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English Reading Level J-Answer Key

Reading for Literature

1. B. news of the grandfather’s health
2. E. Supporting family members in times of need is a priority.
3. D. “As it turned out, her friends were waiting for her to leave the room so they could
surprise her.”
4. C. The narrator’s family is worried about the grandfather, and they finally get good news.
5. E. The characters learn that the grandfather will make a recovery.
6. E. complain
7. B. It explains why spiders should fear us more than we fear them.
9. A. A first-person narration gives a detailed account of the tense mood.
10. B. They are happy in the garden.
11. B. She does not have enough money to buy a prom dress.
12. B. True friends are helpful in times of need.
13. C. Lenny assuring Diana that he isn’t upset with her
14. B. The brothers find out that the small dog was searching for its mother.
15. B. He misses being out on the ocean.
16. A. teach her that things don’t always happen the way she wants them to in life
17. A. It serves as the resolution of the story.
18. B. She feels that her daughter does not yet know what it is to be truly disappointed.
19. E. sadness and loneliness
20. E. It provides the reader with the necessary background to understand the story.
Reading for Information
21. D. travel across new territories for settlement
22. E. Pioneers traveling across Oregon faced many dangers.
23. B. “They spend months and years traveling across vast distances…”
24. A. Pioneers faced threats of accidents, diseases, and attacks.
25. D. They lived on the land before pioneers came.
26. C. obtained
27. E. It develops the main idea.
28. E. his bias towards American pioneers
29. D. to emphasize the hardships that pioneers faced as they discovered new settlements
30. D. by giving reasons why pioneers died during their journey
31. B. American pioneers traveled in wagons.
32. D. “… has become an educational tourist attraction.”
33. E. They help in providing nourishment and plant reproduction.
34. A. Apples are vital for one’s health.
35. C. “She was also one of the sparks that started the anti-slavery movement.”
36. A. They invented and flew the first airplane powered with controls from the inside.
37. C. the flying of an aircraft
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38. E. It provides supporting details to the previous sentence.
39. B. “… apples are an important fruit that should be integrated in every diet.”
40. A. to provide the reader with information about dragonflies
41. D. Dragonflies have great eyesight.
42. A. Honeybees should be preserved and protected instead of feared.
43. B. by explaining how they made their remarkable invention in the field
44. C. “She was also one of the sparks that started the anti-slavery movement.”

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