Unit 7

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| 7 Work styles and careers | Grammar Zero, ist, and 2nd Conditional INTRODUCTION 1 Workin pars and discus these questions 1 How would you describe yours at work: good ttm player, calm, elu 2. What carer plans do you have? How cetsn ae they? 2 #)7. Ustento Mat and Grace, two professionals intel eal 30s, takabout ‘themselves at work Tck/thestatement which are rue for Mat andor Grace Mat Grace 1 tfmy bossasks me to work at the weckend,Lahays sy Ye. 2 IitSone of ny teams beta. Ibuy them a birthday card. 5 lfTimbchind shel, dont panic | 4 Lanather employee has performance fsves ryt hel them. 5 lf someone does a great jb, tel them h 6 theres tough decision to make, dont avoid responsibilty. 13 Workin ais. Take trsto ask your partner which statements in 2 ate tu forthem i 40) 7.2 Mattand Grace talk about the next stage of ther careers Liston an answer the questions 1 IsMattikey toe promoted soon? 2 Would he ike to work abroad? 3 How likely ihe to stayin his preset job? 4 Would Grace keto change jobs? 5 What would she ie to do? | 6 Docs she ike he job and company? | 5 *)7.2 Usten again and complete the sentences, ‘prions ourcomes Promotion Inigetprmetion._ Workabrood fm company wantedmeto work abroad No change ident change mye, 5 Gan yor take gap year, Changejobs—_tlchanged job, Change company flgotajeb with anather company, PRACTICE Focus Reade sentences in 2 and S again. Complet the rues with the word in ales. Prat Simple esr Spl wis inntive Weform the Zero Condon! wthifs eter the 2nd onto thi ey tue nike etsethe Zero Condonalt tt sbout ing that a general Wedsethe 1 condone tak abou tre outares based on ot ese the 2nd Condon to tak abot tice outcomes based on, cj (© Formers and pace go tote Resin eon on pues and 6 Complete the sentences wh your ownides. Us the appropiate ver fom forthe ZeroConditiona. Does vr 1 tThaeto grea pretation 2 Miimbeint hel 3 Whereis problem between wo meni omy eam 4 If feel exhausted, 7 5 acusomer comps abouts product 6 my computer crashes 7 ifeant eto work ease ofthe wear tray bossa ad mood, 7 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form ofthe verbs in brackets 1 If someone (ote) you a better pai jb, what will ou do? 2 you had one extra qualification, what be? 3. yourboss _(gve) yournore work to do next month, what wil you do? 4 lfyou sw an interesting job vacancy. what (ou de)? you _____ (move) into completely difrat are of Basins, what would be? " Ifyou (can) ak anyone advice about your future, who would you oul? {8 Ifyou get the opportunity to work in another county, what (goudoy” '8 Workin pars. Ask and answer the questions in 7. FUTURES Heade ‘ue square Ahly tuson ‘Orange square Anh siaton “ake a chance square eae “ou gobecktotte Yournave tothe Beas Task. Dear Coeur ‘9 Workin pats Ply the-Futues game. Read the ules before you start. You need ‘eoinand two counters. Example was offered job by another company. would ask them for more detail 10 Workin pairs Read the letter below: Tae turns to roleplay the HR Manage. Intervie ther people using the questionnaire to find out what they wil dx Questionnaire ‘As you know ourvivals, ABC Leisure Lid. made 4 ye become part of ABC Lelsure Ld, eveyone wil ned moet buy our company. We ate neotitng tthe oro andi very ikl that he deal to reaply for hee bs In these circumstances, wil want to contin to work fr us? Willgo sea, fit does, we wil besome part of 2 yy dal didnt happen. we woud ned to reduce ‘ABC Leisure Lid This wil ead to charges or allof ws “Te atiched questions oly us plan for the utr. We value your opinion, lesen the questionaire ie anonymous, o he a nest HR Manager 80 Unt? Grammar @ciace ‘costs, Would you be prepare to take a slgnfiant pay 3 Hf we become part of ABC Leu, we wil lose ou pe ‘fess and move co ther heaéquarterincetal Lond ‘one-hour commute fram here Wl this be an advantage a dsadvantage for you? 4ABC Leisure has many branches in other countries. tered you 3 poston n another county, would you Be Drepared to take Vocabulary Money and finance 1 Workin pis. Which ofthese nancial products or services do you use? Do you tse any others? + ealine banking + amortgage + telephone banking + loans + pension + home car life insurance 2 #743 Liston to the conversation between a customer anda telephone banking advisor. Answer the questions How much money does the man vast to pay each month for his rent? ‘When does he want pay the money cach mouth? Why ise surprised? How much money id he tke out of is account rom an ATM? What bil has he ost paid How much money did he put in his account yesterday? 