200 Intermediate Level Vocabs

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Intermediate Level Vocabularies

School of Excellence
Mentor: Baki Billah

Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Abhor (v) N„Yv Kiv Detest, Loathe, Scorn, Condemn Adore, Favor, Cherish
Abridge (v) ms‡ÿc Kiv Shorten, Condense Expand (cÖmvwiZ Kiv), Enlarge
Acme (n) P~ov, m‡e©v”P ¯’vb Zenith, Summit, Crown, Peak Nadir, Bottom, Abyss (cvZvj)
Adamant (adj) Abgbxq, †Mvqvi Insistent, Rigid, Stiff Flexible, Pliable, Malleable
Adroit (adj) `ÿ, Kzkjx Adept, Competent, Dexterous, Deft Unfit, Gauche, Ungainly
Adverse (adj) cÖwZK~j, we‡ivax Unfavorable, Antagonistic Beneficial, Auspicious (AbyKj ~ )
1) KviI c‡ÿ ejv 1) Support 1) Oppose (we‡ivwaZv Kiv), Attack
Advocate (v) & (n)
2) mg_©K 2) Supporter, Proponent 2) Opponent (we‡ivax), Enemy
Alienate (v) we‡iva m„wó Kiv ev Avjv`v Kiv Estrange (wew”Qbœ Kiv) Reconcile (wgj Kwi‡q †`qv)
Altruism (n) c‡ivcKvwiZv Benevolence, Generosity Selfishness, Malignity (we‡Øl)\
GKB e¨w³‡Z wecixZ Abyf~wZi
Ambivalent (adj) Contradictory, Conflicting, Paradoxical Definite, Decisive, Assured
hyMcr Ae¯’vb
Anarchy (n) ˆbivR¨, AivRKZv Absence of government, Disorder Discipline, Concord
Animosity (n) kÎæZv Antagonism, Hostility Amity, Harmony
Apathy (n) D`vmxbZv Indifference, Insouciance Attention, Concern, Responsive
Appease (v) kvšÍ Kiv Allay, Alleviate, Mitigate, Mollify Annoy, Irritate, Aggravate
Arrogance (n) J×Z¨, Ah_v Me© Haughtiness (J×Z¨) Humility
Astute (adj) PZzi, †KŠkjx Shrewd, Keen, Sly, Dexterous Unintelligent, Dull
1) Bold, Daring 1) Timid, Cowardly
Audacious (adj) `ytmvnmx, a„ó
2) Insolent, Haughty 2) Polite, Courteous
Avarice (adj) A_©wjáv, †jvf Lust for money, Greedy Generosity
Aver (v) wbðqZv mnKv‡i ejv Assert, Declare boldly Repudiate, Disavow, Deny
Aversion (n) weiƒcZv, wegyLZv Unwillingness, Reluctance, Antipathy Inclination, Penchant


Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Banal (adj) MZvbyMwZK Trite, Prosaic, Pedestrian Stimulating, New and Novel
Belittle (v) †nq, AeÁv Kiv Deride, Scorn, Despise Praise, Magnify, Glorify

Boisterous (adj) ˆn-ˆP c~Y© Clamorous, Uproarious Peaceful, Tranquil

Brittle (adj) f½yi Fragile, Frangible, Friable Strong

Cacophonous (adj) kÖæwZKUz, †emy‡iv Inharmonious, Harsh (KK©k) Euphonious, Melodious, Symphonic

Calamity (n) Pig wech©q Disaster, Catastrophe, Adversity Blessing, Good Fortune
Callous (adj) wb`©q Unsympathetic, Cruel, Impervious Compassionate, Sensitive

Circumspect (adj) wePÿY, mZK© Prudent, Judicious, Discreet Rash, Reckless

Clandestine (adj) ¸ß, jyKvwqZ Secret, Covert, Furtive, Surreptitious Open, Revealed, Frank

