MET Ignacio

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Task 2

- According to most doctors, adults need 30 minutes of physical

activity at least five days a week to be healthy. However, most
adults do not get this recommended amount of exercise. What
can be done to help people get the exercise they need? Give
examples to support your answer.

I think adults have to exercise in a comfortable way and taking

care of their body, they can go to the gym or buy exercise
machines. With these machines they do not need to leave their
houses and you only pay once for it, in the gym you have to pay
every year, but it is still a good option.

Also you can search on Youtube workouts or routines for your

age, there are a lot of videos about this stuff. You can search for
healthy diets but make sure they are safe and good for your

You can do many things for exercising, people recommend

Pilates, I like it but I also like dancing. I think that is a very good
way to lose weight and have a healthy body.

All of these things can help you, it is safe and you do not need a
lot of time.
Task 1
• Write sentences to answer the questions.

1. What is your favourite place to travel to? How often have you
been there?

- My favourite place to travel is The United States, I have been

there 3 times and I like it a lot. I went to Florida to go to Disney
World and Miami, it is really fun, I always go with my family.

2. What do you like about it and why?

- What I like the most about Disney are the games, the fun
rollercoasters, food, the hotels and the themes of every park. It
is such a beautiful experience.

3. Tell us about the last time you went there.

- The last time I went there was in September of 2019. I went

with my parents and my sister, it was really fun. We had a lot
of funny and happy moments, we ate a lot of food, played in
the pools of the hotel and walked a lot in the parks.

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