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Toward a Model of Human Information Processing for Decision-Making and

Skill Acquisition in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery

Article  in  Journal of Surgical Education · October 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2017.09.010


8 9,082

5 authors, including:

Eoin J. White Muireann Mcmahon

University of Limerick University of Limerick


Michael T Walsh John Calvin Coffey

University of Limerick University of Limerick


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Toward a Model of Human

Information Processing for
Decision-Making and Skill Acquisition
in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Eoin J. White, PhD,* Muireann McMahon, PhD,* Michael T. Walsh, PhD,†,‡,§
J. Calvin Coffey, PhD, FRCS,‡,║,¶ and Leonard O′Sullivan, PhD*,‡

School of Design, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Co. Limerick, Ireland; †School of Engineering, University
of Limerick, Castletroy, Co. Limerick, Ireland; ‡Health Research Institute, University of Limerick, Castletroy,
Co. Limerick, Ireland; §Bernal Institute, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Co. Limerick, Ireland; ║Graduate
Entry Medical School, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Co. Limerick, Ireland; and ¶Department of Colorectal
Surgery, University Hospital Limerick, University of Limerick, Castletroy, Co. Limerick, Ireland

OBJECTIVE: To create a human information–processing CONCLUSIONS: Surgical decision-making during laparo-

model for laparoscopic surgery based on already established scopic surgery is the result of a highly complex series of
literature and primary research to enhance laparoscopic processes influenced not only by the operator’s knowledge,
surgical education in this context. but also patient anatomy and interaction with the surgical
team. Newer developments in simulation-based education
DESIGN: We reviewed the literature for information-
must focus on the theoretically supported elements and
processing models most relevant to laparoscopic surgery.
events that underpin skill acquisition and affect the cogni-
Our review highlighted the necessity for a model that
tive abilities of novice surgeons. The proposed human
accounts for dynamic environments, perception, allocation
information–processing model builds on established liter-
of attention resources between the actions of both hands of
ature regarding information processing, accounting for a
an operator, and skill acquisition and retention. The results
dynamic environment of laparoscopic surgery. This revised
of the literature review were augmented through intra-
model may be used as a foundation for a model describing
operative observations of 7 colorectal surgical procedures,
robotic surgery. ( J Surg Ed ]:]]]-]]]. J
C 2017 Association of
supported by laparoscopic video analysis of 12 colorectal
Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.)
RESULTS: The Wickens human information-processing
KEY WORDS: human information processing, surgical
model was selected as the most relevant theoretical model
education, decision-making, laparoscopic surgery, medical
to which we make adaptions for this specific application.
device design
We expanded the perception subsystem of the model to
involve all aspects of perception during laparoscopic surgery. COMPETENCIES: System based practice, practice based
We extended the decision-making system to include learning and improvement, medical knowledge
dynamic decision-making to account for case/patient-
specific and surgeon-specific deviations. The response
subsystem now includes dual-task performance and non-
technical skills, such as intraoperative communication. The
memory subsystem is expanded to include skill acquisition Laparoscopic surgery has become a popular approach for
and retention. several procedures previously performed openly.1-3 The
operator coordinates their eyes, hands, and an elongated
surgical instrument in a skillful manner, as well as inter-
Funding: This work was supported by the Irish Research Council under the
IRCSET Scholarship Scheme.
preting a 2-dimensional environment on a screen to visual-
Corresponence: Leonard O’Sullivan, PhD, University of Limerick, F2–022 Foundation ize the anatomy.4 Furthermore, they are removed from
Building, Castletroy, Co. Limerick, Ireland; e-mail: direct contact with the tissues, so their tactile feedback

