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nTRODUCTION Future lifestyles Grammar will, may, might, be likely / possible 1 Workin pir and deus these questions. What preictons about the ature have you herd about scent? Do you believe them Do you know any predictions that have come tru aye you ever made an accurate prediction? 2 Read the article. Which predictions were correct? How are the des similar to oureurent wold? -Exumple "Newspapers wil publsh cloar photographs of bate in China an ‘nour late This idea i smile to dial photography. :o¢r9hs of bate in China an hour # Peope vil buy 128 cooked mel from tore sma to or bis of toy. Alias trafic within the ty wil be below ground or aboveground eve 4 Pow electric wil speed up the growth of vee 4 Ahwsband inthe mid of he Atlant wl abe to tlk to his wf ating at hoe n Chea # Man wit sce around he world, Camera wl anne electrically with teens to shew moving thovsand of mis oa. B Prcumatic tubes wil onnect al house o deve mal and go 30 Unit3 Grammar wg 13 #)2:) Ustentothe experts iscussing John Watkins preditons and answer the questions. 1 Which predictions did they discus? 2 What does Dr Blaatnik think about the ature of trafic cies? Whats Profesor Kear prediction abou afc in new cities? How might we grow vegetables inthe fat, according to Dr Baratnik? ‘What does Profesor Kean say abou the global population? Focus Find andundertine there rats inthe srpton pages 141 and 142, atthe avarin the covet place onthe salebeon 4 watprobaty 4 wldefitly gs ty prostiyort ight sun ety wort my F iposibe ‘Peinposible posible eran 10 A hes expressions tothe sale J lamsure Xa Te Ione thinkx il hin Note thesrucure we use ith Alun posible. Ista that ther bea cacfee 200 es uly that a atic be bon ground or aboveground his poable that there wile enough water for eveyone ale cent Rn ccnp ed PRACTICE 4 Read thesentences nd rite a second sentence with asinlar meaning. 1 We will definitly prevent malaria by 2050. Iam 2 People wil probly gro taller in the fate is _ 3. The arth probaly wort cooldown in the next 0 years Ris 4 There defintely wot bea colony Mars i my Mtn lam s = 5 Inthe ars, tight be posible to fy om New York to Tokyo aes than two ours, 6 eisUkly that oll eserves willrunoutby20S0.—— Oil reserves 7 esunliely hat we wl ind neligent ion another planet 8. Print newspaper may dieppear Ris a __ 9 Ieispossl there willbe a direct iran line Between the UK and China by2i00. There 10 Tam sure cars wll become handsfree. '5 Do you agree with the predictions in 4? Change any sentences you dont agreewith feoG8 Grammar Unit3 31 66 #)3.2 Listen to three young professional tak about thelr future, Make a note tenth young pve Vocabulary The speed of change; describing a cause and effect 1 Workin pais and dlscuss these questions. 1 nwhat ways 2 Dou think the curlives? Make lst is becoming 2. Read the tex and answer the questions below The power of numbers ——— 0 trope neee d ch Leeman tote | howe parte eee oa 2B wiyou hve nore co re er fan one ch? Caren te EB Neato pay ran onthe first square meen, 4on te thd, on the fut, and sa Co ein oo. aerator Ln eee oe peers e repent ari _ Aitpatigheteete = A te Pree eee — hee ptearreneig eerie 7 Workin pa Tae turns to asyour parnersbout how they see th ture. - Cet i eit ar TASK 8 Choose five questions from the list to ask other people in the class. Make 3 Ce Ly De eae " ‘+ people will stop commuting ~ they will live and work in the same building ie lage cleo + children wllearn online - school wil only be for learning socal sls + eave other countries wl be inte to top buslnesspeople and + most people wil ive nts ris al cities el have re wireless conectty + food wl be produced in factories ~ the countryside wile usd only for 4% + travel using ae mpetesetof ‘Why did the king hae to gve he pli so much rice? ving ing Whats Moores Lav? ‘Which bas more mes smariphone? 4 Why isitno cent) cone) corey) ry: the computer onthe fist space shut or sicker to analyse human genes? 5, How many people now oto university nthe UK and in Filand? Why research now published more gulcky? 52 Units Grammar a000) 20 Vocabulry Unit? 33 3 Lookat the phrase in tai inthe sentences used to talk about caus ‘effect: Underline the causein each sentence and circle the effect. 