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Cipta Ayu Fauziah


A1 Ilmu Komunikasi

1. What kind of tenses are used in the listening audio?

2. Please give a sample of sentences to prove your answer to number 1.

3. Make a short summary to re-story (in your own word) from the story of the listening audio.


1. For the first audio ‘Food’ is uses present simple tense and past simple tense. Why? Because
there showing a fact and general thing. There’s only a little to show asking using ‘did’. While
for the second audio ‘The King’ is uses past simple tense because there are so many describe
action and states in a completed period of time, also describe habitual actions in the past. But
there are some who use past continuous tense and present continuous tense.

2. First audio:

Sample of sentence:

 Everyone need food to live (Present Simple Tense)

 Many people don’t eat animal products (Present Simple Tense)
 Which of this food do you eat? (Present simple tense)
 Did u know that about seventy percent of your body is water? (Past Simple Tense)
 Vitamin C helps your body fight disease (Present Simple Tense)

Second audio:

Sample of sentence:

 The family lived in Buckingham Palace, which had 600 rooms (Past Simple Tense)
 Edward didn’t go to the school with other children (Past Simple Tense)
 We were waiting for a dinner (Past Continuous Tense)
 Every Friday, the teacher took me to my father’s room (Past Simple Tense)
 “But the lessons are so boring, Sir.” (Present Continuous Tense)
3. Short summary to re-story


On the first audio tell us about that every human need food to survive this live. When
we will doing everything, we must have energy, and the energy came from food. For sure, we
don’t just eat and eat. But we also have to pay attention to the nutrition in the food. When
we have a plan to diet, we should balance with lots of different nutrition. That is protein,
carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, and mineral. All of them must have function for each body. But
remember don’t eat too much, because too much of something especially food is not good
for health. We must eat food with paying attention to enough, balance portion, and not too
much. We also know that health is expensive than sick. Disease can come anytime and we
don’t know when?

The King

On the second audio make us aware that no one life is perfect in this world. At first,
we may think that Prince Edward’s life is so beautiful. But actually not. So I want to tell about
his poor story. Prince Edward was born into noble family. He lived in Buckingham Palace,
England. The house was very big. Buckingham Palace had 600 rooms. Talk about his parents,
they are busy parents, too restrained, and also don’t have time to their child, Edward. As a
proof, Edward say that he saw his mother once a day at the dinner. And he saw his father just
three or four times a week. For the age of the child, all that is less. He need more love from
his parents.

Honestly he always feel lonely and sad. He wants to be like a general child. Everything
is private. So he didn’t have any friends and never played with other children. Even school is
also private. Yes, he had classroom just for him. And it make him bored. Then the books were
full of word. It’s really bored for him. He also had a teacher. His name is Mr Hansel. He’s
temperamental. He hit Edward’s arm until red when Edward don’t look at the book. Every
Friday, the teacher took Edward to his father room. For sure, King George asked to the teacher
and his answers always said that Edward never listen to what he say. Until the end, King
George was very angry to his child. He never asked, like “Are you happy with your studies, my
son?” or just ask slowly. His father doesn’t want to understand with his son condition. He said
bad things about Edward. So that, King George told Edward to go to the room and stayed
there until the morning. In the end, Edward go to the room and spent many days alone in his
room. Edward just need more support and love from their parents. Aren’t parents the most
comfortable for children?

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