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Discussion questions.

• When was the last time you negotiated with someone? What was the outcome?

R/ The last time I did business was downtown, selling some emeralds. The result was positive
because I managed to sell them and make a profit.

• What skills do you think good negotiators have?

R/ I think that good negotiators first of all know how to get into the person, talking to them nicely,
greeting them, having confidence in oneself that the business will end well.

• How can you influence others?

R/ I think that helping them in some type of business such as the emerald or the purchase and sale
of electronic devices, since I have always done business in this category and I can advise them with
my knowledge.

• How would you present a new idea to someone at work?

R/ First with a good market study and explaining well everything you know about said business
and knowing to whom we are going to sell the product that we want to negotiate and if we can
make a profit and seeing how we can buy it cheaper to resell it.


Watch the video. Note down any good advice shared by the interviewers.

Skills of a good negotiator Influencing others Presenting new ideas to

colleagues or a boss
-Listen tho others - Ability to listen actively - Share ideas verbally
- Adaptability - Use persuasive strategies and - Show respect and
-Trust convincing arguments consideration for their
- Patience -Create an environment of trust opinion, acknowledging
and collaboration their experience and
-Inspiring respect and showing knowledge.
empathy - Highlight the benefits and
advantages of the new
-Use clear language and
avoid jargon or technical
terms that may make it
difficult to understand.

Watch the following parts of the video again. Tick the topics each speaker mentions.
Skills of a good negotiator

Speaker Topics
Jason listening being honest understanding
Cristina understarding being being convincing
others´ need passionate
Prad keeping calm building being respectful
with the

Tips for influecing others:

Speaker Topics
Asif staying calm asking open building trust
ended questions
Chris being human expecting things apprecating others
from others

Watch the final part of the video. Kristina, Tolani and Prad discuss how they present new ideas
to colleagues or a boss. Who do you think has the best strategy? Why?

R/ I think that Prad since he expresses himself in a better way explaining his strategy and it is seen
that he knows about the subject and came prepared knowing that he had competition but he was
always up to expressing his idea.

Look at these tips for negotiating online and discuss how they connect to the ideas in the video.

• Always use video whenever possible. (present as human): because this shows humanity and
creates a more personal connection with people. This helps establish a relationship of trust and
generate empathy during the negotiation.

• Maintain “eye” contact by looking straight into the camera. (build trust, build rapport):
Maintaining eye contact with the camera shows care and respect for the people with whom you
are negotiating. This helps build trust and transmit sincerity in your ideas and proposals.

• Have everything ready so the online negotiation can be as efficient as possible. (less is more):
He knew how to conduct the negotiation efficiently. This shows respect for the time of the people
involved and allows the negotiation to flow unnecessarily.

• Keep your hands in view so you can explain your ideas. (present as human): transparency and
openness were shown. This helped convey confidence and emphasize his ideas clearly and
• Use the presentation tools. (back up ideas with figures): Their ideas were backed up with
concrete information. This helped to substantiate his proposals and persuade people of the
validity of his arguments.

• Don't be tempted to fill the silence. (listen to people): willingness to listen to people and give
them space to express their ideas and concerns, allowed for more effective communication.

Prepare a short presentation: My top five tips for successful negotiation. Include ideas from the
video and from the list in A.

R/ -Prepare adequately: this is very important because we are afraid to research and gather
relevant information about the other party, establish my objectives and develop a clear strategy
before the negotiation.

-Establish a relationship of trust: I think that trust should be built from the beginning, showing
respect and actively listening to the other party.

-Listen carefully: we have to pay attention to the needs, concerns and points of view of the other
party, we also have to understand their perspective, it will allow us to find mutually beneficial

-Communicate clearly and effectively: we must express ideas and points of view clearly, avoiding
ambiguities and words that they do not know and use appropriate language and make sure that
everyone understands the message.

-Being flexible and willing to compromise: as we know that negotiation implies compromise. We
have to be willing to make reasonable concessions, show goodwill, and help maintain progress
toward an agreement.

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