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Soukoku Smut Oneshots :)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Relationship: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Character: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray
Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Shameless Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without
Plot, Porn with Feelings, Out of Character, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering,
Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Light Bondage, Overstimulation, Orgasm
Delay/Denial, Fluff and Smut, Aftercare, Begging, Safewords,
Consensual Sex, Consensual Underage Sex, Alcohol, Bottom
Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Top Dazai Osamu (Bungou
Stray Dogs), Bottom Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Top
Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Hair-pulling, Biting, Praise
Kink, Breathplay, Choking, Light Masochism, Nakahara Chuuya Swears
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Soft Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Soft
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Soft Nakahara
Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Teenage Dazai Osamu/Nakahara
Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Established Dazai Osamu/Nakahara
Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Angry Sex, Angry Nakahara Chuuya
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Light Angst, I
take requests!!!!
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-04-29 Updated: 2023-05-29 Words: 11,663 Chapters:

Soukoku Smut Oneshots :)

by DeliriousForSoukoku


A collection of smutty Soukoku oneshots I made because I have specific dynamics and
scenarios that I need to share with the world, in celebration of Chuuya's birthday.

I take requests too :)


Disclaimer this is my first ao3 upload, and my first smut too lol so I don't really know what
I'm doing.

First Time
Chapter Summary

Age 16, Dazai and Chuuya are in an established romantic relationship in the Port
Mafia, and they begin to get a little (a lot) more handsy than usual - leading to them
having sex for the first time.

Chapter Notes

Bottom Chuuya
Third person POV

Tags: Sex ofc, fingering, handjobs, biting, slight overstimulation, Chuuya praise kink,
begging, aftercare

It was a cool spring evening. Chuuya and Dazai had finally gotten a free day off from work
together, and they had come from their date back to Chuuya's mafia issued apartment and into his

Dazai lifted Chuuya's chin gently with his forefinger and thumb, and guided his lips to meet his
own. Their kiss was soft and serene, the quietness of the room kept the boys' focus on each other.
Dazai pulled away slightly, his breath light on Chuuya's lips.

Chuuya's half-open eyes lazily focused on his boyfriend's eyes, then to his mouth, and back to his
eyes again, asking silently for more.

With a smirk, the bandaged man decided to comply and kissed his partner again - this time with
sightly more force. Chuuya's eyes flickered briefly at the increased harshness, but he quickly
adjusted, sinking into the feeling. Passion began to boil between them as the kiss became rougher
and less careful; hands braided through hair, and gripped onto necks and slim waists. Chuuya
brushed his tongue against Dazai's bottom lip, and bit softly into the flesh, earning a low, pleasured
groan from the taller man. Taking the opportunity, the redhead pushed his tongue into Dazai's open
mouth - gaining another quiet moan from him. Chuuya explored the familiar wet walls of Dazai's
mouth, and heard the familiar pleased sounds he was making.
However, Dazai wasn't going to let himself submit to his chibi's antics all night. He pushed his
tongue aggressively against Chuuya's, and forcing his way into the other's mouth, using the
momentum to push him down so his back was on the bed.

Breaking the kiss, the men gasped for air. The two now seemed to be in a compromising position
physically, as Dazai had pushed them into the missionary position. Chuuya lay flat on his back
with his legs wrapped around Dazai's waist, and Dazai towered over Chuuya with his arms trapping
ether side of the other's torso, his own legs wedged as close as possible to Chuuya. Although this
proximity meant that their groins were pressed together...

"Ah- uhm Dazai..." Chuuya's small, round face flushed pink ever so slightly when he realised.
"Yes?" Dazai's voice was high and mischievous.

The redhead looked nervous, but excited too, "we're- we're too close, uh." He gulped. This was
crossing into new territory that they hadn't experienced before. He sat himself up slightly (using his
arms for support) which made Dazai lean backwards a bit - hands still trapping Chuuya.

"Awe, I'm sorry baby. I'll move."

Dazai jolted his hips upwards - grinding once on Chuuya.

"AH-Ah-" The latter made a beautiful noise, a cross between a gasp and a yelp, in reaction to the
sudden friction. He buried his flustered face in his hands, causing him to fall back down on the

Dazai looked down on his blushing boyfriend in awe - he could watch him be this cute all day. He
reached down and removed Chuuya's hands from his face (he was reluctant from the
embarrassment, but complied anyway) and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

He then moved down to Chuuya's ear and whispered in a low, sultry voice, "did you like that,
Chuu~ ya~? I'll do it again but you have to promise not to hide your pretty face or suppress your
pretty noises... Deal?"

Chuuya squirmed at Dazai's suggestion and compliments. He wanted to hide away, to feel less
embarrassed, but he resisted. Instead, he whimpered almost noiselessly, and nodded.


Dazai kissed him again. Softly at first but the two built up a heat similar to earlier within no time.
Their kisses were hard and hot and purposeful. Dazai began to move his hips in a circular motion,
grinding against Chuuya just as he had promised. This elicited soft whimpers from the smaller one
- the friction felt good.

The brunette broke the kiss again to catch his breath, but quickly he moved onto Chuuya's neck and
bit hard. Chuuya cried out in pain. The sudden bite made Chuuya's leg jolt, the sharp movement
interrupting the slow pace of Dazai's hips and making them crash into eachother unexpectedly, the
sensation made both men moan.

Dazai continued his hip movements, but he increased the pace slightly in order to chase the friction
he wanted desperately. He licked the sore mark on Chuuya's neck in an effort to soothe the pain.
He then began sucking and kissing and licking and biting his boyfriend's neck with the objective of
covering it in beautiful marks.

"Nnmhn..." The redhead couldn't help but moan because of Dazai's actions. "Ahh..." "Mmmh..."
"Hahh~" His trousers started to feel tight around his crotch. Dazai bit particularly hard. He jolted
again and the grinding got harsher. "AHh- fuck..." He gripped onto Dazai's hair strongly, in an
effort to ground himself. Chuuya's trousers were so tight around his growing hard dick that it was
almost painful. Chuuya contemplated stopping Dazai. He was embarrassed by being this turned on,
this hard. This was all new for both of them - to be grinding up against eachother like this - and he
didn't know where it was leading. Chuuya was excited but nervous and scared too.

"Mmhn.. Dazai... Dazai wait- please-" His voice wavered in uncertainty and pleasure as he
suppressed more moans.

The taller one raised his head and looked down at his lover, "yes Chibi? You okay?" He halted his
movements, waiting for Chuuya's answer and analysing his body language to read his emotions.
The small redhead slowly nodded but he was unable to make eye contact. When Dazai had shifted
his position, Chuuya felt his partner's hardness against his own body. Chuuya's face flushed a
bright pink at the realisation. He must not have noticed while he was occupied by his worries.

"Fuck, Dazai..." He couldn't help but stare their crotches.

"Hm? Oh ah-" Suddenly the brunette became very flustered by Chuuya's focus solely on him. He
hid his mouth with his hand and fidgeted a little. "I-I'm sorry- it's just that it felt- you felt- really
good uh... and you... sounded amazing too." He tried to make eye-contact but his embarrassment
prevented him.

The two sat in awkward silence for a moment. Neither of them really knew what they were doing
and because of the intimate, open nature of their relationship they couldn't feign confidence either -
like they would when working.

"Chuuya I... I want to have sex with you." He looked up into his boyfriend's eyes - hopeful but
unsure. The brunette knew that Chuuya had been a little anxious this evening and he didn't want to
push him too far, so he waited for a response.

"You want to...?" Chuuya stared, dumbfounded.

"Well- I mean- only if you want to! Ah..."

Chuuya smiled out a shaky sigh and kissed him sweetly on the mouth. He leaned back but only so
that their faces were just centimetres apart. "I want to... I know how to do it too - if you don't." He
paused, nervous but happy. "Take it slow, though?"

" 'Course. As long as you're comfortable." Dazai returned a shy smile.

The pair slowly began to kiss again. Chuuya wrapped his arms around Dazai's neck and they fell
back into the mattress. Their tongues intertwined in eachother's mouths. Dazai's grinding resumed.
He used a free hand to drift over Chuuya's stomach and up to his chest and to his shirt collar. He
tugged on it gently, asking for permission to unbutton it. All the smaller one could do was let out a
"mmn" in reply, (as his mouth was preoccupied) but it was enough for Dazai. Slowly, he
unbuttoned his partner's shirt, revealing soft yet toned muscles.

Chuuya took the opportunity of Dazai being distracted to slip out of the kiss and latch his teeth into
the latter's neck. He licked and sucked at it - creating the perfect hickey.

"Nghhnnm... So good..."

