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EcE-52002 Modern Communication System II

Tutorial I

Date: 24/07/2023
Answer all questions. Time: 8:00 am – 11:00 am

(a) Describe the specific model for the multichannel digital communication system with
applicable diagram. [10]

(b) Define thermal noise and shot noise. The front-end filter of a radio passes the broadcast
AM band from 535kHz to 1605kHz. The radio input has an effective resistance of
300 ohms. What is the root-mean-square noise voltage that we would expect to observe
due to this resistance? An electronic device has a noise figure of 10dB. What is the
equivalent noise temperature? [10]

(a) Define two-port network with relevant diagram. What is the available noise power over
1MHz due to shot noise from a junction diode that has a voltage differential of 0.7 volts
and carries average current of 0.1 milliamperes, if the current source of the Norton
equivalent circuit has a resistance of 250 ohms? [10]

(b) Define noise figure. A satellite antenna has a diameter of 4.6 meters and operates at
12GHz. What is the antenna gain if the aperture efficiency is 60%? If the same antenna
was used at 4GHz what would be the corresponding gain? [10]

(a) A geostationary satellite is located at a distance of 40,000km from an Earth station. At the
satellite a source at a frequency of 4GHz radiates a power of 10 watts through an antenna
with a gain of 20dB. Assume that the effective aperture area of the receiving antenna is
Calculate the received signal power, ignoring nonideal losses in the links. [10]

(b) Consider an Earth station receiver with a cryogenically cooled amplifier. The equivalent
noise temperature of the receiver is 20K. The Earth station uses a large antenna operating
at a frequency of 4GHz and an elevation of 15 degrees; the antenna noise temperature is
estimated to be 50K. Calculate the system noise temperature, assuming no loss in the
antenna feed and waveguide. Then calculate the carrier-to-noise ratio, assuming a carrier
power of and a noise bandwidth of 36MHz. [10]
(a) With the aid of diagram, describe the model of spread spectrum digital communication
system. [10]

(b) Derive the variance of the total interference for the narrowband interference that is
characterized by the power spectral density, and draw a rectangular pulse, g(t) and its
corresponding energy density spectrum, |G(f)|2. [10]

(a) Describe the shift register with the aid of diagram. A pseudo random sequence is
generated using a feedback shift register of length m=4. The chip rate is 107 chips per
second. Find the following i. PN sequence length ii. Chip duration of PN sequence
iii. PN sequence period. [10]

(b) A rate of 1/2 convolutional code with dmin=10 is used to encode a data sequence occurring
at a rate of 1000 bits/s. The modulation is binary PSK. The DS spread spectrum sequence
has a chip rate of 10MHz i. Determine the coding gain. ii. Determine the processing gain.
iii. Determine the Jamming margin assuming an Eb=J0 =10. [10]

(a) A DS spread-spectrum system transmits at a rate of 1000bps in the presence of tone
interference. The interference power is 20dB greater than the desired signal and the
required to achieve satisfactory performance is 10dB. i. Determine the spreading
bandwidth required to meet the specifications. ii. In the case of pulse interference,
determine the pulse duty cycle that results in worst-case performance and the
corresponding probability of error. [10]

(b) CDMA system consists of 15 equal power users that transmit information at a rate of
10,000 bits/s, each using a DS spread spectrum signal operating at a chip rate of 1MHz.
The modulation is binary PSK. i. Determine the Eb=Jo where Jo is the spectral density of
the combined interference. ii. What is processing gain? iii. How much should the
processing gain be increased to allow for doubling the number of users without affecting
the output SNR? [10]

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