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LESSON- The Amish lifestyle

The theme is/it is about/ it deals with the Amish community.

1. The Amish of Lancaster country have not changed their way of life since their
settlement. The values of the Amish are humility modesty obedience équalities
and simplicity. They settled here three hundred years ago.

2. The most important thing of the Amish is the family and they often have many
children/ a numerous family/ a large family.

3. Moreover/ in addition / also, the Amish outfit is composed off black and old-
fashioned clothes and the men and women wear specific clothes. Women wear
hooks and eyes, aprons, buns, full skirts and capes. Women are not allowed/ it
is forbidden for women / it is prohibited/ they are not permitted to wear jewelry
They are not allowed to cut their hair. Men are not allowed to let their beards
grow until they get married. They wear black (broadfall = large) trousers and
shoes, they wear straw broad-brimmed hats and suspenders.

4. The Amish speak Pennsylvania Deutsch/ a dialect of German

5. The Amish Taboo about electricity is one of the most famous symbols of their
world. They are reluctant(=réticent) to use any connection with the outside
world. They only use twelve volts batteries and hydraulic of air powered motors.
They light their homes
and shops with gas lanterns.

6. Using a car is prohibited in the Amish community, they can only use a car if a
non Amish friend is driving it. Taking the plane is prohibited. They use horses
and carriages/ Buggies.

7. The Amish buy materials and supplies form the broader world and use banks,
they pay taxes and do not collect social security benefits

8. Their hobbies are in the house and around the farm. The baseball is the most
popular activity in the schoolyard.

9. The Amish vaccinate their children but old Amish people do not resort to
vaccination. They’re not advocates of vaccination.
How to express your opinion in English:

I think (that)/ I reckon (that)/ I guess (that) = je pense que

For me/to me / According to me = selon moi

In my opinion = a mon avis

To my mind

I believe (that) = je crois que

As fat as I am concerned : en ce qui me concerne …

Comprehensions Oral

Type of document ?

The document is a report about tech’s impact on life

Who ?

What ?

1st listen 2nd listen 3rd listen

Amish Teenager
cigarette beer
snapping selfie

Rumspringa(etymology) -Rumspringa(definition)

“Rumspringa” literally means “to run “Rumspringa” is actually the name of

around” some Amish teenager’s rite of passage.
They break/ get rid of (=s’affranchir de)/
break away from/ escape the traditional
rules of their community.

Rumspringa(practices) After Rumspringa

-Amish teenagers can experience After Rumspringa, teenagers can decide

forbidden practices in their culture like/ if/ whether (or not) they want to stay/
such as drinking alcohol, liquor instead remain in the Amish community
of fresh milk, having limo parties, They mostly rejoin/ come back to their
smoking cigarettes and using the community.
internet and mostly Facebook.

The type of document is an extract form a report aired on broadcast on the news
channels ABC news
The video talks about /is / deals with
The Amish breaking the rules of their community's
1. Draw a three-column chart and listen

1st listen 2nd listen 3rd listen

Teacher Facebook no bad game, it’s Contact all friend
facebook social network different conversation in
vitual farm photograph them time
about game information about there life
social network

The recording is about a teacher who plays form games on Facebook. She is
mentioning the advantages of this social network.

2. With the information you have in the chart make te list of the
advantages of using social networks such as facebook

With social networks such as Facebook you are able to/ You have the possibility to
- Meet some friends
-Share your daily activities with your friends
-Meet people living on another continent
-Take pictures of wedding, parties, holidays and christening and share them
-Chat with you friends
-Carry many/ several conversation at the same time
-Keep in toutch/Stay in regular contact with your friends
-Search and find and add people on Facebook if you have lost contact with them
2nd recording:

1st listen 2nd listen 3rd listen

Facebook or tweeter or and As teacher is complicated Because is unprofessional
other network for using Facebook ou and the
Facebook isn’t personal.
Tweeter same.

The recording is about social network and especially Facebook and tweeter . A
Teacher is talking about the disadvantage/ inconvenient / drawbacks as using them.

