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International design Focus ‘ead the sentences. Find examples ofthe Pat Simple Present Perfect Simpl, and Grammar |Past Simple; Present Peffect simple a ee eset and Present Perfect Continuous ‘eversnce In20105nd2019,sbewon the Sing Pros for aehectve ‘Sheth ao been designing produ or sre tine Complete therals with Pot Simple Preset Perfect Simpl, or Present Perfect INTRODUCTION 1 Workin pals Lookatthebuldings inthe articlen 2. Discuss which ones you like, What do you think they are used for? 2 Readabout the person who designed the buildings. Answer the questions below. Contino, Wewete for fried eons and tuations inthe past astand cominue othe ree Werner te when we want foci on the es ot esate when we want to focus onthe acty rather On rd pac go toe ei eaeied PRACTICE 4 Choose the correct verb frm to complete the sentences 1 Td have ben ding my present jb for wo years 2 Kaul dd have aut had ay of of this ye 3 Paula as writen / ben writing he report since yesterday. 4 Did you go/ Have you been wo the enema recently? 5 She har wor / wom thre awards already and se only 2, {Did you everclinb/Have you ever clined up the Eifel Tower? 10 milion, 8A neallclecticca hes been launched / was launched st not 9 Thaw been wating / waited ll evening but she ail asa clled ra fester ete fb toe pose eh tbe Oe Sengs Oot Gem ne ne ogee.) Sireatonntepae it Seeds gen nateans : 10 Heh ees en desma sie at Cs feet Une too tno Ses 5 6)23Utentoeconvrston the designer Nd Deb orally i ‘Are these statements true or false? Correct the false statements. Sh tipo ec ote 18s en tg ode Des arrn in fbe n pruch bl some triton arene boo 1 Nadas borin Kb aren Simo co ot tweet ar 2 Shed a dig shone USA, 3 Sh ten gin ond ine 9 Sh tan rie ean i pc ae Scien argent c o : mia a a eg Ud 5 Herepeenin pre nec ss ame & Herbs os ber dig eel I aosaricwcin wes “hoes turd he worl whch he procs Sipe toon ecing at tows Sovetter bee eee ‘Wht does Zaha Had do? Where as she born? ow log has she lived in London? ovr lang hae she had her own busines? ovr many tnes hs she won the tiling Prize? What inspired her"Dune Formations design? ‘What has she been doing recent? Saar)? maroc 18. Unit2 Gremmar 2000 {#0000 Grammar Unit? 19 6 Complete the questions for these answers 1 How many , [ye had three obs since et cole 2 What : My fist jb was working part-time supermarket 3 What , Fm an architect. 4 Who. 7 [work for SHI Associate, 5 How long. + Tvebeen working there for about wo yr 6 Where : Tvebeen to Oman and Sau Arabia on busines. 7. Workin pairs sk and answer the questions in 6, Use information about yourself inthe answers. | 6 122 Lar andconplte te ues and rove Price ste ee i = | | : ater | ; tr tng pn tim seeing om ae | ah evens ei : — 9 wie ssc sou one ee bv nd ef tee rng ca ea 4 Teabags 5 Recent 6 Laxt month 10 Workin pac. Exchange your sentences 9. Gues which thre ofyour partner sentences are false TASK 11 Workin pals Exchange information about two famous designers. Student A, ‘90 to page 126. student goto page 130. 20 Unit2 Grammar aaao9 Vocabulary Starting a new business; phrasal verbs 1 Workin pairs and discuss these questions. 1 Have you ever thought about stating your own busines? Ifs, what kindof sings would i bet ar the advantages nd dsadvantages of running you own company? 2 Workin pats Read the article and add these headings to paragraphs 1-5 Aakfor advice Make a anc plan ‘Know your customer Hlansingisthoherle meso Location, location, location Soyouean ensepreneu and you want setup your own company. Accoting toarecenttudyin he UK abavt one In thes new Business al uring thee fst yeo and abo Sos suthin thee thre jens Sos ar Bot dont et tak putyou af seting up business ry, but you can cee you oon some Simple aie Penning ithe hey tosucse orn th ae held and nd out wat they GoGo oad fos a ook yu dri ave much Busnes keedge, you should ek ep Pfs Make ue you put together cea frac plan fr your fs few yes Brak it ‘own othatyeu kno your costs anearnge Wha bilo you eect pay? took fer your ender when you woke! Yumay need oy some! q 40} uadg eee rere ee al 2 3 Workin pars Do you gree with the advice in 27 What other advice can you think offersetting uparnew company? SSOUILSN 4 Look backat the. meanings ticle in 2. Match the phrasal verbs in be with these 1 door complet something 2 sartor create (eg a business) 5. discourage o stop you rom wanting to da something 4. getinformation about something 5, Indicate or daw attention to dea with a problem sucesilly - ‘examine o investigate something tna or divide something nto parts 10 make or prepare something femcce Vocabulary Unit? 21 '5 Workin pars Complete the sentence wth these phrasal verbs Use the ‘meanings nt help you. lrokentdown cartdtout foundout lokafer Sekine Panisdtour” puttogeter putea setup. setter out 1 Hesboen cunning the busines for ten yeas He in 208 2 Webs few problems withthe software, but wee managed to | Weve recived some complaints about ou helpline, My managers asked me to thesustion, 4 Ifyou look at this pie char, you can sce or sales. Te by salon. 