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Task and activity notes FE crammar p83 guewas Interview 2 Wha ae the snares of your Hows the projet gong? man hata pla ween? = BE crammar 9.20 student A 1 Ask Student B questions about Jo Rocha and complet the abl 2 Give Student B details about my Choosing the information in he table simmy Choo | sot cha “ceeupaton Fasion designer = shoes tor asa chinese porentage) 957 Taian) ] tendon Condon Calege of eSeTey Sloriedown business] 186-setup srry Choo ted butsld hue na in chieveen Successes design Sustancg chiete Desaner2011 i aeccacty ‘Setup shoeing ra ines naa iy F. Ineein acts Made is fret sho when BB Functions p.25 student A You are the chairperson ofthe meeting, «Begin the meeting Yu alo choose when to move to new agenda item. {Find one person odo each job onthe agenda. You can do one job youre + You wantll he obs done in the next few ays + atthe end check you have dscused everything. BE vocabutary 9.22 1 Youre a group of entrepreneurs. You are ‘company toa group of investors. the towing thing. 7 gong to present your ide fora new area five-minute presentation, Thinkot. The name of your company + Whats your business model wha product service ae you sling)? What location wil ou choose fr your business Whore your potential cstomen? + How mach start-up money do you ned? What will you spend his on? H mich income do you hope to maken your rare yur ree Profits forthe Bit ve years? int year! What re your predicted Toke turns as groups to present yu resent your company. Theres ofthe dass can {question the group about thelr busines plan. Al the endothe presentation, scharoucanvotts natin ne compay toh Te oop ws BB Functions p49 Stadenta lng ele that dy. + You want people tose a Liverpool octal match peice round £4), + You think fn activity sto doa ‘the harbour of Liverpool is a World Heritage Site (cost £15.95), ae + Your idea for accommodation isa bed aid breakfast (smal hotel ote common sed an be (sal hotline 5; nay | BB Grammar p56 BE Functions p.io9 Task and activites student & end tne ules and then discus them with your partes Decide which rules you think are best You can modi therules you wish 1 People at allowed to drive rom th age of 16. 3, Smoking eno permed n privat oe public aren on fn pec making zones, 2 Ereryone ast cary an identity card with hes at al ines 44 Allpul transports free. 5 You dost ne permit own a gun Functions p.73 student A 1 Red the information then ask Stadent for ap. Listen to BS suggestions and choose one ‘our smartphone is not working tis imposible to download app anit rene art nto. Thisproblets ony started yesterday. Ask B for el. Note that your siaripone is hree months ok 2 sudent Basks fore witha laptop. Listen B problem and suggest solutions Use tis information to elp you Posse causesof problem __| Possible soutlons —_ = + Te apopirboke. “ake the lapop tare shop (estab 100) Te aree raware | + Buyanemantars progam anook forthe proven. peo cost abou 50 = Tretplophasa vs «Bac everyting on your computer and esta the sftare he Operating Sse Functions 9.85 Student A Tedtte fs work nd you want him/herto stay at the company. Have a dscusion vith Band each agreement on anew contract. | what youcan ter _Whatyouwant __ 4s roe sleseeon Maa gang + fee wks Rlday 9 eur aoe ee vcaneedBwoovamect | onedsytoworktiomhome eer Rerwork ‘vonth + YovwantBtohaiptninthelesexperenced | + snewcompsny car Beret {pony 1 pay ret year « Souant to stayonthe same say th yen Grammar p.104 student A Answers 1 Ursin Bolt 4 Acer 2 themarathon 5 anny Boyle 5 The International Ompic Commitee Student A 1 You work fora charity hat ‘es uty hap pot tpt cit and Unions te international Drctoris and canna do eens ‘Speak oB,who ithe Aaa manage of your cay a5 Give B the news. sk B to eartange the conference for tomorrow. {Ap iocomme become ‘hci te coy manage nn at s Brie your eget asohiton new dat for he conten) You are the boss fa watch company. You have aeranged a big meeting o It June with your ent to show them your Juni or er show ew watches. Your sales diector cals + Listen 10 BS news + Angst isnot cerpbl. llyour customers are on hold + You want to speak to the head designer. Ask B to arrange meet tor ++ Suggest a new date for the meeting (you are free in July). snore Grammar 116 Student A \ookat the ptr andmake op your eso wht happened Imagine wht happened and describe how someone belped ou escape. Makes fone sentence starting with FX hadnt and shoul shoul ane? ae Tasks andactvtes 129 Functions p12! student A Feelin information. Then askand answer questions to catch up with Student B. You stat the conversation. Expres surprise ose {Respond to You ast saw B