Chuuya Nakahara - Dog Days

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Chuuya Nakahara- Dog Days

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Relationship: Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Character: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Yosano Akiko (Bungou
Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Chuuya turned into a dog, Soukoku | Double Black (Bungou Stray
Dogs), First bsd fanfic, Nakahara Chuuya-centric (Bungou Stray Dogs),
Nakahara Chuuya Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), Bungou stray
dogs wan! references
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-09-08 Words: 6,612 Chapters: 1/1

Chuuya Nakahara- Dog Days

by The_Red_Bandit


During a solo mission Chuuya gets hit with an ability turning him into a dog! There's only
one person he knows who could reverse it. Unfortunately Dazai can't speak dog so Chuuya
has to somehow convince him who he truly is.

((Nakahara Chuuya Wan!)) I changed the title


Chuuya looks like the dog version of himself from episode 1 of Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!

Rain was coming down hard. He could hear it thrumming hard on the roof and windows while
wind howled through the hallways of the abandoned building. He was investigating possible
hideouts of a new organization that’s been involved in several kidnappings, they could only assume
human trafficking though they had no evidence of it. From the reports they seem to have an ability
user, so in the Port mafia’s best interest they had to investigate to deem them a threat or not. Of
course whether or not they were a threat they’d still dispose of them. A high pitch noise echoed
through the hallway causing Chuuya to stop in his tracks. “That sounded like a dog….” Chuuya
mumbles to himself. He shakes his head and keeps moving. It was probably just a stray sheltering
from the rain.

‘Focus on the mission. Worry about the dog later,’ he thought to himself.

Chuuya found himself making his way downstairs. Suddenly he caught the sound of whimpers and
barking, it was coming from where Chuuya was headed. It sounded like a whole kennel down here.
His eyes narrow as he cautiously makes his way down. A locked door. Chuuya holds the doorknob
and uses his gravity to swiftly break the handle and push the door open. His eyes widen at the
sight. Cages lined the walls. There were so many. All the dogs seemed to pause for a moment
before they erupted in barks and scrabbled at the mesh of their cages. All their focus on Chuuya
now. Chuuya walks in and looks at the dogs. His fist clenches angrily. To say Chuuya was a dog
person was an understatement. He loved dogs. To see them like this, all very underfed and their fur
unkempt. His fury burned brighter when he caught site of dried blood matting the fur on the top of
ones head, as if it had been struck.

“Those bastards,” he growls as he kneeled to inspect the injured one he had caught sight of. “I’ll
get all you guys out of here.”

The dogs had quieted down slightly but their barks suddenly got loud and frantic again. The one in
front of Chuuya was focused on something behind him. It had its ears laid back and was growling,
tail tucked between its legs in fright. Chuuya turned his head and slowly stood. “So, you’re the
mastermind here I presume?” he says in a dangerously low voice.

“Who are you?” the newcomer demands. Chuuya turned to fully see them. They didn’t look all too
impressive. Quite lanky, messy brown hair, glasses with a crack going through one of the lenses,
he was holding his hand forward. No weapon. This must be the ability user. To say the least,
Chuuya wasn’t a fan of being threatened with an ability he didn’t know. However, they’d be dead
soon so it didn’t matter.

“I don’t converse with animal abusers,” Chuuya growls taking a step forward. A red hue appearing
around his body. The floor cracks under his foot.

The man seemed to stiffen. In his panic his hand flowed bright yellow. As Chuuya was about to
move out of the way he hesitated.

‘Shit, the dogs.’

He didn’t know what this ability user could do. His love for dogs caused his hesitation, if he
moved then the dogs behind him…. He didn’t have time to react before a searing pain enveloped
his body. His vision turned blurry and he collapsed. Next thing he knew was darkness and pain.

Chuuya wasn’t unconscious for long. He blinked his eyes open slowly and looked to see the man
still standing in the same spot. Panting and staring down at him. He seemed to have relaxed a bit.
Did he really think that was enough to beat him? He was only out for a couple seconds.

That’s when Chuuya notices. Why did everything seem so big….and….why was he clothes
slumped around him. He brings his hand up….no…his paw? Oh no…

‘What did you do to me!!!’ Chuuya yells. It comes out as a high pitched barking. He tries to
activate his ability but to no avail.