Journal of Surgical Education  & 2017 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by 1931-7204/$30.00 1
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
is fundamentally different from that experienced during MATERIALS AND METHODS
open surgery. Common laparoscopic colorectal surgery
procedures include appendectomy, sigmoid colectomy, Literature Review and Selection of Primary
anterior resection, and total mesocolic excision.5-8 Model
Laparoscopic surgery has many proven benefits over open
procedures, with reduced risk of infection,9 reduced The literature was reviewed for information-processing
surgical invasiveness, shorter recovery times,10 reduced or models which could be applied to laparoscopic surgery.
invisible scars,11 and lower morbidity and mortality in many The short-listed models identified from our search were the
common procedures.12 Laparoscopic colorectal techniques Multiple Resource Theory by Wickens (2002), the 2-step
have also been shown to reduce mortality rates.13,14 model of intraoperative decision-making proposed by Flin
Contextual information is important for learning and skill et al. (2007), the 3-loop model of decision-making pro-
acquisition. In this regard, identifying stimuli, selecting posed by Harvey and Fischer (2005), the naturalistic model
an appropriate response, and improving memory have an of intraoperative decision-making proposed by Cristancho
effect on a surgeon’s ability to perform surgery.15 Training et al. (2013), and the Wickens model of Human Informa-
skilful and competent surgeons is required to ensure tion Processing (HIP).21
high-quality care and reduce the risk of adverse events. The Multiple Resource Theory model describes resources as
Surgical education plays an important role in the being parallel, separate, or relatively independent when being used.
acquisition of surgical skills. However, traditional models The model contains 4 dimensions that account for the variances
by which surgeons are trained have been challenged in time-shared performance: stages, perceptual modalities, visual
owing to rapid advances in technology, higher focus on channels, and processing codes. Each of the 4 dimensions contains
patient-safety, and an overall need for a value-driven health separate levels of visual and auditory input.22
system.16 The 2-step model of intraoperative decision-making is based
The practice of surgery is becoming increasingly more on situation assessment and decision-making. The model
complex. Evolving surgical education methods should proposes 4 types of decision-making: intuitive, which is used
appreciate information processing as, although modern most often by expert operators; rule-based, in which operators
technologies provide tools to offer environments for resi- follow a set procedure to complete a surgical task; analytical,
dents to learn and understand to a greater degree than that which requires the operator to simultaneously compare a
offered to previous generations, surgical educators need to number of possible courses of actions and their outcomes in
use both innovation and technology to make the best use of order to decide on the most suited path; and creative decision-
data and knowledge to train novice surgeons.17 Grierson15 making, which is rarely applied to surgery.23
states that, while clinical skills are often practiced in chaotic The 3-loop model accounts for changes in a skilled
clinical environments, many of the same skills are also person’s estimate of the probability of successful perform-
regularly carried out under stress-free conditions. Both ance of a task. An inner loop describes how short-term
chaotic and stress-free environments are equally realistic, memory is used by all factors needed to make a decision.
with the chaotic environment adding a degree of difficulty, A secondary, slow cognitive loop, shows how task feedback
more so than realism. Therefore, the different environ- is further refined and assimilated into a mental model of the
mental conditions may affect the amount that finite task, supporting the inner loop. The outer loop conveys
cognitive resources are taxed. storage of mental models for all previous tasks.24
Highly contextual, information rich, or affect-inducing The naturalistic model of intraoperative decision-making
learning environments work to increase the complexity of focuses on 3 major and sometimes overlapping components:
skill practice.15 Therefore, newer developments in simula- situation assessment, reconciliation cycle, and gaining
tion-based education where operating room (OR) accuracy information. The proposed reconciliation cycle refers to
is paramount must focus on, not only the physical aspects of the continuous, iterative process of gaining and processing
surgery but also the theoretically supported elements and information, and anticipating future events. The naturalistic
events that underpin skill acquisition and affect the cogni- model is more focused on design-making during nonroutine
tive abilities of the surgical trainee. Research has shown that challenges rather than an entire surgical procedure. How-
surgical information processing is affected by knowledge, ever, it further substantiated the need for situation assess-
expertise, awareness,18 distraction,19 and mental resour- ment and intuitive decision-making to be included in our
ces.20 However, there are few data available on informa- HIP model.25
tion-processing models that unify the different information- Based on our review of the above models, including their
processing models detailed in the literature. The aim of the previous applications to surgical domains, we selected and
present study was to develop a Human Information and advanced the Wickens HIP (Fig. 1), which describes informa-
Processing (HIP) model for skill acquisition and decision- tion flow between cognitive subsystems, as indicated by the
making in the context of surgical education, based on a arrows. The Wickens HIP model was previously applied to
review of the literature and primary research in the OR. describe information processing in other high-stress

