Jensen and Barton, 2000

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SEG Reviews

Vol. 13, 2000, p. 279–314

Chapter 8

Gold Deposits Related to Alkaline Magmatism

Center for Mineral Resources, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721


Gold deposits associated with alkaline rocks include high-grade, gold-rich epithermal deposits, porphyry-
type Cu(Au) and Mo(Au) deposits, and several other deposit types more speculatively linked to alkaline
magmatism. These deposits can be large and high grade; several contain >1,000 tonnes Au. Alkaline
rocks associated with gold deposits range from mafic-ultramafic lamprophyres to fractionated alkaline
rhyolites, they have widely variable K/Na ratios, and they are found in a variety of tectonic settings, most
notably in arc environments and in areas of extensional tectonics. Alkaline Cu(Au) deposits tend to form
in volcanic arcs with thin or mafic crust, whereas Mo(Au) deposits are typically found in areas of thick-
ened continental crust. Alkaline rocks are found to be as old as the Archean, but alkaline-related gold
deposits are usually associated with shallow-level Phanerozoic alkaline magmatism, particularly within
Cenozoic orogenic zones. In many cases deposits are found in clusters or in regions with recurring
episodes of alkaline magmatism. Key characteristics of alkaline rocks associated with gold deposits are
their hydrous and oxidized nature, as well as their ability to produce hydrothermal systems with ideal
chemistries for transporting gold. Magmatic endowments may be variable but are not likely to exceed
tens of parts per billion.
In addition to their association with a distinctive group of igneous rocks, gold deposits related to alkaline
magmatism are characterized by telluride-rich mineralization, extensive carbonation, and voluminous K
metasomatism. Hydrothermal quartz is much less prominent in many alkaline systems than in most sub-
alkaline systems and is absent in some high-temperature alkaline deposits. Likewise, hydrolytic (acid)
alteration tends to be poorly developed in many alkaline systems. Where sericitic alteration is observed,
it is commonly accompanied by carbonate minerals and a significant gain of K2O. These features and
other geochemical data (such as isotopes and fluid inclusions) reflect formation from hydrothermal flu-
ids of predominantly magmatic origin. Alkaline porphyry-style systems in which SiO2 < 60 wt percent tend
to develop deposits rich in Cu and platinum-group elements (PGE), whereas more felsic systems were en-
riched in Mo, and ultimately, F, Be, Hg, W, and Sn in the most evolved systems. Alkaline gold deposits
also exhibit distinctive metal ratios and zonations. Both Cu(Au) and Mo(Au) porphyry-type deposits may
grade upward or outward into telluride-rich epithermal deposits. Epithermal parts typically are base
metal poor and have Au > Ag, whereas porphyry-style parts contain significant gold but have Ag > Au in
a base metal-rich core. Both epithermal and porphyry-type deposits typically have low total sulfides.
Exploration for these deposits is encouraged by their large sizes and high grades and because they are
environmentally favorable to mine (low total sulfides and high acid-buffering potential). The most pro-
ductive deposits show evidence for voluminous metasomatism and multiple magmatic and hydrothermal
events, in addition to structurally focused zones of high-grade mineralization. Geophysical and geo-
chemical signatures of these deposits are variable, but their characteristic styles of mineralization and
alteration can be recognized in almost all examples, providing an effective exploration tool.

Introduction linked to alkaline magmatism. These include some lode

gold-quartz (mesothermal) deposits, many Olympic Dam-
A DISTINCTIVE group of gold-rich deposits have fundamen- type iron oxide-copper-gold deposits, and some submarine
tally alkaline magmatic affinities, and many other gold-rich exhalative deposits. This paper reviews the characteristics
deposits occur near alkali-rich igneous rocks. Gold deposits and origins of those systems that are indisputably associated
clearly linked to alkaline magmatic systems include gold-tel- with alkaline magmas and discusses features that distinguish
luride epithermal-style deposits, a number of gold-rich por- these deposits from other types. Deposit types with less cer-
phyry-style deposits, and a few magmatic deposits. Some tain links to alkaline magmatism are considered only briefly.
other types of gold-rich deposits can be spatially associated Alkaline-related gold deposits range in grade and size,
with alkali-rich igneous rocks but are more speculatively and the largest districts contain on the order of 1,000 t of gold
(Fig. 1). World class examples of epithermal gold deposits
†Corresponding author: e-mail, related to alkaline rocks include the giant gold deposits at


100 10 10 10 10
ton 0t 00 00
on ton 0t
sA sA on
u u sA sA
u u
La Plata
Pla a Mts, CO
Cripple Creek I, CO

10 1t Salt Chuck,
uck, AK Central City Emperor, Fiji Porgera,
Porg a, P
Papua New Guinea
Carache Canyon, NM Ladolam,
ad Philippines
phrets, BC
grade (g/t)

Old Golden Sunlight, MT

Epithermal mine
mineralization Cunningham
ning Placers, NM Cripple Creek II, CO
1 Hill,, NMM
Afton, BC , MT
Porphyry mineralization
ion Goonumbla,
a Aus
A Mt. Milligan, BC Bingham, UT
Ajax, BC
C Galore Cree
Creek, BC
Kerr, BC
Mt. Polley (Cariboo
Car Bell), BC
Allard Stock, CO

0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
ore (million tonnes)
FIG. 1. Grade tonnage plot for alkaline-related gold deposits. Dashed contours indicate total gold in deposit. Shaded
ellipse defines field for >80 percent of mesothermal lode veins (after Taylor, 1995). The Salt Chuck, Alaska, alkaline
orthomagmatic deposit is shown in italicized letters (Mutschler and Mooney, 1993). Cripple Creek and the La Plata
district have each been plotted as two points. The point labeled “La Plata Mts” represents historic production from
high-grade epithermal veins. The point labeled “Allard Stock” represents the porphyry-style Cu-Au-PGE deposit. Crip-
ple Creek is plotted as “Cripple Creek I” and “Cripple Creek II,” high-grade veins systems and low-grade “dissemi-
nated” deposits, respectively.

Cripple Creek in Colorado, Porgera in Papua New Guinea, nous alkaline metasomatism (Hitzman et al., 1992; Barton
and Emperor in Fiji. Alkaline porphyry deposits typically and Johnson, 1996). Some submarine exhalative deposits
contain much lower gold grades but can represent signifi- are spatially associated with alkaline rocks including alka-
cant gold resources owing to their large sizes. They include line basalts, trachytes, and possibly carbonatites. These
both mafic- to intermediate-associated Cu(Au) deposits, and deposits are typically small (Mutschler and Mooney, 1993;
intermediate- to felsic-associated Mo(Au) types. Alkaline fig. 5) and encompass a wide range of mineralization styles
gold deposits are best known in North America and in the and metal contents (Mutschler et al., 1985; Mutschler and
southwestern Pacific, but they occur globally in association Mooney, 1993).
with Phanerozoic alkaline magmatism (Fig. 2).
Some other large deposits of gold (and copper) primarily Types of alkaline rocks associated with gold mineralization
associated with subalkaline igneous rocks have alkaline Daly (1933) estimated the volume of alkaline rocks to be
magmatic affinities. These include deposits associated with less than 0.5 percent of all igneous rocks, yet alkaline rocks
marginally subalkaline rocks, such as the Grasberg Cu-Au account for about half of the igneous rock nomenclature
deposit (McMahon, 1994; Müller and Groves, 1997) and (Sorensen, 1974, p. 559–76). (Although widely cited, the 0.5
deposits with coeval but volumetrically subordinate alkaline percent figure is probably in need of revision. At the other
magmatism, as seen in the Bingham Cu-Au-Mo deposit extreme, Barker (1974, p. 163) suggested that alkaline rocks
(Keith et al., 1997, 1998). may account for 10 percent of all igneous rocks.) The con-
In other cases, alkaline igneous rocks are spatially associ- fusing lexicon of alkaline rock names results in part from
ated with gold deposits, but a genetic link remains contro- their unusual chemistries and mineralogies, and in part
versial. Lode gold deposits in the Superior province of from the lack of agreement among petrologists as to how
Canada and the Yilgarn block of Western Australia are spa- these rocks should be named and classified. Thus, there are
tially associated with shoshonitic lamprophyres and, locally, many definitions of alkaline igneous rocks; most overlap. In
syenitic rocks (Kerrich and Watson, 1984; Rock and Groves, this paper we emphasize those defined on the basis of total
1988a, b; Rock et al., 1989; Wyman and Kerrich, 1988, Na2O + K2O versus SiO2 (Fig. 3a, b; Irvine and Baragar,
1989). Many Olympic Dam-type iron oxide-copper-gold 1971; Cox et al., 1979; Le Bas et al., 1986). Such rocks may
deposits are spatially associated with alkaline granitoids have normative quartz feldspathoids or olivine, or neither
(Mutschler and Mooney, 1993, p. 486) and possibly with (that is, silica may be respectively oversaturated, undersatu-
carbonatites (as seen at Bayan Obo, China). In other cases, rated, or saturated). They are commonly but not necessarily
however, this style of mineralization is clearly associated with peralkaline (molar Na2O + K2O > molar Al2O3), and they
subalkaline igneous rocks and is accompanied by volumi- generally belong to the alkalic or alkali-calcic magma types

Zortman Landusky
Golden Sunlight
Galore Creek

Boulder County
Mt. Polley Province
Cripple Creek

Allard Stock

Porgera Ladolam
Sierra Blanca


Yilgarn Block
Olympic Dam

FIG. 2. Locations of gold districts and regions of alkaline magmatism. Crosshairs represent locations of alkaline rock
samples in PLUTO database (Baedecker et al., 1998). Shaded regions are known provinces and other localities of alka-
line magmatism. Data from various sources, including Mutschler et al. (1976), Woolley (1987), and Kogarko et al. (1995).

in the sense of Peacock (1931), defined on the relationships many cases, both silica-saturated and silica-undersaturated
of total alkalis to calcium as a function of SiO2. Further sub- rocks are found in the same system. The ranges of compo-
divisions in terms of potassium versus sodium contents can sitions plotted in Figure 3 do not necessarily reflect evolu-
be useful and have been widely applied, e.g., ultrapotassic, tionary paths. At Cripple Creek, for example, intrusions
high K (“shoshonitic”), and sodic series. In this paper we became successively more mafic with time and exhibit little
emphasize only the distinctions clearly related to gold-bear- evidence for consanguinity (E. Jensen, unpub. data).
ing hydrothermal systems. Subdivisions of alkaline rocks commonly depend on the
As applied, the term alkaline refers to a remarkably broad proportions of K to Na. In particular, the term “shoshonitic”
range of igneous rocks including carbonatites (which com- has been used to describe potassic varieties of alkaline
monly have very low alkali contents), as well as quartz-rich basalts, and some authors have suggested that shoshonitic
rocks with high alkali concentrations such as high K rhyo- rocks are particularly favorable for hosting Cu + Au miner-
lites. Many alkaline igneous complexes contain coeval alka- alization (Müller and Groves, 1997). According to its Inter-
line and subalkaline rock types, and strict division between national Union of Geological Sciences definition, the term
the two types is not always possible or appropriate. shoshonite refers to basaltic trachyandesites in which
Alkaline rock types associated with gold mineralization Na 2O – 2 < K 2O. Unfortunately, this definition allows
(Fig. 3) range from ultramafic lamprophyres (<40 wt % rocks with molar Na/K as high as 3.5 to be classified as
SiO2) to fractionated, high K rhyolites (up to 75 wt % shoshonitic, a category that then includes much of the
SiO2). Gold-rich alkaline complexes typically exhibit multi- range of Na/K for average igneous rocks. This definition is
ple intrusive phases and show evidence of complex evolu- far from the use intended by Iddings (1895), Joplin (1968),
tionary histories. Individual gold-producing complexes can and Morrison (1980). As shown in Figure 3c and d, most
exhibit a wide range of compositions; many evolve in ways large alkaline gold deposits are associated with distinctly
more complex than crystal fractionation. The histories of sodic rocks, almost all of which have been classified as part
alkaline magmatic systems appear to correlate with the of a “shoshonite” series at some point, implying potassic
styles and magnitudes of mineralization. chemistries (Rock et al., 1988; Eaton and Setterfield, 1993;
Figure 3 shows compositional trends of alkaline rocks Müller and Groves, 1997). As it has been applied, the
from several important alkaline Au deposits. Most districts shoshonite classification does not appear to be a useful cri-
plot near the boundary between the alkaline and subalka- terion for distinguishing a group of rocks with high poten-
line fields and span a considerable range of K/Na ratios. In tial for gold mineralization.
18 18
a b
16 16
phonolite Zortman
14 Galore Allard 14 Landusky
Creek stock
K2O + Na2O wt %


K2O + Na2O wt %
12 12 tephri-
tephri- phonolite
Cripple phonolite
foidite foidite Central
10 Creek Alkaline 10 City
o- phono-
hrite tephrite trachy-
d it
8 Emperor
p Goonumbla 8
basaltic hyolite
rhyolite tephrite tryachy-
6 6
Bingham dacite dacite
4 andesite
4 andesite
basalt basaltic
andesite andesite
2 basalt 2 basalt
p basalt
0 0
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

SiO2 wt % SiO2 wt %

c Allard
d Kf
= vectors
14 Alb + + 14 +
K + Alb + +


Ser + = K + +
Na + Ser + H+ =


12 12


3Kf + 2H+ =
ser + 6SiO2 + 2K+ 3Kf + 2H+ =


ser + 6SiO2 + 2K+

10 a 10 a
=N =N
Wt % K2O

Wt % K2O

lK lK
mo mo
8 8



Igneous Rocks

4 4

B ks
2 su 2 Roc Central

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Wt % Na2O Wt % Na2O
FIG. 3. Total alkali silica diagrams show compositions of igneous rocks from alkaline-associated gold systems:
(a) mafic-intermediate, (b) intermediate-felsic. Fields are shown for published whole-rock geochemical analyses from
various districts (see Table 1 for references). Alkaline rock fields are defined by Rollinson (1993), and alkaline vs. sub-
alkaline fields by Irvine and Baragar (1971).
Figures 3c, d are K2O vs. Na2O diagrams for mafic-intermediate (3c) and intermediate-felsic (3d) suites. Fields are
shown for published whole-rock geochemical analyses from various districts (see Table 1 for references). Contours rep-
resent molar K = Na and divide sodic and potassic types. The inset in the upper right shows metasomatic vectors for
K vs. Na exchange and sericitic alteration. Sericitic alteration is shown as an array of vectors, ranging from selective re-
placement of albite (darkest) to selective replacement of K feldspar (lightest). Actual paths lie between these end
members. Alb = albite, Kf = K feldspar, Ser = sericite.
The shaded field with horizontal bars represents ranges of average igneous rock compositions, and the stippled
field represents potassic igneous rocks. These data are from the PETROS database (Mutschler et al., 1976). Plotted
are average igneous rocks compositions reported by various authors. These fields are constructed from analyses of
more than 60,000 samples and define typical evolutionary trends for igneous rock series.

It is also important to recognize that not all alkali enrich- Distribution of Au-rich deposits and alkaline igneous rocks
ments in these systems are magmatic. Alkali metasomatism
can be intense in alkaline complexes, and altered rocks Figure 2 shows the global distribution of alkaline igneous
commonly contain > 10 wt percent K2O. As discussed below, rocks and the locations of several important alkaline-
alkali metasomatism can be subtle and not easily recognized related Au deposits. Alkaline rocks are known to be as old
in hand specimen or thin section. Investigators should use as late Archean (Mitchell, 1976; Patchett et al., 1981). They
care when evaluating whole-rock analyses of alkaline rocks. occur in many tectonic settings but are most common in

rift settings and volcanic arc environments. Some workers, putably fresh rocks often precludes the use of such data.
such as Müller and Groves (1997), distinguish specific set- Trace elements are also used to infer tectonic setting
tings for alkaline magmatism. It is clear that the range of (Müller and Groves, 1997, p. 28–39) but it is important to
alkaline magmatism has few universal features beyond a remember that this tectonic setting remains an inference,
connection to mantle processes and generally extensional even in cases of modern magmatism in which we have the
tectonics. A simple, general explanation for the genesis of advantage of collecting real-time data on the structure and
these magmas is unlikely. dynamics of the systems. Moreover, in many cases, the
Trace element patterns are commonly used to distin- sources and tectonic controls on magmatism remain con-
guish suites of alkaline rocks from each other (Wilson, troversial. In this paper, we summarize inferences about
1989; Müller and Groves, 1997). Trace elements such as tectonic settings but only in a broad sense.
light rare earth elements (LREE), large ion lithophile ele- Like alkaline magmatic rocks themselves, alkaline-related
ments (LILE), and to varying extents, high field-strength gold deposits are in many cases present in clusters (such as
elements (HFSE) can be substantially enriched in alkaline the Boulder County, Colorado, and Montana telluride dis-
rocks (Gerasimovsky, 1974; Fitton and Upton, 1987). The tricts). Figure 4 shows major episodes of alkaline activity in
unusual chemistries of alkaline rocks have led to specula- western North America through time and the locations of
tion that economically significant elements may also be alkaline provinces with gold deposits. During the past
enriched, notably Au as suggested by Finch et al. (1983) 250 m.y. of magmatism in western North America, the two
and Rock (1991). However, these inferences are based prominent periods of alkaline magmatism were first in the
upon compilations of chemical analyses of varying quality. Jurassic and later (and most dramatically) in late Creta-
The paucity of accurate trace element analyses from indis- ceous through middle Tertiary time (Barton, 1996).

E Montana
E Province
P Black Hills
M M Province

Pass Province

Olig. Utah
(eroded) T
OOO Rio Grande
Rift Province
P = Paleocene
E = Eocene
O = Oligocene
M = Miocene

1 Cripple Creek
2 Central City
Jurassic 3 Allard Stock
4 Golden Sunlight+
5 Zortman Landusky
6 Geis
FIG. 4. Time-space distribution of alkaline magmatism in the western United States. Data points from various sources, including the PLUTO data-
base (Baedecker et al., 1998) and compilations by Woolley (1987). Data points on the Tertiary map are coded by age. Provinces of alkaline-related
gold deposits are shaded gray, and key districts are numbered and named.