The man lets out a small relieved laugh. “Okay, good. You seemed dangerous.” His reaches into a
drawer and pulls out a needle. He moves towards Chuuya. “Now, be a good doggy and go to
sleep,” he reaches down to grab Chuuya.
Chuuya’s heart drums in his chest. Not good. He notices the mans mistake. The door is left ajar
slightly. He bolts under the mans legs. But is suddenly pulled back with a choke as the man swiftly
grabs the choker that was still dangling on his neck. Chuuya gags but manages to slip out of it
before he could fully restrain him. He makes a run for the door. Awkwardly making his way up the
steps. He hears the man rummage for something, sending out a string of curses. As Chuuya reaches
the top step he can hear the man start to chase.

Chuuya runs through the door, which thankfully had broken hinges. The rain soaked through his
fur immediately as he when outside. What an awful feeling. It felt like he was being weighed down
by his own skin. He tried to ignore it as his paws hit pavement and he rain through the empty
street. A shot rang out and a spark erupted from the road dangerously close to him. So he was just
going to kill him then. Chuuya picked up the pace. Luckily, he seemed a lot faster than the man
chasing him. He was about to turn the corner when another shot echoed through the street and a
searing pain hit Chuuya’s hind leg. He let out a pained yelp and tumbled to the ground. His vision
started to go blurry. He was out of sight from the man but he could hear his footsteps getting
closer. Fighting through the unbearable pain in his leg he manages to pull himself into a small
crack behind a dumpster just as a car runs by. He could hear the car stop and the person inside
yelling out to the ability user, asking if he needed a lift anywhere. Chuuya pulls himself far into the
crack and collapses. His breathing unsteady. He forces himself to stay awake. If he falls asleep he
might not wake up.

After what feels like forever, Chuuya can finally start to think straight.

‘So, that didn’t go how I planned it,’ he twists his head and inspects himself. He was a small dog.
Though Chuuya can’t see his face, he has no idea what breed. His fur was a light cream colour. He
could see orange fur drooping in front of his eyes(he looks like the bsd Wan dog version of him
obviously without the clothes). ‘fuck what do I do,’ he whines quietly then he lifts his head. ‘Wait!
Dazai’s nullifying ability! Perfect, finally that shithead is useful for something,’ of course he
doesn’t mean that. He’s actually always been pretty grateful for at least Dazai’s ability. He pulls
himself to his feet/paws. Testing his hindfoot on the ground, he winces as the pain shoots though
his whole body. He decides to keep that foot off the ground and his limps toward where he came
in. He pauses by the entrance and waits a while. Once he’s sure that the man isn’t still lingering
around he limps out into the rain. He would wait the rain out but it was showing no signs of
stopping and he wasn’t sure how much longer he can last with this injury. He starts limping in the
direction he thinks the agency is. Being this small is disorienting him a bit, the rain isn’t helping.

It took a lot longer than he was expecting to finally started getting close. It was just around the
corner now. Chuuya had to practically force himself to keep going. He’d had to take too many
breaks. His tails drooping and his head down he turned the corner. He could see the agency.
Involuntarily his tail started wagging excitedly. He puts on a burst of speed. Still limping he makes
his way to the building. It was morning now. Still raining, it started to get a little brighter. Chuuya
reaches the stairs and is about to put his first paw up when he stops.

‘What am I thinking…I can’t let Dazai see me like this. I’m a fucking dog. He’d never let me hear
the end of it,’ his wagging tail dropped again. He turns and starts limping away. All his energy
suddenly sapped from him and exhaustion finally catching up, he doesn’t make it far before his
head swims and he collapses.

He hears a shout and someones footsteps sloshing towards him. Chuuya weakly raises his head and
growls. Trying to back away. Logical thought leaving him, his mind too clouded with pain.

Through his blurred vision he sees a head of silver hair. He can feel himself being picked up and
rushed up the stairs. There’s a second sound of footsteps with him. Chuuya tried to squirm out of
his grasp but quickly slumps in defeat. He’s too tired to fight. He lets his head rest on the arm of his

“It sure is coming down isn’t it Kyouka,” Atsushi says, the two were on their way to work.
Kyouka just nods in response. They both stop when the front of the agency comes into view. A
little dog was walking along the sidewalk. “A stray?” The dog was clearly limping, it suddenly
toppled sideways. “It’s hurt!” Atsushi runs toward it. Kyouka left to follow with their umbrella.