Clarify (v) †evaMg¨ Kiv Elucidate, Explicate Obscure, Ambiguity

Clumsy (adj) Rey_ey, Avbvox Bungling, Inept, Awkward Adroit, Deft, Dexterous
Coerce (v) eva¨ Kiv Force, Compel Flatter (†Zvlv‡gv` Kiv)
Coercion (n) Rei`w¯Í Compulsion, Pressure Voluntary, By choice
Commence (v) Avi¤¢ nIqv Begin, Inaugurate Finish (mgvß Kiv), Terminate
Commend (v) cÖksmv Kiv Praise, Extol Criticize (mgv‡jvPbv), Censure

Compliant (adj) eva¨ Obedient, Docile, Submissive Recalcitrant, Cantankerous, Stubborn

Comply (v) †g‡b Pjv Conform, Obey Disobey, Resist

Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Dearth (n) `y®cÖvc¨Zv Scarcity, Paucity, Deficiency Abundance (cÖvPzh©), Plethora, Profusion

Decry (v) wb›`v Kiv Censure, Disparage, Condemn Extol (cÖksmv Kiv), Laud, Praise

Defamatory (adj) wb›`vg~jK Libelous, Slanderous Complimentary, Laudatory

Dejected (adj) gbgiv, nZvkv Dispirited, Despondent, Sad Happy, Elated, Optimistic

Deleterious (adj) ÿwZKi Detrimental, Harmful Beneficial, Helpful

Denounce (v) †`vlv‡ivc Kiv Condemn, Censure, Accuse Commend, Extol, Laud
Deprecate (v) weiæ‡× ejv Disapprove, Condemn Endorse, Approve

Depressed (adj) gbgiv Dispirited, Dejected, Gloomy Elated, Cheerful

Despise (v) AeÁv, N„Yv Kiv Loathe, Abhor, Contempt, Disdain Admire, Esteem

Detrimental (adj) ÿwZKi Harmful, Injurious (ÿwZKi), Adverse Beneficial, Conducive

Didactic (adj) wkÿvg~jK Educational, Pedagogic

Din (n) ˆn-ˆP Clamor, Uproar, Hubbub Quiet, Silence
1) gZv‰bK¨ 1) Dispute, Conflict 1) Harmony, Agreement
Discord (n)
2) †emy‡iv 2) Cacophony 2) Consonance
Disparage (v) AeÁv Kiv, †nq Kiv Criticize, Belittle, Loathe, Detest Applaud, Admire, Praise
Disparity (n) Awgj Dissimilarity Harmony, Accord
Dispute (v) ZK© Kiv Contest, Contradict, Controvert Agree, Trust
Docile (adj) eva¨, ek gv‡b Ggb Obedient, Compliant Unruly, Disobedient
Dormant (adj) myß, mwµq Inactive, Sleeping Active, Awake
Dreadful (adj) fq¼i Terrible, Horrible, Tragic Delightful

Word Meanings Synonyms Antonym

Ecstasy (n) cigvb›`, D”Q¡vm Excessive joy, Rapture Unhappiness, Sorrow
Effortless (adj) mnR Facile, Easy, Simple Hard, Difficult, Complicated
Eligible (adj) g‡bvbq‡bi †hvM¨ Fit to be chosen, Suitable Ineligible
Eloquent (adj) evKcUz Persuasive, Oratorical, Rhetorical Inarticulate, Garbled
Enmity (n) kÎæZv, we‡Øl Animus, Hostility Amity, Friendship

Equivocal (adj) ب_©K, AwbwðZ Ambiguous, Vague, Cryptic Definite, Comprehensible
1) wbqgewnfy©Z 1) Abnormal, Irregular 1) Peculiar, Natural
Erratic (adj)
2) †Lqvwj 2) Capricious, Odd 2) Stable, Consistent
Eulogy (n) cÖksmvc~Y© Dw³ Encomium, Panegyric Criticism

Everlasting (adj) wPi¯’vqx, AbšÍ Eternal, Perpetual Ephemeral, Transient

1) AcÖvmw½K 1) Not Germane 1) Germane, Relevant
Extraneous (adj)
2) we‡`kx 2) Foreign, Alien, Exotic 2) Indigenous

Extravagant (adj) Ace¨qx Spendthrift, Costly, Exorbitant, Flamboyant Thrifty, Frugal, Penny pincher


Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Facilitate (v) mnRZi Kiv Expedite, Make easier, Simplify, Ease Hinder, Complicate
Favour (adj) Drmvn Ardor, Zeal Apathy (D`vmxbZv)
Feasible (adj) ev¯Íevqb †hvM¨ Practicable, Workable Impossible, Impractical
Fidelity (n) wek¦¯ÍZv, AvbyMZ¨ Loyalty, Integrity, Allegiance Perfidy (wek¦vmNvZKZv), Infidelity
Flimsy (adj) cvZjv Thin, Delicate Strong, Brawny
Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms
Flourishing (n) DbœwZ, mg„×kxj Prospering, Thriving Declining, Failing
Fluctuate (v) gbw¯’i bv nIqv Waver, Vacillate Remain Steady, Be resolute
Fragile (adj) f½yi Frangible, Brittle Durable
Furtive (adj) †Mvc‡b K…Z, †Pviv Stealthy, Clandestine, Crafty Unconcealed, Straightforward
Gallant (adj) mvnmx Brave, Valiant, Valorous, Audacious Craven, Fearful
Germane (adj) cÖvmw½K, h_vh_ Pertinent, Relevant Extraneous, Irrelevant
Gluttony (n) AwZ‡fvRb Voracity, Crapulence Dieting
Sociable, Friendly, Affable, Chummy,
Gregarious (adj) wgïK, m½wjáy Reclusive (wbR©bevmx)
Gullible (adj) wek¦vmcÖeY Over trusting, Credulous Suspicious (m‡›`nRbK), Untrusting

Harmonious (adj) kÖæwZgayi Melodious, Mellifluous Harsh (KK©k)

Haughty (adj) D×Z Arrogant, Disdainful, Proud, Insolent Humble, Modest

Hilarious (adj) nvwm Lywk Very Funny, Joyous Sad, Gloomy (welYœ)
Hinder (v) evav †`qv Hamper, Obstruct, Impede Facilitate, Expedite (myweavhy³)
Hindrance (n) evav, cÖwZeÜK Impediment, Obstacle Support, Aid
Hostile (adj) kÎæZvc~Y©, we‡ivax Spiteful, Antagonistic, Contumacious Friendly, Amicable

Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Ignoble (adj) Am¤§vbRbK, nxb Despicable, Humiliated Laudable, Splendid
Illusory (adj) AjxK, wg_¨v Deceptive, Delusive Real, True, Authentic

Immaculate (adj) LyuZnxb Impeccable, Spotless Unclean, Impure

Imperishable (adj) Awebk¦i, wPi¯’vqx Everlasting, Durable Evanescent

1) a„ó, D×Z 1) Impudent, Arrogant 1) Polite
Impertinent (adj)

Impertinent (adj)
2) AcÖvmw½K 2) Irrelevant, Extraneous 2) Pertinent, Germane

Impervious (adj) A‡f`¨ Impermeable, Impenetrable Vulnerable

Imprudent (adj) nVKvix, †ec‡ivqv Rash, Precipitate, Daredevil Cautious, Cognizant

Inane (adj) g~‡L©i gZ Foolish, Senseless Meaningful, Sensible

Incessant (adj) weivgnxb Ceaseless, Interminable, Unceasing Intermittent, Periodic, Sporadic

Indispensable (adj) Acwinvh© Essential, Mandatory, Pivotal Unnecessary, Throwaway

Indolent (adj) Ajm Lazy, Idle, Sluggish Industrious

Inhibit (v) evav †`qv Hinder, Prevent Allow, Permit
Inimical (adj) kÎæfvevcbœ Hostile, Antagonistic Friendly, Amiable
Insolent (adj) D×Z Arrogant, Haughty Respectful
Instigate (v) D¯‹vbx †`qv Provoke, Incite, Stimulate Discourage, Corrupt
Integrity (n) mZZv Honesty, Probity Corruption
Intimidate (v) fq †`Lv‡bv Frighten, Daunt Encourage
Intolerance (n) cigZ AmwnòzZv Bigotry (†Muvovgx) Broad-mindedness, Tolerance
Intrepid (adj) wbf©xK Fearless, Dauntless Coward, Craven
Ire (n) †µva Anger, Wrath, Rage Goodwill
Irritable (adj) wLUwL‡U Ill-tempered, Peevish Genial, Affable, Amiable


Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Jeer (v) we`ªƒc Kiv Deride, Mock, Taunt Applaud (evnev †`qv)
Jeopardy (n) wec` Danger, Peril Security, Safety
Jocund (adj) nvwmLykx, Avgy‡` Jovial, Jolly, Cheerful Sober, Grave (M¤¢xi)
Judicious (adj) wePÿY, Ávbx Sagacious, Sage, Prudent Rash, Foolhardy
1) m~²eyw×, PZzi 1) Astute, Shrewd 1) Blunt (¯’yj eyw×)
Keen (adj)
2) e¨MÖ 2) Eager, Enthusiastic 2) Indifferent (D`vmxb)

Lackluster (adj) wb®cÖf, wb®cÖvY Drab (GK †Nu‡q), Humdrum Vivacious, Lively
Praiseworthy, Complimentary,
Laudatory (adj) cÖksmvg~jK Blameworthy (wb›`bxq)
Lavish (adj) AwgZe¨qx Extravagant, Prodigal Thrifty (wgZe¨qx)
Linger (v) †`ix‡Z hvIqv Tarry, Loiter (†`ix Kiv) Leave hastily
Loath (adj) Awb”QzK, weiƒc Averse, Disinclined Enthusiastic, Avid
Loathe (v) AZ¨šÍ AcQ›` Kiv Abhor, Despise Like, Adore

Loquacious (adj) evPvj Talkative, Garrulous Taciturn, Reticent


Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Malice (n) AcKv‡ii B”Qv Malevolence, Spite, Rancor Benevolence
Malicious (adj) we‡Øl civqY Spiteful, Malevolent (Ag½j Kvgbv) Friendly

Mandatory (adj) AZ¨vek¨K Compulsory, Obligatory Voluntary

Massive (adj) e„n`vqZb Colossal, Titanic, Gigantic, Gargantuan Minute (†QvU), Midget, Puny (ÿz`ª)

Melancholy (adj) gbgiv Gloomy, Dejected (welbœ) Vivacious, Happy

Meager (adj) Aí, bMY¨, `yj©f Scanty, Paltry, Sparse Copious, Plentiful, Plenteous
Messy (adj) wek„•Lj, †bvsiv Cluttered, Littered Neat, Tidy

Meticulous (adj) LyuZLyu‡Z Painstaking, Fastidious, Scrupulous Careless, Slapdash, Perfunctory

Microscopic (adj) ÿz`ªvwZÿz`ª Infinitesimal, Minute Large, Immense

Miserable (adj) AZ¨šÍ `ytLx Crestfallen, Despondent Joyous, Happy

Misery (n) AZ¨šÍ `ytL Woe, Agony, Grief, Pain, Distress Happiness, Pleasure
Moderate (v) ZxeªZv n«vm Kiv Temper, Abate, Slacken Intensify, Tighten

Mollify (v) cÖkwgZ Kiv Appease, Assuage, Placate, Pacify, Soothe Exasperate, Irritate, Exacerbate

Momentous (adj) AwZ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Significant, Important Trivial, Unimportant

Monotonous (adj) GK‡Nu‡q Boring, Humdrum, Dull, Tedious Interesting, Engrossing

Nadir (n) wbgœZg we›`y Lowest Point , Bottom , Trough Apex, Zenith, Peak, Summit
Novice (n) bewkÿv_©x Learner, Tyro Master
Noxious (adj) ÿwZKi, aŸsmZ¥K Deleterious, Pernicious Wholesome, Advantageous


Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Obligatory (adj) eva¨Zvg~jK Compulsory, Imperative Voluntary, Optional

Obliterate (v) wbwðý Kiv Annihilate, Wipe out, Demolish Construct, Create
Obsolete (adj) †m‡K‡j, AcÖPwjZ Antiquated, Archaic, Outdated Up-to-date, Contemporary