5 MY dogs wil mlsme while Tm away ve asked my neighbour to - them {6 Theresearch i quit old now. We__three years ag 7 ‘The fsctory in Wales closing down only about yesterday. {8 Hemadean error inhi calcuations sol tom. {Have you rend my five-year pln yet? |_____last month 10 Tas ging to buy a smartphone, but my giliend She ald they're na ery god 6 Looks the phrasal verbs in 5, Which af them are separable and which are inseparable? Examples set ityp (separable) ook ler them inseparable) 7 Workin pats and discus these questions 1 Have you found out any Interesting news scent? 2. Dayouknow anyone who has et pa usines? 3. Do youever lok after other peoples children o pets? 41 Whatare you looking into doing atthe moment (eg buyinga car panning holiday) Do you usually pint out other peopl mistakes to them? What problems have you sorted out ecenty2 Do you ever carry out research? 5 Hasanyone pat you of doing something recently? '8 Workin pats Lookat the phrasal verbs inthe dlagrams. check the meanings ina etonary. Then complete the sentences with the correct words oven on ser of oo of over 1 Take ny father. i iar ohm in many ways 2 Lapplid forajob with ther, but they tamed me 1 aide have enovgh experience 3 After the plane tok. they started serving drinks, 4 Pease remember ofr your compatr before you leave wore They taken ‘sO new workers so snes must be doing wel 6 Hetured ‘sm hut lt forthe meeting It ws aly rade! 7 Large multinational uke smal companies o get thee marketshare 8 Sheturned the TV and tated to watch the nes, ‘9 Workin pars. Askand answer questions using the phrasal verbs in Examples Which member of your Family do you tae afer? ‘When was the lst ime that you ted wp lt for a mesting? 10 Workin small groups. You ee going to ave a presentation. Goto page 127 22 Unit2 Vocabuary waco Work skills Team meetings 1 Workin pats and decuss these questions, 1 Doyou evr goto team meetings? Who lsat the mcetngs? What do you talk about? Where do you usually have the meetings How long do they ‘sully lt? 2 What makesa team meeting socesfl or unsuccessful? Think of xamples, 2 Workin pars. Lookat the tips forthe chair ofa team meting. Which do you thinkare the Five most essential things for the chal to do? © ‘ove a cearagenda Email thst everyone before he meeting £2 Keep ome Dor spend to lng on one agenda point © ep thesimorphere gn ans rien. © taee acon points for each tem onthe agenda Summarize these a he ed © Hae sure everyone has the oppartoniy 0 speak © iow sme or oforal conversation Tis isimportantorteam bung @ 221m member needs help, aor vounters or fehl youre © okesure everone understands sues Aer more deta if neces 1) 23 Usten tothe extracts roma weekly team meeting Arethe statements true orfaes?| Everyone sat the meeting. “The plans forthe launch ae on ine. “The launch rover bude. Carl and Sara are going o meet to discus the budget. za is going to speaatthe sles conference. The meting as lasted 30 inites Kolch is golng to emal suggestions to everyone this werk, “The next meeting wil ein the same place ©) 23 Complete the sentonces used by the chalrof the meeting with these ‘words. isten again and check isis moveon item heb specie sumup usin nke 1 Picter cant the meeting toy. 2 Thefint — onthe agenda isthe product auch, 3 Would you like me : 6 ete to the nex point. 5 Couldyoubeabir more : {Would you like to on what happening with that? 7 Does anyone have anything elie they want to. : 8 we veagreed that Saraand [wil meet a discus the budget for the auch, Lina going to Which ofthe tips in2 does the char ofthe meeting follow? Workin groups, Havea'team meeting to dcuss ideas for improving the lass’ ‘progres on this course. Take turns tobe the chal The chairintoduces the ‘ext agenda point and sums up at the end. ‘+ Before the meeting prepare an agenda (Le. each person gives brie progress update and suggests one idea for improving progres in Engl), 1+ Agree ation points for ech suggestion made, fem Works Unit? 23 Intropucrion 24 Unit? Functions Functions Checking progress; delegating tasks 1 etl the ema and answer the questions. 1 What sth purpose ofthe mecting? 2 Whatkind of company is thst 3. What seston ate they working on? 4 Whatare"manneguine? 