The dog looked at him as he neared and growled. Atsushi kneels down. “Shh it’s okay, don’t be
scared,” he says gently. He reaches out and carefully picks up the dog and holds it to his chest. He
looks at Kyouka. “Let’s get it inside,” he says and stands up. They both hurry inside. Atsushi looks
down at the little dog. It was soaked through. Its back leg stained in blood.

Atsushi opens the door to the office. Kunikida looks up. “You’re la-…what is that?” he looks
down at the dog. “Don’t tell me you found another stray. Atsushi you can’t go bringing in every
cat or dog you find,” he scolds.

“It’s hurt. And it’s pouring out. It’d die if we had left it. Is Yosano here?”

“I’m here,” Yosano walks towards them. Her eyes went down to the bloodied dog. “You know I’m
not a vet right?”

“Please, just…take a look at its injury,” he looked on the verge of tears. He didn’t want the dog to

Yosano stares at him for a moment before sighing. “Fine, follow me.” She leads him to her office.
“Sit on the table and hold it while I check it’s leg,” she instructs. Atsushi nods and sits up on the
table while Yosano starts cleaning away the blood to get a look at the injury. She frowns. “This is a
bullet wound…”

Atsushi immediately pales. “A bullet wound…S-someone shot it? Who would do that? It’s just a
little dog!”

Yosano sighs and starts gathering some supplies. She comes over with tweezers. “There’s a lot of
sick people in this world. This dog is honestly lucky it’s alive. Hold it tight. I have to get the bullet

Atsushi nods and holds the dog tightly. It seemed to stir a bit. As soon as Yosano started poking at
the wound the dog yelped and started squirming. Trying to claw its way out of Atsushi’s grip.
Eventually It seemed to give up and pressed itself roughly against Atsushi, breathing in rapidly as
Yosano dug around for the bullet. Once it was out she cleaned the wound again and disinfected it
before wrapping it up.

“That should do for now. I’m surprised. It was rather well behaved for me having to dig a bullet
out of its leg,” she disposed of her gloves and moved to pet the doggy who immediately snapped at
her and growled. She pulled her hand away. “Okay I take it back. Not well behaved.” She goes to
her sink and tosses a towel at atsushi. “Dry it up before it gets sick.”

It wasn’t the first time Chuuya had to have a bullet dug out of him. The pain startled him at first
but once he knew what was happening he tried to control his breathing. The bullet being out felt
like such a big relief. He slumped against whoever was holding him. He still hadn’t bothered to
look. He felt a hand brush his hair and he instinctively snapped his jaws at it. He may be a dog
right now but he was not going to be reduced to such humiliation. He watches the doctor walk
towards a sink and throw a towel at Atsushi who immediately started drying off Chuuya’s wet fur.
Chuuya became painfully aware of the fact that he was shivering like crazy. He must look pathetic.
Chuuya closed his eyes and let the boy dry him. It did feel a bit nice. And it was warming him up
so he didn’t fight it. After a bit he felt the towel wrap around him. Chuuya looked up at the person
holding him. Only now seeing it was the were-tiger.

As soon as they left the doctors office all eyes in the room turned to him. Chuuya felt hot under his
pelt in embarrassment. At least they didn’t know it was him.

“Ew, What an ugly rat.”

Chuuya stiffens at the voice and looks to the side to see Dazai standing with his hands tucked in his
pockets. Staring at him with a look of disgust.

“Don’t be mean. It’s not a rat, it’s a dog. And it’s cute,” Atsushi argues.

“I dunno, looks like a rat to me,” Dazai reaches forward to poke him.

Chuuya’s eyes widen and he yelps. Fighting to get away from him. ‘Not here! Don’t touch me
here!’ he hadn’t forgotten that his clothes were left behind at the abandoned building and he was
not in the mood to transform back in front of the entirety of the detective agency. Fortunately
Atsushi moved to shield him from Dazai.

“You’re scaring her!” Atsushi says.

‘Say that again, punk?!’ Chuuya kicks himself out of Atsushi’s hold and lands on the floor. He
stumbles when he lands but quickly regains himself. He freezes and looks up at the person
standing over him. The black haired man adjusts his glasses and glares at Chuuya with piercing
green eyes. It felt like he was looking through his soul. The man squats down and pokes the dogs
forehead. “Where did you get this?” he doesn’t stop looking at Chuuya, who is frozen under his

“Outside the agency. Oh I know, Ranpo-san. Maybe you can help find out where it’s owners are?”
Atsushi asks.