Obstinate (adj) †R`x, GK¸u‡q Stubborn, Obdurate, Resolute Compliant, Submissive

Ominous (adj) fxwZKi, Aïf Threatening Propitious, Auspicious

Pacific (adj) kvšÍ, axiw¯’i Serene, Placid, Calm, Phlegmatic Agitated (weÿz×)
Pacify (v) kvšÍ Kiv Appease, Placate, Assuage, Mollify Enrage, Vex, Irk, Susceptible
Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms
Painstaking (adj) Kv‡R hZœkxj Thorough, Dedicated, Meticulous Negligent, Careless
Palatable (adj) my¯^v`y, iæwPKi Delicious, Tasty Disgusting (weiw³Ki)
Paltry (adj) bMY¨ Measly, Sparse Substantiate

Parsimonious (adj) wgZe¨qx Frugal, Thrifty, Sparing Extravagant, Spendthrift

Perilous (adj) wec¾bK Hazardous, Risky Safe, Inoffensive, Sure

Philanthropy (n) c‡ivcKvi, gvbe‡cÖg Charity, Munificence, Humanitarian Miserly (K…cY), Misanthrope
Placid (adj) kvšÍ Clam, Serene Turbulent (AkvšÍ)
1) kw³kvjx 1) Powerful, Formidable 1) Weak, Impotent
Potent (adj)
2) Kvh©Ki 2) Effective, Efficacious 2) Ineffectual

Pragmatic (adj) ev¯Íem¤§Z Practical, Realistic Idealistic

1) wbivcËvnxb 1) Perilous, Risky (SuywKc~Y©) 1) Safe (wbivc`)
Precarious (adj)
2) AwbwðZ 2) Uncertain (AwbwðZ) 2) Certain (wbwðZ)

Preposterous (adj) m¤ú~Y© A‡hŠw³K Ridiculous, Ludicrous Reasonable (†hŠw³K, hyw³m½Z)

Prodigal (adj) Ace¨qx Spendthrift, Wanton Temperate, Economical

1) Ordinary, Common, Commonplace

1) A¯^vfvweK 1) Extraordinary
Prodigious (adj) 2) Small, Minute

2) mywekvj 2) Gigantic, Mammoth Inane, Silly, Shallow, Gawky

Profound (adj) Mfxi Ávbc~Y© Wise, Sagacious, Sage 1) Scarce, Scantly, Meager
1) cÖPzi 1) Copious, Abundant, Numerous 2) Niggardly, Parsimonious
Profuse (adj) 2) Ace¨qx 2) Extravagant, Prodigal Sterile (eܨv), Barren (Abye©i)
Prolific (adj) cÖPzi Drcv`bkxj Proliferous, Proliferative Obscure, Undistinguished
Prominent (adj) cÖwm× Illustrious, Notable, Remarkable Sluggish, Slow, Tardy
Prompt (adj) `ªæZ Quick, Instantaneous, Active, Alert 1) Reduce (n«vm Kiv), Diminish
1) eskwe¯Ívi Kiv 1) Multiply, Reproduce 2) Hush up (Kɇiva Kiv)
Propagate (v)
2) cÖPvi Kiv 2) Disseminate, Proclaim, Promulgate Exciting, Captivating, Interesting
Prosaic (adj) MZvbyMwZK, GK‡Nu‡q Humdrum, Vapid, Pedestrian, Mundane

Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Reckless (adj) †ec‡ivqv Desperate, Devil-may-care Wary, Prudent, Cautious
Reconcile (v) Avcm Kiv Conciliate, Restore, Negotiate Alienate (ewn®‹vi Kiv)

Refreshing (adj) mRxeKviK Invigorating, Reviving Tiring (K¬vwšÍKi)

Refute (v) hyw³ LÐb Kiv Disapprove, Confute, Rebut Prove, Confirm, Accept
Relinquish (v) `vex/c`Z¨vM Kiv Abdicate, Cede to ,Renounce, Repudiate Retain , Seize, Avow, Claim
Renovate (v) †givgZ K‡i bZz‡bi gZ Kiv Revamp, Refurbish, Reconstruct, Damage, Destroy
Repent (v) Aby‡kvPbv Kiv Be penitent, Be contrite, Rue Remorseless
Reprove (v) wZi¯‹vi Kiv Rebuke, Chide, Censure, Criticize Praise, Commend, Extol
Repudiate (v) A¯^xKvi Kiv Disclaim, Disavow, Reject, Rebuff Recognize (¯^xK…wZ †`qv)
Reservation (n) wØav-Ø›Ø Hesitancy, Niggle, Misgiving Confidence

