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DHYEYA IAS" ‘most trusted since 2008 1. Match List-I with List-II and choose the 5, correct answer with the help of given codes: | - List-1 List-II (Theory related to (Related Scholars} the origin of earth) A) Nebular Hypothesis 1. Chamberlin and Moulton B) Gaseous Hypothesis 2. Jeans and 6. Jefireys C) Planetesimal 3. Laplace Hypothesis D) Tidal Hypothesis’ 4. Kant Code: - ABCD sae @ 1234 aT 4321 eee () 2 3 1 4 CONTACTNO. 9310094385 @ 3 412 7 2. Which one of the following statements regarding the ‘Big Bang Theory’ is incorrect? {a) It is related to the origin of the @ “universe. uo (b) This phenomenon took ‘placef 13,7 billion years ago. xy ¢ () According to this th 4 a . ae (@) Initially their voltmetas too much and temperature & density were zero. 3. Inner Planets are found between : 9. (a) Jupiter and Saturn (b) The Sun ani the Asteroid Belt (c) The Earth and the Sun (@) None of these 4. Which of the following is a direct source of information about interior of the Earth? é (a) Volcano { (b) Meteorite (c) Gravitational Force (@) Magnetism SERIES: A Page No. 2 Which of the following is an effect of Earthquake? t (a) Surface Anomaly () Soil liquefaction () Tsunami (@) All of the above Which of the following statements is/are incorrect ? , 1, The thickness of the crust under the oceans is less than that of the continents. Crust and the upper part of mantle are collectively called the Lithosphere. Code @ 3 (a) 1 Only (6) Both 1 2 Only Neither 1 nor 2 (b) @ he following countries does Gler the flow arca of iver’ ? () Bangladesh (@) India eph Line’ is a: (a) Lines showing areas of equal snow fall Horizontal line of sea level from which height and depth are measured, (J A line showing — successive . measurements from a reference point. @ Line joining areas of same cloudiness. Which of the following statements is/are - correct ? 1, In the Presidential System of Govt., the President is the head of both the country and the government, In the Semi-Presidential Government system, the President is the head of the country while the Prime Minister is the head of the government, Code: (a) 1 Only (b) 2 Only i () Both1and2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 PLO, ae alt at qatar awe ae A fee A ag a wera D wet Tat Gi * Ta yar (qed at safer (Heiter Peart) Deena feria) A) freifem uftrcrn 1. sherfert war ated 8) arrer afer 2. Mia ad Ata | aerern ©) meyer | 3. TTT D) water 4. ae OR: ABCD’ @ 123 4 oh 4321 (2314 @3 412 ra 82 (@) Ee Fas at Teta Be (o) 7e ufereAt TTT 13.7 SF sitet we wa srt (a) -qeeata ae wh ae Sy () Bi sit ax uel st eet S my © yet sik Baer 5 5 teas ‘most rusted since 2003 freien ae wen an aera #7 (2) sracette fereinr ) Fal xa ©) art (®) setae ast Frrafafad 38 ahaa ae arma 887 1. Menge a gern arama aaah wat ated aa 1 sent wa Feat a sud rT afiafera BT a errs Sec th ae @ 2 @ (o) at 2 @ Ta17a2 BR a cha: ‘mega aS apd coin se ant? &) ara 38 x @ 1 ‘orga tar’ 2 () 39 fit & aor dot at call ad ter © aR raw Aa tet ford Saat Teme a ay ett (©) fart wed fag 8 sof He aT veh ‘wet art tan (@ Faro darn hal fret a ta fofetea med ¥ at aad wr we we THA THE RT 1 seer wer aaeM A vests ts A wean Ai a wye tat 31 4 Rratefam T-8 sty ent at area Te 2. atlas wR een Y Tea te a ei ths a vate seria wean a WEE eat 1 (a) serene - (bo) Fem fies tHe ae 25 op (Teoria ae COURIER FACILITY ALL OVERIKDIA. (2) 1 ® aa () yaw CONTACT NO. 9340098385 (c) 1 wen 2 cht @ waa PRE-2023-Test2 SERIES: A Page No. 3 @ DHYEYA IAS’ ‘most tested since 2003 10. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R) Assertion (A): In India, there is an arrangement of integrated judicial system. Reason (R): There are no separate provincial level courts in India. Code: (a) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (b) Both (A) and (R) are correct (R) is not the correct explanation of (4). {c) (A) is correct, (R) is wrong. (@)_ (A) is wrong (R) is correct. 11. Which of the following are the measures - to maintain the independence of the judiciary in the Constitution of India? {a} Not involving the legislature in the “- suatter of appointment of judges. (0) To fix the tenure of the judges. (c) Punishment for the contempt of co} (@) All of the above. 2. What is meant by Univer “(a) Right to vote citizens of the “(b) Right to vote citizens of the countrys (c) Right to vote only in the elections of women. (@) None of the above. In the first-past-the-post system’, the candidate who is declared the winner- gets the majority of the total votes. (a) ) gets three fourth of the total votes polled. “(c) gets more votes than all other candidates. : oe ‘samc 14, 18. 17. aes fot Which one of the following Economy works :” on the Adam ,Smith’s Laissez-Faire ° Principle? (a) Socialist Economy (0) Mixed Economy (c) Liberal Economy (a) None of these Which of the following statements regarding ‘Capitalist Economy’ is/are correct ? 1. In this, the goods produced are distributed among different people according to their needs. 2., In this, only those consumer goods are produced @pich are in deinand in the market. Code: (&) 20nly 01 ‘2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Privo statemeiits, one is Ssertion (A) and other as change the ownership of holdings. Code: . (2) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the correct explanation of (A)- (&) “Both (A) and (R) de correct (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). (2) (A) is correct, (R) is wrong. (a) (A) is wrong (R) is correct. Which of the following statements regarding ‘Structural Reforms’ in the economy is/are correct? 1, Structural reforms are meant as @ long-term measure. ‘their objective is to increase the international competitiveness of the country by improving the efficiency of the economy. { Code + (a) 1 Only (o) 2 Only (@) Both 1 and 2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 2. PO. ede 10. AA are Rene g, Brat Rr a (A) ata ore (Rete atte (ays ome af etapa eae gore ef TET (RY: TL AY rer 3 rarer ren arth ee a8 : “Rt 1. 12, 13. (0) (A) wen (Ry Bt ELAR), A Ga. (R), (A) i a eae ae t bee (A) 191 (R) SAT al & ae (Ry, (ay a Caren EF aT B1 a (A) wat 8 ay (R) Ta a (A) Trea & ey (R) et 2 (6) (c) (d) ane & afar a sarenfere at eae TH ty Sha aoa 37 aul Ce) ene a Fran ret fei wi aftafem 7 em tae wre are anfisl at Gia A ate 3 ar afraR (9 aaa atest # gia Fate Ba after (sera Fa aig Fe ped-are-ecte fren" a ae wert fase wifes rar aren @ fr (a) age Hall ar AH TT Rit (by get al wattle wT we (o) sa ait weaferel a anfien Ha urea eta G1 (a) Berit A yf ae wea ai fret vhs 3a nie fired ae 3 fretfeted a ata wt a mn AS 3 aemdy # fear tard eae @) ware seioy ? 0) fafa stare ©) Krad eelorren @ Bia a aa Tacha ee ae Petes 1. eal Seaa aga ar fafa each farm sat a ont srr & age 1 © 2 wal eet susteen ageil a -seares aad Ree ara a a 21 &) Fam 2 @® atiaea 0: Tp Aet taka ton ay gat a Te (R) Fa Tae fre (4): Fare ora BFF gaa a Saad a sara eI RT (R): a er eRe te aa vat Fer aE @ WAR Ti We vI Ky, (A) aA TET FB te ) (A) Fa R) AH ae wT A), A) HRT eH Fel HT BI {o) (A) Bat 8 (R) Te a @ Wee aR AA Page No. 5 OTR A ada Taree gt’ eet frafefaa wert Fa aie-aad we 28? 