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Gaspar Benz

Player: NPC
Male old human rogue 9 - CR 8
True Neutral Humanoid (Human); Deity: Waukeen; Age:
64; Height: 5' 9"; Weight: 140 lb.; Eyes: Bleus; Hair: Gris;
Skin: Blanche
Ability Score Modifier Temporary

STR 11 0

DEX 14 +2

CON 11 0

INT 18 +4

WIS 16 +3

CHA 16 +3 Skill Name Total Ability Ranks Temp

Acrobatics +6 DEX (2) 1
Saving Throw Total Base Ability Resist Misc Temp Notes Appraise +16 INT (4) 9
FORTITUDE Bluff +11 CHA (3) 5
Climb +4 STR (0) 1
REFLEX +8 = +6 +2
(DEXTERITY) Craft (mapmaking) +7 INT (4) 2
Trap Sense : +3 bonus vs. traps
Diplomacy +15 CHA (3) 9
WILL +6 = +3 +3
(WISDOM) Disable Device +12 DEX (2) 5
Damage Reduction (5/magic) Disguise +7 CHA (3) 1
Total Armor Shield Dex Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc Escape Artist +2 DEX (2) -
AC 16 = +4 +2 Fly +2 DEX (2) -
10 Heal +3 WIS (3) -
Touch AC 12 Flat-Footed AC 14
Trap Sense : +3 bonus vs. traps Intimidate +11 CHA (3) 5
BAB Strength Size Misc
Knowledge (arcana) +9 INT (4) 1
CM Bonus +6 = +6 +0 - -
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8 INT (4) 1
BAB Strength Dexterity Size Knowledge (geography) +12 INT (4) 5
CM Defense 18 = 10 +6 +0 +2 - Knowledge (history) +12 INT (4) 5
See the AC section (above) for situational modifiers that may also apply to
CMD Knowledge (Milvarn) +16 INT (4) 9
Base Attack +6 HP 65 Knowledge (nature) +5 INT (4) 1
Damage / Current HP Knowledge (nobility) +12 INT (4) 5
Initiative +6 Knowledge (psionics) +5 INT (4) 1
Knowledge (Sembie) +12 INT (4) 5
Speed 30 ft Perception +9 WIS (3) 3
Trapfinding: +4 to locate traps
Lola Profession (clerk) +15 WIS (3) 9
Main hand: +10/+5, 1d6+1 Crit: 15-20/×2 Ride +3 DEX (2) 1
1-hand, P
Both hands: +10/+5, 1d6+1 Sense Motive +15 WIS (3) 9
Sleight of Hand +14 DEX (2) 9
+1 glamered leaf armor
Stealth +14 DEX (2) 9
Max Dex: +5, Armor Check: -
+4 Spell Fail: 15%, Light Survival +4 WIS (3) 1
Swim +5 STR (0) 2
Use Magic Device +9 CHA (3) 3
Activated Abilities & Adjustments
Age Effects
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Feats Experience & Wealth
Armor Proficiency (Light) Experience Points: 103000/105,000
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Current Cash: 1,245 pp, 49,710 gp, 68,795 sp, 12,548
Cosmopolitan (Knowledge [Milvarn], Knowledge [Sembie]) cp
Improved Initiative Languages
Leadership (score 12)
Rogue Weapon Proficiencies Damaran
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus (Rapier) Gaspar Benz, né à Selgont le 12 avril 1316, a trouvé
grâce aux yeux du prince Auvur de Milvarn qu'il sert
Traits depuis maintenant 20 années. Ancien négociant
Fencer d'import/export et dévot de Waukeen, il est le ministre
Mathematical Prodigy (Knowledge [arcana]) des finances du petit royaume.

Gear Sourcebooks Used

Total Weight Carried: 12/115 lbs, Light Load • Advanced Player's Guide - Cosmopolitan (feat); Fast
Fingers (special ability)
(Light: 38 lbs, Medium: 76 lbs, Heavy: 115 lbs) • Advanced Player's Guide Traits / Character Traits
+1 glamered leaf armor 10 lbs Web Enhancement - Fencer (trait)
Artisan's outfit (Free) - • Advanced Player's Guide Traits / Character Traits
Lola 2 lbs Web Enhancement / Ultimate Campaign -
Money <In: Dropped to ground (1 @ 2645.96 2645.96 lbs Mathematical Prodigy (trait)
lbs)> of cure serious wounds
Potion - • Adventurer's Armory / Inner Sea World Guide -
Potion of gaseous form - Leaf armor (armor)
Potion of invisibility - • Inner Sea World Guide - Education (feat)
Potion of nondetection - • NNW - Liber Vampyr - Damage Reduction, Magic
Potion of shield of faith +3 - and Silver (equipment)
Ring of sustenance - • Ultimate Combat - Black Market Connections (special
Robe of gem fabric - ability)
Special Abilities
Black Market Connections (Ex)
Evasion (Ex)
Fast Fingers (2/day) (Ex)
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >= 13) (Ex)
Minor Magic (Mage Hand, 3/day) (Sp)
Sneak Attack +5d6
Trap Sense +3 (Ex)
Trapfinding +4
Spell-Like Abilities
Mage Hand (3/day)

Tracked Resources
Fast Fingers (2/day) (Ex)
Minor Magic (Mage Hand, 3/day) (Sp)
Potion of cure serious wounds
Potion of gaseous form
Potion of invisibility
Potion of nondetection
Potion of shield of faith +3

Aglarondais Gnome
Chondathan Mulhorandi
Common Shou
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

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