Resolution (n) `„pZv, `„pmsKí Determination, Perseverance Vacillation, Oscillation

Revoke (v) evwZj Kiv, i` Kiv Repeal, Annul, Abolish, Quash Sanctify, Accredit, Ratify
Risk (adj) SuywK, wec` Jeopardy, Danger Safety
Ruthless (adj) wbg©g Callous, Merciless, Cruel Kind, Tender (†mœnc~Y©)


Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Salutary (adj) ¯^v¯’¨Ki Salubrious, Wholesome, Healthful Deleterious, Harmful
Sanguine (adj) Avkvev`x Optimistic, Hopeful Pessimistic, Doubtful
Scanty (adj) ¯^í, `y®cÖvc¨ Sparse, Scant, Meager, Rare (mvgvb¨) Copious, Plentiful, Plenteous
Scorn (v) AeÁv Kiv Despise, Disdain, Scold Esteem, Admire
Serene (adj) kvšÍ Tranquil, Halcyon, Placid, Calm Rough (weÿz×), Bustling
Shabby (adj) RxY©-kxY© Threadbare, Ragged, Derelict, Unsavory New, Neat, Tidy
Slander (v) Kzrmv iUbv Kiv Vilify, Defame (wb›`v Kiv) Eulogize, Extol, Laud
Slump (v) K‡g hvIqv Dip, Decline Increase, Rise

Sophisticated (adj) RwUj, AvaywbK Complicated, Complex Simple, Old-fashioned

Squander (v) AcPq Kiv Dissipate, Waste (AcPq) Save, Hoard (mÂq Kiv)
Steadfast (adj) `„p, Auj Unwavering (APÂj), Stable, Strict Wavering, Oscillating

Superficial (adj) fvmv fvmv Cursory, Perfunctory Thorough (cyOLvbycy•L)

Sycophant (adj) PvUzKvi Flatter, Fawner Dignified person

Tentative (adj) wbwðZ bq, A¯’vqx Not final, Unconfirmed Final, Conclusive
Thrifty (adj) wgZe¨qx Economical, Frugal Extravagant, Spendthrift
Timorous (adj) fxiæ Timid, Pusillanimous Intrepid, Fearless, Audacious
Torpid (adj) wb‡¯ÍR Listless, Lethargic Energetic, Vigorous
Tortuous (adj) AvuKveuvKv, mwc©j Winding, Sinuous, Meandering Straight (†mvRv, mij), Direct
Tranquil (adj) kvšÍ Unruffled, Unperturbed, Calm Restless


Word Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Unconscious (adj) Ae‡PZb Senseless, Insensate Conscious, Aware, Cautious

Unwary (adj) Amveavb Heedless, Rash Circumspect, Discreet

Vague (adj) A¯úó Indefinite, Imprecise Clear-cut, Specific
Valor (n) mvnm Bravery, Fortitude Cowardice
Vigor (n) Rxebxkw³ Verve, Vim, Energy Lethargy (AmviZv)
1) cÖvYešÍ 1) Lively, Vibrant 1) Lethargic (wb‡¯ÍR)
Vital (adj)
2) ¸iæZ¡c~Y© 2) Important, Crucial 2) Trivial (Zz”Q)
Wilt (v) ïwK‡q hvIqv Wither, Droop, Shrivel, Dry up Bloom (cyw®úZ nIqv)
Wordy (adj) kãeûj Verbose, Prolix Succinct, Concise
Wrinkle (adj) fuvR cov Crease, Pucker Smooth (gm„Y)
Zeal (adj) cÖej AvMÖn Fervor, Enthusiasm, Ardor, Passion Apathy, Indifferent
Zenith (n) kxl©we›`y Pinnacle, Acme, Summit, Vertex Nadir, Bottom

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