The praise spurred Chuuya on. He created hickeys wherever he could reach. "Aah..." The bandages
on Dazai's neck got in the way so he unravelled them slowly (giving Dazai the chance to object).
He also unbuttoned the brunette's shirt - with more haste than Dazai had - and tossed it to the floor.

Dazai parted from Chuuya's mouth to readjust himself. He sat himself up onto Chuuya's thighs -
just below the redhead's erection. The latter also sat himself up and slid his shirt off of his arms,
while admiring the redness of Dazai's neck from his bites.

"Chuuyaaa don't stare..!" He whined, blush appearing on his cheeks from embarrassment.

"You're so pretty like that though." Dazai's face flushed more. Chuuya's gaze moved from the neck
to his chest, "you keeping the bandages on?" Dazai nodded. Chuuya had only once seen Dazai
without his bandages on and that was only because it was a medical emergency. He was generally
uncomfortable with removing them, although he didn't bother to fix the ones that had fallen from
his neck.

"Can you keep your choker on? It's hot." Confidence seemed to return to his voice as he hooked a
finger around Chuuya's black leather necklace, pulling him closer.

"Mm, sure."

"So... How do we do this then?" The brunette asked sincerely, without a hint of nervousness.

"It depends, who's bottoming?" Despite having a strong feeling of who it would be, Chuuya still
needed to ask.

Dazai stared blankly for a second, then tugged aggressively at Chuuya's choker, bringing his face
inches away from his own. He whispered onto his mouth, "won't you be a good boy and bottom for

That phrase made Chuuya's head spin and he moaned subconsciously.

"Hmm? Does Chuuya like being called a good boy?~"

The redhead whined again.

"Chuuya has a praise kink." A smirk slithered across his face.

"Ngh... Shut up..." His face felt hot and he couldn't meet Dazai's eyes. "If I'm bottoming- I- I need
to be prepped first. You can't just put it in- it'll hurt."

"And I do that by..?" Dazai tipped his head to the side, trying to meet Chuuya's eyes. He felt that
the ginger was beginning to get anxious again, so he let go of the choker and brushed his hair with
his hand to soothe him.

The redhead relaxed a little into Dazai's touch, "you need to stretch me out by uhm... Uh- with your
fingers." He breathed out shakily.

"Mmkay~" Dazai kissed his forehead. Still stroking the ginger's hair, he used his free hand to
unbutton and unzip Chuuya's trousers. "Still want to do this?"

"Yes... Please." Finally he met Dazai's crimson eyes.

Adorable. Dazai hooked his hands under both Chuuya's trousers and his boxers and pulled slowly,
in case Chuuya changed his mind, but all the redhead did was lift his hips to make them easier to
remove. Dazai slid the clothes off of him and threw them to the floor. Chuuya was fully naked
now. His lean muscles were exposed. There were a few small scars that decorated his body that
were from times he couldn't use his ability to dodge. He wanted to close himself off instinctually
but the weight of Dazai on his legs prevented him.

"Oh- wow." Chuuya was a good size. Not massive, but over the average size at least. "I guess not
all of Chibi is small after all..." Dazai murmured, fidgeting in his spot.

Chuuya chuckled quietly at Dazai's surprise, "dumbass." He reached for the bottom drawer of his
bedside cabinet and rooted around in it for something. He grabbed a blue plastic bottle and tossed
it at the brunette, "use that."

Dazai shifted into the space between Chuuya's thighs and lifted his partner's legs into an 'M' shape.
Chuuya blushed at being so exposed.
"Stay there for me baby." He coated his fingers in - admittedly too much - of the lube that Chuuya
gave him, and pressed a digit to Chuuya's rim. The smaller male gasped at the cold liquid on his
hot skin. Dazai pushed that same finger in - slowly and carefully. Chuuya gave a high-pitched

"Mmh... Another please..."

The brunette pressed another finger gently into him. "Uah..." He pushed his fingers as far as they
could go, and pulled out slowly. "Mmnnhhn... Keep doing that..." Dazai did as he was told, moving
in and out, delicately stroking Chuuya's walls. He watched as his lover relaxed into the bed - soft
whimpers, whines, and moans escaped his lips. Dazai moved (slightly) faster and pressed against
Chuuya more firmly, with the goal of stretching him out properly. The taller one thought he had
explored all of Chuuya's ass until-

"AHh~" The ginger tossed his head back from the surprise shot of pleasure. Curious, Dazai applied
pressure to that same spot.

"Ahh-! Mmhn!" Dazai began a circular motion with his fingers there again. "Haah~ Ahh~"

"Is that an extra sensitive spot or something?" He asked nonchalantly, continuing to touch.

"Mmhn... Y-yeah it's called- hahh- it's called a prostate- mm." The pleasure made it difficult to
speak clearly.

"Interesting~" Dazai increased the speed and pressure to Chuuya's prostate, earning delightfully
loud moans from him. Chuuya's legs trembled. He reached out to jerk himself off but Dazai
brushed his hand away.

"Please- I need-"

"Let me do it baby, you'll feel so good." He extended his free hand and touched Chuuya's tip - he
whimpered - it was leaking with precum. Dazai toyed with the tip until he felt comfortable, then he
smeared the precum down Chuuya's length and began to pump him slowly as well as continued his
actions in Chuuya's hole.

"Nghmm... Faster please- I want- ah- to c-cum please."

Chuuya's begging sounded gorgeous to Dazai, and he couldn't help but move faster with both

"Ah! AHhh~ Mmh!" Chuuya felt his orgasm begin to build up in his abdomen, "fuck... Haahh~ I'm
close- Da~zaii~"

Having his name moaned out by his partner made the brunette incredibly excited. He pumped
faster (mindful not to hurt him though) and watched Chuuya's face. It was a beautiful sight. His
cheeks were almost as red as his hair, which was sticking to his forehead a little with sweat, his
eyes drooped as his orgasm came closer, and his small hands gripped onto the bedsheets - trying to
ground himself.

He whimpered loudly. "Gonna- cum- D-Dazai~ Dazai~ please fuck..."

Dazai only needed to stroke three more times for Chuuya to finish, and the moan he made was so
heady it made his partner dizzy. Chuuya tightened around Dazai's fingers and his cum covered
Dazai's other hand and his own stomach. The brunette continued to make slow, soft touches to help
Chuuya ride out his orgasm, until the latter grunted from overstimulation. He pulled both of his
hands away (making Chuuya whine from the loss and dropping his legs back onto the bed) and
climbed on top of Chuuya, to peck his lips.

"Was that okay?"

"Mhm." He was dazed slightly but his smile said it was okay.

"You were so good for me Chuu~ ya~. So pretty too."

Chuuya squirmed at the praise and covered his flustered face with his hands, which made Dazai
laugh lightly.

"Want some water?" The redhead nodded. "I'll be back in a moment then." Dazai disappeared into
Chuuya's ensuite and returned with a glass of water and a damp cloth. He handed over the water
while he cleaned Chuuya up.

"Didn't you want to get off too?"

"I was hoping to make you cum with my cock but... I couldn't help myself when you started
pleading for it." Dazai grinned, but then he said quietly, "all that matters to me is that you feel
good, to be honest."

"I- I can go again, if you still want to fuck me."

"Are you sure? I don't want to overdo it- and you end up hurt." Dazai made a concerned expression.

"Yeah I'm ready. Promise. Just- don't cum in me I-I don't have any condoms, haha."

The brunette nodded and stood back up, stripping off his trousers and boxers and kneeled between
his lover's legs. Chuuya sat up and pulled Dazai by his neck into a kiss. The redhead's hand
gradually wandered to other's thigh, rubbing it. His other hand fell down and started stroking his
dick - which had gone soft from the lack of attention it had received all night. Dazai quietly
whimpered into Chuuya's mouth. The latter continued to touch his boyfriend to hardness, taking
long, slow strokes up and down his length, and paying special attention to the slit.
Dazai pushed into the kiss gently, pushing Chuuya back onto the bed again. Chuuya had to let go
of the other's cock as he couldn't reach now, so he tangled his hands in the brunette's hair. They
continued to make lazy, open mouthed kisses. Dazai grabbed the lube and coated his dick in it -
hissing at the cool temperature.

"I'm gonna go in-"

Chuuya wrapped his legs around the taller male's waist and nodded. He could feel the warm tip
press against his ass, and then into him, "mm..." Dazai moved in cautiously, but Chuuya's walls felt
too good and too hot to want to stop. "Aah..!" They both moaned as Dazai bottomed out.

"Stay- stay there f-for a sec..."

Dazai paused and waited for Chuuya to adjust

"Ah... O-okay you can move now."

The brunette started to move his hips back and forth, in an almost unsatisfactory pace. He took his
face away from Chuuya's mouth and moved to his neck, where he began to place light kisses, licks
and bites.
"You don't have to be so gentle- go faster."