3 ©) 7 Complete the sentences with these words. ston again and check sted toner aes ‘cc amber Riera setup My to pay my zea each month 2 warren, 3 Tulkew £800 on the fst day of ach month 4 Can check the ‘on myaccount? 6 When did last money fom my account? Do you pa your rel ard by ‘The creditcard company the 17h af each month 81 £500 in my account yesterday ‘my sccount automaticly on 4 Workin pairs, Whatisthe diference between these phrases? Use adictonary tohelpyou 1 tolend money to someone to borrow money from someone to deposit money to withdeaw money standing oder direct debit to debitan account / credit an account to opena bank account /to owe a bank account tobein cet beoverdeswn '5 Match the verbs 1-6 with the nouns /noun phrases ato make collocation Ltup creditcard 2 payby 2 your Pi 3 depose £350 fom an ATM 4 ener 4 moneyto anther account 5 tranier © astnding order 6 withdraw 0 in your account 6 Workin pats. iscuss there questions, Do you haves credit cad? What do you weit or? How do you pay your bill? Do you have any diet debits or standing onder? How aten do you withdraw money fom ATMs? Do you use online banking to transfer money? Have you eer forgotten your PIN? Isiteasy to open a bank acount? What do you need to do? ymc.2t Vocabulary Unt? 81 7. Match the words 1-Swith the meoningsa-e. 1 ation outgoings sings shares Make a shopping ist: & age pat of our monty cugoings goes on fod shopping, so think about wht Sou spend. Pane meas ahead, make a shoping and ony buy wha ou well nes Ao never go fod hopaing en youe Pung. oul buy at ore! Don't automaticaly renew insurance: I3/ be Eonvenien to autmatialy renew your home oc neurane each yea bt its wef shop seu, You can save alt of mony by changing campany each eat Don'tleave large amounts af moneyin the bak: Banks inthe Keren pay bout 2% terest ona saings account. tion cent about 3-4 This mers at tthe endo he yer yur savings ae ether wort he same ore 1% fer volabe, Lak noe fons otivesnent ie saves, propery, of een arb ques. The stock change sk buts dng nahing {Read the text about saving money. Are the statements below truer false? How to ics & Boks nig fr ipso Sho fe. We re fling ro sat i ona and cds an, Cans mst ae ty i, etl od mote no sts. xcs in sn le ese ml of Nand del. ples wih CV fat ons, ep, ae /20154. Fk somes cam ‘money tha you ave kept to use in the fture 1 the money that you regularly spend o pay bls © therate at which the price of foo, services, Inteases by ech year 4 one ofthe equal parts of company you can buy se way of investing money tees money that you payor receive when you Dorma invest money ance your gym membership: Ae you 2 nembe of = gym But almost nae ge? Wel why nt cncel hat "Standing order tthe gy You Sve youself 40 or 0, Son Use te mane o buy youre aie bk ar ‘hen jlo worinsted. That way, you a save o us Aways pay of your creditcard debt Cet cs ae yet long 25 ou pay of your balance sac month you cant thn asia taking out oan instead. A typical bank oan charges 6-7 intrest. Cre crds Charge about 116% Do the maths! Make your own cofles: Doyo buy one or a cas ey ay? How much do you spend? To cfs 2 dyn the Ukr! ou aout E120. Tat comes to £1.16 a yet Sve youl some money. Make your gen 82 Unt? Vocabulry wma Go shopping when youre hungry: ou ean ee what you realy want ‘ou shuld lok at other companies before you rene insurance Leaving mane na sving account may not increas is value. Gymsarean expensive way of staying it (Cedi cards charge higher interest rates than bank loans. ‘oil ave money ifyou make your awn cafe ‘Workin groups Do you sgree with the suggestions n 8? Why / Why not? Th oftheee more suggestions for how to save money When you hae ished theres ofthe eae your ideas. Work skills Emails 1 Read the ob advertisement. Whats the job? What sil and experienc are required? job applications 2 Readhe ei ow nel tothe jo avertsementin Fn these sentences inthe eral 2a description of the applicants experience (wo sentences) —_ the reason forthe eral hee aalabiltyfor interview —_ an explanation of why shes interestedin the postion —_ ‘description of some of her skills — aise Sepa lanantgintep yen nT doe rh te alenoe om o As pty C's tthe nla eter eo ea hinge ou hong 3 How isthe emallin2 diferent to an emallyou would send toa coleague In your department? 4 Match the headings 1-7 from a CV with the statements 3-9. 