SOCIAL NETWORK SUCH AS Facebook or twitter are Harmful/ bad Because

-Using face Book or twitter is unprofessional because everyone can add you so you
lack privacy
-You can fall onto/come across paedophiles who can make persona grooming
-Teachers can get in trouble because chatting with pupils can be viewed as/seen
You’d better have calls with peoples
-People can be annoying because they often want to know more about lifestyle
-Facebook is very personal because you tell your life stories and people might not /
care/ mind about your live
-She uses emails, letters because it is more secure/safe.

How to express advice in English ?

Advice = des conseils

a piece of advice = un conseil
you can = tu peut
you should : tu devrais
you could = tu pourrais
you need to
= dois (nécessité)
Have to
You had better to = tu ferais mieux de
I would recommend you to = je te recommenderais de
suggest you to suggèrerais de

Why don’t you + BV ? = Pourquoi ne …… pas ?

How about + V-ing ? = Pourquoi ne pas …. ?

The document is an article in a web site about the smartphone addiction.

Having an abusive use of a smartphone can cause isolation people can have personal
and professional problems. Teenagers don’t have friends/ have no friends and they
don’t speak to their parents, so they feel lonely/ isolated. This is a vicious circle, a trap
a pitfall. Being addicted to/ dependent on smartphones can cause damage/ wreck
havoc/ bring turmail in your lives


-we can limit interactions for one hour via the smartphone.
-we could choose special zones/places where to use the phone.
-why don’t you stop using your smartphone before sleeping?
-you should set a timer once a day so that you can use your cell phone.
-how about stopping the use of the handy at school ?

The myth of the frontier and the American identity

a)which country is concerned in this unit project?

The united states of America

b) what do you know about this country’s flag?

There are 3 colors = blue (Vigilance), red (Hardiness, Valor) and white (Purity,

50-51 stars on the flag (one for each state)

13 stripes on the flag (one for each original colony)
1777 the year Betsy Ross sewed the falg
14 of June (Flag Day)


-Old Glory
-Stars and stripes
-Star Spangled Banner

Betsy Ross sewed the first flag of the United States

Francis Scott Key wrote the star spangled banner, a poem about the American Flag.

The document is a painting when we can see a women angel who coming with the
electricity in the middle, farmer at the bottom and cowboy with horse in field in the
I think the picture represents the modernity in western.

The painting itself

1st listening 2nd listening 3rd listening

Center of the Colombia American progress
painter innovation like rowels
new west telegraph rich pacific coast
school book for news activities 9 centuries
pacific coast

the attention is attracted on the women in the center, she is

called Colombia. She name is like a country’s.
The symbols of the school book represents the education.
The figure embody the modernity because she have on this
hand telegraph who represents a new innovation. It refers to a
shift towards modernity.
It’s poster who we can see a young and skinny people wanted
who much 25 $ and who transported with horse.

Lesson: Pony express

This picture is a job offer, a poster for a wanted teenager. He

will have to browse the country, riding a horse form St Joseph
(Rissouri) To California in 10 days maximum. The teenager will
be an expert rider and he will not be afraid of during/risking his
He will be paid only $25 a week.
I’s underpaid.
He will be an orphan, a young, skinny and wiry teenager and
not over eighteen (years old) .
They are all the criteria(pl)/requirements needed for the job.

1st listening 2nd listening 3rd listening

Far west Pacific Pacific coast
travel supprime achive 16 MOUNTH
pony express HORSE

What? Who? Where? When?


It’s an American organization who called pony express

consisted a orphan people take horses for travel in the wild
from St Joseph to California. Pony express existed since 9
years ago and in future it’s replaced by train.
The feeling is a job with difficult conditions because the horse
and orphan don’t eat and we can die.