2 Journal of Surgical Education  Volume ]/Number ]  ] 2017

The videos analysed were of laparoscopic appendectomies
(n ¼ 4), laparoscopic sigmoid colectomies (n ¼ 3), anterior
resection (n ¼ 1), and total mesocolic excisions (n ¼ 4).
The key findings drawn from surgical observations and video
analyses were the use of intraoperative communication and
teamwork and the ability of the operator to filter relevant and
nonrelevant inputs during surgery. The main operator-dele-
gated tasks to surgical assistants were to reorient the laparo-
scopic, or hold an instrument in place while they used other
instruments. Intraoperative communication, task delegation,
and input filtering were incorporated into the revised model.
FIGURE 1. Wickens model of human information processing.21
environments, including aviation,26 and has been used as the
basis for information processing during endoscopic surgery.27 Model Outline in Brief
However, the model proposed by Grimbergen et al. (2004) is a The 4 primary systems of (1) perception, (2) decision-making,
direct adaption of the Wickens model and was not modified to (3) response and (4) memory, as detailed in the original
take into account the work of other research in the literature as Wickens model, were expanded to encompass environmental,
applied specifically to that type of surgery. information-processing, and perceptual factors, which are
This model is based on continual sensing of stimuli or important in laparoscopic surgery. These subsystems are based
events by the sensory system. They are interpreted based on on findings from subsystem-specific human information mod-
memory of past experience (perceived), in this case, previous els, surgical observations, and analysis of laparoscopic surgery
laparoscopic surgeries and education related to anatomy and video data. The model serves as a base for understanding the
procedure methodology. Once the situation is understood factors that influence decision-making, and the allotment of
through perception and cognition, an action or response is operators’ attention resources, enhancing our understanding of
triggered. Anything that is perceived can then be responded how operators decide which course of action to take. The
to directly. Many mental operations are not performed system of attention resources remained unchanged. The modi-
automatically. They require the selective application fied model is separated into 5 subsystems: (1) perception,
of limited processing resources. Attention represents (2) attention resources, (3) decision-making, (4) response, and
this selective supply of mental resources.28 Feedback is (5) memory. Each subsystem of this HIP model can be used to
important for establishing that the intended goal is achieved. enhance surgical education in these areas and to illustrate the
Feedback indicates that actions can be directly sensed inherent strengths and weaknesses of laparoscopic surgeons,
through interactions with the environment. This flow of from novice to expert (Fig. 2).
information can be initiated at any point. In situations where
the flow of information is continuous, action can cause 1. Perception: We revised this subsystem to include 3 ele-
perception and vice versa. Cognitive operations generally ments of surgical perception, i.e., visual/spatial, tactile/
require more time, attention, or mental effort than percep- haptic, and limb localization feedback. We also incorpo-
tion, which is the distinct difference between them. However, rated an input-filtering component.
both have similar implications on action. 2. Attention resources: This system is unchanged; however, it
now feeds into the added situation awareness, situation
assessment, and self-assessment component of the deci-
Primary Research sion-making subsystem.
Intraoperative Observations 3. Decision-making: We added a new component to this
Laparoscopic procedures were observed to gain a greater subsystem that includes situation awareness, situation
understanding of how operators make decisions in the OR, assessment, and self-assessment. We included dynamic
and the extent to which external stimuli influence decision- decision-making and expanded it to include the 4 types
making. Seven colorectal surgeries were observed, including of decision-making from the 2-step model: creative, rule-
laparoscopic anterior resection, left hemicolectomy, small based, analytical, and intuitive.
bowel resection, cholecystectomy, ileocolic anastomosis, 4. Response: We incorporated dual-task performance and motor
abdominal perineal resection, and Delorme’s procedure. control, and a component, which balances the attention
resources allocated to both limbs. Intraoperative communi-
cation and task delegation were added from primary research.
Laparoscopic Video Study 5. Memory: Skill acquisition and reinforcement were added,
Laparoscope video recordings of 12 procedures were studied which draw from and add to working memory and long-
to determine patterns of surgical actions. term memory.