12 6)24 Ustento the est part ofthe meeting refered toinT-Find three mistakes inthe artist’ sketch ofthe window play. 13 #124 Choote the commct options to complete the sentences Listen again and check, 1 Hive we ordered the bikes ti yrt 2 Brita, 1/ ike yout handle tha 3 Leaeit on with me. 44 H/T eather not because havea tof ther work 4 ©)2.5 Listen tothe second part ofthe meeting. Complete the notes (Colin wl arangea meting with cu Listy the __ ofthe display was wrong, Beta wll fix this ‘The “forthe diply iso materaly leave Knows another one. Sven Olen, 5 2.5 Complete the sentences wth these words Listen again and check. shle couted handle teow 1 Yes Lean___ that 2 Iwaritbe todo that because ein Nev York, 3 Have we everything? 4 Gant this with you? ‘ura tohavete sme ply nal ur eparter ses acs Euope esa there he suppliers a the Binning Focus Complete the table with the phrases from 3 and. “Cheating progres =~ Dalegating Howe we dong ah te aan | Wit reports ighing ‘aleston Isanjone fe toons the ‘aresing todo someti ‘Saying you ca’ do something . Trpot ie maa O Fornaredeaisardpacice gow teReven stonenpmeDs. {6 Complete the conversation with these phrases retieyeuto — Horenecovred owerewecsing Ieando Ianyonetce Iwontbeabetodo that Leattewitine Morgan with the video for our window display? Flavia Everything’ going well We recorded it ast week We should iis Morgan Ys, that’s ine ‘eting itnest month, Dos that sound OK to you? ta show the video to our Managing Flavia Sores cause have an all ay meeting Morgan. What about Rober? Can he do it? Flavia las him ody. 4.1 ind someone, “Morgan. Thanks, We alo need someon o make the inal payment forthe video production company Phandle that to, if OK Flavia Yes, ht. Morgan Thanks "eveything? Flavia Yes thatbie, 7. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Example Can anyone do thisjb forme? (re) [sanyo fre todo this job for mer 1 an do that job fr you. (handle) 1m busy. (ee) ‘Wh in charge of recruitment? (esponsible) ‘Louise, wll you organize ths jo for me? (leave) [oat want ogo to the meeting because Ihave too much work (ater not), {8 Workin groups of four student A, goto page 126. Student 8, goto page 131. Student C goto page 135, Student D, goto page 136. ‘Yuare going te organize a window dspay fora department store. Mold the ‘meeting using the agenda below. “Apologies ‘Theme of display? ‘Mannequins ~ Appearance Target customer? ‘Clothing ~ Which tems of thing? Brands? Talk to main suplirs)? Accessorie, sportswear ~ eed to agree what appear display with loca store managers ‘Avideo ~ What to show? - ge price quote fiom production company Summary yao Functions Unt? 25 26 Unit? Review PRACTICE Review Grammar Past Simple; Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous Form ent got ives, a ere ish rw? Treating [ars pat [Weve bent ce nn | haven't seen him for ages. aveyouteont ton thowbuos? ese arinuon | hvotarystom _| ve ben wang ont Use Past Simple ‘We use the Past Simple to talk about finshed actions and stutions in the pat Example lve in Shanghal from 2008 to 2012 Present Perfect Simple We se the Present Perfect Simple to alk shout stations that ink he past with the present inthe following was ‘We tlk abou stations that bean athe pst and continu othe present Examples She's been an achtect since 1994 Shes been anarhitet fr more than 10 years, ‘Wie we fro talk about periods oftime and sinc to alk about the point when & situation started ‘We alk about pst actions that are relevant tothe present Example She bas designed ive oie buldings, {Weare looking for some with experince in offic design) The actions maybe nied or not depending on the sentence Examples She as designe five oie buldings (The uidings are complete) Shehas completed most of the design fora sth ofc. (The buldng ‘snot complete) ; we specify the time, we use the Past Simple Example She designed sx office buildings st eu ‘We use the Preset Perfect Continuous to talk abou stations that began inthe past and continue to the presen, The focus son the activity ad the period of {neater than theres Example Ive been tying to get through to David all morning taking alone time) 1 Choose the corec verb forms to complete the sentences 1 Thave grown grew up in Chicago, But dd go have been bac there lace my brother wedding ‘My past eit have emigrated to Chicago inthe 1960s. -My brother lived has ive tet al his beh’ ill here now. He opened has opened bs fit pizza shop in 195. Inthe carly dys hed employ / hat employed any tat Since the, he opened has opened ten pizza shops across the city He opened has opened his most recent shop last year. He gine ha given work to move than 50 people ovr the yeas He dn have / has had holiday for ve yess ut yesterday he Booked / has Booked wold crise for next summer. 