The pony express was the first rapid transit of mail line form
the Missouri to the pacific coast. This system of messages
that were brought/ carried swiftly (rapidly) across plains and
deserts allowed stay in touch. It had a brief existence of
sixteen month and came nine years before the railways and
was replaced by the telegraph.
The goal was to connect/bind the east and west together.
The travel/trip was exhausting and cumbersome/burdensome
(fastidieux). People were starving because they didn’t have
enough food so they had to be resourceful (débrouillard) and
hunt. This job was hard during the 19th century and it marked a
big/huge development in the framework of communication.
A land of opportunity

1) We can see railways/railroads and trains, we can see

factories/industries/plants and an industrial cities. There are
boats and innovations like an electric lamp. There are people
who are chatting, they are workers. The scene take place in
the USA, in a canyon, in the desert, in the west.

2) America is represented as modern and innovative country.

It’s place of news technologies. The progress is
limitless/endless/never-ending/everlasting. Industries are
growing quickly/flourishing.

3) The story take place in the 19th century, in 1826 when the
trains and the first railways are created in the east of the US.

5) To conclude, This comic book page aims to show/aims at

showing that America is in development and is making money
with innovations. Actually this is the beginning of the industrial

6) America is viewed as/seen as/ described as/represented

as/showed as/depicted as/portrayed as “a strong industrial
nation” because in the future transportation will evolve more
and more. Many machines likes the steam engine or the
electric lamp will spring up rapidly. The nation will become
prosperous with a better life expectancy.
Homework exercises

1) decline
2) turn (sth) into.
3) setback
4) overcome

New Horizons

1. The railroads give American people the possibility to move

quickly and to travel across the United states to discover new
cultures, meet strangers and visit friend and family. It alowed
people to get jobs in the trains.

2. Both writers were American and lived in 19th century. They

are proud of their country. Their vision is exaggerated because
they love their country. Railways are like a religion. Their
vision is far-fetched.

3) First it brings freedom. There are good relationships

between china and america, and it useful to be more tolerant
and melt clichés away.

4) Find religious references in both documents . Imagine how

religion and the railroad could be linked.

Thanks to the railroad, religion can spread faster and the

nation can get free thanks to god. The nation is compared o a
“kingdom of light and mercy (= miséricorde)” which may
symbolize heaven. The railroads are a gift form the sky.
Correction Harvey girls

1. The job of the Harvey girl consists of serving clients in

trains/railroad-side restaurants.

2. Clara Massie is a job seeker/ job applicant (candidate).

She would be a waitress in trains. We also have Miss steel,
the employer/ the boss who hires/ recruits people for the job.
And there is the secretary of the boss.

Pros Cons
-You can travel around the -There are some strict rules
country. as being a Harvey girl like you
-You can escape form the must hear a smile all the day
daily routine. and a starched and spotless
-You can well-paid. uniform. You can feel
-In the past, women had to do hypocritical/fake/ not
home tasks/ house chores. comfortable/ not at ease. You
Seeing women having a job have to travel everyday and
was very uncommon/rare so it you can feel homesick.(=le
is an opportunity for Clara mal du pays)
Massie. -You can meet angry/
-Working as Harvey girl, you annoying/though people.
can meet a lot of new people. So the job was sometimes
painful and burdensome/hard.

4. She want to escape form her current life/ daily life because
she was supposed to become a farmer and she didn’t like her
living conditions so she wants to be independent. Before that
job she was clerking in a dime store.

Dear Mother,

I’m sorry, forgive me for leaving so suddenly and running away

form home. Don’t worry about me, I’m doing great here,
people are really nice here and I even managed to find a job, I
plan to work as a Harvey girl just like Opal, my cousin.
Tonight, I’m gonna head to New Mexico and start my first job
in a fancy restaurant in Belen, maybe you should try to come
in the town. I heard it was a pleasant little town.

My life used to be so boring, living in the farm was really tiring

and we used to be so poor in the farm, today for the first time
in my life, I felt hopeful by applying to this job, people here are
really nice and working as a Harvey girl is very well-paid.

I really hope to see you in belen, maybe one day, I’ll come
back home with a lot of money to help all.

With all my love,

1) What type of document is it?

