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Serial Dat Nature of work Learning

no. e done outcome

1 1-08- In the last week, I was majorly Thus, these 3 days formed an
2022-3- assigned the task of preparing interesting task for me as I was
08-2022 the survey maps of property in now acquainted with the
the state of Rajasthan by process and mechanism for
accessing the website of Land another state i.e. Rajasthan.
revenue records for the
concerned state. I also learnt about the ways by
which if any important
Those maps were essential to information which is required
ascertain the land area and also by the client regarding land
helpful in determining the records is lacking then how to
surroundings of the particular approach the court for allowing
land based on its survey no. access to such concerned
such an activity was essential in information.
order to assist the clients in
buying the property they are
interested to buy.

2 04-08- On this day, there was less work This activity helped me in 1st
2022 given to me mostly research sharpening my research skills
work on the topic- since it was not an open-ended
question and secondly it also
Grounds for demanding helped me in getting more
extension in time period for insight as to process to be
converting the land from adopted while not only buying
agricultural to NA the land but also starting or
commencing the commercial
activity over the concerned
land area.

3 05-08- This was the last day of my On the work front, the last day
2022 internship where there was notwas devoted to reading files of
much work assigned apart from the cases dealt by our
reading one or two case files.supervisor with company law
and insolvency and bankruptcy
Apart from this, I mostly had code, 2016 as its background.
conversation with other staff
members about my future
aspirations, my goals and the Thus, the last day was very
approach I should adopt after overwhelming as I had to bid
completing my BA.LL.B. goodbye to the fellow
course. colleagues and staff members
with whom I had spent past
whole month. It was very
encouraging and nurturing.

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