Previous work rocks (Fig. 5). All deposits are associated with alkaline
igneous rocks, some of which contain moderate volumes of
The relationship between gold deposits and alkaline mag- subalkaline rock. Associated volcanic rocks range from pre-
matism has been of interest for nearly a century. Lindgren dominant to absent, largely as a function of depth of ero-
noted the link between alkaline hydrothermal fluids and the sion. Several hydrothermal and magmatic events are docu-
gold deposits at Cripple Creek during his field seasons in mented in most of these systems.
1903 and 1904: “. . . the remarkable telluride ores were The alkaline-epithermal deposit type differs from other
formed by alkaline solutions emanating from deeper epithermal deposits by its lesser abundance of hydrothermal
igneous masses” (Lindgren, 1933a, p. 495). He also recog- quartz, gold- and telluride-rich mineralization, a paucity of
nized the broader association between alkaline magmatism sericitic and other acid styles of alteration (except near the
and fluorine-rich, telluride-bearing epithermal systems surface), mineralization commonly distributed throughout
(Lindgren, 1933b, p. 179–180). McLennan (1915) sug- extended vertical intervals, and the widespread presence of
gested that lamprophyres (alkaline, hydrous mafic and minerals such as fluorite and roscoelite (V-rich mica). The
ultramafic dikes) are indicators of potential gold mineral- porphyry-style parts of these systems range from Cu- to Mo-
ization in the Superior province of Canada. rich, have abundant alkali-rich alteration, and vary from
With the discovery of world-class alkaline-related gold quartz-absent to quartz-rich stockworks. Although some
deposits such as Porgera and Emperor, and continued devel- deposits, such as Galore Creek, British Columbia, differ
opment of associations between lode gold deposits and lam- markedly from subalkaline porphyry deposits in their
prophyric magmatism (Yilgarn province, Australia, and Supe- quartz-poor mineralization, others show mineral assem-
rior province, Canada), the possible link between alkaline blages that are similar to those of subalkaline deposits (Cen-
magmatism and other types of gold deposits has gained sig- tral City, Colorado). Thus, a continuum appears to exists
nificant attention (Dyer 1936; Moore, 1937; McNeil and Ker- between the two types and clear distinction between alkaline
rich, 1986; Rock and Groves, 1988a, b; Rock et al., 1989; and subalkaline types is not always possible.
Wyman and Kerrich, 1988, 1989; Kerrich and Wyman, 1990,
1994). Descriptions of the distinctive styles of mineralization Epithermal-Style Deposits
associated with alkaline precious metal deposits are provided Epithermal-style systems are those in which evidence
by Bonham and Giles (1983), Bonham (1984) and Mutschler points to low (<300°C) temperatures and shallow levels
et al. (1985). Extended reviews of alkaline-related precious (<1–2 km) of formation. They are characterized by Au-rich,
metal deposits are offered by Mutschler et al. (1985, 1991), base metal-poor veins with high Au/Ag ratios, and com-
Mutschler and Mooney (1993), and Laznicka (1985, p. monly tellurides > native gold. Gold may also be present as
1473–1580). These reviews discuss a variety of deposit types disseminated grains of native gold or auriferous pyrite in
and offer descriptions of many important districts as well as alteration halos. The mineralogy of these deposits overlaps
deposit models. Richards (1995), in reviewing the character- with that of porphyry-style mineralization formed at higher
istics of alkaline-related epithermal deposits, discussed the temperatures and greater depths, as discussed below.
potential link with porphyry-style mineralization and empha- Geologic framework: These deposits are found in a wide
sized the importance of hydrous, oxidized alkaline composi- range of geologic settings, but they are most common in
tions for suppressing sulfide saturation in order to generate island arc environments (Porgera, Emperor, Ladolam), and
large gold deposits. Cox and Singer (1986), Cox and Bagby in regions of thickened continental crust (Cripple Creek
(1986), and Bliss et al. (1992) summarize the characteristics and the Au-telluride belts of Montana and Colorado). Tec-
of alkaline-related epithermal gold deposits and provide tonic controls are discussed later in this paper and are sum-
grade-tonnage models. Semenov (1974) and Pell (1996) dis- marized for eleven districts in Table 1. Deposits are hosted
cuss the broader association between alkaline rocks and min- by a variety of igneous features including calderas (Emperor,
eral deposits in general. Many topical deposit- and district- Ladolam), diatremes (Golden Sunlight, Ortiz, Cripple
scale studies provide the basis for this paper and are cited Creek), and hypabyssal intrusive stocks (Porgera; Boulder
below. County, Colorado; and the Montana telluride belt). Igneous
complexes are typically on the order of 2 to 5 km in diameter,
Magmatic-hydrothermal alkaline gold systems show several episodes of intrusive activity, and in many cases
Magmatic hydrothermal systems related to alkaline magma- are accompanied by satellite intrusive bodies (Fig. 6). Coeval
tism form a continuum between relatively low-temperature volcanic rocks are variably present.
(<300°C), shallow (<1–2 km), epithermal-style deposits and Associated igneous compositions range from alkaline
high-temperature (commonly >300°C), variable depth basalts (Porgera) to alkali rhyolites (Boulder County, Colo-
(>1 km), porphyry-style deposits (Table 1). A number of rado). In most districts, economic mineral deposits were
districts contain both styles, although in most cases only generated late in the evolution of the igneous complex and
one type is known to be economically significant. The were linked to evolved intrusive phases. At Porgera and
porphyry-style systems range from relatively copper-rich Emperor, for example, the intrusive and volcanic complexes
deposits associated with predominantly mafic- to intermedi- are dominated by mafic alkaline rocks, but mineralization is
ate-composition igneous rocks to relatively Mo-rich (or Zn- linked to intrusive phases with intermediate compositions,
and Pb-rich) systems associated with felsic composition e.g., the “feldspar porphyries” of Richards et al. (1991) at
TABLE 1. Characteristics of Selected Gold and Gold-Bearing Deposits Related to Alkaline Magmatism
District, Styles //
type, and Structural controls Fluid compositions and
grades or tonnage Alkalic rocks Tectonic setting Geologic framework of Ore minerals Mineral assemblages sources References

Au(Te) epithermal-style systems Vein minerals // alteration halo or disseminated

(phase) = replaced by preceding mineral phase

Porgera, Papua 6 Ma mafic alkaline Intrusive complex emplaced in fold thrust Located near crustal suture Disseminated Au-bearing pyrite Au tellurides, Au°, “Stage 1”: py* + gn + sl + qz + CO3 + asp + po + tet + Au° // “Stage 1”: 200°–350°C, up to 32 Cameron et al., 1995
New Guinea volcanics; belt shortly after continent-island arc between Australian with superimposed high grade, electrum, auriferous ser + CO3 + py + anat ± qz wt percent NaCl equiv; moderate Fleming et al., 1986
hawaiite-mugearite. No collision between Australian continent |continent and island arc on gold-telluride epithermal veins pyrite ± auriferous “Stage 2”: qz + py + rocs + CO3 + bar + cpy + tet + elec + CO2 Handley and Bradshaw,
Au Nb-Ta or Eu amomalies, and Bismark Sea plate. This collision Bismark Sea plate. (preferentially localized along arsenopyrite Au° + tel ± hm // ser + CO3 + rosc + py “Stage 2”: 165°C, 3–10 wt 1986
La = 38, Yb = 1.5. K:Na took place following a period of double Intrusions emplaced in normal Roamane fault); deep Cu Deep: porphyry “Cu”? percent NaCl equiv; moderate Handley and Henry, 1990
51 Mt at 7g/t Au = 0.15–0.35 polarity subduction and modification of Cretaceous carbonaceous “porphyry”-style mineralization? Late: anhy + qz + CO3 CO2 Richards, 1990a, b
the upper mantle mudstones and calcareous Distal/deep?: and + act + hbld + ser(plag) + ep + cal δ18O = 2–6 per mil, δD = –30 to Richards, 1992
siltstones. Distal/regional: - // ep + chl + CO3 ± gt –65 per mil Richards and Kerrich, 1993
Disseminated mineralization: Richards et al., 1991
magmatic Richards et al., 1998
High-grade veins: Exchanged Ronacher et al., 1999
groundwaters with magmatic

Au/Ag = 1–0.5; zone VII = 1.5

(Handley and Bradshaw, 1986)

Emperor, Fiji 3.8–4.8 Ma mafic alkaline Alkalic trachybasaltic-trachyandesitic Intrusions and High grade Au-telluride Au°, auriferous pyrite, Central, deep: - // Kf + bio + ser + qz + mt + hm + py + anhy 200°–250°C, 5.5 wt percent NaCl Ahmad and Walshe, 1990
volcanics (absarokite, volcanism followed period of island-arc mineralization controlled epithermal veins (intersections and tellurides + Au° equiv Ahmad et al., 1987a, b
Au (± Cu) banakite) intruded by tholeiitic magmatism, and it appears to be by intersection of regional of steep structures with Central, peripheral: - // ser + ill + qz + CO3 + py + Au° Moderate CO2 (?) Anderson and Eaton, 1990
monzonite stocks. Nb-Ta related to arc fragmentation and rifting in structure with the Tavua “flatmakes”). Deep Cu- Lode veins: qz + CO3+ ad + ser + rocs + bar + py + asp + gn Anderson et al., 1987
14.7 Mt at 8.1 g/t Au anomalies, La = 20, Yb = late Miocene time. Emplaced in waning caldera margin. Intrusions “porphyry” style mineralization + sl + tet,tn + Au°, tel // ad + ser + qz + rocs + py + smec δ18O = 5–8 per mil, δD = –10 to Eaton and Setterfield, 1993
2. K/Na = 0.8 stages of subduction before failure of emplaced into volcanic pile exposed in other regions of Deep peripheral?: alb + anhy + py ± bio, chl, mt, ep, trm, –60‰ Forsythe, 1971
subduction zone. A series of mafic of interbedded basalts and Tavua caldera (Nasivi 3 ser-ill Magmatic > seawater ± meteoric Kwak, 1990*
alkaline volcanoes are located along a volcanic ash at margin of prospect) Distal: - // CO3 + chl + smec + py fluids
northeast-trending crustal-scale normal Tavua caldera. Shallow: - // alun + qz + kaol + py
fault Au/Ag = 2

Ladolam, 1.5–0.18 Ma volcanics: Eruptions of trachybasaltic- The Ladolam deposit is Deep, stockwork qz, anhy, CO3 Cu: zones of up to Early, deep: [anhy + cal + bar + cpy + gn + sl+ py ± tel // 200°C, 3.8 wt percent NaCl Davies and Ballantyne, 1987
Lihir Island, (trachybasalts) intruded by trachyandesitic volcanics followed located within the Luise veins associated with Kf-bio 3.6% Cu seen in deep bio(hbld, px) + Kf(plag) + ser + py + amph] or [ -// bio + equiv, but hypersaline fluids have Davies and Ballantyne, 1992
Papua New Q-normative monzonite, episode of tholeiitic magmatism. trachybasaltic caldera and alteration, overlain by drilling (Davies and anhy + py+ cpy(py) ± sl+ gn + cin*] or [qz + py + Au° ± tel been identified McInnes et al., 1998
Guinea syenite, latite porphyry Shoshonites were erupted in back-arc is hosted by volcanic flows, subhorizontal zone of brecciation Ballantyne, 1987); // bio + Kf] Moyle et al., 1990
dikes. La = 20 (1,500 in environment during incipient rifting tuffs and breccias. and high grade Au (boiling Au: auriferous Late, shallow: [- // alun + py + marc] or [-// alun + kaol + Au/Ag = 1 Rytuba et al., 1993
Au (± Cu) ore). 340 Ka following cessation of subduction along horizon?). Shallow level sulfides >> Au°, rare opal + S°] or [ - // ser + ill + smec]
hydrothermal biotite. Kilinailau trench. advanced argillic alteration caps tellurides (seen in Peripheral: - // chl (amph, px) + alb (plag) + ep + cal + mt
29.7 Mt at >1 g/t Au Hydrothermal breccias deposit zones of advanced

(proven); geological argillic alteration)

reserve of 43 Moz

Cripple Creek, 30 Ma (K–Ar) Volcanic Emplaced during incipient phases of Diatreme emplaced at High grade, Au-telluride Au-tellurides, Early shallow: hm // Kf + hm ± CO3 100°–200°C, <5 wt percent NaCl Birmingham, 1987
Colorado breccia, phonolite, crustal extension during Oligocene. junction of four epithermal veins with K- auriferous pyrite and Late shallow felsic rocks: qz + py + CO3 + ad + fl + SO4 + sl equiv in shallow veins Jensen and Barton, 1997
nepheline monzonsyenite, Magmatism bears strong similarities to Precambrian units in alteration halos containing Au° + gn + tet + tel // ad(feldspar) + py*, CO3, ser (bio, px, hbld) Jensen et al., 1998
Au(Te) phonotephrite, phonolites in East African Rift (Mt. Colorado Front range, 40 disseminated native gold and + Au° + tel 300°–400°C, >5 wt percent NaCl Kelley et al., 1998
lamprophyre + bedded Kilamanjoaro, Mt. Kenya) and in the km off axis of Rio Grande tellurides. Deep, high- Late shallow mafic rocks: qz + py + CO3 + ad + rocs + fl + equiv (?) for deep veins Koschmann, 1949
High grade, historic volcanoclastic materials Rhinegraben, Germany. Rift. No supercrustal rocks temperature, base metal-rich SO4 + sl + gn + tet + tel // ser (plag, mafics) + ad(feldspar) + Lindgren and Ransome,
production: (base surge deposits from Contemporaneous with similar alkalic near diatreme. mineralization. // Mine scale py*,CO3,ser (bio, px, hbld) + Au° + tel Moderate-high CO2 1906
41 Mt at 17.1 g/t Au phonolitic diatreme). No magmatism parallel to axis of Rio Grande structural elements controlling Early deep: barren bio + mt +or δ18O = 5–10 per mil Seibel, 1991
Low grade Nb-Ta anomalies, La = rift, from northern Colorado through mineralization unclear. Sub- Late deep: [bio + Kf + py* + SO4 + CO3 + fl + gn + sl // bio magmatic >> meteoric fluids Thompson, 1998
resource: 1,000, Yb = 5. K/Na = 0.4. Coahuila, Mexico radial pattern to vein orientations + py + CO3 + gn + sl] or [CO3 + gn+ sl // ser + CO3] Thompson et al., 1985
170 Mt at ~1 g/t Hydrothermal breccias seen at district scale, merging Peripheral: [CO3, py, hm (mafics)] ± [ser, kaol (feldspar)] or Au/Ag = 9
with NNW-SSE and NE-SW [weak alb (feldspar)]
regional Precambrian(?) trends * = auriferous pyrite

TABLE 1. (Cont.)
District, Styles //
type, and Structural controls Fluid compositions and
grades or tonnage Alkalic rocks Tectonic setting Geologic framework of Ore minerals Mineral assemblages sources References

Mafic-intermediate (Cu(Au)) porphyry-style systems

Galore Creek, Jurassic alkaline volcanics, One of several alkalic-related Cu(Au) Alkalic complex located Disseminated Cu(Au) “porphyry” Cu: cpy + bn, tet Central: mt + bn + cpy ± diop + gt + Au° // bio(hbld, px) + 400°–650°C, hypersaline (40–65 Allen 1971
British Columbia syenite (14 phases), deposits in the Triassic-Jurassic arc within Sitkine arch, at style mineralization with kf(plag) ± anhy + ap wt % salts). Highest salinities in Allen et al., 1976
monzonite, + minor late terranes of Quesnellia and Stikinia. western margin of peripheral Fe-skarns. // Au: Au°, tellurides, Grades laterally to: mt + cpy + py // bio(hbld, px) + kf(plag) hydrothermal garnets; low ƒS2 Barr 1966
Cu(Au) ± Fe alkalic basalts and Intrusions were emplaced in intraoceanic Intermontain belt. Subhorizontal fracture cleavage auriferous sulfides + mt + py ± anhy (bn), moderate ƒO2 (mt-hm-py- Barr et al., 1976
lamprophyres (hawaiites island arc terranes prior to or during Intrusions hosted by Upper attributed to expansion resulting Deep: alb + mt + gt(and-mel) ± diop + trm + act + cal + chl SO4); dominantly magmatic Lang et al., 1995
125 Mt of 0.4 g/t Au, and mugearites?) accretion onto North American continent Triassic volcanic and from hydration of anhydrite. Au is closely related + ep McMillan and Panteleyev,
1.06 percent Cu sedimentary rocks Post-ore faults with small to bornite Peripheral: alb+ ep Au/Ag = 0.52 1995
displacement throughout mineralization in core Late: [CO3 + py + anhy + sl + gn ± tet] or [ser + anhy +
of deposit CO3+ py + hm]

La Plata Mts, 65–70 Ma Alkaline Formed during episode of Late Intrusions occupy a 25-km Cu (Au) ± PGE “porphyry”-style Allard stock: bn + cpy Central (deep): qz + Kf + fl + CO3 + py* + bn + cpy ± Au°, Dominantly magmatic(?) Eckel, 1949
Colorado diorite, monzonites Cretaceous/Paleocene alkaline structural dome where the mineralization (Allard Stock) + Au° + tellurides tel // Kf + py* ± bn + cpy ± Au°, tel, PGE Saunders and May, 1986
Allard Stock: syenites, mafic syenites (+ magmatism which began shortly after the southwestern end of with superimposed high grade, Peripheral veins: qz + py + bar + ank + cal + asp + Au° + sl Allard stock: Au/Ag = 0.01 Schwartz et al., 1949
Cu(Au) ± PGE lamprophyres?); 12–23 onset of the Laramide orogeny. This Colorado Mineral Belt epithermal gold telluride veins Bessie G: + cpy + tet + gn + tel + cin Bessie G: Au/Ag = 0.8 Werle et al., 1984
32 Mt of 0.07g/t Au, ppm Nb; high Al2O3 and period was marked by NE-SW regional meets the Colorado Plateau. (Bessie G deposit). // tellurides Peripheral skarns: (Fe-oxide) 150°C, 4–5 wt percent NaCl
0.4 percent Cu low TiO2, P2O5 for compression, at approximately right Intrusions hosted by Mineralization directed by Shallow (Bessie G): qz + rosc + CO3+ bar + fl + py + sl + gn equiv, CO2-rich
Bessie G: alkaline rocks angles to a major crustal suture which Permian-Jurassic concentric/radial faults and + tet + cpy + tel[col] + Au° // qz[Kf?] + ser + py
Au(Te) 0.5 T Au served as a conduit for alkalic magmas. metasedimentary package. structures related to early Late: dickite
since 1887 Contemporaneous with low angle(?) intrusions.

