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1. The nature vs. nurture controversy involves the belief that babies have inborn
knowledge vs. babies learn all things through their environment & experiences.

2. The dependency theory is one of the theories that explain why infants love their
mothers. According to Harlow & Harlow’s study (in which infant monkeys were
raised in isolation), isolates with both feeding & soft surrogate mothers would cling to
the feeding surrogate instead of developing behavioural problems.

3. Attachment theory was developed by John Bowlby. This theory postulate that:
a. Babies seek proximity to their primary caregivers because they want to feel
b. Babies will modify their behaviour to be closer to their primary caregiver.

4. It is baby Arashi’s first day at playgroup. The other parents notice that Arashi tends to
be quite clingy to his mother & doesn’t seem to explore his new surroundings. When
his mother briefly leaves the room to get something from the car, Arashi becomes
hysterical. On her return he is aggressive & hits out at her. This attachment style is
known as anxious ambivalent.

5. Alana has just received her grades for her 1st year psychology courses, and she finds
that she has passed PSYC1030, but failed PSYC1040. She reasons to herself that she
passed PSYC1030 because she is smart, but failed PSYC1040 because the air-con
was too cold during the final exam & the lecturer wasn’t very good. This is an
example of an attributional bias of self-serving bias.

6. You refuse your brother’s request to baby-sit his toddler overnight, but agree to his
subsequent request to look after little Mei for 2 hours. Your brother has successfully
used a compliance technique known as door-in-the-face.

7. Altruism is more common in larger cities than in rural areas.

8. 2 behaviours are characteristic of adolescents are:

a. Risk taking
b. Questioning one’s identity & role in society

9. In nonverbal communication, the term “illustrator” refers to nonverbal behaviours that

aid/ compliment the clarification of word meaning.

10. An experiment, in which White participants saw either a Black or White person push
the other, found that more participants saw the push as violent when the White person
was being pushed compared to when the Black person was being pushed.
11. Research has found that when African-American students were anticipating a test of
“intellectual ability” (as compared to a “routine lab task” that, in reality, was exactly
the same task), they revealed more race-related anxieties on a word completion tasks,
and did worse on the test. These research findings generated stereotype threat.

12. According to goal setting theory, the most effective way to motivate a worker is to set
goals that are specific, and difficult yet achievable.

13. James is creating an intervention to try & reduce smoking among city office workers.
His intervention is focused on encouraging offices to remove their balcony/
designated smoking areas. This level of intervention is community.

14. Based on the DSM-IV, a mental condition considered a clinical case requiring
diagnosis when it disrupts one’s social & occupational daily functioning.

15. Paralysis by analysis is an example of both somatic & cognitive anxiety.

16. Dysfunctional thoughts & medical issues (brain injury) are linked to a cause of mental
health disorders, not race & culture.

17. Men & women are equally as likely to suffer from anxiety disorder.

18. Dr Marvin Monroe is treating Edna for a current Major Depressive Episode. Her
treatment focuses on enabling her to get in touch with her feelings so that she can
become her true self. The approach is known as humanistic.

19. For the past 2 years or more Edna has been experiencing a chronic, low-level
depression, with intervals of normal moods that never last more than a few weeks or
months. This kind of disorder is known as dysthymia.

20. Healthcare services are located predominantly in urban areas of Australia, meaning
that indigenous Australians often have to travel far in order to access healthcare.
According to the lecture, this is an example of social inequality.

21. In general life, satisfaction increases with age.

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