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The petroleum industry, includes the global processes of exploration, extraction, refining, transporting
(often by oil tankers and pipelines), and marketing of petroleum products. The largest volume
products of the industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum (oil) is also the raw material for
many chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers, pesticides, synthetic
fragrances, and plastics.

 What processes are mentioned in the text?

 What is the major use of petroleum?
 What are the other products made from petroleum?

In the text, there are some COGNATES.

COGNATES are words that are similar in two languages and have the same meaning.

Example: SCHOOL (English)  ESCOLA (Portuguese) = A place where you go to study.

There are other words that we call False Cognates, because they are similar
in two languages, but they don’t have the same meaning. Example:

 ACTUAL (English) = “Real”

 ATUAL (Portuguese) = “Recente, Contemporâneo”

Can you identify the COGNATES in the text?

Identifying cognates is one of the techniques used for understanding English.

BE is the most important verb in the English language. It is the only English verb that has three conjugations in
the simple present (am / are / is).

Remember the use of the following (SUBJECT) PRONOUNS:

I – The person speaking HE – a man or a boy WE – People included in the speech

YOU – The interlocutor(s) SHE – a woman or a girl THEY – Other people

IT – a thing, an idea, an animal

Complete the sentences using the correct form of verb BE:

 It _____ cold today.

 I _____ at home now.
We usually use the contracted forms of BE
 They _____ Korean.
in statements (affirmative sentences):
 It _____ a pen.
 My name _____ Nikita. I’m

 We _____ from kraine. He’s / She’s / It’s

 That _____ right. You’re / We’re / They’re

 I _____ OK, thanks.
 Clara and Steve _____ married.
 She _____ an English teacher.

Complete the text using the correct forms of verb BE:

Marcia _____ from Brazil. She _____ 25 years old and works as a secretary at ZLS Computers, in Dublin. She

_____ very communicative and has a lot of friends. Two of her best friends are Miguel and Pauline. Miguel _____

from Portugal. He _____ 27 years old. Pauline _____ a very funny French girl. She _____ 30 years old. Marcia

and Miguel _____ single, but Pauline isn’t. She _____ married to a doctor. She says they _____ very happy.

Marcia says she wants to go back to Brazil, but she _____ sure she _____ going to miss her friends.

As you could see, we use verb BE to express / say our:

 names  jobs
 age  location
 origin  features
 feelings  qualities
 relationships  and many other things.

Do the same now! Use verb be to talk about yourself with more details.


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