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Ch.1 : Measurement
Quantities which can be measured

Base Quantities Quantities which cannot be derived in terms of other physical quantities

Quantities which can be derived from base quantities by multiplication or

Derived Quantities
division or both operations

Scalar Quantities Quantities which have only magnitude

Vector Quantities Quantities which have magnitude and direction

Ch. 2 : Force and Motion (1)

Distance The total length of path between the initial and final positions

The shortest distance between the initial position and final

position in a specific direction

Speed Rate of change of distance travelled

Velocity Rate of change of displacement

Acceleration Rate of change of velocity

Free Fall A condition where an object falls due to gravitational pull only

The tendency of an object to oppose any changes to its original


Newton’s First Law of An object will remain at rest or move at uniform velocity in
Motion (Law of Inertia) straight line unless acted by an external force

Momentum Product of mass and velocity

Principle of Conservation Total momentum of a system is conserved if there is no external

of Momentum force

Newton’s Second Law of Rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force
Motion (Momentum) and acts in the direction of the applied force

Newton’s Third Law of For every action, there is a reaction force of equal magnitude
Motion (Impulsive Force) but act in opposite direction

Impulse Change of momentum

Impulsive Force Rate of change of momentum

Weight Gravitational force acting on an object

Definitions 1
Mass Quantity of matter in an object

Gravitational Field A region where an object experience gravitational force

Gravitational Field Strength Gravitational force acting per unit mass

Ch. 3 : Gravitation
Newton’s The gravitational force between two bodies is directly proportional to the
Universal Law of product of the massed of both bodies and inversely proportional to the
Gravitation square of the distance between the centres of the two bodies

Centripetal For a body in circular motion, a force acts on the body in a direction
Force towards the centre of the circle

Kepler’s First
Law (Law of All planets move in elliptical orbit with the Sun at one focus

Kepler’s Second
A line that connects a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
Law (Law of

Kepler’s Third
The square of the orbital period of any planet is directly proportional to the
Law (Law of
cube of the radius of its orbit
Geostationary The satellite that is always above the same geographical location when
Satellite view from the Earth
The satellite that is always above different geographical location at
different times when view from the Earth
The minimum velocity needed by an object on the surface of the Earth to
Escape Velocity
overcome the gravitational force and escape to outer space

Ch. 4 : Heat
Heat A type of energy that flow from high temperature to low temperature object

Temperature Degree of hotness

Definitions 2
Thermal A situation where two objects in thermal contact having the same
Equilibrium temperature and the net heat flow between the two objects is zero

Heat Capacity Quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of the object by 1°C

Specific Heat Quantity of heat needed to change the temperature of 1kg mass of the
Capacity substance by 1°C

Definitions 3

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