المحاضرة الصوت

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‫ الصوت‬SOUND

‫ أو موجة قادرة على التحرك في وسط‬،‫• الصوت هو تردد آلي‬

‫ وال‬،‫ والغازات‬،‫ السوائل‬،‫ واألجسام الصلبة‬،‫مادي مثل الهواء‬
‫تنتشر في الفراغ‬
Sound is an automatic frequency, or wave, that
is able to move through a material medium such
as air, solid bodies, liquids, and gases, and does
not propagate into a vacuum
‫انتاج الموجات الصوتية‬ PRODUCING A SOUND WAVE
The sound of a clarinet is produced by a . ‫أي موجة صوتية لها مصدر وهو عبارة عن جسم مهتز‬
vibrating reed, the sound of a drum by the
vibration of the taut drumhead, the sound of a
piano by vibrating strings, and the sound from
a singer by vibrating vocal cords

Such a region of high molecular density and

high air pressure is called a compression

Such a region of reduced density is called a

rarefaction (pronounced “rare a fak shun

‫يمكننا استخدام منحنى جيبي لتمثيل الموجة الصوتية‬

‫وتنتقل الموجه بسبب التضاغطات والتخلخالت في ذرات‬
CHARACTERISTICS OF SOUND ‫خصائص الموجات الصوتية‬
The motion of the elements of the medium in a longitudinal
sound wave is back and forth along the direction in which the
wave travels. By contrast, in a transverse wave, the vibrations
of the elements of the medium are at right angles to the
direction of travel of the wave ‫حركة عناصر الوسط في الموجة الصوتية الطولية تتأرجح‬
‫ على‬.‫ذهابًا وإيابًا على طول االتجاه الذي تنتقل فيه الموجة‬
‫ تكون اهتزازات‬، ‫ في الموجة المستعرضة‬، ‫النقيض من ذلك‬
‫عناصر الوسط في زوايا قائمة على اتجاه انتقال الموجة‬

Categories of Sound Waves Sound waves

fall into three categories covering different ranges of frequencies.
Audible waves are longitudinal waves that lie within the range of sensitivity
of the human ear, approximately 20 to 20000 Hz. Infrasonic waves are
longitudinal waves with frequencies below the audible range. Earthquake
waves are an example. Ultrasonic waves are longitudinal waves with
frequencies above the audible range for humans and are produced by
certain types of whistles. Animals such as dogs can hear the waves emitted
by these whistles ‫الموجات السمعية والموجات فوق الصوتية والموجات تحت الصوتية‬
Applications of Ultrasound ‫تطبيقات الموجة فوق الصوتية‬
A relatively new medical application for ultrasound is the Cavtron Surgical Ultrasound
Aspiration (CUSA). This device made it possible to surgically remove brain tumors that
were previously inoperable. The CUSA probe emits ultrasound (at about 23 kHz) at its
tip. When the tip of the tumor touches a tumor, the portion of the tumor near the
probe is shattered and the residue can be absorbed (aspirated) through the hollow
probe. With this technology, neurosurgeons can remove brain tumors without causing
severe damage to the surrounding healthy tissue
Ultrasound is also used to break up kidney stones that are too large to pass. Previously,
invasive surgery was often required

Diagnosis of the fetus’s position in a mother’s womb, its size, and whether it is
twins. And the fluid surrounding it
‫سرعة الصوت‬THE SPEED OF SOUND
The speed of a sound wave in a fluid depends on the fluid’s
compressibility and inertia. If the fluid has a bulk modulus B
and an equilibrium density r, the speed of sound in it is
Recall from Chapter 9 that the bulk modulus is defined
as the ratio of the change in pressure, P, to the resulting
fractional change in volume, V/V B = Δ𝑉/𝑉

Another example of this general form is the

speed of a longitudinal wave in a solid rod,
where Y is the Young’s modulus of the solid
(see Eq. 9.3) and r is its density. This expression
is valid only for a thin, solid rodwhich is