The document is an extract from website or blog / an online

The little is “Native American Extermination”

2) look at the picture and read the title. What is the theme of
the text?
The document is about a slaughter
3)circle the transparent words
In the texte

The document is an extract from website or blog / an online

The thee is the massacre/slaughter of Indians/Native
Americans in the 19th century.
In the 19th century, the federal government abandoned its law
of treating the west as a vast Indian reserve and created a
new law where tribes reservations were smaller which limited
the Native Americans to live peacefully in their own country.
They lived separately form the rest of the country.
They got forced to exchange their nomadic lives for a settled
agricultural life.
On the one hand, some tribes accepted the settlers and their
new law but on the other hand, some were not okay with it and
rebelled against the settlers.
The Indians who hab not accepted the settlers on their
territory were two hundred thousand. They entered a war
against the US army for the west and they were all
slaughtered/slayed/exterminated. Many Indians people
passed away/died.
The US government treatment toward the Indians was scary,
terrifying, horrible, traumatizing, frightening, inhumane...
A cliche is popular Thought or generalization about something
or someone

Indian people are said to have a “terrible”, a strong accent,

which is stigmatizing.
Even in cinema, Indian actors/resses imitate/ copy the
American accent because theirs is mocked/laughed at.

In India, There are Bollywood movies that show many scenes

of dance, romance, colors, songs, joyful music,
looking/gorgeous women but you have no sex

Indian people are poor/broke/destitute/needy, they live in

shanty towns, in chaos/disorder

Indian food is very spicy: you can eat curry chicken rice and
cheese naan
Indian weddings are colorful, wish a great mood/ ambiance/
atmosphere and marriages are important. Indian weddings are
traditional with women wearing sarees and men wearing
Women also wear bangles/ jewels.
Indian people are said to have/ use a frantic driving/ messy/

There are so safety measures/ rules in India, which makes it

an unsafe country for workers.
India a country with an unsteady
(=instable) social system.

1)How do Indian people struggle against widespread cliches?

2)How does Indian suffer (from) the unsteady social system

and how can we solve this?

3) To what extent does Indian have an unsteady social


To what extent does the Indian social system prove that there
is still a class struggle?
CO video

its report about/dealing with/tackling the Indian caste system.

There is a reporter/journalist who is speaking about this.
The scene takes place in india in the 21st century.
Nowadays the system of castes still exists.

1 2 3
The Jati system Ancient Hindu Colony
Indian societies dalits = traditional get independence
segregated Indian societies in 1947
social program more education.

1)this system of caste has existed for two thousand years.

2)the name of the caste is “The Jati system”.
The Jati system is an ancient Indian social hierarchy based on
Indian ancient Hinduism. The Jati system is composed of five
The brahmins are priests and scholars (=les prêtres et les
chercheurs/intellectuels). The second one is Kshatriyas are
nobles and worriors (=nobles et soldats). The third one is
Vaishyas: They are business owners (=patrons). The fourth
one is Shudras: they are servants an laborers (=les
domestiques et les paysans). The last one are dalits or the
untouchables: They are ostracized/ rejected people in the
traditional Indian society.

3)the noble are on the top of hierarchy and discriminate the

contradiction Indian.

4) The Untouchables work as cleaners: they clean the shit of

cows and the sewers. They are victims pf segregation and
discrimination in schools and in religious temples. They are
seen like impure people and can get punished just by walking
on the shadow of noble people.
5)This Indian social hierarchy has been implemented in India
laws since 1955 where the laws was finally abandoned.
This law on the caste has become illegal but/however there is
still a stigmatization in india.

6)The effects of the castes system in the countrysided/ in rural

areas is that people form different castes can marry each
other but the topic is still taboo.

The solution is to create a social program

(The least + adj) 1 syllabe => c’est un adjectif

court: tall, big, small, fat …

2 syllabes => ça dépend

Exemple: he is the least -Si l’adjectif se termine par un -y,
strong of the class. il est court: funny, pretty, friendly,
-Les autres sont plus longs:
famous, boring…

Avec un adjectif court =>

il suffit de mettre “the”, l’adj est à
la fin (the + adj + est)
exemple: the Amazon is the
loyest river in the world.