1 Contact details 8 Prof W Hastings, MIT 2 Personalstaement Ema sapenge@mailcom 3. Eestion| —€ Fluent in English and Mandarin 44 Professional experience d_ Badminton, cuba diving cookery, ches 5 Other professional skills © Anenthusstic profesional with ve yar 6 Interests, — © experience in analysing final markets 7 Roeree ~ 2008-2011 Dee in Computer Scenes. MIT 2013-2014 Systems Manager, SS London '5 Write statemens of your own forthe headings in 4. 6 Workin pairs 1 Writea job advertisement ike the adver in 1 fra job you know Ince one ‘hing thts escent and on thts desirable 2. Exchange the jo advertisement with another pair. Write a short CV and an email applring forthe jb thatthe ther pir as given You. fammoo Workstale Unt? 93 Functions Discussing and reaching agreement INTRODUCTION 1 Workin pairs Lookat the types of traning courses ond answer the questions CCasiomer eitons Firstaid Interview techaigues IT ‘Negotiating Planning Salestchniques Telephone skills Writing contracts Management Leadership raining 1 Hayeyou ever done one ofthese courses? What wast ike? 2 Which course do you tink is moses weal for yout Why! 2 Workin pits Read the email from Georgios. Answer the questions. 1 What does Georgio company dot 2 What questions do you think Martina asked inher mal? 3 What do you think is going to happen nest? Taku fryuremaleptngFist cous or AG Ponce woul beled we canaferyousacolte ang pace ica a frou cut Of ‘evarrg css noharnrtan Spo wees pe ato ea CEOS SG Heath andl Contanstid 23. Flnd phrases inthe emallin 2 which mean: 1 Wecan provide ee 22 Weean gine you a reduction inthe price 1 Thiespecial prices omlyavaable 4 ©) 74 Georgios meets Martina at hr company. Listen to three extracts from ‘the meeting Correct thefalseinformationin the sentences. {1 None of Martina employees has talning in fist aid 2 Martina request refer courses where people return every 0 Yeats 10 Improve thei skills 3 Martins fctvies had seven accidents as month 4 Georgios wil ognize a goveznment inspection ofthe factory 5 The courses willbe completed in one month, 6 Georgios olers Martina a inal discount of 50% . |S ©17.4 Workin pats. Complete the sentences with these words Listen agin and check deal fe impotent main propose rtm sony 1 Whats the most thing fr you? 2. What isa pachage of hepiner course pls refresher courses 3 That wouldbe fore 44 Whatare your concerns! 5 tm ut that not possible 6a would you consider farther discount? {6 Workin prs. Do you think the discussion between Martine and Georgios success Why Why not? {88 Unity Functions mt Focus Putthe phases from 5 inthe caret soups. ‘Asking about requirements ‘Whats jourerorty hee? Putin forward proposal Wecanleryouaazount of 10% esgotiting We cannot ofthis coun ules allyour facto ae inthe Agreeing toa propral/vequest Wecansreetotht ejecting proposal request Imad thatwousntbe poste (© Formate detracts 9210 the Revewsecten an page. PRACTICE 7») 7.5 Listentosixconverstions Do the people agree tA or reject the proposal request? 1 2 3 4s '8 617.5 Workinpalts.Complete the extracts with the missing words. Listen again and check 1A Thaveto goto the bank tomorrow: Can you domi morning shift and [Deceit i wee you wou aly or ‘We usally put the lane fistin the sentence, but we can putt second. Team I ould be delighted they made mea director. Use ‘ie weit alk about conditions and outcomes ‘Zero Conditional ‘Ne ese the Zero Coton to talk about events that generally occur based ona typical condition, We ean tlk about les rrple the temperature goes below 0” [condition], wate ees outcome ‘We can alo talk about typical situations eample When {have to gve a presentation condition). 1 ways practise beforehand outeome), tn these cats the outcome ie bways or almost always the sme, We can ie for when forthe condition ase 1st Conditional We use the 1st Conditional to falk abot fature outcomes based on ky or possible conditions. ample, IT dent have enough tne 1 inish he job I ask someone to el. In thi casei is ky or posible that T wont have enough ime. 2and Conditional ‘We use the 2nd Conditional to talk about fture outcomes sed on unlikely ot imaginary conditions Example’ Ihe didnt get the jo, be be very disappointed Tn this case itis ly hat he wil gt the ob PRACTICE 1. Match 1-5 with -e tomake conltional sentences 1 everyone worked fom home, 2 both parents work alltime, 3 fe were living inthe 17th century, 44 Ifyou Team another language, 5 youdort study, wel probably be working in agriculture you won! increase your qualifications. we would need to we our eas so much. {ital increase your ob opportunites. fom ele ha to look afer the cde, 2 Compete the sentences with the correc form ofthe verbs in brackets 1 What would you doifeomputers__(notexi)? 