÉ. The work ends with the
wedding and conjugal life of lÉsÉ and SqÉrÉliÉÏ.
Historical Kavyas
These are known as historical Kavyas – mɱaÉÑmiÉÈ - lÉuÉxÉÉWxÉɃ¡cÉÌUiÉqÉ ÌoÉsWhÉ -
ÌuÉMëüqÉÉMüSåuÉcÉÌUiÉ, MüsWsÉhÉÈ - UÉåeÉiÉUÌ…¡hÉÏ WåqÉcÉlÉSë - MÑüqÉÉUmÉÉsÉcÉÌUiÉqÉè, UÉeÉlÉÉjÉ - xÉÉsuÉÉprÉÑSrÉ and so
aɱ MüÉurÉ (Gadyakavya)
"uÉרÉoÉlkÉÉåÌxÉiÉÇ MüÉurÉÇ aɱMüÉurÉqÉè" |
Prose is called aɱ in Sanskrit. To impress the reader through prose requires great skill and
ability on the part of the author to embellish the style with figures of sound and sense. Through
Gadya a poet can express his feelings. There are two divisions in aɱ . They are – AÉZrÉÉÌqÉMüÉ and
AÉZrÉÉÌqÉMüÉ means a historical incidents and MüjÉÉ means imaginary stories. Some of the
examples are xÉÑoÉlkÉÇ - uÉÉxÉuÉS¨É, oÉÉhÉ - WwÉïcÉÌUiÉ - MüÉSqoÉÌU, SÌhQ - SvÉMÑüqÉÉUcÉÌU§Éå
cÉqmÉÔMüÉurÉ -
Dandin defines champu thus :-
"aɱ mɱqÉrÉÉå MüÉÌcÉccÉqmÉÔÌUirÉÉÌpÉSÏrÉiÉå", cÉqmÉÔ is the parallel existence of the two types of literature –
the prose and poetry. cÉqmÉÔMüÉurÉÉ sare known by their beautiful verses, description, sentiments
and incidents. Some of the champu kavyas are lÉsÉmÉqmÉ - ̧ÉÌuÉMëüqÉpÉ–È UÉqÉÉrÉÉhÉ cÉqmÉÔ - pÉÉåeÉ,
rÉvÉÌxisÉMü cÉqmÉÔ - xÉÉåqÉSåuÉ MüjÉÉxÉÉÌWirÉ - (Popular tales) and Fables.
Ancient Indians lived closed to Nature and in their daily life they were always surrounded
by birds and animals which gave them opportunities to study their behaviour, this close
association with Nature has given rise to many didactic fables. Many popular stories and legends
current in ancient India find a place in literature. From Vedic period these stories are famous.
Many tales of adventure, wonders, legends and thrilling episodes which appeal to the common
people. Their main aim is to teach us morals and religious preachings. Definition is in this way –
"MüjÉÉrÉÉÇ xÉUxÉÇ uÉxiÉÑ" stories inspire us to lead life.

The authorship of mÉgcÉiÉl§É is attributed to one Vishnu Sharma (ÌuÉwhÉÑvÉqÉÉï). This is the
oldest collection of fables now preserved and probably composed in the 1st century A.D. The
work has been translated in almost all foreign languages. ÌWiÉÉåmÉSåvÉÈ of lÉÉUÉrÉhÉ is another popular
work giving a collection of didactic fables. The earliest and most important work giving a
collection of a large number of such popular tales is the oÉ×WiMüjÉÉ of aÉÑhÉÉSrÉ, xÉÉåqÉSåuÉ of
MüjÉÉxÉÌUixÉÉaÉU and so on.

xiÉÉå§É MüjÉÉ (Stotra Katha)

The lyrical poems in Sanskrit which had their origin in the Vedas have been continuously
composed all through the centuries upto the present day. Lyrical poems are very easy to learn.
These are written in praise of Gods and Goddesses in order to fulfill our desire and to show
sincere devotion. These are composed in a simple and graceful style. The number of devotional
lyrics in Sanskrit is so large that it is very difficult even to mention the names of the important
A brief account of a few popular devotional lyrics of outstanding merit are given below:-
Pushpadata - Shivamahiman stotra,
Shankaracharya - Soundarya Lahari
Kulshekhar - Mukundamala,
Lilashukan _ Krishnakarnamruta
Vedantadeshika - Vardaraj Panchashat,
Venkatadhavari - Lakshmi Sahsra,
Appayadikshita - Varadraj Sathav
Narayan Bhatta - Narayaniyam, and
Jaganath Pandit - Panchalahari

xÉÑ×pÉÉÌwÉiÉÉÌlÉ (Gnomic or Didactic Poems

The gnomic spirit found its expression in almost all branches of Sanskrit literature. Gnomic
verses are found in the Vedas, in Dharam Sastras, Smritis, the epics, Mahakavyas, Dramas and
fables. Poems meant for instruction are called Didactic poetry while those in the form of short
pilthy maxims expressing general truth are called "Gnomic poems" . Some of these are ;
Rajashekar - Suktimuktavalli,
Sayanacharya - Subhashita Sudhanidhi,
Shreedhardas - Sadukti Karnamruta,
Shragdharan - Shragadharpadhati,
Vedantadeshika - Subhashitani
Basavbhupaian - Subhashit Surdrum, and
Shree.N.R.Acharya - Subhashit ratnabandagar
are famous
The earliest work of gnomic poetry is xÉÑpÉÉÌwÉiȨ́ÉvÉiÉÏ composed by pÉiÉ×WÌU.