Avec un adjectif long =>

il suffit de mettre “the”, “most” et
exemple: New york is the most
famous city in the USA.

Exceptions !

1) if the adj it’s finish by “e”, on

ne rajoute pas un 2e “e”!

2) quand l’adjectif a une syllabe

et qu’il se termine par
consonne-voyelle-consonne, on
double la consonne finnale.

3) Quand l’adjectif se termine

par un y , il es transforme en I
(funny → funniest)

4) 3 superlatifs irréguliers, qu’il

faut apprendre par coeurs, il n’y
a pas de règle:
good(bien) → the best (le

Comparatif exercice:

1- The F1 are the fastest cars in the world.

2- The Dalist have the lowest life level.

3- The Eiffel Tower is the highest monuments of Paris.

4- Jean is as strong as Paul.

5- The Montparnasse towers is smaller them Eiffel Tour.

6- The Montparnasse towers is less high them Eiffel Tower

7- The Russian drink more vodka as The Americans.

8- Peaky blinders is better than narcos

9- The Actor are most beautiful in Riverdale than in le destin

de Lisa

10- The music is worse than this one.

11- it’s the least intelligent of the world but he is the least.

12-This painting is as beautiful as this one


It’s an online paper about the violence made to women in


Indian women organize demonstrations in the streets and

national marches. It’s about rape on women, and, also

The Indian government puts some measures info place but,

most of the time, they don’t want to see the problem/they turn
a blind eye to those issues.

Women keep quiet to protect their families, today women up

like they want but to be safe/secured they have to censor their
speech, their body pasture and they pay attention to how they
dress up, some women don’t stare at/look at other men.

Men are surpised/shocked/astonished/stunned/bewildered

when they hear this, their reaction is : “You must be mistaken”.
They don’t really get aware of/realize the situation, they don’t
really accept it, but more and more, women break silence and
speak out about their abuse.
Due to the unbalance of boys and girls, some men have
decided to buy a bride, which causes woman is lower than the
number of men.

There is a lack of women so men are moving to find a

woman/there is a lack of women so men are ready to travel
more than 1000 Kilometers to marry their brides.

The society is conservative.

How to make an article:

A Headline

Wwwwwww News Paper Title

Test Title
Image wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
1.present perfect

En anglais, il existe un temps à mi-chemin entre le passé et le présent : le present perfect (équivalent au
Présent simple/ passer composé français)

On l’utilise principalement pour parler d’une action passée liée au présent, comme un constat, ou une
action don’t on voit la continuité dans le présent.

Auxiliaire : have/has + participe passé du verbe
Example: Have been (to be) to Germany.

1. Pour mettre l’accent sur le résultat présent (faire le bilan d’une action passée sans mentionner la date
à laquelle l’événement s’est produit.
Example: I have not (to meet) that girl before. I have broken my ankle. H’s painful!

2. Pour parler d’une action qui a débuté das le passé mais dans une période de temps qui n’est toujours
pas terminée.
Exemple: Have you seen (to see) lacy today?

3. Pour parler d’une action qui a débuté dans le passé mais qui continue toujours maintenant.
Cette action est souvent utilisée avec since ou for ever ou Already Yet…
Exemple: They have lived (to live) here for ten years.

4. Pour parler d’une action qui vien juste de ce se produire. Just est utilisé dans cecas.
Exemple: he has just take (to take) the medicine.
Exercise 1:

1- Ronaldo (to be) has been one of the best players of all times.
Bilan (1)

2- sport have known (to know) much progress and evolution through decades.
Bilan (1) ou action non terminé (3)

3- Cantona (to break) have broken his right ankle yesterday. He has a big pain!
Bilan (1)

4- David Beckham (to live) has lived here since 2011.

action non terminée (3)

5- Have you met (to meet) vanNistelroy today at the stadium?

2 période non terminée

6-chabal (to stop) has just stopped his career.

Action qui vient de se produire (4)

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