Ranpo stares at the dog for another long moment before standing up. “I’m not interested. What a
boring case. Do it yourself,” all intensity leaves his eyes and he heads back to his desk. Chuuya
stares at him. What a creepy guy, he shudders.

The day goes by and Chuuya spends it lurking around Dazai. Trying to figure out how to get him to
nullify the ability plaguing him. Finally Chuuya finds an idea. He barks at Dazai, who looked
down at him disinterested. “Atsushi your mutt is bothering me,” he whines. Chuuya grabs Dazai’s
pant leg in his teeth and pulls only to have Dazai shake him off.

Chuuya barks again. Runs to the door, scratches it, before running back to Dazai and pulling at his
leg again. ‘get the hint idiot!’ Chuuya inwardly yells at him.

Kunikida sighs. “Dazai since you’re the only one not doing work take the dog out to pee. I don’t
want it relieving itself on the floor.”

“But…” Dazai started to argue and looks down at Chuuya. Chuuya glares at him and lifts his leg,
as if threatening to do his thing on Dazai’s pants. “Fine! Ugh come on, stupid dog,” he grumbles
and stands up. Chuuya runs to the door ahead of him.

‘Hurry up!’ he barks. He turns in a circle and runs out as soon as the door is opened. He runs to the
stairs and barks for dazai to follow and runs up the stairs.

“Hey! Downstairs not upstairs! Ugh this is why I hate dogs,” Dazai groans and runs after him.

Chuuya runs all the way up to the roof and waits for Dazai. ‘Finally, hurry up Mackerel, I’m
waiting!’ his tail wags as he watches Dazai step onto the roof with him. He leans against the wall.

“Okay fine. Go on and do it.” He watches Chuuya expectantly. Chuuya runs up to Dazai and
touches his leg. Nothing. He puts both his paws up. Nothing. Chuuya whines in frustration. Maybe
he had to touch him with his hand? This was humiliating. Chuuya barks at him and rolls onto his
back, he paws the air.

‘I’m a fucking dog! Pet me!’ he growls when Dazai just stares at him. ‘What’s wrong with this
idiot. Imagine not petting every dog when given the chance,’ chuuya rolls back onto his stomach.
He stares at Dazai before sitting down.

Dazai looks away. After a while Chuuya whines at him. Maybe if he annoyed him enough? Dazai
lets out an exasperated sigh and crouches down. “God you’re so annoying, like a certain hatrack I
know,” he reaches down and grabs Chuuya by the scruff and picks him up.

‘Finally!’ Chuuya waits but nothing happens. ‘What? What?! Why am I not turning back?!’
Chuuya yelps. He squirms out of his grasp and jumps up into his lap and reaches up. He pats
Dazai’s face with his paws. ‘Why is nothing happening?! Don’t tell me he has to nullify it from the

“Hey what the fuck! Get off me!” Dazai grabs Chuuya and holds him out at arms length. He glares
at Chuuya. He tilts his head. “You kind of look like the hatrack too. Heh, maybe I’ll call you
Chibi. Maybe my dream has finally come true and Chuuya has been turned into my dog for real,”
he jokes.

‘If only you knew, bastard.’

Dazai sets him down. Chuuya is about to go back inside when he stops. ‘Oh shit,’ he looks around.
then up at Dazai. ‘yeah no way am I letting you see me,’ he runs behind the wall and does his
business out of Dazai’s line of vision. Dazai stares at him as he comes back and lets out a chuckle.

“A dog who wants privacy. Hilarious. Come on Chibi. Let’s go back inside before you start to
stink again,” he goes back inside. Chuuya reluctantly follows him.

Chuuya spend the rest of the day lying on the couch, watching Dazai. He’ll have to find a way to
tell him who he is or else he won’t help him turn back. His ear twitches as he hears someone
approach. He lifts his head to see Atsushi walking over to him carrying two bowls. He lays them
on the ground and pats the ground for him to come down. Chuuya’s stomach growls. He was
starving. He gets up and jumps down. He sniffs the bowl of food and recoils in disgust. Dog food.
Just great. He refused to eat that, dog or not. He turned to the other bowl and started lapping up the
water thirstily. He hadn’t realized how dry his throat was. He drinks the entire thing. Not even
noticing the hand stroking his back. Once he’s done drinking he barks at Atsushi as thanks and
trots over to Dazai. He had to start working on getting Dazai to recognize him. He was NOT eating
dog food. Chuuya jumps up on Dazai’s lap. His fur wasn’t gross and wet now at least.
“Atsushi-kun!!! Your fucking dog!” Dazai yells.