Dramas (lÉÉOMüÉÌlÉ / ÂmÉMüÉÌhÉ)

The Sanskrit language dramas are known as "ÃmÉMü" (Rupakas)
"ÂmrÉiÉå AÌpÉlÉrÉæÈ ÌlÉÂmrÉiÉå CÌiÉ ÃmÉÇMüqÉè|"
Sanskrit dramas usually ends with the happy moment. Its mixture of Sanskrit and prakrit
language. Keeping the view of society dramas are composed. Dramas will entertain all types of
people as per their taste. This statement is given by Kalidasa which is truth.
"lÉÉOrÉÇ ÌpɳÉÂcÉåeÉïxrÉ oÉWÑkÉÉmrÉåMÇü xÉqÉÉUÉkÉlÉqÉè|"
The great dramatists are pÉÉxÉÉ (Bhasa), MüÉÌsÉSÉxÉ (Kalidas), vÉÑSëMü(Shudraka), pÉuÉpÉÔÌiÉ
(Bhavabhuti), and etc.

pÉÉxÉ (Bhasa)
The excellent of dramas that are now available are 13 plays of Bhasa popularly known as
the "Trivandrum plays". Bhasa whom Kalidasa mentions in his Malavikagni Mitram. Bhasa's
date cannot be fixed with any amount of certainty but be cannot be placed tater than the second
century B.C. Kalidasa of the 1st Century B.C., refers to him as a great and popular dramatist in
his play qÉÉsÉÌuÉMüÉÌalÉÌqɧÉqÉè . The mÉëÉM×üiÉ used by him is definitely older than that of MüÉÌsÉSÉxÉ. In
the prelude of qÉÉsÉÌuÉMüÉÌalÉÌqɧÉqÉè Kalidasa refers to pÉÉxÉ as a popular dramatist.

In 1912 the late qÉWÉqÉWÉåmÉÉkrÉÉrÉ T. Ganapathi Sastri discovered 13 unpublished dramas and
published them in the Trivandrum Sanskrit series attributing their authorship to the great Bhasa.
By reading all 13 dramas we will observe that his style, characteristics, conversation, the plot
prove that Bhasa is great and best dramatist.

MüÉÌsÉSÉxÉ (Kalidasa)
ÌuÉSÑlÉÉïirÉå iÉÑ qÉɬvÉÈ ||
Kalidasa is considered as very famous poet in Sanskrit literature. He has contributed many
works to the Sanskrit Literature. Indians will remember him and poets also because of his
imagination, words and style of writing Kavyas, that’s why he got the title "EmÉqÉÉMüÉÌsÉSÉxÉxrÉ".
The title is worth to him. He is the undisputed master of dramas and a superb artist and
undoubtedly the first among the dramatists.
Scholars have regarded the following works as genuine works of Kalidasa. Four poems 1)
UbÉÑuÉÇvÉ 2) MÑüqÉÉUxÉÇpÉuÉ 3) qÉåbÉSÔiÉ 4) GiÉÑxÉÇWÉU and three dramas - (1)
qÉÉsÉÌuÉMüÉÌalÉÌqɧÉqÉè (2) ÌuÉMëüqÉÉåuÉïvÉÏrÉ (3) vÉÉMÑüliÉsÉ.
vÉÔSëMü (Sudraka )
Sudraka who is placed in the first century A.D., is the author of qÉ×cNMüÌOMüqÉè, a drama of
the mÉëMüUhÉ type in ten acts.
This dramas has a sub-plot with a political theme. The first four acts of the play are
practically the same as those of Bhasa's cÉÉÂS¨ÉqÉè, It seems vÉÑSëM took the four act play of Bhasa
and developed it into a full fledged mÉëMüUhÉ type of drama by weaving a political theme into it
where in the claycart (qÉ×cNMüÌOMü ) incident plays an important part.
The scenes describing gambling and the behaviour of gamblers, house-breaking and theft,
policemen's search for the escaped convict, the trial of the hero in a law court for the charge of
muderdering the heroine falsely leveled by a villain etc., are very realistic and highly dramatic.
The drama throws much light on the social and political state of the country during that period.

pÉuÉpÉÔÌiÉ (Bhavabhuti)
Bhuvabhuti is known to have written three plays, - qÉWÉuÉÏUcÉÌUiÉqÉè
(Mahaveeracharitam), qÉÉsÉiÉÏqÉÉkÉuÉqÉè
(Malatimadhava), E¨ÉUUÉqÉcÉÌUiÉqÉè
(Uttararamacharitam). The Mahaviracharita seems to have been his earliest production. In the
introduction of qÉWÉuÉÏUcÉÌUiÉqÉè Bhavabhuti had given about his life, date and works. It is in the
E¨ÉUUÉqÉcÉÌUiÉqÉè the dramatist is found at his best. It is rightly said –
"E¨ÉUå UÉqÉcÉÌUiÉå pÉuÉpÉÔÌiÉÌuÉÌvÉwrÉiÉå" After Bhavabhuti many dramatist composed dramas.

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