Goonumbla, 431–435 Ma (K-Ar); Late Emplaced as part of an Ordovician Monzonitic intrusions Disseminated Cu(Au) Cu: bn + cpy Central (early): qz + kf + fl + anhy + hm + bn ± cpy, cc, Dominantly magmatic; 440°– Heithersay and Walshe, 1995
New South Wales Ordovician alkaline alkaline belt in Bogan Gate Synclinorial follow ring fracture in mineralization; stockwork CO3, Au°, tel // Kf + bio + hm + mt + CO3 + bn ± cc or 720°C; 40–60 wt percent NaCl Heithersay et al., 1990
volcanics intruded by Zone of the Lachlan Fold Belt in eastern caldera, situated in Bogan quartz/sulfide veins in core of Au: Au°, tellurides cpy + py equiv; evidence for boiling Jones, 1985
Cu(Au) ± Zn diorite, monzonite, quartz Australia. Interpreted as late oceanic arc Gate syncline. Intrusions deposit. // Late qz-ser-py Central (late): qz + SO4 + py + f l ± bn, cc, py // ser + py
monzonites and post-ore magmatism by Muller and Groves (1990) hosted by early Ordovician alteration controlled by regional Peripheral/regional: - // ep + chl + CO3 + py
30 Mt at 0.5 g/t Au, syenite porphyries. and Schiebner (1976). Jones (1985) greenschist slates, cherts, structures (e.g., Endeavour
0.91 percent Cu Late mafic dikes suggests a continental extensional phyllite, and schist. linear)
(lamprophyres?) environment

Phalaborwa, RSA 2050 Ma (U-Pb) Not described / rift-related(?) Polyphase alkaline centers Cu + Au, Ag, PGE, Ti, Fe, P, Cu: bn + cpy + Central - // orthomagmatic blebs of sulfides (MSS?) in Dominantly magmatic(?) based Eriksson, 1989
Pyroxenite, syenite, ultra- with ring and radial dikes in REE “porphyry” style cubanite carbonatite on carbonatite association Palabora Mining Co. Ltd.,
Cu (Au, Ag, PGE, basic- pegmatoids, granitic gneiss mineralization; some may be Inner core (carbonatite): (cpy> + bn) + po + pent + mill + 1976
Ti, Fe, P, REE, phoscorite, multiphase magmatic, some hydrothermal Cpy > bn in cv + tet + sl + gn + py + marc // - Verwoerd, 1986
vermiculite) carbonatite carbonatite core; bn > Peripheral (banded carbonatite/phoscorite): (bn > cpy) + po +
cpy in peripheral pent + mill + cv + tet + sl + gn + py + marc // -
banded carbonatite Intense K metasomatism (fenitization) surrounds complex
and foscorite mantle (Verwoerd, 1967)
TABLE 1. (Cont.)
District, Styles //
type, and Structural controls Fluid compositions and
grades or tonnage Alkalic rocks Tectonic setting Geologic framework of Ore minerals Mineral assemblages sources References

Intermediate-felsic (Mo[Au]) porphyry-style systems

Sierra Blanca Middle Tertiary andesite, Situated at margin of Rio Grand Rift Intrusions emplaced at Disseminated Cu, Mo ± Au min- Cu-Mo ± Au Central: qz + fl + hm + or + py + mo + cpy ± Au // Majority of inclusions indicate Giles and Thompson, 1972
(Nogal), trachyte, monzonite, (extensional/rift related?). Intrusions form southern end of Lincoln eralization with Polymetallic veins: silicification + K feldspar + fl + py + ser + CO3 + ap + hm + temperatures of ˜ 250°C with 6 Douglass and Campbell, 1994
New Mexico syenite, latite part of Tertiary Rocky Mountain alkalic County, N.M., porphyry superimposed polymetallic and qz, py, gn, cpy, sl, ba, mo+ bn + sl + tet + asp wt percent NaCl equiv, although Thompson, 1972
province that stretches from Montana to belt; intrusions aligned precious metal epithermal veins tet, CO3 Outer: qz // ser + clays + py high-temperature, hypersaline Thompson, 1974
Au + Cu + Mo Mexico along the eastern front of the along axis of late Au-rich polymetallic Peripheral: qz // chl + ep+ py inclusions are present (˜ 480°C,
Rocky Mountains (Mutschler et al, 1987) Pennsylvanian uplift where veins 45wt % NaCl equiv). Evidence
it intersects a major east- for involvement of both meteoric
west lineament and magmatic waters

Central City, 58–59 Ma (U-Pb, K-Ar) Eocene alkalic intrusions emplaced at Magmatic system focussed Early Mo “porphyry” style Disseminated and Pre-Mo, U-rich: qz + py + pitch Early Mo mineralization: CO2- Rice et al., 1985
Colorado leucocratic monzonite and intersection between Colorado Mineral at intersection of Dory Hill mineralization with vein-controlled Mo; Early Mo-rich: qz + py + bis + ser + mo ± fl // qz + Kf? + rich (up to 50 vol %), 340°– Saunders, 1991
syenite, leucocratic Belt and Colorado Front Range. Fault with Idaho Springs- superimposed gold-telluride Au°, tellurides ser + py 420°C, 12–14wt % NaCl equiv,
Au(Mo, U) monzonite dikes, Contemporaneous with regional Ralston shear zone. epithermal veins. // Molybdenite Middle base metal-rich: qz + py + CO3 + sl + cpy + gn + tn and 200°–300°C, 33–40 wt %
bostonite, quartz upwarping and incipient phases of crustal Intrusions hosted by mineral deposits form ellipse + en + Au° // qz + ser + py NaCl equiv in quartz
Historic production bostonite; extension? Precambrian metavolcanic elongated in orientation of Dory Late: qz + py + mo + CO3 + tn + fl + tel // ? Mo telluride mineralization:
from high-grade: and metasedimentary Hill Fault. Telluride veins 200–300°C, 2–12 wt percent
3.2 Mt at 7.2 g/t package (Idaho Springs associated with Dory Hill Fault NaCl equiv, CO2-rich
formation) δ18O = 3–10 per mil, δD = –50 to
–70 per mil
Mixed magmatic + meteoric

Golden Sunlight, 75–80 Ma quartz Regional alkalic intrusions and Intrusions emplaced in “Porphyry” Mo mineralization Mo: disseminated Mo Central (early): ? // qz + py + hm + bar Deep qz-py-mo veins: 130°– DeWitt et al., 1996
Montana monzonite, latite porphyry mineralization centers controlled by Great horst bounded by Golden with superimposed gold-telluride Au: Au° + tellurides; Central, deep: qz + py + Kf + mt + mo + fl + ru + po // qz + 400°C, 1.2–14.2 wt percent NaCl Porter and Ripley, 1985
and lamprophyres. Rocks Falls Tectonic Zone (GFTZ). Localized Sunlight and St. Paul Gulch epithermal veins. // Veins auriferous pyrite? Kf + mo ± Au° equiv Spry, et al., 1996
Au(Mo) show Nb-Ta depletions, zones of transtension or releasing bends faults. Intrusions are hosted oriented parallel to Golden Central, shallow: qz + py + cpy + bn + tn + Au° + tel // qz + qz-py-Au veins: 145°–345°C, 1– Spry, et al., 1997
and La = 20, Yb = 2 ppm along GFTZ provided escape conduits for by Proterozoic Belt series Sunlight Fault and N70E. Minor ser + py ± Kf 10 wt percent NaCl equiv
70 Mt at 1.6 g/t Au small-degree partial melts of the upper sedimentary package. structural development of Central (late): qz + py + bar + CO3+ dick + ser // ? Moderate CO2
mantle. intrusion-related radial and Peripheral: py + gn + sl + cpy + asp + bn + acan + tet, tn // ? δ18O = 1–8 percent, δD = –5 to
Passive hot spot model advocated by concentric faults –75 per mil

Distal: MnCO3 + base metals // silicification, bleaching, and

(Mutschler et al., 1991) sulfidation Early magmatic fluid responsible
for qz + Kf + py alteration and
mineralization. Mixed meteoric
and magmatic fluid for higher
level auriferous qz-py veins

Abbreviations: acan = acanthite, acm = acmite, act = actinolite, ad = adularia, aeg = aegerine, alb = albite, alun = alunite, anat = anatase, and = andradite, anhy = anhydrite, ank = ankerite, ap = apatite, asp = arsenopyrite, Au° = native gold, bar = barite, bio = biotite, bis = bismuthinite, bn = bornite, cal = calcite,
cc = chalcocite, chl = chlorite, cin = cinnabar, CO3 = carbonate, col = coloradoite, cpy = chalcopyrite, cv = covelite, dick = dickite, diop = diopside, dol = dolomite, en = enargite, ep = epidote, fl = fluorite, gn = galena, gt = garnet, hbld = hornblende, hm = hematite, ill = illite, kaol = kaolinite, Kf = K-feldspar,
marc = marcasite, mel = melonite, mill = millerite, mo = molybdenite, MSS = monosulfide solid solution, mt = magnetite, or = orthoclase, pent = pentlandite, PGE = platinum group elements, pitch = pitchblende, plag = plagioclase, po = pyrrhotite, px = pyroxene, py = pyrite, qz = quartz, rosc = roscoelite, ru = rutile,
S° = native sulfur, ser = sericite, sl = sphalerite, smec = smectite, SO4 = sulfate, tel = tellurides, tet = tetrahedrite, tn = tenantite, trm = tremolite
* = aurifeous phase

Sierra City
foidite Blanca
12 tephri-
phonolite Zortman
Galore Goonumbla trachyte
10 Creek trachydacite
Na2O + K2O

trachy- Golden
Emperor andesite rhyolite
8 Sunlight
tephrite Porgera
6 trachy- dacite
basalt Au,Mo deposit
e Au,Cu,Mo deposit
4 lin e
l ka alin basaltic
A lk Au,Cu deposit
ba andesite
2 basalt

40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
FIG. 5. Total alkali vs. silica diagram of igneous phases most closely linked to mineralization in various deposits.
Cu(Au) deposits are generally associated with mafic-intermediate phases (<63 wt % SiO2), whereas Mo(Au) deposits
are associated with intermediate-felsic phases (>68 wt % SiO2). Deposits such as Sierra Blanca, which lie between these
two ranges, contain both Cu and Mo + Au mineralization (Giles and Thompson, 1972).

Porgera and the monzonite stocks of Eaton and Setterfield Mineralization and hydrothermal alteration: In addition to a
(1993) at Emperor. In other districts, such as Cripple Creek, close time-space link to alkaline magmatism, these deposits
the intrusive phase specifically linked to high-grade vein show characteristic styles of mineralization and alteration
mineralization has yet to be identified. This may be true of (Table 1 and Fig. 7). Mineralization is chiefly in the form
many epithermal systems, in which exposed mineral of telluride-rich gold veins that contain varying propor-
deposits can be far removed from buried source intrusions. tions of quartz, carbonate, adularia, and sulfates (barite,
Host rocks are quite variable and range from oxidized celestite), ± fluorite as gangue minerals. Alteration halos
igneous rocks (as at Cripple Creek and Ladolam) to carbona- around the veins are variably developed but are character-
ceous or sulfide-rich sedimentary packages (Golden Sun- ized by neutral pH and K-silicate mineral assemblages
light) or to both (Porgera). (adularia and sericite) with voluminous carbonation.
Structural control: Mineralization typically shows strong Roscoelite is commonly present in veins and alteration
structural controls (Table 1). Structural trends may conform halos, and its abundance is correlated with mafic wall
to reactivated, older regional structures (Central City, Colo- rocks. Some deposits contain small volumes of acid-altered
rado), or develop radial or concentric patterns character- rock, commonly at shallow levels or as small populations of
istic of stress fields generated during the emplacement of late veins cutting other assemblages. Distal propylitic alter-
the alkaline intrusions (e.g., ring faults surrounding caldera ation halos may be present (Ladolam, Porgera) or absent
complexes). Intersections between these two classes of struc- (Cripple Creek).
tures are particularly favorable. For example, the Emperor Base metals are typically represented by sphalerite and
Mine in Fiji is located at the intersection of the Tavua galena; subordinate tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, and molyb-
Caldera boundary fault and the Nasivi shear zone (Fig. 6d; denite minor phases. Most veins have low total sulfides, are
Anderson and Eaton, 1990). Most vein systems occupy verti- base metal poor, and contain Au > Ag. However, exceptions
cal or steeply dipping structures (Cripple Creek, Porgera), exist, such as Zortman Landusky, Montana, where Ag/Au > 4
but low-angle structures can also be mineralized, e.g., the (Hastings, 1988), and Geis, Montana, where Ag/Au > 10
“flatmakes” (Anderson and Eaton, 1990). Some mineraliza- (Zhang and Spry, 1994). Mineralization can be distributed
tion is also hosted by hydrothermal breccias, e.g., the Iron- over protracted vertical intervals in alkaline systems. High-
clad and Globe Hill deposits at Cripple Creek (Seibel, 1991). grade mineralization extends throughout 1,000 m in some
Ore is commonly best developed within dilational structural vein systems at Cripple Creek (Thompson et al., 1985), and
zones, contacts between rocks of contrasting permeabilities, more than 500 m at Emperor (Ahmad et al., 1987b; Poliquin
and zones of brecciation or shattering. and Simmons, 1998).

a Cripple Creek Vindicator mine 31 level

(~1,000 m below surface)
zones containing high Au lamprophyre
K-feldspar + pyrite phonotephrite, tephriphonolite
K-feldspar + hematite syenite
biotite-bearing alt. phonolite (undifferentiated)
clay/sericite + pyrite alt. volcanic breccias 200 m
precambrian granitoids





E.Je unpubl. data
Cresson mine open pit

36,650N Section
base of

2 km 200 m
no vertical
various sources exagerration E.Jensen, unpubl. data

b modified from Moyle et al. (1990)

breccia pipes >1 ppm Au
thermal zones
silica cap lavas & pyroclastics
advanced argillic porphyries
argillic monzonites



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A’ A’
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| |

| |
| |

| ||
A | | |
5 km North North

| | |

2 km 2 km
Lihir Island | | |
1,000 m
altered areas

A A’

ore bodies 100


Elev. (m)

| | | |
| |

raised coral reef | | | |


|| |

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| | |
Luise volcano -200

| |
| |

Kinami & Huniho volcanos -400

older mafic volcanic/clastic rocks >1 ppm Au >3 ppm Au volcanics

FIG. 6. District and deposit geology of selected gold-bearing deposits associated with alkaline magmatism. A
common scale is used to illustrate the relative size of systems: a. Cripple Creek, b. Ladolam, c. Porgera, d. Emperor,
e. Golden Sunlight, f. Galore Creek, g. Mt. Polley, h. Goonumbla, i. Bingham. ab. = albite, bio = biotite, diop = diopside,
ep = epidote, gt = garnet, Kf = K feldspar, Qz = quartz, sec. = secondary, ser = sericite.

c Porgera l im i t o f m ag n e t i c anoma
hydrothermal system
mineralization limits ault
ane F
Roam 2 km
altered sediments
feldspar porphyry
hbl diorite porphyry
augite hbl diorite buried
hbl diorite intrusions
black / calcareous 500
00 m
sediments modified from Richards (1990) and Fleming et al. (1986)

d Emperor
Au(Cu) mineralization
2 km
mineralized dikes
advanced argillic
argillic & sericitic

Nasivi area
Emperor Mine area

igneous rocks
fused agglomerate
intrusions (monz?)
Morrisons Pool Fm
Turtle Pool formation
modified from Eaton and Setterfield (1993)


Golden Sunlight
tv |
l im i t o f m os

Veins / mineralized dikes


Multi-stage Qz veins



Early Qz veins

mafic intrusive rocks


breccia (hydro. & intrus.)