1. Reena Gan TH Seisners TITS BT ame 2 wa Ree adareen st ATE A quer a at oni wel erat aerrél E- (@) Fa 1 () Bae 2 (19H 2 et @ wae? PRE-2023-Test2 DHYEYA IAS” 18. 19. 20. 21. ‘ast trsted shee 2003 ‘Token. Coin’ means : (a) One whose marked value is more than the metallic value. (b) One whose metallic value is more than the marked value. (c) One whose face value is equal to the metallic value. (@)_ None of these: Which one of the following is the unit of Ecological Pressitre ? (a) Bar (2) Joule o @ Knot Ohm Consider the following- 1. Investing in Education 2. Workplace Training 3. Investment in ‘Health’ 4. Migration “7 """" > 5. Information Which of the above is/are the sou human capital formation? fa) 1,2,3and4 (by 1,2, (6) 1,2,4and5 Given below are tw a "Ae labelled as Assertion (Al; Reason (R) = 7 Assertion (A): We know much more about the Cholas.than their predecessors. Reason (R): The Chola rulers had their victories written daily by hfstorians. ents, one is \d other as Code: (a) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the correct explanation of (A). Both (A) and (R) are correct (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). (A) is correct, (R) is wrong. (A) is wrong (R) is correct. ) © @ 22. 23. eR ‘The Indian King was called ‘Bautra’ by who among the following travellers? (a) Marco Polo (b) Al Masudi () Suleiman (@ Ibn Battuto Which of the following statements is/are correct ? 1. The Pratihara king Bhoj had assumed the title of ‘Adivaraha’, ‘The famous Shiva tempie of Bllora was . built’ by Rashtrakuta king Amoghavegsha. * Code : Ss” fa) f ) a Epes Samaj'.was feem Rao Ambedkar in the 2 Only Neither 1 nor 2 (o) | Marathi (@) Gujarati 25. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ? a (Medieval Poets) (Compositions) (a) Mulla’Da'ud —- ‘Chandayan () Amir Khusro - Aashika () Somnath — Raga Vibodha (@) All of the above 26. In the context of Delhi Sultanate, the correct meaning of ‘Jawabit' was- (a) The territory given to the soldiers as salary Revenue free land given to Ulema and Qazi Rules made by the Sultan to run thet government other than Shariat Exemption from realization of land revenue during famine ®) © @ ce 18, ‘wichfeen frre’ 2 are t- 20. 21. SERIES:A (o) ae fare aif yet, ofan yer a satires ean @1 () ae foreman afer aga, after ypT a cafes eka #1 (0) ae farm siftra yea, tfeaer AEA a aren Bhar (ed a ag ae . Frafefas Fa at er afifiafeer xarr (Beologiéal Pressure) #1 yee 82 (@) 3K (Bar) (&) Ae (Knot) (©) 3 (Joule) #1 (Ohm) Frefefaa 1 fran Fifer 1. faa Y fide 2. arderet afer 3. rarea H fit 4 5. 42 ar René, fer aw at sie (A) site gat at are (R) Fe TAT «afar (a): Stet F faa Yet sat gia wade at arten ret safer area wet 21 ‘BaTCOT (RY: Ser TRB efererTAT GT WeALT orrtt fasrrnensil wl feraeran Sra eT ae” (a) (A) ter (Ry SPE wet aeT R), (A) TAA mara aca th (b) (A) Te (RY VA aT F eT (A), (A) BI TAA orrea el AT Th (©) A) a 8 aeg (a) Te EL @) (A) Ted wey (A) HE ie © ta leas : ; most rusted sce 203 22. frfefaa 18 fee. ant Yada wa at ‘ata’ wet om? () mel thet (b) sre ERT (0) year © wag 23. Frefafaa meat Ya ae-ava war tt? 1, wien war sta a ‘enfeaue’ et sat are at et 2 Wea Ua anand a wei a whee fr aRSt rare a () Baa 2 @ adie 2s. frefafac gai Fa ait a wwe gH wt °-giiea $2 (aera aft) (wang) “ @) Yee TSR - AR ® she - ara © ea Y= ow face @ sited wt 26. feet werra B Hel A efaa’ ar wet SRT a . (@ ahal at dr S wo F fear at ater Sau sae a at a Sort ret THs ERT ‘ “ft C9 we 8 sen wes ao ay YET art aaa ae Peer (o) sara ahr yore Tah 8 rea BE Page No. 7 PRE-2023-Test2 DHYEYAIAS - most ested since 2003 . 27. The First Anglo-Maratha War was ended with : (a) The Treaty of Surat (1775 AD) (©) The Treaty of Bassein (1802 AD) (c) The Treaty of Salbai (1782 AD) (a) The Treaty of Poona (1818 AD) . 28. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? « (Organization) (Related. Person) © (a) Indian = Surendra Nath Association Banerjee (©) Poona Sarvajanik- Justice Ranade Sabha (©) East India ~G, Subramaniam Association lyer (@ Bombay Presi-. - Pherozeshah dency Association Mehta 29. The title of ‘Go-Brahman Pratipalak’ was given to whom among the following - Maratha rulers ? (a) Bajirao I (©) Bajirao 1 () Chhatrapati Shivaji - (@) Rajaram 30. Which of the following is/ ats the Push Factors. As} 1. Unfavorable i 2. Natural Calamil 3. Unemployment 4. Peace and stability Select the correct answer using the code- Code: : (a) land 4 (b) 2,3and4 () 1,2and3 (4) All of the above 31. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? (City) (Lake) + {@) Toronto = Ontario (©) Chicago - Michigan (co) Duluth = Superior (@) Detroit - Huron SERIES: A 32, ‘Oplsometer’ is used - a {a) In the measurement of area (0) In the measurement of direction {) In the measurement of distance (@) In the measurement of gradient 33. Which one of the following stations is situated at the Trans-Siberian Railways? (a) Chita (0) Kazan (c) Moscow (@) All of the above 34, Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R) : Assertion (ake demand for transport is affected size of the population. ReasonglR}aitger the size of the popuyfat fer will be the demand for ma lect answer using the codes op @ a {A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the vorrect explanation of (A). ae Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R)-is not the correct explanation of (A). (c) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect. (@) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct. 35. Which one of the following commercial waterways is also known as the ‘Big ‘Trunk Route’? {a) Mediterranean Sea Route (0) North Atantic Sea Route. () North Pacific Sea Route -*(d) Southern Pacific Sea Route 36. Which one of the following pipelines is used to transport oil from oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico to the North-Eastern states of America? (a) Big Inch Pine Line (0) Comecon Pipeline (¢) Nordstream Pipeline (@) Tapline Page No, & PTO. aaa wiereec ‘COURIER FACILITY ALL OVER INDIA CONTACT NO. 9310098385 QT. WU arirer—arraT ARE HT Sia BAM AT , (oy Ugt a ale a (1775 &) () eer a air (1802 &) (o) amerg wh aifer (1782 &) () ya a aif (1818 &) 25, Preafetrs yee a data a ow wet wert watt? (ear) (aie Zafer) () err gift - atx aH ) anaes an - after wae ©) te sea - Ah yr oR wifegrt (® aia Mest fietorene Fear afer 29, Tet mrRaT A Frefefiad Fa Rea h-arerr 7 sferarer? wt ign wert ait ag 2? (a) ania 9a (o) asitra fedta () wach Bratt @ wR Go. freafafra Ya ara afiafra 22 1. Maa Weary 2. wept Revert 3. dase 4. Ua Te eanftrcr ag a aorta a wat ST a A HE WE (@ 1aik4 & 2,3 34 ©) 1,233 @) sate wit st. Pret gi Ta ast ar ee ae Gera TB 7 (are) (git) (ay Wet ~ sitet (vy Reewh Safer © wae - yifer () Bare - SERIES: A. Page No. 9 feras most usted Ice 2003 32. ‘aitfdhiter’ ar wer fran ara @- (@ dana aie T fen ay © tant (veo Ae 33. frafefad Ta aa a Ue Rem Treat aor oH safer 2? (a) Frat (c) "ree o) = (a sates at as ahd wert ems, fri a ew a aie 9) sheet a (R) we aH 2 fer a Hin RIC HT Sp wat arene fara TET eT St ates eri ee aad oR aI a aif } (A) war (R) BA TE eT (A), (A) Fh aT xO aren aa © MAT ® Hi wea R), wae ren Fai area G1 © # Wt TR WHA © # Wat TYR We 38. frafafaa a fre ue erates sera! at “aaa fu ani sf wet sia 2? (@) sprevarnita aa ar © sat seats aga at (Q) sad werd aga aE © sao vara