Biology, Physics, Chemistry

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A corpse is found on the sea. Doctors who examined the corpse found that the cells in lung
swells. From these options, choose which one is the most possible mode of death, and explain
why! [SCORE

 Drown in the sea

 Drown on somewhere else, carried by water current to the sea
 Not drown, but killed on land; the body is dumped in sea


“Naros and Her Circuit”

One day, Naros assembled a 1 kΩ resistor, a 142mH inductor and 160uF capacitors into
parallel circuit. She connected the circuit into a 240V, 60 Hz power source. How much is the
impedance of the parallel RLC circuit arranged by Naros?



A male, 30-year-old patient is brought in the Emergency Room for having continuous,
uncontrolled seizures. Patient had no known history related to the convulsion, and had
previously consumed a large amount (~1kg) of pasta the night before as a challenge.
Emergency measures and serology tests were performed with the results of positive IgA EMA
(anti-endomysial antibodies) indicating the patient suffers from an autoimmune disorder
called ‘Coeliac Disease’ (by which the sufferers cannot eat food rich in gluten, and may
develop at any age) The sufferers may have the tendency to having seizures, thus
anticonvulsant medication might be needed. A widely known anticonvulsant is Potassium
Bromide (KBr).
6.3 grams of potassium hydroxide chunk is dissolved in 1000 mL water, 100 mL of it is
mixed with a mixture of 100 mL Ca(OH)2 with pH = 13 – log 2, 200 mL of HCl 0.04 M, and 600
mL of H2SO4 with pH = 1+ log 6. The final pH is 3 – log 3 (Ar K = 39, O = 16, H = 1).
1. Find the purity of the potassium hydroxide chunk! [6]
After finding out its purity, 200 mL solution of the same potassium hydroxide is finally
mixed with a mixture of calcium hydroxide and hydrogen bromide with pH, respectively of 12
+ log 5 and 1 – log 2. In order to make the acidity level same with ammonium hydroxide 0.4
M, another 200 mL of sulfuric acid 0.15 M and 150 mL of water is added (Kb = 9 x 10-3).
2. Find the initial molarity of potassium hydroxide solution [6]
3. Find the mass of potassium hydroxide chunk needed to make the initial solution [5]
Find the molecular weight (mol) of the formed KBr!

Mrs. X was married at the age of 40 with a man named Mr. Y. They both have the same age.
After 1 years of married life, they finally had a child. Unfortunately, the child was abnormal.
The medical checkup revealed that the child had a trisomy of chromosome no. 21

A. Which meiotic phase was interrupted? [SCORE

B. Which change of chromosome parts influence the child’s syndrome? [SCORE
C. The child was born with a syndrome called … [SCORE


“How Much Would It Weigh in Jupiter?”

An astronout went to an expedition to the moon. He was curious how the weight of an object
varies in the surface of every planet. If an object weighed 15 lbf on the moon, could you
predict how much is the weight of the object on Jupiter?(𝑔𝑗𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟 = 75 ; 𝑔𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑛 =
𝑠𝑒𝑐 2
𝑓𝑡 𝑙𝑏𝑚 𝑓𝑡
5.4 ; 𝑔𝑐 = 32 )
𝑠𝑒𝑐 2 𝑙𝑏𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑐 2



Andy, a 21-year-old male scheduled a visit with his doctor. He felt generally ‘not-good’
and does not know what’s exactly wrong with his body. After thorough anamnesis, Andy’s
neck area is biopsied using FNAB method and a neoplastic structure in his parathyroid gland
is found.
Andy had a history of using vitamin D supplement. However, he did not use it anymore
as some of his friends said it is not good for health. The body compensates the sudden loss of
vitamin D by regulating vitamin D excretion by parathyroid hormones. Thus, a benign-
neoplastic structure is found on Andy’s parathyroid gland.
When a liquid in blood (p=2.7 × 10 -13 g/cm3) decreases, blood’s calcium concentration
increases. If the Ksp of calcium carbonate is 3.3 × 10-7, and the molar mass of hemoglobin
65453.6, then:
a. Determine the calcium solubility in the blood, if the density of the calcium is 1,7
g/cm3 [20]
What is the possible diagnosis? What abnormalities is found in blood and how to make
these abnormalities back to normal? Explain.



In a fictional herbivore mammal called “Bearcat”, fur color is determined by a gene with three
alleles. Those alleles are M (black fur phenotype) > m’ (grey) > m (white); “>” shows the
dominance order. An extreme drought causes malnutrition in bearcats and a bottleneck effect
occurs in bearcat population. Immediately after that event, a group of scientists surveyed the
population, and measured the allele frequency.

 M : 0.6
 m’ : 0.3
 m : 0.1

 Explain what is bottleneck effect? [SCORE

If the remaining bearcats were allowed to mate randomly, what is the frequency of black,
grey, and white bearcats in the next generation?