Elkhorn Mountain volcanics Hill


porphyrytic alk rhyolite



Qz monzodiorite |


Paleozoic sedimentary rocks





Proterozoic sedimentary rocks

modified from Spry et al. (1996) 2 km

f Galore Creek

li m
Hydrothermal system it
mineralized zones

K alteration
K-alteration limit
Triassic igneous rocks
various phases of
porphyritic syenite
alkaline mafic volcanics

Alteration / mineralization
e a at o
(610 m level)

ore zone


>1% pyrite








| |

ab. magnetite







K-feldspar |










2 km ice
500 m
modified from Allen et al. (1976)

g |
| |

Mt. Polley

mineralization / alteration |

copper >0.3%


| |

>3% pyrite


Kf-bio-diop North

| |




intrusive complex
Bo Lake



| | |

intrusion breccia

monzonite porphyry
pseudoleucite syenite
mafic pseudoleucite syen.
upper Triassic volcanic rocks
mafic tuffs 2 km
trachybasalt modified from Hodgson et al. (1976)

h Goonumbla | |

Devonian rocks






limit of Qz-Ser veins




K-feldspar alteration


Cu(-Au) mineralization






Qz monzonite porphyry




intrusive trachyte


| |

monzonite, diorite, gabbro |

Womblin trachyte, andesite


older Goonumbla volcanics






| | | | |


| | |




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| | | | |

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| | | |

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| | | |
| |


| |

site of Cu(-Au)
| |


| |


prospect / deposit |

| |


| |

| |







5 km



2 km


modified from Jones (1986)

(1985) and Heithersay et al. (1991)

i 5 km


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| |



it of


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North f

| | |

it o

li m

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i t of

North |

2 km
Tertiary igneous rocks

latite, rhyolite mineralization

latite, neph basalt, andesite Au (>1, 0.3 ppm)
rhyolite and rhyolite porphyry Cu (>1, 0.35%)
qz latite porphyry Cu skarn
qz monz porph & porph qz monz base metal repl.
monzonite limit of sec. biotite
Paleozoic sedimentary rocks

a b

c d e


FIG. 7. Textures and styles of mineralization seen in alkaline epithermal systems. a. Vug in lamprophyre breccia filled
by quartz, pyrite, roscoelite, and tellurides from Cripple Creek, Colorado. The lamprophyre has been pervasively
altered to K feldspar, sericite, and carbonate. K feldspar is most abundant adjacent to the vug and grades outward into
a peripheral halo of K feldspar, sericite, carbonate, and pyrite. b. High-grade quartz + carbonate vein cutting trachy-
basalt from the Matanagata Flatmake, Emperor Mine, Fiji; several episodes of mineralization are recorded as closely
spaced anastomosing veinlets. The vein is flanked by an inner halo of roscoelite and carbonate and an outer halo
marked by K metasomatism and bleaching. c. Banded, massive fluorite vein cutting volcanic breccia from Cripple
Creek, Colorado; note sedimentary-like features in vein. d. Photomicrograph of “whispy” dolomite (dark) with center-
line filling by silica in Porgera “A”-vein (figure taken from Richards, 1990a, fig. 7). Note repetitive banding in vein-
filling materials. Vein width is 2 mm. e. Calaverite pseudomorphs after augite in nepheline monzosyenite from Cripple
Creek, Colorado, illustrating selective replacement of mafic minerals by gold (wall-rock control at a fine scale). Dol =
dolomite, py = pyrite.

K metasomatism: Potassium metasomatism has been clays (illite-montmorillonite), which give the rock a bleached
described in almost all alkaline epithermal deposits. As appearance. Feldspars are typically shifted toward more
shown in Figures 6 and 7 and described in Table 1, this potassic chemistries relative to unaltered igneous feldspars,
metasomatism ranges from broad zones of K feldspathized and plagioclase may be partly replaced by typically minor
wall rocks (Cripple Creek) to narrow zones of sericitic amounts of sericite. In thin section, this alteration is mani-
(+ roscoelite, carbonate, and K feldspar) alteration (Porg- fested as turbid feldspars and alteration products that have
era). Most deposits show some combination of K feldspar replaced mafic minerals. The turbidity in the feldspar grains
(adularia) and sericite + carbonate ± roscoelite alteration. In is commonly described as “dustings” of clay or sericite. In
almost all examples, significant amounts of potassium were many cases, primary igneous textures are retained and rocks
added during the process of alteration whereas sodium and can otherwise show little evidence of alteration. This style of
calcium were leached (Fig. 8). alteration is commonly mistaken for weak sericitic or argillic
The result of potassium metasomatism is typically alteration. Igneous mineral textures such as albite twins and
described as either sericitic or adularia-sericite alteration. In crosshatched anorthoclase twinning may be preserved even
either case, K-silicate phases replace nepheline, plagioclase, though the mineral has been altered to K feldspar. Figure 9
or Na-rich alkali feldspar, resulting in a net addition of potas- illustrates the difficulty in recognizing this alteration.
sium to the altered rock. Mafic mineral sites are typically Where K metasomatism is intense, virtually the entire
replaced by sulfides (pyrite ± arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, marc- rock can be replaced by low-temperature K feldspar (adu-
asite, and base metals), Fe-Mg carbonates, leucoxene, and laria). Small amounts of quartz and sericite are distributed

a. b.
feldspathic Al2O3 Zortman Landusky
igneous Mu Ka, Py K2O Na2O CaO

% change (normalized to Al2O3)

rocks a 200
Kf Allard Stock
b 150
lamprophyres Par Mu
Galore Creek
+ mafic rocks
c Cripple Creek
a = sericite alt. 100
b = K-feldspar alt Tuava caldera

Net Gain
c = carbonate alt
Ab-An Kf 50

Net loss

Carb, Cpx, -100

Act, Ep, Gt Molar proportions
Porgera Emperor Cripple Zortman- Allard
Na2O+CaO K2O Creek Landusky Stock

FIG. 8. a. Molar Al2O3-K2O-(Na2O + CaO) plot showing samples of selected altered and unaltered rocks from vari-
ous districts (data from references in Table 1). The inset diagram shows approximate fields for unaltered alkaline
feldspathic rocks and mafic alkaline rocks such as lamprophyres. Also shown are metasomatic vectors for sericitic
alteration (path a), K feldspar alteration (path b) and carbonate alteration (path c). Note that samples plot along a
general trend toward K feldspar enrichment, and they show no obvious trend toward acid styles of alteration (follow-
ing the sericite vector). Samples that plot in the lower left of the diagram indicate carbonation (endoskarn in extreme
examples?). These two styles of alteration are characteristic of alkaline systems. b. Gains and losses of K, Na, and Ca
during alteration associated with mineralization: comparisons of oxide concentrations in unaltered and altered
samples from several districts, normalized to Al2O3. Data from various sources (see Table 1). Ab = albite, Act = actino-
lite, An = anorthite, Carb = carbonate, Cpx = clinopyroxene, Ep = epidote, Gt = garnet, Ka = kaolinite, Kf = K feldspar,
Mu = muscovite, Py = pyrite.

throughout the rock, but they account for only a few per- Similar types of alteration are seen in many alkaline dis-
cent of the rock’s volume. The alteration surrounding epi- tricts. Examples of extreme K metasomatism are reported
thermal veins in Zortman Landusky, Montana, is described at Galore Creek, British Columbia (Allen et al., 1976), the
by Wilson and Keyser (1988): “although altered intrusive Allard Stock, Colorado (Werle et al., 1984), and Emperor,
rocks appear in hand specimen and thin sections as clay- Fiji (Kwak, 1990; Poliquin and Simmons, 1998) and appear
rich, with illite filling narrow fractures and dusting almost to be found in many (if not most) alkaline systems accord-
all of the feldspars, whole rock XRD [X-ray diffraction] ing to compilations of whole rock analyses from alteration
analyses of most of the altered samples indicate that the zones. When plotted in K vs. Na discrimination diagrams,
modal abundance is less than 5 percent...the chemical com- altered rocks are commonly distributed along the K/Na
positions are almost independent of the degree of altera- exchange vector (Figs. 3, 8; Fleming et al., 1986, fig. 10; Wil-
tion, despite its obvious appearance in hand specimens and son and Kyser, 1988, fig. 4), with compositions falling far
thin sections.” Four of eight geochemical analyses from Wil- outside the normal K/Na ratios for igneous rocks.
son and Keyser (1988) show K2O > 12 wt percent, in com- Although K metasomatism can be voluminous, it is not
parison with 4.62 wt percent for unmineralized samples always spatially associated with gold mineralization. In some
(Hastings, 1988). cases, such as at Emperor, zones of intense K metasomatism
Gold is commonly present in the adularia halos as dis- may underlie areas of gold mineralization (Kwak, 1990, p.
crete grains of native gold, electrum (usually with a high 313). In these cases, K metasomatism may reflect appropri-
Au/Ag ratio), or tellurides, and as auriferous pyrite. Dis- ate conditions for transport of gold but not for deposition
tributed gold in pyrite is most commonly reported as of gold, which takes place further along the flow path.
micron-sized native gold, but gold concentrations up to 100 (Gold transport is discussed below.)
ppm in solid solution in pyrite have been determined by Acid alteration: Zones of advanced argillic (intense acid)
secondary ion mass spectroscopy analyses from Cripple alteration have been documented in several alkaline epi-
Creek (F. Mazdab and E. Jensen, unpub. data), in which it thermal systems including Ladolam (Moyle et al., 1990),
may account for a significant portion of the gold inventory Emperor (Eaton and Setterfield, 1993), and Mt. Kasi, Fiji
in disseminated styles of mineralization. Where sizeable, (Taylor, 1987; Corbett and Taylor, 1994; Adsett and Taylor,
these metasomatic halos with disseminated gold may con- 1995). These zones are characterized by kaolinite (± pyro-
stitute economic gold resources, as seen at Zortman phyllite or dickite), alunite, and quartz alteration super-
Landusky (Hastings, 1988) and in the near-surface envi- imposed upon earlier potassic alteration. They are typically
ronment at Cripple Creek and possibly Porgera (stage I located in the upper levels of the deposits, generally near
mineralization; J.P. Richards, pers. commun., 2000) or conformable to the surface. Cu sulfides such as enargite

and covellite are common, and gold is chiefly present as alteration have cut lamprophyres or mafic Precambrian
Au°, electrum, and tellurides. It is notable that tellurides rocks. Very abrupt changes in the mineralogy of alteration
are also found in advanced argillic alteration not associated assemblages are seen at contacts between the two rock types.
with alkaline magmatism (e.g., Pueblo Viejo, Dominican The style of alteration seen in the mafic rock types at Cripple
Republic; Goldfield, Nevada). Restricted zones of acid Creek closely resembles the types of alteration described at
alteration (quartz-dickite) are also seen in some deposits Emperor and Porgera (Richards et al., 1991; Eaton and
such as Cripple Creek (E. Jensen, unpub. data), Golden Setter field, 1993; Richards and Kerrich, 1993).
Sunlight (Spry et al., 1996), and the Bessie G Mine in the Wall-rock reaction in felsic rocks is chiefly manifested by
La Plata Mountains (Saunders and May, 1986) as narrow, alkali exchange reactions where plagioclase and Na-rich
late-stage veins that cut across all other assemblages. alkali feldspar are altered to potassium feldspar:
Wall-rock effects: Wall-rock compositions (mafic or felsic,
quartz-poor or quartz-rich, pelitic or carbonate) strongly NaAlSi3O8 + K+ = KAlSi3O8 + Na+.
influence the appearance, mineralogy, and size of alteration
halos. At Cripple Creek, K metasomatism is characterized by In mafic rocks (and in the mafic mineral sites in felsic
pervasive K-feldspar flooding in feldspathic phonolites rocks), carbonation of Ca-, Mg-, and Fe-bearing phases in
(Fig. 9), but it is manifested as much narrower zones of the presence of alkali feldspar, biotite, or K-rich fluids will
sericite and carbonate-mineral alteration where veins and produce sericite and carbonate-rich mineral assemblages:

a b c

Phonolite mt



5.54 wt% K2O

K-feld + py

14.42 wt% K2O

1cm Hand 1000 μ Photomicrographs 200 μ Electron back-

samples (40X magnification) scatter images
FIG. 9. Fresh unaltered (top) and altered (bottom) phonolite from Cripple Creek as seen in hand specimen and
thin section and with a scanning electron microscope. a. In hand specimens, rocks with strong K feldspar + pyrite
alteration are light gray in comparison with dark green unaltered phonolite (aegirine + magnetite stable). b. In thin
section, the fresh phonolite shows sanidine phenocrysts in a groundmass of sanidine, aegirine, and magnetite with a
strong trachytic fabric. In the altered rock, phenocrysts and groundmass minerals become turbid and “dusty,” but the
rock retains it original igneous fabric. Minor amounts of sericite are present with pyrite in former mafic mineral sites,
but no evidence is seen for pervasive recrystallization of feldspars. As it appears through the optical microscope, this
alteration is best described as weak sericitic or argillic. c. In a scanning electron microscope (SEM) photograph of the
fresh rock, sanidine phenocrysts with dark (sodic) rims are seen in a groundmass of sodic feldspar (dark gray), mag-
netite (brightest), and aegirine. In an SEM photograph of the altered rock, it can be seen that virtually the entire rock
has been replaced by low-temperature K feldspar (light gray). Small amounts of quartz and sericite (dark patches) are
distributed throughout the rock but account for only a few percent of the rock’s volume. Pyrite (brightest), leucoxene,
and carbonate minerals occupy former mafic mineral sites. Although not seen in this image, gold is commonly present
within the adularia halos as discrete micron-scale grains of native gold encapsulated within adularia and quartz, and
as inclusions or atomic substitutions in pyrite grains. mt = magnetite.

KFeMg2AlSi3O10(OH)2 + CaAl2Si2O8 + 4CO2 = most systems. Reported values of δ18O for hydrothermal flu-
4(Fe,Mg,Ca)CO3 + KAl2AlSi3O10(OH)2 + 2SiO2 ids commonly overlap with magmatic fluid compositions,
but they are displaced toward lighter values in later stages
H2O + KAlSi3O8 + CaAl2Si2O8 + CO2 = of mineralization (Ahmad et al., 1987b; Richards and Ker-
CaCO3 + KAl2AlSi3O10(OH)2 + 2SiO2. rich, 1993; Zhang and Spry, 1994). Values of δD tend to
show greater variability, suggesting contributions from exter-
In these examples, sericite-carbonate ± K feldspar alter- nal fluids such as exchanged groundwaters (Porgera:
ation is accomplished by carbonation reactions, as opposed Richards and Kerrich, 1993; and seawater (Emperor:
to the carbonate-poor sericitic assemblages generated by Ahmad et al., 1987b). Some deposits, such as Cripple Creek
sulfide and chloride acids in subalkaline deposits. Key dis- (Jensen et al., 1998; Thompson, 1998) and epithermal gold
tinctions are the presence of carbonate, the stability of K deposits in the Black Hills of South Dakota (Paterson et al.,
feldspar, and the fact that these assemblages commonly 1988, 1989) may have been formed almost exclusively from
exhibit substantial addition of K2O. magmatic fluids. This origin contrasts with that of subalka-
Vanadium enrichment, expressed especially as roscoelite line adularia-sericite epithermal deposits, which tend to be
(KV2[AlSi3O10](OH)2), also correlates with the propor- dominated by external fluids (although minor magmatic
tions of mafic and felsic rocks. Vanadium enrichment is contributions may be critical).
documented at Emperor and Porgera (systems with mafic- Metals also appear to be directly inherited from mag-
intermediate igneous rocks), where zones of high-grade matic sources, as indicated by radiogenic isotope studies of
mineralization are flanked by roscoelite-rich alteration ore minerals (Richards et al., 1991; Kelley et al., 1998). Sta-
halos up to several centimeters wide (Fig. 7a, b). Roscoelite ble isotope ratios of carbon and sulfur are consistent with
is present in felsic alkaline systems, but it is much less abun- magmatic sources, although there is enough variability to
dant and is best described as an accessory mineral (Boulder allow for derivation in part from sedimentary sources
County and Cripple Creek, Colorado; Montana telluride (Shannon et al., 1983; Ahmad et al., 1987b; Richards, 1995;
districts). This low abundance is expectable, because mafic Spry et al., 1996; Zhang and Spry, 1994).
rocks have much higher concentrations of vanadium than Indicators for exploration: With the possible exceptions of
felsic rocks. Other minerals such as millerite (Ni sulfide) Te and V, there do not appear to be any reliable pathfinder
and Cr micas are also more abundant in altered mafic elements for distinguishing alkaline-related mineralization
rocks, but Ni and Cr are not likely to be mobile and these from other types of epithermal gold deposits in geo-
minerals probably reflect in situ alteration of Ni- or Cr-rich chemical surveys. Although only a few studies have been
igneous minerals. Fluorite, on the other hand, is much less reported, Gott et al. (1969) made an extensive soil survey
abundant in mafic systems owing to the low solubility of flu- of the Cripple Creek district and found a general correla-
orine in calcium-rich environments. Fluorite is common in tion between Au, Ag, Te, K, and V, and to a lesser degree,
the systems hosted by felsic rocks in Boulder County and Mo and Hg. Other elements such as Pb, Cu, and Zn were
Cripple Creek, Colorado, but is much less abundant or much more erratic in their distribution and did not serve
absent at Emperor and Porgera. as helpful indicators of gold mineralization. Cocker (1993)
K metasomatism is also seen where fluids cross or cut studied element dispersion patterns in mineralized carbon-
impure carbonate rocks. In the Mayflower Mine, Montana, ate strata at the Mayflower Mine in Montana, and found
zones of silicified dolomitic limestone up to 7 m wide con- anomalous Te, Cu, Pb, Ag, Au, V, K2O, and Zn in the vicin-
tain pyrite, tellurides, native gold, and base metals near ity of gold mineralization, grading outward to a proximal
alkaline intrusions (Cocker, 1993). The zones of silicifica- zone of Hg, As, and Cu, with a distal halo of MnO and
tion are surrounded by adularia, quartz, pyrite, and sericite MgO. Distal halos of Mn enrichment were also noted by
(± roscoelite) alteration halos that are up to 10 m wide. Gott et al. (1969) at Cripple Creek. Jenkins and Carter
Other distinctive styles of wall-rock alteration are seen at (1997) analyzed soil and biological samples from the vicin-
Porgera, where pelitic sedimentary wall rocks have been ity of the Rex gold-telluride vein system in the Gold Hill
variably replaced by chlorite and garnet-rich assemblages mining district, Boulder County, Colorado. Samples were
outward from K silicate alteration envelopes (Richards and analyzed for Ag, Te, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Ca, Na, K, and Mg, and
Kerrich, 1993). Analcime-rich alteration is seen as a sub- a correlation between Te, Au, Ag, and Pb was observed.
solidus effect at Mt. Kare, Papua New Guinea (Richards Interested readers are directed to Jenkins (1996) for further
and Ledlie, 1993). discussion. In the vicinity of Au-Cu-Te veins in the Exciban
Fluid compositions and sources of components: Fluid inclusion deposit, Camarines Norte, Philippines, James and Fuchs
evidence suggests that fluids were relatively cool (<300°C) (1990) found Cu and As to be variably correlated with gold,
and of low salinity (<10 wt % NaCl equiv). Moderate to whereas Pb and Zn were not appreciably enriched in zones
high CO2 concentrations are reported for many deposits, of mineralization. The abundance of Bi-Te phases in the
e.g., Central City (Rice et al., 1985), Porgera (Ronacher et Exciban veins may suggest Bi as a potential pathfinder ele-
al., 1999), Cripple Creek (Thompson et al., 1985), Golden ment in some systems. Like other types of epithermal
Sunlight (Spry et al., 1996), Emperor (Ahmad et al., 1987a, deposits, however, Au is probably the single best indicator
b), and Boulder County, Colorado (Saunders, 1991). Stable of mineralization, and other elements such as As, Sb, Cu,
isotopes indicate a high proportion of magmatic fluids in Pb, and Zn are only variably enriched. Mn, Ba, Sr, U, F, Hg,