aya wel 36. Afeqal at adh i aa tia S ast B sear Sac wi aaa SF shaer te firs ww Tag aT HT WaT fare Sa 2? (a) Per gas pst &) For WET ORT (o) Ween ET ST @ tae PRE-2023-Test2 DHYEYAIAS’ ‘most rusted since 2003 37. The chemical the Alkaline land reformer is : (2) Calcium Carbonate (b) Calcium Sulphate () Calcium Oxide (@ Sodium Oxide 38. Which one of the following organizations acts as a successor to the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs? (a) World Trade Organization (o) LMF. (c] Asian Development Bank (d) United Nations 39. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R) : Assertion (A): Robert Clive is considered as the founder of the British Empire in India. Reason (R}: He laid the foundation of the British Empire through the Battle Plassey. i Select the correct answer using given below : Code: (a) Both (A) andi ) Both (A) and (R) (c) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect, (@) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct, 40. In the context of the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War, choose the incorrect Statement from the following ; (2) Tipu Sultan was killed in this war. ©) This war took place between the British and Tipu Sultan in 1799 AD, After the yctory in this war, the British. annexed Mysore. to their empire. (c) (@) Lord Wellesley was the Governor General at the time of this war, SERIES: A en 41. Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched? + (a) Annexation of Sindh =: 1843 AD {b) Annexation of Punjab : 1849 AD () Annexation of Nagpur : 1853 AD fa) Annexation of Awadh =: 1848 AD 42, Match List-I with List-Il and choose the vorrect answer withthe help of given codes: List-I List-II (Organization) (Year of Estab.) A) Arya Samaj 1.1875 B) Veda San@ 2. 1864 ©) Prarth maj 3.1867 D) Deviant 4.1887 Who among the following is not famous for the Telugu Translation of ‘Mahabharata’ ? * (@) Kanban (b) Nannayya (©) Tikkana @ Yerrana 44. Which of the following incidents happened first according to chronology ? (a) Death of Bal Gangadhar Tilak () Amritsar Session of Indian National Congress °° (e) Passing of Rowlatt Act (@) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre 45. The Gandhi-trwin Pact was signed on: (4) Sth March 1939 () Sth March 1931 {¢) 26th January 1931 @ 26th January 1930 Page No. 10 37. 38. + 39. 40. cnten yf gees Bo vee Hare eT (ay Biearert aereiltz () Arran wee 0), ewe aiterengs (@ Aifean aifrares Freon Aa ah et rer a PZ aia de te Ser B soofivand F eH A ol weal 8? ; (a) fereet ara TST (0) HEUTE. © fires Sari 4 (Sa TE A * ©) aed STRAT TTL AS ei weet 2 (C) oy wh beg A) TERE @ (ay Ta EGA) apiatetee ge Fe ETE oraer wT Te e ) wage aCe i (>) Be att TAT Aer Gl : (©) we te HTT ES seh et AT rat FT rarcit @ a a ae re 'aatias ‘most rusted since 2003, 41. firfefa ba we? WH sh aw wt vite oti ee eet w waa ies WE Co) sage Pe - 1853 & (o waa mie - wee ga. Ga aR a Vita aA FUR ag a aera 8 aE TH GF wit. ei _ (ier) : Ay amwrs 1S eo. 45. am page No. 14 @ DHyEYAIAS HIYEYA 1A : 46,. Which of the following statements is/are erie 1. Gram Sabha is:the general assembly of the local citizens. 2. The Gram Panchayat is above the Gram Sabha. Code : (a) 1 Only (&) 2 Only (c) Both land2 (4) Neither 1 nor 2 aT: performed by the Election Commission of India? (a) Preparation and maintenance of electoral rolls Delimitation of constituencies Issuing notification of election Framing of the code of conduct ) © @ ‘The State Legislative Council is formed by the one third of the total number of. members of the Legislative Assembly but their number cannot be less than .... (@) 60 & 40,- (© 50 48. 