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College is not for everyone

One question that comes to young people after graduating from high school is whether

they should join college. There are various answers to the question. One may think that joining

college is the best option if their decision is to get a higher-level education and compete in high

paying jobs in the future. Others may think that they do not need the college education because

they can excel through other methods instead of the college experience. In my opinion, college is

not for everyone who graduates from high school because not everyone has the ability to handle

the standards in colleges, and not all jobs need one to have a college degree.

The inspirations of many high school graduates are to get a well-paying job with a

college degree. There is a common belief in most households in America that in order for one to

be successful in future, college degree is important. However, looking at the nature of the

American economy, skilled workers from vocational schools are in high demand (Reddy and

Ashok 12). Vocational schools are usually designed to train people on specific technical skills

that are beneficial to the economy. The economy of America is in dire need of people with

particular technical skills, and the people who follow these paths of training succeed in life just

as those that go through four years of study in college.

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The passions and choices of many people who graduate from high school do not

necessarily fit in the college system. Some of the high school graduates have a passion for music,

charity work, ministry and others that can successfully be pursued without the college degree

(Reddy and Ashok 12). For instance, my young brother John after graduating with grade A from

high school attended college in New York before discovering that a college education was not

his thing, dropped from college and decided to pursue his passion for football. Today, John is a

successful footballer currently sponsoring three local teams in the local football leagues. His

dedication and focus towards his passion for football have helped him rise into a greater career

without having the college education.

In addition to following passion and choices, colleges may not be the right places for

many young people because a good portion of them cannot learn in the classroom environment.

Many people are unable to concentrate on their career in a class of hundreds of students with one

professor, and minimal time for interaction (Reddy and Ashok 12). For instance, one of my

friends who graduated from high school left the St. John’s University due to great struggle with

the college curriculum in a class setting. Teachers did not pay attention to him and being a slow

learner, he struggled to find teachers to have a one by one step guide in class work after failing

severally. Eventually, he left college and joined a small vocational school in the local town

where he is pursuing a technical course in electronics maintenance, and he is currently doing

well in the course.

American young scholars have been introduced to a notion that a college degree is

necessary for them to secure a well-paying job and succeed in life. It is true that a college degree

can help one secure a good job, but this is not a guarantee of success. Technical skills are also

important in the current American job market. I believe that a college degree is not the path for
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everyone to succeed in life. There are many other ways in life after graduating from high school

that can lead to the path of success without the college education.


Reddy, Ashok T. Making Lifelong Learning Reality for Everyone. Georgia Institute of

Technology, 2017.

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