“He seems to really like you Dazai-san. Why do you hate him so much?” at least he wasn’t calling
him a girl now. He must have seen him lift his leg earlier to threaten Dazai. “Besides, weren’t you
the one who gave him a name, maybe you’re just pretending to hate him,” Atsushi challenges.

“Yeah right, I couldn’t care less about it,” Dazai huffs. Chuuya had gotten up on the desk. He was
looking down at all Dazai’s paperwork. He looks unimpressed. None of it was done. One sheet
was folded into a paper airplane. Chuuya pulls it closer and starts awkwardly flattening it out of its
unnatural shape.

‘Idiot, do your fucking work,’ he grumbles to himself. He picks up the crumbles paper in his
mouth and drops it in Dazai’s lap.

Kunikida chuckles from his desk. “Even the dog wants you to do your work. Maybe we should
keep him around.” He looks over at the bowls that Atsushi had laid down. “Did he eat anything?”

“No, he sniffed it but didn’t touch it. He drank all the water though,” Atsushi says.

Kunikida stands up and goes over to the bowl. He picks up the bag of food and inspects it. “Weird,
it’s got all the right nutrients in it. There’s no reason he wouldn’t like it.” He turns and heads to the
kitchen. “Atsushi, come give me a hand,” he calls.

“uhm okay….Dazai-san, watch Chibi until I’m back,” he calls as he follows Kunikida out of the

Dazai sighs and looks back at the dog. Nobody else was in the room. He reaches out and rests a
hand on Chuuya’s head. Gently rubbing by his ear. Chuuya stiffens in shock. Dazai was petting

“You really do remind me of Chuuya,” he hums softly. “So I guess I can’t completely hate you.”

Chuuya looks up at him with wide eyes. He didn’t notice that his own tail was wagging. They stay
like that for a while before a pleasant aroma fills the room. Chuuya’s stomach growls. He sniffs
the air and sees Kunikida and Atsushi coming back in. Kunikida kneels and places a bowl on the
floor. Chuuya sniffs and jumps off the table. He approaches the bowl cautiously. It does smell
good…he sniffs and before he knows it he’s gobbling up the food. It doesn’t last very long.

Kunikida sighs in relief and stands up.

“Wow Kunikida-san. How’d you know how to make dog food?”

“I know how to do a lot of things. I’ll give you the recipe.”

“Thank you,” Atsushi smiles.

Chuuya finishes the bowl. He stares at the bowl in disappointment at it being empty. Chuuya turns
and goes back to Dazai. He sits under the desk for the rest of the day. He hates all the stares he
gets. At least under here they won’t try giving him any attention. He doesn’t realize when he starts
to doze off until Dazai stands up. “Alright I’m gone, see you guys tomorrow.” He starts to leave.
Chuuya stands up and hurries after him. He has to go with Dazai. As much as he hates him, and he
hates himself for having to embarrass himself like this but he was his only shot at going back to

He bumps into Dazai’s leg when the tall man stops abruptly. He looks down at the dog at his feet.
He makes a disgusted face and nudges him back with his foot. “Stay,” he says sternly and starts
leaving again. Chuuya glares at him and follows. “No! Atsushi-kun can you come get him?” Dazai
sighs. Chuuya growls and head butts Dazai’s leg. Trying to hurt him but he just bounces back.

“Sorry Dazai-san,” Atsushi hurries over and bends down to pick him up. Chuuya runs behind
Dazai and growls at Atsushi.

‘Sorry kid. You’re real nice but I need to go with this bastard,’ Chuuya barks at Atsushi.

Atsushi frowns. “I think he wants to go with you Dazai-san.”

“Yeah not a chance,” Dazai frowns.

‘You don’t get a choice, I’m coming with you,’ Chuuya growls

“Take it with you Dazai,” Ranpo cuts in suddenly. It sounded like an order.