and platinum-group elements (PGE) behave much more galena become abundant in the deep levels at Cripple
erratically and do not appear to be particularly useful. Creek but lack Cu or Mo sulfides. A similar environment
Likewise, geophysical signatures show significant varia- may be present at Porgera, in which disseminated Zn and
bility. Many deposits are characterized by magnetic and Pb sulfides are more abundant than Cu sulfides (Fleming
gravity lows (Cripple Creek, Zortman Landusky), but et al., 1986; Handley and Bradshaw, 1986; Cameron et al.,
exceptions include Porgera, which is centered upon a mag- 1995). Recent drilling at Porgera, however, appears to indi-
netic high (Richards, 1990a). Negative magnetic signatures cate the presence of “porphyry-style” Cu mineralization at
result from sulfidation of magnetite in wall rocks, and grav- depth (Ronacher et al., 1999). Other deposits, such as
ity lows result from replacement of wall-rock minerals by Zortman Landusky, show comparatively little base-metal
low-density alteration products such as sheet silicates and mineralization of any type at current levels of exposure.
carbonates (Irvine and Smith, 1990). Positive magnetic
anomalies may result from deep mafic plutonic masses or Porphyry-Type Deposits
from zones of extensive biotite-magnetite alteration at Deeper portions of gold-rich alkaline systems can be
depth (a typical manifestation of porphyry-style alteration separated on the basis of Mo or Cu enrichment. As a gen-
in alkaline systems; see below). Induced polarization sur- eral rule, Cu-rich deposits are associated with intrusive
veys are in many cases useful in delineating zones of sulfi- phases with < 60 wt percent SiO2, whereas Mo-rich systems
dation that surround vein systems (Irvine and Smith, 1990) tend to be associated with intrusive phases with > 65 wt per-
but could potentially be confusing where mineralization cent SiO2 (Fig. 5). Transitional Cu-Mo deposits, such as
cuts sulfide-rich sediments, as is the case at Porgera. those associated with the Sierra Blanca complex in New
It seems that the best method of identifying potential Mexico (Giles and Thompson, 1972; Thompson, 1972),
alkaline epithermal deposits is by recognizing their charac- have compositions between these end members. Several
teristic mineral and alteration assemblages in and around important examples of alkaline-related base metal-rich
alkaline intrusive complexes. deposits are described in Table 1.
Transition between Epithermal and Porphyry Deposits Cu(Au) deposits
Alkaline epithermal deposits may grade downward into Geologic framework: Whereas alkaline rocks as a group are
porphyry-type Cu(Au) deposits (Bonham and Giles, 1983; found in a wide range of geologic settings, Cu-rich alkaline
Mutschler et al., 1985; Mutschler and Mooney, 1993; and deposits are primarily found in arc environments. Many of
Richards, 1995) or porphyry-type Mo(Au) deposits (Rice these deposits formed during initial stages of back-arc rift-
et al., 1985; Saunders, 1991; Foster and Childs, 1993; Spry ing or during tectonic reconfigurations of volcanic arcs (dis-
et al., 1996). Permissive evidence for such a transition is cussed below). Details about specific tectonic and regional
seen in many alkaline epithermal systems. Some alkaline geologic settings for individual deposits are given in Table 1.
epithermal deposits contain zones of high-temperature Less-evolved alkaline diorites, mafic syenites, and monzo-
mineralization and alteration that have been overprinted nites tend to be associated with Cu(Au) base metal-rich
by lower-temperature, epithermal-style mineralization. hydrothermal systems (e.g., Galore Creek, Allard Stock,
Examples include Porgera (Richards and Kerrich, 1993), Goonumbla, Emperor, Porgera; Fig. 5). These intrusions
Ladolam (Moyle et al., 1990), Cripple Creek (Jensen and range from silica undersaturated (Galore Creek) to silica
Barton, 1997), Golden Sunlight (Spry et al., 1996) and saturated (Goonumbla) and are commonly accompanied
Central City (Rice et al., 1985). Higher-temperature styles by coeval alkaline volcanic piles (Fig. 6). Volcanic rock types
of mineralization and alteration are commonly biotite-sta- include pseudoleucite phonolites, augite trachyandesites,
ble and contain higher concentrations of base metals (Fig. trachybasalts, and trachytes in British Columbia deposits
10c, d). In other cases, epithermal systems are found in (Allen et al., 1976; Lang et al., 1995), latites and trachytes at
close spatial and temporal association with porphyry-style Goonumbla (Heithersay and Walshe, 1995), and trachy-
mineralization, as seen in the Allard Stock and Bessie G basalts and trachyandesites at Emperor (Ahmad et al.,
deposits in Colorado (Werle et al., 1984) and the Emperor 1987a; Eaton and Setterfield, 1993). The intrusions that are
and Nasivi 3 deposits in the Tavua Caldera, Fiji (Eaton and most intimately associated with mineralization tend to be
Setterfield, 1993). Such juxtapositions of high- and low- monzonitic or evolved equivalents of early mafic phases.
temperature styles of alteration and mineralization are The carbonatite-hosted porphyry Cu (Au, PGE, Ni, Fe, P)
characteristic of telescoping hydrothermal systems. At deposit at Phalaborwa, Republic of South Africa, also
Cripple Creek, evidence is seen for several episodes of high- belongs to this class of deposit and possibly represents an
temperature alteration that have been variably overprinted ultramafic end member.
by at least two episodes of low-temperature alteration Intrusive complexes are typically multiphase and exhibit
(Jensen et al., 1998). The transition between rocks of these a variety of geometries. These include subcircular plugs
two styles of alteration and mineralization can occupy pro- and stocks up to several kilometers in diameter (Emperor:
tracted vertical intervals (>1,000 m at Cripple Creek), or Ahmad et al., 1987a); relatively narrow dikes and sills
the two can directly overlap (Porgera, Ladolam). (Galore Creek: Allen et al., 1976) and Copper Mountain,
Not all alkaline hydrothermal systems show Cu or Mo British Columbia (Lang et al., 1995); multiple-phase laccol-
affinities, however. Zones of disseminated sphalerite and iths (Mt. Polley, British Columbia: Hodgson et al., 1976);

plutonic or batholithic intrusive complexes (Allard Stock, Mt Polley, Ladolam, Goonumbla, and Emperor are shown
Colorado: Werle et al., 1984); and Iron Mask batholith, in Figure 6. Examples of the textures and styles of altera-
British Columbia: Snyder, 1994; Lang et al., 1995); and tion and mineralization are shown in Figure 10.
annular intrusive bodies emplaced along ring faults in Cu mineralization is typically characterized by a zone con-
caldera complexes (Goonumbla: Jones, 1985; Heithersay taining central bornite + magnetite that grades outward to
and Walshe, 1995). bornite + chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite + pyrite. As a group,
These deposits typically show evidence of multiple stages these deposits tend to be sulfide poor, and pyrite is found
of alteration and mineralization, beginning with early intru- peripherally or in association with late-stage sericitic alter-
sive events and continuing throughout the evolution of the ation. Gold mineralization occurs as native gold, tellurides,
complexes (Werle et al., 1984; Heithersay and Walshe, cuprian gold, or auriferous sulfides, and it tends to be asso-
1995; Lang et al., 1995). Cu(Au) stockwork mineralization ciated with zones rich in bornite (Fig. 10c). Tellurides are
at Goonumbla associated with an early quartz monzonite variably present but are much less abundant than in the
intrusion (QMP1) are visibly cut by a later intrusion shallow, low-temperature alkaline epithermal systems; a pos-
(QMP2) and its associated stages of mineralization (Hei- sible exception is Goonumbla (Heithersay and Walshe,
thersay and Walshe, 1995). Peripheral, base metal-rich min- 1995). Alkaline porphyry Cu(Au) deposits also show much
eral assemblages are typically absent or only weakly devel- lower Au/Ag ratios than epithermal systems (Fig. 11).
oped (Lang et al., 1995). Alteration types include potassic, sodic (with or without
Mineralization and alteration: Grades and tonnages of sev- sodic-calcic), propylitic, and magnetite replacement. Acid
eral deposits are shown in Figure 1, and styles of mineral- (i.e., sericitic) types of alteration are subordinate or absent,
ization of individual deposits are described in Table 1. Geo- with the possible exception of Goonumbla, where sericitic
logic, alteration, and mineralization maps of Galore Creek, alteration locally becomes pervasive along major structures

Kf + hm

qz + bn


FIG. 10. Textures and styles of mineralization in alkalic porphyry deposits and in deep high-temperature portions of
alkaline epithermal deposits. a. Hand specimen of stockwork biotite + magnetite + bornite veins with pervasive K
feldspar + hematite alteration in surrounding porphyritic quartz monzonite from Endeavor 26 deposit at Goonumbla,
Australia. b. Hand specimen of stockwork veins of quartz + bornite with K feldspar + hematite alteration in porphyritic
quartz monzonite, also from the Endeavor 26 deposit. c. Scanning electron microscope image of gold-silver telluride
inclusion (bright) in bornite-chalcopyrite grain from altered biotite porphyry (minette) at Bingham, Utah. Image pro-
vided by Patrick Redmond of the Ore Deposits and Exploration Research Group, Stanford University. d. Hand speci-
men of early (preore) biotite + magnetite vein with orthoclase (white) and biotite alteration halo cutting nepheline
monzosyenite from the 1,000 m level, Vindicator Mine, Cripple Creek, Colorado. e. Hand specimen of ore-stage poly-
metallic anhydrite + fluorite + K feldspar + pyrite vein with phlogopite (dark) + K feldspar (white) halo cutting vol-
canic breccia, 1,000 m level of the Ajax Mine, Cripple Creek, Colorado. bio = biotite, bn = bornite, cpy = chalcopyrite,
hm = hematite, Kf = K feldspar, mt = magnetite, qz = quartz, tel = telluride.

but shows little relationship with Cu(Au) mineralization Goonumbla (Jones, 1985; Heithersay and Walshe, 1995).
(Heithersay et al., 1990). Skarns are variably developed Magnetite (± hematite) is associated with both potassic and
where carbonate units have undergone metasomatism, and sodic assemblages and can form large replacement zones in
they can account for appreciable portions of mineralization intrusive rocks (Cann, 1979; Lang et al., 1995), or in the
in some deposits, e.g., Galore Creek and Mt. Polley, British surrounding country rocks, e.g., Allard Stock, Colorado
Columbia (Dawson and Kirkham, 1995). (Eckel, 1949, p.60). In many deposits, these replacement
The cores of these deposits typically exhibit fracture- bodies have been described as Fe skarns.
controlled and pervasive types of K feldspar + biotite + In addition to the styles of alkali metasomatism, propylitic-
magnetite alteration, often accompanied by anhydrite (Fig. style assemblages are typically developed in alkaline Au(Cu)
10a, b). Hydrothermal K feldspar typically replaces primary deposits peripheral to zones of potassic alteration. Zones of
feldspar, and biotite (± magnetite or hematite) replaces propylitic alteration contain epidote, chlorite, carbonate,
mafic minerals such as pyroxene and amphibole. Hydro- pyrite, and chalcopyrite as well as weak albite, actinolite, or
thermal biotite from Goonumbla is characterized by high K feldspar alteration. Garnet, magnetite, hematite, and sul-
Mg/Fe, low TiO2, and high fluorine concentrations relative fides are variably abundant in these assemblages.
to magmatic biotite (Heithersay and Walshe, 1995, table 3). Noticeably lacking or subordinate in alkaline Cu(Au)
Quartz is variably present. It is virtually absent in strongly silica- deposits are zones of intense hydrolytic (acid) alteration
undersaturated deposits (Galore Creek) but can be abun- (Jones, 1985; Lang et al., 1995; McMillan and Panteleyev,
dant in silica-saturated systems (Goonumbla). Fluorite is 1995). When sericitic assemblages are present, they tend to
present in many deposits as an accessory mineral, e.g., be structurally controlled and overprint earlier K feldspar +
Galore Creek (Allen et al., 1976) and Goonumbla (Heithersay biotite + magnetite assemblages. With few exceptions, e.g.,
and Walshe, 1995). Cu(Au) mineral deposits correlate with the Endeavour 48 deposit at Goonumbla (Hooper et al.,
the zones of potassic alteration in time and space. 1996), they are rarely pervasive throughout large volumes
As seen at Galore Creek and Mt. Polley, where mineralized of rock. Locally, advanced argillic (alunite-pyrophyllite-
zones cuts calcareous pyroclastic and volcaniclastic strata, K kaolinite) assemblages may be developed, but they are typi-
feldspar-biotite alteration is flanked by andradite + diopside cally restricted to the upper levels of the deposits, e.g.,
+ epidote + vesuvianite with bornite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, Ladolam and Goonumbla (Wolfe et al., 1996).
magnetite, sphalerite, and galena (Dawson and Kirkham, Many alkaline Cu(Au) deposits show anomalous PGE
1995). enrichment (Mutschler et al., 1991). Although rarely eco-
The degree of K enrichment in potassically altered zones nomic, PGE can be concentrated to hundreds of parts per
can be variable, and is extreme in many deposits. Galore billion and even parts per million in some cases. Examples
Creek, Goonumbla, and the Allard Stock all show meta- of this style of mineralization are seen at the Allard Stock
somatized rocks with > 10 wt percent K2O. The intensity of Au-Cu-PGE deposit (Werle et al., 1984), the porphyry Cu-
K metasomatism in alkaline complexes appears to be much Ag-Au-PGE deposit at Silmikameen, British Columbia
greater than the potassic alteration observed in subalkaline (Mutschler and Mooney, 1993), Phalaborwa (Palabora Min-
systems. K2O values do not typically exceed 7 to 8 wt per- ing Company Ltd., 1976; Verwoerd, 1986; Eriksson, 1989),
cent in the cores of calc alkaline porphyry copper deposits, possibly in the Ortiz Au deposit in New Mexico (Bliss et al.,
in which zones of potassic alteration are typically character- 1992), and at Bingham (F. Mazdab, unpub. PGE analyses of
ized by modest additions of potassium (1–3 wt percent K2O; sulfides from the Bingham district). Molybdenite is typically
D. Johnson, unpub. data). sparse but becomes progressively more abundant in associ-
Sodic or sodic-calcic alteration is also commonly observed ation with felsic rock types.
in alkaline Cu(Au) deposits (Fig. 6). Albite veins and albiti- Fluid compositions and sources: Fluid-inclusion evidence
zation of wall rocks are abundant in the deep portions of suggests that fluids were relatively hot (400°–700°C), and
the alkaline porphyry Cu deposits of British Columbia. typically saline to hypersaline (up to 65 wt % NaCl equiv)
Ca-rich phases such as epidote, diopside, and actinolite during ore formation (Heithersay et al., 1990; Lang et al.,
(± andradite, calcite, chlorite, and sulfides) are commonly 1995). Late stages of alteration and mineralization record
seen in and around zones of albitic alteration. In most lower temperatures, much lower salinities, and CO2 in
cases, the sodic ± calcic alteration is deep or peripheral to some cases (Lang et al., 1995). Fluids were relatively oxi-
the central core of potassic alteration, and it commonly dized, as suggested by the abundance of magnetite and
overprints early alteration assemblages (Galore Creek). In hematite, e.g., Goonumbla (Heithersay and Walshe, 1995).
the Ajax deposit in British Columbia, high-grade gold and Stable-isotope studies are lacking, but the saline-rich nature
copper mineralization associated with sodic (albitic) alter- and high temperatures of the fluids and the abundances of
ation (Ross, 1993), which is cut by potassic and scapolitic S and Cu are consistent with a magmatically derived fluid.
styles of alteration. Albitic and scapolite-bearing skarn Contribution from external fluid sources and, in particular,
assemblages are present in some districts where fluids external saline brines cannot be discounted, however.
encountered carbonate strata, e.g., Ingerbelle, British The abundance of sodic, sodic-calcic, and magnetite-rich
Columbia (Barr et al., 1976; Lang et al., 1995). mineralization in the Jurassic deposits of British Columbia
Hydrothermal magnetite is variably abundant and is may reflect circulation of external saline fluids (discussed
commonly accompanied by or replaced by hematite, e.g., below).

