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A literature review is a critical and comprehensive analysis of existing literature (published

materials like books, articles, research papers, and other sources) on a specific topic or research
question. It is an essential component of academic research and helps provide a solid foundation
for a new study or research project.

The main objectives of a literature review are:

1. **To Understand Existing Knowledge:** The review aims to identify and summarize the
existing body of knowledge on a particular subject or topic. It helps researchers gain a deep
understanding of the historical and current developments related to their area of interest.

2. **To Identify Gaps:** By examining existing literature, researchers can identify gaps or
limitations in the current knowledge. These gaps can guide them to formulate research questions
or hypotheses that contribute meaningfully to the field.

3. **To Analyze and Evaluate Sources:** Literature reviews involve critical analysis and
evaluation of the sources, assessing their credibility, methodologies, and findings. This process
ensures that only reliable and relevant studies are included in the review.

4. **To Establish Theoretical Framework:** A literature review helps researchers build the
theoretical framework for their study. They can draw on established theories and models from
the existing literature to guide their research approach.

5. **To Support Research Methodology:** Researchers can learn from existing studies to
determine the most appropriate research methodologies, data collection methods, and analysis
techniques for their own research.

6. **To Provide Context:** By reviewing relevant literature, researchers can contextualize their
study within the broader field of research. This helps demonstrate the significance and relevance
of their work.

7. **To Avoid Duplication:** A thorough literature review ensures that researchers do not
duplicate previous studies and adds value to the existing body of knowledge.
Literature reviews are common in various academic disciplines, including social sciences,
natural sciences, humanities, and others. They are often a part of research papers, theses,
dissertations, and grant proposals. The quality of a literature review depends on the depth of the
researcher's search, the relevance and selection of sources, and the critical analysis and synthesis
of the findings.

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