Journal of Surgical Education  Volume ]/Number ]  ] 2017 3

FIGURE 2. Human information processing model for laparoscopic surgery.

Perception and haptic feedback complements visual feedback when

identifying obscure tissue planes and blood vessels as well as
In laparoscopic surgery, perception primarily applies to 3
abnormal tissues.33
main areas: visual/spatial, tactile and haptic feedback, and
limb localization feedback.
Limb Localization Perception
The operator judges the position of their limbs relative
Visual-Spatial Perception to the laparoscopic instruments, as perceived through
Recognition of anatomy is a fundamental surgical skill, the laparoscope. Surgical dexterity has been widely
which is acquired with experience. The operator must also acknowledged as an important attribute of surgical skill
use bloodless planes during surgery, such as when mobiliz- acquisition.34
ing the colon and mesocolon during colectomy. These
tissue planes tend to be avascular, so adherence to the planes Inputs Filtering. The authors suggest that an operator
is preferable to avoid intraoperative bleeding.29 must identify and differentiate relevant inputs from
irrelevant inputs during surgery. Mental capacity remains
Tactile/Haptic Perception surgeon-specific; however, the ability to differentiate inputs
Haptic perception (or haptics) is the combination of tactile increases during skill acquisition. An expert operator would
perception and kinesthetic perception.39 Tactile perception possess a greater capacity for filtering inputs than a novice
is the perception of pressure, vibration, and texture. operator.
Kinesthesia, the sensitivity of movement of the muscles, is
gained from body movements of anything that requires
Attention/Mental Resources
precise control over the position and movement of body
parts, whether self-generated or externally imposed.30,31 People have finite cognitive capacities. This is represented in
There are 2 schools of thought on the role of haptics in human information–processing models in the form of a
laparoscopic surgery. On one hand, it is reported that haptic pool of limited resources, which are drawn on, as necessary,
feedback is reduced or removed when performing laparo- to meet cognitive demands. Under specific circumstances,
scopic surgery, and is not relied on to direct surgery. Others surgical issues may be the result of an operator’s lapse in
suggest that haptic feedback is still a factor of intraoperative performance if an adverse event occurs, or if rapid decisions
technical outcome as operators use the feeling of forces and are not made adequately, owing to inadequate monitoring,
pressures encountered by the instruments to help inform predicting, and planning.35 The authors suggest that, most
their interactions with soft tissues.32 The color and texture of the time, operators encounter surgical issues when they
of soft tissues convey important anatomical information, find themselves in unanticipated situations where they lack