49. is qualified to Be a@pydee of a High Court. Me is qualified to be aU! Supreme Court. (a) (b) () Supreme .Court. (@) isa legal expert. In the context of Fungus’, which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. Fungi get their food from dead and decomposed organic matter. 2. Chlorophyll is found in fungi. == Code + {a) 1 Only {b) 2 Only (©) Both land 2," (4) Neither 1 nor 2 SERIES: A q Which one of the following functions is not © is qualified to be a Judge of High and - Page No. 12 kl 51. Widal test is done for ? {b) Malaria {@) Yellow Fever (a) Cholera {c) Typhoid 52, Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R) ? Assertion (AJ: Woolen clothes keep our body warm inwinter, * Reason (R}: Wool is heat resistant and air is trapped between its fibers. Select thie correct answer using the codes given below Code: @ , Both (A) AMREsR) are correct, (R) is the tion of (A). d (R) are correct but (R) is 54. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer with the help of given codes: List-1 List-I A) Xylem 1. Absorption of water B) Root Hairs 2. Transport of water ©) Phloem 3. Transpiration D) Stomata 4, ‘Transport of food Code: ABCD ) 1234 2143 (4391 @M@1324 P.T.O. 46. b. 48. 50. SERIES:A Prafarian wert Ya ah-wd wert 82? 4. une ant, warty arta et sae ae eet tw 2. Tum ware, are Tt A GT ht aE- (@) wert 1 (©) at 1 wat 2 (bo) Baer 2 @ Tai Teh2 Prefafara Yaa a ew wel oa + yar sri ret et ferent at 22 (a) Fae eet aor Frain wen see Tac (®) fake dat an ofeitr ae © Fre a afi a FeT (6) siren efoto Fra ae wa fae ous 4, fauna st ea ae ven dw fied wert et 8 dhe sat ©) er a (0) Sea ee Sea Fre aT Te A | a ater at (o) Reet si fate fata wl ar waa o1 Pare atid a Arian wena we ar te? 1. arene one ser Rel amafea da eel Quad th 2, wae WY aahifiver wen ste Bh We (a) Wert 1 () i 1 a2 &) Fam 2 @ adiaede Page No. 13 51. 52. E g no terqias rosette since 2003 ‘Frrerer vitro Rea fore fren aren 27 @ (Fafa (©) wats @ tam ad ar ham g, fete we at afer (A) ai at at arr (R) wer eT 8 safranet (A): aeal F eit ae wan erik at smh ced @1 : THI (R): BA THT Sen Bd tel ate Faq wat wet 3 an fq mg ag 8 wet on ar er Fi ae: @ ART te eT M), A) BH i wet tae (R), (A) FI ET Gin ou sore ereeelS i Be aneam t sree tit 82 (@ aa 0) 34 © * @) feet ar ot et . a tn a gir st wert Re Fe St Herr a wet sa ge wit ein A) SIR 1, Bear sae 8) With 2 Sear war ©) weer 3. artes d+ ww 4. She an oftaet aE (a) ) @) = wap ee eeorne RN eoO brong PRE-2023-Test2 DHYEYAIAS: ‘ost eusted ince 2008 55. The’main factor for. ‘stone’ in human kidney is ? . (a) Calcium Oxalate (0) Sodium Benzoate {c) Calcium Acetate {@) Sodium Acetate 61. 56. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? (Vitamin) . (Disease because of deficiency) Skin disease Anemia Reduction in Fertility Scurvy (a), Vitamin Bg - (©) Vitamin By.~ () Vitamin EB - (@) Vitamin A - 57. Vegetative propagation is an example of which type of reproduction? (a) Asexual reproduction = (®) Sexual reproduction (c) “Both (a) and (b) (@) Semi sexual reproduction 58. When the light falls on Convex lens, it (a) Diverges (&) Converges . (©) Has no effect (@) Disperses Which of the folii responsible for thé{de water level? (a) Increase in industri (b) Mismanagement of W (c)_ Increasing population (@) Excessive rainfall 59. Which of the following statements regarding National Highways Authority of * India (NHAI) is/are correct ? 1. It is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Surface Transport. 60. 2. It became operational in the-year 1999. 