1 Because ofthe fn sles ve wil need to cut our sales tea 2. Weclosed down our factory in England, Asa comaquence, we have managed tolower our production costs sgnfeany 3 Blinds ult her jo because she wants to start her own company. Duc tothe esing price of copper, our manufactring costs have incresed, “The new aw has let reduction in crime. “The marketing campaign rete in 15% increase in sles “Th fallin share prices in 2008 ve he reul ofthe banking cis, “The factor will cause moe plltion nthe surrounding re. ‘We've recently spent more money on advertising: asa result, sales f our new smartphone have risen, 10. The development ofthe business park wl reat hundreds fos inthe area 4 ©)2. Ustento fourpeople taking about changing trends What topic are they aking about? Work skills Emails 1: confirming arrangements 1 Workin pairs and discus these questions. 1 Hose fen do yu snd / receive emalls in English? What do you find lit about writing ema in another language? 2 Whats the ference between emails you write to work colleagues and to friends? Do you use diferent kinds of language? 2 Workin pairs. Rea the three emails and anewer the questions. 1 Whereis Nel Har going? When she asving? 2 3. Who is she mecing for diner? 44 Which othe emails is 4 from a colleague oa colleague eho they dont know very wel? _ 1 froma company to dient customer? © from afiend toa fiend? Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Sesto Speaker 3 ti ton he arangeerts our om Lon Heo Seger vanes a Mtoe bead yuan Dn igor onda Ostber ne dj tc ata orbokeg wih Baa ak Age esnchdan oe een cn sa? Peaseanoubocttian Drectrinerstnd Operon ©) 3. Complete the sentences with these phrases Sometimes more than one ‘vases possible Listen again and compare your answers with the phrases, ‘edin the recording. asacomaqunce becaseet thereutel ledto osareut diet cave resutin 1 the growing popularity of 3D television, think TV will ‘havea Bigger impact upon sport. 2 There willbe more sporting events in Asa and Aiea this think well see alot more sportspeople coming from these countries 5 Forty-seven per eat of Swedish houscholds now only have one person ving inthem sone ofthe big problems wl be soil isolaton ‘This may also aise in property prices “his growing tend is economic change. For the developing nations this wil many social changes. People want o aces books through dial devices, suchas Kindle or table the way we polish books x changing 3 Work in pars: Match the numbered phrases in the emails in 2 with the 8 Digital poblshing wil major changes othe way we work ‘categories Below Which phrases are more formal? Workin groups, Do you agree with the speakers in 5? What other future trends oe eee Canyou theo? What doyou thnk the consequences of these tends willbe? ing = Gonaider the following areas. eering to atchens— pala so Requesting an ations. 1 food. + wore lerreinow at -W ean hae he estaraton the Pas Canoe eye and entertainment {housing and ving conditions “4 Workin pais, Student A, goto page 13. Student 8, goto page 135 samo Works Units 35 34 Units Vocabulary waa Functions Making arrangements INTRODUCTION 1 Workin groups. When you make arrangements to meet colleagues or friends, which ofthese methods do you prefer! Why? mailing talking face-to-face taking onthe phone texting instant messging 2 #)3.4 Workin pars. Listen toa conversation between two managers, Dave Wamer and Eke Christen. Answer the questions. 1 What are thee companies going todo? 2 What industry do they workin? 3 Which countries re thee companies bated in? a6 Arrange "day visi to Suited, | Begin witha diane where the >cangetto meet each othe. | ‘enue forte dinner wil be estaurant in ° 5.4 Complete these notes from the meeting, Listen again and eheck Proposed date forthe dinner: PRACTICE 4 Workin groups Eke and Dave are going to call members of th team to check the ates forthe vist Do you think his wile easy What problems might they have 5») 35 Usten to ke and Dave cling members of thelr team. Write the days the peopleare tree. 1 Reto 3 Chen 2 Tony 4 Anna 6») 3.5 Listen again and complete the extracts fom the conversations. 