4 Journal of Surgical Education  Volume ]/Number ]  ] 2017

the intuitive thinking required to resolve it, as their Memory
decision-making has a flawed anatomic basis. Full attention
is initially required to achieve the desired outcome of a goal, Working Memory
or to execute actions or strategies. Working memory is an important component for holding,
Controlled processing is beneficial at this stage as task manipulating, and processing information.39 It is the
execution is still flexible, but its taxation of cognitive mental system used to temporarily store and process new
resources makes it slow to execute and presents difficulty and previously stored information, and delegates perceived
when combining controlled processing with other cogni- stimuli to the areas of the brain responsible for action.
tively demanding tasks. This is also the case for combining Therefore, working memory is necessary for staying focused
both performance and learning.36,37 As the amount of on a task, and requires the use of attention resources.
information to be processed increases, the availability of According to Brady et al.,40 working memory does not have
mental resources decreases.15 Any information processing a fixed capacity; instead, its capacity is dependent on exactly
that occurs which is unrelated to skill, such as environ- what is being remembered.
mental distractions, or the trainee’s own thoughts, arousal,
anxiety, or focus, can impede a surgeon’s learning process.38 Long-Term Memory
Long-term memory is the relatively permanent memory
storage system of the brain of unknown capacity. After
information proceeds through working memory, it can be
permanently stored for retrieval when needed. When tasks
The decision-making system was expanded to encompass are performed repeatedly following consistent steps, or
the different decision-making processes associated with a when several instances of a single task are stored in long-
dynamic environment of laparoscopic surgery. Four separate term memory, repetition becomes faster and more consis-
decision-making processes are illustrated in the model, tent. The need to follow a prescribed process decreases, and
which are adapted from the 2-step model of intraoperative performing the same actions requires less effort. During this
decision-making: creative, rule-based, analytical, and process of automisation, capacity for concurrent actions
intuitive.23 increases. However, the ability to deviate from task perform-
The decision-making subsystem also includes situation ance is lessened.37 For laparoscopic surgery, Gallagher
awareness, situation assessment, and self-assessment compo- et al.41 showed that each surgical skill (psychomotor
nents, as when more information becomes apparent to the performance, spatial judgment, operative judgment, deci-
operator, different skillsets may need to be used. Situation sion-making, comprehending instruction, and learning)
awareness is the core characteristic of decision-making when requires less attention resources as a laparoscopic surgeon
combined with intuitive decision-making. For example, gains more experience in practicing them.
when the operator cannot find the correct anatomical
landmarks to follow during a procedure, they must explore Skill Acquisition and Reinforcement
in a controlled manner until they find them. The authors Cognitive architecture consists of a limited-capacity working
propose that this concept of directed and focused anatom- memory and virtually unlimited long-term memory.42 It is
ical exploration is an important aspect of situation awareness suggested that capacity limitations of short-term and work-
for operators. ing memory determine the amount learned from complet-
It is interesting that, according to this model, current ing a task.
decision-making processes are well-likened to current lapa- We included skill acquisition and reinforcement in the
roscopic surgical information processing, with only a slight model to reflect training and skill retention required for
deviation in decision-making and perception. Skill acquis- laparoscopic surgery. Progression through the assessment of
ition, retention, and reinforcement are constantly occurring theoretical knowledge and operative skills is required to
from novice to expert surgeons. However, the means by reach the level of expertise that an operator requires.
which surgeons make decisions differ between novice and Procedural skills vary from one surgical procedure to
expert. Novice surgeons, although well educated, follow the another, the combinations of which define the surgical
rule-based approach. This approach relies on the surgeon’s craft.43 Skill acquisition is an important component of
knowledge of surgical literature to perform prescribed laparoscopic surgery and is an important part of retention
procedures. As surgeons become more educated, there is a and decay.
shift from rule-based to intuitive decision-making, whereby It has been shown by Proteau et al. (1994) that, during
the surgeon can instinctually perform procedures efficiently. motor skill training, frequent changing of the training task
Surgical educational practices could be altered to address improves learning outcomes. The introduction of more
these deficiencies, or otherwise acknowledge them, by variability in laparoscopic training tasks would lead to a
placing more emphasis on intuitive decision-making from better learning experience. This is known as the contextual
the onset, rather than having it naturally occur. interference effect, in which variable conditions of practice

