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Eva Rocio Vazquez Díaz GRUPO: 461

Environmental contamination is the introduction of substances or other physical elements into an
environment, which make it unsafe or unfit for use. The environment can be an ecosystem, a physical
environment or a living being. The contaminant can be a chemical or energy (such as sound, heat, light, or
radioactivity). It is always a negative alteration of the natural state of the environment and, in general, it
occurs as a consequence of human activity and is considered a form of environmental impact.
Contamination can be classified according to the type of source it comes from, or by the form of pollutant it
emits or the medium it pollutes. There are many pollutants, including chemical substances (such as
pesticides, cyanide, herbicides and others), municipal waste, oil or ionizing radiation. All of these can lead to
disease, damage to ecosystems or the environment. In addition, there are many gaseous pollutants that play
an important role in different atmospheric phenomena, such as the generation of acid rain, the weakening of
the ozone layer and climate change.
Air contamination is the presence in the air of materials or forms of energy that imply risk, damage or serious
annoyance for people and beings of popular nature, 14 as well as that can attack different materials, reduce
visibility or produce odors unpleasant.
Water contamination or water contamination is a modification of this, generally caused by human beings,
which makes it inappropriate or dangerous for consumption, industry, agriculture, fishing and activities, as
well as for animals.
Soil contamination is a degradation of soil quality associated with the presence of chemical substances. It is
defined as the increase in the concentration of chemical compounds, of anthropogenic origin, which causes
harmful changes and reduces their potential use, both in part of human activity and by nature
Point contamination is when the source is located at a point. For example, the chimneys of a factory or the
drain in the river of a sewage network.
Linear contamination is when it occurs along a line. For example, noise contamination, chemicals, and debris
dumped along a highway or combustion debris from an airplane in flight.
Diffuse contamination is when the pollutant reaches the environment in a distributed way. The contamination
of soils and aquifers by fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture is of this type. Soil contamination is also
diffuse when the rain carries atmospheric pollutants there, as happens with acid rain. This affects certain
animal and plant species, modifies the composition of soils and wears down monuments and the exterior of

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