Exploration indicators: The abundance of magnetite in with potassic styles of alteration (Rice et al., 1985; Spry et
mafic alkaline rocks and as hydrothermal alteration products al., 1996). In contrast with Cu-rich deposits, however,
in the cores of these deposits can strongly influence the char- biotite alteration is poorly developed or absent in Mo(Au)
acter of the magnetic geophysical signatures. Peripheral bod- systems, which probably reflects the lower Fe and Mg abun-
ies of magnetite replacement or mafic intrusions invading dances in the felsic rocks.
ring faults can produce characteristic ring-shaped magnetic Rice et al. (1985), Saunders (1991), and Spry et al. (1996)
highs, e.g., Goonumbla (Jones, 1985; Heithersay and Walshe, suggest that central cores of porphyry-style Mo(Au) miner-
1995). Stockwork biotite-magnetite-orthoclase veins can also alization grade upward to or are overprinted by telluride-
produce magnetic highs in the cores of these deposits. In rich epithermal systems. Evidence for such a transition is
other cases, however, replacement of magnetite by hematite seen in the common juxtaposition of these two types of min-
(Goonumbla) or by pyrite will result in magnetic lows over eralization in the gold-telluride belts of Montana and Colo-
orebodies. rado (Golden Sunlight and Central City, respectively).
Gravity surveys are generally not reported, except for Fluid compositions and sources: Few fluid inclusion data are
Goonumbla, where pronounced gravity lows are positioned available for Mo(Au) deposits, but those reported suggest
over the orebodies and intrusions (Heithersay and Walshe, that fluids were moderately saline (10–15 wt % NaCl equiv),
1995; Hooper et al., 1996). As is true for any magmatic- and had temperatures in the 200° to 400°C range (Rice et
hydrothermal system, geophysical signatures are influenced al., 1985; Spry et al., 1996). Moderate to high concentra-
by the characteristics of the causative intrusion, hydrother- tions of CO2 are also reported (Rice et al., 1985; Spry et al.,
mal alteration, and the properties of the country rock. Thus, 1996). Although more saline than typical epithermal fluids,
the geophysical expressions of these deposits are variable, these fluids contrast with the hypersaline fluids commonly
and a simple model is not likely to be universally applicable. observed in alkaline Cu(Au) deposits. Stable-isotope evi-
dence suggests that the fluids are dominantly of magmatic
Mo(Au) deposits origin, but that the proportion of external fluids increases
Geologic framework: Mo(Au) deposits are found in regions with decreasing temperature and distance from the source
of thickened continental crust (central Colorado and intrusion (Rice et al., 1985; Spry et al., 1996).
Montana) in which alkaline intrusions have been emplaced Exploration indicators: Regional aeromagnetic surveys of
as inboard expressions of arc-related magmatism (O’Brien the central Montana alkaline province show distinctive
et al., 1991, 1995; Saunders and Bookstrom, 1998). These positive anomalies centered on alkaline intrusive com-
deposits are associated with highly evolved rocks of the alka- plexes located at intersections of linear positive magnetic
line series, such as fractionated monzonites, alkali rhyolites, anomalies (Kleinkopf, 1991). The linear anomalies are
and some trachyte-phonolites. In many deposits Cu-bearing thought to represent mafic intrusions occupying regional
mineralization is variably present, but as a group they are structural trends. At the scale of individual intrusive com-
characterized by Mo ≈ Cu or Mo > Cu. Relative to porphyry plexes, zones of mineralization may be represented by mag-
Mo deposits associated with calc-alkaline rocks, the alkaline netic lows (Olmore, 1991) where igneous magnetite has
Mo deposits tend to be enriched in gold. Examples include been destroyed by hydrothermal alteration.
the Boulder County, Colorado, deposits (Rice et al., 1985;
Saunders, 1991), the Mo(Au) deposits in the Great Falls Other porphyry deposits with links to alkaline magmatism
Tectonic Zone, Montana (Theiben and Spry, 1995), and In a number of subalkaline systems, there is evidence for
the Sierra Blanca, New Mexico, Cu-Mo(Au) deposit, (Giles late injection of mafic alkaline magmas, typically manifested
and Thompson, 1972; Thompson 1972, 1974). The geology as lamprophyre dikes, alkaline basalts, or phonotephrites.
and alteration at Golden Sunlight, Montana, is shown in These intrusions are volumetrically subordinate to early,
Figure 6e. felsic, subalkaline intrusions and are typically highly altered.
Mineralization and hydrothermal alteration: Mo(Au) miner- The relationship between these late mafic intrusions and
alization is typically manifested as stockwork veins of quartz mineralization is not clear in many cases, but some authors
± K feldspar with molybdenite and gold. Gold is commonly (Rock et al., 1989; Keith et al., 1998) suggest that these
present as discrete grains of Au° (and auriferous sulfides?), mafic melts play a critical role in generating large mineral
but tellurides are also common (Rice et al., 1985; Spry et al., deposits. Keith et al. (1998) show strong evidence in the
1996). In some systems, telluride minerals may not be Bingham system of mixing between late-stage mafic alkaline
obvious, but anomalous concentrations of Te have been magmas (minettes) and subalkaline granitic melts (Fig. 3a).
reported in zones of stockwork Mo(Au) veins at Porphyry They suggest that the minette magmas could have supplied
Mountain in Boulder County, Colorado (Saunders, 1991). a substantial portion of sulfur, copper, and gold to the Bing-
Alteration types in alkaline Mo(Au) deposits are domi- ham system. Recent work has documented the presence of
nated by K silicate assemblages. Central cores of K feldspar biotite alteration with bornite and gold-silver tellurides in
+ quartz ± sericite + carbonate alteration grade outward to, the minette phase at Bingham (Fig. 10c), in contrast to adja-
and are commonly overprinted by, more pervasive styles of cent subalkaline phases where tellurides are rare (P. Red-
sericite + pyrite alteration (Rice et al., 1985; Saunders, mond, pers. commun., 2000).
1991; Spry et al., 1996). Like the alkaline Cu(Au) deposits, In addition to supplying chalcophile elements, late-stage
zones of Mo(Au) mineralization appear to be correlated mafic alkaline melts injected into a partially solidified felsic

magma chamber may trigger a catastrophic release of
volatiles. This effect has been documented in a number of Bessie G

volcanic systems, e.g., Mount Pinatubo (Pallister et al., Low-sulfide

Au quartz veins
1992, 1996). It is clear that mafic intrusions exist in many
Comstock Homestake Au
deposits, and in some cases they are temporally or spatially 10 epithermal Cripple
vein Porgera Creek
related to gold ± copper mineralization. Mafic alkaline Epithermal
quartz-alunite Au Barney's
magmas certainly are not required for gold deposits to Creede Sediment-hosted Au Ladolam

Au (ppm)
form, yet it is probable that such magmas are more favor- epithermal
able in terms of gold and PGE contents (Romberger, 1991, 1
table A2; compilations of geochemical analyses by Mason Distal
Mt. Polley
and Moore, 1982). Ag-Au
Creek Zortman-Landusky Bingham
Among other deposits, Müller and Groves (1997) Polymetallic Cu-Au
include Grasberg (Irian Jaya, Indonesia), along with Bing- veins
Polymetallic stock (Endeavor 26)
0.1 replacement
ham as another large gold-rich porphyry copper deposit Alkaline Au
associated with potassic alkaline magmatism. Although the Low-temperature
Grasberg intrusions are high K rocks, all are distinctly sub- High-temperature
alkaline (McMahon, 1994). Rather than broadening the Porphyry
Cu-Mo USGS deposit types
group of “alkaline-related” deposits to include deposits 0.01
associated with oversaturated igneous rocks that have mod- 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10

erate alkali concentrations, it seems more appropriate to Au:Ag (wt)

recognize that a continuum exists between alkaline- and FIG. 11. Gold contents and gold/silver ratios (by weight) of alkaline-
subalkaline-related porphyry-style mineralization. related gold deposits and selected other types. The latter data (Cox and
Singer, 1986) are Au/Ag from the 10th and 50th percentile grades. Tie
Summary of Characteristics lines are shown for districts that contain both high- and low-temperature
styles of mineralization. Also plotted are data from U.S. Geological Sur-
Alkaline-related hydrothermal systems show fundamen- vey deposit models.
tal characteristics that distinguish them as a group. These
include quartz-poor (or quartz-absent) styles of alteration
and mineralization, Te-rich mineral assemblages, volumi- Calc-silicate assemblages are developed in the deepest parts
nous K metasomatism, subordinate or absent hydrolytic of some systems (andraditic garnets at Mt. Polley and
(acid) alteration relative to their subalkaline counterparts, Galore Creek) and are commonly accompanied by sodic
and a suite of associated minerals including fluorite, tetra- (albite-rich) alteration. Sodic alteration is also found
hedrite, barite-celestite, and roscoelite. peripheral to zones of potassic alteration, as seen in many
Styles of mineralization range from disseminated or of the Cu(Au) deposits in British Columbia. Low-tempera-
stockwork-veined ore in porphyry-type deposits to strongly ture alteration in epithermal systems is characterized by
vein-controlled or structurally controlled mineralizaion in biotite-free K-silicate assemblages, extensive carbonation,
high-level epithermal systems. Gold can be present as dis- and variably developed peripheral “propylitic” assemblages.
crete grains of native gold, tellurides, or auriferous sulfides. Where felsic wall rocks are altered, extensive zones of K
Tellurides are most common in epithermal deposits but are feldspathization are seen (Cripple Creek, Zortman Lan-
seen in some porphyry-type systems as well (Goonumbla). dusky), and where mafic rocks are altered, sericite + car-
Many porphyry-type deposits show elevated Te concentra- bonate + K feldspar ± roscoelite assemblages predominate
tions in mineralized rocks (Werle et al., 1984; Saunders, (Porgera, Emperor).
1991). In Cu-rich porphyry deposits, gold is commonly Skarns are variably developed, but they can be economi-
associated with bornite and is generally correlated with cally significant (Galore Creek and Mt. Polley). Potassic
copper mineralization. In Mo-rich deposits, gold is found styles of alteration in igneous rocks correlate with calc-
in stockwork veins of quartz, sulfides, molybdenite, native silicate assemblages in altered carbonate rocks dominated
gold, and tellurides. In both cases, porphyry-type systems by andraditic garnets, diopside, epidote, and sometimes
are thought to grade upward into telluride-rich epithermal biotite. Low-temperature epithermal mineralization in car-
mineralization. Gold/silver ratios range from high (Au > bonate units is characterized by zones of silicification with
Ag) in epithermal systems to low (Au < Ag) in porphyry- outer halos of adularia, sericite, and sulfides within the
type systems (Fig. 11). Both epithermal and porphyry altered carbonate units.
deposits show high Au/base-metal ratios relative to subal- Breccias in alkaline systems commonly are related to
kaline counterparts. both hydrothermal and igneous (phreatomagmatic)
Styles of wall-rock alteration show significant and sys- processes. Examples of phreatomagmatic or diatremal
tematic variation according to temperature, pressure, and breccias are seen at Cripple Creek, Ortiz, and Golden Sun-
character of the wall rocks. Alteration in porphyry-type sys- light. Examples of mineralized hydrothermal breccias are
tems is chiefly manifested as biotite-magnetite-orthoclase seen at Cripple Creek, Ladolam, Galore Creek, Goonumbla,
assemblages, and the abundance of biotite and magnetite Emperor, Porgera, and throughout the central Montana
is controlled by the Fe and Mg contents of the wall rocks. alkaline belt (Lindsey and Fisher, 1985).

Constraints on Genesis ure or catastrophic mass wastage of a stratovolcano. Similar

features can be observed at Cripple Creek, where low-tem-
P-T conditions: Alkaline-related gold deposits appear to be perature alteration and mineralization overprints zones of
formed at high levels in the crust, based upon evidence biotite-magnetite-orthoclase alteration in the near-surface
from geomorphic constraints, stratigraphic reconstruc- environment (Jensen et al., 1998). Superpositioning of
tions, fluid inclusions, and textural and mineralogical con- these types of alteration and mineralization implies that
siderations. Many porphyry-style deposits are found in close low-temperature assemblages successively overprinted
spatial association with coeval alkaline volcanic piles (e.g., high-temperature assemblages as isotherms receded dur-
Galore Creek, Mt. Polley, Goonumbla; Fig. 6f–h and refer- ing cooling, or that separate hydrothermal systems were
ences in Table 1). The few formation pressures that have active at different points in time. This distinction requires
been reported are between 400 and 800 bars (Rice et al., better geochronological constraints than are available for
1985; Heithersay and Walshe, 1995), which correlate to many deposits.
depths of 1 to 3 km. Porphyry-style mineralization is likely Fluid compositions: Fluid inclusion data are scarce for alka-
to have been produced under moderate confining pres- line porphyry-style deposits, largely owing to the low abun-
sures and lithostatic conditions, as demonstrated by the dances of hydrothermal quartz (Lang et al., 1995). More
common presence of liquid-rich fluid inclusions (indicat- data are available for alkaline epithermal systems but not
ing that confining pressures inhibited phase separation). If necessarily for the fluids directly responsible for ore depo-
hydrostatic conditions are assumed, trapping pressures sition (Richards, 1995). As reported, however, fluids range
would correlate with unrealistic depths of emplacement. from saline or hypersaline in alkaline porphyry-style
Locally, fluids may have undergone depressurization (and deposits, e.g., 10 to 60 wt percent NaCl equiv (Jones, 1985;
phase separation) related to brecciation, as seen in the Rice et al., 1985; Heithersay and Walshe, 1995; Lang et al.,
garnet-biotite-anhydrite-pyrite-chalcopyrite breccias at 1995; Spry et al., 1996) to low-salinity fluids in alkaline epi-
Galore Creek (Allen et al., 1976) and hydrothermal breccias thermal deposits, e.g., < 10 wt percent NaCl equiv (Richards,
at Goonumbla (Heithersay and Walshe, 1995). 1995). CO2 concentrations are variable but are typically
Alkaline epithermal deposits show evidence for transi- described as moderate to high (Table 1). These observa-
tions to lower pressures and hydrostatic conditions, based tions are also supported by the common presence of volu-
upon the common presence of coexisting vapor and liquid- minous carbonate alteration.
rich fluid inclusions (indicators of phase separation; Evidence for phase separation (boiling or effervescence),
Ahmad et al., 1987b; Richards and Kerrich, 1993; Poliquin in the form of fluid inclusions with widely varying
and Simmons, 1998), and the common presence of brec- liquid/vapor ratios, is observed in many alkaline epither-
ciated textures in many hydrothermal vein systems (Seibel, mal systems (Thompson et al., 1985; Ahmad et al., 1987b;
1991; Richards and Kerrich, 1993). In several deposits such Spry et al., 1996; Ronacher et al., 1999) but is absent in oth-
as Ladolam and Emperor, opaline silica or sinters are seen ers (Rice et al., 1985; Saunders and May, 1986; Saunders,
along with coeval volcanic piles and volcaniclastic sedi- 1991). Some districts may lack conclusive evidence for boil-
ments, which restricts their depths of formation to fairly ing in fluid inclusions but contain textural evidence such as
shallow levels (Moyle et al., 1990; Eaton and Setterfield, fine-grained silica as vein filling material, which is com-
1993). However, other evidence suggests that some alkaline patible with boiling conditions (Richards and Kerrich, 1993).
epithermal systems formed at greater pressures than are The abundance of low-temperature carbonate alteration
typical for epithermal environments. CO2 liquid-bearing may be taken as additional evidence for boiling, although
fluid inclusions have been observed at Cripple Creek lattice textures have been reported only at Emperor
(Thompson et al., 1985), Emperor (Kwak, 1990), Porgera (S. Simmons, pers. commun., 1999). Hydrothermal breccias
(Ronacher et al., 1999), the Black Hills of South Dakota are recognized in some districts (Thompson et al., 1985;
(Paterson et al., 1989), and Central City, Colorado (Rice Moyle et al., 1990; Richards and Kerrich, 1993), which may
et al., 1985), and fluid trapping pressures have been esti- also indicate phase separation.
mated as high as 450 bars at Porgera (Richards and Oxidation and sulfidation states: Mineralogical and geo-
Kerrich, 1993) and Cripple Creek (Thompson et al., 1985). chemical evidence points to relatively oxidized magmas
These conditions are significantly different from those of and associated hydrothermal systems. The common pres-
typical epithermal systems, which commonly form at pres- ence of Fe3+-bearing phases such as magnetite and aegirine
sures <100 bar (Hayba et al., 1985, Heald et al., 1987). in alkaline rocks is suggestive of high oxidation states, a
In some cases, low-temperature, low-pressure assem- notion supported by high Fe3+/Fe2+ reported in alkaline
blages directly overprint much higher temperature and rocks and glasses (Carmichael, 1991; Carmichael et al.,
pressure styles of alteration and mineralization. At Ladolam, 1996). Likewise, porphyry-style deposits are characterized
opaline hot spring deposits and advanced argillic alter- by abundant magnetite, hematite, and anhydrite, and some
ation are superimposed on high-temperature porphyry- deposits contain andraditic garnets in skarns or as veins
style mineralization. This juxtaposition implies that signif- within igneous rocks (Galore Creek; Allen et al., 1976;
icant erosion or unloading took place during the evolution Dawson and Kirkham, 1995). Unfortunately, hydrothermal
of the hydrothermal system or systems. Such features have biotite compositions are not reported for most deposits,
been interpreted by Moyle et al. (1990) to reflect cone fail- although samples taken from deep, biotite-rich, base metal-

