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Conservation- protecting, improving natural resources to keep them safe from destruction
Deforestation- destruction of forests to make land for agriculture
Emission- the release into the air of pollutant substances such as gas or smoke
Landfill- an area designated to recieve household grabage, solid waste and construction
Dump- location where garbage rubbish or waste is taken
Recycling- the process of minimazing waste by recovering materials and transforming them
into new products
Acid rain- rain mixed wih sulphiric, nitric acids formed by gases realeased into the
atmosphere when fossil fuels are burnt
Ecosystem- a community of plants, animals other organisms living in an area which provides
what they need in order to live
Carbonfootprint- a measure of the effect that human activities have on the climate
Globalwarming- a gradual warming of the earths surface temperature caused by emission
gases trapped in earths atmosphere
Greenhouse gases- gagses that trap suns heat into earths atmospere producing greenhouse
Fossil fuels- oil, coal, natural gas
Enviroment- surroundings and external conditions that affect the growth of living things
Ecology- the study of the relationship of living things with eachother and their enviroment
Polution- contamination of air, water and soil with substances that can cause harm to
human health or enviroment
Biodegradable- capable of being broken down or decomposed by natural biological process
Polluters- a person, organization that puts harmful substances or waste into water, soil
Car exhaust fumes- is emitted as a result of the comsumption of fuels such al natural gas
Oil spill- release of a liquid petroleum into the enviroment- marine
Oil slick- a layer of oil floating on water
To litter- to throw or leave thrash
Energy saving- the effort made to reduce the consumptuin of energy by using less energy
3 Rs- reduce, reuse, recycle
Bottle bank- a large container into which people put empty bottles, so that the glass is used
Renewable energy- solar, wind, water
Sustainable consumption- use of materials, products, energy in such way that it minimizes
the impact on the enviroment
Survive- stay alive in difficult conditions
Wash away- when water destroys something
Relocate- to move to another place
Die out- dissapear forever
Evacuate- to leave a place because of danger
Preserve- protect something for the future
Contaminationg- to affect larger area or a group of people
Ozone layer- a gas in the atmosphere that protects us from UV rays
Intensive farming- agriculture, where a lot of money and are used to increase the field that
can be obtained per area of land

Alibi- a proff someone was not in the place where teh crime happend
Thief- someone who steals
Vandalism- the crime of destruction of public or private proprety
Theft- act of stealing
Shoplifter- a person who steals from a shop
Investigate- to examine a crime
Burglary- entering a building illegaly in order to steal
Offence- an illegal action
Suspect- a person who is thought to have a commited a crime
White collar crime- a non violent crime , commited by an individual typically for financhal
gain- tax evasion, bribery, forgery, identity theft
Man slaughter- killing a person unintentionally
Forgery- an illegal copy of a document
Sentence- the punishment given by the court of law
Reward- money offered for helping the police
Victim- someone who is harmed or killed by another
Trial- a legal process to decide if someone is guilty
Blue collar crime- shoplifting, robbery, vandalism, drug abuse, murder
Ransom- money for the release of a person held in prison
Arson- the crime of srtting fire to the building or burning own proprety
Mugger- a person who attacks and steals in a public place
Community work- doing work for the community, as a punishment
Death penalty- the legal punishment, to be exicuted for a crime
Life sentence- in prison until dead
Smuggling- taking things or people from a place secretly, illegaly
Murder- killing a person intentionally
Fine- a sum of money that must be paid as a punishment for a crime
Verdict- the decisison of court
Magistrate- the name of the judge who decides minor offence
Armed robbery- using guns
Petty theft- stealing something minor
Internet fraud- cheating somedody online to get money or goods
Prison term- a period of time in jail
Speeding fine- paying money for driving to fast
Knife crime- carrying a sharp weapon to threathen people
Traffic offense- breaking rules, when you are driving
House arrest- being a prisoner at home
Gang violence- commiting crime using physical force in a group
Blame somebody- to say its someone elses fault
Take account- to consider the facts while making the decision
Prohibit somebody- to use authority to stop something


Own up to- admit to be responsable for something

Fallen out with- have an argument with someone, so yu are not nice to them anymore
Come up with-to think of an idea
Live up to –do as well as other expect you to do
Putting up with- tolerate something that is unpleasant
Get round to- find time to do something
Get away with-do something wrong and not be punished
Put it down to- to understand that something is caused by something else