2. Write the questions foreach ofthe sentences 1 Where dd yougmoegp : 2 When ae ‘ 3 Howlong i 4 When : 5 How many z 2 6 How many 2 7 When 2 {8 How many 2 9) Howoften Jn thelast ten yeas? 3. Complete the converstion using the verbs nextto each ine. [A Have you beard the news about Manuel? hear B No,what happen A He thecorpany. leave B Really When this 2 happen A He his noe yesterday. ge BB Thatbasbook He here for year. be A Tknov 1 im since he ist started know B When you" find out A Rene mest nh today, Apparently he tel peak to Manvel yee B What he? say Ate new job He the interview last week find: ave snd they ™ Rim ejob already. ole Thats great news for Manel Vocabulary Starting a new business; phrasal verbs 1 Match -Sutthek Hae ee + tev eee pie seas aes ee es sua tet = pen eae peieeran aa aes eels en 28 Unit2 Review 2. Replace the words in tals inthe sentences with hese phrasal vebs. Change the form ofthe verb nacesary. 1 She arrived 2 Can you shut down 3. Tmimectigating 44 She discouraged me fom) sos af Tate forthe meeting, the computer? the complaint from our customers. Seeing the flim, She said it 15 Alarge mukinslondl bought er company. 6 Wemade them an offer bt they rested #/ 7. He managed to sate! the problem with the printer, {She drew my attention to ‘few mistakes inthe report, 13 ©)26 Listento the conversation and answer the questions. 1 What dd Mila discus wth financial disor? 2 Whats the problem with Mls business plan? 13 Has Mila done any esearch nto other websites? 44 What does Mila need to do before her next meeting? 5 What problem does she have with her web designer? {6 Whos Claudia meeting? Whats she going todo whe she wast 4-926 Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs Listen again and check. PRACTICE Imeohitdomn conan okedito—_pitedout pinogetber’ putyoval! Sotout™ fmsup 1 need to more research into exiting fashion webs. 2 Youvealrendy the competition. 3 She Tat my esi easy to copy 4 Dowel hat thought you idea was great 5 teed to a marketing plan 6 She wants me to ‘nto markt 7 talsoneed 19 1 ew problems wth or we designe. 5 Healways alan hou late! Work skills Team meetings 11 Match 1-8 with ah to make sentences fom ateam meeting 1 ima Janko eat 4 metohelp 2 Thefistitemon— ————_-b tothenext point. 3 Woidyoulike =e they wantin discus? 4 a Does anyone have ‘on what’ happening with anything edie a, thematketing campaign? Could you be = theagendais the sles conirence. 5 Letemove on =F make the meeting today. 7 Sowsumupweve __——_gabitmorespecic? 8 Canyoulilusin Th agreed that Tom i going to ‘tes report 2 ©)2:7 Listen tothe beginning ofa team meeting. Answer the questions. 1 Isthere anyone who cant attend the meeting? Is, who 2 What two things say working on? 5 Why dd they choose Radio 6 and Jaze FM for their avers? 44 What ha Jay done recently fo the radio campaign? 5 Why se conden thatthe writers are god? 1 Whatis Virginia working ont Functions Checking progress; delegating tasks In meetings we use these phrases to check progres of projects et Examples How are we ding with (projet)? Have we covered everthing? Have we done job tas) yet? We use these phrases when we want to delegates samples Can you del with (ask)? Who going Wo lok afer (as)? ‘Whi espomible for ( noun or ve ing)? [like you to handle that / Cant Teave this with you? Isanjonefie to (doa job)? Wie use these phrases to agree to do something Examples Ye, can dota. Yes, we can handle that. Lene it with me We use these phrases to say we cant do something. Examples nt fe, afi wont be abl to do that because. / 1 rather not because 1 Putthe word inthe right order to complete the conversations. 1A Go/fre/to/anone/is)_________twtheconference next week? Yes, Antonios. Asch, ‘aks can you meet ou istrs tthe crpot pease? (Ghat Tye do can. (doing are ith we how) product ange? Everythings ine, Well get final approval fom Head Ofice next week ‘Oto can you pt the data on the Website today? Soe, (t/1/be/ that able do wor) boca Ident have all the gues ye think that the end ofthe mecting everthing covered we/ have) B i B A thenew wpe > Bes thats Wecan finish here. 6 A Erg can you organize the shits in the factory forthe nex si months? (ane con ye / hat /1). 2 ©)28 Listen to four conversations. Tek ifthe people can do the job. (ross x ifthey ean do the ob. 10 20 30 40 3 ©)2.8 Complete the sentences with word in each gap. Usten again and check. 1 a. Havewe pad the staffbonuses__? bb Gant thiswith you, Bary? ster the lighting for the photo shot tomaeion? that. Tomorrow? Who responsible ie me » 1 Nom ane fte,t'm a orpaizing the canst b femme even Unt? 29

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