Dazai and Atsushi looks at Ranpo in surprise. He was looking down at the dog.

Dazai looks back down at Chuuya and groans. “Fine. But if it pees in my apartment then you’re
coming over to clean it up Atsushi-kun.” He opens the door and walks out. He doesn’t wait for

Chuuya was staring at Ranpo. Something was off about that one. He snaps out of it and hurries
after Dazai. ‘Finally,’ he sighs. They make their way to Dazai’s apartment. Dazai opens the door
and lets Chuuya go in. The apartment was unkempt but also rather empty. Chuuya walks in and
looks around. Not helping himself and sniffing around looking for something that could help him
tell Dazai who he was. Dazai walks into the apartment, immediately ignoring Chuuya and going
into his bathroom. Chuuya watches him close the door and continues his search. It’s hard to look
around at this height. He jumps up onto the bed and he stops. On his nightstand was two pictures.
One of three men, one being Dazai, the others Ango Sakaguchi and Oda Sakunosuke. The other
one is what shook Chuuya the most. It was…him…and Dazai. The Chuuya in the picture was
asleep. Head leaning on Dazai’s shoulder. Dazai was throwing a peace sign to the camera. They
looked to be on a train. Chuuya put his paws up on the nightstand and was reaching over to the
picture trying to pull it closer.

Dazai comes out to see him. he freezes. “Hey! No! Down!” he runs towards Chuuya, startling him
so he loses his footing his paw knocks the picture down, Chuuya follows after it. Landing on the
floor with a painful thud. Dazai quickly kneels and picks up the picture frame, examining it
frantically before he relaxes and sighs as he finds it not broken. Chuuya shakes himself. He looks
at Dazai, who turned to him angrily. He taps Chuuya on the nose. “Bad! Bad dog!”

Chuuya recoils and shakes his head in discomfort. He growls at Dazai but stops. Suddenly feeling a
pang of guilt as he watches Dazai gently brush off the frame and placing it back up on its spot. He
had no idea Dazai had a picture of him. It kind of made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.

“Why did I agree to this?” Dazai sighs. He looks down when chuuya puts a paw on his leg.
Chuuya stares into Dazai’s eyes.

‘It’s me Mackerel...What do I have to do to convince you,’

“I wonder why Ranpo wanted me to take you,” Dazai hums, poking Chuuya’s cheek. “You’d have
a lot more fun with Atsushi and Kyouka,” he stands up.

Chuuya watches as he goes to the kitchen. He turns and snoops around more. He makes his way to
Dazai’s closet. Not much. He’s about to turn when something catches his eye and he turns back to
investigate. It was a pile of books. Chuuya feels like he’s seen them before. He noses past a pile of
dirty clothes that obscured his view. Of course! Chuuya picks up one of the volumes in his mouth
and bounds to the kitchen with it. Dazai looks over when he hears him come in.

“What do you have?” he frowns and kneels down as Chuuya drops the book so it falls open. “One
of my journals?” the book depicts all his grievances with Chuuya. (Reference to Bsd Wan)

Chuuya studies the page and finds his name and puts his paw by it. He wags his tail and barks at

Dazai reaches to take the book away from Chuuya but Chuuya snaps at his hand and growls. He
barks more urgently and stamps his paw over the name again.

Dazai finally sees where his paw is. Gears start turning in his head, He moves his hand slowly and
slides the book to the side. Chuuya barks in annoyance as his paw is forced to move off the page
and he moves so both his paws are holding the book in place and stamps his paw on the name
again and barks again.

“I hope I’m going crazy. You’re not actually Chuuya are you?” Dazai squints at him.

Chuuya’s tail wags and he patters his front paws excitedly and barks again. ‘Yes! It’s me!’

A smile slowly creeps onto Dazai’s face. “That would explain a lot,” he hums thoughtfully. “And
if my little Chu Chu were to become a dog of course he’d be a tiny little scrap like you. And you
have been following me around, Chuuya is my dog already after all~”

Chuuya growls, his small body practically vibrating with anger.

Dazai reaches down and picks him up. “You do act like him, but…if you were my Chuuya then
you’d be changing back, assuming this is the work of an ability user. Unless I have to touch the
user who did this…”

‘Don’t you think I don’t know that?!’ Chuuya whines.