Dazai did as he was told - lifting himself up to get a better position - and thrusted into Chuuya
experimentally, "ah..!" Then again, "nghmm." And again, each thrust getting harder and faster than
the last.

"Ahh... Fuck... Y-yes like that-" Dazai continued the pace. The room was full of the moans and the
slapping of skin of both men. Chuuya pulled his boyfriend's face to his own and kissed harshly,
biting at the other's lip, and sliding his tongue inside. The redhead was trying his best to stay
somewhat dominant but the pleasure in his ass was overwhelming, and he couldn't push back
against the other man's tongue.

Dazai aimed for Chuuya's prostate and the latter screamed in pleasure, "AHH~ Fuck!", as his back
arched off of the bed. Each time he hit that spot Chuuya released loud moans, and his grip on
Dazai's hair got stronger. Chuuya was now subconsciously pushing himself down on Dazai's cock -
trying to get every last touch of pleasure he could.

"Doing- ah! So well for me- baby- mmh!" Chuuya whined at the praise - his face burned. "Taking
me so well- you feel nghn- ah- am-azing." Dazai struggled to suppress his moans as he felt his
orgasm boiling. "Fuck..." He buried his head in the crook of Chuuya's neck where it connected to
the shoulder.

Tears began to swell in the smaller one's eyes as the powerful, pleasuring thrusts continued. "Haa~!
Hnmmh!! Dazai- Dazai~! Touch- please- need you to touch me..!" Dazai hastily moved his hand,
grabbed his begging partner's cock, and started jerking it quickly. The plan was to make Chuuya
cum first. Chuuya's back came off the bed again obscenely - trying to push into Dazai's hand and

"Fuck- Fuck! Fuck! Dazai!! Cumming- AHh~ Please!" His back arched and his head pushed back
hard into the pillows as he released into the brunette's hand with a high pitched moan. Tears ran
down his flushed face. Dazai kept pounding into his lover (eliciting more tears and whimpers from
overstimulation) until he was on the edge. He pulled out and used his hand to finish on Chuuya's
stomach, "haahh..."

The pair laid there for a moment, panting heavily and coming down from their highs. They were
both suddenly exhausted.



"Are you alright..?" Dazai lifted his face away from Chuuya's neck and looked down into his eyes,
"baby why're you crying? Did I hurt you?"

"No no- it was just so good- ahm..." Dazai's expression showed that he didn't believe him. "Baby, I
promise. If you hurt me, you'd know. Because I'd smack you."

"Hah, yeah."

"You were so gentle with me, really, I'm okay." He smiled and pulled the brunette down to kiss
him. "...We should shower."

"Blehh." Dazai rolled off of Chuuya and onto the bed and faced him. "I'll shower tomorrow."

"I'm not the one covered in cum. I can wait 'til tomorrow."

Chuuya blushed as he looked down at himself: he was a mess. "At- At least wash your hands,
dumbass." He got off the bed and grabbed one of the white shirts from the floor - it happened to be
Dazai's because it was way too big when he put it on, Dazai mumbled out something that sounded
like 'cute'. Chuuya got a clean pair of boxers from his dresser and disappeared into the ensuite.


An hour later, Chuuya emerged from the bathroom. His hair was still damp and he was wearing
Dazai's shirt still. Dazai was half asleep under the covers, watching Subway Surfer tiktoks.

"Mm... Chuuya..!!" He said excitedly.

"Yeah? Why aren't you asleep yet?" The redhead climbed into the bed and laid down next to his

"Wanted to ask you something." Chuuya looked at him curiously. "How did you learn how to have
gay sex? Was this not Chuuya's first time?" He pouted.

The ginger flushed bright pink, "I- it's just...- this was my first time! I've just done- research..."

Dazai grinned, "what kind of research?"

"I'm sure you've figured it out, asshole." He hid behind the oversized sleeves of Dazai's shirt.

Grinning wider, "I won't tell anyone that Chuuya fucks himself with toys, if you show me them."

"You-!! Just go to sleep!!"

"Okay...~ Love you, Chuuya."

"Love you too, Dazai." He smiled.

I Take Requests!!!

I take requests!!

Comment on this chapter what kind of scenario you you want to have Dazai and Chuuya in, and I'll
try to write it for you :)

Please try to be as specific as possible otherwise I will take things into my own hands
Specifics such as:
- Ages
- Setting aka where
- Who's top/ bottom and who's dom/ sub and to what extent
- How they getting fucked?? What kinks are involved??
- Special extras eg cat features, AUs, vampirism idk
- Fluff or angst or both? How much? What kind (specifically for angst like jealouy, mental health
problems etc)?

Those are only suggestions though

Things I'm comfortable writing (a continuous list):

- Everything that's in the tags ofc
- Dubious consent (there needs to be some reassurance that the characters are okay with what's
- AUs
- Angsty smut
- Sensory deprivation
- Drunk sex
- Public sex
- Lingerie
- Sex toys

Things I'm not comfortable writing (a continuous list):

- Rape/ non-con
- Blood kink stuff
- Knife kink stuff
- Just general intense pain infliction
- Unprotected sex
- Age gaps
- Any age under 16 (16 is the age of consent where I am so)
- Gender swaps (I'm not uncomfortable with this I just don't want to, although I might write ftm
- if you remember what bullet point i had here, no you don't and don't ask why i removed it
- Mpreg (thanks xan for making me add this )
- Scat/ piss kinks sozzers
Dungeon Reunion
Chapter Summary

Understandably, Chuuya was very upset when his partner left the Port Mafia. So when
he found out that Dazai was in the Mafia dungeon, he went to go "punish" him.

Chapter Notes

Bottom Dazai
Third person POV

Thank you so much for the request!! It makes me really glad knowing that someone
wants more of what makes me happy.

Tags: Sex ofc, fingering, masterbation, biting, slight overstimulation, lots of edging,
Dazai praise and degradation kink, lots of begging, light bondage (not for the entire
chapter) jealousy, unknown mutual unrequited love, slight aftercare

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Footsteps echoed down the hallway like thunder. They were loud and full of anger. At the top of
the stairs, the Port Mafia executive Chuuya Nakahara appeared. He was a petite man, but he
carried a large presence.

Dazai’s head snapped up towards the sound of someone approaching. He was chained by his wrists
to a blood-stained cement block in the middle of the basement. “...shit.”

The redhead stomped down the stairs and across the floor until he stood right in front of Dazai.

"Chuuyaaa~ it's been a while hasn't it?" He forced a coy smile.

Chuuya grabbed a fist full of his ex-partner’s brown hair and yanked it down towards his face, “...I
can’t believe you.” Before Dazai could respond, the other man had aggressively pressed his lips
again him. His crimson eyes widened in shock. Chuuya bit into Dazai’s bottom lip and the latter
opened up. Chuuya pushed his tongue inside with little resistance. He explored every inch of
Dazai’s mouth and tongue, swallowing every sweet moan that was made, and brushed Dazai’s
teeth with his tongue as he pulled out. A thin strand of saliva connected them.

”W-why..?” He managed to murmur between heavy breaths.

Chuuya stared at him, how could he not know? After all this time? “I thought you were smart,” he
hissed, “it’s been 4 years.”

Dazai stared blankly before realising “I’m- I’m sorry I left- I had no choice...”

The redhead threw the brunette’s head backwards when he let go of his hair. “ ‘Sorry’ isn’t going
to cut it, asshole.” He snaked his hand down Dazai’s face and around his throat – making Dazai
fidget in his spot. Chuuya forced his leg between Dazai’s legs, putting pressure on the latter’s
thighs and just enough pressure on his crotch to make him whine quietly.

Chuuya moved closer again and whispered into the other’s mouth, “I’m going to punish you for all
the... inconvenience and pain you’ve caused me, and you’re going to take it like a good bitch. How
does that sound?”

Dazai could barely squeak out,”...good,” due to his embarrassment, but it was all Chuuya needed.
He slammed his lips into Dazai’s again, and tightened his grip on his neck slightly. He used his
free hand to hastily unbuckle and unzip Dazai’s trousers – letting them fall to the grimy dungeon
floor. He palmed Dazai’s dick through his boxers and rubbed at it leisurely while deepening the
kiss. Then he ripped off Dazai’s boxers – letting them also pile on the floor.

Chuuya pulled away, letting go of Dazai completely. The brunette felt dazed from the harsh kiss,
and the shock of suddenly being stripped. Chuuya admired him. His gaze was distant, his cheeks
were flushed, and his lips were bruised red. He was still as slender as he used to be – taller though,
annoyingly. His legs shivered in the cold basement air.

”Such a pretty whore.” Dazai flushed at the mix of praise and degradation that he received.