bearing zones at Cripple Creek have dominantly phlogo- expense of K feldspar (Fig. 13). The development of sodic
pitic compositions, e.g., mol Mg/mol Fe ≈ 15 (E. Jensen, feldspars with or without calcic minerals such as garnet in
unpub. data; Fig. 10d, e). Hydrothermal biotites analyzed the marginal portions of systems points to higher Na(± Ca)
by Heithersay and Walshe (1995), and those reported from activities. It is uncertain what these reflect: possibilities
Galore Creek (Beane, 1974, fig. 2) are also phlogopitic, include the effect of original bulk compositions (Dawson
which is taken to be an indication of high oxidation states and Kirkham, 1995), influx of nonmagmatic brines (Battles
(Wones and Eugster, 1965; Beane, 1974; Guidotti, 1984). and Barton, 1995; Dilles and Proffett, 1995), or a funda-
The fluids in alkaline epithermal systems also appear to mental characteristic of some alkaline magmatic fluids,
be relatively oxidized, based upon the common presence of such as those in carbonatite systems (Wooley, 1982).
sulfates, e.g., barite, celestite, and anhydrite or gypsum Hydrothermal quartz is sparse in many deposits, notably
(Thompson et al., 1985; Saunders and May, 1986; Moyle those associated with silica-undersaturated igneous centers
et al., 1990; Richards and Kerrich, 1993). Many epithermal (e.g., Cripple Creek and Galore Creek; Table 1). High-
systems also contain hematite or magnetite (Thompson et temperature (>300°C) veins contain quartz only in those
al., 1985; Ahmad et al., 1987b; Spry et al., 1996; Zhang and igneous centers with quartz monzonitic or granitic compo-
Spry, 1994). A lack of hematite or magnetite in other sys- sitions (e.g., Goonumbla, Central City, Golden Sunlight).
tems, however, should not be viewed as evidence for low Because hydrothermal quartz forms either during fluid
oxidation states, as pyrite can also be stable at relatively cooling or decompression, or from silica released by
high oxidation states. hydrolysis reactions, the distribution of quartz is consistent
As a group, alkaline deposits are characterized by mod- with near-neutral fluids equilibrated with the commonly sil-
erate to low sulfidation states. Central zones of bornite-mag- ica-undersaturated and near-neutral igneous rocks. These
netite-biotite mineralization are seen in almost all porphyry systems generate relatively little acid alteration (and alter-
Cu(Au) deposits, which grade outward into chalcopyrite + ation quartz) except in late and shallow parts and, in
pyrite halos (Heithersay and Walshe, 1995; Lang et al., undersaturated systems, they would be expected to precipi-
1995). Epithermal systems can contain appreciable tate quartz only after substantial cooling (Fig. 14).
amounts of pyrite but do not typically exhibit assemblages Gold transport and precipitation: Mechanisms for gold trans-
characteristic of high sulfidation states such as enargite or port are likely to differ in porphyry and epithermal environ-
bornite + pyrite. Rather, epithermal systems typically con- ments (Richards 1995, p. 388–390). In the relatively oxidizing
tain magnetite ± hematite, moderately iron-rich sphalerite, and saline conditions of the high-temperature porphyry envi-
and tetrahedrite-tennantite that constrain these systems to ronment, base metals and gold are likely to be transported as
moderate or low sulfidation states. Exceptions occur where chloride species (Hayashi and Ohmoto, 1991). Considering
advanced argillic alteration assemblages developed in the the relatively neutral pHs in alkaline hydrothermal systems,
upper portions of these systems, e.g., enargite and covellite however, some transport of gold as thio-complexes at high
at Ladolam (Moyle et al., 1990). temperatures is possible (Seward, 1973a, b).
Sulfur budgets are to some degree influenced by the oxi- In the epithermal environment, alkaline hydrothermal
dation states of these systems. Even though many porphyry systems have ideal chemistries for transporting gold as a
Cu(Au) deposits are characterized by bornite-magnetite- bisulfide species (Au(HS)2–; Fig. 13; Seward, 1973a, b;
biotite assemblages, significant volumes of anhydrite are Romberger, 1991). Base metals, however, are likely to have
commonly present, e.g., Galore Creek (Allen et al., 1976) low solubilities in low-salinity, sulfur-bearing, neutral-pH epi-
and Goonumbla (Heithersay and Walshe, 1995). The effect thermal fluids. This may explain the high Au/base-metal
of degassing significant volumes of oxidized sulfur from alka- ratios commonly observed in alkaline epithermal systems.
line magmas may lead to proximal zones of sulfide-poor Some authors (Thompson et al., 1985; Saunders and
mineralization with high-level zones of advanced argillic May, 1986; Richards, 1995) have suggested that telluro-com-
alteration, where sulfur-rich vapors condensed in the near- plexing of gold may play an important role in epithermal
surface environment. In some cases, however, the abun- systems, although no thermodynamic data are available for
dance of sulfate may be attributable to the influx of large such species. However, considering the overwhelming
volumes of seawater, particularly in island arc envi- abundance of sulfur species relative to tellurium species in
ronments, e.g., Ladolam (Moyle et al., 1990). solution (0.01–0.001 molal and <<100 ppb, respectively;
Acid-base relationships: The dominance of low- and high- Ahmad et al., 1987b; Zhang and Spry, 1994), gold-tellurium
temperature feldspar-stable alteration assemblages in most complexes would need to be several orders of magnitude
systems points to near-neutral conditions, as does the wide more stable than gold-sulfide complexes in order to com-
distribution of carbonate (Figs. 12, 13). This inference is pete for transport of gold.
supported by the relative paucity of sericite and other acid Mechanisms inferred for gold precipitation in alkaline
assemblages in alkaline hydrothermal systems in compari- epithermal systems span the range observed in other epi-
son with subalkaline types, except in the shallow and late thermal systems. Boiling (loss of H2S to vapor phase), fluid
parts of some districts. The presence of vanadium-rich mixing (reduction, oxidation, or dilution), and wall-rock
micas (roscoelite and V-bearing muscovite) further demon- reaction (desulfidation of fluid) are all excellent ways to
strates near-neutral conditions because the substitution of precipitate gold from the bisulfide complex. There is nothing
vanadium for aluminum stabilizes the white mica at the distinctive about the chemistry of these systems that neces-

peralkaline metaluminous peraluminous

granitoids Ab granitoids granitoids
Ac 90 Hm


-0.20 An50
En An20 Tit Rut log(aNa+/aH+) = 5
Wo gabbroids
-0.40 Gr50
Kf An20
Di50 Phl50
-0.60 Ab90 log(aNa+/aH+) = 6
log a SiO



Kf Mu
Ac Hm
-1.20 Ne
log(aNa+/aH+) = 7
-1.40 Prv
-3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0.00

log a Al O 2 3

FIG. 12. Activity-activity diagram for SiO2 vs. Al2O3 showing typical ranges of various igneous rocks. Also shown are
mineral buffers that are important in alkaline systems (e.g., acmite = nepheline (albite) + hematite). The
log(aNa+/aH+) contours illustrate that magmatic fluids become much less acidic moving away from quartz-saturated
peraluminous rocks. Fluids associated with alkaline rocks will be buffered to near neutral or alkaline pH except in the
near- surface environment of boiling systems and where SO2 is introduced. These relationships help reconcile the vol-
umes and acid alteration (e.g., griesen) commonly observed in peraluminous systems and the lack of acid types of al-
teration in alkaline systems (Barton, 1996). Acm = acmite, Ab = albite, An = anorthite, Di = diopside, En = enstatite,
Fo = forsterite, Hm = hematite, Gr = grossular, Kf = K feldspar, Lc = leucite, Mu = muscovite, Ne = nepheline, Phl =
phlogopite, Prv = perovskite, Rut = rutile, Sill = sillimanite, Tit = titanite, Wo = wollastonite.

sarily favors one mechanism over others, and indeed there and a mixture of magmatic and external fluids in most
is evidence that several mechanisms operated in single alkaline epithermal systems. Fluid compositions calculated
deposits. Boiling (Ahmad et al., 1987b; Richards and Ker- for epithermal deposits are characterized by restricted
rich, 1993; Poliquin and Simmons, 1998), fluid mixing ranges of δ 18O (2–10‰), and variable δD (–10 to
(Kwak, 1990; Cameron et al., 1995; Spry et al., 1996; Zhang –120‰), consistent with either a largely magmatic origin
and Spry, 1996), and cooling (Thompson et al., 1985) have or exchanged groundwaters (Richards, 1995). This origin
all been suggested as possible mechanisms for precipitating contrasts with that of subalkaline epithermal systems,
gold in alkaline epithermal systems. Additionally, mafic- which are characterized by meteoric fluids with much
ultramafic and other Fe-rich rocks provide ideal sulfidation lighter δ18O values. It appears that significant contribu-
traps for fluids. Sulfidation of wall rocks causes a reduction tions by magmatic fluids are likely in many alkaline
of H2S in solution that destabilizes the gold bisulfide com- epithermal systems (Ahmad et al., 1987b; Spry et al.,
plex. Evidence for such reactions is seen at Cripple Creek, 1996). Some alkaline epithermal deposits, such as Cripple
where gold-bearing mineralization occurs disproportion- Creek, may have been formed almost exclusively from
ately around lamprophyres and other mafic rock types (Fig. magmatic fluids (E. Jensen, unpub. data).
7). Where reduced sediments are present, they may also Alkaline epithermal deposits are generally characterized
serve as traps for gold mineralization (Cameron et al., by light sulfur isotopes (Ahmad et al., 1987a; Richards and
1995). It should be noted that none of these mechanisms is Kerrich, 1993; Thompson, 1998), which are possibly an
restricted to or unique to alkaline systems. indicator of the oxidized state of sulfur in alkaline mag-
Isotopic signatures: As discussed above and summarized in matic systems or the progressive oxidation of hydrothermal
Table 1, stable-isotope studies indicate a dominantly mag- fluids (e.g., boiling; Richards and Kerrich, 1993). These
matic source for fluids in alkaline-porphyry environments data should be viewed with caution, however, as analyses of

-25 Mu Kf
800 600 400 200 00

-30 SiO2,aq
2kb C -2
Hm A
log f O2

-35 SiO ab -4

log m SiO2
2,aq +
100 800 400 ne -6
H2S Mt
-40 1 kb
10 qz
Po HS- 1 kb 0.5 kb
SiO -8
2 4 B
-45 1 ab
Solubility of 0.5 kb ne -10
Au(HS)2- in ppb +S
2 8
2 4 6 8 10
FIG. 14. Representative quartz solubility relationships in alkaline
FIG. 13. Gold solubility as a function of pH and f o2 (dark solid con- systems. Point A represents a hypothetical magmatic fluid in equilibrium
tours) calculated at 250°C, and Σ S = 0.01 molal using data from Shen- with a nepheline-bearing magma at 700°C. If this fluid continuously
berger and Barnes (1989). Stability fields for sulfide and oxide mineral reacts with nepheline bearing rock as it cools, it will move along path B
species are shown as thick, dashed, gray lines. Stability fields of volatile and never achieve silica saturation. If the fluid becomes channeled along
sulfide and sulfate species are shown as dark, dot-dash lines. Vertical dot- conduits lined by hydrothermal minerals (adularia, for example), it will
ted lines show the positions of the reactions 3K feldspar + 2H+ = sericite be prevented from reacting with nepheline-bearing wall rocks. Such a
+ 6SiO2 + 2K+ (with aK+ = 0.05 molal) and albite + Fe-phase = aegirine. fluid may follow path C. This fluid will cool until it intersects the curve of
As indicated by the shaded field, substitution of V for aluminum in silica saturation, at which time it will begin precipitating quartz. Quartz
sericite shifts the feldspar-sericite reaction to more alkaline pHs. Note precipitation does not begin until relatively low temperatures (<200°C at
that the field of high gold solubility is found at moderate fo2 and neutral pressures <2 kbar). This model predicts that deep, high-temperature,
pHs, plotting to the alkaline side of the reaction Kf = Mu. Likewise, the “porphyry-style” alkaline mineralization may lack hydrothermal quartz,
compositions of hydrothermal fluids in equilibrium with an aegirine- but quartz veins may be prominent in higher-level epithermal systems
bearing melt or buffered by reaction with aegirine-bearing wall rocks are (Cripple Creek, Emperor, Porgera). The inset diagram shows calcula-
shown by the position of the albite-aegirine reaction. Fluids exsolved tions at lower pressures. Note that the topology of the diagram does not
from alkaline magmas will have an initial composition near the aegeine- change significantly throughout the pressure ranges observed in most
albite buffer (see Fig. 12) but will shift toward lower pHs as acidifying re- alkaline deposits. qz = quartz, ab = albite, ne = nepheline, qz = quartz.
actions (such as carbonation) take place during fluid evolution. This
path is shown schematically by the large white arrow. Compositions of
hydrothermal fluids in alkaline systems are likely to lie between the two
reaction fields, along the SO42–-H2S buffer, near the position of highest
1998). Mantle sources are also indicated at Porgera for
gold solubility. Aeg = aegerine, Alb = albite, Kf = K feldspar, Mu = musco- both magmas and metals (Richards et al., 1991).
vite, Mt = magnetite, Po = pyrrhotite, Py = pyrite. In contrast to the more primitive Cu(Au) systems, intru-
sive phases related to Mo(Au) mineralization show greater
evidence (from isotopic studies) for crustal sources. Analyses
coexisting sulfates, such as barite and anhydrite, are sel- of alkaline rocks associated with Mo(Au) mineral deposits
dom reported. Sulfates that have been analyzed are signif- in Boulder County, Colorado, show low Sr isotope ratios,
icantly heavier than sulfides (Heithersay and Walshe, e.g., <0.706 (Simmons and Hedge, 1978; Stein and Crock,
1995). In the St. Paul deposit, near Golden Sunlight, Mon- 1990), but δ18O averages ≈ 8.5 per mil (Stein et al., 1987),
tana, contributions from sedimentary sources are implied and εNd ranges from –1.9 to –9.8 (Stein and Crock, 1987).
by anomalously heavy sulfur isotopes (δ34S up to 9‰; Spry The Sr isotopes would be consistent with a mantle source
et al., 1996). Carbon isotopes (δ 13C) from epithermal (with limited crustal contamination), but δ18O and εNd
deposits range from –8 to 0 per mil (Richards, 1995), val- require significant contributions from the lower crust. Sim-
ues that overlap magmatic values but allow for limited con- ilar variations in the isotopic signatures of ore-forming
tributions from sedimentary rocks. As a group, isotopes of magmas are seen in other deposits (Richards et al., 1991;
carbon and sulfur are largely consistent with derivation Kelley et al., 1998), which may reflect contributions from
from magmatic sources, although contributions from sedi- mantle, lower crustal, and possibly upper crustal sedimen-
mentary sources cannot be ruled out in many cases (Shan- tary source rocks. It should be remembered, however, that
non et al., 1983; Richards and Kerrich, 1993; Richards, regions of metasomatized mantle are often cited as sources
1995; Spry and Thieben, 1998). for alkaline magmas, and they may exhibit isotopic
The presence of mantle peridotite xenoliths, as at characteristics that are virtually identical to those of crustal
Ladolam (McInnes et al., 1998), and their common loca- materials, such as mantle nodules with εNd < –20 and 87/86Sr
tion in regions underlain by thin crust (Emperor) suggest > 0.830 (Menzies, 1987, fig. 6). This similarity leads to ambi-
that alkaline Cu(Au) deposits are associated with mantle- guities in the interpretation of isotopic data.
derived magmas. This conclusion is supported by radio- Other indicators of petrogenesis: Although LREE are typically
genic isotope studies on Cu(Au) systems (McInnes et al., enriched in most alkaline igneous systems, this characteris-

tic is variably developed in alkaline igneous systems related the evolution of the arc (Wilson, 1989). Magmas range
to Cu(Au) deposits (Muller and Groves, 1993, 1997). Some from mafic to felsic, show variable K/Na ratios, and can be
trachyandesite-trachybasalt volcanic systems show relatively enriched in K relative to rocks in other tectonic settings
low concentrations of LREE (Porgera, Ladolam, Emperor, (Wilson, 1989). Although generally erupted farthest from
Goonumbla) in comparison with deposits in the gold-tel- the trench (Morrison, 1980; Wilson, 1989), they can erupt
luride belts of Colorado and Montana. Generally, deposits anywhere, including the forearc, e.g., the Lesser Antilles
with low concentrations of LREE tend to be enriched in (Barsdell et al., 1982).
Cu, whereas deposits with high LREE tend to show higher Trachyandesites and trachybasalts (including “sho-
concentrations of Mo, reflecting different histories of frac- shonites”) represent an economically significant class of
tionation or crustal assimilation. The abundances of Nb, arc-related alkaline magmatism (Fig. 3). They are com-
Ta, and Eu are variable in alkaline systems related to gold monly erupted in arcs with complex subduction geome-
deposits, and they do not appear to have a systematic rela- tries, or where arcs have undergone tectonic reconfigura-
tionship with respect to styles and magnitudes of Au, Cu, or tion. Such environments include arcs with oblique or
Mo mineralization. transgressive convergence (Morrison, 1980; Rock et al.,
Telluride association: Tellurium is the most abundant ele- 1989; Wyman and Kerrich, 1989; Ashley et al., 1994), arcs
ment in the solar system that has an atomic number >40 where convergence ceased with collision (Richards, 1990a),
(Anders and Ebihara, 1982), but it is exceedingly rare in and arc environments disrupted by extension or back-arc
terrestrial rocks (Beaty and Manuel, 1973; Loss et al., 1983). rifting (Gill and Whelan, 1989; Richards, 1995). In almost
As most of the earth’s endowment of tellurium was all cases, a transition from convergent tectonics to trans-
sequestered during the formation of the core (owing to its pressive or extensional tectonics is observed.
chalcophile behavior), tellurium abundances in mantle and Examples of alkaline-related Au(Cu) mineralization with
crustal rocks are similar to those of gold (typically <10 ppb). a clear relationship to arc magmatism include the young
Thus, alkaline hydrothermal systems represent very volcanic belts in Papua New Guinea and Fiji, as well as the
unusual concentrations of Te. Jurassic arc terranes of British Columbia (Quesnellia and
The association of tellurides and alkaline magmatism Stikinia terranes). The Ordovician shoshonite belt in
(Lindgren, 1933b; Bonham and Giles, 1983; Bonham, Bogan Gate Synclinorial Zone in the Lachlan Fold Belt of
1984, 1988) may reflect enrichment of Te in the litho- eastern Australia shares many geochemical characteristics
spheric mantle sources, perhaps by sediment recycling. Tel- with the aforementioned examples. It may represent a
lurium is strongly concentrated in organic materials paleoarc environment (Müller et al., 1994), although a rift-
(Cohen, 1984), and as a result the most significant known related origin is favored by Jones (1985). This belt of
repositories of tellurium are limestones, shales, and pelagic shoshonitic volcanic rocks hosts the Goonumbla Cu(Au)
sediments (see analyses in Beaty and Manuel, 1973; Loss deposits (Table 1 and Fig. 6).
et al., 1983; Cohen, 1984). Ocean floor sediments, there- Examples of possible arc-related Au(Mo) deposits
fore, constitute a large resource of tellurium. Subduction of include the gold-telluride belts of Colorado and Montana.
Te-rich sediments could produce anomalous Te enrich- These deposits are thought to represent the farthest
ments in the mantle, and some metasomatized mantle inboard expressions of Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary
rocks show evidence for anomalous enrichments of tel- arc-related magmatism in the western United States, where
lurium (Ohnenstetter, 1992). In turn, melting of such alkaline magmas traversed large thicknesses of continental
enriched mantle would lead to Te-enriched magmas. crust (Eggler and Furlong, 1991; Baker, 1992; Zhang and
Spry, 1994; Saunders and Bookstrom, 1998; Spry and
Tectonics and Petrogenesis Theiben, 1998).
Alkaline magmas show a general relationship with exten- Rift settings: In addition to arc-related settings, rift settings
sional tectonics, but their tectonic settings are as complex as also host alkaline Au deposits. Small alkaline-related gold
the magmas themselves. Alkaline rocks erupt in three princi- deposits are seen throughout the “Rocky Mountain alkaline
pal environments: continental rift valleys, convergent mar- province” (Douglass and Campbell, 1994; Mutschler et al.,
gins, and intraplate alkaline complexes (Fitton and Upton, 1998), which stretches from central Colorado into north-
1987). Examples of alkaline complexes that contain gold ern Mexico along the Rio Grande rift (Fig. 2; Wilson,
mineralization are most commonly associated with several 1989). Examples include the Ortiz (Old Placers) district
variants of arc-related magmatism, although some appear to near Santa Fe, New Mexico (Schutz and Nelsen, 1990,
form in rift-related settings as well. Few (if any) are clearly 1991), the White Oaks district, New Mexico (Willard and
associated with intraplate hot-spot magmatism. Jahns, 1974; Ronkos, 1991), and the Sierra Blanca-Nogal
Arc settings: Alkaline rocks are generally found as inboard district, New Mexico, (Giles and Thompson, 1972; Thomp-
expressions of arc-related magmatism (Lindgren, 1933b, p. son, 1972, 1974; Douglass and Campbell, 1994). The
178–179; Kuno, 1959; Dickinson, 1975; Wilson, 1989). In phonolitic diatreme at Cripple Creek, Colorado, is located
detail, however, the settings of arc-related alkaline magma- in an off-axis position relative to the Rio Grande Rift, but it
tism are much more complex. Alkaline magmas are some- resembles the sodic phonolite magmatic rocks in similar
times erupted in the initial stages of arc formation (Müller positions relative to the East African Rift, e.g., Mt. Kilaman-
and Groves, 1997) but are more commonly erupted late in jaro and Mt. Kenya (Baker, 1987).