“Lens for Cancer Examination”

An Anatomy Pathology doctor will examine cancer cell with a microscope. But, he needs a
biconvex lens with a refractive index of 3/2 that will have an optical power of of 1.5 D in a
solution that has a refractive index of 1.33. So he must use a biconvex lens that has an
optical power of ………… in water.


A doctor named Dr. Nash is experimenting with making a drug for 'Goitre', he named
his invention 'G-Pill'. One of his patients who suffered from the disease voluntarily offered to
help testing the drug. When he about to give the drug to his patient, he forgets the right
composition to make a 'G-Pill' of the two substances.
All he remembered was his previous experiment about the rate of the 'G-Pill' reaction,
 2 of these substances react as follows: X + Y -> XY.
 Changes in the concentration of both substances (X and Y) play a role in changing the
rate of reaction
 The reaction rate when 50% of the X substance reacts is 3.75 M / minute
 The reaction rate when 50% of the Y substance reacts is 2 M / minute
 The reaction is a second order reaction
 He experimented with a 1 L volume container

1. Using the mole parable of the substance x = a, and the mole of the substance y = b,
determine the values of a and b [Constant rate(k) = 0.25 M-1/s-1)] [15]

In another test, after Z% of substance X reacts, the reaction rate is half of the reaction’s
maximum rate. But the Dr. Nash forgot about the amount of Z.

2. Find the value of Z. [10]

3. If he experimented with ‘V’ Liter(s) volume container, how he should change the ‘P’
atm of pressure to change the reaction rate from 2.45 M / minute to 5 M / minute?
(He only changed the volume and pressure of the container, and leave other factors
as it was) [5]
Mr. Bowo was an outpatient in Urology Department of Ciracas Hospital. In the first visit to the
hospital, Mr. Bowo complained of having fatigue, vomiting, feeling dizzy and confused. The
examination suspected that Mr. Bowo might experience a failure in kidney’s Na+
A. Choose the symptom(s) that might be occurred! [SCORE
I. Increase in blood pressure
II. Increase in urine production
III. Dehydration
IV. Decrease in ADH secretion
V. Decrease in osmotic pressure
B. Filtration is an important process in urine production. In glomerulus, filtration is
influenced by 3 factors including glomerular blood hydrostatic pressure (P GC),
glomerular blood osmotic pressure (πGC) and Bowman’s capsule liquid pressure (PBS).
From the statements below, give mark in the answer box!
O (circle) if it is TRUE and X (cross) if it is FALSE for each factor that decrease the
glomerular filtration rate. [SCORE

Statement Jawaban
1. Decrease in blood plasma proteins
2. Kidney stone is formed
3. Afferent artery dilatation
4. Increase in blood volume
5. Efferent artery constriction


“Two Balls Rest in a Wall”

Two balls with a mass of 3m and 6m which are connected with a wood with mass M and
length L are resting against the wall with particular angle. The system is in equilibrium when
forming a theta angle to the horizontal line. With the data provided below, estimate the value
of theta ….


A pharmacist on duty in the laboratory is currently researching about drugs which ruins
metabolism. There he discovered that the ingredients are not labeled properly, only code
letter and the characteristics of the element or its compounds are written. These are the
following information he obtained:
P is a compound organic hydride of saturated, non-metal element in the table located
on the periodic table 4A. If it is burned with O2 will produce carbon dioxide and water. P
compounds can react with fused elements of Q that are made using frasch, pale yellow
colored at high temperatures and produce R and S.
S Compound is a colorless gas, toxic, and smelling like rotten eggs, whereas compound
R is a gas which can be obtained from the mining process of coal and can react with T which
is an ideal gas, the light green colored and produce U and Q. U Compounds can also be
produced from the reaction between P and T.

1. Specify the element or compound that is actually from P-U! [18]

2. Write down a reaction which proves the truth of the above compounds or
elements! [12]



Sehati village often deals with health crisis. It caused by many villagers who were infected
with Dysentery. This phenomenon is related to the water pollution along the Cisahati river
that contaminated by human waste and household waste. Consequently, in February 2018
the government built a waste processing machine. To purify the waste-contaminated water,
the machine applies 3 kinds of treatment. During BOD sampling, the oxygen contained is


Without treatment 2,0

After primary treatment 6,0

Secondary Treatment 9,2

Assumed that the temperature is 20oC, the oxygen level of oxygen-saturated pure water is 10
mg/L. What is the percentage of decreasing in relative BOD level of the sample without
treatment after :

a. Primary treatment? [SCORE

b. Secondary treatment? [SCORE
c. Tertiary treatment is coliform test. Why? [SCORE


“Drought in Sragen”

A long and bad dry season can lead to a drought phenomenon. This drought can cause
various adverse effects, such as malnutrition and cracked soil. For example in the village of
Jono, Sragen, Central Java, the land is consisted of clay that is often cracked during drought.