64. Code : (a) 1 Only (e) 20nly (c) Both land2 (A) Neither 1 nor’2 SERIES: A Page No. 14 Which of the following pairs of helpful bacteria and their erop in nitrogen fixation is/are correctly matched ? (Crop) (Bacteria) 1, Soybean - Rhizobium Japonicum 2. Aquatic Fern- Anabaena Azollac 3. Lucerne = Rhizobium Meliloti Code: | fa) 1,2and3 () 3 Only (© 2and3 (@) Land3 Which stage of Economic Development is also called Qhage of Self-Sustained Ganga, Brahmaputra and Indus rivers is very large. Reason (R): Rainfall is relatively high in the catchment area of these rivers. Select the correct answer using the codes given below : Code: {a) Both (A).and (R) are correct, (R) is the correct explanation of (A). Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A), (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect. (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct. 0) iC) () of the following is not a major oil field situated in Gujarat? ) (a) Navagam Lune} (a) Mehsana (¢) Moran PLO. 65, TIT EY yer aor yer Hew t- (o) Bfexrmn siferae (&) tifeem Asiee q (o) Pfeeran wehide () Whsan wie 66, Prefers arnt aba—an ws ahha 8? (Rrerer) (Cant aa a1) (@) frefir B, - wht (0) faeifir B,, - ein doar © fran e - wr aha a a () Rreifirt a - wai 87. afte wale fare ware sea eT SIT 2? (a) aetfres oF () aire aT (©) (@) it ) ST @) ae tte 58. waa da, sa wet aa (sven ae fat 3 ©) afraid at Rat Bh 59. 60, ura wee Herel wireRTe (ETTTESTE) tetas ‘most rusted since 2003, 61, Rr wader A wer stay ae at wat got Ta ata ad gitea 84? (rH) (stray) 1. Pari ~ Tete tif 2 wea - UR ett 3 a ~ TUpsifera afer — : @ 1.2 a3 ) aaa © 233 © 123 62, anfties Rrra fire ere a aif rare ae oe : See Symes as Nice cee QY (a) aie at al are (R) wer TAT arftenert (A): tim, wags wa fry ated & wemen da ag ae zi ROT (R): Hie S see aa FT set srtarga aftr tht 31 A Re me ag 8 we sew ae aie ag: (A) THR) TH TAT ITM, (A) BA BET wT Bh () (A) WH ®) Si aR T fg wat emer ae ara 2 (©) (a) wat Bey (R FEEL F(R). (A) ‘dae W fret em Ya ahead waa 8A? ‘ 1 Fe REE oh sine Saw © «wea 8 ey A) AEE waren Prey et ab a Nanlaeet ai ee 8 een a 64, Prafafaa Ya stra um yeaa A fea ye aR aa da wT? (a) Here 1 (o) Sa 2 (a) eer (&) Farr (9 1 a2 @ TaiAt.2 () thr @ oH SERIES: A Page No. 15 PRE-2023-Test2 4g VES 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. ‘most rusted sce 2008 : In some parts of West Bengal:and Bihar, the concentration of which one of the following has increased due to low ground water level? (a) Arsenic © (©) Potassium. (@) Sodium Beryllium Which one of the following ports is situated at the mouth of Vembanad Kayal, also Known as ‘Queen of Arabian Sea’? (a) Paradip () Haldia {c) Kochi (@) Mangalore GDP Deflator is related with : {a) Sustainable Development. (©) Inclusive Growth (©) The real indicator of National Income (a) Price behaviour of goods and services. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? (a) Malaria - Protozoa (0) Athlete Foot - Wo (©) Pyeumonia (@) Rabies 4 Worm 6 lichens are found? (a) Tundra Climate Regiost (b) Tropical Evergreen Forests () Desert Regions (4) None of these Which one of the following is the correct, sequence of ‘Industrial System’? (a) Process, Output, Input ‘ &) Chitput, Input, Process (a) lands (c)’ 1, 2 anc wa + BRB Which of the following types of agriculture is also known as ‘Slash and Burn Agriculture’? nm. (a) Shifting Agriculture (0) Mixed Agriculture (c) Commercial Agriculture (@) Intensive Subsistence Agriculture . Which of the following pnirs is/are correctly matched ?: 1. Pisciculture ~ Fisheries 2. Sericulture - Silk Production 3. Viticulture Code : @ ~ Farming of Grapes (o) 2and3 (@ land2

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