Journal of Surgical Education  Volume ]/Number ]  ] 2017 5

during a set time impairs performance in skill acquisition, than experts. Implicit motor learning during surgical train-
but improves performance in delayed retention tests, when ing has the potential to promote neural efficiency.49 In
compared with practicing the same task repeatedly for the addition, repetitive practice also leads to muscle memory,
same set time.44 which facilitates motor and technical competence while
After training practices, trainees can try to recall images performing surgical procedures.50
and sensations collected while performing skill tasks,
and create vivid mental images of the execution of the
task. Mental imagery can be associative or dissociative, Intraoperative Communication and Task Delegation
as it can be viewed from first person or third person Intraoperative teamwork and communication has an
perspectives.36 effect on nontechnical skills and technical performance,
and affects operative duration. Specifically, surgical,
anesthetic, and nursing teamwork skills affect technical
Response outcome of surgery. It has been shown that levels
The response subsystem is expanded upon the original of team skills in OR teams correlate with the frequency
Wickens HIP model. In our response system, we introduce of technical errors and problems occurring during
dual-task performance. Response execution is split into 2 operations.51
paths: dominant hand actions and nondominant hand Task delegation, along with other nontechnical skills such
actions. This representation of surgical response is impor- as intraoperative communication, is the direct result of
tant for surgical education as both limbs perform separate communication, teamwork, and activity coordination
actions, with the dominant hand providing detailed actions within the operating theater. Rapid task delegation can
and the nondominant hand providing support. Feedback is occur in a dynamic environment if an adverse event should
also essential for learning.16 occur, or if a surgery requires rapid task switching to ensure
a positive technical outcome.52 In extreme circumstances,
Dual-Task Performance dynamic task delegation may occur to prevent adverse
Dual-task performance was a new element introduced to the events from having a negative clinical outcome. The rapid
response subsystem. Dual-task performance affects quality and repeated delegation of tasks from the operator to team
of intraoperative technical outcome. Laparoscopic surgery members, as well as the withdrawal of other tasks from other
requires both dominant and nondominant hand use for members, has been found to enhance teams’ ability to
skilled actions and instrument manipulation, and surgical perform more reliably while also allowing skill acquisition
competency in relation to dual-task conditions differs with and reinforcement.53
experience.45 Stefanidis et al.46 note a decrement in
secondary task performance under dual-task conditions
Limitations of the HIP Model
across all levels of experience; however, the secondary task
introduced was visual-spatial and was modeled on a task for The main limitations of this study include the recruitment
assessing attention. of 1 surgeon and 1 observer at the primary research stage.
However, we purposely focused on a single experienced
Motor Control surgeon to build a laparoscopic HIP model rather than a
Smith et al.47 indicated that motor skill performance is most generalized model that applies to the entire surgical pop-
often measured by time and accuracy, taking into account ulation. The model also purposely omits shared mental
errors. Torkington et al.48 theorised the possibility that models, which are prevalent in the literature, as we focused
there are significant differences in the way new motor skills on the information processing of the primary surgeon only.
are learned between the dominant and nondominant hands, A further limitation of this work is determining how to
which are why both motor skill components are kept empirically test the model to validate its components and
separate in the proposed model. In laparoscopic surgery, structure. A process of review and refinement is needed to
the nondominant hand performs support actions to aid the further develop and substantiate the model in order to aid
dominant hand. innovation in laparoscopic surgery. Despite these limita-
In relation to motor control, mental resources are tions, this model addresses the need for a HIP model,
distributed evenly between both the dominant and non- which encompasses all aspects of laparoscopic surgery
dominant hand. However, if more resources are needed for from stimuli filtering through response and intraoperative
primary task performance, unused mental resources can be communication.
exchanged between primary and secondary tasks to ensure Further work is required to develop a valid taxonomy of
that the surgical procedure is completed efficiently. This can individual operators’ decision-making processes and skillsets
happen rapidly, depending on the tasks undertaken. The for further feedback so that the model may be applied
amount of resources required, as well as the attention across a broader array of laparoscopic surgeries beyond the
capacity of the operator, is more limited in novice surgeons colorectal region.

6 Journal of Surgical Education  Volume ]/Number ]  ] 2017

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