Legal- something allowed by law

Name calling- putting down your opponent
Loaded words- words and phrases, that evoke strong emotion
Plain folks- speakers present him/her as a commons person
Glittery generality- emotionally appeling phrase, associated with a valued concept
Facts an figures- basic details, numbers for a particular situation
Emotional appeal- to sway the omotion of the audience to make them support arguments
Testimonial- a persons written or spoken statment
Band wegon- an activiry that has become sucessful
Patriotrisam- the quality of being patrioitic, to nuy something to show
Bribery- giving or receivveng an item of value to become
Humor- funny stuff
Card stocking- propagnda technique, that seeks to munipulate audience to understand
selective information
Snob appeal- something that appeals to people who associate those qualities
Weasel words- something that someone says, to avid anwsering a qusetion clearly
Stealth marketing- marketing thro personal recommendation
Persuade- to talk to someone into doing something
Research- to study something in more detail
Trick- to lie o someone
Influence- to have an effect on someones ideas and choices
Launch- to advertise something for the first time
Display- to show something , so people can liik at it
Promote- to advertise a product and encourage people to buy it
Target- to aiom something at someone
Jingle- a short piece of music used for an advert
Billboard- a very large board used for advetising
Slogan- a phrase, that is easy to remember
Endorsement- a statment from famous people about a product
Banner- a long narrow advertisement on a website
Flyer- a small piece of paper for advertising
Commercial- an advertisment ona a radio or tv
Classified ads- a smalla dvertisment on a newspaper
Spam- unwanted advertising material sent by email
Pop up ads- an advert on a website that opens in a nwe window
Logo- a design used by a company to identify it

Spree- a short period of time doing one activity, often in an uncontrolled way
Bargain hunt- looking for something at a good price and cheaper than usual
Indulge in something- do something you like, especially something bad for you
Gadget- a small tool, that is useful
Shopaholic- somebody who enjoys shopping and spends a lot of time doing it
Compulsive- difficult to control yourself
Crippling- very serious
Impulsive- a sudden desire to do something
Browse casually look at things in the shop
Sweatshops- 3rd world countries shops
Fairtrade- products have bigger prices, to help teh workers
Ethnical shopping- someone who buys organic, cruelty free
Luxury goods- very expensive products
On special offer- cheaper than ususal
Glossy magazines- weekly fashion publications
Insider knowlage- more ifo about a product, than others
Marketing agency- a company, that develops ideas for adverts
Free samples- examples of a product, that they dont have to pay for
Brand image- idea associated with its name of a company
Price tag- a label on something, that shows how much it is
Shop till you drop- spend a long time shopping, because you dont want to stop
Shop around- go to diffrent shops until you find what you want
Spendthrift- spending a lot of money
Rethal therapy
Buyers remorse
Impulse shopper- going to the shop for something, coming back with a diffrent thing
Situational shopper- you are after a particular buy
Bargain hunter- an eye for bargains
Serious shopper- focused and not distracted
Going shopping- cash desk, sales, tag, label, off the peg, refund, try on, fit, receipt,
assinstant, mail order, bargain, cashier, exchange, queue

Consumers- people who buy things and use services

Profit- you sell something for more, than it cost
Manufactured- something you make using machines
Design- pattern on product
Retailer- a person or company, who sell good to people in a shop
Commercial- companies or events, that make a profit
Industry- all the buisnesses that produce goods
Trendy- general change or development


Detect- notice or discover something that can be difficult to see or feel

Consider- think about something carefully before making a decision
Distinguish- see, hear or recognize with effort
Notice- become aware of something
View- think about something in a praticular way
Differentiate- see how thing are diffrent
Realize- know or understand something that is true

Crunchy- making a sound when you bite it
Juicy- containing a lot of juice and good to eat
Runny- having more liquid than usual
Crumbly- that easily breaks into very small pieces
Thick- a liquid that doesnt flow very easily
Smooth- a mixture without any lumps
Lumpy- a liquid containing pieces that are solid
Moist- slightly wet
Soft- changing shape easily when pressed
Creamy- containing cream so that it is thick and smooth
Chewy- needing to be chewed a lot before it can be swollowed
Oily- containing lots of oil
Stale- old
Batter- mixture of eggs, flour, salt, sugar
Beat- in eggs
Break- an egg
Melt- the butter
Pour- all ingredients together
Sift- flour
Stick- of butter
Stir- a mixture
Peel- potato
Grate- cheese
Slice- bread
Shred- meat
Spread- nutella
Drain- pasta
Mash- potatoes
Stew- cook slowly
Roast- meet
Chop- onions
Boiled, poached- eggs
Baked, jacket, mashed- potatoes
Smoked- salmon
Pickeled- onions, eggs


Argue- say angrily when you dont agree

Cheer- say loudly to support
Exclaim- say suddenly and loudly
Shout- say in a loud voice
Sigh- say while letting out a big long breath
Stammer- say it with difficulty, repeating sounds
Whine- say in an annoying complaining voice
Whisper- say very quietly so that othe people cant hear you

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