Mutschler and Mooney (1993, p. 486) describe sinter interested readers are directed to Mutschler and Mooney
deposits enriched in Au, As, and Sb found in terrestrial rift (1993) for further information. More compelling is the rela-
settings that appear to be associated with alkalic magma- tionship between gold enrichment and carbonatites. The
tism, e.g., trachyandesite lavas associated with the Rhynie carbonatite-hosted Phalaborwa Cu deposit is enriched in
chert, Scotland. These sinters are associated with carbon- both PGE and Au. Au is produced as a byproduct of copper
ate + barite + K feldspar + pyrite veins and hydrothermal mining at Phalaborwa and has accounted for a substantial
breccias. percentage of the mine’s revenue (Verwoerd, 1986; Eriksson,
Other considerations: Although most alkaline magmas 1989). Both orthomagmatic and hydrothermal styles of min-
appear to be derived from the mantle, these magmas are eralization are reported at Phalaborwa (Table 1).
enriched in elements that are scarce in typical mantle Links between other carbonatites and gold mineralization
peridotite (e.g., Te, K, F). Several lines of evidence suggest are less certain. The Mountain Pass carbonatite-shonkinite
that the source regions of alkaline magmas experienced complex in southeastern California, noted for its REE pro-
some degree of enrichment (addition of volatiles and other duction, was originally mined for gold (Wright et al., 1953;
components) before generating a melt. How this process of Olson et al., 1954). In Colorado, gold mineralization is asso-
enrichment influenced metal budgets is unclear (for discus- ciated with radial mafic phases of the Powderhorn carbon-
sions of source models see Mitchell and Keays, 1981; Hami- atite complex. Gold concentrations are seldom reported for
lyn et al., 1985; Richards, 1995). It is now generally accepted carbonatites, although Bell (1991) suggests that carbonatites
that most alkaline rocks associated with gold deposits lack are anomalously enriched in gold. Overall, the association
gold enrichments greater than a few tens of parts per billion between carbonatites and gold deserves further attention.
(Finch et al., 1983; Mutschler et al., 1985; Rock et al., 1988).
Thus, the enrichment of metals in alkaline-deposits cannot Lode gold systems and associated alkaline rock
simply be related to anomalous magmatic endowments or A spatial association between lamprophyres and lode gold
enriched source regions; instead it appears to be a product deposits has been long recognized (McLennan, 1915; Dyer
of efficient hydrothermal systems. 1936; Moore, 1937; McNeil and Kerrich, 1986; Rock and
Key characteristics of alkaline magmas that may ulti- Groves, 1988a, b; Rock et al., 1989; Wyman and Kerrich,
mately contribute to the generation of hydrothermal gold 1988, 1989; Kerrich and Wyman, 1990, 1994). Gold miner-
deposits are their oxidized and volatile-rich nature alization accompanies lamprophyres in the Superior
(Richards, 1995, p. 384–385). The high oxidation state of province of Canada (Wyman and Kerrich, 1989), the Yilgarn
alkaline magmas should suppress sulfide melt immiscibility block of Australia (Rock et al., 1988a, b) and the Maopai dis-
(Richards, 1995; Keith et al., 1998), thus retaining chalco- trict of China (Fig. 2; Shaocong, 1992. Rock and Groves
phile elements and PGE in the silicate melt (Naldrett, 1981; (1988) suggested that lamprophyres are genetically related
Candela, 1992). to the gold mineralization and supplied both volatile com-
Alkaline complexes associated with gold mineralization ponents and gold. However, considering that most lampro-
are typically manifested as a series of intrusive events, in phyres do not show Au enrichments greater than tens of
some cases bearing systematic relationships with episodes parts per billion, a significant body of lamprophyric magma
of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization. The ore typ- is needed to supply the volumes of gold observed in most
ically formed late, perhaps after an extended period of lode gold systems (along with fluids and silica). Such bodies
magmatic evolution. However, this is not always the case. In are not seen at current levels of exposure. An alternative
several areas, late mafic magmas (lamprophyres) may have explanation is that both lamprophyres and lode gold-style
introduced materials or triggered volatile release (in the mineralization may occupy the same crustal-scale dilational
sense of Pallister et al., 1996, and Keith et al., 1998). structures, and their spatial association may thus be one of
Regardless of evolutionary paths, these relatively small, shal- coincidence—a model proposed by Wyman and Kerrich
low intrusions are likely derived from larger magmatic (1989) and by Ashley et al. (1994).
reservoirs at depth, a necessary requirement to account for
the mass of gold and volumes of alteration. Iron oxide(-copper-gold) system
Many iron oxide(-copper-gold) deposits are associated
Other Types of Gold Deposits with igneous rocks that have alkali-rich compositions. Mag-
Linked to Alkaline Magmatism netite or hematite dominates these deposits with subordi-
nate, late iron-copper sulfides. REE, uranium, cobalt, and
Orthomagmatic deposits silver are also commonly enriched. Unlike porphyry-style
There are a few examples of orthomagmatic deposits deposits associated with silica-saturated rocks, hydrothermal
associated with alkaline mafic rocks (some of which are quartz tends to be subordinate and paragenetically late
classified as “alkaline” according to the TAS (total alkalis vs. (Hitzman et al., 1992). A genetic link to alkaline or sho-
sillica) scheme but are actually low in alkalies). Examples shonitic magmatism is proposed for some of these, notably
include the deposits at Salt Chuck, Alaksa (Loney et al., the Olympic Dam type (Hauck, 1990; Reeve et al., 1990;
1987; Loney and Himmelberg, 1992) and the Bokan Moun- Mutschler and Mooney, 1993; Pollard et al., 1998). The evi-
tain district, Alaska (MacKevett, 1963; Philpotts et al., 1996). dence for this connection is equivocal. In some areas alka-
As a group they are of minor economic significance, and line magmatism (“shoshonitic” or “anorogenic”) is clearly

present (Cloncurry region, Stuart Shelf, Australia) but in many districts are inconspicuous. Gold mineralization was
many areas the igneous rocks are clearly subalkaline and known at Porgera as early as 1938, but not until the 1980s
range from tholeiitic basalts to weakly peraluminous rhyo- was high-grade mineralization discovered along the Roa-
lites (Barton and Johnson, 1996). In some regions a recog- mane fault (Richards, 1995). The diatreme at Cripple
nized link to magmatic activity is absent, for example in the Creek was prospected for nearly 40 years before Bob Wom-
detachment Fe(Cu,Au) systems of southwest North Amer- ack identified high-grade gold veins in 1891. It is likely that
ica (Spencer and Welty, 1986, 1989a, b). The volumes of traditional methods of exploration may have overlooked
intense sodic and potassic alteration can dwarf the volumes many alkaline gold deposits.
in alkaline igneous centers. The extensive alteration, lack These deposits can also be attractive targets for environ-
of correlation with igneous compositions, and other evi- mental and metallurgical reasons. The dominance in many
dence for saline nonmagmatic fluids differ markedly from systems of feldspar- and carbonate-rich alteration, as well as
features of most magmatic-hydrothermal systems including low total sulfide concentrations, provides rocks with excel-
alkaline gold systems (Barton and Johnson, 1996). lent acid buffering potential that can markedly reduce or
eliminate the risk of acid mine drainage. At Cripple Creek,
Alkaline Rock Types not Associated for example, waters issued from the Carlton drainage tun-
with Gold Mineralization nel have a pH that hovers about 7–8, indicative of carbon-
Some alkaline rock types, such ultrapotassic rocks, have ate-buffered solutions.
no apparent association with gold deposits. Ultrapotassic
rocks are generally assumed to represent small-degree par- Region selection
tial melts of phlogopite-rich mantle (Bergman, 1987; Edgar, Consideration of the tectonic settings and time-space dis-
1987). These magmatic systems are typically very small (kim- tribution of alkaline gold deposits (Figs. 2, 4) can focus
berlites, lamproites) and do not show evidence for complex exploration, notably toward preserved shallow Phanerozoic
histories (i.e., they lack multiple intrusive phases). Their alkaline magmatic rocks. Large alkaline epithermal deposits
small size and lack of magmatic evolution may prevent these are almost exclusively Cretaceous to Neogene, undoubtedly
systems from concentrating metals beyond the concentra- because their preservation potential is poor. Conversely, the
tions inherited from their source regions. somewhat more deeply formed alkaline porphyry-style sys-
Many felsic alkaline complexes lack gold but may have tems are better preserved in the geologic record, as demon-
other types of associated mineral deposits. Examples strated by their greater range of ages.
include the peralkaline granitic complexes in rift zones Alkaline deposits are commonly present as clusters (Fig. 4).
(Nigeria, Oslo), and syenitic complexes associated with hot Discovery of one deposit may lead to nearby discoveries, e.g.,
spot and extensional magmatism (White Mountains- Mt. Kare, Papua, New Guinea (Richards and Ledlie, 1993).
Monteregian Hills, Greenland alkaline province). It is diffi- Regions of alkaline magmatism also commonly exhibit sev-
cult to be certain the gold is missing from these complexes, eral ages of alkaline activity. Thus, when one explores for
but little or no gold mineralization has been reported, even young deposits, provinces of ancient alkaline magmatism
as placers. should not be discounted. Much younger alkaline intrusions
are commonly juxtaposed with Precambrian alkaline rocks
Exploration Considerations (e.g., Kola Peninsula, Russia; Front Range, Colorado).
Although the tectonic settings of alkaline gold deposits are
Why look for this kind of deposit? quite diverse, arcs that have undergone recent tectonic
These systems are attractive exploration targets because reconfigurations appear to be particularly favorable for
they can be large and of high grade (Fig. 1), and they are Cu(Au) deposits and associated epithermal systems. Several
environmentally favorable to mine. They may have been of the premier examples (Ladolam, Porgera, Emperor)
overlooked because of the often local, inconspicuous formed in settings in which subduction ceased and was fol-
nature of the mineralization. Cripple Creek, Ladolam, and lowed by extensional or transtensional tectonics. In particu-
Porgera each exceed 300 t (107 oz) of Au in production lar, Richards (1997) suggests that regions of extension or
and reserves (Fig. 1). Overall, these systems are of moder- transtension behind an arc or collisional suture zone provide
ate scale (Fig. 6) but may contain very high-grade portions favorable settings for alkaline gold deposits. Conversely, alka-
(e.g., Zone VII at Porgera, and the Cresson Pipe, Cripple line magmatism in regions of thickened continental crust
Creek). Alkaline base metal-rich porphyry deposits are also (especially back arcs) is a target for Mo(Au) exploration.
typically smaller than their subalkaline counterparts, yet
they are commonly enriched in gold, which can make them Target evaluation
attractive as exploration targets. At the district scale, large alkaline gold systems are char-
Alkaline gold deposits may pass unrecognized owing to acterized by voluminous metasomatism, multiple mag-
the unusual nature of the mineralization. Because gold matic and hydrothermal events, and structurally focused
commonly occurs in tellurides or pyrite, it forms flour gold zones of high-grade mineralization (Table 1). The pres-
on oxidation and placers can be poorly developed or ence of reactivated regional structures or other significant,
absent (Lindgren and Ransome, 1906, p. 152). Likewise, through-going structures cutting the intrusive complex
the thin, quartz-poor, but very high grade veins common in may serve to focus ore-bearing fluids and make the differ-

ence between an economic and subeconomic deposit (e.g., to be smaller than subalkaline types, but they contain sub-
Richards, 1997). Attention to magmatic complexity, struc- stantial Au and Ag ± PGE in addition to base metals.
tural patterns (controlling magmatic and hydrothermal 2. These systems occur with a wide variety of igneous
plumbing), surface geochemical anomalies (especially rocks all having high primary Na2O + K2O contents for
and Te), and the distribution and intensity of hydrothermal their given SiO2 content. Deposit types vary systematically
alteration seem key. according to rock types: Cu(Au) deposits with mafic-
Styles of mineralization and alteration can help distin- intermediate rock types (SiO2 < 60 wt %); Mo(Au) deposits
guish appropriate levels of exposures. High-temperature, with intermediate-felsic alkaline rocks (SiO2 > 65 wt %). Both
biotite-stable alteration may imply proximity to a base can have distal telluride-rich epithermal deposits (Fig. 15).
metal-rich porphyry environment as opposed to a shallow Mineralized zones in epithermal systems can extend for
epithermal environment. Both styles can be juxtaposed, large vertical intervals (>1,000 m) or be telescoped.
however, so the presence of one type does not preclude the 3. As a group, these deposits are characterized by telluride-
presence of the other. rich mineralization, abundant K metasomatism, and min-
erals such as fluorite and roscoelite. In detail, styles of alter-
Summary ation and mineralization vary with magma type, host rock
1. Alkaline-related gold deposits include high-grade, low- type, and physicochemical conditions (Fig. 15). K feldspar
temperature epithermal deposits and low-grade, high- alteration predominates in felsic rocks, whereas sericite +
temperature base metal-rich deposits. Epithermal deposits carbonate + K feldspar assemblages predominate in mafic-
are among the largest volcanic-hosted gold deposits and intermediate rocks. Hydrothermal quartz and acid styles of
contain up to 1,000 t Au. The porphyry-style deposits tend alteration are poorly developed or absent.

≈3-4 km B Deposit models:
A: Galore Creek, BC
B: Allard Stock, CO
C: Bessie G, CO
D: Porgera, PNG
A E: Emperor, Fiji
F: Cripple Creek, CO
G: Mayflower, MT
Epithermal environment
Styles of alteration and mineralization veins: qz + CO3 + py + tel ± Kf, fl, rosc, SO 4, tet, sl, gn
Regional / distal : mafic host: ser + Kf + py* +CO 3 +rosc + tel
felsic host: Kf + py* + CO 3 ± ser, rosc, fl, tel
outer boundary of: carbonate host:
CO3 ± py, chl, ser, alb, Kf silicification w/ peripheral Kf + qz + py + ser (rosc)
+ variable argillic alteration
shallow acid alteration (kln, al, qz, ser, py) ± sinter(?)
Rock types:
Porphyry-environment; Porphyry-environment;
alkaline intrusions mafic - intermediate intermediate - felsic
alkaline intrusions alkaline intrusions
carbonate country rocks
ser(±Kf) + CO3 + py*(?) ser + qz + py ± Kf
coeval alkaline ± fl, gn, sl
volcanics Kf + qz + ser + CO3 + py*(?) + mo
country rock; typically mixed Kf + bio + mt + bn* ± anhy, hm ± cpy, tel
sediments and volcaniclastics or Peripheral: deep, peripheral Na(Ca)
crystallize basement: Kf + bio + mt + cpy alteration
variable redox conditions ± py, anhy, fl, hm

fault deep, peripheral Na(Ca)

FIG. 15. Schematic illustration of the relationships between magmatic intrusive rocks, host rocks, hydrothermal altera-
tion, and metal distribution in alkaline-related gold deposits. al = alunite, anhy = anhydrite, bio = biotite, CO3 = carbonate,
chl = chlorite, cpy = chalcopyrite, fl = fluorite, gn = galena, hm = hematite, Kf = K feldspar, kln = kaolinite, mo = molyb-
denite, mt = magnetite, py = pyrite, qz = quartz, rosc = roscoelite, ser = sericite, sl = sphalerite, tel = telluride.

4. Field, geochemical, and petrological evidence indi- Anderson, W.B., and Eaton, P.C., 1990, Gold mineralization at the
cates that these deposits form primarily from magmatic Emperor Mine, Vatukoula, Fiji: Journal of Geochemical Exploration,
v. 36, p. 267–296.
fluids with variable contributions from external sources Anderson, W.B., Antonio, M., Davis, B., Jones, G.F.P., Setterfield, T.N., and
inferred for epithermal systems. Fluids were CO2-rich, rela- Tua, P., 1987, The Emperor epithermal gold deposit, Vatukoula, Fiji, in
tively oxidized, near neutral pH, and had low sulfidation Brennan, E., ed., Geology, structure, mineralization and economics of
states as constrained by mineral assemblages and fluid the Pacific Rim, Pacific Rim Congress ’87; p. 9–12.
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6. Future work needs to concentrate on issues of source Metallurgical Bulletin, v. 59, p. 841–853.
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tion in the Western United States: Geology, v. 23, p. 913–916.
This paper represents part of a Ph.D. dissertation by Eric Beane, R.E., 1974, Biotite stability in the porphyry copper environment:
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Creek and Victor Gold Mining Company and Anglogold Beaty, R.D., and Manuel, O.K., 1973, Tellurium in rocks: Chemical geol-
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