1 Elke Were trying to arranges meeting wit the US managers and the Sis manages herein Swan "on kh August Reto. The 3th? Hmm. im busy then because Tenn Gener {can make the Sis though, tke OK thanks [art confirm the date now because [nee to speak the 2-1lget back you 2 ‘Tony When were you thinking of? Dave Is Aust 30h yout ‘Tony August Sth? Yeh, that should be ne. [just need to check ~_—"sTilgetbuckio you”, 0K? Dave Great, Thank, Tony 2 Cheryl mata that Augst sno good forme because im away ’ Dave tinsory forgot (Cheryl Why dont we meet __* Fr, September 4th good for you? Dave September sth? Hmm, need to check that with Elke n Zarih Cheryl September isbest forme Dave Filuyand change. As soon as kno et you kno 4 Bike rimealing 4 ‘Anna Yes [rea your emal lke Reto sugested August 3st, Does that sound OK wo your Anna cit make August lst emmy daughter’ lke How about the next week Is September Sr good For you? ‘Anna That ats Elke Great. ete i September 3d 7 Work in pairs. Everyone in 6 suggests ifferent time. How would you resolve ‘histuaton? Focus Match phrases 1-4 with functioned 1 mbes then becuse nin Geneva al dy. 2 Wehigt convent frye? 4 Thsteteme fre 4 Wtingon secon Lookagsn at the conversions in 6. Fad one more phase fora above. ‘Compare you answers witha parne Do youhave te same pases? 1 Aajeengtoadate/tme 3 Siyinga date tne not convenient © fornoreseratan pace goto een setonon pe 8 Complete the conversation with these phrases. sooo uyyten—contmoke—_comanietoryou ortwemsston pana” Sountgodto [A Wewantto havea dinner to weleome the new members ofthe team. Friday the 1th : B “The 10h? Sorry Tm Budapest. Why "uray? AL "hare because have vistors at ny hous. B The flowing week then. Would you rater mest on Wednesday or Thursday? [A Wesinesda I think I may need ogo to etch my daughter’ basketball atch because Ti ving he cory in stschoo. Ton let you know B OK but lets Wednesday for now A That me 9 Work in pats. Take turns to say the sentences and respond using a phrase {tom the Fos section, 1 Lets choosea tine for our next English cass Why doit we meet on Saturday st12008 2 Tanke make the dinner at your house on Friday night 3 Weneedt arrange jb intervie with os Monday morning convenient foryout 4 Lean you and Jon come tothe meeting, J thinks he freon the th ‘of tober, ut eno sr, 5 Youcan se the dente at 9m, | pan, ofS pan. What time would su you best {6 Some people are intersted in buying your flat and they want to come and see ielsnest Sunday good for yout TASK. 10. Workin groups of tree of four Goto page 138. 10 Functions Unit 37 38 Unita Review PRacTice, Review Grammar will, may, might, be likely / possible Form “sare [bjt wil? wort verb [Te populoon winter Thee wore enough odor sa cetny7 | ajc wi deny? | Wa il probs dete fe Prony | proba ve Ferman other pnts riche subject might ot ver | Teclmatemahtchange, ow subj ry a) eb | Same areas may ser fom douse ‘eiteh? | tbe ey /posble/ | Wisi that of wlan out s00n ‘lay pose | nt wer “We change wil o will not wot form the negative, We often put deftly ot probably before wil Examples We probably / deftly won find life forms on ater panes ‘We wl probably ind ie frms on other planes ‘We put Lam sure kink do think before wil Example” {ar sure tw sn omotr%e We often use with ily nly / poste _Exomples Its lkely that be te for the meeting tomorrow likely that James wil beable vo come tothe annual meeting Use ‘We use willto make predictions about the fture \Werse might, may, Be ey / posible / uel to describe the degre of| Possibility of something happening nthe fate. Weuse fom sre / think Ido thik o indicate how certain we are about a fev es ran | Tee fron wil dein sure se of sartphones wil tay ines. Tialy | Thcost ome tehnoiogy wl probably. itty thtin the tre welimpare rote phones than we export. Think teu fmatshons le ese Tabs might ele etbooks Food may come mote expense hat eveyone wil speak Eg ~Valaly | sunny at ear ibe ity meteorite Prope probably wort choos to nove nals in space dom think te us osmaripoes wince [Pepledeintely wont necting 1 Complete the sentences according tothe degree of possibly next to teaching 1 Ces tke Sto Paolo continue to grow. cert 2 There________be no more ol by 2050, posible 31 ve find another planet similar to Earth. likely 44 Doge — earn to talk impossible 5 The population of nda fallinthenest unlikely five years. 6 People do mastofthershoppingenlin. possible 7 ‘Theintemet not dsappen. cerain 8 We finda cheap solution for producing unikely ener 9 Theaverage iespan__exceed 120 years. impossible 10 Robots domore ofthe jabsthat mans Ukely current do, 2 Find and correct the mistakes inthe sentences. You may need to change the ‘word order the form ofthe ver, or change adjectives for adverbs (or adverbs for adjectives. 