2 When you (put he ifbrmation oma USB stick its casero take wth you 3 Ifyou (an) only have one piece of dig tedology, ‘what would tbe 4 Ifyou take your phone on hold. you (chee) your cls 2nd you (noi ela, 5 you (qo) to Hong Kong rather than New York, you ‘would ind hat computer eqipment x cheaper. 6 Myon (not ead) the instrctions, how wll you know hat todo? 7-Te cat. something immediately, just (give w) 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, [Is change an opportunity or a threat?| None of usknaw the fire, we w= (probably id fe rater boring, ‘Thinkabout ef you hnow the evans ofthe dy bafre they happened, would yoube hoppy? But wecan predict somethings Forexample, we —___ "(wor hard [nddos good jo, we ual get pad we wrk or good company ora number yeas we (probly get pay a and promotion, Maye, fe worked el har we make) taghteathetop of he company. But change ands consequences it | ways easy to prod your company offen you a) another cour, woul Youseeit avn opportunity oratheat Perhaps you withing fi_————___rvottake thi ‘hnce eget forthe restof my if’ Or mayb ou would thin, woud ose aliy fends an fer (Sov) abroad you dort take the oparunites,then here good hance thatfe__*(oecome) bring and predictable. On thing icra change il SnayshappenAndifyou_—_™ Stop pedaling the bec, youl of, Vocabulary Money and finance 11 complete the sentences with these words, Change the form ofthe verb where necessary. epost enter pay stop manser withdow 1 cant by ceait card? 21 eatin my account yesterday but it wil etree days before the money vin my account 3 Shes a standing oder wo pay here 4 Please check the amount and your PIN 5 He '200 from an ATM yesterday. 5 tule. ‘400 tomy so account on the ast dy of cach moet Review Unit? 87 EE _ 12 ©) 70 Listento the conversation between customer anda telephone ‘banking advisor. Answer the questions ‘Whats Ms MeDonnells sort code and account number How moc does she want to transfer {Why eat she transfer the money? ‘What isthe alae of he account? {What money wis he expecting 0 receive? How much dd she withdraw fom an ATM ‘What isher standing ode or? 13 choose the correct words to complete the text on mobile banking. @ SouthlandBank Instant Banking RR mm atcen inure er me ra ges ade it ition ae an care ow yuan et on tant onking ut _ Ne an ej eannate ediciones cut th ie ana oom ne ne youn aces yourbank acount on yourmabile phone. Work skills Emails 2: job applications Complete the emalwith these phrases. itch Poste opener soitheler Grom DekMeroger lfcrion | youn se me: nn? hava Functions Discussing and reaching agreement We use these phrases to put forward apropos amples We anor you a discount of (6 $e). What we can fer yous What propose i. We se shese phrases oak aout requirements, Examples What are your main concerns! ‘What your priority here/ the not impartat thing fr you? We se these phrases to negotiate. amples la return, would you consider a further discount? We cannot oer tis les We se these phrases to agree to «propos equest samples ideal! ‘That would be fn for ws. Wecan agree to that Examples se phrases to ejecta proposal request mala that woulda be posible. mn sorry.but dha not posible PRACTICE 1. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets 1 We cant give you a dicount on golfequpmentifyouareit a member of the sports db. (unless) ‘We havea speci pie of $20 per ticket. (oe) ‘Can you lp with my presentation? Ifyou ayy Tl elp you with your vebste. (return) 4 Whatisthe number one thing for your company? (priority) 5. Sorry but we cannot offer you a 15% discount. (afraid) {6 Our suggestion isa price of $20 forthe st 1,000 books, and then $18 afte that (propose) 7. Whatare you most worried about (concer) 2 ©1717 Listen to five conversations Do the people agree to (Aor eject (the proposal /equest eee ee ees) 3917.7 Putthe words in the right order. Lsten again and check. 1 (possible/ Tn but that sory / at) AlLour Aight te ly booked today 2 (for/yes/ would that fine me be) Tm Tooklag forward to worklng with yo. 3. Thepriceis€3.00. (with happy are/ hat ou) Jessel 4 Sowe work the sume number hours, but we dost work on Friday afternoons? OK. (that we to/ agree ean) = (he af / would pose Toe / dha) aa Because thee uniforms are already a ur lowes possible price 1 Revew Unit? 89

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