‫‪ENERGY AND INTENSITY OF SOUND WAVES‬‬ ‫طاقة وكثافة الموجات الصوتية ‪-:‬‬

‫تعريف متوسط ​​شدة الموجة ‪ I‬على سطح معين على أنه المعدل‬
‫الذي تتدفق به الطاقة عبر السطح ‪ ،Δ E / Δt ،‬مقسومًا على‬
‫مساحة السطح ‪A‬‬
‫حيث يكون اتجاه تدفق الطاقة عموديًا على السطح عند كل نقطة‪.‬‬
‫وحدة النظام الدولي للوحدات‪ :‬واط لكل متر مربع ( ‪W /‬‬
‫‪m²‬معدل نقل الطاقة هو القدرة ‪.‬يمكن التعبير عن المعادلة‬
‫السابقة بالعالقة‬
This phenomenon is one example of the Doppler effect, named for
Austrian physicist Christian Doppler (1803–1853), who discovered it.
The same effect is heard if you’re on a motorcycle and the horn is
stationary: the frequency is higher as you approach the source and
lower as you move away. Although the Doppler effect is most often
associated with sound, it’s common to all waves, including light. In
deriving the Doppler effect, we assume the air is stationary and that
all speed measurements are made relative to this stationary medium.
The speed Vο is the speed of the observer, Vs is the speed of the
source, and V is the speed of sound
‫هي سرعة الصوت‬V ‫ و‬، ‫هي سرعة المصدر‬Vs ‫ و‬، ‫هي سرعة المراقب‬Vο ‫السرعة‬
‫الحالة‬Case 1: The Observer Is Moving Relative to a Stationary Source
‫ المراقب ينتقل بالنسبة إلى مصدر ثابت‬:1
We take the frequency of the source to be fs, the wavelength of the
source to be λs, and the speed of sound in air to be V. If both
observer and source are stationary, the observer detects fs wave
fronts per second. (That is, when Vo =0 and Vs=0 the observed
frequency fο equals the source frequency fs )
When moving toward the source, the observer
moves a distance of vOt in t seconds. During
this interval, the observer detects an additional
number of wave fronts

Substituting λs = V/fs into this expression for

fο we obtain
‫عندما يتحرك المراقب بعي ًدا عن مصدر ثابت يتناقص التردد‬
Case 2: The Source Is Moving Relative to a Stationary Observer
‫ المصدر يتحرك بالنسبة إلى مراقب ثابت‬:2 ‫الحالة‬
Here, the wave fronts passing observer A are closer
together because the source is moving in the direction of
As a result, the wavelength λο measured by observer A is
shorter than the wavelength λs of the source at rest. the
outgoing wave

Because λο/fs the frequency observed by A is ‫ يزداد التردد‬، ‫كما هو متوقع‬

‫المرصود عندما يتحرك المصدر‬
.‫نحو المراقب‬

‫‪General Case‬‬
‫‪When both the source and the observer are in motion relative to Earth, Equations‬‬


‫عندما يكون كل من المصدر والمراقب في حالة حركة بالنسبة إلى األرض ‪ ،‬يمكن دمج المعادلتين ‪ 14.10‬و‬
‫‪ 14.11‬إلعطاء في هذا التعبير ‪ ،‬تعتمد عالمات القيم المستبدلة بـ ر‪Vo‬و ‪Vs‬على اتجاه السرعة‪.‬‬

‫الشكل النشط (‪()14.10‬أ) يتحرك مصدر ‪S‬‬

‫وبعيدا عن‬ ‫بسرعة مقابل ‪S‬تجاه مراقب ثابت ‪A‬‬
‫المراقب الثابت ‪B.‬يسمع المراقب ‪A‬ترد ًدا‬
‫متزاي ًدا ‪ ،‬ويسمع المراقب ‪ً B‬‬
‫ترددا منخفضًا‬

The sound-wave patterns produced by most

musical instruments are complex
Tuning fork
In music, the characteristic sound of
any instrument is referred to as the ‫ األشكال الموجية التي‬:14.26 ‫الشكل‬
quality, or timbre, of the sound. The ‫تنتجها (أ) شوكة رنانة‬
quality depends on the mixture of Flute
، ‫ (ب) مزمار‬،
harmonics in the sound. ‫ جميعها في نفس‬، ‫و (ج) كالرينيت‬
.‫التردد تقريبًا‬
FIGURE 14.26 Waveforms produced by (a) a
tuning fork, (b) a flute, and (c) a clarinet, all at
approximately the same frequency. Pressure is
plotted vertically, time horizontally
‫‪he human ear is divided into three regions: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the‬‬
‫‪inner ear (Fig. 14.28). The outer ear consists of the ear canal (which is open to the‬‬
‫‪atmosphere), terminating at the eardrum (tympanum). Sound waves trave‬‬
‫تنقسم األذن البشرية إلى ثالث مناطق‪ :‬األذن الخارجية واألذن الوسطى واألذن الداخلية (الشكل ‪ .)14.28‬تتكون‬
‫األذن الخارجية من قناة األذن (المفتوحة على الغالف الجوي) ‪ ،‬وتنتهي عند طبلة األذن (طبلة األذن)‪.‬‬
‫قنوات نصف دائرية (للتوازن)‬
‫نافدة بيضاوية‬
‫لعصب الدهليزي‬
‫عصب القوقعة‬
‫طبلة األذن (طبلة األذن)‬
‫فناة اوستاكي‬

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