1 There il be deinitely more people ving inthe cts. 2 Laupposeit might happen, but Tin not surely 3 Wepessibly, but think its unliey 4 [think is more likey thatthe number of people ving in tess increasing 5 Pollation fom cars might be inerease 6 Lue we wll ned to contol population growth 13 Read the predictions about the future of communicaton. Wit a sentence ‘xpresing your opinion about how possible the predictions are. 1 Most peope in the world wil speak English sa second language. 2 Most people wll study English digital, notin the classroom. 3 Chinese wil become the most common language of busines. 4 Only tr main languages wl coninoe ext 55 More communication wil be digi than spoken Vocabulary The speed of change; describing cause and effect 1 Choote the conect wordsto complet the sentences, 1 Because / Due to / Asa result the fallin unemployment itis now ese 0 setajoh, 2 Therein ol prices has asd ed ested in higher manulactring and teanaportaion cost. 15 Shemoved back to New Zealand ata ren/ because / due she wanted to be lose to he family 4 Theinvention ofthe World Wide Web created /Ied/ rested oa revolution inthe way people communicate 5. Orders ve increased dramatically ver the pas yeat Asa consequence / Besa of Due fo, we plan to open ane factory In June 6 Thegood end-o yea elt caused rested led the company's share price tore Thad to leaves jb a consequence / he result Because files. {8 Thealscovery was sed / ue to/ the rn of eas hard work by the research eam, Review Unit 38 40° Unit> Rewew 2 Join the sentences together using the cause and effect words in brackets ‘Make any changes to the sentences and words n brackets that are necessary. 1 There was buld-p of gs. There ws an explosion, (aus) The 2 ‘Hes boughta new laptop, His ld laptop is broken (Because) 3. Theres Been arise in onder, We need to take on more stall. (as a elt) 44 There wat heavy snow lastnight. The roads closed ody. eto) 5 Thin ince demand fr ara gn Tue as bee ings prc tesa) 6 She has to wear gases, She has poor eyesight (Because of) Se ea) 88 Hes been eating Jot of junk fod. He has put on weight (asa consequence) Work skills Emails 1: confirming arrangements Acces cag Fectaced —Canyoujustconim thats okt yo tescemgyou Bethe younantsaad eromaneny sana Te eda eeing Te pron the sn ‘ans Gnjooli mean Thayne , 2 Use Jerry's notes to write an email to Non Pars * Contrm that 1 ean amend the meeting in Paris. + Tell them my fight number and arrival tne. + Check someone wil mest me at airport, + Request derails of meting room ard time of mestig. + Rtach new agenda with adtitional pots. PRACTICE Functions Making arrangements ‘When making arrangements, we use these phrases to sugges i Example Are you re on (date)? Does dat / daytime) sound good to you? 1s ate’ day [tne convenient! god for you? ‘Why dont we meet r+ month on» tel? We use these phrases to agree time. Examples I can make (date! day time) “That shoud be/ suit me is, \We use these phrases to saya time sno convenient for ws, Examples I caxt make (day date ie) [af that (dy date te sno good for me. im busy the, ‘Wese these phrases when we ae wating ona decison about te to meet, Examples As soon. a know, Net you know. {cant conte the date ime ght now iiget back to you tomorow. ‘Lets pel in 3rd September. 1 Choose thecorect words to complete the sentences, 1 They want to meet tomorrow? That mat / shoul be fine. Isthe dayatertomorcow good for with you? ‘eed to check the day with Simon. As soon / when Uw et you know. 1s 19 uly convenient by /for your ats peneln/ on th December. ‘We need to change the day of the mestng Icant make / take net Thursday. “Monday morning suits t/ me fine. se you then, 2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets 1 We dont know if 6th Mays OK at the moment. (cone) 2 Lworit beable o meet tomorrow afternoon. afraid) 3 Anam meting on Wednesday s OK for me (make) 4. How about meeting on 18th May? (dont) 5. Shell gv you heranswer next week. (bak) (6 157 pm. the Jasmine Garden restaurant OK? (sound) 7 Tim working all day tomorrow: (busy) {8 How about lunchtime on 15th October (fe) 13 ©)3.6 Listento sixconvetstions Are the people agreeing atime, saying ts ‘ot convenient orwalting ona decison? Tick’ the correct column. ‘convertion in[eae| ean |a | sua area Wang on econ

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