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Sarmad Shahbaz 23/7/2021

Democracy and Illiteracy do not move together

I. Introduction
a. Democracy was born and fostered in the lap of Greek Intellectuals and Sages
b. To counter despotism and aware people, democracy came into being
c. Widely regarded as bastion of development, awareness, and progress of a country, democracy is
present in all the leading countries of the world where illiteracy is discouraged

II. Democracy is strongest anti-thesis to Illiteracy

a. A society with proper democratic values shuns Illiteracy
b. Democracy encourages equality whereas illiteracy nurtures inequality

III. Case Study of Developed and Developing Countries under the light of Democracy and Illiteracy
a. Democracy prevails in Developed Countries
i. When illiteracy started to diminish in America, Democracy boomed USA’s progress
ii. Primitive, unaware, and illiterate society of France was taken to new heights when
Democracy came into being
b. Illiteracy is higher in Society which is undemocratic in real essence
i. Governance system in Argentina
ii. Myanmar under Democracy vs Dictatorship

IV. Illiteracy as a toxicant to Democracy

a. Illiteracy corrupts the democratic processes
b. Extremely undesirable situations occur when an illiterate reign the society
c. Illiteracy is often regarded as irrational and illogical in modern times

V. Democratic Society is held on various Pillars which reflects the importance of Literacy and are
against Illiteracy
a. Pillar of Equality
b. Pillar of Freedom
c. Pillar of Public Participation
d. Pillar of Accountability and Responsibility

VI. Democracy is a progressive phenomenon whereas illiteracy is biggest hurdle in the progress of a
a. Illiteracy rises unemployment
b. Illiteracy creates useless class in a society
c. Limits the scope of people in political participation and public opinions

VII. Conclusion
a. Illiteracy pulls the leg of Democracy because it keeps the general public unaware, unproductive,
and uninterested in political system
b. Literacy, on the other hand, pushes a democratic system to its utmost excellence
c. Democracy and Illiteracy do not move together because one wishes to move upwards and other
intends to drown deep
Introduction and Thesis Statement

“Democracy is a system of government which is headed by a selected group of intellectual aristocrats who
furnish their duties under defined limit of law i.e., the constitution”

Father of Political Science

Evolution of mankind with time uncovered many necessities of humans. In the start, humankind was concerned
with food and shelter while giving no importance to spiritual and intellectual needs of people. As the time
travelled, early societies of hunter-gatherers having a nomadic lifestyle turned into life of tribes, villages, and
eventually ended up homo sapiens living in towns. Ever since the emergence of these collective arena of humans,
values, cultures, and norms came into being. Blending the human lives with societal cultures and norms, gave
new direction of mankind’s leadership. The democracy was born in result. With the birth of democracy, human
began to nurture their intellects. The existence of democracy can be traced back to ancient Greeks in Athens.
Democracy was evolved as a byproduct of Greek philosophers who full frontal advocated for knowledge,
education, and wisdom. Originally, democracy was awarded a place in political system of that time because the
society was widely illiterate, not knowing its rights, privileges, and responsibilities. Aristotle, the famous Greek
philosopher, was critical of despotic system of government which included Monarchy and Kingship. Instead, he
strongly advocated for democracy, a system of government which is ruled by selective intelligencia who were
literate, philosophical, and well-trained. Another reason for the development of democracy was to diminish the
illiteracy in ancient Greek society where people were abandoned to think and thought. People were often blind
followers and were illiterate enough to follow any given decree of the Head without any analysis or scrutiny.
Democracy literally means governance of common people but the real essence of democracy raises voice for
educated, well-trained, and literate leader. Widely regarded as a hallmark of social development, public
awareness, and communal progression, democracy, in present day, shuns the inequality, intellectual captivity, and
human rights violation which are heavily loaded in illiterate society. Hence, it is clear that democratic values are
essentially one-eighty-degrees opposite to that of illiterate society.

Democracy speaks in clarion against an illiterate society. If democracy prevails in an illiterate society, it will be
corrupted and real functioning of democracy is forcefully halted by delusional participants of community.
Precisely, illiteracy is a menace in society which pulls the leg of democracy and stops the country to progress.
However, on the other side, education being the key democratic value, is anti-illiteracy. Educations make a
stronger democratic system by awareness to people about their rights, responsibilities, and turn them into
proactive individuals for political participation. Literacy, education, knowledge, and wisdom pushes a
democratic system to its utmost extent in excellence. In a nutshell, it is important to note that democracy and
illiteracy are arch rivals to each other because of oppositeness in nature of both phenomena. Democracy, in its
ideal shape, wishes a society to move forward for progress whereas illiteracy creates a useless class of people in
society which are hurdle in societal progress. Literacy is the best companion of democracy and education is the
best tool to ensure a well-regarded democratic system as it is said that,

“The real safeguard of Democracy is Education.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt
Former President of United States of America

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