Science Literature Ada Twist Scientist With Pop Bottle and Mentos - 3 Year Olds

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Name: Brianna Grade Level: 3 Year Olds

Topic/Central Focus: Subject:

Asking Questions Science and Literature

Standard: Time Frame:

20 Min

Learning Objective: Assessment Tool(s) and Procedures:

- TSWBAT make connections between
the literature they are reading and the
activity they will perform after the
reading is over.
- TSWBAT work on making questions
about the experiment they will perform
as a class.

Materials: Technology:
- “Ada Twist Scientist” book - NA
- Pop Bottle
- Mentos

Differentiating Instruction:
Students who struggle to sit and listen may need a teacher to sit with them while they read.

Procedure with time Allotments:

A. Hook/Engage/Pre-Assess Students
a. The teacher will present a book for the class to read. We will examine the
cover as it will have an image of the experiment the students will perform.
B. Communicate the purpose of the lesson to students (objective/assessment)
a. We will talk about asking questions and examining things. We will also talk
about how we can all be scientists.
C. Instructional Sequence:
a. The lesson will be split into three days where the teacher will read sections of
the book. The teacher will introduce the book each day and give a recap of the
content they have already read by talking about the story and relooking at
pictures from the book.
D. Closure
a. After the whole book has been read, the class will then conduct the same
experiment as the Ada at the front of the book. Have the students make
predictions about what will happen when we add the mentos to the pop.

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