Some researchers are looking for ways to avoid this happening by mixing clay with sand, so
the soil would absorb more water. They take 450 kilograms soil samples from the area with
effective normal charge of the soil is 78,3 𝑘𝑁⁄𝑚2 and by adding x kilograms of sand, so that
the total mass of the soil is 290 kilograms. If known the mass of the water in the soil is 800
kilograms and the friction angle of the soil is 27°

In the following statements, give (T) if the statement is true and (F) if the statement is false.

1. If the shear force of the soil is 49.7 Nm, then the pulling force between the particles in
the clay is 10.550 𝑁⁄𝑚2 .
2. The cracks on a land does not have a specific pattern.
3. The crack phenomenon will leave the same statistical features.
4. Sand must be added into the clay so the crack won’t happen as much as 14.44% of the
weight of clay.



One of essential mineral our body needed is nickel, which believed to play a role in
physiological processes as a co-factor in the absorption of iron from the intestine. The
interaction between nickel and iron occurs only under certain conditions. Nickel increased the
absorption of iron from the diet in iron deficient rats (female), but only when dietary iron was
in the unavailable ferric form, whereas a mixture of ferrous and ferric sulphates (60% ferric
to 40% ferrous) as a supplement to the diet did not elicit any effect.

A chemist try to do experiment with nickel metal. 250 mL of Ni2+ with non standard
concentration is used as galvani cell with standard concentration Cu 2+ solution. This system
results voltage 0,6196 V. Another 250 mL Ni2+ solution with same concentration is used to
coat a 2 cm x 1 cm thin iron layer which one side of it coated with isolator material. After
coating, the solution is made to be galvani cell with standard Cu2+ solution. This system result
0,6233 V. All of experiment is done at temperature 25o C. Assumption all the process doesn’t
change volume of solution. Standard Cu2+ to be Cu is +0,34 V . Density of nickel is 8,912 g/cm3.

1. Write down each half reaction & total reaction! Count standard potential reduction
for Ni2+ to be Ni!
2. Calculate thickness of nickel used to coat iron layer!
3. Calculate value of current given for iron layer coating process if the process be done
in 10 minutes!



Bombay blood phenotype is a rare genetic

trait originated in Bombay, India. In this case,
parents with O blood phenotype can have a
non-O blood phenotype child. According to
this, there are supposed to be 2 genes which
determine human blood type: I gene (with 3
alleles, IA, IB, and I o) and H gene.

A person with A blood type adds A

polysaccharides to the H component, and the
B blood type person adds B polysaccharides
to the H component. In contrast, a person
with Bombay trait does not produce any H
component of erythrocytes (both copies of H alleles are recessive) so that any I gene
expression does not affect the blood type phenotype. An existence of dominant H allele will
give a person possibility of expressing H component. Both of H component and
polysaccharides will be exposed on the cell membrane. In conclusion, a person with O blood
phenotype does not always have O blood genotype (Io Io) with the role of H gene.

Given that the frequency of O blood phenotype is 0.5359, frequency of B blood phenotype is
0.2912, and frequency of h allele is 0.3

a. What is the frequency of Io allele? (round your answer to 1 decimal place) [SCORE
b. What is the frequency of IA allele? (round your answer to 1 decimal place) [SCORE
c. If a person with A blood phenotype married a person with B blood phenotype and
both of them have Hh genotype, what is the possibility of this couple having a first
child with O blood phenotype? (Answer in percentage (%) and round to 3 decimal
[SCORE 20]


“Bayu Made An Hospital Equipment”

Bayu made a design for the equipment to be used in the hospital to hang the legs of patients
who had an accident. As for calculating the right angle in hanging the legs, bayu makes a
simulation using two uniform bars, namely the D rod and the L rod (consisting of L1 + L2). If
at the two ends of the L stem are added mass M1 and M2 which are likened to the patient's
feet. The rod D is placed on a smooth O axis, and after a balanced state is formed the rod D
will form an angle ϑ to the vertical line as shown. If the gravitational acceleration g down,
state the value of tan ϑ using the existing magnitude!



Messi had run through three players and finally scored a goal for Argentina. When he
runs, his muscles contract so fast to make himself move even more quickly. To be able to
contract, muscle cells need energy derived from ATP. Free energy from ATP can be used when
ATP changes into ADP according to this reaction:

ATP4- + H2O  ADP3- + HPO42- + H+ ∆G0’ = -45.75 kJ mol-1

In most living cells, PH is close to 7. The standard state of ∆G is defined as having a

constant PH of 7. In equation with ∆G and K for reactions at PH 7 the concentration of H+
omitted. Standard concentration is 1 mol dm3.
If in the cell the following concentrations have been measured:
[ATP4-] = 1.25 mmol dm-3
[ADP3-] = 0.75 mmol dm-3
Calculate the concentration of [HPO42-] if ∆G’ = -28.37 kJ mol-1 and the reaction occurs
in the muscle cell at 250C and pH = 7! (R = 8,314 J K-1 mol-1) [40]

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