Dazai watches him. “If you’re Chuuya…” he looks around. “Don’t get mad at me, I’m assuming
you’d be able to understand me. I’m gonna make you do some things to prove it. God this is stupid.
At least if it’s not you nobody ever has to know I’m even considering this.” He puts him down.

‘Fine but don’t make me do anything stupid,’ Chuuya looks up at him.

“Uhm…You could be a trained dog so I’ll have to make it difficult. First I guess go put this book

‘Wait first? I guess he needs to make sure,’ Chuuya picks up the book and takes it back to where
his found it before looking at Dazai expectantly. ‘Okay now what?’

Dazai watches Chuuya for a moment. His eyes drift to the bandages on his leg. “Okay, go to the
bathroom. There’s bandages in the drawer under the sink. The side close to the toilet so you can
hop up. I think you can manage to open it. Go get one roll for me.”

‘Oddly specific but I guess it’s smart. No ordinary dog would understand that. Chuuya turns and
heads to where he saw Dazai go into the bathroom earlier. He can feel Dazai’s eyes watching him
go. Chuuya steps inside. He looks up at the cupboards and spots the drawer Dazai was talking
about. He hops onto the toilet seat and now was the tricky part. ‘How the fuck does he expect me
to open this?’ he curses.

Chuuya makes many attempts and fails most of them. Pawing at the side or trying to reach the
handle. Finally his claw catches the side and the draw opens ever so slightly. But enough for him
to adjust himself and push it open. ‘Yes!’ his tail wags and he jumps onto the counter. The drawer
was stocked full of bandages. Chuuya manages to grab one in his mouth and hop down onto the
toilet and back to the floor. Feeling oddly proud of himself he trots back to Dazai with his head up
and tail wagging. He drops it at Dazai’s feet and looks up at him.

Dazai blinks at him. “I…So you really are Chuuya? Like for real?”

Chuuya nods his head. ‘that’s what I’ve been saying!’

Dazai covers his mouth and lets out a laugh. “Seriously? No joke? I guess you are my dog already
so it really does make sense that you’d run to find me,” he chuckles. “And you were so attached to
me while I was at work~ How cute~” he purrs, reaching out and pets Chuuya on the head.

Chuuya’s face heats up in embarrassment. He ducks his head away from Dazai’s hand and barks
angrily. ‘This is serious! This isn’t really the time to be joking!’

“Here, let me change your bandages,” he picks up the roll Chuuya brought and pats the floor for
Chuuya to lie down.

Chuuya hesitates before lying down and stretching his leg out for Dazai to unwrap the bandages
and apply new ones.

“Would also explain why some random dog came in with a bullet lodged in its leg,” he hums as he
wraps his leg. “Sorry it took me so long to notice.”

Chuuya looks at him in surprise. When Dazai was finished he stands up. “Puppy wanna go for a
walk?” he coos. Chuuya growls in response to the puppy talk but Dazai ignores him and heads to
the door. “Come on, let’s get you back to normal chibi height. You remember where you got
turned into a dog?”

Chuuya gets up and hurries after him. ‘of course I do.’

Dazai lets Chuuya lead the way. Stars are starting to shine in the sky as the last of the rays of sun
fall behind the buildings. They walk for over 2 hours before they finally stop in front of the old

“You walked all that way in a hurricane and with a bullet in your leg? That’s my Chibi for ya. And
all just so he can see me.”

Chuuya isn’t listening, His ears are pricked for any sounds coming from the building. He carefully
steps inside. Sniffing around. He hears Dazai follow him. Chuuya heads over to the stairs and waits
at the top for Dazai before heading down ahead of him. The door is left slightly open. Chuuya
pushes it open more with his nose enough so he can make his way in. As soon as he’s in something
catches him around the neck and tightens painfully against his skin. Chuuya yelps as he’s pulled
inside. He struggles against it but that only causes it the tighten further. The wire is attached to a
metal pole, the man with the glasses is holding it. He swings Chuuya to hit one of the cages,
successfully knocking the remaining breath out of him and stunning him. He presses the tip of the
pole to the ground so Chuuya is stuck on his side, no room to even twist himself to stand. The man
is panting now. “Heh…you came back. You know I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Who
would have thought you’d come right back.”
“Lot of dogs you’ve got here,” Dazai whistles as he walks in, ever so casually. He looks down at
Chuuya, who’s starting to pant as his struggles weaken. “I’d like to kindly ask you to release my
dog however. He doesn’t like his movements being restricted so much.”