wo years go 5 Yo eemeiber B worked for Sony Ask about no 1 Lak yeu you gota project with the German government, isa sees. You now haves Beer job in the same company (Regional Manage) «You remember that Blived ia Pans. Ask about Bf there 1 tnt oB response and end the conversation Grammar p.20 student 1 Give Stdent A dtalls about Jahn Rocha using the information in he table 2 aseStuden A questions about imnsy Choo and complete the ble —| ere $1 se =ine aan fronted ard bee) "ie ae ag ean cle en don Shao RE “Tag | 1 ae ia Wong ngh ity nate aces fehon designe New esged jaswareand_ | foes hates Dubna | Binge Bi Functions p25 student You arin charge of the sports department. + You can do any jab in sports, + You are on holiday for the next month, + You oe video and film ~ you want o work on this, Student As the chairperson and begins the meting BE work sits p35 Student A 1 Youhavetotaveltoameetingin Moscow next wes Wien email your colleague in Moscow. ms + Conirm your wave arrangements Monday 7 Jane 8.302 ight APLATO, Fis (Chae de Gale Apr) Moscow (Domodeowe Alper). + Checkshat somone will mest youl the aor. You ave 3 pm, + Send the agenda for he ting Ask our allesgue ook oom fc the 2. Exchange emails with your partner. Write the reply BI Functions 549 student ‘You researched Vales and southwest England, Read the information Then plen the tour together, Use the table below You need about a day to travel between the ferent areas ofthe county. f you tavel, you cannot do anything ele that doy + You want people to vist Stonehenge a World Heritage Ste (price around 8), + Yours fra fan activity sto got Snowdon an go hig in the mutans ee). + Your idea for accommodation isto go camping. This costs £20 night (vistors ring their own teat). . EB Grammar 956 student se sesanten dss hem with your partner Dede wih es you set canons ty wh wpa alowed ve om theo 0 eg permed pra anand open ses 3 NOopetas cay eter wh ho. on aa ont he conan dco mach och. Fn tpn aed, Cee oir wey ea BB crammar 98 student ead the text and complete the diagram. Then tell Student 8 abovt the Sundrop Farms stony Sundrop Farms. May asin wot cet ra ercuah fash vet ad ost suse ge aus war {arn vogetaties and int ‘sundiop Fars developed ays that ues S68 ‘eter nic th suns ener to roca fresh water = | ee Seems, |= [= bt ‘Gowhe arin the goennouses. The end resus ewar | ‘tes pocace - utand vegetables. or Suncoo Fams hel Sovolped this ew sytem tay bogan cpeating the est Commer ann n South Auatalan 2010, Ars fame who had prosousy found ery ito [pom ean prooue inthe werd cher regons can Row do so whout seg cy rsh ae. BB Functions 973 student 8 1 Student Aasks fr help with a smartphone Listen oA problem and suggest Slutions Use this information o help os. _Ponsibecausesofprobiem | Possblesolitions tthe sorghonelsbraken, | » Restore far stings joule alinermation Bu creamer Srenold |” the phonesthe sone as when youbouah Faerie tern | « Returthe phone te the shop an ask hem orp. seeabtencsmemon. | + Lookeninefor help maybe someone ed the me | prem nthe pst 2 Read the information then ask Student A fr help Listen to 48 suggestions and choose one ‘Your laptop s dong strange things It makes alot flo noises when you ring oth Ts also ver low: As A for help. Note that your laptop Sout fear old ou once dropped it in the sec, bt youthnkitis OX. ‘Yous fice anti-virus progam that you got on the interne. 122 Tasks ond actives 7 Flavouring acc =>: 410 Liquid chocoate shape BD Grammar p92 Stodent 8 4 Match the sx sentences -fto the stages2, 46,7, 10, and 12of the Makin ‘oct dogemion Then complete cay aning suse ‘questions about the process At the sme ime, answer Student BS questions, “Thecrumbs acolo make them ston Suga van, and otee Mavourng ae add othe mis. Finally, the finished product isdinributed around the werk “Thebeans are crash orm a dark brown paste “Thebeans are mined wth diet and twigs they are washed Before the chocolate becomes hard tis made into diferent shapes. Making chocolate > 2 Beane washed io = 6 Crumos red ‘nd cooled agen =" aap 12 Dated to stoners 2 Take turns toaskand answer questions to complete lences about sat aan plete these sentences abo 1 Ghsatcan bead the yeti an The mest eonon of 2 Cacaois grown in (Where) About 90 to 60 bean ar se to make 100k of chocolate 44 Production of ocoa beans has grown from around 1S milion tons in 1974 to yer —ilion ons in 2012, (How many 1) Cocoa beans canbe picked a anytime of arin most cuntees {6 One concern abost cocoa production sthat inthe lory (Const are being used to harvest end pack the Bens. Who.) here the climates hot nd mist Tks andactiles 138 ill

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