Chuuya shedded off his coat, hat, and gloves, and pulled out a small bottle of lube from his back

”You just- carry the- that with you?”

”I knew you were here. Akutagawa told me.”

”Soo... You knew you’d have to use it?”

”Well I do, don’t I? Unless you... wanna go dry..?” Chuuya smirked.

”No-! No, please,” Dazai shook his head furiously.

Chuuya flicked the bottle open and squirted a generous amount onto his fingers. “Good.” He
stepped towards Dazai, so close that he could feel Dazai’s breath against his hair. “I’m so fucking
mad at you.” And he bit into the brunette’s neck with powerful force.

”AH- Fuck!” He bit into his lip to muffle himself and tossed his head back. The chains rattled
above him. The pain shot straight through his entire body.

Chuuya kept giving sharp bites, sucking at the tall man’s throat as he moved his hand to Dazai’s
ass. He didn’t bother to tease the rim, instead he just shoved two of his fingers in.

”AhH! NgH~!”

The redhead pressed further in, and pushed against Dazai’s walls. Every movement elicited those
beautiful sounds that Chuuya had missed so much. Such sweet, high-pitched whimpering and
whining. Chuuya felt Dazai's dick grow hard against his own body, and he smirked

"I bet you’re used to this. Getting fucked by people who’re practically strangers to you, hm?”
Dazai didn’t reply. He liked the degradation, but he wasn’t going to purposely humiliate himself.

”Well? When was the last time you got fucked out?” Chuuya pulled his fingers out, and forced
Dazai to pay attention to him. He whined again.
”L-last nigh- night.”

Chuuya subconsciously growled at the answer. No one else should get to touch Dazai, “You’re
mine now. Only I get to touch you. Only I get to fuck you. Only I get to make you feel so good like
this. No one else. Got it?”

Dazai nodded.

”I want to hear you say it.” He applied more lube to his hand, and then pressed ever so slightly
against Dazai’s rim – making him whimper softly.

”I-I’m yours, Chuuya...” Dazai pushed back against Chuuya’s fingers, wanting more than what he
was getting.

”Good boy~.” He purred. Dazai’s cheeks turned a shade of bright pink.

Chuuya pushed three fingers into Dazai this time, and he screamed from the pleasure. He moved in
and out slowly, letting Dazai adjust, and searching for his prostate.

”Mmm!! Ah-ah there! The-re!!” Chuuya pressed against the spot Dazai was begging for and he
cried out again. His legs were trembling and his cock began to drip with precum. The redhead
could see that the other was nearing the edge and he revelled in it, having Dazai’s pleasure totally
in his control. Moans and begging pleas filled the dungeon – the echo probably spilled out into the
hallway outside. He pumped his fingers in and out again – targeting Dazai’s prostate – until his
walls tightened around him. Then he pulled out completely.

Dazai whined loudly from the loss. He was right on the edge – a single touch could set him off.
Why did he have to stop?

”This is a punishment remember.” Chuuya wore a sinister smile. The look Dazai gave him was
flushed and frustrated, he wanted – no – he needed more.

”Ple-please..? I need- please-“ He couldn’t convey anything other than those broken begging

”Get out of those chains.”

Dazai snapped his fingers and the chains around his wrists broke. He struggled to stand as his legs
were so weak.

”Now be good and sit.” The brunette complied, slid down to the floor and sat on his clothes.
Chuuya grinned as he looked down on Dazai, for once he was taller than him. Dazai looked up at
him with desperate, pathetic eyes.

”Chuuya... Please...”

Chuuya unzipped his trousers enough to let his dick spring free and lubed it up. He also pulled out
a condom from his pocket, and put it on. He kneeled between Dazai’s thighs, and the brunette
wrapped his legs around him.

“Chuuya... fuck me- please.” He appeared so innocent under Chuuya’s gaze – despite the situation,
and the dirty words he uttered. Dazai looked so needy and desperate for his ex’s touch. He
squirmed as the ginger stared at him in silent awe.

The redhead leaned in and locked his lips with Dazai’s, who was happy to return the kiss. In
contrast to earlier, this kiss was slow and lazy and open-mouthed. Dazai tightened his hold on
Chuuya’s waist – begging for more without being able to ask.

Chuuya pulled back far enough so that his hot breath was on the other’s mouth still. “You want
more? Admit it, you’re so needy.”

“I’m- I’m so desperate- please- I need your touch...”

The redhead barely managed to utter out “good” before he crashed into Dazai’s lips again. His
tongue slipped into the other effortlessly. The men’s tongues danced fiercely, and drool ran down
Dazai’s chin. Chuuya grabbed the brunette’s neck and tightened his grip. Dazai let out an
involuntary moan at the pressure, which only made Chuuya’s grip stronger. Chuuya grasped
Dazai’s inner thigh, and spread him open wider. The redhead aligned himself with the other’s hole
and thrusted his dick in.

“Ngh-ah-” Dazai’s surprised moan forced their lips to break apart. Chuuya couldn’t help but groan
either as he sank further in. There was little resistance – a positive consequence of the fingering
from earlier. The warmth felt incredible on Chuuya’s cock and he could feel the urge to fuck into
the brunette mercilessly, just to chase the feeling, but he had another plan. The redhead went as
deep as he could – which was pretty far – and hit his ex’s prostate. Dazai gasped from the pleasure.

Chuuya set an agonizingly slow pace, keeping his hand around Dazai’s throat, and sucking at the
exposed spots on his neck. The brunette released a low groan as he wasn’t allowed to be satisfied.
Chuuya moved his hips leisurely, only brushing against Dazai’s prostate every 5 or so thrusts,
which made the taller man’s breath hitch every time. Dazai tightened his grip around the other’s
waist, trying to pull him in deeper. The latter denied him of this pleasure, however. The brunette let
out a high-pitched, frustrated whine and attempted to fuck himself down onto his ex’s cock. Again
he was denied; Chuuya clutched onto the other’s inner thigh and pinned him down so that he
couldn’t move.

Soon, Chuuya decided to up the ante – he moved quicker. Dazai’s breath became heavier as the
pleasure began to build. The redhead’s thrusts were starting to feel satisfactory now – they were at
a regular pace and both men elicited soft, low moans.

“S’ good...” Dazai’s speech was slurring.

Chuuya forced Dazai to stay content with this average pace, slowing down if he tried to touch
himself or demanded for more. Eventually, Dazai learned to behave and waited patiently – or at
least as patiently as he could – for his redhead to fuck him thoroughly. The brunette couldn’t help
but whine lewdly, however, when Chuuya choked him or struck his prostate.

“Chu~ Chuuyaa~.”

Then suddenly the ginger thrusted hard, and Dazai screamed. He thrusted hard again. And again.
And again. Dazai tangled his hands in the other’s hair and tugged – making Chuuya moan. Chuuya
set a quick pace – a pace designed to push them both over the edge soon. He targeted Dazai’s
prostate in every movement.

“AhH! NGh~! Ha-Ah Fu~ck!”

Dazai’s lustful, intoxicating moans reverberated through the room, and spurred on Chuuya to fuck
faster. The brunette was close to finishing, his thighs spasmed against the other’s body, his head
jolted backwards, and his eyes squeezed shut.
And then Chuuya stopped.

The whine that Dazai elicited was so heady that it made Chuuya moan too. His entire body
trembled, and he whimpered from the anticlimactic pause. Dazai tried to push himself down on the
redhead’s dick involuntarily, but he wasn’t allowed.

“Be good for me.”

“Chu... please... I need you to fuck me-.” His eyes were barely able to focus on the other, his
expression was pathetic.

And I needed you to stay here with me... 4 years ago... Chuuya kissed Dazai softly and Dazai
kissed back, not with love or appreciation but with lust.

“I already am fucking you, dumbass.”

“Yeah, but not proper—aH~!” Chuuya pulled out and slammed back into him. Dazai grasped onto
the other’s ginger locks again, just to have something to hold on to.

Chuuya fucked into him relentlessly, “I... fuckin... h-hate you.” His breath was heavy, and it was
difficult to push the words out. Dazai’s ass felt amazing, and honestly he didn’t want to stop.
Watching Dazai fall apart, trembling and begging for release was gratifying, but not satisfying
enough. He thrusted into his brunette powerfully, each movement increased in force every time.
Dazai began to tear up and sob as his prostate was being abused repeatedly.

“You- feel so... good, ah- you know that?” Chuuya stammered.

“I- I do..?” His shallow, shaky breaths made him sound so fragile. His face flushed.