“Your dog? No sir you’ve got it wrong. This dog is mine. He ran away just last night… He’s very
naughty,” he shakes the pole roughly, earning a yelp from Chuuya.

Dazai narrows his eyes. “I won’t ask you again. Hurt my dog one more time and you won’t be
leaving this building alive,” he takes out a gun and points it at the man.

The man stiffens at the sight of the gun. He had assumed that Dazai had just been some civilian
who picked up a stray and decided to keep it. He was not expecting him to have any weapons.

He holds his hand out to Dazai, glowing yellow. With no hesitation he shoots Dazai with his
ability. Dazai stands there and smirks at him. “So that’s it huh? Sorry but that doesn’t work on
me,” he looks around at the other dogs in the room. And I assume these aren’t actually dogs either.
They’re people you’ve turned into dogs.”

“Wh-who are you?” the man steps back fearfully. Trying to shoot Dazai again with his ability,
which of course has no reaction.

A pained whine from Chuuya is all Dazai needs before he swiftly shoots the hand holding the pole.
It clatters to the ground. The wire loosens in Chuuya’s neck and Dazai moves forward as fast as
lightening and roundhouse kicks the guys face sending him spiralling to the ground with a broken
nose. Dazai grabs the mans forehead. His ability activates upon contact and next he knows he hears
a rough coughing sound behind him. Dazai presses two fingers to the guys neck, knocking him
unconscious with a pressure point. He turns, noticing the people in the cages watching with wide
eyes. Dazai ignores them and goes to kneel by Chuuya who was trying to get air back in his lungs.
He gently takes the wire off his neck, noticing the red indent where it had been strangling him
moments before. He takes his coat off and lays it on top of Chuuya while he recovers. Gently
ruffling his ex-partners hair before taking his phone out and making a call. Once he’s done he
looks at the people. “Special authorities are coming. I ask you to cooperate with them and answer
their questions, “ he starts to pick the locks to the cages setting the people free.

Dazai’s eyes drift to a trash can in the corner of the room. He bends down and picks up the hat and
the rest of Chuuya’s clothes that were dumped in there. He returns to Chuuya and kneels down.
Chuuya’s breathing seemed to have stabilized a bit. He looks at Dazai. “Asshole. Why’d you let
him strangle me for so long?” he rasps, there was no venom behind his words. He could see the
thankful expression in Chuuya’s eyes. He was just glad he was back to normal.

“Sorry, I didn’t know if he had any other weapons or not. If I was too rash he might have hurt
you,” he says. Chuuya tries to see if there was any sarcasm behind his expression but was surprised
when he saw genuine concern. His vision is obscured when Dazai places his hat on the side of his
face. “He threw these in the garbage. There was nothing else in the bucket so they probably aren’t
that dirty.” He lays the clothes next to him as Chuuya half sat up. He winces. “Thanks Dazai. I was
beginning to think I was going to be stuck like that forever.”

“Now I’m gonna have to explain to poor Atsushi where his dog went,” Dazai teases.

Chuuya’s cheeks turn red from blush. “Don’t you dare tell them that was me!!” he yells.

Dazai chuckles. “Fine fine. I won’t tell. Besides. You’re my dog, can’t let somebody else claim
you. I’ll just tell him it’s owner ran into me on the way home.”
“I’m not your fucking dog,” Chuuya growls.

“Sure you aren’t ~ And you were so obedient to me too. I want my Chibi back. At least he listened.
Maybe I should wake that guy back up and see if he’ll change you back for me.”

“Yeah I’d like to see you try,” he glares at Dazai. “Admit it, you loved me.”

“No way. How could anyone love a drowned rat,” Dazai teases.

“I saw myself in the mirror in your bathroom. I was a cute dog. You just don’t want to admit it,”
Chuuya insists.

“Yeah, yeah, now get dressed. I gave you my coat to be nice but if it’s on you any longer I might
have to incinerate it,” he says dramatically.

“Then incinerate it. It looks awful on you anyway,” Chuuya says lightheartedly.

Dazai chuckles and stands up. “I’m gonna go outside and wait for the authorities. You should go
home before they get here. I’ll leave you out of my report,” he assures and heads out.

Chuuya watches him go and quickly gets dressed. He slips out the back of the building as he hears
the sirens.

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