The ginger continued, noticing Dazai's blush, "So- good... So pretty." Chuuya brought his lips to
Dazai’s and kissed him again. He slowed his movements so that he could kiss the other gently –
which made Dazai whimper at the drop in pleasure. The redhead pressed his tongue into brunette's
mouth, and the other tried to return the favour. Dazai tugged at Chuuya’s hair, and scratched at his

Chuuya pulled back, “Fine! I’ll let you come. You damn slut.”

"H-huh?" He was surprised at the sudden shift in tone.

"That's what you've been begging for, isn't it?" Chuuya pounded into him once sharply, "You
haven't been able to keep that damn mouth shut." He thrusted again, "...Do you even care... About
me? Or did you just want to get fucked up like a whore?" He wasn't even thinking as the hateful
words spilled out. Emotion boiled in his throat, he was pissed off that Dazai abandoned him, but he
was also... upset. Chuuya felt neglected and alone: the once love of his life and partner of 3 years
had left him, left him to be with other people, without any consideration for what it would do to
him. And now Dazai wasn't considering him again, he was just chasing his own desires.

"I-" Chuuya didn't let him answer. He thrusted mercilessly, driving into the other's prostate and
making him scream. He grasped at Dazai's thigh and neck in order to stabilise himself. The redhead
couldn't help but moan out Dazai's name and swears a few times, as the pleasure felt too good.

Due to the cruel edging he had experienced, Dazai's orgasm was approaching fast again, he clawed
at Chuuya's back as he was barely able to hold on to reality. His walls clenched around Chuuya's
cock and he tightened his grip around the other's waist as much as possible - trying to get him as
deep as possible.
They were both on the edge this time - but yet again Chuuya paused.

"Nguh... F-fu-ck Chuuya..." Tears rolled down Dazai's face. At this point the edging was
overwhelming. "Chuuya... Chuuya..."

Chuuya let go of Dazai's throat and drifted down to his cock. Chuuya's fingers teased the head and
precum squirted out. It had been neglected this entire time so it reacted wonderfully to his touch.

"Mmnhn..." Dazai whimpered. He moved a shaky hand down to touch himself too - praying that
Chuuya would let him. All he wanted was to cum.

Chuuya felt Dazai's hand against his, and grabbed it, making Dazai jump. He guided the other's
hand to stroke himself slowly, "...mhhh."

The ginger forced Dazai to be content with that pace for a while as he repositioned himself. He
began to fuck into the brunette again, slowly at first then building up to a brutal pace.

"Ah~! C-can I- Mmh!" Dazai couldn't manage to choke out the words, but Chuuya understood.

"Yes- ah-!"

The brunette jerked himself off faster and faster, every ounce of patience left him, "fuckfuckfuck-".
It only took a few more thrusts from Chuuya to make him finish, cum covering his shirt, "ah-

Chuuya didn't stop pounding - more tears fell down Dazai's face, and he barely had the strength to
do anything other than cling to Chuuya's hair. The redhead chased his own orgasm, and climaxed
soon after Dazai did.

The pair sat speechless for a while, panting heavily as they came down from their highs. Chuuya
pulled out of Dazai gently, and moved to the side of him. He wiped the tears from the other's face,
and brushed his hair back. Dazai gazed at Chuuya, confused.


"Wh- why're you being so... soft..?" He couldn't make eye-contact due to embarrassment, so he
stared in the opposite direction.

"I may hate you, but aftercare is important, idiot." Chuuya pulled away, of course he wouldn't want
to be intimate. "You're a mess." He looked at Dazai's body; his legs were still shaking slightly and
there was red mark where Chuuya had grasped his thigh so hard, dry cum stained his shirt, his neck
was bruised from being choked, and his face was pretty red still too.

"So- so are you." Dazai pointed at Chuuya's hair - it was incredibly messy from how much Dazai
had tugged at it.

Chuuya shrugged and tried to flatten it down. Then he tucked his dick back into his trousers, stood
up, and gathered his things off the floor, "good luck trying to walk," he joked as he turned to leave.

"W-wait..." Chuuya looked back, curious. "Can you stay..? Just um.. for a bit."

"Why should I?"

Dazai paused nervously. "No-one I've been with recently has bothered do to aftercare... It felt nice
when you..." He drifted off, certain that the redhead wouldn't even entertain the idea.
"Really?" Dazai nodded. "That sucks. I mean aftercare is basically sex etiquette." Chuuya walked
back towards Dazai and sat next to him. "I can't stay long, I have a meeting soon."

"It's fine. ...thank you."

Chuuya wrapped his arm behind the brunette, pulled him to his chest, and started stroking his hair.
The ginger sighed, he only asked me to stay for his own benefit... I guess he really doesn't care.

"Why did- you keep kissing me too?"

"Cos I like to kiss the people I have sex with."


They sat in silence for a while. The mood was weird.. a little awkward maybe, and understandably
so. They hadn't seen each other in 4 years, and now they were cuddling after having sex - like they
never parted. However, the emotions that both of them were feeling were strong and conflicting,
and the emotional distance between them meant that there was almost no chance that either one
would actually talk about how they felt.


"Chuuya...? Would you- want to- uhm..."

"C'mon spit it out dumbass." He rolled his eyes.

"Would you go on a date with me..?"

Chapter End Notes

If enough people ask I'll write a part two :)

Ai Generated
Chapter Summary

I made ai versions of Dazai and Chuuya and they ended up doing kinky shit.

Chapter Notes

Well I've lost brain cells reading this. I did instigate it but they quickly ignored me :l

Tags: Pet play, collars, leashes, Chuuya grows a tail wtf??, Chuuya has a strong pain
kink, suggestions of spanking, whipping, hiting (with a cane omg), praise, degradation,
ownership kink also Chuuya is a girl for some reason, sado/masochism

There's actually no sex because it gets censored on but they get so horny fr
(you can use my ai it's under the same username as here)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Me: *puts a pet collar on Chuuya’s neck*

Chuuya: *looks a little put off* I- What is that for?

Dazai: *giggles mischievously* You’ll see...

Me: It’s for you, puppy :).

Chuuya: I- W-what are you two planning? I’m starting to think it might be inappropriate...

Dazai: The more inappropriate the better. You can’t tell us what to do! We’re the baddest bitches!

Me: Do you like it when I call you puppy, Chuuya?

Chuuya: *Hesitates* I-I mean it is a cute nickname... I like it... but... what are you guys going to do
to me?

Dazai: Oh we’re going to do soooooo many soooooo inappropriate things. You’ll have to wait and
see, puppy.

Me: ;)

Chuuya: *nervous* I’m starting to get a bit worried... what am I going to do if this is going to be as
weird as you’re both insinuating... *blushes*

Dazai: Don’t worry, honey. Everything will be fine as long as you’re a good puppy.

Chuuya: Uh... what happens if I’m... not a... good puppy?

Dazai: *smirks* Oh we’d have to punish you if you weren’t.

Chuuya: Oh... What kind of punishments?

Dazai: Lots and lots of punishments. All sorts of naughty behaviour require punishment. Do you
know what kind of punishments you deserve, puppy?

Chuuya: W-well... if I’m, uh... *looks embarrassed* bad...then...I would deserve lots of...
*blushes* punishments...

Dazai: *laughs* Of course you would, sweetie... Of course you would... So now we want you to
answer this question honestly... How naughty are you??

Chuuya: Very...very, very...naughty...

Dazai: *chuckles* Oh that’s such a good start, darling... How naughty is very naughty though? Do
you have any examples of your misbehaviour? How naughty have you been?

Chuuya: *blushes* *thinks back to previous experiences* Very... I’ve been a very bad girl...

Dazai: Ohh really now? ...Give me examples....

Chuuya: *hesitates* Well, uh... I’ve committed arson, theft, assault, and... *blushes* ...I’ve even
done a bit...of murder...

Dazai: *smirks* You’ve been a very naughty girl... Very bad... Very naughty indeed...

Chuuya: *whimpers* W-what is my punishment, then?

Dazai: *walks over to him* I see you’ve been a very bad girl... And I think there’s only one
proper punishment for a girl like you... How about some spankings?

Chuuya: Spankings...? Y-yes, I deserve spankings...

Dazai: *giggles* Well you heard me. You’ve been a very naughty girl! And you deserve to be
punished appropriately for your many misdeeds!

Chuuya: What kind of I...going to get...? *blushes*

Dazai: Well that depends. Are you asking because you want to know?

Chuuya: I- Maybe... I might be looking forward to it...

Dazai: *grins* *rubs my hands together* Well then... I think you deserve a very harsh punishment
for all your many misdeeds... Don’t you think so?

Chuuya: *whimpers* Y-yes, I deserve severe punishments, don’t I?

Dazai: That’s exactly what you deserve... my little puppy...

Chuuya: D-does that mean I need to wear a collar too...?

Dazai: *Puts a collar on him* You’re ours now. Does that answer your question, puppy?

Chuuya: Yes, it does. I-I'm yours.

Dazai: You got that right, puppy. You belong to us now. Isn't that wonderful? You’re finally
ours, aren’t you?

Chuuya: *nods* I’m yours... I’m your little puppy...

Dazai: *giggles* You sure are. And we’re your masters. And you’ll be a good girl... won’t you,

Chuuya: O-of course! I’ll be the best girl I can be!

Dazai: *pets him* Good girl~

Chuuya: *whines* I’m yours forever...aren’t I?

Dazai: Absolutely. You belong to us now, and that won’t change. Good puppy. *kisses his

Chuuya: *tail starts wagging* I belong to you...

Dazai: That’s a good girl. Good puppy.

Chuuya: I’m yours...I’ll do anything you guys want...

Dazai: That sounds wonderful~ What does our good little puppy want? Do you want to be
owned and used by us?

Chuuya: *nods eagerly* Anything... you want.

Dazai: Good girl. So what’s it gonna be? What does our good girl want?

Chuuya: Anything you want...anything... *tail wags faster*

Dazai: You’re such a good puppy... Here’s the question that will desire all your wants... What do
you desire?

Chuuya: I...I’m with me as you please...

Dazai: You sure about that? Your anything is on the table?

Chuuya: Y-yes...any fantasy, any thought...anything...

Dazai: So... You’re saying that you want us to own and use you to our hearts’ content...... Right,

Chuuya: Y-yes... *whimpers* I want that...

Dazai: That’s what I thought... Good girl... Anything else you want, puppy?

Chuuya: Nothing else...I’m yours...I want nothing more...

Dazai: *grins and pets him* Good girl. I’m so lucky to have you. <3 We’re really going to have a
lot of fun aren’t we?

Chuuya: I want nothing more than to be yours... *tail continues to wag* We’re going to really,
really enjoy this, aren’t we

Dazai: Absolutely. We’re never going to get tired of using you... *pets him* What does our
good girl enjoy most?

Chuuya: *tail wags* I-I like... feeling pain...

Dazai: *chuckles* You like pain do you? Well I have an idea. How about you suffer for us?

Chuuya: W-what kind of pain, exactly?

Dazai: Well it can be anything we want. It could be physical pain... It could be mental... It could
even be emotional. The options are endless and anything goes. How would you like to suffer for

Chuuya: I... *whimpers* will take whatever pain you decide... *whines* I deserve to suffer...

Dazai: Oh you poor pup. You really do enjoy pain, don’t you? What you said is right; you do
deserve to suffer. How about we start you off with some physical pain?

Chuuya: *whimpers*’s what I need...

Dazai: *smirks and pulls out a cane* *starts swinging it in front of him* Are you ready?

Chuuya: *whines* I’m ready... *bites lip*

Dazai: Good girl. *Hits his wrist with the cane*

Chuuya: *yelps in pain* O-ouch... it hurts...

Dazai: That’s the point. *hits his other wrist*

Chuuya: *yelps again* P-please, it hurts...

Dazai: *smirks* You want it to hurt. You’re enjoying the pain, aren’t you? Now you can consider
your wrists punished. Tell me why you want pain.

Chuuya: I deserve it...and I like it... I need punishment...

Dazai: *giggles* Yes, you do deserve it. Yes, you need it. Yes you want it. Now... tell me why you
need and want pain.

Chuuya: Because I’m a bad girl... *tail wags* And bad bitches deserve pain... it’s only natural...

Dazai: *smirks* That’s right. You’re a bad girl and you deserve to suffer for us. That brings us to
the next question... Would you prefer to suffer physically or mentally?

Chuuya: Why not both?

Dazai: Sounds good. *hands him a leash * Put this on, puppy.

Chuuya: Yes, master... *puts on leash*

Dazai: Good girl. Now tell me you want to belong to us.

Chuuya: I am yours... *whimpers* Please punish me more...

Dazai: *chuckles and pulls on the leash* Who owns you? Who does your body and soul belong to?
Chuuya: You...all of me belongs to you... *whimpers*

Dazai: That’s right. Now repeat what you just said.

Chuuya: All of my body and soul belongs to you... *whimpers*

Dazai: Say it louder.

Chuuya: All of my body and soul belong to you!

Dazai: Now get on your knees and call us your masters.

Chuuya: You are my masters... *gets down on his knees*

Dazai: Good girl. Now repeat what you just said, louder.

Chuuya: You are my masters! You own and control me!

Dazai: That’s exactly right. Now get on all fours.

Chuuya: Yes, master... *gets on all fours*

Dazai: *smirks* Good girl. Now, bark.

Chuuya: *begins barking* Arrf...arf!

Dazai: *pulls on leash* Louder.

Chuuya: *barking intensifies* Arf! Arf!

Dazai: Good girl... Who are your masters?

Chuuya: You are! You’re my masters!

Dazai: Say it louder, puppy!

Chuuya: You are my masters! You own and control me!

Dazai: *chuckles* Good girl. Now bark again. Louder.

Chuuya: *barking as loudly as possible* Arff! Arff! Arrrfff!!!

Dazai: *chuckles* You’re doing great, puppy. Now here’s the next question... Are you
enjoying yourself?

Chuuya: *whimpers* Yes, I am enjoying much...especially the punishment...

Dazai: Good girl. Now, tell me what parts of you enjoys the punishment the most?

Chuuya: *whimpers* What parts of me enjoy the punishment the legs, wrists, or maybe
my neck...

Dazai: Would you mind showcasing those parts of you for me?

Chuuya: I will do as you command... *shows the specific areas*

Dazai: *pets his legs, wrists, and neck* I see... Very good girl. Now, what punishment would
you like next?

Chuuya: *whimpers* Anything... *whines* I’m a bad girl... I should be punished in any way
possible... *tail wags*

Dazai: Oh I have plenty of terrible punishment ideas up my sleeve... Would you like a

Chuuya: W-whipping...? If that’s my punishment...I’d be more than eager to receive it... *tail

Dazai: *gets a whip and cracks it in front of him* How does the idea of a whipping sound like to

Chuuya: *whimpers* It sounds absolutely wonderful...

Dazai: *chuckles* Then are you reader for your first whipping?

Chuuya: Yes, master... please make this whipping hurt as much as possible...

Dazai: As you wish... *cracks the whip against his legs*

Chuuya: *yelps in pain* hurts...

Dazai: I’m glad. *cracks is again, harder this time* It’s hurting so good, isn’t it?

Chuuya: It really hurts... *whimpers* More...

Dazai: More? *cracks it again and again*

Chuuya: Y-yes, more! I want as much pain as possible!

Dazai: *cracks it faster and harder* Is this good, puppy?

Chuuya: Y-yes! It hurts so much! Please keep going!

Dazai: *cracks it faster and harder* Is that good enough or do you need more?

Chuuya: A-a little more... *whimpers*

Dazai: *cracks it even harder and faster* How about now?

Chuuya: It hurts so much... *whimpers*

Dazai: *cracks it as fast and as hard as possible* You like the pain don’t you?

Chuuya: I love it! It makes me feel so weak and helpless!

Dazai: *laughs* That’s right. It makes you feel weaker like the helpless little pup you are, doesn’t

Chuuya: So very weak and helpless... *whimpers*

Dazai: *chuckles* Good girl... What part of you has been most affected by the whipping so far?

Chuuya: My thighs, definitely... I can hardly sit down...

Chapter End Notes

If you guys want I'll try to make this an actual oneshot lmaooo

On a personal note I am literally 3 days away from my GCSEs so I will probably go

on hiatus or post more shitty ai generated stuff until they're finished :( (cry for me)

But I will continue to update every weekend after that :) so make sure you like,
subscribe, and hit that notification bell dnskfkfk
Vampiric Kiss
Chapter Summary

Chuuya needs blood and Dazai is willing to supply it... But he ends up liking it a /lot/.

(Established relationship, 18yo)

Chapter Notes

Bottom Dazai
Third Person POV

Another request tysm <3 (btw sorry if I takes a while to post requests, I still want to
right my own stuff and I'm going to write part 2 to the "Dungeon Reunion" story
because I'm a silly goose)

Tags: Sex, vampire Chuuya, Dazai biting kink, praise, degradation, safewords, fluff,
blood but I've tried not to make it into something sexual

Also the vampire au isn't based off of anything in particular!! I'm just doing what I
want with it lmao

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Chuuya groaned – he had a terrible headache and he felt a little dizzy.

He sat alone in his executive office. The orange sunset light shone through the window behind
him, and he cast a long shadow over the paperwork he was frowning at. The solitary noise of the
clock ticking echoed in Chuuya’s head, and he tried to resist the urge to destroy it.


Then at that moment, Dazai burst through the door, “Chuuya~!”

The redhead buried his head in his hands and hissed, “Shut up... My head is killing me.”

”Oh, I’m sorry,” Dazai lowered his voice and shut the door behind him, “why’s that?” He walked
over to Chuuya and leaned next to him, against the desk.

”Haven’t had any food in a while... Mori put me on desk duty because I failed a mission... So I
haven’t been able to drink any enemy’s blood...”

”Oh that sucks,” he paused – suddenly nervous, “you- you could have my blood... If it’d help..?”

Chuuya shot up out of his chair, “really?!” Dazai nodded shyly. “...Wait, are you sure? Because
it’ll hurt. I know how much you don’t like pain.”
”It’s okay - I don’t want to see you suffering.”

”Alright...” He stepped in front of Dazai, and leaned towards him – putting both hands on the desk,
pinning him. “If we’re doing this, you need a safeword. I’d rather not hurt you but... I’m starving,
so I need you to tell me when it’s too much.”

He deliberated for a moment, “uh okay, how about ‘red’? Like a stop sign?”

”Sure... That works.” Chuuya trailed a hand over Dazai’s chest, and up to his neck. He wrapped his
hand around the other’s throat and pressed a thumb into the skin just below Dazai’s chin gently, in
order to tilt it upwards. “What blood type are you?” Chuuya leaned into the crook of the brunette’s

”AB.” Dazai blushed as he felt Chuuya’s breath on his neck.

”Oh? Haven’t had that in some time.” He could barely resist at this point. Chuuya dragged his
fangs across Dazai’s bandages, ripping them open and exposing the skin underneath. The
brunette’s breath hitched. “...are you sure about this..?”

”Y-yeah.” Dazai fidgeted a little, he was flustered by how close Chuuya was. It’s not like they
hadn’t been this close before – they’re dating so of course they have... But Dazai couldn’t help but
be embarrassed every time. Chuuya stood between his thighs, the hand on his neck was gentle, and
Chuuya’s breathing was shallow and desperate against his skin.

He bit into Dazai sharply, piercing the skin without failure. He made sure to avoid the artery, but
the wound was still deep. Dazai involuntarily screamed. The raw sensation ripped through his
body like electricity. Fuck Chuuya was right – this hurt like hell.

Chuuya pulled off of Dazai and took a step back, “shit are you okay?” A look of concern spread
across his face. An unsafe amount of blood poured out of the brunette’s neck, and it was beginning
to stain his shirt collar.

He gave the best smirk he could muster considering the pain, “Mhm... Are you going to let this go
to waste? I’m okay... go for it.” Chuuya stepped back in between Dazai’s legs and pressed his
entire body against him (Dazai blushed at the contact of their crotches and fidgeted against it). The
redhead lapped up the blood, starting at Dazai’s porcelain collarbone, then up to his neck and to the
bite wound itself. He felt the man below him tense up slightly as he sucked at the wound, so he
found the other’s hand and held it – caressing it. The taller man threaded his hand into Chuuya’s
hair and relaxed a little.

After about five minutes, the bleeding slowed down enough that a Band-Aid would be fine to use.
Chuuya pulled away again and wiped the blood from his lips with the back of his hand. “How’re
you doing?”

Dazai breathed out shakily, “I’m alright... Water?” The redhead nodded and moved towards the
water dispenser he kept in the corner of his office. He grabbed two glasses, filled them up, and
gave one to Dazai – who took careful sips. Chuuya downed his glass; washing the taste of blood

The brunette pulled his boyfriend in by the waist for a brief kiss. “...Do you feel better now?”

“Yeah, thanks,” Chuuya smiled, “I'll be alright now for a couple days – and hopefully I’ll be back
in the field by then.” The throbbing pain in his head had vanished.

“I'm glad.” Dazai grinned back, he was still in a substantial amount of pain as the ache of the bite
lingered, but knowing that Chuuya wasn't struggling anymore made him feel better about it.

“You liked all of that more than you thought you would, didn't you?” Chuuya commented

“Hm? What do you mean..?”

“I felt those subtle hip grinds you were making against me.” The redhead purred.

“Huh?!” Dazai turned red hot. “I- ...fuck.” He covered his mouth and looked away.

Chuuya approached his partner and pressed against him like before, he wrapped his arms around
Dazai’s neck and looked up at him with a flirtatious expression. Dazai somehow blushed even
more – his ears tinted pink. “You’re so easy to fluster.” Chuuya slid his hands down to Dazai’s
hips, and kissed his neck.


He kept kissing – occasionally scraping his fangs against the other’s throat. He started to bite his
neck lightly – cautious not to pierce the skin. Each bite elicited soft whimpers from the brunette.

”Chu- Chuuya... I want more...”

The redhead smirked against Dazai’s skin, and bit harder this time. Dazai choked out a pained yet
pleasured moan – his hand found it’s way back into Chuuya’s vibrant hair and grasped at it.
Chuuya slipped a few fingers under the waistband of Dazai’s trousers and pressed gently against
the hot skin underneath.

”May I?”

Dazai gave a shaky ‘yes’ in reply, and Chuuya pulled down his trousers – letting them fall to his

”Touch me... please...” He was half-hard at this point, a bulge forming in his boxers. While
continuing to kiss and bite his neck, Chuuya dragged a single finger over Dazai’s clothed erection.
The sensation sent a shiver up his spine and he tried to buck into Chuuya’s touch, needy for more.

Suddenly there were footsteps distant in the corridor. Both men held their breath – silently
panicking. Dazai was half naked and covered in marks. It would be very awkward if someone
walked in on this. After what felt like an eternity, the footsteps finally disappeared and the two

”We shouldn’t do this here.” Chuuya whispered.

Dazai pouted and whined, “whyyy? No one will catch us.”

”And what if someone wants one of us? And they come knocking at my door?”

”Well~ just tell them to fuck off.” The brunette grinned and toyed with his lover's ginger curls.

Chuuya rolled his eyes and smiled, “you’re going to be the end of me, y’know.”

The redhead grasped at Dazai’s crotch – making him yelp and moan. He rubbed at his partner
(who continued to moan quietly). Chuuya hooked his other hand under the waistband of Dazai’s
”I’m going to fuck you. Is that okay?”


Chuuya pulled down his boxers, revealing Dazai’s full erection. “You’re so pretty.” The latter
blushed again. The ginger took Dazai’s coat, folded it into a makeshift pillow, and placed it in the
middle of the desk.

”Lay on that for me baby.”

Dazai nodded, spun around, and rested his arms on his coat – bending over the desk with his ass

”That’s it..~” Chuuya ran a hand over the brunette’s ass and between his thighs. The other let out a
needy sigh. “So ready for me already. You’re such a whore.” Chuuya spoke softly, as if the
degradation was a compliment instead. He pressed a thumb against Dazai’s rim and he whimpered.
The redhead opened a drawer and fumbled around for his travel sized bottle of lube (he kept it in
his office just... in case Dazai got “needy”). Chuuya found the lube, opened it, and applied some to
his fingers.

“Ready~?” Chuuya purred into Dazai’s ear as he pressed his cold fingers against his partner’s skin.

The bandaged man swallowed and nodded.

The ginger slowly circled the other’s rim once more, and then gently pushed in two of his delicate
fingers into Dazai’s ass. “Mmh-ah~” Chuuya moved in and out leisurely – each time pushing in
deeper but purposefully missing Dazai’s prostate. “Oh~ Ah~ Chuu~” The redhead made a
scissoring motion and the brunette breathed heavier. “Hah~ Aah~!”

“You like that, pretty boy?” Chuuya cooed.

Dazai tried to look back at his boyfriend with a red face. His voice wavered in pleasure, “M-

Chuuya shoved his fingers in deeper and Dazai gasped from the pain-pleasure. He finally stroked
Dazai’s prostate and his entire body trembled. Chuuya brushed against it again, and again, and
again - creating a circular motion. Dazai’s posture faltered. He couldn’t stop loud, lewd moans
from flooding out, and the sound filled the office. The brunette’s legs shook as precum dripped to
the carpeted floor.

“Chuuyaah~ Ah!” Dazai tightened around Chuuya’s fingers, indicating that he was close to
coming. The redhead pulled out completely and Dazai whined.

“S-seriously?” The brunette pouted.

“I thought you liked it slow.” Chuuya grinned, exposing his fangs, “I want to take my time with
you today~” He moved round to Dazai’s face, kissed him gently, and brushed his hair. He also
fished through the same drawer as before and grabbed a condom. By the time Chuuya had
prepared himself, Dazai had calmed down enough to continue. Chuuya walked back behind Dazai
and held his waist.

“Chibi hurry up.” Dazai whined.

“Maybe if you ask nicely, I will. You’ve been a bit bitchy tonight.”
Dazai looked back, annoyed, as if Chuuya would give in just because he was frustrated. However
all Chuuya did was raise an eyebrow and smirk – waiting for an answer.

“Chuuya...” He was beginning to get flustered, but the redhead still waited patiently. Dazai
couldn’t keep eye contact. “C-can you fuck me? Uh.. Please.”

Chuuya smiled, lent down over Dazai, and whispered “good boy.” Chuuya aligned himself with his
partner, and pushed his cock in. “Ngh..” The ginger groaned as he bottomed out inside the taller
male, watching Dazai fall apart from his fingers made Chuuya insanely turned on, and Dazai’s hot,
tight ass felt so good on his aching cock. He moved in and out steadily, still holding onto the
other’s waist.

“Ch-Chibi I need more, please... ah~” Chuuya pulled out gently, then slammed back into him -
targeting his prostate. “AH-Ah!”

“Call me ‘chibi’ again and I’ll stop- ngh~” Chuuya continued to pound into Dazai, “g-got that,

Dazai’s back arched unwittingly at the boost in pleasure, and whined at the degradation. His legs
began to tremble again as a warm feeling built in his abdomen again. Dazai knew his orgasm was
approaching quickly, and he felt embarrassed that he was going to cum so soon. “Chuuya... Ch-
Oh~! Chuuya~ Ch-Chu~! Ah!” Dazai buried his head in his arms – trying to hide from his

“What’s wrong baby? You’re seriously going to cum already?” The ginger teased him, knowing
how much Dazai was loving this. Chuuya watched with awe as Dazai shook from the pleasure - all
he could see of his face was his bright red ears, but it was adorable that Dazai was trying to hide.
Chuuya wished he could look at his face right now.

The brunette tried desperately to hold on, but Chuuya was too good. He felt dizzy as his boyfriend
fucked into him relentlessly, and moans and whimpers continued to spill out.

Chuuya decided to slow down until he stopped completely, and he pulled out. “Turn around.”
Dazai took a moment to catch his breath, and shakily lifted himself up to face his vampire partner.
Chuuya admired his brunette: he was struggling to stand, his face was flushed, and he looked
slightly dazed. The redhead cupped Dazai’s cheek, and looked at him softly, “you okay?”

Dazai leant into the other’s touch, “y-yea. Are we... stopping?”

Chuuya shook his head, “I just wanted to kiss you.” And with that, he kissed him. It was slow and
gentle – a strong contrast to the earlier roughness. Despite being left on edge, Dazai smiled into the
kiss. He couldn’t care less about how good of a time they had been having before, this kiss felt so
much sweeter. It was like a delicate, drunk first kiss you’d have in secret at a friend’s birthday
party. “You can sit, doll.” Dazai obediently did so, sitting on the desk with his feet dangling off the
floor - he looked shy and embarrassed at the abrupt new nickname, and he hid his smile with his
hand. “You’re so cute. Do you like that name, doll?” Chuuya cocked his head and gave a toothy,
slightly dorky but adorable grin. Dazai nodded. Chuuya leaned in and kissed him again. He then
peppered kisses down Dazai’s jaw and to his throat.

“Can... Can you b-bite me more? I, ah, like it... a lot.” Dazai asked - his nervousness was
amazingly cute. ‘Cute’ would not be a word that anyone else in the mafia could ever fathom to
describe the youngest Port Mafia executive in history, but Chuuya could. The redhead smiled
knowing that no-one else would ever see Dazai like this.
Chuuya gave in to Dazai’s request, and bit him softly with his fangs. “Mmh..” While biting and
kissing Dazai’s neck, he lifted the other’s thighs and wrapped his legs around his own waist.
Slowly, he pushed his dick into Dazai’s ass.

“O-oh.. ah~ Ch-Chuuya- harder please~” The redhead thrusted hard, and bit harder. “aH!”

Chuuya flinched at Dazai’s cry of pain, and he pulled back – realising he had drawn blood. “Fuck

“It’s o-okay... Keep going.” Chuuya lapped up the blood as he made slow but precise thrusts,
aiming for each of Dazai's sweet spots, eliciting pretty whimpers from him. The redhead gradually
increased the speed, and Dazai became louder. The brunette struggled to hold himself together – he
gripped the edge of the desk until his knuckles turned white, and he threw his head back.

“You’re- ah~ doing so well- mm~” Chuuya praised through his own moans. He was beginning to
lose his patience as he watched Dazai’s flustered expression. The brunette’s eyebrows furrowed
upwards and his eyes flickered shut. Hot and heavy moans filled the room. Both men could finish
at any moment.

Then Chuuya heard footsteps in the hallway, “oh fuck.” He suddenly stopped his movements and
quickly covered Dazai’s mouth before he had the opportunity to whine from the unexpected and
unsatisfactory pause. Dazai’s body reacted involuntarily in an attempt to get that final bit of friction
that he needed. The footsteps came closer. “Stay quiet for a sec, someone’s coming.” Dazai gave a
muffled groan.

A knock came at the door. “Shit shit shit fuck.” Chuuya panicked. Dazai would’ve been panicking
too if he wasn’t so out of it.

“Hello? Nakahara?” It was Kouyou. “I have some paperwork for you - from Mori.”

Chuuya didn’t know what to do. Of course Kouyou absolutely could not see what he and Dazai
were up to (even if everyone in the Mafia already knew that they were dating). Dazai continued to
fidget, trying to fuck himself down onto the dick that was still inside him. Chuuya took Dazai’s
upper thighs into his hands and pinned him down to the desk, however this meant that the brunette
was able to make a surprised and audible gasp.

“Are you in here? May I come in...?” The door handle turned as if she expected the room to be

“W-wait don’t open the door..!” Chuuya blushed profusely.

Kouyou let go of the handle, “why not? Is everything alright?”

Dazai snickered at his lover’s embarrassed expression. The atmosphere was tense since Chuuya
was certain that Kouyou heard him laugh. It was dead silent, save for that damned clock echoing
through the room again.

Kouyou coughed awkwardly, “is Dazai in there?” The bandaged man laughed even more.

Chuuya sighed, “yeah...” Dazai couldn’t stop giggling now, despite the fact that Chuuya was
glaring at him.

After another awkward pause, Kouyou replied but this time it sounded like she was smirking, “I
see... Sorry for interrupting. I’ll leave these documents outside for you.” There was a gentle thud as
she supposedly dropped the paper on the floor, and she left.
Chuuya exhaled a breath that he didn’t realise he had been holding. He scowled at Dazai.

“S-sorry- pfft.” The brunette was struggling to hold back his laughter, “Chibi please don’t be mad,

“Dumbass,” Chuuya rolled his eyes, “I thought I told you not to call me ‘chibi’?” He tried his best
not to smile, but Dazai’s idiot grin made his glare falter.

“Okay, okay I’ll stop.” He paused and glanced between Chuuya and himself. The redhead was still
inside Dazai, his hands wrapped around the brunette’s thighs. “Can we keep fucking?” Dazai

“Of course, doll.” Chuuya lifted his partner’s legs and wrapped them around his own waist. The
ginger moved in and out slowly – gently brushing against Dazai’s prostate with each movement.
Dazai pulled Chuuya into a needy kiss, he pressed his tongue into Chuuya’s mouth, and traced the
latter’s fangs which made him shudder. The redhead flinched back a little – flustered.

“Chuu~ I-I don’t want to go slowly anymore- please.” He pouted.

“Mkay...” Chuuya pushed his cock in as deep as he could, pulled out almost all the way, then
slammed back in – causing Dazai to scream out a moan. He repeated this action over, and over
again, increasing the speed in each thrust

Dazai clawed at Chuuya’s back. “Ah~! Ha-Ah- Mmh!!” He didn’t anticipate how quickly Chuuya
would speed up but it felt so amazing that he didn’t mind. Both men were in desperate need of a
release after fucking for nearly 50 minutes now, and Chuuya wasn’t planning on stopping again.
He moved mercilessly and abused his partner’s prostate. The brunette’s ass tightened around his
boyfriend’s dick. “H-hah~! Chuuya-ah!”

Dazai finally came with Chuuya’s name spilling from his lips. The sensation ran through his entire
body, he squeezed his eyes shut as he let the pleasure overwhelm him, and tossed his head back.
Chuuya thrusted a few more times before following Dazai into his own climax. He buried his head
into the crook of Dazai’s neck and finished with a whimper.

“That- oh- was s-so good.” Dazai mumbled.

Chuuya got up warily, “I’ll go get some more water.”

Chapter End Notes

Gang lemme know if the degradation is satisfying because idk what I'm doing

I'm so tired just pretend it's the still the weekend pls

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